Package 'semptools'

Title: Customizing Structural Equation Modelling Plots
Description: Most function focus on specific ways to customize a graph. They use a 'qgraph' output as the first argument, and return a modified 'qgraph' object. This allows the functions to be chained by a pipe operator.
Authors: Shu Fai Cheung [aut, cre] , Mark Hok Chio Lai [aut]
Maintainer: Shu Fai Cheung <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.3.0
Built: 2024-10-22 07:28:00 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Add a Fit Object to a 'qgraph' Object


Add a fit object (e.g., 'lavaan' output) to the a 'qgraph' object as an attribute.


add_object(semPaths_plot, object)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths(), or a similar qgraph::qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


Should be the object, such as the output of lavaan::sem() or lavaan::cfa(), used by semPlot::semPaths() to generate semPaths_plot. Note that this function will not check whether the object is appropriate because there is no way to do so reliably.


It adds an object to a qgraph::qgraph object as the attribute "semptools_fit_object", to be retrieved by other functions that need to access the original output used in semPlot::semPaths() to create a diagram.


The original qgraph::qgraph object set to semPaths_plot, with the attribute "semptools_fit_object" set to object.

See Also




mod <-
  'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03 + x06
   f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
   f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10 + x03
   f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit <- lavaan::cfa(mod, cfa_example)
p <- semPaths(fit,
              whatLabels = "est",
              sizeMan = 3.25,
              node.width = 1,
              edge.label.cex = .75,
              mar = c(10, 5, 10, 5),
              DoNotPlot = TRUE)
p <- add_object(p, fit)
attr(p, "semptools_fit_object")

Add R-Squares to Endogenous Variables


Replace the residual variances of exogenous variables by their R-squares in a qgraph::qgraph object.


add_rsq(semPaths_plot, object, digits = 2L, rsq_string = "R2=", ests = NULL)



A qgraph object generated by semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


The object used by semPaths to generate the plot. Use the same argument name used in semPaths to make the meaning of this argument obvious. Currently only object of class lavaan is supported.


Integer indicating number of decimal places for the R-squares. Default is 2L.


The string before the R-squares. Default is "R2=".


A data.frame from the parameterEstimates function, or from other function with these columns:? lhs, op, rhs, and est. The rows with op equal to r2 are used to find the R-squares. Only used when object is not specified.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths by setting the labels of the residuals of endogenous variables to their R-squares.

Require either the original object used in the semPaths call, or a data frame with the R-square for each endogenous variable.

Currently supports only plots based on lavaan output.


If the input is a qgraph::qgraph object, the function returns a qgraph based on the original one, with R-squares added. If the input is a list of qgraph objects, the function returns a list of the same length.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[ , c("lhs", "op", "rhs",
                                       "est", "pvalue", "se")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels = "est",
                         style = "ram",
                         nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                         layout = m)
p_pa2 <- add_rsq(p_pa, fit_pa)

mod_cfa <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit_cfa <- lavaan::sem(mod_cfa, cfa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_cfa)[ , c("lhs", "op", "rhs",
                                        "est", "pvalue", "se")]
p_cfa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_cfa, whatLabels = "est",
                          style = "ram",
                          nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0)
# Place standard errors on a new line
p_cfa2 <- add_rsq(p_cfa, fit_cfa)

mod_sem <-
'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
 f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
 f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
 f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
 f3 ~  f1 + f2
 f4 ~  f1 + f3

# Can be used with mark_se() and mark_sig()
fit_sem <- lavaan::sem(mod_sem, sem_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_sem)[ , c("lhs", "op", "rhs",
                                        "est", "pvalue", "se")]
p_sem <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_sem, whatLabels = "est",
                          style = "ram",
                          nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0)
# Mark significance, and then add standard errors
p_sem2 <- mark_sig(p_sem, fit_sem)
p_sem3 <- mark_se(p_sem2, fit_sem, sep = "\n")
p_sem4 <- add_rsq(p_sem3, fit_sem)

Create a Matrix for 'factor_point_to'


Use a named vector or named arguments to create a matrix of the directions of indicators of factors.


auto_factor_point_to(factor_layout, ...)



Argument description.


Additional arguments. If the first argument is not named, then it should be a named vector of directions, names being the names of the factors, and directions can be one of these values: "up", "down", "left", "right". Other arguments are ignored. If the arguments are named, then the names of the arguments are the names of the factors, and the argument values are the direction for the factors.


A helper function to make it easier to create the matrix used by set_sem_layout() to indicate where the indicators of each factor should be positioned.

It works in two modes. If the first argument is a named vector, such as c(f1 = "up", f2 = "down"), then this vector will be used to create the direction matrix.

If the arguments are named, such as ⁠auto_factor_point_to(factor_layout, f1 = "up", f2 = "down"⁠, then the names are treated as the factor names, and the values of the arguments are treated as the directions.

The matrix created can then be used for the argument factor_point_to in set_sem_layout().


A character matrix of the same dimension as factor_layout. The cells of factor names are replaced by the directions to place their indicators.

See Also



factor_layout <- matrix(c("f1",   NA,   NA,
                            NA, "f3", "f4",
                          "f2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
factor_point_to <- auto_factor_point_to(factor_layout,
                                        f1 = "left",
                                        f2 = "left",
                                        f3 = "down",
                                        f4 = "down")

Determine the Order of Indicators Automatically


Determine the order of indicators and match indicators and factors based on a plot from a 'qgraph' object.


auto_indicator_order(semPaths_plot, add_isolated_manifest = FALSE)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths(), or a similar qgraph::qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


Logical. Whether observed variables that are not indicators will be included in the output as "factors", each with one indicator (the observed variable).


It inspects a qgraph::qgraph object and find variables that are the indicators of latent factors.

The output can be used in the argument indicator_order of set_cfa_layout() and set_sem_layout(). It can also be modified, such as reordered, as necessary.

If the generated order is used, there is no need to call this function manually because set_cfa_layout() and set_sem_layout() will automatically call this function, if indicator_order is not set.

It assumes that observed variables are represented by squares (shape set to "square") and latent variables represented by circles or ovals (shape set to "circle").

An observed variable is considered as an indicator if there is an arrow pointing to it from a latent variable.

If an indicator loaded on more than one latent variable, it will only be matched to one of them, determined by the order of appearance in the internal storage.

It uses node names, not node labels, in generating the output.


A named character vector. The values are the indicators identified. The names are the latent factors the indicators loaded on.

See Also

set_sem_layout() and set_cfa_layout().



mod <-
  'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03 + x06
   f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
   f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10 + x03
   f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit <- lavaan::cfa(mod, cfa_example)
p <- semPaths(fit,
              whatLabels = "est",
              sizeMan = 3.25,
              node.width = 1,
              edge.label.cex = .75,
              mar = c(10, 5, 10, 5),
              DoNotPlot = TRUE)
indicator_order <- auto_indicator_order(p)
p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p,
                     indicator_order = indicator_order)

# set_cfa_layout() will call auto_indicator_order()
# automatically if indicator_order is not set.
p3 <- set_cfa_layout(p)

Sample dataset pa_example


A sample dataset for fitting a confirmatory factor analysis model.




An object of class data.frame with 200 rows and 14 columns.


Fourteen variables (x01 to x14), 200 cases.

Sample model to fit (in lavaan::model.syntax notation)

mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14

Change node labels


Change the labels of selected nodes.


  label_list = NULL,



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A list of named lists. Each named list should have two named values: node and to. The first part, node, is a character denoting the label to be changed. It should be as appeared in the qgraph. The second part, to, is the new label. Expression can be used in to. A named vector can also be used, with the names being the nodes to be changed, and the values the new labels.


Identical to the same argument in semPlot::semPaths(). A number tha control the size of labels in the nodes. It has no default. If not set, then this option in the semPaths_plot will not be changed.


Identical to the same argument in semPlot::semPaths. A logical value that determine whether labels wil be scaled (resized) to the nodes they attach to. It has no default. If not set, then this option in the semPaths_plot will not be changed.


Identical to the same argument in semPlot::semPaths. A numeric vector of length equal to the number of nodes. If label.scale is TRUE, this number is the proportion of the width of a node that its label will be scaled (resized) to. It has no default. If not set, then this option in the semPaths_plot will not be changed.


Identical to the same argument in semPlot::semPaths. It must be a string. All labels as wide as or narrower than this string will have the same font size, while all labels wider than this string will be rescaled to have the same width as this string. It has no default. If not set, then this option in the semPaths_plot will not be changed.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and change the labels of selected nodes.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with node attributes of selected nodes modified.


mod_pa <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
           layout = m)

my_label_list <- list(list(node = "x3", to = "mediator"),
                     list(node = "x4", to = expression(gamma)))

p_pa2 <- change_node_label(p_pa, my_label_list)

Identify dependent Variable residual variance


Check which parameters in a lavaan output are the residual variance of a dependent variable.





A lavaan::lavaan object.


Check which parameters in a lavaan output are the variance of a dependent variable. Indicators of a latent variable will be excluded.


A boolean vector with length equal to the number of rows in the lavaan output.


mod <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod, pa_example)

mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit_cfa <- lavaan::cfa(mod, cfa_example)

mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
  f3 ~  f1 + f2
  f4 ~  f1 + f3
fit_sem <- lavaan::sem(mod, sem_example)

Keep or drop nodes


Keep or drop nodes from an semPlotModel object.


drop_nodes(object, nodes)

keep_nodes(object, nodes)



An an semPlot::semPlotModel generated by semPlot::semPlotModel().


A character vector of the nodes to be kept or removed.


These functions can be used to edit the nodes in an semPlot::semPlotModel generated by semPlot::semPlotModel(). The edited object can then be passed to semPlot::semPaths() to generate a path diagram.

Use keep_nodes() to specify the nodes to be kept. All other nodes will be removed.

Use drop_nodes() to specify the nodes to be dropped. All other nodes will be kept.


An object of the class semPlot::semPlotModel.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
             NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
pm_pa <- semPlot::semPlotModel(fit_pa)
semPlot::semPaths(pm_pa, whatLabels = "est",
                 style = "ram",
                 nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                 layout = m)
pm_pa2 <- drop_nodes(pm_pa, c("x3"))
semPlot::semPaths(pm_pa2, whatLabels = "est",
                 style = "ram",
                 nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                 layout = m)
pm_pa3 <- keep_nodes(pm_pa, c("x1", "x3", "x4"))
semPlot::semPaths(pm_pa3, whatLabels = "est",
                 style = "ram",
                 nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                 layout = m)

Determine the Order of Indicators Using a 'lavaan' Model Syntax


Determine the order of indicators and match indicators and factors based on a 'lavaan' model syntax.





A string that should be a model specified in lavaan model syntax. Only the factor structure (operator ⁠=~⁠) in the model will be used.


It generates a named vector for the argument indicator_order of set_cfa_layout() and set_sem_layout() using a lavaan model syntax.

A variable is considered an indicator if it is on the right-hand side of the operator ⁠=~⁠.

If an indicator loaded on more than one latent variable, it will only be matched to one of them, determined by the order of appearance in the internal storage.


A named character vector. The values are the indicators in the model syntax. The names are the latent factors the indicators loaded on.

See Also

set_sem_layout() and set_cfa_layout().


mod <-
  'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03 + x06
   f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
   f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
   f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10 + x03

mod <-
  'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03 + x06
   f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10 + x03
   f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
   f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
   f3 ~ f1 + f2
   f4 ~ f3

Create the layout matrix for semPaths


Create the layout matrix from a list of coordinates for semPaths.





Each node in the matrix is specified by this form: name = c(x, y). The name is the node label, and the vector is the position of the node. The first element is the x position, and the second element is the y position, measured from the top left corner. The size of the grid is determined automatically. For a grid of n rows and m columns, the top left cell is specified by c(1, 1), and the bottom right cell is specified by c(n, m).


The layout argument in semPlot::semPaths() accepts a matrix with node labels as the elements, and NA for empty cells. This function allows user to create the matrix using a list of coordinates for the node labels.


A layout matrix for the layout argument of semPlot::semPaths().


# Suppose this is the layout to be created:
m0 <- matrix(c("x1", NA, NA, NA,
              "x2", "x3", NA, NA,
               NA,  "x4", NA, "x5"), byrow = TRUE, 3, 4)
# This call will create the same matrix.
m1 <- layout_matrix(x1 = c(1, 1),
                   x2 = c(2, 1),
                   x3 = c(2, 2),
                   x4 = c(3, 2),
                   x5 = c(3, 4))
#The two matrices should be identical.
m0 == m1

Add Standard Error Estimates to Parameter Estimates (Edge Labels)


Add standard error estimates, in parentheses, to parameter estimates (edge labels) in a qgraph::qgraph object.


  sep = " ",
  digits = 2L,
  ests = NULL,
  std_type = FALSE



A qgraph object generated by semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


The object used by semPaths to generate the plot. Use the same argument name used in semPaths to make the meaning of this argument obvious. Currently only object of class lavaan is supported.


A character string to separate the coefficient and the standard error (in parentheses). Default to " " (one space). Use "\n" to enforce a line break.


Integer indicating number of decimal places for the appended standard errors. Default is 2L.


A data.frame from the parameterEstimates function, or from other function with these columns:? lhs, op, rhs, and se. Only used when object is not specified.


If standardized solution is used in the plot, set this either to the type of standardization (e.g., "std.all") or to TRUE. It will be passed to lavaan::standardizedSolution() to compute the standard errors for the standardized solution. Used only if standard errors are not supplied directly through ests.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths (currently in parentheses) to the labels. Require either the original object used in the semPaths call, or a data frame with the standard error for each parameter. The latter option is for standard errors not computed by lavaan but by other functions.

Currently supports only plots based on lavaan output.

This function is a variant of, and can be combined with, the mark_sig function.


If the input is a qgraph::qgraph object, the function returns a qgraph based on the original one, with standard error estimates appended. If the input is a list of qgraph objects, the function returns a list of the same length.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[ , c("lhs", "op", "rhs",
                                       "est", "pvalue", "se")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels = "est",
                         style = "ram",
                         nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
                         layout = m)
p_pa2 <- mark_se(p_pa, fit_pa)

mod_cfa <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit_cfa <- lavaan::sem(mod_cfa, cfa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_cfa)[ , c("lhs", "op", "rhs",
                                        "est", "pvalue", "se")]
p_cfa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_cfa, whatLabels = "est",
                          style = "ram",
                          nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0)
# Place standard errors on a new line
p_cfa2 <- mark_se(p_cfa, fit_cfa, sep = "\n")

mod_sem <-
'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
 f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
 f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
 f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
 f3 ~  f1 + f2
 f4 ~  f1 + f3
fit_sem <- lavaan::sem(mod_sem, sem_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_sem)[ , c("lhs", "op", "rhs",
                                        "est", "pvalue", "se")]
p_sem <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_sem, whatLabels = "est",
                          style = "ram",
                          nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0)
# Mark significance, and then add standard errors
p_sem2 <- mark_sig(p_sem, fit_sem)
p_sem3 <- mark_se(p_sem2, fit_sem, sep = "\n")

Mark Parameter Estimates (Edge Labels) Based on p-Value


Mark parameter estimates (edge labels) based on p-value.


  alphas = c(`*` = 0.05, `**` = 0.01, `***` = 0.001),
  ests = NULL,
  std_type = FALSE



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


The object used by semPaths to generate the plot. Use the same argument name used in semPaths to make the meaning of this argument obvious. Currently only object of class lavaan is supported.


A named numeric vector. Each element is the cutoff (level of significance), and the name of it is the symbol to be used if p-value is less than this cutoff. The default is c("" = .05, "" = .01, "" = .001).


A data.frame from the parameterEstimates function, or from other function with these columns:? lhs, op, rhs, and pvalue. Only used when object is not specified.


If standardized solution is used in the plot, set this either to the type of standardization (e.g., "std.all") or to TRUE. It will be passed to lavaan::standardizedSolution() to compute the standard errors for the standardized solution. Used only if standard errors are not supplied directly through ests.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths and add marks (currently asterisk, "*") to the labels based on their p-values. Require either the original object used in the semPaths call, or a data frame with the p-values for each parameter. The latter option is for p-values not computed by lavaan but by other functions.

Currently supports only plots based on lavaan output.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with marks appended to edge labels based on their p-values.


mod_pa <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
           layout = m)
p_pa2 <- mark_sig(p_pa, fit_pa)

mod_cfa <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit_cfa <- lavaan::sem(mod_cfa, cfa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_cfa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
p_cfa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_cfa, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0)
p_cfa2 <- mark_sig(p_cfa, fit_cfa)

mod_sem <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
  f3 ~  f1 + f2
  f4 ~  f1 + f3
fit_sem <- lavaan::sem(mod_sem, sem_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_sem)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
p_sem <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_sem, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0)
p_sem2 <- mark_sig(p_sem, fit_sem)

Sample dataset pa_example


A sample dataset for fitting a path analysis model.




An object of class data.frame with 100 rows and 4 columns.


Four variables (x1 to x4), 100 cases.

Sample model to fit (in lavaan::model.syntax notation)

mod <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3

Sample dataset pa_example_3covs


A sample dataset for fitting a path analysis model, with three control variables.




An object of class data.frame with 100 rows and 7 columns.


Four variables (x1 to x4), and three control variables (cov1, cov2, cov3), 100 cases.

Sample model to fit (in lavaan::model.syntax notation)

mod <-
x3 ~  x1 + x2 + cov1 +cov2 + cov3
x4 ~  x1 + x3 + cov1 +cov2 + cov3

Rescale the Layout


Rescale the layout of a qgraph object, such as the output of semptools functions that modify the output of semPlot::semPaths().


rescale_layout(semPaths_plot, x_min = -1, x_max = 1, y_min = -1, y_max = 1)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths(), or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.

x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max

The ranges of x-coordinates and y-coordinates after rescaling. Default is -1 for x_min and y_min, and 1 for x_max and y_max. Change them to enlarge or shrink the plot.


The plot generated by some functions, such as set_sem_layout(), may have the area underused for some model. This function rescale the layout matrix, just like what the rescale argument of semPlot::semPaths() does.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with the layout matrix rescaled.


mod <-
  'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
   f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
   f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
   f3 ~ f1 + x04
   f4 ~ f3 + x05'
fit_sem <- sem(mod, sem_example)
p <- semPaths(fit_sem, whatLabels="est",
              sizeMan = 5,
              nCharNodes = 0,
              nCharEdges = 0,
              edge.width = 0.8,
              node.width = 0.7,
              edge.label.cex = 0.6,
              mar = c(10, 10, 10, 10),
              DoNotPlot = TRUE)

indicator_order  <- c("x04", "x05", "x01", "x02", "x03",
                      "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x08", "x09", "x10")
indicator_factor <- c("x04", "x05", "f1",  "f1",  "f1",
                      "f4",  "f4",  "f4",  "f4",  "f3",  "f3",  "f3")
factor_layout <- matrix(c( "f1",  "f3", "f4",
                          "x04", "x05",  NA), byrow = TRUE, 2, 3)
factor_point_to <- matrix(c("left", "up", "right",
                                NA,   NA,      NA), byrow = TRUE, 2, 3)
p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
                    indicator_order = indicator_order,
                    indicator_factor = indicator_factor,
                    factor_layout = factor_layout,
                    factor_point_to = factor_point_to)
# The original plot with too much unused area
rect(-1, -1, 1, 1)
rect(-1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 1.5)

# Expand the plot
p3 <- p2
p3 <- rescale_layout(p3)

rect(-1, -1, 1, 1)
rect(-1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 1.5)

Rotate the residuals of selected nodes


Rotate the residuals of selected nodes.


rotate_resid(semPaths_plot, rotate_resid_list = NULL)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A named vector or a list of named list. For a named vector, the name of an element is the node for which its residual is to be rotated, and the value is the degree to rotate. The 12 o'clock position is zero degree. Positive degree denotes clockwise rotation, and negative degree denotes anticlockwise rotation. For example, c(x3 = 45, x4 = -45) means rotating the residual of x3 45 degrees clockwise, and rotating the residual of x4 45 degrees anticlockwise. For a list of named lists, each named list should have two named values: node and rotate. The position of the residual of node will be placed at rotate, in degree. For example, list(list(node = "x3", rotate = 45), list(node = "x4", rotate = -45)) is equivalent to c(x3 = 45, x4 = -45).


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and rotate the residuals of selected nodes. Currently only supports "ram" and similar styles of semPlot::semPaths.


A qgraph::qgraph object based on the original one, with loopRotation attributes of selected nodes modified.


mod_pa <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
           layout = m)

my_rotate_resid_vector <- c(x3 = 45, x4 = -45)

p_pa2v <- rotate_resid(p_pa, my_rotate_resid_vector)

my_rotate_resid_list <- list(list(node = "x3", rotate =  45),
                         list(node = "x4", rotate = -45))

p_pa2l <- rotate_resid(p_pa, my_rotate_resid_list)

Sample dataset sem_2nd_order_example


A sample dataset for fitting a latent variable model with two 2nd-order factors.




An object of class data.frame with 500 rows and 21 columns.


Twenty one variables (x01 to x21), 500 cases.

Sample model to fit (in lavaan::model.syntax notation)

mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
  f5 =~ x15 + x16 + x17 + x18
  f6 =~ x19 + x20 + x21
  f21 =~ 1*f1 + f3 + f4
  f22 =~ 1*f2 + f5 + f6
  f22 ~ f21

Sample dataset sem_example


A sample dataset for fitting a latent variable model.




An object of class data.frame with 200 rows and 14 columns.


Fourteen variables (x01 to x14), 100 cases.

Sample model to fit (in lavaan::model.syntax notation)

mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
  f3 ~  f1 + f2
  f4 ~  f1 + f3

Configure the layout of factors of a CFA graph by semPaths


Configure the layout of factors and adjust other aspects of a CFA graph by semPaths.


  indicator_order = NULL,
  indicator_factor = NULL,
  fcov_curve = 0.4,
  loading_position = 0.5,
  point_to = "down"



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A string vector of the indicators. The order of the names is the order of the indicators in the graph, when they are drawn on the bottom of the graph. The indicators should be grouped by the factors on which they load on. For example, if x1, x2, x4 load on f2, and x3, x5, x6 load on f1, then vector should be either c("x1", "x2", "x4", "x3", "x5", "x6") or c("x3", "x5", "x6", "x1", "x2", "x4"). Indicators within a group can be ordered in any way. If it is a named vector, its names will be used for the argument indicator_factor. If it is NULL (default), auto_indicator_order() will be called to determine the indicator order automatically.


A string vector of the same length of the indicator order, storing the name of the factor for which each of the indicator in indicator_factor loads on. For example, if x1, x2, x4 load on f2, and x3, x5, x6 load on f1, and indicator_order is c("x3", "x5", "x6", "x1", "x2", "x4"), then indicator_factor should be c("f2", "f2", "f2", "f1", "f1", "f1"). If NULL (default) and indicator_order is a named vector (supplied by users or generated by auto_indicator_order()), then it will be set to the names of indicator_order.


A number used to set the curvature of the inter-factor covariances. Default is .4.


The positions of all factor loadings. Default is .5, on the middle of the arrows. Larger the number, closer the loadings to the indicators. Smaller the number, closer the loadings to the factors.


Can be "down", "left", "up", or "right". Specify the direction that the factors "point" to the indicators. Default is "down".


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths based on a confirmatory factor analysis model.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with various aspects of the model modified.


mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
fit_cfa <- lavaan::sem(mod, cfa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_cfa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
p <- semPaths(fit_cfa, whatLabels="est",
       sizeMan = 2.5,
       nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
       edge.width = 0.8, node.width = 0.7,
       edge.label.cex = 0.6,
       style = "ram",
       mar = c(10,10,10,10))
indicator_order  <- c("x04", "x05", "x06", "x07", "x01", "x02", "x03", "x11",
                      "x12", "x13", "x14", "x08", "x09", "x10")
indicator_factor <- c( "f2",  "f2",  "f2",  "f2",  "f1",  "f1",  "f1",  "f4",
                      "f4",  "f4",  "f4",  "f3",  "f3",  "f3")
p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p, indicator_order,
                         fcov_curve = 1.5,
                         loading_position = .8)

# Use a named vector for indicator_order
indicator_order2 <- c(f2 = "x04", f2 = "x05", f2 = "x06", f2 = "x07",
                     f1 = "x01", f1 = "x02", f1 = "x03",
                     f4 = "x11", f4 = "x12", f4 = "x13", f4 = "x14",
                     f3 = "x08", f3 = "x09", f3 = "x10")
p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p,
                    indicator_order = indicator_order2,
                    fcov_curve = 1.5,
                    loading_position = .8)

# Use automatically generated indicator_order and indicator_factor
p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p,
                    fcov_curve = 1.5,
                    loading_position = .8)

p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p, indicator_order,
                         fcov_curve = 1.5,
                         loading_position = .8,
                         point_to = "left")
p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p, indicator_order,
                         fcov_curve = 1.5,
                         loading_position = .8,
                         point_to = "up")
p2 <- set_cfa_layout(p, indicator_order,
                         fcov_curve = 1.5,
                         loading_position = .8,
                         point_to = "right")

Bend or Straighten Selected edges


Set the curve attributes of selected edges.


set_curve(semPaths_plot, curve_list = NULL)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A named vector or a list of named list. For a named vector, the name of an element should be the path as specified by lavaan::model.syntax or as appeared in lavaan::parameterEstimates(). For example, to change the curve attribute of the path regressing y on x, the name should be "y ~ x". To change the curve attribute of the covariance between x1 and x2, the name should be "x1 ~~ x2". For example, c("y ~ x1" = -3, "x1 ~~ x2" = 2) change the curve attributes of the path from x1 to y and the covariance between x1 and x2 to -3 and 2, respectively. The order of the two nodes may matter for covariances. Therefore, if the curve of a covariance is not changed, try switching the order of the two nodes. For a list of named lists, each named list should have three named values: from, to, and new_curve. The curve attribute of the edge from from to to will be set to new_curve.


Modified a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and change the curve attributes of selected edges.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with curve attributes for selected edges changed.


mod_pa <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
           layout = m)

my_curve_vector <- c("x2 ~~ x1" = -1,
                    "x4 ~ x1" = 1)

p_pa2v <- set_curve(p_pa, my_curve_vector)

my_curve_list <- list(list(from = "x1", to = "x2", new_curve = -1),
                    list(from = "x1", to = "x4", new_curve =  1))

p_pa2l <- set_curve(p_pa, my_curve_list)

Set the Attributes of Selected Edges


Set arbitrary attributes of selected edges.


set_edge_attribute(semPaths_plot, values = NULL, attribute_name = NULL)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A named vector or a list of named list. See the Details section on how to set this argument.


The name of the attribute to be changed.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and change the selected attributes of selected edges.

This function is designed to be a general one that changes the attributes named by the user. The user needs to make sure that the attribute actually exists, and the values are valid for the named attribute.

Setting the value of values

This argument can be set in two ways.

For a named vector, the name of an element should be the path as specified by lavaan::model.syntax or as appeared in lavaan::parameterEstimates().

For example, if the attributes to be changed are the colors of selected edges, to change the color of the path regressing y on x, the name should be "y ~ x". To change the color of the covariance between x1 and x2, the name should be "x1 ~~ x2". Therefore, c("y ~ x1" = "red", "x1 ~~ x2" = "blue") changes the colors of the path from x1 to y and the covariance between x1 and x2 to "red" and "blue", respectively.

The order of the two nodes may matter for covariances. Therefore, if the attribute of a covariance is not changed, try switching the order of the two nodes.

For a list of named lists, each named list should have three named values: from, to, and new_value. The attribute of the edge from from to to will be set to new_value.

The second approach is no longer recommended, though kept for backward compatibility.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with the selected attributes of selected edges changed.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
                NA, "x3", "x4",
              "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
            style = "ram",
            nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
            layout = m)

my_values_vector <- c("x2 ~~ x1" = "red",
                      "x4 ~ x1" = "blue")

p_pa2v <- set_edge_attribute(p_pa,
                             values = my_values_vector,
                             attribute_name = "color")

my_values_list <- list(list(from = "x1", to = "x2", new_value = "red"),
                       list(from = "x1", to = "x4", new_value =  "blue"))

p_pa2l <- set_edge_attribute(p_pa,
                             values = my_values_list,
                             attribute_name = "color")


Set the Colors of Selected Edges


Set the colors of selected edges.


set_edge_color(semPaths_plot, color_list = NULL)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A named vector or a list of named list. See the Details section on how to set this argument.


Modified a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and change the colors of selected edges.

Setting the value of color_list

This argument can be set in two ways.

For a named vector, the name of an element should be the path as specified by lavaan::model.syntax or as appeared in lavaan::parameterEstimates().

For example, to change the color of the path regressing y on x, the name should be "y ~ x". To change the color of the covariance between x1 and x2, the name should be "x1 ~~ x2". Therefore, c("y ~ x1" = "red", "x1 ~~ x2" = "blue") changes the colors of the path from x1 to y and the covariance between x1 and x2 to "red" and "blue", respectively.

The order of the two nodes may matter for covariances. Therefore, if the attribute of a covariance is not changed, try switching the order of the two nodes.

For a list of named lists, each named list should have three named values: from, to, and new_color. The attribute of the edge from from to to will be set to new_color.

The second approach is no longer recommended, though kept for backward compatibility.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with colors for selected edges changed.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
                NA, "x3", "x4",
              "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
            style = "ram",
            nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
            layout = m)

my_color_vector <- c("x2 ~~ x1" = "red",
                     "x4 ~ x1" = "blue")

p_pa2v <- set_edge_color(p_pa, my_color_vector)

my_color_list <- list(list(from = "x1", to = "x2", new_color = "red"),
                     list(from = "x1", to = "x4", new_color =  "blue"))

p_pa2l <- set_edge_color(p_pa, my_color_list)

Set the positions of edge labels of selected edges


Set the positions of edge labels of selected edges.


set_edge_label_position(semPaths_plot, position_list = NULL)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A named vector or a list of named lists. For a named vector, the name of an element should be the path as specified by lavaan::model.syntax or as appeared in lavaan::parameterEstimates(). For example, to change position of the edge label of the path regressing y on x, the name should be "y ~ x". The value is the position. The mid-point of the edge is 0.5. The closer the value to 1, the closer the label to the left-hand-side node (y in this example). The closer the value to 0, the close the label to the right-hand-side node (x in this example). For example, c("y ~ x1" = .2, "y ~ x2" = .7) moves the path coefficient from x1 to y closer to x, and the path coefficient from x2 to y closer to y. For a list of named lists, each named list should have three named values: from, to, and new_position. The edge label position of the edge from from to to will be set to new_position. For example, list(list(from = "x1", to = "y", new_position = .2), list(from = "x2", to = "y", new_position = .7)) is equivalent to the named vector above.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and change the edge label positions of selected edges.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with edge label positions for selected edges changed.


mod_pa <-
 'x1 ~~ x2
  x3 ~  x1 + x2
  x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
               NA, "x3", "x4",
             "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
           style = "ram",
           nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
           layout = m)

my_position_vector <- c("x3 ~ x2" = .25,
                       "x4 ~ x1" = .75)
p_pa2v <- set_edge_label_position(p_pa, my_position_vector)

my_position_list <- list(list(from = "x2", to = "x3", new_position =  .25),
                       list(from = "x1", to = "x4", new_position =  .75))
p_pa2l <- set_edge_label_position(p_pa, my_position_list)

Set the Attributes of Selected Nodes


Set arbitrary attributes of selected nodes


set_node_attribute(semPaths_plot, values = NULL, attribute_name = NULL)



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A named vector or a list of named list. See the Details section on how to set this argument.


The name of the attribute to be changed.


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPlot::semPaths and change the selected attributes of selected nodes.

This function is designed to be a general one that changes the attributes named by the user. The user needs to make sure that the attribute actually exists, and the values are valid for the named attribute.

Setting the value of values

This argument can be set in two ways.

For a named vector, the name of an element should be the nodes for which their attributes are to be changed. The names need to the displayed names if plotted, which may be different from the names in mode.

For example, if the attributes to be changed are the colors of selected nodes, to change the color of x is to be changed, the name should be "x". Therefore, c("y" = "red", "x" = "red") changes the colors of the nodes y and x to "red" and "blue", respectively.

For a list of named lists, each named list should have two named values: node and new_value. The attribute of node will be set to new_value.

The second approach is no longer recommended, though kept for backward compatibility.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with the selected attributes of selected nodes changed.


mod_pa <-
  'x1 ~~ x2
   x3 ~  x1 + x2
   x4 ~  x1 + x3
fit_pa <- lavaan::sem(mod_pa, pa_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_pa)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
m <- matrix(c("x1",   NA,   NA,
                NA, "x3", "x4",
              "x2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
p_pa <- semPlot::semPaths(fit_pa, whatLabels="est",
            style = "ram",
            nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
            layout = m)

my_color_vector <- c(x3 = "red", x4 = "blue")

p_pa2v <- set_node_attribute(p_pa, my_color_vector, attribute_name = "color")

my_color_list <- list(list(node = "x3", new_value = "green"),
                      list(node = "x4", new_value = "red"))

p_pa2l <- set_node_attribute(p_pa, my_color_list, attribute_name = "color")

Configure the layout of factors of an SEM graph by semPlot::semPaths


Configure the layout of factors and adjust other aspects of an SEM graph by semPlot::semPaths.


  indicator_order = NULL,
  indicator_factor = NULL,
  factor_layout = NULL,
  factor_point_to = NULL,
  indicator_push = NULL,
  indicator_spread = NULL,
  loading_position = 0.5



A qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths, or a similar qgraph object modified by other semptools functions.


A string vector of the indicators. The order of the names is the order of the indicators in the graph, when they are drawn on the bottom of the graph. The indicators should be grouped by the factors on which they load on. For example, if x1, x2, x4 load on f2, and x3, x5, x6 load on f1, then vector should be either c("x1", "x2", "x4", "x3", "x5", "x6") or c("x3", "x5", "x6", "x1", "x2", "x4"). Indicators within a group can be ordered in any way. If it is a named vector, its names will be used for the argument indicator_factor. If it is NULL (default), auto_indicator_order() will be called to determine the indicator order automatically.


A string vector of the same length of the indicator order, storing the name of the factor for which each of the indicator in indicator_factor loads on. For example, if x1, x2, x4 load on f2, and x3, x5, x6 load on f1, and indicator_order is c("x3", "x5", "x6", "x1", "x2", "x4"), then indicator_factor should be c("f2", "f2", "f2", "f1", "f1", "f1"). If NULL (default) and indicator_order is a named vector (supplied by users or generated by auto_indicator_order()), then it will be set to the names of indicator_order.


A matrix of arbitrary size. This matrix will serve as a grid for users to specify where each latent factor should be placed approximately on the graph. Each cell should contain NA or the name of a latent factor. The locations of all latent factors must be explicitly specified by this matrix.


Can be a named character vector with names being the names of factors, or a matrix of the same size as factor_layout. If it is a matrix, this matrix specifies where the indicators of each factor are positioned. Each cell should contain NA or one of these strings: "down", "left", "up", or "right". This is the direction that the corresponding latent factor (specified in factor_layout) points to its indicators. If it is a named character vector, the the values must be the directions, and the names the the factors. This vector will be converted internally by auto_factor_point_to() to create the matrix of direction.


(Optional) This argument is used to adjust the positions of the indicators of selected latent factors. It can be named vector or a list of named lists. For a named vector, The name is the factor of which the indicators will be "pushed", and the value is how "hard" the push is: the multiplier to the distance from the factor to the indicators. If this value is 1, then there is no change. If this value is greater than 1, then the indicators are pushed away from the latent factor. If this value is less than 1, then the indicators are pulled toward the latent factor. For example, to push the indicators of f3 away from f3, and pull the indicators of f4 toward f4, the argument can be set to c(f3 = 1.5, f4 = .5). For a list of named list, each named list has two named elements: node, the name of a latent factor, and push, how the positions of its indicators will be adjusted. For example, to have the same effect as the vector above, the list is list(list(node = "f3", push = 1.5), list(node = "f4", push = .5)).


(Optional) This argument is used to adjust the distance between indicators of selected latent factors. It can be a named vector or a list of named lists. For a named vector, the name is the factor of which the indicators will be spread out. The value is the multiplier to the distance between neighboring indicators. If this value is equal to 1, there is no change. Larger than one, the indicators will be "spread" away from each other. Less than one, the indicators will be placed closer to each others. For example, to spread the indicators of f1 and f4 farther away from each other, this argument can be set to c(f1 = 2, f4 = 1.5), with the indicators of f1 being spread out more than those of f4. For a list of named list, each named list has two named elements: node, the name of a latent factor, and spread, how the distance between indicators will be adjusted. For example, to have the same effect as the vector above, the argument can be set to list(list(node = "f1", spread = 2), list(node = "f4", spread = 1.5)).


(Optional) Default is .5. This is used adjust the position of the loadings. If this is one single number, it will be used to set the positions of all loadings. If it is .5, the loadings are placed on the center of the arrows. Larger the number, closer the loadings to the indicators. Smaller the number, closer to the latent factors. This argument also accepts a named vector or a list of named lists, allowing users to specify the positions of loadings for each factor separately. For a named vector, in each element, the name is the factor whose loadings will be moved. The value is the positions of its loadings. The default is .50. We only need to specify the positions for factors to be changed from .50 to other values. For example, move the loadings of f2 closer to the indicators and those of f4 close to the f4, this argument can be set to c(f2 = .7, f4 = .3). For a list of named list, each named list should have two named elements: node, the name of the latent factor, and position, the positions of all loadings of this factors. To have the same effect as the vector above, this list can be used: list(list(node = "f2", position = .7), list(node = "f4", position = .3)).


Modify a qgraph::qgraph object generated by semPaths based on an SEM model with latent factors. Since version, this function natively supports observed exogenous variable. If a variable is listed in both indicator_order and indicator_factor, as if it is both a factor and an indicator, this function will assume that it is an observed exogenous variable. It will be positioned as a factor according to factor_layout, but no indicators will be drawn.

For versions older than, an observed exogenous variable needs to be specified as an one-indicator factor in the model specification for this function to work.


A qgraph::qgraph based on the original one, with various aspects of the model modified.


mod <-
 'f1 =~ x01 + x02 + x03
  f2 =~ x04 + x05 + x06 + x07
  f3 =~ x08 + x09 + x10
  f4 =~ x11 + x12 + x13 + x14
  f3 ~  f1 + f2
  f4 ~  f1 + f3
fit_sem <- lavaan::sem(mod, sem_example)
lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit_sem)[, c("lhs", "op", "rhs", "est", "pvalue")]
p <- semPaths(fit_sem, whatLabels="est",
       sizeMan = 5,
       nCharNodes = 0, nCharEdges = 0,
       edge.width = 0.8, node.width = 0.7,
       edge.label.cex = 0.6,
       style = "ram",
       mar = c(10,10,10,10))
indicator_order  <- c("x04", "x05", "x06", "x07", "x01", "x02", "x03",
                     "x11", "x12", "x13", "x14", "x08", "x09", "x10")
indicator_factor <- c( "f2",  "f2",  "f2",  "f2",  "f1",  "f1",  "f1",
                     "f4",  "f4",  "f4",  "f4",  "f3",  "f3",  "f3")
factor_layout <- matrix(c("f1",   NA,   NA,
                           NA, "f3", "f4",
                         "f2",   NA,   NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
factor_point_to <- matrix(c("left",     NA,      NA,
                               NA, "down", "down",
                           "left",     NA,      NA), byrow = TRUE, 3, 3)
indicator_push <- c(f3 = 2, f4 = 1.5)
indicator_spread <- c(f1 = 2, f2 = 2)
loading_position <- c(f1 = .5, f2 = .8, f3 = .8)
# Pipe operator can be used if desired
p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
                      indicator_order = indicator_order,
                      indicator_factor = indicator_factor,
                      factor_layout = factor_layout,
                      factor_point_to = factor_point_to,
                      indicator_push = indicator_push,
                      indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
                      loading_position = loading_position)
p2 <- set_curve(p2, c("f2 ~ f1" = -1,
                     "f4 ~ f1" = 1.5))
p2 <- mark_sig(p2, fit_sem)
p2 <- mark_se(p2, fit_sem, sep = "\n")

# Use a named vector for indicator_order
indicator_order2  <- c(f2 = "x04", f2 = "x05", f2 = "x06", f2 = "x07",
                      f1 = "x01", f1 = "x02", f1 = "x03",
                      f4 = "x11", f4 = "x12", f4 = "x13", f4 = "x14",
                      f3 = "x08", f3 = "x09", f3 = "x10")
p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
                      indicator_order = indicator_order2,
                      factor_layout = factor_layout,
                      factor_point_to = factor_point_to,
                      indicator_push = indicator_push,
                      indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
                      loading_position = loading_position)

# Use automatically generated indicator_order and indicator_factor
p2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
                      factor_layout = factor_layout,
                      factor_point_to = factor_point_to,
                      indicator_push = indicator_push,
                      indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
                      loading_position = loading_position)

# Use named character vector for factor_point_to
directions <- c(f1 = "left",
               f2 = "left",
               f3 = "down",
               f4 = "down")
p2v2 <- set_sem_layout(p,
                      indicator_order = indicator_order,
                      indicator_factor = indicator_factor,
                      factor_layout = factor_layout,
                      factor_point_to = directions,
                      indicator_push = indicator_push,
                      indicator_spread = indicator_spread,
                      loading_position = loading_position)
p2v2 <- set_curve(p2v2, c("f2 ~ f1" = -1,
                         "f4 ~ f1" = 1.5))
p2v2 <- mark_sig(p2v2, fit_sem)
p2v2 <- mark_se(p2v2, fit_sem, sep = "\n")

#Lists of named list which are equivalent to the vectors above:
#indicator_push <- list(list(node = "f3", push =   2),
#                       list(node = "f4", push =   1.5))
#indicator_spread <- list(list(node = "f1", spread =   2),
#                         list(node = "f2", spread =   2))
#loading_position <- list(list(node = "f1", position = .5),
#                         list(node = "f2", position = .8),
#                         list(node = "f3", position = .8))

Convert a named vector to a list of lists


Convert a named vector to a list of lists, to be used by various functions in semptools.


to_list_of_lists(input, name1 = NULL, name2 = NULL, name3 = NULL)



A named vector


The name for the first element in the list-in-list. Default is NULL.


The name for the second element in the list-in-list. Defaultis NULL.


The name for the third element in the list-in-list. Default is NULL. If this argument is not NULL, the names of the vector elements will be split using lavaan syntax (by calling lavaan::lavParseModelString()), and the right-hand side (rhs) and left-hand side (lhs) of each element will be assigned to name1 and name2, respectively.


This function is not to be used by users, but to be used internally by other functions of semptools.


A list of lists.


x <- c("x1 ~~ x2" = -1, "x4 ~ x1" = 1)
to_list_of_lists(x, name1 = "from", name2 = "to", name3 = "new_curve")
#list(list(from = "x1", to = "x2", new_curve = -1),
#     list(from = "x1", to = "x4", new_curve =  1))

y <- c(x1 = 0, x2 = 180, x3 = 140, x4 = 140)
to_list_of_lists(y, name1 = "node", name2 = "rotate")
#list(list(node = "x1", rotate =   0),
#     list(node = "x2", rotate = 180),
#     list(node = "x3", rotate = 140),
#     list(node = "x4", rotate = 140))