Package 'retmort'

Title: Estimate User-Based Tagging Mortality and Tag Loss in Mark-Recapture Studies
Description: We provide several avenues to predict and account for user-based mortality and tag loss during mark-recapture studies. When planning a study on a target species, the retentionmort_generation() function can be used to produce multiple synthetic mark-recapture datasets to anticipate the error associated with a planned field study to guide method development to reduce error. Similarly, if field data was already collected, the retentionmort() function can be used to predict the error from already generated data to adjust for user-based mortality and tag loss. The test_dataset_retentionmort() function will provide an example dataset of how data should be inputted into the function to run properly. Lastly, the retentionmort_figure() function can be used on any dataset generated from either model function to produce an 'rmarkdown' printout of preliminary analysis associated with the model, including summary statistics and figures. Methods and results pertaining to the formation of this package can be found in McCutcheon et al. (in review, "Predicting tagging-related mortality and tag loss during mark-recapture studies").
Authors: Brendan Campbell [aut, cre] , Jasper McCutcheon [aut] , Rileigh Hudock [aut] , Noah Motz [aut] , Madison Windsor [aut] , Aaron Carlisle [aut] , Edward Hale [aut]
Maintainer: Brendan Campbell <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-02-10 11:20:57 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Estimating User-Based Tagging Mortality and Tag Shedding in Field Mark-Recapture Studies


This model estimates the percent loss in tagged animals at large for field-based recapture studies based on a linear decrease in survival and tag retention (including lost tags and missidentified tags) for five weeks per tagging cohort based on laboratory retention/survival studies. The retentionmort() function can be used following a recapture field study to estimate user-based tag loss in animals at large. The model is changed by linear regression coefficients of weekly tag loss rate, weekly mortality rate, and their respective intercepts. The coefficients used can be selected from the currently included list using the err input or be customized. This function is also capable of working with a cofactor with two conditions (e.g. class1 individuals and large individuals) to improve resolution for more specified studies.


  n_c1 = nT,
  err = 2,
  m_mort_c1 = NA,
  b_mort_c1 = NA,
  m_ret_c1 = NA,
  b_ret_c1 = NA,
  m_mort_c2 = NA,
  b_mort_c2 = NA,
  m_ret_c2 = NA,
  b_ret_c2 = NA



A vector of the number of tagged individuals for each tagging effort.


(optional) A vector of the number of tagged individuals in one of two categorical variables. If this is not being used then n_c1 will be equal to nT.


A vector of the cumulative number of tagged individuals following each effort.


One value for the total number of tagging efforts.This value must be greater than or equal to 6.


A vector of the number of recaptured individuals per effort.


A value (between 1 and 26) that represents the weekly mortality rate and weekly tag loss rate from a preloaded case study listed in the metadata. Alternatively, model coefficients can be manually included using a combination of the preceding parameters. While the preloaded data are based on weekly time stamps, customized model coefficients can reflect any time period specified and the projection will predict loss at 5 times the time interval.

    1 = Large (> 61mm TL) and class1 (< 61mm TL) Mummichogs tagged with
        VIE in caudal peduncle (avg + 95% CI) - McCutcheon et al. in prep
    2 = Large (> 61mm TL) and class1 (< 61mm TL) Mummichogs tagged with
        VIE in caudal peduncle (avg) - McCutcheon et al. in prep
    3 = Large (> 61mm TL) and class1 (< 61mm TL) Mummichogs tagged with
        VIE in caudal peduncle (avg - 95% CI) -  McCutcheon et al. in
    4 = American Eel elvers (80 – 149 mm TL) tagged with 2 VIE tags in
        anterior, posterior, central of body - Eissenhauer et al. 2024
    5 = Mummichogs (45 - 82 mm TL) tagged with 8mm PIT tags in abdominal
        cavity - Kimball & Mace 2020
    6 = Mummichogs (45 - 82 mm TL) tagged with 12mm PIT tags in abdominal
        cavity - Kimball & Mace 2020
    7 = Pinfish (45 - 82 mm TL) tagged with 8mm or 12mm PIT tags in
        abdominal cavity - Kimball & Mace 2020
    8 = Cichlids (29 - 59 mm TL) tagged with VIE in various locations on
        body - Jungwirth et al. 2019
    9 = River Shiners (36 - 49 mm TL) tagged with VIE using anesthesia in
        various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   10 = River Shiners (50 - 56 mm TL) tagged with 8 mm PIT using
        anesthesia in various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   11 = River Shiners (40 - 51 mm TL) tagged with VIE using no anesthesia
        in various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   12 = River Shiners (50 - 55 mm TL) tagged with 8 mm PIT using no
        anesthesia in various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   13 = Delta Smelt (> 70 mm FL) tagged with injected acoustic tag -
        Wilder et al. 2016
   14 = Delta Smelt (> 70 mm FL) surgically tagged with acoustic tag -
        Wilder et al. 2016
   15 = Rohu Carp tagged with floy tags under dorsal fin - Hadiuzzaman
        et al. 2015
   16 = Silver Carp tagged with floy tags under dorsal fin - Hadiuzzaman
        et al. 2015
   17 = Black Bullhead (mean TL = 153.3 mm) tagged with VIE near dorsal
        fin - Schumann et al. 2013
   18 = Bluegill (mean TL = 75.8 mm) tagged with VIE near dorsal fin -
        Schumann et al. 2013
   19 = Channel Catfish (mean TL = 127.9 mm) tagged with VIE near dorsal
        fin - Schumann et al. 2013
   20 = Juvenile Burbot (88 - 144 mm TL) tagged with coded wire tag on
        snout, periocular region, nape, pectoral fin base, dorsal fin
        base, and anal fin base - Ashton et al. 2013
   21 = Delta Smelt adults (45 - 77 mm FL) and juveniles (20 - 40 mm FL)
        tagged with calein markers - Castillo et al. 2014
   22 = Juvenile Seabass (mean 173 g) tagged with dummy acoustic
        transmitters in external or intraperitoneal cavity -
        Begout Anras et al. 2003
   23 = Juvenile American Eels (113 - 175 mm TL) tagged with
        micro-acoustic transmitter in body cavity - Mueller et al. 2017
   24 = Juvenile European Eels (7 - 25 g) tagged with 12mm PIT tags -
        Jepsen et al. 2022
   25 = Adult Atlantic Croaker (147 - 380 mm TL) tagged with VIE tags in
        caudal fin - Torre et al. 2017
   26 = Adult Spot (65 - 222 mm FL) tagged with VIE tags in caudal fin -
        Torre et al. 2017

A value that represents the slope of the mortality rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, b_mort_c1, m_ret_c1, and b_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the mortality rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c1, m_ret_c1, and b_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the slope of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c1, b_mort_c1, and b_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c1, b_mort_c1, and m_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the slope of the mortality rate for the class2 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, b_mort_c2, m_ret_c2, and b_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the mortality rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c2, m_ret_c2, and b_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the slope of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c2, b_mort_c2, and b_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c2, b_mort_c2, and m_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


This returns a dataframe datacomp that contains summary information from each mark-recapture effort, several parameters used in the calculation of adjusted recaptures, and basic error values between the expected and observed number of recaptures. The datacomp dataframe can be used in the retentionmort_figure() function to generate some preliminary figures that can be used to assess model performance and factors that influence the error between expected and observed recaptures.

      Values that will be returned include:
        week =      The week in the study
        nT =        The number of tagged individuals per tagging effort
        n_c1 =      The number of tagged individuals in class1 per tagging
        TaL =       The cumulative number of tagged individuals at large
        TAsum =     The weekly sum of adjusted number of tags at large
        TDF =       Tag depreciation factor
        YSs =       Resultant survival rate of class1
        YSl =       Resultant survival rate of class2
        YMs =       Resultant tag loss rate of class1
        YMl =       Resultant tag loss rate of class2
        TaLs =      The cumulative number of class1 individuals tagged at
        TaLl =      The cumulative number of class2 individuals tagged at
        R =         The number of recaptured individuals per effort
        Rpercent =  The proportion of recaptured individuals
        RA =        The adjusted number of recaptured individuals
        PSE =       The percent standard error between observed and
                    estimated recaptured individuals


#To formulate a dataset for each example
  ret_env <- new.env()
  data<- test_dataset_retentionmort()
  list2env(data, envir = ret_env)

#Using a preloaded set of model parameters
  datacomp = retentionmort(n_c1=ret_env$n_c1, nT=ret_env$nT, TaL=ret_env$TaL,
                        c=ret_env$c, R=ret_env$R, err=ret_env$err

#Using custom model parameters for one class type
  datacomp = retentionmort(n_c1=ret_env$n_c1, nT=ret_env$nT, TaL=ret_env$TaL,
                        c=ret_env$c, R=ret_env$R, m_mort_c1=-0.0625,
                        b_mort_c1=1.06, m_ret_c1=-0.113, b_ret_c1=1.05
  datacomp = retentionmort(n_c1=ret_env$n_c1, nT=ret_env$nT, TaL=ret_env$TaL,
                        c=ret_env$c, R=ret_env$R, m_mort_c2=-0.0203,
                        b_mort_c2=1.03, m_ret_c2=-0.0541, b_ret_c2=0.993

#Using custom model parameters for two class types
  datacomp = retentionmort(n_c1=ret_env$n_c1, nT=ret_env$nT, TaL=ret_env$TaL,
                        c=ret_env$c, R=ret_env$R, m_mort_c1=-0.0625,
                        b_mort_c1=1.06, m_ret_c1=-0.113, b_ret_c1=1.05,
                        m_mort_c2=-0.0203, b_mort_c2=1.03, m_ret_c2=-0.0541,

Generate a .html markdown file of preliminary figures pertaining from either the retenionmort() or retentionmort_generation() function.


By inputing the datacomp dataframe, this function will save a markdown file in the working directory named retentionmort.htmlthat provides helpful information on the error associated with the number of recaptured individuals compared to the expected number provided by the model. Some figures will be less applicable for the field data application using the retentionmort() function due to a low sample size, specifically figures 5 and 6.





The file generated from either the retentionmort() or retentionmort_generation() functions.


This function will return one markdown file named retentionmort.html in your current working directory listing some helpful information for analyzing model data generated from the retentionmort() or retentionmort_generation() functions


#Using retentionmort_generation() to produce multiple iterations of data to
#run the model through
   datacomp = retentionmort_generation()
   Rmark = file.path(tempdir(),retentionmort_figure(datacomp))

#Creating a dataset with test_dataset_retentionmort() and running the
#retentionmort() function
   ret_env <- new.env()
   data<- test_dataset_retentionmort()
   list2env(data, envir = ret_env)
   datacomp = retentionmort(n_c1=ret_env$n_c1, nT=ret_env$nT,
                TaL=ret_env$TaL, c=ret_env$c, R=ret_env$R, err=ret_env$err)
#Creating the markdown on datacomp
   Rmark = file.path(tempdir(),retentionmort_figure(datacomp))

Estimating User-Based Tagging Mortality and Tag Shedding Error Using Artificial Mark-Recapture Data


This model estimates the percent loss in tagged animals at large for field-based recapture studies based on a linear decrease in survival and tag retention (including lost tags and missidentified tags) that gets projected for five weeks per tagging cohort based on laboratory retention/survival studies. This retentionmort_generation() differs from retentionmort() because it generates a mark-recapture dataset instead of relying on field data, making it possible to estimate the expected error associated with an upcoming field effort to provide insight on methods development. The model is changed by linear regression coefficients of weekly tag loss rate, weekly mortality rate, and their respective intercepts. The coefficients used can be selected from the currently included list using the err input or be customized. This function is also capable of working with a cofactor with two conditions (e.g. class1 individuals and large individuals) to improve resolution for more specified studies.


  n = 100,
  min_weeks = 6,
  max_weeks = 100,
  max_tags = 500,
  prop_class1 = 0,
  max_recap = 0.5,
  err = 2,
  m_mort_c1 = NA,
  b_mort_c1 = NA,
  m_ret_c1 = NA,
  b_ret_c1 = NA,
  m_mort_c2 = NA,
  b_mort_c2 = NA,
  m_ret_c2 = NA,
  b_ret_c2 = NA



The number of iterations (i.e. generated mark-recapture datasets) the model will run through (default = 100).


The minimum number of efforts that each generated mark-recapture dataset will operate for (default = 6), must be at least 6.


The maximum number of efforts that each generated mark-recapture dataset will run for (default = 100).


The maximum number of individuals that will be tagged per effort (default = 500).


(Optional) The estimated proportion of tagged individuals that belong to the first of two classifications (use 1 or 0 if none; default = 0).


The maximum proportion of recaptured individuals per effort (default = 0.5).


A value (between 1 and 26) that represents the weekly mortality rate and weekly tag loss rate from a preloaded case study listed in the metadata (default = 2). Alternatively, model coefficients can be manually included using a combination of the preceding parameters. While the preloaded data are based on weekly time stamps, customized model coefficients can reflect any time period specified and the projection will predict loss at 5 times the time interval.

    1 = Large (> 61mm TL) and class1 (< 61mm TL) Mummichogs tagged with
        VIE in caudal peduncle (avg + 95% CI) - McCutcheon et al. in prep
    2 = Large (> 61mm TL) and class1 (< 61mm TL) Mummichogs tagged with
        VIE in caudal peduncle (avg) - McCutcheon et al. in prep
    3 = Large (> 61mm TL) and class1 (< 61mm TL) Mummichogs tagged with
        VIE in caudal peduncle (avg - 95% CI) -  McCutcheon et al. in
    4 = American Eel elvers (80 – 149 mm TL) tagged with 2 VIE tags in
        anterior, posterior, central of body - Eissenhauer et al. 2024
    5 = Mummichogs (45 - 82 mm TL) tagged with 8mm PIT tags in abdominal
        cavity - Kimball & Mace 2020
    6 = Mummichogs (45 - 82 mm TL) tagged with 12mm PIT tags in abdominal
        cavity - Kimball & Mace 2020
    7 = Pinfish (45 - 82 mm TL) tagged with 8mm or 12mm PIT tags in
        abdominal cavity - Kimball & Mace 2020
    8 = Cichlids (29 - 59 mm TL) tagged with VIE in various locations on
        body - Jungwirth et al. 2019
    9 = River Shiners (36 - 49 mm TL) tagged with VIE using anesthesia in
        various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   10 = River Shiners (50 - 56 mm TL) tagged with 8 mm PIT using
        anesthesia in various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   11 = River Shiners (40 - 51 mm TL) tagged with VIE using no anesthesia
        in various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   12 = River Shiners (50 - 55 mm TL) tagged with 8 mm PIT using no
        anesthesia in various locations - Moore & Brewer 2021
   13 = Delta Smelt (> 70 mm FL) tagged with injected acoustic tag -
        Wilder et al. 2016
   14 = Delta Smelt (> 70 mm FL) surgically tagged with acoustic tag -
        Wilder et al. 2016
   15 = Rohu Carp tagged with floy tags under dorsal fin - Hadiuzzaman
        et al. 2015
   16 = Silver Carp tagged with floy tags under dorsal fin - Hadiuzzaman
        et al. 2015
   17 = Black Bullhead (mean TL = 153.3 mm) tagged with VIE near dorsal
        fin - Schumann et al. 2013
   18 = Bluegill (mean TL = 75.8 mm) tagged with VIE near dorsal fin -
        Schumann et al. 2013
   19 = Channel Catfish (mean TL = 127.9 mm) tagged with VIE near dorsal
        fin - Schumann et al. 2013
   20 = Juvenile Burbot (88 - 144 mm TL) tagged with coded wire tag on
        snout, periocular region, nape, pectoral fin base, dorsal fin
        base, and anal fin base - Ashton et al. 2013
   21 = Delta Smelt adults (45 - 77 mm FL) and juveniles (20 - 40 mm FL)
        tagged with calein markers - Castillo et al. 2014
   22 = Juvenile Seabass (mean 173 g) tagged with dummy acoustic
        transmitters in external or intraperitoneal cavity -
        Begout Anras et al. 2003
   23 = Juvenile American Eels (113 - 175 mm TL) tagged with
        micro-acoustic transmitter in body cavity - Mueller et al. 2017
   24 = Juvenile European Eels (7 - 25 g) tagged with 12mm PIT tags -
        Jepsen et al. 2022
   25 = Adult Atlantic Croaker (147 - 380 mm TL) tagged with VIE tags in
        caudal fin - Torre et al. 2017
   26 = Adult Spot (65 - 222 mm FL) tagged with VIE tags in caudal fin -
        Torre et al. 2017

A value that represents the slope of the mortality rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, b_mort_c1, m_ret_c1, and b_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the mortality rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c1, m_ret_c1, and b_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the slope of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c1, b_mort_c1, and b_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c1, b_mort_c1, and m_ret_c1 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the slope of the mortality rate for the class2 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, b_mort_c2, m_ret_c2, and b_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the mortality rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c2, m_ret_c2, and b_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the slope of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c2, b_mort_c2, and b_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


A value that represents the intercept of the tag loss (represented as tag loss and missidentification) rate for the class1 individuals. While all the preloaded datasets work in weekly time intervals, these can be customized to any time interval to match the sampling interval. The resulting model will then project mortality and tag loss for 5 times the time interval. If this value is added, then, at minimum, m_mort_c2, b_mort_c2, and m_ret_c2 need to be used. The use of these coefficients will override the err term.


This returns a dataframe datacomp that contains summary information from each mark-recapture effort, several parameters used in the calculation of adjusted recaptures, and basic error values between the expected and observed number of recaptures. The datacomp dataframe can be used in the retentionmort_figure() function to generate some preliminary figures that can be used to assess model performance and factors that influence the error between expected and observed recaptures.

      Values that will be returned include:
        week =       The week in the study
        c =          The total number of efforts within the dataset
        iteration =  The iteration number of the dataset
        nT =         The number of tagged individuals per tagging effort
        nlc1 =       The number of tagged individuals in class1 per
                     tagging effort
        TaL =        The cumulative number of tagged individuals at large
        TAsum =      The weekly sum of adjusted number of tags at large
        TDF =        Tag depreciation factor
        YSs =        Resultant survival rate of class1
        YSl =        Resultant survival rate of class2
        YMs =        Resultant tag loss rate of class1
        YMl =        Resultant tag loss rate of class2
        TaLs =       The cumulative number of class1 individuals tagged
                     at large
        TaLl =       The cumulative number of class2 individuals tagged
                     at large
        R =          The number of recaptured individuals per effort
        Rpercent =   The proportion of recaptured individuals
        RA =         The adjusted number of recaptured individuals
        PSE =        The percent standard error between observed and
                     estimated recaptured individuals


#Using only default variables
  datacomp = retentionmort_generation()

#Using custom model parameters for one class type
  datacomp = retentionmort_generation(n = 100, max_weeks = 100, prop_class1 =
                        0, max_recap = 0.5, err = NA, m_mort_c1=-0.0625,
                        b_mort_c1=1.06, m_ret_c1=-0.113, b_ret_c1=1.05
  datacomp = retentionmort_generation(n = 100, max_weeks = 100, prop_class1 = 0,
                        max_recap = 0.5, err = NA, m_mort_c2=-0.0203,
                        b_mort_c2=1.03, m_ret_c2=-0.0541, b_ret_c2=0.993

#Using custom model parameters for two class types
  datacomp = retentionmort_generation(n = 100, max_weeks = 100, prop_class1 =
                        0, max_recap = 0.5, err = NA, m_mort_c1=-0.0625,
                        b_mort_c1=1.06, m_ret_c1=-0.113, b_ret_c1=1.05,
                        m_mort_c2=-0.0203, b_mort_c2=1.03, m_ret_c2=-0.0541,
  datacomp = retentionmort_generation(n = 100, max_weeks = 100, prop_class1 =
                        0, max_recap = 0.5, err = 2, m_mort_c1=-0.0625,
                        b_mort_c1=1.06, m_ret_c1=-0.113, b_ret_c1=1.05,
                        m_mort_c2=-0.0203, b_mort_c2=1.03, m_ret_c2=-0.0541,
                        ) #err gets overrided by customized coefficients

Generate a test dataset that can be input into the retentionmort() function


Using the example code verbatim, this function will produce a series of outputs that can be directly input into the retentionmort() function.




c = One value for the total number of tagging efforts that is 6 or greater.

err = A value (between 1 and 26) that represents the weekly mortality rate and weekly tag loss rate from a preloaded case study listed in the metadata.

n_c1 = A vector of the number of tagged individuals in one of two categorical variables.

nT = A vector of the number of tagged individuals for each tagging effort.

R = A vector of the number of recaptured individuals per effort.

TaL = A vector of the cumulative number of tagged individuals following each effort.


#Run this verbatim to produce a single mark-recapture dataset
ret_env <- new.env()
data<- test_dataset_retentionmort()
list2env(data, envir = ret_env)