The Barker proposal implementation
in the rmcmc
package in barker_proposal()
default uses a standard normal distribution for the auxiliary noise
variables generated in the proposal, as suggested by Livingstone and Zanella (2022). The analysis in
Vogrinc, Livingstone, and Zanella (2023) however implies that
alternative choices of noise distribution can give improved performance
in some situations. This vignette demonstrates how to adjust the Barker
proposal noise distribution.
As a simple example of a target distribution, we consider a D-dimensional distribution with product form (independent dimensions) and ‘hyperbolic’ marginals
$$\pi(x) \propto \exp\left(-\sum_{d=1}^D(\delta^2 + x_d^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}\right).$$ The gradient of the corresponding log density function can be derived as $$\nabla(\log \pi)(x)_d = -x_d / (\delta^2 + x_d^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}.$$ This can be implemented in R as
delta_sq <- 0.1
target_distribution <- list(
log_density = function(x) -sum(sqrt(delta_sq + x^2)),
gradient_log_density = function(x) -x / sqrt(delta_sq + x^2)
Here we use δ2 = 0.1, corresponding to Example 4 in Vogrinc, Livingstone, and Zanella (2023).
The barker_proposal()
function accepts an optional
argument sample_auxiliary
, which can be used to specify the
distribution the auxiliary noise variables are drawn from. The argument
should be passed a function accepting a single integer argument,
corresponding to the target distribution dimension, and returning a
vector of auxiliary noise variable samples, one per target distribution
dimension. By default this function is set to
, thus using independent standard normal
variates for the auxiliary noise variables.
Below we create a function sample_bimodal
which instead
samples from a bimodal normal mixture, with two equally-weighted normal
components with means ±(1 − σ2) and common
variance σ2 = 0.01.
sample_bimodal <- function(dimension) {
sigma <- 0.1
sample(c(-1, 1), dimension, TRUE) * sqrt(1 - sigma^2) +
stats::rnorm(dimension) * sigma
This choice of bimodal distribution for the auxiliary noise variables is motivated by the analysis in Vogrinc, Livingstone, and Zanella (2023), which shows that for target distributions of product form and using a Barker proposal, the asymptotic expect squared jump distance (ESJD) a measure of chain sampling performance, is maximised when the auxiliary noise distribution is chosen to be the Rademacher distribution (the distribution with half of its mass in atoms at -1 and +1). The Rademacher distribution itself does not give a practical sampling algorithm, as the resulting Markov kernel will not be irreducible. As a more practical alternative Vogrinc, Livingstone, and Zanella (2023) therefore suggests using the above normal mixture bimodal distribution, which can be considered a relaxation of the Rademacher distribution.
We now create two instances of the the Barker proposal, the first using the default of a standard normal distribution for the auxiliary noise variables, and the second using the bimodal distribution.
normal_noise_proposal <- barker_proposal()
bimodal_noise_proposal <- barker_proposal(sample_auxiliary = sample_bimodal)
A convenience function bimodal_barker_proposal()
is also
provided in the package to simplify creating a proposal with bimodal
noise distribution as above, with optional sigma
specifying the standard deviation of the normal components. That is the
second line above can equivalently be written
bimodal_noise_proposal <- bimodal_barker_proposal()
without the need to define the sample_bimodal
Now that we have the target distribution and two proposals specified, we can sample chains to compare their performance.
dimension <- 100
initial_state <- rnorm(dimension)
adapters <- list(scale_adapter())
n_warm_up_iteration <- 10000
n_main_iteration <- 10000
Above we specify some common settings for the
calls, namely the dimension of the target
distribution, the initial chain state (shared for both chains), the
adapters to use during the warm-up iterations (here we adapt only the
proposal scale to achieve a target acceptance rate of 0.57), and the
number of warm-up and main chain iterations.
We can now sample a chain using the bimodal noise proposal variant
bimodal_noise_results <- sample_chain(
target_distribution = target_distribution,
proposal = bimodal_noise_proposal,
initial_state = initial_state,
n_warm_up_iteration = n_warm_up_iteration,
n_main_iteration = n_main_iteration,
adapters = adapters
and similarly using the default normal noise proposal
For a realisation of a Markov chain X1 : N, the ESJD metric used to define the notion of sampling efficiency optimized over in Vogrinc, Livingstone, and Zanella (2023), can be estimated as
$$ \widehat{\textsf{ESJD}}(X_{1:N}) = \frac{1}{N - 1} \sum_{n=1}^{N-1} \Vert X_{n+1} - X_n \Vert^2 $$ with corresponding R implementation as below
expected_square_jumping_distance <- function(traces) {
n_iteration <- nrow(traces)
mean(rowSums(traces[2:n_iteration, ] - traces[1:n_iteration - 1, ])^2)
Applying this function to the chain traces generated using the Barker proposal with bimodal noise,
"Expected square jumping distance using normal noise is %.2f",
expected_square_jumping_distance(bimodal_noise_results$traces[, 1:dimension])
#> Expected square jumping distance using normal noise is 33.75
and Barker proposal with normal noise,
"Expected square jumping distance using bimodal noise is %.2f",
expected_square_jumping_distance(normal_noise_results$traces[, 1:dimension])
#> Expected square jumping distance using bimodal noise is 17.42
in both cases selecting columns 1:dimension
to exclude
the traced log density values, we find that the proposal with bimodal
noise gives roughly a factor two improvement in ESJD compared to using
normal noise, correlating with the results in Vogrinc, Livingstone, and Zanella (2023).
#> This is posterior version 1.6.1
#> Attaching package: 'posterior'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> mad, sd, var
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> %in%, match
Using the posterior
R package, we can all compare how
the chains perform in terms of the estimated effective sample
size (ESS) of the estimate of the mean of the target log
First considering the chain using the Barker proposal with bimodal noise
"Estimated ESS of mean(target_log_density) using bimodal noise is %.0f",
as_draws_matrix(bimodal_noise_results$traces), "target_log_density"
#> Estimated ESS of mean(target_log_density) using bimodal noise is 345
and similarly for the Barker proposal with normal noise
"Estimated ESS of mean(target_log_density) using normal noise is %.0f",
as_draws_matrix(normal_noise_results$traces), "target_log_density"
#> Estimated ESS of mean(target_log_density) using normal noise is 274
we again find that the bimodal noise variant appears to show significantly improved sampling efficiency.