Title: | Support for Secure API Key Management |
Description: | Secure handling of API keys can be difficult. This package provides secure convenience functions for entering / handling API keys and opening connections via inversion of control on those keys. Works seamlessly between production and developer environments. |
Authors: | Benjamin Nutter [ctb, aut], Shawn Garbett [cre, ctb] , Hui Wu [aut], Cole Beck [aut], Savannah Obregon [aut] |
Maintainer: | Shawn Garbett <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.1 |
Built: | 2024-12-08 07:19:30 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Delete a key from an unlocked keyring.
key_delete(keyring, key)
key_delete(keyring, key)
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
key |
character(1); Name of key |
logical(1); Success of operation
## Not run: key_delete('mypersonalkeyring', 'key1') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: key_delete('mypersonalkeyring', 'key1') ## End(Not run)
In an unlocked keyring return if a key exists.
key_exists(keyring, key)
key_exists(keyring, key)
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
key |
character(1); Name of key |
logical(1); Existance of key in keyring
## Not run: key_exists('mypersonalkeyring', 'key1') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: key_exists('mypersonalkeyring', 'key1') ## End(Not run)
Get a secret from an unlocked keyring given it's key.
key_get(keyring, key)
key_get(keyring, key)
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
key |
character(1); Name of key |
character(1); The requested secret
## Not run: key_get('mypersonalkeyring', 'key1') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: key_get('mypersonalkeyring', 'key1') ## End(Not run)
Return vector key names in a keyring that is unlocked.
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
character; Key names
## Not run: key_list('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: key_list('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
Sets a key secret in a keyring
key_set(keyring, key, secret)
key_set(keyring, key, secret)
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
key |
character(1); Name of key to store in keyring |
secret |
character(1); The secret to store in keyring |
logical(1); Status of operation
## Not run: key_set('mypersonalkeyring','key1','a secret') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: key_set('mypersonalkeyring','key1','a secret') ## End(Not run)
Create a new empty keyring with of a given name with the specified password.
keyring_create(keyring, password)
keyring_create(keyring, password)
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
password |
character(1); Password for keyring |
logical(1); Success or failure of operation
## Not run: keyring_create('mypersonalkeyring', '<PASSWORD>') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: keyring_create('mypersonalkeyring', '<PASSWORD>') ## End(Not run)
Given the name of a keyring, delete it and remove all cached information.
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
logical(1); Success or failure of operation
## Not run: keyring_delete('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: keyring_delete('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
Given a keyring name will check if the keyring file exists.
keyring |
character(1); Name of the keyring. |
logical(1); Keyring file store existence status.
Looks in a local directory where keyrings are stored for the current user and returns information about keyrings found. Keyrings are stored in 'rappdirs::user_config_dir("r-shelter")' and end in '.keyring.RDS'
data.frame of (keyring, secrets, locked)
Given the name of a keyring lock it.
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
logical(1); Success or failure of operation
## Not run: keyring_lock('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: keyring_lock('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
Query if a keyring is unlocked
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
logical(1); Success or failure of operation
## Not run: keyring_locked('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
## Not run: keyring_locked('mypersonalkeyring') ## End(Not run)
Unlock a given keyring using the specified password. Secrets exist in plain text in memory while a keyring is unlocked.
keyring_unlock(keyring, password)
keyring_unlock(keyring, password)
keyring |
character(1); Name of keyring |
password |
character(1); Password for keyring |
logical(1); Success or failure of operation
## Not run: keyring_unlock('mypersonalkeyring', '<PASSWORD>')
## Not run: keyring_unlock('mypersonalkeyring', '<PASSWORD>')
Opens a set of connections from API keys stored in an encrypted keyring. If the keyring does not exist, it will ask for password to this keyring to use on later requests. Next it will ask for the API keyss specified in 'connections'. If an API key does not work, it will request again. On later executions it will use an open keyring to retrieve all API_KEYs or for a password if the keyring is currently locked.
unlockKeys( connections, keyring, connectFUN = NULL, envir = NULL, passwordFUN = .default_pass(), service = "shelter", ... )
unlockKeys( connections, keyring, connectFUN = NULL, envir = NULL, passwordFUN = .default_pass(), service = "shelter", ... )
connections |
character vector. A list of strings that define the connections with associated API_KEYs to load into environment. Each name should correspond to a REDCap project for traceability, but it can be named anything one desires. The name in the returned list is this name. |
keyring |
character. Potential keyring, not used by default. |
connectFUN |
function or list(function). A function that takes a key and returns a connection. the function should call 'stop' if the key is invalid in some manner. The first argument of the function is the API key. The validation of the key via a connection test is important for the full user interaction algorithm to work properly. If one wished to just retrieve an API key and not test the connection this would work 'function(x, ...) x', but be aware that if the key is invalid it will not query the user as the validity is not tested. |
envir |
environment. The target environment for the connections. Defaults to NULL which returns the keys as a list. Use [globalenv()] to assign in the global environment. Will accept a number such a '1' for global as well. |
passwordFUN |
function. Function to get the password for the keyring. Usually defaults 'getPass::getPass'. On MacOS it will use rstudioapi::askForPassword if available. |
service |
character(1). The keyring service. Defaults to package name. |
... |
Additional arguments passed to 'connectFUN()'. |
If one forgets the password to this keyring, or wishes to start over: 'keyring_delete("<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>")'
For production servers where the password must be stored in a readable plain text file, it will search for '../<basename>.yml'. DO NOT USE this unless one is a sysadmin on a production hardened system, as this defeats the security and purpose of a local encrypted file. The expected structure of this yaml file is as follows:
other-config-stuff1: blah blah shelter: keys: intake: THIS_IS_THE_INTAKE_DATABASE_APIKEY details: THIS_IS_THE_DETAILS_DATABASE_APIKEY other-config-stuff2: blah blah other-config-stuff3: blah blah
For production servers the use of ENV variables is also supported. The connection string is converted to upper case for the search of ENV. If a YAML file and ENV definitions both exist, the YAML will take precedence.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that R is set to NEVER save workspace to .RData as this *is* writing the API_KEY to a local file in clear text because connection objects contain the unlocked key in memory. One can use the following in .Rprofile, 'usethis::edit_r_profile()':
newfun <- function (save = "no", status = 0, runLast = TRUE) .Internal(quit(save, status, runLast)) pkg <- 'base' oldfun <- 'q' pkgenv <- as.environment(paste0("package:", pkg)) unlockBinding(oldfun, pkgenv) utils::assignInNamespace(oldfun, newfun, ns = pkg, envir = pkgenv) assign(oldfun, newfun, pkgenv) lockBinding(oldfun, pkgenv)
If 'envir' is NULL returns a list of opened connections. Otherwise connections are assigned into the specified 'envir'.
## Not run: unlockKeys(c(test_conn = 'Testshelter', sandbox_conn = 'SandboxAPI'), keyring = '<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>', envir = globalenv(), passwordFUN = function(x, ...) x) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: unlockKeys(c(test_conn = 'Testshelter', sandbox_conn = 'SandboxAPI'), keyring = '<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>', envir = globalenv(), passwordFUN = function(x, ...) x) ## End(Not run)