The age difference between a pair of individuals can be useful information during pedigree reconstruction. It can exclude some relationship alternatives from consideration, as for example parent and offspring can never be born in the same time unit. It can also help to distinguish between the different types of second degree relatives, as the age difference between siblings is typically much smaller than between grandparent and grand-offspring.
Example of ‘ageprior’ distribution in a red deer population
While the rule that parent and offspring cannot have an age
difference of 0 is universal, the
pattern of age difference distributions for various relationships is
highly species-specific, or even population-specific (example in Figure
@ref(fig:DeerAP)). Here sequoia
’s separation between 1)
assignment of genotyped parents to genotyped offspring and 2) full
pedigree reconstruction including sibship clustering comes in handy. The
age difference distribution for each relationship type is estimated
based on the former, and then used as input for the latter (Figure
Pipeline overview
More specifically, age information is implemented via the ratio between the proportion of pairs with age difference A among those with relationship R, and the proportion in the entire sample (i.e. P(A|R)/P(A)). Scaling by the latter accounts for the fact that any sampling period is finite, so that smaller age differences are always more common than very large age differences.
Some reshuffling of terms (see Maths) shows that this probability ratio can be interpreted as
If I were to pick two individuals with an age difference A, and two individuals at random, how much more likely are the first pair to have relationship R, compared to the second pair?
i.e. the probability of having relationship R conditional on the age difference A (P(R|A)/P(R)).
As a shorthand, these probability ratios are dubbed ‘agepriors’, but please note that this is not an official term, nor a proper prior.
During full pedigree reconstruction, the genetic based likelihood that two individuals are related via relationship R is multiplied by this age based probability ratio. The latter may be 0 for some relationships, and then excludes these relationships from consideration. In other cases, it will ‘nudge’ the likelihoods up or down.
By default, age information is used in a restrictive way: a proposed
assignment is only accepted if both the genetics-only and the
genetics + age likelihood ratio (LLR) pass the assignment threshold. The
genetics-only likelihoods do exclude those relationships that are
impossible based on the age difference. You can change this behaviour to
only the genetics LLR or only the genetics + age LLR having to pass the
threshold via the sequoia()
argument UseAge
See the section with that name in the main vignette for further
Throughout this documentation, ‘birth year’ is used to refer to the
year/month/week/day/(other time unit) of birth/hatching/germination/… .
The time units should be chosen such that parent and offspring can never
be born in the same time unit, i.e. be smaller than or equal to the
minimum age of maturity. sequoia()
only accepts whole
numbers as ‘birth years’.
From sequoia
version 2.0 onwards, you will see heatmaps
and messages to inform you about the ageprior that is being used. These
are for example
Ageprior: Default 0/1, overlapping generations, MaxAgeParent = 5,5
Ageprior: Pedigree-based, discrete generations, MaxAgeParent = 1,1
Ageprior: Pedigree-based, overlapping generations, smoothed, MaxAgeParent = 20,16
These are not warnings, but inform you on what is going on behind the scenes. This will hopefully minimise unintended age priors as a source of error during pedigree reconstruction. There are four parts to the message:
Default 0/1
, Flat 0/1
, or
indicates whether the ageprior at that point
is respectively the default based on lifehistory data only/no data;
based on user-specified maximum parental age; or or based on the
age-differences per relationship in a (scaffold or old) pedigree;discrete
or overlapping
and/or flattened
indicate small-sample corrections for the
pedigree-based age prior (no mention means it was not applied)During pedigree reconstruction, arguments can be passed to
via sequoia()
. It is also possible to call
separately and use the resulting ageprior
(via sequoia()
’s Seqlist
argument), or use a
’hand-tailored’ ageprior (see Customisation).
The ageprior αA, R (Glossary in Table @ref(tab:Glossary)) tells us how the probability that two individuals have relationship R changes when learning their age difference A, or
Using Bayes’ rule that
it follows that, if P(A) and P(R) are independent,
When a pedigree and birth years are known, P(A) and P(A|R) are estimated as the observed proportions of individual pairs with age-difference A among all pairs (P(A)) and among parent-offspring and sibling pairs with relationship R (P(A|R)) (see worked-out example in Section Overlapping generations).
Symbol | Term | Definition |
BYi | Birth year | Time unit (year, decade, month) of i’s birth/ hatching |
Ai, j | Age difference | BYi − BYj, i.e. if j is older than i, than Ai, j is positive |
Ri, j | Relationship | Relationship between i and j, e.g. parent-offspring |
αA, R | Ageprior | Probability ratio of relationship R given A, versus R for a random pair |
When using the scaffold parentage-only pedigree as input, αAR is based only on pairs which are both genotyped and which both have a known birth year. During full pedigree reconstruction, we assume that the association between age difference and relationship probability is roughly the same for pairs where either or both individuals are unsampled (i.e. dummy individuals), or for whom the birthyear is unknown:
This does not mean that sampling probability is assumed to be independent of A: any sampling period is finite, thus there are always fewer both-sampled pairs with large age differences than with small age differences (P(A|sampled) ≠ P(A|unsampled)). It does assume that the probability to both be sampled is independent of relationship R (P(A|sampled) ≈ P(A|unsampled)), so that
i.e. it is assumed that αAR calculated from both-sampled pairs is valid for pairs where one or both are unsampled.
This assumption is relaxed via the small-sample correction.
During pedigree reconstruction, the ageprior αA, R is multiplied by the genotypes-depended probability,
as it can be reasonably assumed that conditional on the relationship R, the genotypes G and age difference A are independent (at least on the time scales relevant for pedigree reconstruction). The calculation of P(Ri, j|Gi, Gj) is described in detail in Huisman (2017).
For a pair of individuals, P(Ri, j|Gi, Gj)
in @ref(eq:GxA) for various relationships can be obtained with
, and αRi, j, Ai, j
with GetGetLLRAge()
The ageprior matrix has 5 columns (more in sequoia versions before
2.0), corresponding to parent-offspring and sibling pairs (abbreviations
in Table @ref(tab:RelAbbr)). The number of rows equals at least the
maximum age of parents (MaxAgeParent
) plus one: the first
row is for individuals born in the same year (age difference A = 0), the second row for
individuals born one year apart, etc (indicated by the rownames).
MakeAgePrior(Pedigree = Ped_griffin, Smooth=FALSE, Flatten=FALSE) # Note: Ped_griffin includes a birth year column
## ℹ Ageprior: Pedigree-based, overlapping generations, MaxAgeParent = 3,3
## 0 0.000 0.000 5.043 4.316 3.862
## 1 3.476 1.967 2.798 2.636 2.971
## 2 2.011 3.167 0.077 0.691 0.583
## 3 0.340 0.959 0.000 0.000 0.000
## 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
A value of 0 (black squares in the
plot) indicates that an age difference / relationship combination is
impossible; in the example here this is the case for among others
mother-offspring pairs (M
, first column) and age
differences of 0 and 4. Any age differences not in this matrix
(i.e. >4 years) are considered impossible (0) for all five relationships. Values greater
than 1 (green) indicate a relationship
is more likely for that age difference than for a random pair, while
values below 1 (grey) indicate the
relationship is less likely.
Column (R) | Meaning | Version |
M | Mother - offspring | all |
P | Father - offspring | all |
FS | Full siblings | from 1.0 |
MS | Maternal siblings (full + half) | all |
PS | Paternal siblings (full + half) | all |
MGM | Maternal grandmother | up to 1.3 * |
PGF | Paternal grandfather | up to 1.3 * |
MGF | Maternal grandfather (+ paternal grandmother) | up to 1.3 * |
UA | avuncular (niece/nephew – aunt/uncle, full + half) | up to 1.3 |
(M/P)(M/P/F)A | Avuncular; Mother’s/Father’s Maternal/Paternal/Full sibling | from 2.0 * |
The agepriors for grand-parental en avuncular pairs are calculated
from the agepriors for parent-offspring and sibling relationships
(details in section Grandparents &
Avuncular). These extra columns are not calculated by
, but by sequoia()
just prior to
parentage assignment and prior to full pedigree reconstruction (see
pipeline in Figure @ref(fig:pipeline)).
# sequoia() output for the griffin data is included in the package:
# see ?SeqOUT_griffin on how it was generated
round(SeqOUT_griffin$AgePriorExtra, 2)
## -5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
## -4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
## -3 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.08 0.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
## -2 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.16 0.74 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.02 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.06
## -1 0.00 0.00 4.29 2.92 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.07 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.05 0.22
## 0 0.00 0.00 2.19 4.77 4.01 0.00 0.00 1.27 0.91 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.56 0.68
## 1 3.16 2.02 4.29 2.92 2.81 0.00 0.00 1.67 2.15 1.78 0.00 0.00 1.56 1.68 1.46
## 2 2.66 3.28 0.22 0.16 0.74 1.74 1.02 1.79 2.10 1.75 1.02 0.60 1.62 2.07 1.73
## 3 0.11 0.81 0.11 0.08 0.37 2.94 2.52 1.15 0.84 0.92 2.52 1.95 1.51 1.29 1.22
## 4 0.06 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.36 1.84 0.14 0.12 0.32 1.85 2.06 0.45 0.43 0.57
## 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.63 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.63 1.02 0.19 0.14 0.24
## 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.22 0.49 0.02 0.01 0.05
## 7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.10 0.03 0.00 0.01
## 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.00
## 9 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
## 10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
The ageprior for avuncular pairs is complicated: aunts and uncles are
often older than their nieces/nephews, but may also be younger, and the
distribution is not necessarily symmetrical around zero. To accommodate
this, age differences in AgePriorExtra
are no longer
absolute age differences, but do go negative. Parents and grandparents
must always be older than their (grand-)offspring, and the distribution
for siblings is always strictly symmetrical.
The default ageprior used during parentage assignment is flat and minimally informative: it only specifies that parent and offspring cannot have an age difference of 0 (αA, R = 0 for A = 0 and R = M or R = P, black in Figure @ref(fig:AP-default)) and that all other age / relationship combinations are allowed (αA, R = 1, pale green).
## ℹ Ageprior: Flat 0/1, overlapping generations, MaxAgeParent = 6,6
Default minimally informative ageprior
## 0 0 0 1 1 1
## 1 1 1 1 1 1
## 2 1 1 1 1 1
## 3 1 1 1 1 1
## 4 1 1 1 1 1
## 5 1 1 1 1 1
## 6 1 1 0 0 0
## 7 0 0 0 0 0
The range of possible age differences is taken from
## 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
## 40 192 192 192 192 192
The maximum age of parents MaxAgeParent
is initially set
to the maximum age difference possible among individuals in
(here 2005-2000 = 5 years) +1. This ensures that all pairs are age-wise
considered as potential siblings 1; the age difference between siblings can
never be larger than MaxAgeParent
When a pedigree is provided as input, MakeAgePrior()
always checks whether generations are non-overlapping, i.e. whether all
parents have the same the same age (typically 1), and all siblings have
an age difference of 0. If these conditions are met, and there are at
least 20 pairs each of mother-offspring, father-offspring, maternal
half/full siblings, and paternal half/full siblings, it is concluded
that generations are discrete. This auto-detection can be turned off by
explicitly declaring Discrete=TRUE
. If Discrete=TRUE
is declared,
a check is still performed, and any violations result in an error. When
discrete generations are automatically inferred or explicitly declared,
small-sample corrections Smooth
and Flatten
are always set to FALSE
When Discrete = TRUE
is specified prior to parentage
assignment, being full siblings is no longer considered as a potential
relationship alternative for candidate parents (age difference of 1),
but being an aunt/uncle is (Figure @ref(fig:APdiscrete)). When the
genetic information is ambiguous (few SNPs and/or high genotyping error
rate) this may increase the assignment rate, but it may also increase
the number of incorrect assignments.
Similarly, during full pedigree reconstruction, pairs with an age difference of 0 are considered potentially full siblings, half siblings, cousins (not shown in ageprior plot), or unrelated. In contrast, with overlapping generations they are (typically) also considered as potential full avuncular pairs, which are often difficult to distinguish from half-sibling pairs 2.
# running sequoia to also get the extra ageprior columns:
Seq_HSg5 <- sequoia(SimGeno_example, LH_HSg5, Module="par",
args.AP=list(Discrete = TRUE),
CalcLLR=FALSE, Plot=FALSE, quiet=TRUE)
Discrete generations
When generations do not overlap, it is often most straightforward to
use generation number instead of birth year, such that parents and
offspring are born 1 time unit apart. This is assumed to be the case
when Discrete=TRUE
is specified, but can be altered via
(which in this situation is the only
allowed age for parents). For example, pink salmon have a strict
two-year life-cycle with odd-year and even-year populations:
## ℹ Ageprior: Flat 0/1, discrete generations, MaxAgeParent = 2,2
## 0 0 0 1 1 1
## 1 0 0 0 0 0
## 2 1 1 0 0 0
## 3 0 0 0 0 0
Estimation of the agepriors from a pedigree and birth years normally requires little to no user input, but it can be useful to understand what goes on ‘under the hood’ in case you wish to customise the ageprior, when things go wrong, or just out of curiosity.
The process is here illustrated using an imaginary population of griffins, were each year exactly 20 baby griffins hatch. From 2001 to 2010, all juveniles are sampled, and parents assigned.
## id dam sire birthyear
## 195 i195_2010_M i157_2008_F i163_2009_M 2010
## 196 i196_2010_M i148_2008_F i127_2007_M 2010
## 197 i197_2010_F i170_2009_F i127_2007_M 2010
## 198 i198_2010_M i166_2009_F i178_2009_M 2010
## 199 i199_2010_F i165_2009_F i141_2008_M 2010
## 200 i200_2010_F i166_2009_F i142_2008_M 2010
We can calculate the ageprior matrix, and also return all the
intermediate steps by specifying Return='all'
(we come back
to Smooth
and Flatten
Ageprior for overlapping generations (griffin example)
## ℹ Ageprior: Pedigree-based, overlapping generations, MaxAgeParent = 3,3
## [1] "BirthYearRange" "MaxAgeParent" "tblA.R" "PA.R"
## [5] "LR.RU.A.raw" "Weights" "LR.RU.A" "Specs.AP"
The order of elements in the output list is also the order in which
they are calculated inside MakeAgePrior()
is the minimum and maximum birth year in
(or in the birthyear
column in
the pedigree). This determines the maximum age difference between pairs
of (sampled) individuals.
## [1] 2001 2010
The maximum age of female and male parents,
, is initially set equal to the maximum age
difference between any kind of pairs (diff(BirthYearRange)
+1 (see Default
Ageprior), when not explicitly specified as input. If the pedigree
includes at least 20 mother-offspring and/or father-offspring pairs with
known age difference, the maximum parental age for that sex is updated
to the maximum of the user-specified and pedigree-calculated values.
## M P
## 3 3
For example, if you know that males can live and breed to age 5, but
you have only sampled males up to age 3, you can and should adjust the
age prior – this will namely also affect the maximum age difference
between paternal siblings during the full pedigree reconstruction. This
adjustment works via Flatten
# Specify maximum age for fathers, but estimate max mother age from pedigree
APX <- MakeAgePrior(Ped_griffin, Smooth=FALSE, MaxAgeParent = c(NA, 5))
## ℹ Ageprior: Pedigree-based, overlapping generations, flattened, MaxAgeParent = 3,5
The list element tblA.R
contains the raw counts of each
age difference A per
relationship R:
## 0 0 0 3 89 59 1900
## 1 105 58 2 103 86 3600
## 2 54 83 0 24 15 3200
## 3 8 22 0 0 0 2800
## 4 0 0 0 0 0 2400
## 5 0 0 0 0 0 2000
## 6 0 0 0 0 0 1600
## 7 0 0 0 0 0 1200
## 8 0 0 0 0 0 800
## 9 0 0 0 0 0 400
## 10 0 0 0 0 0 0
## 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
For this table, the relationship between each pair of individuals
according to the pedigree is obtained with GetRelM()
, and a
matrix with the age differences between all pairs is calculated using
AgeDifM <- outer(Ped_griffin$birthyear, Ped_griffin$birthyear, "-")
# closest relationship for each pair:
RelM <- GetRelM(Ped_griffin, patmat=TRUE, GenBack=1)
table(c(AgeDifM), c(RelM)) # vectorising first speeds up table() a lot
## -9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400
## -8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800
## -7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1200
## -6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1600
## -5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000
## -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2400
## -3 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 2770
## -2 0 0 24 137 0 15 0 3024
## -1 2 0 101 163 0 83 0 3251
## 0 6 0 172 0 0 112 200 3510
## 1 2 105 101 0 58 83 0 3251
## 2 0 54 24 0 83 15 0 3024
## 3 0 8 0 0 22 0 0 2770
## 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2400
## 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2000
## 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1600
## 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1200
## 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800
## 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400
Some ‘polishing’ of this table is required, as each pair of individuals is included twice:
# - 'MaxT' ensures sufficient, constant number of rows across intermediary tables
MaxAgeParent <- c(NA, NA)
MaxAgePO <- ifelse(!, MaxAgeParent, diff(AP.griffin$BirthYearRange)+1) # in actual code with thorough input checks
MaxT <- max(MaxAgePO+1, diff(AP.griffin$BirthYearRange))
# - factor() ensures levels with 0 count are included
# - drop negative age differences: all pairs are included 2x
tblA.R <- table(factor(AgeDifM, levels = 0:MaxT),
factor(RelM, levels = c("M", "P", "FS", "MHS", "PHS")))
And a further improvement by using every relationship for each pair, rather than only their closest relationship (a pair may e.g. be both mother-offspring & paternal half-siblings):
RelA <- GetRelM(Ped_griffin, patmat=TRUE, GenBack=1, Return="Array")
tblA.R <- sapply(c("M", "P", "FS", "MHS", "PHS"),
function(r) table(factor(AgeDifM[RelA[,,r]==1],
levels = 0:MaxT)))
## 0 0 0 6 172 112
## 1 105 58 2 101 84
## 2 54 83 0 24 15
## 3 8 22 0 0 0
## 4 0 0 0 0 0
## 5 0 0 0 0 0
The ageprior is for ‘maternal siblings’, which includes both maternal
half-siblings and full siblings, and similarly for paternal siblings.
Lastly, a column with the total count of pairs per age difference is
added (i.e. the denominator in the calculation of αA, R.
For this reference age-difference distribution all individuals in the
pedigree with known birth year in LifeHistData
tblA.R <- cbind(tblA.R,
"MS" = tblA.R[,"MHS"] + tblA.R[,"FS"],
"PS" = tblA.R[,"PHS"] + tblA.R[,"FS"])
tblA.R <- tblA.R[, c("M", "P", "FS", "MS", "PS")] # drop MHS & PHS columns
# add column for age diff. across all relationships (except 'Self' pairs)
tblA.R <- cbind(tblA.R,
"X" = table(factor(AgeDifM[c(RelM)!="S"], levels = 0:MaxT)))
# All pairs are included 2x in AgeDifM/RelM/RelA, to fix this:
# - drop the negative age differences (done with factor() above)
# - divide counts for row A=0 by 2 (including 'X' column)
tblA.R["0", ] <- tblA.R["0", ] / 2
# check that this is really the output from MakeAgePrior():
all(tblA.R == AP.griffin[["tblA.R"]])
## [1] TRUE
The probability of age difference A conditional on relationship R is estimated as the proportion of pairs with relationship R and known age difference, that have age difference A.
## 167 163 5 216 160 19900
## 0 0.00 0.00 0.6 0.41 0.37 0.10
## 1 0.63 0.36 0.4 0.48 0.54 0.18
## 2 0.32 0.51 0.0 0.11 0.09 0.16
## 3 0.05 0.13 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.14
## 4 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.12
## 5 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.10
Pairs where one or both individuals have an unknown age difference, are excluded from both the numerator and the denominator. It is assumed that the age difference distribution of these pairs of relatives follows the same distribution as for relatives for which the age difference is known (Section Unsampled individuals).
Sometimes full sibling pairs are rare, causing an imprecise estimate of their age-difference distribution. A reasonable assumption is that the distribution for full siblings is broadly similar to “happens to be both maternal and paternal sibling” 3. If many half-sibling pairs have been sampled, their age distribution is used to improve the estimate of P(A|FS) (this is not optional):
MinPairs.AgeKnown <- 20 # not user-setable.
# Use the product of the distributions if there are many MS & PS,
# and the average across the two distributions if there are a medium number:
if (NAK.R["FS"] / min(NAK.R[c("MS", "PS")]) < 0.5 &
all(NAK.R[c("MS", "PS")] > MinPairs.AgeKnown)) {
if (all(NAK.R[c("MS", "PS")] > 5*MinPairs.AgeKnown)) {
FS.tmp <- PA.R[,"MS"] * PA.R[,"PS"]
FS.tmp <- FS.tmp/sum(FS.tmp)
} else {
FS.tmp <- apply(PA.R[, c("MS", "PS")], 1, mean)
PA.R[,"FS"] <- (PA.R[,"FS"] + FS.tmp)/2
round(PA.R[1:5, ], 2) # note change in 'FS' column
## 0 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.41 0.37 0.10
## 1 0.63 0.36 0.51 0.48 0.54 0.18
## 2 0.32 0.51 0.01 0.11 0.09 0.16
## 3 0.05 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.14
## 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12
The age-difference based probability ratio αA, R
is calculated by dividing P(A|R) (each
relationship column) by P(A) (the X
## 0 0.00 0.00 5.04 4.32 3.86
## 1 3.48 1.97 2.80 2.64 2.97
## 2 2.01 3.17 0.08 0.69 0.58
## 3 0.34 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00
## 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
## 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
# check that this is identical to output from MakeAgePrior():
LR.RU.A[!is.finite(LR.RU.A)] <- 0
all(abs(LR.RU.A - AP.griffin[["LR.RU.A.raw"]]) < 0.001) # allow for rounding errors
## [1] TRUE
This is the non-flattened, non-smoothed ageprior, stored in list
element [["LR.RU.A.raw"]]
. Since in this example
and Flatten=FALSE
, it is
identical to list element [["LR.RU.A"]]
, which is the
default output (Return='LR'
Calculating the proportion of pairs with relationship R and age difference A in a pedigree is reasonably straightforward, but generating a matrix that is useful for subsequent pedigree reconstruction under a wide range of ‘non-ideal’ situations is not.
A major challenge is that when an age/relationship combination is not observed in the input pedigree, its ageprior value will be 0, and without correction that age/relationship combination will be deemed impossible during full pedigree reconstruction. For example, if mother-offspring pairs with age differences of 1, 2, 3, and 5 years are observed, it would infer that females never breed at age 4. This seems highly unlikely from a biological perspective, and is much more likely a sampling artefact. This does matter during full pedigree reconstruction: if the true maternal grandmother is 8 years older than one of her grandchildren, she would not be assigned, because mothers cannot be age 4.
As another example, imagine that no candidate fathers at all were
sampled. Based on the parentage-only scaffold pedigree, the counts in
the father column of tblA.R
would be 0 for all age differences. Consequently, all
age differences would be disallowed for father-offspring pairs during
subsequent full pedigree reconstruction, including for dummy fathers,
and no paternal sibships would be clustered.
Incorrect agepriors can also lead to false positives: when it is wrongly believed the age difference of a genetic half-sib pair makes it impossible for them to be maternal siblings, they will likely be assigned as paternal half-siblings. More individuals may then be added to this erroneous paternal sibship, potentially setting off a snowball effect of wrong assignments.
To minimise these problems, MakeAgePrior()
applies two
generic, one-size-fits-most corrections: a Smooth
ing of
dips and padding of the tails, and a Flatten
ing approach
whereby a weighed average of the pedigree-based and flat default
ageprior is taken (Figure @ref(fig:griffinSmoothFlatten)).
Smoothed & Flattened agepriors for overlapping generations (griffin example). Note the different y-axes; non-displayed age differences have an ageprior of zero for all R.
When Smooth=TRUE
, the tails of the distributions are
‘stretched’ and any dips are smoothed over. It defaults to
, as there is only rarely a detrimental effect of
smoothing when none is required. Exception is when generations are discrete; when this is detected or declared by
the user, Smooth
is set to FALSE
A ‘dip’ is defined as a value that is less than 10% of the average of its neighbouring values (age differences of one year less/more), and both neighbours have values > 0. It is then changed to the average of the two neighbours. Peaks are not smoothed out, as these are less likely to cause problems than dips, and are more likely to be genuine characteristics of the species.
The front & end tails of the distribution are altered as follows:
SmoothAP <- function(V, MinP) {
Front <- max(1, min(which(V > MinP)), na.rm=TRUE)
End <- min(max(which(V > MinP)), length(V), na.rm=TRUE)
if (Front > 1 & V[Front] > 3*MinP) V[Front -1] <- MinP
if (End < length(V)) V[End +1] <- V[End]/2
if ((End+1) < length(V) & V[End+1] > 3*MinP) V[End+2] <- MinP
# ... dip-fixing ...
LR.RU.A <- apply(LR.RU.A, 2, SmoothAP, MinP = 0.001)
There is no way to change the behaviour of Smooth
except turning it on or off. If for example a longer tail is required at
either end, or more thorough smoothing is needed, you will need to edit
the ageprior matrix yourself (see Customisation).
The ageprior is ‘flattened’ by taking a weighed average between the
ageprior based on the pedigree and birth years, and a flat default ageprior based on the maximum age of
parents only (user-specified, pedigree-estimated, or maximum age
difference in LifeHistData
AP.pedigree <- MakeAgePrior(Ped_griffin, Smooth=FALSE, Flatten=FALSE,
quiet=TRUE, Plot=FALSE)
AP.default <- MakeAgePrior(MaxAgeParent = 3, quiet=TRUE, Plot=FALSE)
knitr::kable(list(AP.pedigree, AP.default),
caption = "Pedigree-based ageprior (left) and default, flat ageprior (right).",
where WR is a weight based on NR, the number of pairs with relationship R and known age difference. IA, R is an indicator whether the age-relationship combination is possible (1) or not (0) based on the maximum parental age (i.e., the flat default ageprior). αA, R = P(A|R, sampled)/P(A, sampled) is the raw pedigree-based ageprior.
M | P | FS | MS | PS | |
0 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 2.761 | 3.574 | 2.918 |
1 | 2.698 | 1.655 | 1.783 | 2.270 | 2.321 |
2 | 1.693 | 2.467 | 0.598 | 0.760 | 0.721 |
3 | 0.548 | 0.972 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
4 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 |
The weighing factor WR follows a asymptotic curve when plotted against sample size (Figure @ref(fig:plotFlattenNW)), and is calculated as
By default λN, W = −log (0.5)/100
(input parameter lambdaNW
), which corresponds to WR < 0.5 if
NR < 100;
i.e. if there are fewer than 100 pairs with known age difference, the
flat ageprior weighs heavier than the pedigree-inferred ageprior, and
the opposite if there are more than 100 pairs. When λN, W
is large (say > 0.2),
is effectively only applied for relationships with
very small sample size (e.g. W = 0.86 at N = 10), while when λN, W
is small (say < 0.0001) there is
effectively no contribution of the pedigree even with very large sample
size (e.g. W = 0.10 at N = 1000).
Weights versus number of pairs with relationship R, for weighed average between pedigree-derived ageprior and flat 0/1 ageprior
Since the number of pairs with known age difference will differ between relationship types, so will the weights:
## 0.6857 0.6769 0.0341 0.7762 0.6701
By chance there are more maternal than paternal sibling pairs in this
pedigree, due to one large maternal sibship (see
), and thus the weight for ‘MS’ is
larger than for ‘PS’. We can use the pair counts per relationship to
double check the weights:
## 167 163 5 216 160 19900
lambdaNW <- -log(0.5)/100 # default input value
W.R <- 1 - exp(-lambdaNW * NAK.R[1:5])
round(W.R, 4)
## 0.6857 0.6769 0.0341 0.7762 0.6701
In theory, the sampling probability per relationship could be
estimated, and used to calculate some correction factor for equation
@ref(eq:AP2). In practice, this requires some strong assumptions about
the number of assignable parents (i.e. distinction between pedigree
founders and non-founders) and the number of sibling pairs
(i.e. distribution of sibship sizes). Moreover, this correction factor
would depend on the total number of sampled individuals in a
non-nonsensical way: removing individuals without assigned parents from
the pedigree would ‘magically’ increase our faith in the ageprior
estimated from the remainder of the pedigree. Therefore, the degree of
correction by Flatten
depends only on the number
of individual pairs per relationship with known age difference, not on a
The age difference between say a grand-offspring and its maternal full uncle, depends on the age difference between the individual and its mother, and between its mother and her full brother. It is assumed that these age differences are independent, so that the ageprior for maternal full-avuncular pairs can be calculated directly from the agepriors for mother-offspring and full sibling pairs.
If individual i is born in year 0, then the probability that its maternal full uncle j is born in year x is proportional to the ageprior αA = x, R = MFA. This probability is calculated as the probability that i’s mother k is born in year y, summed over all possible y (see Figure @ref(fig:timelineAU), with example y = 3).
Age difference between individual i and aunt/uncle j, and possible ‘birth years’ for i’s parent k.
The probability that k is born in year y is a function of both the age difference between mother-offspring pair i and k (Ai, k = y, y > 0) and between full siblings k and j (Aj, k = x − y = z).
The probability that uncle j is born in year x can then be written as:
where I(y + z = x) is an indicator which equals 1 if y and z sum to x, and equals 0 otherwise.
For avuncular pairs, both z and x may be negative; z if uncle j is a younger sibling of mother k (BYj < BYk), and x if the age difference between the siblings is larger than between mother and offspring (BYj < BYi). For grand-offspring – grandparent pairs, both Ai, k and Ak, j are strictly positive.
To calculate the avuncular and grand-parental age difference probabilities, first the agepriors for the parental and sibling pairs are scaled so that or each relationship they sum to 1.
After calculation, the grandparent and avuncular age-difference
probabilities are scaled to be comparable with the parent-offspring and
sibling agepriors. Scaling by the total number of pairs with that age
difference (column ‘X’ in tblA.R
is often problematic, because the large age differences possible for
grand-parental pairs are often sparsely sampled, or not at all. A very
small denominator results in an inflated ageprior, while a denominator
of zero results in an undefined ageprior. Instead, the grandparent and
avuncular age-difference probabilities are scaled by the mean of the
(column) sums of the mother-offspring and father-offspring agepriors,
which are typically quite similar to each other and to the column sums
of the sibling agepriors.
The ageprior distribution for avuncular pairs (aunts/uncles) has changed considerably from sequoia v1.3.3 to v2.0. Earlier, it was assumed that the ageprior for maternal and paternal full- and half- aunts and uncles was approximately similar, and approximately symmetrical around zero. From version 2.0 both these assumptions have been dropped, and there are now 6 avuncular classes (FS, MS, or PS of dam or sire) with agepriors that are not symmetrical around zero.
The agepriors for grandparents and avuncular relationships have
always been estimated from parent and sibling age distributions, but
this estimation has now been moved from MakeAgePrior()
in R
(up to v.1.3.3) to the Fortran part of sequoia()
. The extra
columns are calculated just before parentage assignment or
sibship clustering, and returned in the output as
. This is in contrast to the ‘regular’
ageprior, which is updated just after parentage assignment (see also
pipeline in Figure @ref(fig:pipeline)).
Customising the ageprior is generally not necessary, as a sample-specific ageprior will be estimated after parentage assignment based on the scaffold-pedigree.
Parentage assignment is rarely improved by a non-default ageprior, unless the number of SNPs is so low or their quality so poor that it is difficult to genetically distinguish between parent-offspring and full sibling pairs.
The ageprior used for full pedigree reconstruction may require tweaking if for example the assigned parents reflect only a portion of the biologically possible parental ages, or if some assigned parents are wrong and have a biologically impossible age.
During pedigree reconstruction, you can pass arguments to
via sequoia()
’s argument
. Use this to explicitly specify Discrete
, Smooth
or Flatten
, or to increase MaxAgeParent
If you have a reasonable quality pedigree that contains many more
individuals than have been SNP-genotyped, for example based on field
observations and/or microsatellite data, an ageprior estimated from that
old pedigree may be more informative than the one estimated from a
limited number of SNP-genotyped parent-offspring pairs. A pedigree
cannot be passed via args.AP
, but this can be done as
follows instead:
APfromOld <- MakeAgePrior(Pedigree = MyOldPedigree,
LifeHistData = LH,
Smooth = TRUE)
SeqOUT <- sequoia(GenoM = Geno,
LifeHistData = LH,
SeqList = list(AgePriors = APfromOld))
The ageprior in SeqList
will be used for both parentage
assignment and full pedigree reconstruction.
The easiest way to create a fully custom ageprior is to generate an
approximate ageprior with MakeAgePrior
, and tweak it by
hand or using your own function. For example, imagine a species where
females breed only every other year, but may have twins:
## ℹ Ageprior: Flat 0/1, overlapping generations, MaxAgeParent = 12,8
If you know approximately the distributions of parental ages, and the
age differences between siblings, you might be able to create a table
similar to tblA.R
and follow the subsequent steps described
here to generate an ageprior matrix. The most
challenging may be to generate the age-difference distribution of ‘all
individuals’ (column X), used for standardisation.
The ageprior must abide by the following rules:
output, the smallest possible non-zero
value is 1/1000, to avoid excessive weight of the ageprior relative to
the genetic likelihood;AgePriorExtra
), then negative-numbered rows are deleted
and the remainder are presumed to be ordered and for age difference 0,
1, 2, …;nrows
are presumed impossible for all types of parents and siblings (0 in all 5 columns);To check whether your ageprior matrix satisfies these criteria, use
it in any function that takes AgePriors
) as input, or call the internal function
The estimated the distribution of age differences among relatives
(i.e. ageprior matrix) can be used to estimate the birth year of
individuals for which this is unknown. A requirement is that these focal
individuals have one or more parents, offspring, or siblings with known
birth year or BY.min + BY.max; the more relatives and the more exact
their birth years, the better the birth year estimate of the focal
individual. This can be done with function CalcBYprobs()
with any pedigree.
Up to version 2.0, initial MaxAgeParent
set to diff(BYrange)
, but sibling relationships were also
allowed at this age difference, so this change (probably) won’t affect
parentage assignment or full pedigree reconstruction.↩︎
Both individuals need to have already at least one parent assigned to be able to genetically distinguish between half-siblings, full avuncular, and grandparent–grand-offspring↩︎
This is not necessarily the case. For example, in species that produce multiple offspring each year, and breed for multiple years, within-year (within-clutch) siblings are more likely to be full siblings than between-year siblings↩︎