Package 'robustX'

Title: 'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics
Description: Robustness -- 'eXperimental', 'eXtraneous', or 'eXtraordinary' Functionality for Robust Statistics. Hence methods which are not well established, often related to methods in package 'robustbase'. Amazingly, 'BACON()', originally by Billor, Hadi, and Velleman (2000) <doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(99)00101-2> has become established in places. The "barrow wheel" `rbwheel()` is from Stahel and Mächler (2009) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00706.x>.
Authors: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] , Werner A. Stahel [aut], Rolf Turner [ctb] (reclas()), Ueli Oetliker [ctb] (original version of BACON() and mvBACON for S+), Tobias Schoch [ctb] (init.sel="V2" for BACON; fix alpha)
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.2-7
Built: 2025-03-12 06:49:17 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

eXperimental eXtraneous ... Functionality for Robust Statistics


The package robustX aims to be a collection of R functionality for robust statistics of methods and ideas that are considered as proposals, experimental, for experiences or just too much specialized to be part of the “Robust Basics” package robustbase.


Package: robustX
Type: Package
Title: 'eXtra' / 'eXperimental' Functionality for Robust Statistics
Version: 1.2-7
Date: 2023-06-14
Authors@R: c(person("Martin","Maechler", role=c("aut","cre"), email="[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-8685-9910")) , person("Werner A.", "Stahel", role="aut", email="[email protected]") , person("Rolf", "Turner", role="ctb", email="[email protected]", comment = "reclas()") , person("Ueli", "Oetliker", role="ctb", comment = "original version of BACON() and mvBACON for S+") , person("Tobias", "Schoch", role="ctb", comment = "init.sel=\"V2\" for BACON; fix alpha") )
Maintainer: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
Description: Robustness -- 'eXperimental', 'eXtraneous', or 'eXtraordinary' Functionality for Robust Statistics. Hence methods which are not well established, often related to methods in package 'robustbase'. Amazingly, 'BACON()', originally by Billor, Hadi, and Velleman (2000) <doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(99)00101-2> has become established in places. The "barrow wheel" `rbwheel()` is from Stahel and Mächler (2009) <doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00706.x>.
Imports: grDevices, graphics, stats, utils, robustbase (>= 0.92-3)
Suggests: MASS, lattice, pcaPP
Enhances: ICS
License: GPL (>= 2)
Encoding: UTF-8
NeedsCompilation: no
Packaged: 2023-06-14 21:41:58 UTC; maechler
Author: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] (<>), Werner A. Stahel [aut], Rolf Turner [ctb] (reclas()), Ueli Oetliker [ctb] (original version of BACON() and mvBACON for S+), Tobias Schoch [ctb] (init.sel="V2" for BACON; fix alpha)
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2023-06-16 07:30:02 UTC

Index of help topics:

BACON                   BACON for Regression or Multivariate Covariance
L1median                Compute the Multivariate L1-Median aka 'Spatial
Qrot                    Rotation Matrix to Specific Direction
covNNC                  Robust Covariance Estimation via Nearest
                        Neighbor Cleaning
mvBACON                 BACON: Blocked Adaptive
                        Computationally-Efficient Outlier Nominators
rbwheel                 Multivariate Barrow Wheel Distribution Random
reclas                  Recursive Robust Median-like Location and Scale
robustX-package         eXperimental eXtraneous ... Functionality for
                        Robust Statistics


Werner Stahel, Martin Maechler and potentially others

Maintainer: Martin Maechler

See Also

Package robustbase which it complements and on which it depends; further package robust and the whole CRAN task view on robust statistics,


pairs( rbwheel(100, 4) )

BACON for Regression or Multivariate Covariance Estimation


BACON, short for ‘Blocked Adaptive Computationally-Efficient Outlier Nominators’, is a somewhat robust algorithm (set), with an implementation for regression or multivariate covariance estimation.

BACON() applies the multivariate (covariance estimation) algorithm, using mvBACON(x) in any case, and when y is not NULL adds a regression iteration phase, using the auxiliary .lmBACON() function.


BACON(x, y = NULL, intercept = TRUE,
      m = min(collect * p, n * 0.5),
      init.sel = c("Mahalanobis", "dUniMedian", "random", "manual", "V2"),
      man.sel, init.fraction = 0, collect = 4,
      alpha = 0.05, alphaLM = alpha, maxsteps = 100, verbose = TRUE)

## *Auxiliary* function:
.lmBACON(x, y, intercept = TRUE,
         init.dis, init.fraction = 0, collect = 4,
         alpha = 0.05, maxsteps = 100, verbose = TRUE)



a multivariate matrix of dimension [n x p] considered as containing no missing values.


the response (n vector) in the case of regression, or NULL for the multivariate case, where just mvBACON() is returned.


logical indicating if an intercept has to be used for the regression.


integer in 1:n specifying the size of the initial basic subset; used only when init.sel is not "manual"; see mvBACON.


character string, specifying the initial selection mode; see mvBACON.


only when init.sel == "manual", the indices of observations determining the initial basic subset (and m <- length(man.sel)).


the distances of the x matrix used for the initial subset determined by mvBACON.


if this parameter is > 0 then the tedious steps of selecting the initial subset are skipped and an initial subset of size n * init.fraction is chosen (with smallest dis)


numeric factor chosen by the user to define the size of the initial subset (p * collect)


number in (0,1)(0, 1) determining the cutoff value for the Mahalanobis distances (multivariate outlier nomination in mvBACON()), or the discrepancies for regression, see alphaLM.


number in (0,1)(0, 1) where a 1-alphaM t-quantile is the cutoff for the discrepancies (for regression, .lmBACON()); see details.


the maximal number of iteration steps (to prevent infinite loops)


logical indicating if messages are printed which trace progress of the algorithm.


Notably about the initial selection mode, init.sel, see its description in the mvBACON arguments list.

The choice of alpha and alphaLM:

  • Multivariate outlier nomination: see the Details section of mvBACON.

  • Regression: Let tr(α)t_r(\alpha) denote the 1α1-\alpha quantile of the Student tt-distribution with rr degrees of freedom, where rr is the number of elements in the current subset; e.g., tr(0.05)t_r(0.05) is the 0.95 quantile. Following Billor et al. (2000), the cutoff value for the discrepancies is defined as tr(α/(2r+2))t_r(\alpha/(2r + 2)), and they use α=0.05\alpha=0.05. Note that this is argument alphaLM (defualting to alpha) for BACON().


BACON(x,y,..) (for regression) returns a list with components


the observation indices (in 1:n) denoting a subset of “good” supposedly outlier-free observations.


the ti(ym,Xm)t_i(y_m, X_m) of eq (6) in the reference; the clean “basic subset” in the algorithm is defined the observations ii with the smallest ti|t_i|, and the tit_i can be regarded as scaled predicted errors.


the (final) discrepancies or distances of mvBACON().


the “good” subset from mvBACON(), used to start the regression iterations.


“BACON” was also chosen in honor of Francis Bacon:

Whoever knows the ways of Nature will more easily notice her deviations; and, on the other hand, whoever knows her deviations will more accurately describe her ways.
Francis Bacon (1620), Novum Organum II 29.


Ueli Oetliker, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, for S-plus 5.1; 25.05.2001; modified six times till 17.6.2001.

Port to R, testing etc, by Martin Maechler. Daniel Weeks (at proposed a fix to a long standing buglet in GiveTis() computing the tit_i, which was further improved Maechler, for robustX version 1.2-3 (Feb. 2019).

Correction of alpha default, from 0.95 to 0.05, by Tobias Schoch, see mvBACON.


Billor, N., Hadi, A. S., and Velleman , P. F. (2000). BACON: Blocked Adaptive Computationally-Efficient Outlier Nominators; Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 34, 279–298. doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(99)00101-2

See Also

mvBACON, the multivariate version of the BACON algorithm.


data(starsCYG, package = "robustbase")
## Plot simple data and fitted lines
lmST <- lm(log.light ~ log.Te, data = starsCYG)
abline(lmST, col = "gray") # least squares line
str(B.ST <- with(starsCYG,  BACON(x = log.Te, y = log.light)))
## 'subset': A good set of of points (to determine regression):
colB <- adjustcolor(2, 1/2)
points(log.light ~ log.Te, data = starsCYG, subset = B.ST$subset,
       pch = 19, cex = 1.5, col = colB)
## A BACON-derived line:
lmB <- lm(log.light ~ log.Te, data = starsCYG, subset = B.ST$subset)
abline(lmB, col = colB, lwd = 2)

(RlmST <- lmrob(log.light ~ log.Te, data = starsCYG))
abline(RlmST, col = "blue")

Robust Covariance Estimation via Nearest Neighbor Cleaning


covNNC() estimates robust covariance/dispersion matrices by the nearest neighbor variance estimation (NNVE) or (rather) “Nearest Neighbor Cleaning” (NNC) method of Wang and Raftery (2002, JASA).


covNNC(X, k = min(12, n - 1), pnoise = 0.05, emconv = 0.001,
       bound = 1.5, extension = TRUE, devsm = 0.01)



matrix in which each row represents an observation or point and each column represents a variable.


desired number of nearest neighbors (default is 12)


percent of added noise


convergence tolerance for EM


value used to identify surges in variance caused by outliers wrongly included as signal points (bound = 1.5 means a 50 percent increase)


whether or not to continue after reaching the last chi-square distance. The default is to continue, which is indicated by setting extension = TRUE.


when extension = TRUE, the algorithm stops if the relative difference in variance is less than devsm. (default is 0.01)


A list with components


covariance matrix


mean vector


posterior probability


classification (0=noise otherwise 1) obtained by rounding postprob


list of initial nearest neighbor cleaning results (components are the covariance, mean, posterior probability and classification)


Terms of use: GPL version 2 or newer.

MM: Even though covNNC() is backed by a serious scientific publication, I cannot recommend its use at all.


Naisyin Wang [email protected] and Adrian Raftery [email protected] with contributions from Chris Fraley [email protected].

covNNC(), then named cov.nnve(), used to be (the only function) in CRAN package covRobust (2003), which was archived in 2012.

Martin Maechler allowed ncol(X) == 1, sped up the original code, by reducing the amount of scaling; further, the accuracy was increased (using internal q.dDk()). The original version is available, unexported as robustX:::covNNC1.


Wang, N. and Raftery, A. (2002) Nearest neighbor variance estimation (NNVE): Robust covariance estimation via nearest neighbor cleaning (with discussion). Journal of the American Statistical Association 97, 994–1019.

See also University of Washington Statistics Technical Report 368 (2000); see at

See Also from package MASS; covMcd, and covOGK from package robustbase.

The whole package rrcov.



data(hbk, package="robustbase")
hbk.x <- data.matrix(hbk[, 1:3])

Compute the Multivariate L1-Median aka 'Spatial Median'


Compute the multivariate L1L_1-median mm, also called “Spatial Median”, i.e., the minimizer of

i=1nxim,\sum_{i=1}^n \| x_i - m \|,

where u=j=1puj2\|u\| = \sqrt{\sum_{j=1}^p u_j^2}.

As a convex problem, there's always a global minimizer, computable not by a closed formula but rather an iterative search. As the (partial) first derivatives of the objective function is undefined at the data points, the minimization is not entirely trivial.


L1median(X, m.init = colMedians(X), weights = NULL,
	method = c("nlm", "HoCrJo", "VardiZhang", optimMethods, nlminbMethods),
	pscale = apply(abs(centr(X, m.init)), 2, mean, trim = 0.40),
	tol = 1e-08, maxit = 200, trace = FALSE,
	zero.tol = 1e-15, ...)



numeric matrix of dimension n×pn \times p, say.


starting value for mm; typically and by default the coordinatewise median.


optional numeric vector of non-negative weights; currently only implemented for method "VardiZhang".


character string specifying the computational method, i.e., the algorithm to be used (can be abbreviated).


numeric p-vector of positive numbers, the coordinate-wise scale (typical size of δmj\delta{m_j}), where mm is the problem's solution.


positive number specifying the (relative) convergence tolerance.


positive integer specifying the maximal number of iterations (before the iterations are stopped prematurely if necessary).


an integer specifying the tracing level of the iterations; 0 does no tracing


for method "VardiZhang", a small positive number specifying the tolerance for determining that the iteration is ‘exactly’ at a data point (which is a singularity).


optional arguments to nlm() or the control (list) arguments of optim(), or nlminb(), respectively.


Currently, we have to refer to the “References” below.


currently the result depends strongly on the method used.

FIXME. This will change considerably.


Martin Maechler. Method "HoCrJo" is mostly based on Kristel Joossens' R function, implementing Hossjer and Croux (1995).


Hossjer and Croux, C. (1995). Generalizing Univariate Signed Rank Statistics for Testing and Estimating a Multivariate Location Parameter. Non-parametric Statistics 4, 293–308.

Vardi, Y. and Zhang, C.-H. (2000). The multivariate L1L_1-median and associated data depth. Proc. National Academy of Science 97(4), 1423–1426.

Fritz, H. and Filzmoser, P. and Croux, C. (2012) A comparison of algorithms for the multivariate L1-median. Computational Statistics 27, 393–410.

Kent, J. T., Er, F. and Constable, P. D. L. (2015) Algorithms for the spatial median;, in K. Nordhausen and S. Taskinen (eds), Modern Nonparametric, Robust and Multivariate Methods: Festschrift in Honour of Hannu Oja, Springer International Publishing, chapter 12, pp. 205–224. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-22404-6_12

See Also

median, covMcd

CRAN package pcaPP added more L1 median methods, re-implementing our R versions in C++, see Fritz et al.(2012) and e.g., l1median_NLM().


L1median(stackloss, method = "HoCrJo")

## Explore all methods:
m <- eval(formals(L1median)$method); allMeths <- m[m != "Brent"]
L1m <- sapply(allMeths, function(meth) L1median(stackloss, method = meth))
## --> with a warning for L-BFGS-B
pm <- sapply(L1m, function(.) if(is.numeric(.)) . else .$par)
t(pm) # SANN differs a bit; same objective ?

BACON: Blocked Adaptive Computationally-Efficient Outlier Nominators


This function performs an outlier identification algorithm to the data in the x array [n x p] and y vector [n] following the lines described by Hadi et al. for their BACON outlier procedure.


mvBACON(x, collect = 4, m = min(collect * p, n * 0.5), alpha = 0.05,
        init.sel = c("Mahalanobis", "dUniMedian", "random", "manual", "V2"),
        man.sel, maxsteps = 100, allowSingular = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



numeric matrix (of dimension [nxp][n x p]), not supposed to contain missing values.


a multiplication factor cc, when init.sel is not "manual", to define mm, the size of the initial basic subset, as m:=cpm := c \cdot p, in practice, m <- min(p * collect, n/2).


integer in 1:n specifying the size of the initial basic subset; used only when init.sel is not "manual".


determines the cutoff value for the Mahalanobis distances (see details).


character string, specifying the initial selection mode; implemented modes are:


based on Mahalanobis distances (default); the version V1V1 of the reference; affine invariant but not robust.


based on the distances from the univariate medians; similar to the version V2V2 of the reference; robust but not affine invariant.


based on a random selection, i.e., reproducible only via set.seed().


based on manual selection; in this case, a vector man.sel containing the indices of the selected observations must be specified.


based on the Euclidean norm from the univariate medians; this is the version V2V2 of the reference; robust but not affine invariant.

"Mahalanobis" and "V2" where proposed by Hadi and the other authors in the reference as versions ‘V_1’ and ‘V_2’, as well as "manual", while "random" is provided in order to study the behaviour of BACON. Option "dUniMedian" is similar to "V2" and is due to U. Oetliker.


only when init.sel == "manual", the indices of observations determining the initial basic subset (and m <- length(man.sel)).


maximal number of iteration steps.


logical indicating a solution should be sought also when no matrix of rank pp is found.


logical indicating if messages are printed which trace progress of the algorithm.


Remarks on the tuning parameter alpha: Let χp2\chi^2_p be a chi-square distributed random variable with pp degrees of freedom (pp is the number of variables; nn is the number of observations). Denote the (1α)(1-\alpha) quantile by χp2(α)\chi^2_p(\alpha), e.g., χp2(0.05)\chi^2_p(0.05) is the 0.95 quantile. Following Billor et al. (2000), the cutoff value for the Mahalanobis distances is defined as χp(α/n)\chi_p(\alpha/n) (the square root of chip2chi^2_p) times a correction factor c(n,p)c(n,p), nn and pp, and they use α=0.05\alpha=0.05.


a list with components


logical vector of length n where the i-th entry is true iff the i-th observation is part of the final selection.


numeric vector of length n with the (Mahalanobis) distances.


p×pp \times p matrix, the corresponding robust estimate of covariance.


Ueli Oetliker, Swiss Federal Statistical Office, for S-plus 5.1. Port to R, testing etc, by Martin Maechler; Init selection "V2" and correction of default alpha from 0.95 to 0.05, by Tobias Schoch, FHNW Olten, Switzerland.


Billor, N., Hadi, A. S., and Velleman , P. F. (2000). BACON: Blocked Adaptive Computationally-Efficient Outlier Nominators; Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 34, 279–298. doi:10.1016/S0167-9473(99)00101-2

See Also

covMcd for a high-breakdown (but more computer intensive) method; BACON for a “generalization”, notably to regression.


require(robustbase) # for example data and covMcd():
 ## simple 2D example :
 plot(starsCYG, main = "starsCYG  data  (n=47)") <- mvBACON(starsCYG)
 points(starsCYG[ !$subset,], pch = 4, col = 2, cex = 1.5)
 stopifnot(identical(which(!$subset), c(7L,11L,20L,30L,34L)))
 ## finds the 4 clear outliers (and 1 "borderline");
 ## it does not find obs. 14 which is an outlier according to covMcd(.)

 iniS <- setNames(, eval(formals(mvBACON)$init.sel)) # all initialization methods, incl "random"
 set.seed(123) <- lapply(iniS[iniS != "manual"], function(s)
                 mvBACON(as.matrix(starsCYG), init.sel = s, verbose=FALSE))
 ii <- - match("steps", names([[1]]))
 Bs.s1 <- lapply(, `[`, ii)
 stopifnot(exprs = {
    length(Bs.s1) >= 4
    length(unique(Bs.s1)) == 1 # all 4 methods give the same

 ## Example where "dUniMedian" and "V2" differ :
 data(pulpfiber, package="robustbase")
 dU.plp <- mvBACON(as.matrix(pulpfiber), init.sel = "dUniMedian")
 V2.plp <- mvBACON(as.matrix(pulpfiber), init.sel = "V2")
 (oU <- which(! dU.plp$subset))
 (o2 <- which(! V2.plp$subset))
 stopifnot(setdiff(o2, oU) %in% c(57L,58L,59L,62L))
 ## and 57, 58, 59, and 62 *are* outliers according to covMcd(.)

 ## 'coleman' from pkg 'robustbase'
 coleman.x <- data.matrix(coleman[, 1:6])
 Cc <- covMcd (coleman.x) # truly robust
 summary(Cc) # -> 6 outliers (1,3,10,12,17,18)
 Cb1 <- mvBACON(coleman.x) ##-> subset is all TRUE hmm??
 Cb2 <- mvBACON(coleman.x, init.sel = "dUniMedian")
 stopifnot(all.equal(Cb1, Cb2))
 ## try 20 different random starts:
 Cb.r <- lapply(1:20, function(i) { set.seed(i)
                     mvBACON(coleman.x, init.sel="random", verbose=FALSE) })
 nm <- names(Cb.r[[1]]); nm <- nm[nm != "steps"]
 all(eqC <- sapply(Cb.r[-1], function(CC) all.equal(CC[nm], Cb.r[[1]][nm]))) # TRUE
 ## --> BACON always  breaks down, i.e., does not see the outliers here
 ## breaks down even when manually starting with all the non-outliers: <- mvBACON(coleman.x, init.sel = "manual",
                   man.sel = setdiff(1:20, c(1,3,10,12,17,18)))
 which( !$subset) # the outliers according to mvBACON : _none_

Rotation Matrix to Specific Direction


Construct the p×pp \times p rotation matrix that rotates the unit vector (1,0,....0), i.e., the x1x_1-axis, onto (1,1,1,...1)/p\sqrt{p}, or more generally to u/uu/{\left\|u\right\|} (u:=u :=unit.image).


Qrot(p, transpose = FALSE, unit.image = rep(1, p))



integer; the dimension (of the vectors involved).


logical indicating if the transposed matrix is to returned.


numeric vector of length pp onto which the unit vector should be rotated; defaults to “the diagonal” \propto(1,1,1,...,1)(1,1,1,...,1).


The qr decomposition is used for a Gram-Schmitt basis orthogonalization.


p×pp \times p orthogonal matrix which rotates (1,0,...,0)(1,0,...,0) onto a vector proportional to unit.image.


Martin Maechler

See Also

qr, matrix (and vector) multiplication, %*%.


Q <- Qrot(6)
zapsmall(crossprod(Q)) # 6 x 6 unity <==> Q'Q = I  <==> Q orthogonal

if(require("MASS")) {
  Qt <- Qrot(6, transpose = TRUE)
  stopifnot(all.equal(Qt, t(Q)))
  fractions(Qt ^2) # --> 1/6  1/30  etc, in an almost lower-triagonal matrix

Multivariate Barrow Wheel Distribution Random Vectors


Generate pp-dimensional random vectors according to Stahel's Barrow Wheel Distribution.


rbwheel(n, p, frac = 1/p, sig1 = 0.05, sig2 = 1/10,
        rGood = rnorm,
        rOut = function(n) sqrt(rchisq(n, p - 1)) * sign(runif(n, -1, 1)),
        U1 = rep(1, p),
        scaleAfter = TRUE, scaleBefore = FALSE, spherize = FALSE,
        fullResult = FALSE)



integer, specifying the sample size.


integer, specifying the dimension (aka number of variables).


numeric, the proportion of outliers. The default, 1/p1/p, corresponds to the (asymptotic) breakdown point of M-estimators.


thickness of the “wheel”, (=σ= \sigma (good[,1])), a non-negative numeric.


thickness of the “axis” (compared to 1).


function; the generator for “good” observations.


function, generating the outlier observations.


p-vector to which (1,0,,0)(1,0,\dots,0) is rotated.


logical indicating if the matrix is re-scaled after rotation (via scale()).. Default TRUE; note that this used to be false by default in the first public version.


logical indicating if the matrix is re-scaled before rotation (via scale()).


logical indicating if the matrix is to be “spherized”, i.e., rotated and scaled to have empirical covariance IpI_p. This means that the principal components are used (before rotation).


logical indicating if in addition to the n×pn \times p matrix, some intermediate quantities are returned as well.




By default (when fullResult is FALSE), an n×pn \times p matrix of nn sample vectors of the pp dimensional barrow wheel distribution, with an attribute, n1 specifying the exact number of “good” observations, n1(1f)nn1 \approx (1-f)\cdot n, f=f =frac.

If fullResult is TRUE, a list with components


the n×pn \times p matrix of above, X = X0 %*% A, where A <- Qrot(p, u = U1), and X0 is the corresponding matrix before rotation, see below.




the p×pp \times p rotation matrix, see above.


the number of “good” observations, see above.


the number of “outlying” observations, n2=nn1n2 = n - n1.


Werner Stahel and Martin Maechler


Stahel, W.~A. and Mächler, M. (2009). Comment on “invariant co-ordinate selection”, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 71, 584–586. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00706.x


rX8 <- rbwheel(1000,8, fullResult = TRUE, scaleAfter=FALSE)
with(rX8, stopifnot(all.equal(X, X0 %*% A,    tol = 1e-15),
                    all.equal(X0, X %*% t(A), tol = 1e-15)))
##--> here, don't need to keep X0 (nor A, since that is Qrot(p))

## for n = 100,  you  don't see "it", but may guess .. :
n <- 100
pairs(r <- rbwheel(n,6))
n1 <- attr(r,"n1") ; pairs(r, col=1+((1:n) > n1))

## for n = 500, you *do* see it :
n <- 500
pairs(r <- rbwheel(n,6))
## show explicitly
n1 <- attr(r,"n1") ; pairs(r, col=1+((1:n) > n1))

## but increasing sig2 does help:
pairs(r <- rbwheel(n,6, sig2 = .2))

## show explicitly
n1 <- attr(r,"n1") ; pairs(r, col=1+((1:n) > n1))

pairs(X <- rbwheel(n, 7, spherize=TRUE))
colSums(X) # already centered

if(require("ICS") && require("robustbase")) {
  # ICS: Compare M-estimate [Max.Lik. of t_{df = 2}] with high-breakdown :
  X.paM <- ics(X, S1 = cov, S2 = function(.) cov.trob(., nu=2)$cov, stdKurt = FALSE)
  X.paM.<- ics(X, S1 = cov, S2 = function(.) tM(., df=2)$V, stdKurt = FALSE)
  X.paR <- ics(X, S1 = cov, S2 = function(.) covMcd(.)$cov, stdKurt = FALSE)
  plot(X.paM) # not at all clear
  plot(X.paM.)# ditto
  plot(X.paR)# very clear
## Similar such experiments --->  demo(rbwheel_d)  and   demo(rbwheel_ics)
##                                --------------         -----------------

Recursive Robust Median-like Location and Scale


Calculate an estimate of location, asymptotically equivalent to the median, and an estimate of scale equal to the MEAN absolute deviation. Both done recursively.


reclas(y, b = 0.2, mfn = function(n) 0.1 * n^(-0.25),
     nstart = 30, m0 = median(y0),
     scon=NULL, updateScale = is.null(scon))



numeric vector of i.i.d. data whose location and scale parameters are to be estimated.


numeric tuning parameter (default value equal to that used by Holst, 1987).


a function of the index of the data which must be positive and and tend to 0 as the index tends to infinity. The default function is that used by Holst, 1987.


number of starting values: Starting values for the algorithm are formed from the first nstart values of y. The default value is that used in Cameron and Turner, 1993.


value for the initial approximate median; by default, the median of the first nstart observations.


value for the scale parameter s, a function or NULL. When NULL, as by default, the scale is initialized to the mean of the absolute differences between the first nstart y values and m0. If scon is a function, the initial scale is set to scon(y0, m0), where y0 is the vector of the first nstart y values. Note that scon also determines the default for updateScale.


a logical indicating if the scale, initialized from scon should be updated in each iteration. Otherwise, the the scale is held constant throughout and the algorithm becomes equivalent to the algorithm of Holst.


An S3 “object” of class "reclas"; simply a list with entries


the successive recursive estimates of location. The first nstart - 1 of these are NA.


the successive recursive estimates of scale if updateScale is true; otherwise the constant value used for the scale.


the same as the function argument.


the function call, i.e.,

There is a plot method for "reclas", see the examples.


[email protected]

Extensions by Martin Maechler (scon as function; updateScale, plot()).


Cameron, Murray A. and Turner, T. Rolf (1993). Recursive location and scale estimators. Commun. Statist. — Theory Meth. 22(9) 2503–2515.

Holst, U. (1987). Recursive estimators of location. Commun. Statist. — Theory Meth. 16 (8) 2201–2226.


y <- rt(10000, df = 1.5) # not quite Gaussian ...
z1 <- reclas(y)
z3 <- reclas(y, scon= 1  ) # correct fixed scale
z4 <- reclas(y, scon= 100) # wrong fixed scale
z2 <- reclas(y, # a more robust initial scale:
           scon = function(y0, m0) robustbase::Qn(y0 - m0),
           updateScale = TRUE) # still updated

## Visualizing -- using the plot() method for "reclas":
M <- median(y) ; yl <- c(-1,1)* 0.5
OP <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=.1+c(3,3,1,1), mgp=c(1.5, .6, 0))
 plot(z1, M=M, ylim=yl)
 plot(z2, M=M, ylim=yl)
 plot(z3, M=M, ylim=yl)
 plot(z4, M=M, ylim=yl)