Package 'skmeans'

Title: Spherical k-Means Clustering
Description: Algorithms to compute spherical k-means partitions. Features several methods, including a genetic and a fixed-point algorithm and an interface to the CLUTO vcluster program.
Authors: Kurt Hornik [aut, cre] , Ingo Feinerer [aut] , Martin Kober [aut]
Maintainer: Kurt Hornik <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.2-17
Built: 2024-10-03 06:17:27 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Compute Spherical k-Means Partitions


Partition given vectors xbx_b by minimizing the spherical kk-means criterion b,jwbubjmd(xb,pj)\sum_{b,j} w_b u_{bj}^m d(x_b, p_j) over memberships and prototypes, where the wbw_b are case weights, ubju_{bj} is the membership of xbx_b to class jj, pjp_j is the prototype of class jj (thus minimizing bwbubjmd(xb,p)\sum_b w_b u_{bj}^m d(x_b, p) over pp), and dd is the cosine dissimilarity d(x,p)=1cos(x,p)d(x, p) = 1 - \cos(x, p).


skmeans(x, k, method = NULL, m = 1, weights = 1, control = list())



A numeric data matrix, with rows corresponding to the objects to be partitioned (such that row bb contains xbx_b). Can be a dense matrix, a simple triplet matrix (package slam), or a dgTMatrix (package Matrix). Zero rows are not allowed.


an integer giving the number of classes to be used in the partition.


a character string specifying one of the built-in methods for computing spherical kk-means partitions, or a function to be taken as a user-defined method, or NULL (default value). If a character string, its lower-cased version is matched against the lower-cased names of the available built-in methods using pmatch. See Details for available built-in methods and defaults.


a number not less than 1 controlling the softness of the partition (as the “fuzzification parameter” of the fuzzy cc-means algorithm). The default value of 1 corresponds to hard partitions; values greater than one give partitions of increasing softness obtained from a generalized soft spherical kk-means problem.


a numeric vector of non-negative case weights. Recycled to the number of objects given by x if necessary.


a list of control parameters. See Details.


The “standard” spherical kk-means problem where all case weights are one and m=1m = 1 is equivalent to maximizing the criterion jbCjcos(xb,pj)\sum_j \sum_{b \in C_j} \cos(x_b, p_j), where CjC_j is the jj-th class of the partition. This is the formulation used in Dhillon & Modha (2001) and related references, and when optimized over the prototypes yields the criterion function I2\mathcal{I}_2 in the CLUTO documentation.

Obtaining optimal spherical kk-means partitions obviously is a computationally hard problem, and several methods are available which attempt to obtain optimal partitions. The built-in methods are as follows.


a genetic algorithm patterned after the genetic kk-means algorithm of Krishna & Narasimha Murty (1999).


a Lloyd-Forgy style fixed-point algorithm which iterates between determining optimal memberships for fixed prototypes, and computing optimal prototypes for fixed memberships. For hard partitions, this can optionally attempt further local improvements via Kernighan-Lin chains of first variation single object moves as suggested by Dhillon, Guan and Kogan (2002).


an interface to the vcluster partitional clustering program from CLUTO, the CLUstering TOolkit by George Karypis.


an interface to the gmeans partitional clustering program by Yuqiang Guan.


an interface to the C code for the kk-mean-directions algorithm of Ranjan Maitra and Ivan P. Ramler.

Method "pclust" is the only method available for soft spherical kk-means problems. Method "genetic" can handle case weights. By default, the genetic algorithm is used for obtaining hard partitions, and the fixed-point algorithm otherwise.

Common control parameters for methods "genetic" and "pclust" are as follows.


a specification of the starting values to be employed. Can either be a character vector with elements "p" (randomly pick objects as prototypes), "i" (randomly pick ids for the objects), "S" (take pp minimizing bwbd(xb,p)\sum_b w_b d(x_b, p) as the first prototype, and successively pick objects farthest away from the already picked prototypes), or "s" (like "S", but with the first prototype a randomly picked object). Can also be a list of skmeans objects (obtained by previous runs), a list of prototype matrices, or a list of class ids. For the genetic algorithm, the given starting values are used as the initial population; the fixed-point algorithm is applied individually to each starting value, and the best solution found is returned. Defaults to randomly picking objects as prototypes.


The minimum relative improvement per iteration. If improvement is less, the algorithm will stop under the assumption that no further significant improvement can be made. Defaults to sqrt(.Machine$double.eps).


a logical indicating whether to provide some output on minimization progress. Defaults to getOption("verbose").

Additional control parameters for method "genetic" are as follows.


an integer giving the maximum number of iterations for the genetic algorithm. Defaults to 12.


an integer giving the population size for the genetic algorithm. Default: 6. Only used if start is not given.


a number between 0 and 1 giving the probability of mutation per iteration. Defaults to 0.1.

Additional control parameters for method "pclust" are as follows.


an integer giving the maximal number of fixed-point iterations to be performed. Default: 100.


an integer giving the number of fixed-point runs to be performed. Default: 1. Only used if start is not given.


an integer giving the maximal length of the Kernighan-Lin chains. Default: 0 (no first variation improvements are attempted).

Control parameters for method "CLUTO" are as follows.


the path to the CLUTO vcluster executable.


a specification of the CLUTO column model. See the CLUTO documentation for more details.


as for the genetic algorithm.


a character string specifying arguments passed over to the vcluster executable.

Control parameters for method "gmeans" are as follows.


the path to the gmeans executable.


as for the genetic algorithm.


a character string specifying arguments passed over to the gmeans executable.

Control parameters for method "kmndirs" are as follows.


an integer giving the number of starting points to compute the starting value for the iteration stage. Default: 100.


an integer giving the maximum number of iterations. Default: 10.

Method "CLUTO" requires that the CLUTO vcluster executable is available. CLUTO binaries for the Linux, SunOS, Mac OS X, and MS Windows platforms used to be downloadable from ‘⁠⁠’. If the executable cannot be found in the system path via Sys.which("vcluster") (i.e., named differently or not made available in the system path), its (full) path must be specified in control option vcluster.

Method "gmeans" requires that the gmeans executable is available. Sources for compilation with ANSI C++ compliant compilers are available from; original sources can be obtained from If the executable cannot be found in the system path via Sys.which("gmeans") (i.e., named differently or not made available in the system path), its (full) path must be specified in control option gmeans.

Method "kmndirs" requires package kmndirs (available from, which provides an R interface to a suitable modification of the C code for the kk-mean-directions algorithm made available as supplementary material to Maitra & Ramler (2010) at

User-defined methods must have formals x, k and control, and optionally may have formals weights or m if providing support for case weights or soft spherical kk-means partitions, respectively.


An object inheriting from classes skmeans and pclust (see the information on pclust objects in package clue for further details) representing the obtained spherical kk-means partition, which is a list with components including the following:


a dense matrix with k rows giving the prototypes.


cluster membership as a matrix with k columns (only provided if m>1m > 1).


the class ids of the closest hard partition (the partition itself if m=1m = 1).


the value of the criterion.

Objects representing spherical kk-means partitions have special methods for print, cl_validity (providing the “dissimilarity accounted for”) from package clue, and silhouette from package cluster (the latter two take advantage of the special structure of the cosine distance to avoid computing full object-by-object distance matrices, and hence also perform well for large data sets).

Package clue provides additional methods for objects inheriting from class pclust, see the examples.


Kurt Hornik [email protected],
Ingo Feinerer [email protected],
Martin Kober [email protected].


I. S. Dhillon and D. S. Modha (2001). Concept decompositions for large sparse text data using clustering. Machine Learning, 42, 143–175. doi:10.1023/A:1007612920971.

I. S. Dhillon and Y. Guan and J. Kogan (2002). Iterative clustering of high dimensional text data augmented by local search. In Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, pages 131–138.

K. Krishna and M. Narasimha Murty (1999). Genetic KK-means algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics — Part B: Cybernetics, 29/3, 433–439. doi:10.1109/3477.764879.

G. Karypis (2003). CLUTO: A Clustering Toolkit. Technical Report #02-017, Department of Computer Science, University of Minnesota. Used to be available from ‘⁠⁠’.

R. Maitra and I. P. Ramler (2010). A kk-mean-directions algorithm for fast clustering of data on the sphere. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19/2, 377–396.



## Use CLUTO dataset 're0' and the reader for CLUTO sparse matrix
## format in package 'slam'.  (In text clustering applications, x will
## often be a DocumentTermMatrix object obtained from package 'tm'.)
x <- slam::read_stm_CLUTO(system.file("cluto", "re0.mat",
                                      package = "skmeans"))
## Which is not really small:

## Hard partition into 5 clusters.
hparty <- skmeans(x, 5, control = list(verbose = TRUE))
## Criterion value obtained:
## Compare with "true" classifications:
class_ids <- attr(x, "rclass")
table(class_ids, hparty$cluster)
## (Note that there are actually 10 "true" classes.)

## Plot the silhouette information for the obtained partition.
## Clearly, cluster 3 is "best", and cluster 5 needs splitting.

## Soft partition into 5 clusters.
sparty <- skmeans(x, 5, m = 1.1,
                  control = list(nruns = 5, verbose = TRUE))
## Criterion value obtained:
## (This should be a lower bound for the criterion value of the hard
## partition.)

## Compare the soft and hard partitions:
table(hparty$cluster, sparty$cluster)
## Or equivalently using the high-level accessors from package 'clue':
table(cl_class_ids(hparty), cl_class_ids(sparty))
## Which can also be used for computing agreement/dissimilarity measures
## between the obtained partitions.
cl_agreement(hparty, sparty, "Rand")

## How fuzzy is the obtained soft partition?
## And in fact, looking at the membership margins we see that the
## "sureness" of classification is rather high:

Cosine Cross-Distances


Compute cosine cross-distances between the rows of matrices.


skmeans_xdist(x, y = NULL)



A numeric data matrix. Can be a dense matrix, simple triplet matrix (package slam), or a dgTMatrix (package Matrix).


NULL (default), or as for x. The default is equivalent to taking y as x (but more efficient).


A dense matrix dd with entry dij=1cos(xi,yj)d_{ij} = 1 - \cos(x_i, y_j) the cosine distance between the ii-th row xix_i of x and the jj-th row yjy_j of y.