Title: | Robust Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods |
Description: | Functions for simulating Markov chains using the Barker proposal to compute Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimates of expectations with respect to a target distribution on a real-valued vector space. The Barker proposal, described in Livingstone and Zanella (2022) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12482>, is a gradient-based MCMC algorithm inspired by the Barker accept-reject rule. It combines the robustness of simpler MCMC schemes, such as random-walk Metropolis, with the efficiency of gradient-based methods, such as the Metropolis adjusted Langevin algorithm. The key function provided by the package is sample_chain(), which allows sampling a Markov chain with a specified target distribution as its stationary distribution. The chain is sampled by generating proposals and accepting or rejecting them using a Metropolis-Hasting acceptance rule. During an initial warm-up stage, the parameters of the proposal distribution can be adapted, with adapters available to both: tune the scale of the proposals by coercing the average acceptance rate to a target value; tune the shape of the proposals to match covariance estimates under the target distribution. As well as the default Barker proposal, the package also provides implementations of alternative proposal distributions, such as (Gaussian) random walk and Langevin proposals. Optionally, if 'BridgeStan's R interface <https://roualdes.github.io/bridgestan/latest/languages/r.html>, available on GitHub <https://github.com/roualdes/bridgestan>, is installed, then 'BridgeStan' can be used to specify the target distribution to sample from. |
Authors: | Matthew M. Graham [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Matthew M. Graham <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 0.1.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-07 06:37:15 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The Barker proposal is a gradient-based proposal inspired by the Barker accept-reject rule and proposed in Livingstone and Zanella (2022). It offers improved robustness compared to alternative gradient-based proposals such as Langevin proposals.
barker_proposal( scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = stats::rnorm, sample_uniform = stats::runif )
barker_proposal( scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = stats::rnorm, sample_uniform = stats::runif )
scale |
Scale parameter of proposal distribution. A non-negative scalar value determining scale of steps proposed. |
shape |
Shape parameter of proposal distribution. Either a vector corresponding to a diagonal shape matrix with per-dimension scaling factors, or a matrix allowing arbitrary linear transformations. |
sample_auxiliary |
Function which generates a random vector from auxiliary variable distribution. |
sample_uniform |
Function which generates a random vector from standard uniform distribution given an integer size. |
For more details see the vignette:
vignette("barker-proposal", package = "rmcmc")
Proposal object. A list with entries
: a function to generate sample from proposal distribution given
current chain state,
: a function to compute log density ratio for proposal
for a given pair of current and proposed chain states,
: a function to update parameters of proposal,
: a function to return list of current parameter values.
: a function returning the default target
acceptance rate to use for any scale adaptation.
: a function which given a dimension gives a default
value to use for the initial proposal scale parameter.
Livingstone, S., & Zanella, G. (2022). The Barker proposal: combining robustness and efficiency in gradient-based MCMC. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, 84(2), 496-523.
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) proposal <- barker_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) proposal <- barker_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
Convenience function for creating a Barker proposal with bimodal auxiliary
noise variable distribution, corresponding to equally-weighted normal
components with shared variance sigma
and means ±sqrt(1 - sigma^2)
This choice of noise distribution was suggested in Vogrinc et al. (2023) and
found to give improved performance over the default choice of a standard
normal auxiliary noise distribution in a range of targets.
bimodal_barker_proposal( sigma = 0.1, scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_uniform = stats::runif )
bimodal_barker_proposal( sigma = 0.1, scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_uniform = stats::runif )
sigma |
Standard deviation of equally-weighted normal components in
bimodal auxiliary noise distribution, with corresponding means of
scale |
Scale parameter of proposal distribution. A non-negative scalar value determining scale of steps proposed. |
shape |
Shape parameter of proposal distribution. Either a vector corresponding to a diagonal shape matrix with per-dimension scaling factors, or a matrix allowing arbitrary linear transformations. |
sample_uniform |
Function which generates a random vector from standard uniform distribution given an integer size. |
For more details see the vignette:
vignette("adjusting-noise-distribution", package = "rmcmc")
Proposal object. A list with entries
: a function to generate sample from proposal distribution given
current chain state,
: a function to compute log density ratio for proposal
for a given pair of current and proposed chain states,
: a function to update parameters of proposal,
: a function to return list of current parameter values.
: a function returning the default target
acceptance rate to use for any scale adaptation.
: a function which given a dimension gives a default
value to use for the initial proposal scale parameter.
Vogrinc, J., Livingstone, S., & Zanella, G. (2023). Optimal design of the Barker proposal and other locally balanced Metropolis–Hastings algorithms. Biometrika, 110(3), 579-595.
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) proposal <- bimodal_barker_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) proposal <- bimodal_barker_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
The chain state object provides cached access to target distribution log density and its gradient.
chain_state(position, momentum = NULL)
chain_state(position, momentum = NULL)
position |
Position component of chain state. |
momentum |
Momentum component of chain state. Optional. |
New chain state object. A list with entries
: A zero-argument function to evaluate position vector.
: A zero-argument function to evaluate momentum vector.
: A zero-argument function evaluate dimension of position and
momentum vectors.
: A function accepting arguments position
and momentum
updating the value of one or both of these state components.
: A function for creating a copy of the state object including any
cached values.
: A function accepting argument target_distribution
evaluating the log density of the target distribution at the current
state, with caching of the value to avoid recomputation on subsequent
: A function accepting argument target_distribution
for evaluating the gradient of the log density of the target distribution
at the current state, with caching of the value to avoid recomputation on
subsequent calls.
state <- chain_state(c(0.1, -0.5)) target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) state$gradient_log_density(target_distribution)
state <- chain_state(c(0.1, -0.5)) target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) state$gradient_log_density(target_distribution)
Corresponds to Algorithm 2 in Andrieu and Thoms (2009), which is itself a restatement of method proposed in Haario et al. (2001).
covariance_shape_adapter(kappa = 1)
covariance_shape_adapter(kappa = 1)
kappa |
Decay rate exponent in |
Requires ramcmc
package to be installed for access to efficient rank-1
Cholesky update function ramcmc::chol_update
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
Andrieu, C., & Thoms, J. (2008). A tutorial on adaptive MCMC. Statistics and Computing, 18, 343-373.
Haario, H., Saksman, E., & Tamminen, J. (2001). An adaptive Metropolis algorithm. Bernoulli, 7(2): 223-242.
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- covariance_shape_adapter() adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- covariance_shape_adapter() adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
Create object to adapt proposal scale to coerce average acceptance rate using dual averaging scheme of Nesterov (2009) and Hoffman and Gelman (2014).
dual_averaging_scale_adapter( initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, kappa = 0.75, gamma = 0.05, iteration_offset = 10, mu = NULL )
dual_averaging_scale_adapter( initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, kappa = 0.75, gamma = 0.05, iteration_offset = 10, mu = NULL )
initial_scale |
Initial value to use for scale parameter. If not set explicitly a proposal and dimension dependent default will be used. |
target_accept_prob |
Target value for average accept probability for chain. If not set a proposal dependent default will be used. |
kappa |
Decay rate exponent in |
gamma |
Regularization coefficient for (log) scale in dual averaging
algorithm. Controls amount of regularization of (log) scale towards |
iteration_offset |
Offset to chain iteration used for the iteration based weighting of the adaptation statistic error estimate. Should be set to a non-negative value. A value greater than zero has the effect of stabilizing early iterations. Defaults to value recommended in Hoffman and Gelman (2014). |
mu |
Value to regularize (log) scale towards. If |
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
Nesterov, Y. (2009). Primal-dual subgradient methods for convex problems. Mathematical Programming, 120(1), 221-259.
Hoffman, M. D., & Gelman, A. (2014). The No-U-Turn sampler: adaptively setting path lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), 1593-1623.
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- dual_averaging_scale_adapter( initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4 ) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- dual_averaging_scale_adapter( initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4 ) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
object for a Gaussian model.Requires BridgeStan package to be installed. Generative model is assumed to
be of the form y ~ normal(mu, sigma)
for unknown mu ~ normal(0, 3)
sigma ~ half_normal(0, 3)
example_gaussian_stan_model(n_data = 50, seed = 1234L)
example_gaussian_stan_model(n_data = 50, seed = 1234L)
n_data |
Number of independent data points |
seed |
Integer seed for Stan model. |
BridgeStan StanModel object.
model <- example_gaussian_stan_model(n_data = 5) model$param_names()
model <- example_gaussian_stan_model(n_data = 5) model$param_names()
The Hamiltonian proposal augments the target distribution with normally distributed auxiliary momenta variables and simulates the dynamics for a Hamiltonian function corresponding to the negative logarithm of the density of the resulting joint target distribution using a leapfrog integrator, with the proposed new state being the forward integrate state with momenta negated to ensure reversibility.
hamiltonian_proposal( n_step, scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = function(state) stats::rnorm(state$dimension()), sample_n_step = NULL )
hamiltonian_proposal( n_step, scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = function(state) stats::rnorm(state$dimension()), sample_n_step = NULL )
n_step |
Number of leapfrog steps to simulate Hamiltonian dynamics for
in each proposed move, or parameter passed to function specified by
scale |
Scale parameter of proposal distribution. A non-negative scalar value determining scale of steps proposed. |
shape |
Shape parameter of proposal distribution. Either a vector corresponding to a diagonal shape matrix with per-dimension scaling factors, or a matrix allowing arbitrary linear transformations. |
sample_auxiliary |
A function which samples new values for auxiliary variables (corresponding to a linear transform of momentum) given current chain state, leaving their standard normal target distribution invariant. Defaults to a function sampling independent standard normal random variates but can be used to implement alternative updates such as partial momentum refreshment. Function should accept a single argument which is passed the current chain state. |
sample_n_step |
Optionally a function which randomly samples number of
leapfrog steps to simulate in each proposed move from some integer-valued
distribution, or |
Proposal object. A list with entries
: a function to generate sample from proposal distribution given
current chain state,
: a function to compute log density ratio for proposal
for a given pair of current and proposed chain states,
: a function to update parameters of proposal,
: a function to return list of current parameter values.
: a function returning the default target
acceptance rate to use for any scale adaptation.
: a function which given a dimension gives a default
value to use for the initial proposal scale parameter.
Duane, S., Kennedy, A. D., Pendleton, B. J., & Roweth, D. (1987). Hybrid Monte Carlo. Physics Letters B, 195(2), 216-222.
Neal, R. M. (2011). MCMC Using Hamiltonian Dynamics. In Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo (pp. 113-162). Chapman and Hall/CRC.
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) # Proposal with fixed number of leapfrog steps proposal <- hamiltonian_proposal(scale = 1., n_step = 5) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5) # Proposal with number of steps randomly sampled uniformly from 5:10 sample_uniform_int <- function(lower, upper) { lower + sample.int(upper - lower + 1, 1) - 1 } proposal <- hamiltonian_proposal( scale = 1., n_step = c(5, 10), sample_n_step = function(n_step) sample_uniform_int(n_step[1], n_step[2]) ) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) # Proposal with partial momentum refreshment partial_momentum_update <- function(state, phi = pi / 4) { momentum <- state$momentum() if (is.null(momentum)) { stats::rnorm(state$dimension()) } else { cos(phi) * momentum + sin(phi) * stats::rnorm(length(momentum)) } } proposal <- hamiltonian_proposal( scale = 1., n_step = 1, sample_auxiliary = partial_momentum_update ) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) )
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) # Proposal with fixed number of leapfrog steps proposal <- hamiltonian_proposal(scale = 1., n_step = 5) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5) # Proposal with number of steps randomly sampled uniformly from 5:10 sample_uniform_int <- function(lower, upper) { lower + sample.int(upper - lower + 1, 1) - 1 } proposal <- hamiltonian_proposal( scale = 1., n_step = c(5, 10), sample_n_step = function(n_step) sample_uniform_int(n_step[1], n_step[2]) ) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) # Proposal with partial momentum refreshment partial_momentum_update <- function(state, phi = pi / 4) { momentum <- state$momentum() if (is.null(momentum)) { stats::rnorm(state$dimension()) } else { cos(phi) * momentum + sin(phi) * stats::rnorm(length(momentum)) } } proposal <- hamiltonian_proposal( scale = 1., n_step = 1, sample_auxiliary = partial_momentum_update ) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) )
The Langevin proposal is a gradient-based proposal corresponding to a Euler-Maruyama time discretisation of a Langevin diffusion.
langevin_proposal(scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = stats::rnorm)
langevin_proposal(scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = stats::rnorm)
scale |
Scale parameter of proposal distribution. A non-negative scalar value determining scale of steps proposed. |
shape |
Shape parameter of proposal distribution. Either a vector corresponding to a diagonal shape matrix with per-dimension scaling factors, or a matrix allowing arbitrary linear transformations. |
sample_auxiliary |
Function which generates a random vector from auxiliary variable distribution. |
Proposal object. A list with entries
: a function to generate sample from proposal distribution given
current chain state,
: a function to compute log density ratio for proposal
for a given pair of current and proposed chain states,
: a function to update parameters of proposal,
: a function to return list of current parameter values.
: a function returning the default target
acceptance rate to use for any scale adaptation.
: a function which given a dimension gives a default
value to use for the initial proposal scale parameter.
Besag, J. (1994). "Comments on "Representations of knowledge in complex systems" by U. Grenander and MI Miller". Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B. 56: 591–592.
Roberts, G. O., & Tweedie, R. L. (1996). Exponential convergence of Langevin distributions and their discrete approximations. Bernoulli 2 (4), 341 - 363.
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) proposal <- langevin_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) proposal <- langevin_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
The Gaussian random walk proposal samples a new proposed state by perturbing the current state with zero-mean normally distributed noise.
random_walk_proposal( scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = stats::rnorm )
random_walk_proposal( scale = NULL, shape = NULL, sample_auxiliary = stats::rnorm )
scale |
Scale parameter of proposal distribution. A non-negative scalar value determining scale of steps proposed. |
shape |
Shape parameter of proposal distribution. Either a vector corresponding to a diagonal shape matrix with per-dimension scaling factors, or a matrix allowing arbitrary linear transformations. |
sample_auxiliary |
Function which generates a random vector from auxiliary variable distribution. |
Proposal object. A list with entries
: a function to generate sample from proposal distribution given
current chain state,
: a function to compute log density ratio for proposal
for a given pair of current and proposed chain states,
: a function to update parameters of proposal,
: a function to return list of current parameter values.
: a function returning the default target
acceptance rate to use for any scale adaptation.
: a function which given a dimension gives a default
value to use for the initial proposal scale parameter.
target_distribution <- list(log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2) proposal <- random_walk_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
target_distribution <- list(log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2) proposal <- random_walk_proposal(scale = 1.) state <- chain_state(c(0., 0.)) withr::with_seed( 876287L, proposed_state <- proposal$sample(state, target_distribution) ) log_density_ratio <- proposal$log_density_ratio( state, proposed_state, target_distribution ) proposal$update(scale = 0.5)
Requires ramcmc
package to be installed.
robust_shape_adapter( initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, kappa = 0.6 )
robust_shape_adapter( initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, kappa = 0.6 )
initial_scale |
Initial value to use for scale parameter. If not set explicitly a proposal and dimension dependent default will be used. |
target_accept_prob |
Target value for average accept probability for chain. If not set a proposal dependent default will be used. |
kappa |
Decay rate exponent in |
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
Vihola, M. (2012). Robust adaptive Metropolis algorithm with coerced acceptance rate. Statistics and Computing, 22, 997-1008. doi:10.1007/s11222-011-9269-5
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- robust_shape_adapter(initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- robust_shape_adapter(initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
Sample a Markov chain using Metropolis-Hastings kernel with a user-specified target distribution and proposal (defaulting to Barker proposal), optionally adapting proposal parameters in a warm-up stage.
sample_chain( target_distribution, initial_state, n_warm_up_iteration, n_main_iteration, proposal = barker_proposal(), adapters = list(scale_adapter(), shape_adapter()), show_progress_bar = TRUE, trace_warm_up = FALSE )
sample_chain( target_distribution, initial_state, n_warm_up_iteration, n_main_iteration, proposal = barker_proposal(), adapters = list(scale_adapter(), shape_adapter()), show_progress_bar = TRUE, trace_warm_up = FALSE )
target_distribution |
Target stationary distribution for chain. One of:
initial_state |
Initial chain state. Either a vector specifying just
the position component of the chain state or a list output by |
n_warm_up_iteration |
Number of warm-up (adaptive) chain iterations to run. |
n_main_iteration |
Number of main (non-adaptive) chain iterations to run. |
proposal |
Proposal distribution object. Defaults to Barker proposal,
that is the output of |
adapters |
List of adapters to tune proposal parameters during warm-up.
Defaults to using list with instances of |
show_progress_bar |
Whether to show progress bars during sampling.
Requires |
trace_warm_up |
Whether to record chain traces and adaptation / transition statistics during (adaptive) warm-up iterations in addition to (non-adaptive) main chain iterations. |
A list with entries
: the final chain state,
: a matrix with named columns contained traced variables for each
main chain iteration, with variables along columns and iterations along
: a matrix with named columns containing transition statistics
for each main chain iteration, with statistics along columns and iterations
along rows.
: a matrix with named columns contained traced variables
for each warm-up chain iteration, with variables along columns and
iterations along rows. Only present if trace_warm_up = TRUE
: a matrix with named columns containing adaptation and
transition statistics for each warm-up chain iteration, with statistics
along columns and iterations along rows. Only present if
trace_warm_up = TRUE
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) withr::with_seed(876287L, { results <- sample_chain( target_distribution, initial_state = stats::rnorm(2), n_warm_up_iteration = 1000, n_main_iteration = 1000 ) })
target_distribution <- list( log_density = function(x) -sum(x^2) / 2, gradient_log_density = function(x) -x ) withr::with_seed(876287L, { results <- sample_chain( target_distribution, initial_state = stats::rnorm(2), n_warm_up_iteration = 1000, n_main_iteration = 1000 ) })
Create object to adapt proposal scale to coerce average acceptance rate.
scale_adapter( algorithm = "dual_averaging", initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, ... )
scale_adapter( algorithm = "dual_averaging", initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, ... )
algorithm |
String specifying algorithm to use. One of:
initial_scale |
Initial value to use for scale parameter. If not set explicitly a proposal and dimension dependent default will be used. |
target_accept_prob |
Target value for average accept probability for chain. If not set a proposal dependent default will be used. |
... |
Any additional algorithmic parameters to pass through to
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
Nesterov, Y. (2009). Primal-dual subgradient methods for convex problems. Mathematical Programming, 120(1), 221-259.
Robbins, H., & Monro, S. (1951). A stochastic approximation method. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 400-407.
, stochastic_approximation_scale_adapter()
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- scale_adapter(initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- scale_adapter(initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
Create object to adapt proposal shape.
shape_adapter(type = "covariance", kappa = 1)
shape_adapter(type = "covariance", kappa = 1)
type |
Type of shape adapter to use. One of:
kappa |
Decay rate exponent in |
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
, covariance_shape_adapter()
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- shape_adapter() adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- shape_adapter() adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
When combined with covariance_shape_adapter()
corresponds to Algorithm 4 in
Andrieu and Thoms (2009).
stochastic_approximation_scale_adapter( initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, kappa = 0.6 )
stochastic_approximation_scale_adapter( initial_scale = NULL, target_accept_prob = NULL, kappa = 0.6 )
initial_scale |
Initial value to use for scale parameter. If not set explicitly a proposal and dimension dependent default will be used. |
target_accept_prob |
Target value for average accept probability for chain. If not set a proposal dependent default will be used. |
kappa |
Decay rate exponent in |
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
Andrieu, C., & Thoms, J. (2008). A tutorial on adaptive MCMC. Statistics and Computing, 18, 343-373.
Robbins, H., & Monro, S. (1951). A stochastic approximation method. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 400-407.
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- stochastic_approximation_scale_adapter( initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4 ) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- stochastic_approximation_scale_adapter( initial_scale = 1., target_accept_prob = 0.4 ) adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
Construct target distribution from a formula specifying log density.
log_density_formula |
Formula for which right-hand side specifies expression for logarithm of (unnormalized) density of target distribution. |
A list with entries
: A function to evaluate log density function for target
distribution given current position vector.
: A function to evaluate value and gradient
of log density function for target distribution given current position
vector, returning as a list with entries value
and gradient
target_distribution <- target_distribution_from_log_density_formula( ~ (-(x^2 + y^2) / 8 - (x^2 - y)^2 - (x - 1)^2 / 10) ) target_distribution$value_and_gradient_log_density(c(0.1, -0.3))
target_distribution <- target_distribution_from_log_density_formula( ~ (-(x^2 + y^2) / 8 - (x^2 - y)^2 - (x - 1)^2 / 10) ) target_distribution$value_and_gradient_log_density(c(0.1, -0.3))
object.Construct target distribution from a BridgeStan StanModel
target_distribution_from_stan_model( model, include_log_density = TRUE, include_generated_quantities = FALSE, include_transformed_parameters = FALSE )
target_distribution_from_stan_model( model, include_log_density = TRUE, include_generated_quantities = FALSE, include_transformed_parameters = FALSE )
model |
Stan model object to use for target (posterior) distribution. |
include_log_density |
Whether to include an entry |
include_generated_quantities |
Whether to included generated quantities in Stan model definition in values returned by trace function. |
include_transformed_parameters |
Whether to include transformed parameters in Stan model definition in values returned by trace function. |
A list with entries
: A function to evaluate log density function for target
distribution given current position vector.
: A function to evaluate value and gradient
of log density function for target distribution given current position
vector, returning as a list with entries value
and gradient
: A function which given a chain_state()
object returns a
named vector of values to trace during sampling. The constrained parameter
values of model will always be included.
model <- example_gaussian_stan_model() target_distribution <- target_distribution_from_stan_model(model) withr::with_seed( 876287L, state <- chain_state(stats::rnorm(model$param_unc_num())) ) state$log_density(target_distribution) target_distribution$trace_function(state)
model <- example_gaussian_stan_model() target_distribution <- target_distribution_from_stan_model(model) withr::with_seed( 876287L, state <- chain_state(stats::rnorm(model$param_unc_num())) ) state$log_density(target_distribution) target_distribution$trace_function(state)
Corresponds to variance variant of Algorithm 2 in Andrieu and Thoms (2009), which is itself a restatement of method proposed in Haario et al. (2001).
variance_shape_adapter(kappa = 1)
variance_shape_adapter(kappa = 1)
kappa |
Decay rate exponent in |
List of functions with entries
, a function for initializing adapter state and proposal
parameters at beginning of chain,
a function for updating adapter state and proposal parameters on
each chain iteration,
a function for performing any final updates to adapter state and
proposal parameters on completion of chain sampling (may be NULL
a zero-argument function for accessing current values of adapter
state variables.
Andrieu, C., & Thoms, J. (2008). A tutorial on adaptive MCMC. Statistics and Computing, 18, 343-373.
Haario, H., Saksman, E., & Tamminen, J. (2001). An adaptive Metropolis algorithm. Bernoulli, 7(2): 223-242.
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- variance_shape_adapter() adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))
proposal <- barker_proposal() adapter <- variance_shape_adapter() adapter$initialize(proposal, chain_state(c(0, 0)))