In this vignette, we perform gene set scoring for 41 cytokines using the CytoSig database, detailing the genes and the associated log2 fold change values upon treatment, for a sample of the Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) dataset.
In the scaper
package, we detail the development of five
functions. The first function, supportedCytokines
, returns
a list of the scored cytokines for the CytoSig and the Reactome
databases. Next two functions, genesetCytoSig
, perform gene set construction for the
CytoSig and the Reactome databases, respectively. Lastly, the
function, performs gene set scoring using
the constructed databases with the Seurat framework integrated. In
comparison, the scape
function performs gene set scoring
with the normalized counts matrix (i.e., without relying on the Seurat
We first show the functionality of our package using an example
function call for the geneCytoSig
function. In the call
below, we first find a list of all scored cytokines for the CytoSig
database. We next create a gene set for IL6 and extract the top 10
targets that are differentially expressed upon treatment with the
cytokine using the CytoSig database. This function is currently
operational for the IL4 and IL6 cytokines. For all other cytokines,
specify the cytokine-specific output file.
supportedCytokines(database = "cytosig")
#> [1] "ActivinA" "BDNF" "BMP2" "BMP4" "BMP6" "CD40LG"
#> [7] "CXCL12" "EGF" "FGF2" "GCSF" "GDF11" "GMCSF"
#> [13] "HGF" "IFNG" "IFNL" "IL10" "IL12" "IL13"
#> [19] "IL15" "IL17A" "IL1A" "IL1B" "IL2" "IL21"
#> [25] "IL22" "IL27" "IL3" "IL4" "IL6" "LIF"
#> [31] "LTA" "MCSF" "NO" "OSM" "TGFB1" "TGFB3"
#> [37] "TNFA" "TNFSF12" "TRAIL" "VEGFA" "WNT3A"
genesetCytoSig(cytokine.eval = "IL6", = system.file("extdata", "IL6_output.csv",
package = "scaper")) %>% head(10)
#> gene weight cytokine
#> 1 TEAD3 6.218 IL6
#> 2 SHROOM3 5.65 IL6
#> 3 CCL8 5.051 IL6
#> 4 HSPA1A 4.927 IL6
#> 5 SGPL1 4.817 IL6
#> 6 PNMT 4.75 IL6
#> 7 CCL4 4.714 IL6
#> 8 IL1B 4.65 IL6
#> 9 ICOS 4.454 IL6
#> 10 HSPA1B 4.388 IL6
Next, we perform gene set scoring using the
function, which accepts a Seurat object,
with the CytoSig gene sets on the pbmc_small
dataset from the Seurat package, which contains about 230 features/genes
assessed over 80 samples/cells. The output is a scape
in the Cytosig.score.output object which is 41 by 80 and contains scored
expression for 41 cytokines in 80 cells. As indicated below, we can
extract that object and create an unclustered and clustered
representation of the heatmap constructed based on the output
CytoSig.score.output <- scapeForSeurat(seurat.object = pbmc_small,
database = "cytosig", cytokine = "all", normalize = TRUE)
#> [1] "Seurat"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "SeuratObject"
GetAssay(object = CytoSig.score.output, assay = "scape")
#> Assay data with 41 features for 80 cells
#> First 10 features:
#> ActivinA, BDNF, BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, CD40LG, CXCL12, EGF, FGF2, GCSF
#DefaultAssay(CytoSig.score.output) <- "scape"
#GetAssayData(object = CytoSig.score.output, slot = "data")
cytosig_mat <-$scape@data)))
pheatmap(cytosig_mat, fontsize_row = 4, fontsize_col = 7,
cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE)
Lastly, we perform gene set scoring using the scape
function which accepts a m by n matrix as input (as compared to a Seurat
object), with m samples and n genes.
pbmc_small <- NormalizeData(pbmc_small)
counts.matrix2 <-$RNA@data)))
CytoSig.score.output <- scape(counts.matrix = counts.matrix2,
database = "cytosig", cytokine = "all")
pheatmap(CytoSig.score.output, fontsize_row = 4, fontsize_col = 7,
cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_cols = FALSE)