sim1000G - Extracting regions from 1000 genomes vcf files for use with sim1000G


sim1000G allows for easy simulation of unrelated individuals starting from sequencing 1000 genomes varians.

The following, somewhat complicated example, showcases the following:

  • how to extract regions from 1000 genomes
  • simulate individuals from the CEU+TSI+GBR individuals.
  • simulate individuals from the ASW individuals.
  • combinte the two simulated data into one dataset.
  • perform SKAT test for the region and examine the effects of population stratification

The original 1000 genomes VCF files are obtained from 1000 genomes ftp site, at the location:

Generating IDs of individuals to extract

ped_file_1000genomes = system.file("examples", "20130606_g1k.ped", package = "sim1000G")

ped = read.table(ped_file_1000genomes,h=T,as=T,sep="\t")

pop1 = c("CEU","TSI","GBR")
id1 = ped$Individual.ID [ ped$Population %in% pop1 ]

id2 = ped$Individual.ID [ ped$Population == "ASW" ]

pop_map = ped$Population
names(pop_map) = ped$Individual.ID

write_sample_files = 0

if(write_sample_files == 1) {
  # cat(c(id2),file="/tmp/samples2.txt",sep="\n")

Extracting variant sets using bcftools

We extract the CEU,TSI,GBR and ASW samples from a region of chromosome 4 from 73MBp to 74MBp using bcftools. The following command are run in the shell:



bcftools view -S /tmp/samples1.txt -r 4:73000000-74000000 --force-samples $INPUT_VCF > /tmp/chr4-80.vcf

bcftools  filter -i 'AF>0 && EUR_AF>0 && AFR_AF>0' < /tmp/chr4-80.vcf | gzip > /tmp/chr4-80-filt.vcf.gz

Reading the vcf file


vcf_file = "/tmp/chr4-80-filt.vcf.gz"

if(1) {
examples_dir = system.file("examples", package = "sim1000G")
vcf_file = file.path(examples_dir, "region-chr4-93-TMEM156.vcf.gz" )

vcf  = readVCF(vcf_file,   maxNumberOfVariants = 200 , min_maf = 0.02, max_maf = 0.32)

table( pop_map[ vcf$individual_ids ])

C = cor(t( vcf$gt1+vcf$gt2))^2
gplots::heatmap.2(C,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

#gplots::heatmap.2(cor(t(vcf2$gt1))^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none")

if(0) {
ids = vcf$individual_ids

id_pop1 = which(ids %in% id1)
id_pop2 = which(ids %in% id2)

gplots::heatmap.2(cor(t( vcf$gt1[,id_pop1]+vcf$gt2[,id_pop1]))^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

gplots::heatmap.2(cor(t( vcf$gt1[,id_pop2]+vcf$gt2[,id_pop2]))^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))


Starting two distinct simulations for the two sample sets and simulating unrelated individuals


startSimulation(vcf, subset = id1)


N = 200
id = c()
for(i in 1:N) id[i] = SIM$addUnrelatedIndividual()

genotypes = retrieveGenotypes(id)

gplots::heatmap.2(cor( genotypes )^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

startSimulation(vcf, subset = id2)


N = 200
id = c()
for(i in 1:N) id[i] = SIM$addUnrelatedIndividual()

genotypes2 = retrieveGenotypes(id)

gplots::heatmap.2(cor( genotypes2 )^2,col=rev( heat.colors(100) ) ,Rowv=F,Colv=F,trace="none",breaks=seq(0,1,l=101))

Combining the two datasets and running SKAT



plot(apply(genotypes,2,mean), apply(genotypes2,2,mean))

gt = rbind(genotypes,genotypes2)

#gt = genotypes


maf = apply(gt,2,mean,na.rm=T)/2
apply(gt,2,function(x) sum(

flip  = which(maf > 0.5) ; gt[,flip] = 2 - gt[,flip]

#gt = genotypes


maf = apply(gt,2,mean,na.rm=T)/2


apply(gt,2,function(x) sum(

flip  = which(maf > 0.5)
gt[,flip] = 2 - gt[,flip]


effect_sizes = rep(0, ncol(gt))
nvar = length(effect_sizes)

s = sample(1:nvar, 33)
effect_sizes[s] = 5


predictor2 = function(b, geno) {
    x = b[1] 
    for(i in 1:ncol(geno)) { x = x  + b[i+1] * ( geno[,i] > 0) + b[i+1] * ( geno[,i] > 1)   }
    exp(x) / (1+exp(x) )

p =predictor2 (  c(-1.5,effect_sizes) ,  gt)

phenotype = rbinom( length(p) , 1 , p ) 

#phenotype = sample(phenotype)
obj<-SKAT_Null_Model(phenotype ~ 1, out_type="D")


Genetic maps in sim1000G

Through the functions readGeneticMap and downloadGeneticMap, we provide the functionality to automatically download genetic maps for GRCH37 build of the human genome.