Package 'score'

Title: A Package to Score Behavioral Questionnaires
Description: Provides routines for scoring behavioral questionnaires. Includes scoring procedures for the 'International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)' <>. Compares physical functional performance to the age- and gender-specific normal ranges.
Authors: Jaejoon Song
Maintainer: Jaejoon Song <[email protected]>
License: GNU General Public License (>= 3)
Version: 1.0.2
Built: 2025-01-29 07:38:34 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Scores 'International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)'


Scores 'International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)' short form.





Data which consists of thirteen columns:

Column 1: ID
Column 2: Weight
Column 3: VigDays: Number of days doing vigorous physical activity per week
Column 4: VigHours: Number of hours in vigorous physical activity per day
Column 5: VigMin: Number of minutes in vigorous physical activity per day
Column 6: ModDays: Number of days doing moderate physical activity per week
Column 7: ModHours: Number of hours in moderate physical activity per day
Column 8: ModMin: Number of minutes in moderate physical activity per day
Column 9: WalkDays: Number of days walking per week
Column 10: WalkHours: Number of hours walking per day
Column 11: WalkMin: Number of minutes in walking per day
Column 12: SitHours: Number of hours sitting per day
Column 13: SitMin: Number of minutes sitting per day


Three additional columns [MET, kilocalories, pacat] are provided, to the data supplied to the function.

MET: Metabolic Equivalent of Task.
kilocalories: Kilocalories are computed from MET-minutes.
pacat: Physical activity classification into 'Low', 'Moderate', or 'High'.


Jaejoon Song <[email protected]>


Craig, C.L., et al. International physical activity questionnaire: 12-country reliability and validity. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 2003. 35(8): p. 1381-95.

The International Physical Activity Questionnaire. (2015, June 1). Retrieved from


## Generating a random IPAQ data for illustration
n <- 20
ID <- rep(1:n)
weight <- rtnorm(n, mean=75, sd=15, lower=40, upper=120)
VigDays <- sample(rep(0:2),n,replace=TRUE)
VigHours <- sample(rep(0:1),n,replace=TRUE)
VigMin <- sample(rep(0:60),n,replace=TRUE)
VigHours <- ifelse(VigDays==0,0,VigHours)
VigMin <- ifelse(VigDays==0,0,VigMin)
ModDays <- sample(rep(0:3),n,replace=TRUE)
ModHours <- sample(rep(0:2),n,replace=TRUE)
ModMin <- sample(rep(0:60),n,replace=TRUE)
ModHours <- ifelse(ModDays==0,0,ModHours)
ModMin <- ifelse(ModDays==0,0,ModMin)
WalkDays <- sample(rep(0:7),n,replace=TRUE)
WalkHours <- sample(rep(0:2),n,replace=TRUE)
WalkMin <- sample(rep(0:60),n,replace=TRUE)
WalkHours <- ifelse(WalkDays==0,0,WalkHours)
WalkMin <- ifelse(WalkDays==0,0,WalkMin)
SitHours <- sample(rep(1:14),n,replace=TRUE)
SitMin <- sample(rep(1:60),n,replace=TRUE)

sampleIPAQ <- data.frame(ID, weight, 
                         VigDays, VigHours, VigMin,
                         ModDays, ModHours, ModMin,
                         WalkDays, WalkHours, WalkMin,
                         SitHours, SitMin)

# Now scoring the data
output <- ipaq(ipaqdata=sampleIPAQ)

Compares physical functional performance to normal ranges


Compares physical functional performance to the age- and gender-specific normal range scores from the Rikli and Jones Senior Fitness Test Manual. Note that the manual provides normative values for seriors aged between 60-94. Comparison to the norms will only be performed for individuals aged between 60 to 94.





Data frame which consists of six columns:

Column 1: Age
Column 2: Gender (F: female, M: male)
Column 3: Number of Steps
Column 4: Number of full stands
Column 5: Mean of 8 foot up and go trials
Column 6: Mean of left and right armcurls


Four additional columns [StepsNorm, StandNorm, UpgoNorm, ArmcurlNorm] are provided, to the data supplied to the function. The columns indicate whether the individuals' physical performance meets the norm or is lower or higher than the norm.


Jaejoon Song <[email protected]>


Rikli, R. E. and Jones, C. J. (1999). Development and validation of a functional fitness test for community-residing older adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 7, 129-61.


# Generating a random physical performance data for illustration
n <- 20
ID <- rep(1:n)
Age <- rtnorm(n, mean=75, sd=15, lower=60, upper=94)
Gender <- sample(c("F","M"),n,replace=TRUE)
NumberofSteps <- sample(rep(0:150),n,replace=TRUE)
Numberoffullstands <- sample(rep(0:20),n,replace=TRUE)
UpGo8ftmean <- rtnorm(n, mean=7.5, sd=4, lower=3, upper=30)
armcurlR_Lmean <- rnorm(n, mean=14, sd=4)

samplePerf <- data.frame(ID,Age,Gender,
# Now comparing the physical performance test to the norm
normCat <- pfnorm(samplePerf)