Package 'semidist'

Title: Measure Dependence Between Categorical and Continuous Variables
Description: Semi-distance and mean-variance (MV) index are proposed to measure the dependence between a categorical random variable and a continuous variable. Test of independence and feature screening for classification problems can be implemented via the two dependence measures. For the details of the methods, see Zhong et al. (2023) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2023.2284988>; Cui and Zhong (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2019.05.004>; Cui, Li and Zhong (2015) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.920256>.
Authors: Wei Zhong [aut], Zhuoxi Li [aut, cre, cph], Wenwen Guo [aut], Hengjian Cui [aut], Runze Li [aut]
Maintainer: Zhuoxi Li <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2024-10-17 06:37:21 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Mutual information independence test (categorical-continuous case)


Implement the mutual information independence test (MINT) (Berrett and Samworth, 2019), but with some modification in estimating the mutual informaion (MI) between a categorical random variable and a continuous variable. The modification is based on the idea of Ross (2014).

MINTsemiperm() implements the permutation independence test via mutual information, but the parameter k should be pre-specified.

MINTsemiauto() automatically selects an appropriate k based on a data-driven procedure, and conducts MINTsemiperm() with the k chosen.


MINTsemiperm(X, y, k, B = 1000)

MINTsemiauto(X, y, kmax, B1 = 1000, B2 = 1000)



Data of multivariate continuous variables, which should be an nn-by-pp matrix, or, a vector of length nn (for univariate variable).


Data of categorical variables, which should be a factor of length nn.


Number of nearest neighbor. See References for details.

B, B1, B2

Number of permutations to use. Defaults to 1000.


Maximum k in the automatic search for optimal k.


A list with class "indtest" containing the following components

  • method: name of the test;

  • name_data: names of the X and y;

  • n: sample size of the data;

  • num_perm: number of replications in permutation test;

  • stat: test statistic;

  • pvalue: computed p-value.

For MINTsemiauto(), the list also contains

  • kmax: maximum k in the automatic search for optimal k;

  • kopt: optimal k chosen.


  1. Berrett, Thomas B., and Richard J. Samworth. "Nonparametric independence testing via mutual information." Biometrika 106, no. 3 (2019): 547-566.

  2. Ross, Brian C. "Mutual information between discrete and continuous data sets." PloS one 9, no. 2 (2014): e87357.


X <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp", "drat", "wt")]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])

MINTsemiperm(X, y, 5)
MINTsemiauto(X, y, kmax = 32)

Mean Variance (MV) statistics


Compute the statistics of mean variance (MV) index, which can measure the dependence between a univariate continuous variable and a categorical variable. See Cui, Li and Zhong (2015); Cui and Zhong (2019) for details.


mv(x, y, return_mat = FALSE)



Data of univariate continuous variables, which should be a vector of length nn.


Data of categorical variables, which should be a factor of length nn.


A boolean. If FALSE (the default), only the calculated statistic is returned. If TRUE, also return the matrix of the indicator for x <= x_i, which is useful for the permutation test.


The value of the corresponding sample statistic.

If the argument return_mat of mv() is set as TRUE, a list with elements

  • mv: the MV index statistic;

  • mat_x: the matrices of the distances of the indicator for x <= x_i;

will be returned.

See Also

  • mv_test() for implementing independence test via MV index;

  • mv_sis() for implementing feature screening via MV index.


x <- mtcars[, "mpg"]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])
print(mv(x, y))

# Man-made independent data -------------------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 5; prob <- rep(1/R, R)
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- factor(sample(1:R, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob), levels = 1:R)
print(mv(x, y))

# Man-made functionally dependent data --------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3
x <- rep(0, n)
x[1:10] <- 0.3; x[11:20] <- 0.2; x[21:30] <- -0.1
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
print(mv(x, y))

Feature screening via MV Index


Implement the feature screening for the classification problem via MV index.


mv_sis(X, y, d = NULL, parallel = FALSE)



Data of multivariate covariates, which should be an nn-by-pp matrix.


Data of categorical response, which should be a factor of length nn.


An integer specifying how many features should be kept after screening. Defaults to NULL. If NULL, then it will be set as [n/log(n)][n / log(n)], where [x][x] denotes the integer part of x.


A boolean indicating whether to calculate parallelly via furrr::future_map. Defaults to FALSE.


A list of the objects about the implemented feature screening:

  • measurement: sample MV index calculated for each single covariate;

  • selected: indicies or names (if avaiable as colnames of X) of covariates that are selected after feature screening;

  • ordering: order of the calculated measurements of each single covariate. The first one is the largest, and the last is the smallest.


X <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec")]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])

mv_sis(X, y, d = 4)

MV independence test


Implement the MV independence test via permutation test, or via the asymptotic approximation


mv_test(x, y, test_type = "perm", num_perm = 10000)



Data of univariate continuous variables, which should be a vector of length nn.


Data of categorical variables, which should be a factor of length nn.


Type of the test:

  • "perm" (the default): Implement the test via permutation test;

  • "asym": Implement the test via the asymptotic approximation.

See the Reference for details.


The number of replications in permutation test.


A list with class "indtest" containing the following components

  • method: name of the test;

  • name_data: names of the x and y;

  • n: sample size of the data;

  • num_perm: number of replications in permutation test;

  • stat: test statistic;

  • pvalue: computed p-value. (Notice: asymptotic test cannot return a p-value, but only the critical values crit_vals for 90%, 95% and 99% confidence levels.)


x <- mtcars[, "mpg"]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])
test <- mv_test(x, y)
test_asym <- mv_test(x, y, test_type = "asym")

# Man-made independent data -------------------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 5; prob <- rep(1/R, R)
x <- rnorm(n)
y <- factor(sample(1:R, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob), levels = 1:R)
test <- mv_test(x, y)
test_asym <- mv_test(x, y, test_type = "asym")

# Man-made functionally dependent data --------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3
x <- rep(0, n)
x[1:10] <- 0.3; x[11:20] <- 0.2; x[21:30] <- -0.1
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
test <- mv_test(x, y)
test_asym <- mv_test(x, y, test_type = "asym")

Print Method for Independence Tests Between Categorical and Continuous Variables


Printing object of class "indtest", by simple print method.


## S3 method for class 'indtest'
print(x, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)



"indtest" class object.


minimal number of significant digits.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.




# Man-made functionally dependent data --------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3
x <- rep(0, n)
x[1:10] <- 0.3; x[11:20] <- 0.2; x[21:30] <- -0.1
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
test <- mv_test(x, y)
test_asym <- mv_test(x, y, test_type = "asym")

Feature screening via semi-distance correlation


Implement the (grouped) feature screening for the classification problem via semi-distance correlation.


sd_sis(X, y, group_info = NULL, d = NULL, parallel = FALSE)



Data of multivariate covariates, which should be an nn-by-pp matrix.


Data of categorical response, which should be a factor of length nn.


A list specifying the group information, with elements being sets of indicies of covariates in a same group. For example, list(c(1, 2, 3), c(4, 5)) specifies that covariates 1, 2, 3 are in a group and covariates 4, 5 are in another group.

Defaults to NULL. If NULL, then it will be set as list(1, 2, ..., p), that is, treat each single covariate as a group.

If X has colnames, then the colnames can be used to specified the group_info. For example, list(c("a", "b"), c("c", "d")).

The names of the list can help recoginize the group. For example, list(grp_ab = c("a", "b"), grp_cd = c("c", "d")). If names of the list are not specified, c("Grp 1", "Grp 2", ..., "Grp J") will be applied.


An integer specifying at least how many (single) features should be kept after screening. For example, if group_info = list(c(1, 2), c(3, 4)) and d = 3, then all features 1, 2, 3, 4 must be selected since it should guarantee at least 3 features are kept.

Defaults to NULL. If NULL, then it will be set as [n/log(n)][n / log(n)], where [x][x] denotes the integer part of x.


A boolean indicating whether to calculate parallelly via furrr::future_map. Defaults to FALSE.


A list of the objects about the implemented feature screening:

  • group_info: group information;

  • measurement: sample semi-distance correlations calculated for the groups specified in group_info;

  • selected: indicies/names of (single) covariates that are selected after feature screening;

  • ordering: order of the calculated measurements of the groups specified in group_info. The first one is the largest, and the last is the smallest.

See Also

sdcor() for calculating the sample semi-distance correlation.


X <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp", "hp", "drat", "wt", "qsec")]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])

sd_sis(X, y, d = 4)

# Suppose we have prior information for the group structure as
# ("mpg", "drat"), ("disp", "hp") and ("wt", "qsec")
group_info <- list(
  mpg_drat = c("mpg", "drat"),
  disp_hp = c("disp", "hp"),
  wt_qsec = c("wt", "qsec")
sd_sis(X, y, group_info, d = 4)

Semi-distance independence test


Implement the semi-distance independence test via permutation test, or via the asymptotic approximation when the dimensionality of continuous variables pp is high.


sd_test(X, y, test_type = "perm", num_perm = 10000)



Data of multivariate continuous variables, which should be an nn-by-pp matrix, or, a vector of length nn (for univariate variable).


Data of categorical variables, which should be a factor of length nn.


Type of the test:

  • "perm" (the default): Implement the test via permutation test;

  • "asym": Implement the test via the asymptotic approximation when the dimension of continuous variables pp is high.

See the Reference for details.


The number of replications in permutation test. Defaults to 10000. See Details and Reference.


The semi-distance independence test statistic is

Tn=nSDcov~n(X,y),T_n = n \cdot \widetilde{\text{SDcov}}_n(X, y),

where the SDcov~n(X,y)\widetilde{\text{SDcov}}_n(X, y) can be computed by sdcov(X, y, type = "U").

For the permutation test (test_type = "perm"), totally KK replications of permutation will be conducted, and the argument num_perm specifies the KK here. The p-value of permutation test is computed by

p-value=(k=1KI(Tn(k)Tn)+1)/(K+1),\text{p-value} = (\sum_{k=1}^K I(T^{\ast (k)}_{n} \ge T_{n}) + 1) / (K + 1),

where TnT_{n} is the semi-distance test statistic and Tn(k)T^{\ast (k)}_{n} is the test statistic with kk-th permutation sample.

When the dimension of the continuous variables is high, the asymptotic approximation approach can be applied (test_type = "asym"), which is computationally faster since no permutation is needed.


A list with class "indtest" containing the following components

  • method: name of the test;

  • name_data: names of the X and y;

  • n: sample size of the data;

  • test_type: type of the test;

  • num_perm: number of replications in permutation test, if test_type = "perm";

  • stat: test statistic;

  • pvalue: computed p-value.

See Also

sdcov() for computing the statistic of semi-distance covariance.


X <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp", "drat", "wt")]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])
test <- sd_test(X, y)

# Man-made independent data -------------------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 5; p <- 3; prob <- rep(1/R, R)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
y <- factor(sample(1:R, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob), levels = 1:R)
test <- sd_test(X, y)

# Man-made functionally dependent data --------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3; p <- 3
X <- matrix(0, n, p)
X[1:10, 1] <- 1; X[11:20, 2] <- 1; X[21:30, 3] <- 1
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
test <- sd_test(X, y)

#' Man-made high-dimensionally independent data -----------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3; p <- 100
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
test <- sd_test(X, y)

test <- sd_test(X, y, test_type = "asym")

# Man-made high-dimensionally dependent data --------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3; p <- 100
X <- matrix(0, n, p)
X[1:10, 1] <- 1; X[11:20, 2] <- 1; X[21:30, 3] <- 1
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
test <- sd_test(X, y)

test <- sd_test(X, y, test_type = "asym")

Semi-distance covariance and correlation statistics


Compute the statistics (or sample estimates) of semi-distance covariance and correlation. The semi-distance correlation is a standardized version of semi-distance covariance, and it can measure the dependence between a multivariate continuous variable and a categorical variable. See Details for the definition of semi-distance covariance and semi-distance correlation.


sdcov(X, y, type = "V", return_mat = FALSE)

sdcor(X, y)



Data of multivariate continuous variables, which should be an nn-by-pp matrix, or, a vector of length nn (for univariate variable).


Data of categorical variables, which should be a factor of length nn.


Type of statistic: "V" (the default) or "U". See Details.


A boolean. If FALSE (the default), only the calculated statistic is returned. If TRUE, also return the matrix of the distances of X and the divergences of y, which is useful for the permutation test.


For XRp\bm{X} \in \mathbb{R}^{p} and Y{1,2,,R}Y \in \{1, 2, \cdots, R\}, the (population-level) semi-distance covariance is defined as

SDcov(X,Y)=E[XX~(1r=1RI(Y=r,Y~=r)/pr)],\mathrm{SDcov}(\bm{X}, Y) = \mathrm{E}\left[\|\bm{X}-\widetilde{\bm{X}}\|\left(1-\sum_{r=1}^R I(Y=r,\widetilde{Y}=r)/p_r\right)\right],

where pr=P(Y=r)p_r = P(Y = r) and (X~,Y~)(\widetilde{\bm{X}}, \widetilde{Y}) is an iid copy of (X,Y)(\bm{X}, Y). The (population-level) semi-distance correlation is defined as

SDcor(X,Y)=SDcov(X,Y)dvar(X)R1,\mathrm{SDcor}(\bm{X}, Y) = \dfrac{\mathrm{SDcov}(\bm{X}, Y)}{\mathrm{dvar}(\bm{X})\sqrt{R-1}},

where dvar(X)\mathrm{dvar}(\bm{X}) is the distance variance (Szekely, Rizzo, and Bakirov 2007) of X\bm{X}.

With nn observations {(Xi,Yi)}i=1n\{(\bm{X}_i, Y_i)\}_{i=1}^{n}, sdcov() and sdcor() can compute the sample estimates for the semi-distance covariance and correlation.

If type = "V", the semi-distance covariance statistic is computed as a V-statistic, which takes a very similar form as the energy-based statistic with double centering, and is always non-negative. Specifically,

SDcovn(X,y)=1n2k=1nl=1nAklBkl,\text{SDcov}_n(\bm{X}, y) = \frac{1}{n^2} \sum_{k=1}^{n} \sum_{l=1}^{n} A_{kl} B_{kl},


Akl=aklaˉk.aˉ.l+aˉ..A_{kl} = a_{kl} - \bar{a}_{k.} - \bar{a}_{.l} + \bar{a}_{..}

is the double centering (Szekely, Rizzo, and Bakirov 2007) of akl=XkXl,a_{kl} = \| \bm{X}_k - \bm{X}_l \|, and

Bkl=1r=1RI(Yk=r)I(Yl=r)/p^rB_{kl} = 1 - \sum_{r=1}^{R} I(Y_k = r) I(Y_l = r) / \hat{p}_r

with p^r=nr/n=n1i=1nI(Yi=r)\hat{p}_r = n_r / n = n^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{n} I(Y_i = r). The semi-distance correlation statistic is

SDcorn(X,y)=SDcovn(X,y)dvarn(X)R1,\text{SDcor}_n(\bm{X}, y) = \dfrac{\text{SDcov}_n(\bm{X}, y)}{\text{dvar}_n(\bm{X})\sqrt{R - 1}},

where dvarn(X)\text{dvar}_n(\bm{X}) is the V-statistic of distance variance of X\bm{X}.

If type = "U", then the semi-distance covariance statistic is computed as an “estimated U-statistic”, which is utilized in the independence test statistic and is not necessarily non-negative. Specifically,

SDcov~n(X,y)=1n(n1)ijXiXj(1r=1RI(Yi=r)I(Yj=r)/p~r),\widetilde{\text{SDcov}}_n(\bm{X}, y) = \frac{1}{n(n-1)} \sum_{i \ne j} \| \bm{X}_i - \bm{X}_j \| \left(1 - \sum_{r=1}^{R} I(Y_i = r) I(Y_j = r) / \tilde{p}_r\right),

where p~r=(nr1)/(n1)=(n1)1(i=1nI(Yi=r)1)\tilde{p}_r = (n_r-1) / (n-1) = (n-1)^{-1}(\sum_{i=1}^{n} I(Y_i = r) - 1). Note that the test statistic of the semi-distance independence test is

Tn=nSDcov~n(X,y).T_n = n \cdot \widetilde{\text{SDcov}}_n(\bm{X}, y).


The value of the corresponding sample statistic.

If the argument return_mat of sdcov() is set as TRUE, a list with elements

  • sdcov: the semi-distance covariance statistic;

  • ⁠mat_x, mat_y⁠: the matrices of the distances of X and the divergences of y, respectively;

will be returned.

See Also

  • sd_test() for implementing independence test via semi-distance covariance;

  • sd_sis() for implementing groupwise feature screening via semi-distance correlation.


X <- mtcars[, c("mpg", "disp", "drat", "wt")]
y <- factor(mtcars[, "am"])
print(sdcov(X, y))
print(sdcor(X, y))

# Man-made independent data -------------------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 5; p <- 3; prob <- rep(1/R, R)
X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
y <- factor(sample(1:R, size = n, replace = TRUE, prob = prob), levels = 1:R)
print(sdcov(X, y))
print(sdcor(X, y))

# Man-made functionally dependent data --------------------------------------
n <- 30; R <- 3; p <- 3
X <- matrix(0, n, p)
X[1:10, 1] <- 1; X[11:20, 2] <- 1; X[21:30, 3] <- 1
y <- factor(rep(1:3, each = 10))
print(sdcov(X, y))
print(sdcor(X, y))

Switch the representation of a categorical object


Categorical data with n observations and R levels can typically be represented as two forms in R: a factor with length n, or an n by K indicator matrix with elements being 0 or 1. This function is to switch the form of a categorical object from one to the another.





an object representing categorical data, either a factor or an indicator matrix with each row representing an observation.


categorical object in the another form.

Estimate the trace of the covariance matrix and its square


For a design matrix X\mathbf{X}, estimate the trace of its covariance matrix Σ=cov(X)\Sigma = \mathrm{cov}(\mathbf{X}), and the square of covariance matrix Σ2\Sigma^2.





The design matrix.


A list with elements:

  • tr_S: estimate for trace of Σ\Sigma;

  • tr_S2: estimate for trace of Σ2\Sigma^2.