Package 'rmdfiltr'

Title: 'Lua'-Filters for R Markdown
Description: A collection of 'Lua' filters that extend the functionality of R Markdown templates (e.g., count words or post-process citations).
Authors: Frederik Aust [aut, cre] , Marius Barth [ctb]
Maintainer: Frederik Aust <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.5
Built: 2024-10-23 05:28:12 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Add filter to pandoc arguments


Adds a filter call to the vector of pandoc command line arguments.


add_lua_filter(args = NULL, filter_name, error = TRUE)

add_wordcount_filter(args = NULL, error = TRUE)

add_charcount_filter(args = NULL, error = TRUE)

add_replace_ampersands_filter(args = NULL, error = TRUE)

add_doi2cite_filter(args = NULL, error = TRUE)

add_citeproc_filter(args = NULL, error = TRUE)

add_custom_filter(args = NULL, filter_path, lua = FALSE, error = TRUE)



Character. (Vector of) pandoc command line arguments.


Character. Name(s) of the Lua filter to add. See details.


Logical. Whether to throw an error if (required version of) pandoc is not available.


Character. Path to filter file.


Logical. Whether the filter(s) was written in Lua (results in --lau-filter-call) or not (results in --filter-call). Will be recycled to fit length of filter_path.


The following Lua filters are available from rmdfiltr. Convenience functions named after the filter are available (e.g. add_*_filter()). For details, please also refer to the vignettes.


Searches for citations added by pandoc-citeproc and replaces & with and in all in-text citations (e.g., as required by APA style). If lang is specified in the documents YAML front matter, the corresponding translation is used, if available. Be sure to set citeproc: no in the YAML front matter of the document and call pandoc-citeproc manually (e.g., using add_citeproc_filter). For details see vignette("replace_ampersands", package = "rmdfiltr").


The body of the text and reference sections are counted separately. The word count for the text body does not contain, tables or images (or their captions). The filter reports the word count in the console or the R Markdown tab in 'RStudio'. For details see vignette("wordcount", package = "rmdfiltr").


Only the body of the text is counted. The character count for the text body does not contain, tables or images (or their captions), but includes spaces. The filter reports the character count in the console or the R Markdown tab in 'RStudio'.


Searches for DOI-citation tags in the text, retrieves the bibliographic information from CrossRef, stores it in a BibTeX file, and replaces the DOI-citation tags with the corresponding BibTeX keys. For details see vignette("doi2cite", package = "rmdfiltr").


add_lua_filter(NULL, "wordcount", error = FALSE)
add_wordcount_filter(NULL, error = FALSE)
add_charcount_filter(NULL, error = FALSE)
add_replace_ampersands_filter(NULL, error = FALSE)
add_doi2cite_filter(NULL, error = FALSE)
add_citeproc_filter(NULL, error = FALSE)
add_custom_filter(NULL, filter_path = "foo/bar", error = FALSE)

Replace DOI citations in R Markdown document


This function reads an R Markdown document and replaces all DOI citations with the corresponding entries from a BibTeX file. Requires the package 'bibtex' to be installed.


post_process_doi_citations(input_file, bib)




Character. Path to the input file provided to the post-processor.


Character. A (vector of) path(s) to the BibTeX file(s).


Returns 'TRUE' invisibly.