Package 'redcapAPI'

Title: Interface to 'REDCap'
Description: Access data stored in 'REDCap' databases using the Application Programming Interface (API). 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data CAPture; <>, Harris, et al. (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010>, Harris, et al. (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208>) is a web application for building and managing online surveys and databases developed at Vanderbilt University. The API allows users to access data and project meta data (such as the data dictionary) from the web programmatically. The 'redcapAPI' package facilitates the process of accessing data with options to prepare an analysis-ready data set consistent with the definitions in a database's data dictionary.
Authors: Benjamin Nutter [ctb, aut], Shawn Garbett [cre, ctb] , Savannah Obregon [ctb], Thomas Obadia [ctb], Marcus Lehr [ctb], Brian High [ctb], Stephen Lane [ctb], Will Beasley [ctb], Will Gray [ctb], Nick Kennedy [ctb], Tan Hsi-Nien [ctb], Jeffrey Horner [aut], Jeremy Stephens [ctb], Cole Beck [ctb], Bradley Johnson [ctb], Philip Chase [ctb], Paddy Tobias [ctb]
Maintainer: Shawn Garbett <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 2.10.0
Built: 2024-10-18 12:40:12 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Generate Allocation Tables for the Randomization Module


These methods enable the user to generate allocation tables for the REDCap randomization module. Randomization may be stratified by other (categorical) variables in the data set as well as by Data Access Group. Additionally, randomization may be blocked to ensure balanced groups throughout the allocation


  strata = NULL,
  group = NULL, = NULL,
  block.size.shift = 0, = NULL, = NULL,
  weights = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  strata = NULL,
  group = NULL, = NULL,
  block.size.shift = 0, = NULL, = NULL,
  weights = c(1, 1),

  strata = NULL,
  group = NULL, = NULL,
  block.size.shift = 0, = NULL, = NULL,
  weights = c(1, 1),



A redcapConnection object.


character(1). The field name to be randomized.


character. Field names by which to stratify the randomization.


character(1). A field name giving a group by which randomization should be stratified. This could also be listed in strata, but the argument is provided to remain consistent with the REDCap user interface.

integerish. Data Access Group IDs.


integerish(1). The number of randomizations to perform within each stratum


integerish. Block size for the randomization. Blocking is recommended to ensure balanced groups throughout the randomization. This may be a vector to indicate variable block sizes throughout the randomization.


numeric on the interval ⁠[0, 1]⁠. A vector the same length as block.size where the first element is 0. This controls when the block size changes as a proportion of the total sample size. When block.size=c(8, 4, 2) and block.size.shift = c(0, .5, .9), the first half of the randomization is performed in blocks of 8, then the next 40 percent of the randomization is performed in blocks of 4, with the last ten percent performed in blocks of 2.

integerish. At least one value is required. If only one value is given, it will be converted to a vector with length equal to the number of strata. Values will be incremented by 100 to provide independent randomizations. This may also have length equal to the number of strata.

integerish. Same as, but used to seed the production allocation. No pairwise elements of and may be equal. This guarantees that the two randomization schemes are unique.


An optional vector giving the sampling weights for each of the randomization groups. There must be one number for each level of the randomization variable. If named, the names must match the group labels. If unnamed, the group labels will be assigned in the same order they appear in the data dictionary. The weights will be normalized, so they do not need to sum to 1.0. In other words, weights=c(3, 1) can indicate a 3:1 sampling ratio.


Arguments to pass to other methods


character(1). For the offline method, a text string giving the location of the data dictionary downloaded from REDCap.


Each element in block.size must be a multiple of the number of groups in the randomized variable.

The 'offline' version of the function operates on the data dictionary file downloaded from REDCap. This is made available for instances where the API cannot be accessed for some reason (such as waiting for API approval from the REDCap administrator).

The value of replicates controls how many allocations are generated. It is possible to get slightly more replicates than requested if your blocking design cannot exactly match replicates. For example, if the users asks for 30 replicates in blocks of 8, a warning will be printed and 32 replicates will be returned in the randomization table.


Returns a list with the elements

dev_allocation data.frame with the randomization allocations for the development environment.
prod_allocation data.frame with the randomization allocations for the production environment.
dev_seed The random seed values for the development environment.
prod_seed The random seed values for the production environment.
blocks Blocking scheme used to generate the randomization.
weights Weighting scheme for the randomization.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
                random = "treatment_assignment", 
                strata = c("demographic_group", "hospital_group"), 
                replicates = 12, 
                block.size = 4, 
       = 12345, 
       = 54321)

## End(Not run)

Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project


These methods enable the user to export the current arms from a project, import new arms, and modify or delete existing arms.


exportArms(rcon, ...)

importArms(rcon, data, override = FALSE, ...)

deleteArms(rcon, arms, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportArms(rcon, arms = character(0), ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importArms(rcon, data, override = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
deleteArms(rcon, arms, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character or integerish identifying the arm numbers to export or delete.


A data.frame with two columns. The first column (arm_num) is an integerish value . The second (name) is a character value. For backward compatibility, this may also be passed as arms_data.


logical(1). By default, data will add to or modify existing arms data. When TRUE, all the existing arms data is deleted and replaced with the contents of data.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Exporting arms is not supported for classical REDCap projects. If the user attempts to export arms for a classical project, a data frame will be returned with zero rows.

When importing, arms are added when the value of arm_num does not already exist in the project.

Arm names may be modified by altering the name value associated with an existing arm_num value.

Deleting arms–whether by deleteArms or importArms with override = TRUE–is a destructive act that also deletes events and records associated with the arm. This is irreversible data loss. REDCap will only permit these actions to occur in projects in Development status.


exportArms returns a data.frame with columns:

arm_num The ID number for the arm in the project.
name The display name of the arm.

importArms invisibly returns the number of arms imported.

deleteArms invisibly returns the number of arms deleted.


  • exportArms(): Export the arms defined in a project.

  • importArms(): Import and modify the arms definitions in a project.

  • deleteArms(): Delete arms from a project.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export all of the Arms

# Export only a subset of arms
           arms = c(1, 3))

# Import a new arms
# Assume arms 1, 2, and 3 exist in the project already
NewData <- data.frame(arm_num = 4, 
                      name = "Arm Four Name")
           data = NewData)
# Change the name of an existing arm
NewData <- data.frame(arm_num = 1, 
                      name = "New Arm Name")
           data = NewData)
# Delete all arms and replace with a new specification
NewData <- data.frame(arm_num = c(1, 2), 
                      name = c("Treatment Arm", "Control Arm"))
           data = NewData, 
           override = TRUE)
# Delete an existing arm
           arms = 4)
# Delete multiple existing arm
           arms = c(2, 3))

## End(Not run)

S3 method to turn curl response into character


Converts a raw curl response into a character string.


## S3 method for class 'response'
as.character(x, ...)



response from curl to render to character


If type='text/csv' this is passed to read.csv. If type='application/json' this is sent to jsonlite::fromJSON

Assemble Codebook From the Data Dictionary


This method enables the user to construct a code book similar in style to the REDCap project codebook. The codebook is similar in nature to the data dictionary, but multiple choice fields are represented with one line per coding.


  fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  drop_fields = NULL,
  field_types = NULL,
  include_form_complete = TRUE,
  expand_check = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapConnection'
  fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  drop_fields = NULL,
  field_types = NULL,
  include_form_complete = TRUE,
  expand_check = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapCodebook'
as.list(x, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character or NULL. When character, the code book will be limited to the intersection of the fields designated by fields and forms. When NULL, all fields are included.


character or NULL. When character, the code book will be limited to the intersection of the fields designated by fields and forms. When NULL, all forms are included.


character or NULL. When given, fields named will be removed from the code book.


character or NULL. When given, only the field types listed will be included in the code book. This will supercede the intersection of fields and forms. Matching of field types is performed against the values in the field_type column of the meta data.


logical(1). When TRUE, the ⁠[form name]_complete⁠ fields will be included in the codebook.


logical(1). When FALSE, the codebook for checkbox fields will be similar to the codebook for dropdown and radio fields, with one line per user-defined option. When TRUE, each checkbox option will be represented in two fields, one each for 0 (Unchecked) and 1 (Checked).


Arguments to pass to other methods


A redcapCodebook object as returned by assembleCodebook.


Returns a redcapCodebook object. This inherits the data.frame class and has the columns

  • field_name - The name of the field.

  • form - The name of the form on which the field is located.

  • field_type - The field type.

  • code - For multiple choice fields, the coding for the option.

  • label - For multiple choice fields, the label for the option.

  • min - For date and numeric fields, the minimum value in the validation, if any.

  • max - For date and numeric fields, the maximum value in the validation, if any.

  • branching_logic - For fields with branching logic, the string denoting the logic applied.

  • field_order - The numeric order of the field in the data dictionary.

  • form_order - The numeric order of the form in the data dictionary.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# codebook for the entire project

# codebook for multiple choice fields
                 field_types = c("dropdown", "radio", "checkbox", 
                                 "yesno", "truefalse"))

## End(Not run)

returns a list of record IDs changed (adds, updates, deletes)


This is a convenience function that scans logs and returns record IDs of changed records.


changedRecords(rcon, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


Arguments passed to exportLogging()


Makes a call to exportLogging with passed arguments. Returns filtered list or records IDs with update, delete or create events.


Returns a list with the elements

updated character vector of updated record IDs
deleted character vector of deleted record IDs
created character vector of created record IDs


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Changes in last 24 hours     
changedRecords(rcon, beginTime=as.POSIXct(Sys.time()-86400))

## End(Not run)

Checkbox Suffixes


Checkbox variables return one vector of data for each option defined in the variable. The variables are returned with the suffix ⁠___[option]⁠. exportRecords needs these suffixes in order to retrieve all of the variables and to apply the correct labels.


checkbox_suffixes(fields, meta_data)



The current field names of interest


The metadata data frame.

Construct a Link to a REDCap Form


Uses information from the project and a record to link to the form on which a data element is recorded. This is intended to be used within the report of invalid results when exporting or importing records. It should be noted that when importing records, the records may not yet exist and the links may not work.


constructLinkToRedcapForm(rcon, form_name, record_id, event_id = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
constructLinkToRedcapForm(rcon, form_name, record_id, event_id = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapOfflineConnection'
constructLinkToRedcapForm(rcon, form_name, record_id, event_id = NULL, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character. The name of the form on which the field name exists.


character. The ID of the record being linked to. If passed as a numeric value, it will be coerced to character. Must have the same length as form_name.


character or NULL. For classical projects, use either NULL or NA (NA support is permitted to assist with vectorization). For longitudinal projects, the ID of the unique event. If passed as a numeric value, it will be coerced to character.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Constructing a link to a REDCap form requires knowledge of the following:

  • The REDCap instance url (usually 'redcap.institution.domain').

  • The REDCap instance version number.

  • The REDCap project ID number

  • The record ID

  • The form name

  • The event ID number (if the project is longitudinal).

If any of these items in unknown, a missing value will be returned. For redcapOfflineConnections, the user will need to provide the version number, the project information, and the events (if the project is longitudinal) as part of the call to offlineConnection. Note that the REDCap User Interface does not include the event ID number with the file download for events.


Returns a character vector the same length of form_name.

Create a Folder in the File Repository


This method enables the user to create a folder in the file repository. The folder created may also be a subfolder of an existing folder.


  folder_id = numeric(0),
  dag_id = numeric(0),
  role_id = numeric(0),

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  folder_id = numeric(0),
  dag_id = numeric(0),
  role_id = numeric(0),



A redcapConnection object.


character(1) The name of the folder. If a folder by this name already exists, no action will be taken.


integerish(0/1). The ID of the parent folder. When length is 0, the new folder is placed in the top-level.


integerish(0/1) The ID of a data access group. When provided, access to the folder will be restricted to the DAG.


integerish(0/1) The ID of a role. When provided, access to the folder will be restricted to users with that role.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Returns a data frame with the columns

folder_id The REDCap assigned ID value for the newly created folder.
name The name assigned to the folder by the user.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Create a folder in the top-level directory
                           name = "New Folder Name")
# Create a folder in a subfolder
                           name = "New Folder Name", 
                           folder_id = 12345)
# Create a folder assigned to a Data Access Group
                           name = "New Folder Name", 
                           dag_id = 678)

## End(Not run)

Create REDCap Project


These methods enable a user with a 64-character Super API token to create a new REDCap project.


  purpose_other = NULL,
  is_longitudinal = FALSE,
  surveys_enabled = FALSE,
  record_autonumbering_enabled = FALSE,
  xml = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  purpose_other = NULL,
  is_longitudinal = FALSE,
  surveys_enabled = FALSE,
  record_autonumbering_enabled = FALSE,
  xml = NULL,



A redcapConnection object.


character(1). Title for the new project.


character, one of c("Practice/just for fun", "Other", "Research", "Quality Improvement", "Operational Support")


character(1) or NULL. Ignored unless purpose = "Other", in which case this becomes a required argument.


logical(1). When TRUE the project will be set as a longitudinal project.


logical(1). When TRUE surveys are enabled for the project. (This will not add any survey instruments, only enable them).


logical(1). When TRUE if auto numbering will be enabled in the project.


character(1) or NULL an XML string in CDISC ODM XML format that contains project metadata (fields, forms, events, arms) and might optionally contain data to be imported as well. When not NULL, all other arguments are ignored. See Details.


Arguments to pass to other methods


The user creating the project will automatically be added to the project as a user with full user privileges and a project-level API token, which could then be used for subsequent project-level API requests.

When the project is created, it will automatically be given all the project-level defaults just as if it had been created via the web user interface, such as automatically creating a single data collection instrument seeded with a single Record ID field and Form Status field, as well as (for longitudinal projects) one arm with one event.

If the user intends to populate the project with arms and events immediately after creating the project, it is recommended that override = TRUE be used in importArms and importEvents so that the default arm and event are removed.

The xml argument must be in CDISC ODM XML format. It may come from a REDCap Project XML export file from REDCap itself (see exportProjectXml()), or may come from another system that is capable of exporting projects and data in CDISC ODM format. If the xml argument is used in the API request, it will use the XML to import its contents into the newly created project. This will not only create the project with the API request, but also to import all fields, forms, and project attributes (and events and arms, if longitudinal) as well as record data all at the same time.

Only users with a 64-character Super API Tokens can utilize this method (the standard API token is 32 characters). Users can only be granted a super token by a REDCap administrator (using the API Tokens page in the REDCap Control Center). Please be advised that users with a Super API Token can create new REDCap projects via the API without any approval needed by a REDCap administrator.


Returns a character(1) the 32-character, project level API token assigned to the user that created the project. This token is intended to be used for further project configuration using the API.

See Also



## Not run: 
# The token must be a 64-character token
super_token <- redcapConnection(url = "your_redcap_url", 
                                token = "[64-character-super-api-token]")
# Create a new project    
                    project_title = "New Project Name", 
                    purpose = "Quality Improvement", 
                    is_longitudinal = FALSE, 
                    surveys_enabled = TRUE)
# Copy an existing project into a new project
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "token_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
xml_file <- tempfile(file.ext = ".xml")
                 file = xml_file)
xml_text <- paste0(readLines(xml_file), collapse = " ")
                    xml = xml_text)

## End(Not run)

Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups


These methods enable the user to export existing assignments of users to Data Access Groups, or import new or updated assignments to the project.


exportUserDagAssignments(rcon, ...)

importUserDagAssignments(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportUserDagAssignments(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importUserDagAssignments(rcon, data, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


data.frame with the columns username and redcap_data_access_group. The should only be one row per user name.


Arguments to pass to other methods


When modifying existing assignments using the import method, the user must provide the unique user name and the group name. If the redcap_data_access_group column is not provided, the REDCap user will not be assigned to any group.


exportUserDagAssignments method returns a data frame with two columns:

username The unique user name for each user in the project.
redcap_data_access_group The unique Data Access Group name to which the user is assigned.

importUserDagAssignments invisibly returns the number of assignments imported.


  • exportUserDagAssignments(): Export current User-DAG Assignments

  • importUserDagAssignments(): Import new or modified User-DAG Assignments.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export the current assignments

# Assign a user to a Data Access Group
ForImport <- data.frame(username = "user1", 
                        redcap_data_access_group = "facility_one")
                        data = ForImport)
# Assign a multiple users to a Data Access Group
ForImport <- data.frame(username = c("user1", "user2", "user3"), 
                        redcap_data_access_group = c("facility_one", 
                        data = ForImport)
# Remove a user from all Data Access Groups
ForImport <- data.frame(username = "user1", 
                        redcap_data_access_group = NA_character_)
                        data = ForImport)

## End(Not run)

Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project


These methods enable the user to export existing Data Access Groups, import new Data Access Groups, or delete Data Access Groups from a project.


exportDags(rcon, ...)

importDags(rcon, data, ...)

deleteDags(rcon, dags, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportDags(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importDags(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
deleteDags(rcon, dags, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character vector of names matching the unique_group_name.


A data.frame with two columns: data_access_group_name and unique_group_name.


Arguments to pass to other methods


To import new data access groups, the user must provide a value for data_access_group_name with no value (NA) for unique_group_name.

To modify a group name, provide a new value for data_access_group_name with the associated unique_group_name. If unique_group_name is provided, it must match a value currently in the project.


exportDags with the columns

data_access_group_name The human readable name for the data access group.
unique_group_name The internal unique group name.
data_access_group_id The internal numeric identifier.

importDags invisibly returns the number of Data Access Groups imported.

deleteDags invisibly returns the number of Data Access Groups deleted.


  • exportDags(): Export Data Access Groups from a REDCap Project

  • importDags(): Import Data Access Groups to a project.

  • deleteDags(): Delete Data Access Groups from a project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())


# Import a new Data Access Group
NewData <- data.frame(data_access_group_name = "New DAG Name", 
                      unique_group_name = NA_character_)
           data = NewData)
# Modify an existing Data Access Group Name
# The user will need to match the unique_group_name to the existing DAGs
ChangeData <- data.frame(data_access_group_name = "Altered DAG Name", 
                         unique_group_name = "new_dag_name")
           data = ChangeData)
# Delete a Data Access Group
           dags = c("new_dag_name"))

## End(Not run)

Delete Records from a Project


These methods enable the user to delete records from a project.


  arm = NULL,
  instrument = NULL,
  event = NULL,
  repeat_instance = NULL,
  delete_logging = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  arm = NULL,
  instrument = NULL,
  event = NULL,
  repeat_instance = NULL,
  delete_logging = FALSE,



A redcapConnection object.


character or integerish. Record ID's to be returned.


integerish. the arm number of the arm in which the record(s) should be deleted. This can only be used if the project is longitudinal with more than one arm. If the arm parameter is not provided, the specified records will be deleted from all arms in which they exist. Whereas, if arm is provided, they will only be deleted from the specified arm.


character(1) Optional instrument to delete records from.


character(1) Optional event to delete records from.


numeric(1) optional repeat instance to delete records from.


logical. Should the logging for this record be delete as well. Default to FALSE.


Arguments to pass to other methods


deleteRecords invisibly returns a character value giving the number of records deleted.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Delete records
              records = c("1", "2"))

## End(Not run)

Deprecated Functions


The redcapProjectInfo function has been deprecated to avoid confusion with the API method now executed by exportProjectInformation. The replacement function is exportBundle().


  date = TRUE,
  label = TRUE,
  meta_data = TRUE,
  users = TRUE,
  instruments = TRUE,
  events = TRUE,
  arms = TRUE,
  mappings = TRUE,
  version = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  date = TRUE,
  label = TRUE,
  meta_data = TRUE,
  users = TRUE,
  instruments = TRUE,
  events = TRUE,
  arms = TRUE,
  mappings = TRUE,
  version = TRUE,
  v.number = ""



A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection


Logical. If TRUE, user expiration dates are converted to POSIXct objects.


Logical. If TRUE, the user form permissions are converted to labeled factors.


Logical. Indicates if the meta data (data dictionary) should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the users table should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the instruments table should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the event names should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the arms table should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the form-event mappings should be exported.


Indicates if the REDCap version number should be exported. Only applicable in REDCap 6.0.0 and higher.


Arguments to be passed to other methods


A character string given the desired version number should the API method not be available.

Drop Row Where Repeat Instrument Is NA


Drops rows where the repeat instrument is NA. Returns a data frame of records where repeat instruments have a value.


dropRepeatingNA(Records, rcon, quiet = FALSE)



A data.frame containing the records from exportRecordsTyped()


A redcapConnection object.


logical(1). When FALSE, a message is printed indicating how many rows were in Records at the start and completion of the subset.

See Also


Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings


These methods enable the user to export event settings, import new events, update settings for existing events, or delete events.


exportEvents(rcon, ...)

importEvents(rcon, data, override = FALSE, ...)

deleteEvents(rcon, events = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportEvents(rcon, arms = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importEvents(rcon, data, override = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
deleteEvents(rcon, events = NULL, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character or integerish identifying the arm numbers for which event data will be exported.


character giving the unique event names of the events to be deleted.


data.frame. Must have columns event_name and arm_num. To modify existing events, it must also have a column unique_event_name. It may optionally have columns for days_offset, offset_min, offset_max. For backward compatibility, this argument may be passed as event_data.


logical(1). By default, data will add to or modify existing arms data. When TRUE, all the existing arms data is deleted and replaced with the contents of data.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Exporting events is not supported for classical REDCap projects. If the user attempts to export arms for a classical project, a data frame will be returned with zero rows.

Additionally, in order for events to be exported, the project must be longitudinal, have at least one arm, and at least one event defined. When these conditions are not satifisfied, exportEvents will return a data frame with zero rows.

To import new events, the user must provide data with the unique_event_name set to NA (REDCap assigns the unique event name automatically from the user provided event_name).

To modify existing events, the user must provide the unique_event_name. The other fields in the data provided will overwrite the current values for the matching event.

Deleting events–whether by deleteEvents or importEvents with override = TRUE–is a destructive act that also deletes arms and records associated with the event. This is irreversible data loss. REDCap will only permit these actions to occur in projects in Development status.


exportEvents returns a data frame with the columns:

event_name The user provided name for the event.
arm_num The arm number the event is associated with.
unique_event_name The REDCap generated event name.
custom_event_label An optional user provided label that may be used in place of the event name.
event_id REDCap's internal event identifier.
days_offset The number of days since time zero (start of the study or project period) an event is scheduled to occur. This field is only provided when the scheduling module is enabled.
offset_min The number of days before the days_offset during which the event may occur. This field is only provided when the scheduling module is enabled.
offset_max The number of days before the days_offset during which the event may occur. This field is only provided when the scheduling module is enabled.

importEvents invisibly returns the number of events added or modified.

deleteEvents invisibly returns the number of events deleted.


  • exportEvents(): Export events from a REDCap project.

  • importEvents(): Add events to a project or modify existing events.

  • deleteEvents(): Delete events from a project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export all events

# Export events for a subset of arms
             arms = c(1, 3))
# Import new events
NewEvents <- data.frame(event_name = c("Event 1", 
                                       "Event 2"), 
                        arm_num = c(1, 1))
             data = NewEvents)
# Modify existing events
UpdateEvents <- data.frame(event_name = "Event 2 New Name", 
                           arm_num = 1, 
                           unique_event_name = "event_2_arm_1", 
                           custom_event_label = "The second visit")
             data = UpdateEvents)
# Replace all events with a new set
NewEvents <- data.frame(event_name = c("Event 1", 
                                       "Event 2", 
                                       "Event 1"), 
                        arm_num = c(1, 1, 2))
             data = NewEvents, 
             override = TRUE)
# Delete events
             events = c("event_1_arm_1", "event_1_arm_2"))

## End(Not run)

A helper function to export multiple records and forms using a single call.


Exports records from multiple REDCap Databases using multiple calls to exportRecordsTyped()


  forms = NULL,
  envir = NULL,
  sep = "_",
  post = NULL,



A named list of connections. The name is used as a prefix for data.frame names in the environment specified. It may also be used as a reference from the forms argument.


A named list that is a subset of rcon's names. A specified rcon will provide a list of forms for repeated calls to exportRecordsType. If a connection reference is missing it will default to all forms. To override this default specify a connection's forms with NA to just get all data.


A environment to write the resulting Records in as variables given by their name in rcon or if from a form their rcon named pasted to their form name joined by sep. If not specified the function will return a named list with the results. Will accept a number of the environment.


A character string to use when joining the rcon name to the form name for storing variables.


A function that will run on all returned sets of Records.


Any additional variables to pass to exportRecordsTyped().


Will return a named list of the resulting records if envir is NULL. Otherwise will assign them to the specified envir.

See Also

Other records exporting functions


Field validations and casting


Post-processing functionality





## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(c(test_conn    = 'TestRedcapAPI',
               sandbox_conn = 'SandboxAPI'),
             keyring      = 'MyKeyring',
             envir        = globalenv(),
             url          = 'https://<REDCAP_URL>/api/') 

# After user interaction to unlock the local encrypted keyring
# the global environment will contain the REDCap connections
# `test_conn` and `sandbox_conn`
# Next the user wants to bulk specify importing all the forms
# of interest and post process

 rcon  = list(test = test_conn,
              sand = sandbox_conn),
 forms = list(test = c('form1', 'form2'),
 envir = globalenv(),
 post  = function(Records, rcon)
           Records              |>
           mChoiceCast(rcon)    |>
           guessDat(rcon)       |>
# The environment now contains the data.frames: `test.form1`, `test.form2`, `sand`.
# Each of these were retrieved, possibly using the forms argument and all were
# post processed in the same manner as specified by `post`.

## End(Not run)

Perform a bundle of API calls.


This function is deprecated and will be removed with the release of redcapAPI 3.0.0. It's functionality is built into caching of data onto the redcapConnection object.

Several of the API calls return objects that can be used to perform various validations in exportRecords, exportReports, and other methods. Using an export bundle allows the user to call these methods once and store the result instead of issuing an additional call to the API each time a method is invoked.

For example, if the user is uploading several files to the API, without an export bundle, importFiles will utilize the exportMetaData on each call in order to perform validations. Using a bundle allows the user to download the meta data once and refer to it on every subsequent call that requires the data dictionary.


  date = TRUE,
  label = TRUE,
  meta_data = TRUE,
  users = TRUE,
  instruments = TRUE,
  events = TRUE,
  arms = TRUE,
  mappings = TRUE,
  version = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  date = TRUE,
  label = TRUE,
  meta_data = TRUE,
  users = TRUE,
  instruments = TRUE,
  events = TRUE,
  arms = TRUE,
  mappings = TRUE,
  version = TRUE,
  return_object = TRUE



A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection


Logical. If TRUE, user expiration dates are converted to POSIXct objects.


Logical. If TRUE, the user form permissions are converted to labeled factors.


Logical. Indicates if the meta data (data dictionary) should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the users table should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the instruments table should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the event names should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the arms table should be exported.


Logical. Indicates if the form-event mappings should be exported.


Indicates if the REDCap version number should be exported. Only applicable in REDCap 6.0.0 and higher.


Arguments to be passed to other methods


Logical. When TRUE, the exportBundle object is returned to the workspace.


The project information is stored in the option redcap_project_info. If the project is not longitudinal, the events, arms, and event-form mappings elements will be assigned character vectors instead of data frames.

A helper function to export data queries from the Data Quality REDCap module.


Exports Data Quality queries by record. The Data Quality module must be enabled on the Control Center of REDCap to use this function. Additionally, this module must be enabled on each project before it can be used.


exportDataQuality(rcon, prefix, ...)



A REDCap connection object as generated by redcapConnection.


A string from your REDCap institutions Data Quality module url. The module prefix can be found by exporting module settings under External Modules in REDCap. At VUMC the prefix is 'vanderbilt_dataQuality'.


additional arguments that are ignored.

Export Codebook Mappings for Fields with External Dependencies


These methods enable redcapAPI to obtain a mapping of codes and associated labels for fields that have external dependencies. The fields include SQL fields (dependent on another project) or fields that utilize the BioPortal Ontology modules.


exportExternalCoding(rcon, fields, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportExternalCoding(rcon, fields = NULL, ..., batch_size = 1000)



A redcapConnection object.


character or NULL. Vector of fields to be returned. If NULL, all fields are returned (unless forms is specified).


Arguments to pass to other methods


integerish(1) or NULL. When NULL, all records are pulled. Otherwise, the records all pulled in batches of this size.


These methods operate by executing two API calls to export first the coded values and then the labeled values of fields with external dependencies. The two exports are then used to generate the code-label mappings for use in casting data.

Fields of type sql are dropdown fields that are populated by a SQL query to another project.

Fields of type bioportal are text fields that have the BioPortal Ontology module enabled as the validation method.


Returns a named list of named character vectors.

Each element is in the list is named for the field it maps.

The character vectors are name-value pairs where the name is the labeled data and the value is the coded data.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

## End(Not run)

Export the Complete Field Names for a REDCap Project


This method enables the user to access the complete field names utilized during export and import methods. These are expecially relevant when working with checkbox fields.


exportFieldNames(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportFieldNames(rcon, fields = character(0), ...)



A redcapConnection object.


NULL or character(1). Field name to be returned. By default, all fields are returned.


Arguments to pass to other methods


exportFieldNames returns a data frame of the field names the user may use when performing export and import functions. This is most useful when working with checkbox fields, which have a different field name than the one used in the Meta Data. The exported/imported field names for checkbox fields have the pattern ⁠[field_name]___[coded_checkbox_value]⁠ (there are exactly three underscores separating the field name and the coded value).

Fields of types "calc", "file", and "descriptive" are not included in the export. (Signature fields also have the "file" type and are not included)


exportFieldNames returns a data frame with the columns:

original_field_name The field name as recorded in the data dictionary
choice_value represents the raw coded value for a checkbox choice. For non-checkbox fields, this will always be NA.
export_field_name The field name specific to the field. For non-checkbox fields, this is the same as original_field_name. For checkbox fields, it is the field name appended with ⁠___[choice_value]⁠.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export all of the field names

# Export MetaData for a specific field
                 fields = "checkbox_test")

## End(Not run)

Export a Listing of Folders and Files in the File Repository


This method enables the user to export a list of folders and files saved to the File Repository. The listing may optionally include contents of subfolders.


  folder_id = numeric(0),
  recursive = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  folder_id = numeric(0),
  recursive = FALSE,



A redcapConnection object.


integerish(0/1). The folder ID of a specific folder in the File Repository for which a list of files and subfolders will be exported. By default, the top-level directory of the File Repository will be used.


logical(1). When TRUE, content of subfolders will be retrieved until a full listing is produced. If FALSE, only the contents of the requested folder will be returned.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Returns a data frame with the columns

folder_id The REDCap assigned ID value for the folder. Will be NA if the item is a file.
doc_id The REDCap assigned ID value for the file. Will be NA if the item is a folder.
name The name of the folder of file.
parent_folder The ID of the parent folder of the item. The top-level folder is represented as 0.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export the top-level listing of the File Repository

# Export the complete listing of the File Repository
                            recursive = TRUE)
# Export the listing of a subfolder in the File Repository
                            folder_id = 12345)

## End(Not run)

Export Multiple Files From a Project


This method enables the user to export multiple files from a REDCap project with a single call. The REDCap API only allows for one file to be exported per call, and the exportFiles() methods are written to mirror that limitation. This extension allows the user to pass vectors of arguments for records, fields, events, or repeat instances. Files that can be matched to any combination of these values will be exported.


  event = NULL,
  file_prefix = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  event = NULL,
  file_prefix = TRUE,
  repeat_instance = NULL,
  quiet = TRUE



A redcapConnection object.


character or integerish. The record ID in which the desired file is stored.


character. The field name in which the file is stored.


character or NULL. The event name for the file. This applies only to longitudinal projects. If the event is not supplied for a longitudinal project, the API will return an error message


character(1). A directory/folder to which the file will be saved. By default, the working directory is used.


logical(1). Determines if a prefix is appended to the file name. The prefix takes the form ⁠[record_id]-[event_name]-[file_name]⁠. The file name is always the same name of the file as it exists in REDCap.


Arguments to pass to other methods


integerish or NULL. The repeat instance number of the repeating event or the repeating instrument. When available in your instance of REDCap, and passed as NULL, the API will assume a value of 1.


logical(1). When TRUE, any errors encountered while exporting files will be converted to messages.


exportFilesMultiple will construct all combinations of the record, field, event, and repeat_instance arguments and attempt to export the file associated with each combination. Should any of these combinations produce an error (for example, if a record does not have a third repeat instance), the error is captured and returned with the output.


Invisibly returns a data.frame with the following columns:

Column Description
record The record ID
field The name of the field in which the file is stored.
event The name of the event associated with the file.
repeat_instance For repeat instances, the instance associated with the file.
is_exported logical indicating if the file was successfully exported.
saved_to The file path to which the file was saved.
error If an error was encountered, the text of the error.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
save_to_dir <- tempdir() 

# Export files for multiple records
# Results are returned invisibly - saving to an object is
#   helpful to be able to view the results

Export <- 
                      record = 1:4, 
                      field = "file_upload_field", 
                      event = "event_1_arm_1", 
                      dir = save_to_dir)
# Export files for multiple instances

Export <- 
                      record = 1, 
                      field = "file_upload_field", 
                      event = "event_1_arm_1", 
                      repeat_instance = 1:4, 
                      dir = save_to_dir)
# Export files for multiple records, fields, events, and instances

Export <- 
                      record = 1:10, 
                      field = c("registration", "waiver"), 
                      events = c("event_1_arm_1", "event_2_arm_1"), 
                      repeat_instance = 1:3, 
                      dir = save_to_dir)

## End(Not run)

Export Instruments Defined in a Project


These methods enable the user to view the instruments defined in the project.


exportInstruments(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportInstruments(rcon, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Returns a data frame with the columns:

instrument_name The REDCap generated instrument name.
instrument_label The user provided instrument label.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

## End(Not run)

Export Logging Records


These methods enable to user to export the logging (audit trail) of all changes made to a project, including data exports, data changes, project metadata changes, modification of user rights, etc.


  logtype = character(0),
  user = character(0),
  record = character(0),
  dag = character(0),
  beginTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  endTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  batchInterval = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  logtype = character(0),
  user = character(0),
  record = character(0),
  dag = character(0),
  beginTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  endTime = as.POSIXct(character(0)),
  batchInterval = NULL,



A redcapConnection object.


character(0/1). The log event types to export. When the length is zero, all event types are exported. Otherwise, it must be one of c("export", "manage", "user", "record", "record_add", "record_edit", "record_delete", "lock_record", "page_view")


character(0/1). Users for whom to return logs. By default logs for all users are returned.


character(0/1). Record ID for which logs are to be returned. By default, logs are returned for all records.


character(0/1). Data access group ID for which to return logs. By default, logs are returned for all data access groups.


POSIXct(0/1). When given, only logs recorded on or after this time will be returned. The time specified is rounded to minutes and ignores the timezone. This can cause issues if the caller and server computers are configured in different timezones. Least surprising behavior is making sure the date specified is encoded in the timezone of the REDCap server.


POSIXct(0/1). When given, only logs recorded on or before this time will be returned. If using batchInterval it will only be before this time. See beginTime for details on time encoding.


integerish(1). When provided will batch log pulls to intervals of this many days. Requires that beginTime is specified.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Returns a data frame with columns

timestamp The date/time of the logging record.
username The user name of the user that performed the action being logged.
action The classification of action being logged.
details Details of the action being logged.
record The record ID associated with the action being logged. When not related to a record, this will be NA


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export all of the logging events       
# Export all of the events for record '2'
              record = "2")
# Export all of the events where a record was deleted
             logtype = "record_delete")

## End(Not run)

Export PDF file of Data Collection Instruments


These methods allow the user to download PDF files of data collection instruments. The download may be with or without collected data; and may return a single record, multiple records, or all records.


  filename = "redcap_forms_download",
  record = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  instruments = NULL,
  all_records = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  filename = "redcap_forms_download",
  record = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  instruments = NULL,
  all_records = FALSE,



A redcapConnection object.


character(1). The directory into which the file should be saved.


character(1). The base of the file name. When record = NULL, it will be appended with "_blank.pdf". When record has a value, it will be appended with "_record_[record id].pdf"


character(1), integerish(1), or NULL. The record id for which forms should be downloaded.


character. The events for which forms should be downloaded


character. The instruments for which forms should be downloaded


logical(1). When TRUE forms for all records are downloaded. When TRUE, this overrides the records argument.


Arguments to pass to other methods


These methods mimics the behavior of "Download PDF of Instruments" button on the REDCap user interface. They permit the user to export a PDF file for:

  1. A single collection instrument (blank)c

  2. All instruments (blank)

  3. A single instrument (with data from a single record)c

  4. All instruments (with data from a single record)

  5. All instruments (with data from all records)


exportPdf invisibly returns the location on the local system to whihc the files is saved.

See Also


Export Entire Project as REDCap XML File


These methods enable the user to export a project's settings as an XML file in CDISC ODM format. This file may be used to transfer the project to another project, REDCap instance, or any other CDISC ODM compliant database.


  return_metadata_only = TRUE,
  records = NULL,
  fields = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  survey = FALSE,
  dag = FALSE,
  export_files = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  return_metadata_only = TRUE,
  records = NULL,
  fields = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  survey = FALSE,
  dag = FALSE,
  export_files = FALSE,



A redcapConnection object.


character(1) The file to which the XML export will be saved.


logical(1). When TRUE (default) only meta data values are returned. When FALSE, project records data are also exported.


character or integerish. A vector of study id's to be returned. When NULL, all subjects are returned.


character. Vector of fields to be returned. When NULL, all fields are returned (unless forms is specified).


A character. Vector of events to be returned from a longitudinal database. When NULL, all events are returned.


logical(1). When TRUE the survey identifier fields (e.g., redcap_survey_identifier) or survey timestamp fields (e.g., ⁠[form_name]_timestamp⁠) will be included in the export when surveys are utilized in the project.


logical(1). When TRUE the redcap_data_access_group field is exported when data access groups are utilized in the project.


logical(1). When TRUE will cause the XML returned to include all files uploaded for File Upload and Signature fields for all records in the project. Setting this option to TRUE can make the export very large and may prevent it from completing if the project contains many files or very large files.


Arguments to pass to other methods


The entire project (all records, events, arms, instruments, fields, and project attributes) can be downloaded as a single XML file, which is in CDISC ODM format (ODM version 1.3.1). This XML file can be used to create a clone of the project (including its data, optionally) on this REDCap server or on another REDCap server (it can be uploaded on the Create New Project page). Because it is in CDISC ODM format, it can also be used to import the project into another ODM-compatible system.

When the return_metadata_only parameter is set to FALSE, the Data Export user rights will be applied to any data returned. For example, if the user has 'De-Identified' or 'Remove All Identifier Fields' data export rights, then some data fields might be removed and filtered out of the data set. To make sure that no data is unnecessarily filtered out of the API request, the user should have 'Full Data Set' export rights in the project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "token_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
xml_file <- tempfile(file.ext = ".xml")
                 file = xml_file)

## End(Not run)

Export the REDCap Version Number


These methods enable the user to export the REDCap instance version number.


exportVersion(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportVersion(rcon, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Returns a character value giving the version number.

IF this function is used in a version of REDCap that does not support the method (prior to version 6.0.0), the value "5.12.2" will be returned. This is done solely for the convenience of always returning a value that can be compared against other versions.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export the version number

## End(Not run)

Extraction and Assignment for redcapFactors


Extract elements and make assignments to redcapFactors


## S3 method for class 'redcapFactor'
x[..., drop = FALSE]

## S3 method for class 'redcapFactor'
print(x, ...)



an object of class redcapFactor


additional arguments to pass to other methods


logical. If TRUE, unused levels are dropped.

Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing)


The functions provided here allow for recasting fields after records have been exported. They generally have a similar interface to the casting strategy of exportRecordsTyped(), though they may not each offer all the same options.


  cast = list(),
  suffix = "",
  warn_zero_coded = TRUE

  fields = NULL,
  na = list(),
  validation = list(),
  cast = list(),
  warn_zero_coded = TRUE

  na = isNAorBlank,
  quiet = FALSE,
  threshold = 0.8

  na = isNAorBlank,
  validation = valRx("^[0-9]{1,4}-(0?[1-9]|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$"),
  cast = function(x, ...) as.POSIXct(x, format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
  quiet = FALSE,
  threshold = 0.8

mChoiceCast(data, rcon, style = "labelled", drop_fields = TRUE)



data.frame with the data fields to be recoded.


A redcapConnection object.


character/logical/integerish. A vector for identifying which fields to recode. When logical, the length must match the number of columns in data (i.e., recycling not permitted). A message is printed if any of the indicated fields are not a multiple choice field; no action will be taken on such fields. For this function, yes/no and true/false fields are considered multiple choice fields. Fields of class mChoice are quietly skipped.


A named list of user specified class casting functions. The same named keys are supported as the na argument. The function will be provided the variables (x, field_name, coding). The function must return a vector of logical matching the input length. The cast should match the validation, if one is using raw_cast, then validation=skip_validation is likely the desired intent. See fieldValidationAndCasting()


character(1). An optional suffix to provide if the recoded variables should be returned as new columns. For example, if recoding a field forklift_brand and suffix = "_labeled", the result will have one column with the coded values (forklift_brand) and one column with the labeled values (forklift_brand_labeled).


logical(1). Turn on or off warnings about zero coded fields. Default is TRUE.


A named list of user specified functions to determine if the data is NA. This is useful when data is loaded that has coding for NA, e.g. -5 is NA. Keys must correspond to a truncated REDCap field type, i.e. date_, datetime_, datetime_seconds_, time_mm_ss, time_hh_mm_ss, time, float, number, calc, int, integer, select, radio, dropdown, yesno, truefalse, checkbox, form_complete, sql, system. The function will be provided the variables (x, field_name, coding). The function must return a vector of logicals matching the input. It defaults to isNAorBlank() for all entries.


A named list of user specified validation functions. The same named keys are supported as the na argument. The function will be provided the variables (x, field_name, coding). The function must return a vector of logical matching the input length. Helper functions to construct these are valRx() and valChoice(). Only fields that are not identified as NA will be passed to validation functions.


Print no messages if triggered, Default=FALSE.


numeric(1). The threshold of non-NA data to trigger casting.


character. One of "labelled" or "coded". Default is "labelled"


character or NULL. A vector of field names to remove from the data.


recastRecords is a post-processing function motivated initially by the need to switch between codes and labels in multiple choice fields. Field types for which no casting function is specified will be returned with no changes. It will not attempt to validate the content of fields; fields that cannot be successfully cast will be quietly returned as missing values.

castForImport is written with defaults that will return data in a format ready to be imported to a project via importRecords. All fields are returned as character vectors. If any values fail to validation check, are report is returned as an attribute named invalid. This attribute may be retrieved using reviewInvalidRecords(). These are then set to NA, which will be imported as blanks through the API.

guessCast is a helper function to make a guess at casting uncast columns. It will do a type cast if a validation is met above a threshold ratio of non-NA records. It modifies the existing invalid attribute to reflect the cast. This attribute may be retrieved using reviewInvalidRecords(). guessDate is a special cast of guessCast that has defaults set for casting a date field.

mChoiceCast is a helper function that adds the Hmisc::mChoice multiple choice class. It adds a column for a multiple choice checkbox that is cast to the Hmisc::mChoice class. Requires Hmisc to be loaded.

Zero-Coded Check Fields

A zero-coded check field is a field of the REDCap type checkbox that has a coding definition of ⁠0, [label]⁠. When exported, the field names for these fields is ⁠[field_name]___0⁠. As in other checkbox fields, the raw data output returns binary values where 0 represent an unchecked box and 1 represents a checked box. For zero-coded checkboxes, then, a value of 1 indicates that 0 was selected.

This coding rarely presents a problem when casting from raw values (as is done in exportRecordsTyped). However, casting from coded or labeled values can be problematic. In this case, it becomes indeterminate from context if the intent of 0 is 'false' or the coded value '0' ('true') ...

The situations in which casting may fail to produce the desired results are

Code Label Result
0 anything other than "0" Likely to fail when casting from coded values
0 0 Likely to fail when casting from coded or labeled values

Because of the potential for miscast data, casting functions will issue a warning anytime a zero-coded check field is encountered. A separate warning is issued when a field is cast from coded or labeled values.

When casting from coded or labeled values, it is strongly recommended that the function castCheckForImport() be used. This function permits the user to state explicitly which values should be recognized as checked, avoiding the ambiguity resulting from the coding.

See Also

Exporting records


Other Post Processing Functions



vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI")


## Not run: 
# Using recastRecords after export
Recs <- 
  exportRecordsTyped(rcon) |>
                fields = "dropdown_test",
                cast = list(dropdown = castCode))
# Using castForImport
# Using castForImport to recast zero-coded checkbox values
              cast = list(checkbox = castCheckForImport(c("0", "Unchecked"))))

# Using guessCast
                   cast = raw_cast) |> 
# Using mChoiceCast
exportRecordsTyped(rcon) |> 

## End(Not run)

Split a Field Choice Mapping Into a Two Column Matrix


Uses the string from the select_choices_or_calculations for the meta data to create a matrix of codes and their mapped labels.


fieldChoiceMapping(object, field_name, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
fieldChoiceMapping(object, field_name, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
fieldChoiceMapping(object, field_name, ...)



redcapConnection or character(1). When character, is matches the format of the meta data field choices (i.e. rcon$meta_data()$select_choices_or_calculations).


character(1) gives the field name for which to make the choice mapping.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Returns a matrix with two columns, choice_value and choice_label

Convert a REDCap Data Field to an R Vector


Converts a field exported from REDCap into a valid R vector


  factors = TRUE,
  dates = TRUE,
  checkboxLabels = FALSE,
  labels = TRUE,
  handlers = list(),
  mChoice = NULL,



A data frame of records returned by exportRecords or exportReports


A data frame giving the data dictionary, as returned by exportMetaData


Logical, determines if checkbox, radio button, dropdown and yesno variables are converted to factors


Logical, determines if date variables are converted to POSIXct format


Logical, determines if checkbox variables are labeled as "Checked" or using the checkbox label. Only applicable when factors = TRUE


Logical. Determines if the variable labels are applied to the data frame.


List, Specify type conversion overrides for specific REDCap field types. E.g., handlers=list(date_ = as.Date). For datetime specifications the datetime ordering directive from the tail is dropped. The following field types are supported: date_, datetime_, datetime_seconds_, time_mm_ss, time, float, number, calc, int, integer, select, radio, dropdown, yesno, truefalse, checkbox, and form_complete.


logical; defaults to TRUE. Convert checkboxes to mChoice if Hmisc is installed.


additional arguments that are ignored.


This function is called internally by exportRecords and exportReports. it is not available to the user.

Helper functions for exportRecordsTyped Validation and Casting


This set of functions assists in validating that the content of fields coming from REDCap match the MetaData, allowing for a validation report to provided. The cast helpers allow for transforming the REDCap data into R data types and allowing the user to customize the end product.


isNAorBlank(x, ...)


valChoice(x, field_name, coding)

valPhone(x, field_name, coding)

valSkip(x, field_name, coding)


castLabel(x, field_name, coding)

castLabelCharacter(x, field_name, coding)

castCode(x, field_name, coding)

castCodeCharacter(x, field_name, coding)

castRaw(x, field_name, coding)

castChecked(x, field_name, coding)

castCheckedCharacter(x, field_name, coding)

castCheckLabel(x, field_name, coding)

castCheckLabelCharacter(x, field_name, coding)

castCheckCode(x, field_name, coding)

castCheckCodeCharacter(x, field_name, coding)

castCheckForImport(checked = c("Checked", "1"))

castDpNumeric(dec_symbol = ",")

castDpCharacter(n_dec, dec_symbol = ",")

castTimeHHMM(x, field_name, coding)

castTimeMMSS(x, field_name, coding)

castLogical(x, field_name, coding)







character. A vector to check.


Consumes anything else passed to function. I.e., field_name and coding.


character. The regular expression pattern to check.


character(1). Name of the field(s)


named character vector. The defined coding from the meta data.


function. A function that takes a character vector.


character. Values to recognize as checked in a checkbox field.


character(1). The symbol in the field used to denote a decimal.


integerish(1). The number of decimal places permitted by the field validation.


An object of class list of length 21.

An object of class list of length 25.

An object of class list of length 25.

An object of class list of length 21.


Functions passed to the na, validation, and cast parameter of exportRecordsTyped() all take the form of ⁠function(x, coding, field_name)⁠. na and validation functions are expected to return a logical vector of the same length as the column processed. Helper routines are provided here for common cases to construct these functions.

Missing Data Detection

na_values is a helper function to create a list of functions to test for NA based on field type. Useful for bulk override of NA detection for a project. The output can be directly passed to the na parameter of exportRecordsTyped().

Missing data detection is performed ahead of validation. Data that are found to be missing are excluded from validation reports.

REDCap users may define project-level missing value codes. If such codes are defined, they can be seen in Project Setup > Additional Customizations > Missing Data Codes. They will also be displayed in the project's Codebook. Project-level missing data codes cannot be accessed via the API, meaning redcapAPI is unable to assist in determining if a project has any. The most likely symptom of project-level codes is a high frequency of values failing validation (See vignette("redcapAPI-missing-data-detection")).

Validation Functions

isNAorBlank returns TRUE/FALSE if field is NA or blank. Helper function for constructing na overrides in exportRecordsTyped().

valRx constructs a validation function from a regular expression pattern. The function returns a TRUE/FALSE if the value matches the pattern.

valChoice constructs a validation function from a set of choices defined in the MetaData. The functions returns a TRUE/FALSE if the value matches one of the choices.

valPhone constructs a validation function for (North American) phone numbers. It removes punctuation and spaces prior to validating with the regular expression.

valSkip is a function that supports skipping the validation for a field type. It returns a TRUE value for each record, regardless of its value. Validation skipping has occasional utility when importing certain field types (such as bioportal or sql) where not all of the eventual choices are available in the project yet.

skip_validation is a list of functions that just returns TRUE for all data passed in.

Casting Functions

castLabel constructs a casting function for multiple choice variables. The field will be cast to return the choice label (generally more human readable). castLabelCharacter is an equivalent casting function that returns a character vector instead of a factor.

castCode constructs a casting function for multiple choice variables. Similar to castLabel, but the choice value is returned instead. The values are typically more compact and their meaning may not be obvious. castCodeCharacter is an equivalent casting function that retuns a character vector instead of a factor.

castRaw constructs a casting function that returns the content from REDCap as it was received. It is functionally equivalent to identity. For multiple choice variables, the result will be coerced to numeric, if possible; otherwise, the result is character vector.

castChecked constructs a casting function for checkbox fields. It returns values in the form of Unchecked/Checked. castCheckedCharacter is an equivalent casting function that returns a character vector instead of a factor.

castCheckLabel and castCheckCode also construct casting functions for checkbox fields. For both, unchecked variables are cast to an empty string (""). Checked variables are cast to the option label and option code, respectively. castCheckLabelCharacter and castCheckCodeCharacter are equivalent casting functions that returns a character vector instead of a factor.

castCheckForImport is a special case function to allow the user to specify exactly which values are to be considered "Checked". Values that match are returned as 1 and all other values are returned as 0. This is motivated by the special case where the coding on a checkbox includes "0, Option". In the resulting field checkbox___0, a coded value of 0 actually implies the choice was selected. In order to perform an import on such data, it is necessary to cast it using castCheckForImport(c("0")).

castDpNumeric is a casting function for fields that use the number_ndp_comma field type (where n is the number of decimal places). This function will convert the values to numeric values for use in analysis. This is a function that returns the appropriate casting function, thus the appropriate usage when using the defaults is cast = list(number_1dp_comma = castDpNumeric()) (using the parentheses).

castDpCharacter is a casting function to return fields that use number_ndp_comma field types to character strings for import. This is a function that returns the appropriate casting function, thus the appropriate usage when casting for one decimal place is cast = list(number_1dp_comma = castDpCharacter(1)).

castTimeHHMM and castTimeMMSS are casting functions to facilitate importing data. They convert time data into a character format that will pass the API requirements.

castLogical is a casting function that returns a logical vector for common, binary-type responses. It is well suited to changing true/false, yes/no, and checkbox fields into logical vectors, as it returns TRUE if the value is one of c("1", "true", "yes") and returns FALSE otherwise.

Casting Lists

raw_cast overrides all casting if passed as the cast parameter. It is important the the validation specified matches the chosen cast. For fully raw it should be skip_validation.

default_cast_no_factor is a list of casting functions that matches all of the default casts but with the exception that any fields that would have been cast to factors will instead be cast to characters. It is provided for the user that prefers to work absent factors. The list default_cast_character is equivalent and is provided for those that prefer to describe their casting in terms of what the result is (and not what it is not).


Validation and casting functions return the objects indicated in the following table:

Function Name Object Type Returned
isNAOrBlank logical
valRx logical
valChoice logical
valPhone logical
valSkip logical
castLabel factor
castLabelCharacter character
castCode factor
castCodeCharacter character
castRaw character
castChecked factor
castCheckedCharacter character
castCheckLabel factor
castCheckLabelCharacter character
castCheckCode factor
castCheckCodeCharacter character
castCheckForImport numeric
castDpNumeric numeric
castDpCharacter character
castTimeHHMM character
castTimeMMSS character
castLogical logical

See Also





## Not run: 
# Make a custom function to give special treatment to a field.
# In this function, the field "field_name_to_skip" will 
# be cast using `castRaw`. All other fields will be cast 
# using `castCode`
customCastCode <- function(x, field_name, coding){
  if (field_name == "field_name_to_skip"){
    castRaw(x, field_name, coding)
  } else {
    castCode(x, field_name, coding)

## End(Not run)

Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project


These methods enable to the user to export a file stored in a project field, import a file, or delete an existing file.


  event = NULL,
  dir = getwd(),
  file_prefix = TRUE,

  overwrite = TRUE,
  repeat_instance = NULL,

deleteFiles(rcon, record, field, event, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  event = NULL,
  dir = getwd(),
  file_prefix = TRUE,
  repeat_instance = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  event = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  repeat_instance = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  record = NULL,
  field = NULL,
  event = NULL,
  repeat_instance = NULL,



A redcapConnection object.


character(1) or integerish(1). The record ID in which the desired file is stored.


character(1). The field name in which the file is stored.


character(1) or NULL. The event name for the file. This applies only to longitudinal projects. If the event is not supplied for a longitudinal project, the API will return an error message


integerish(1) or NULL. The repeat instance number of the repeating event or the repeating instrument. When available in your instance of REDCap, and passed as NULL, the API will assume a value of 1.


character(1). The file path to the file to be imported.


logical(1). When FALSE, the function checks if a file already exists for that record. If a file exists, the function terminates to prevent overwriting. When TRUE, no additional check is performed.


character(1). A directory/folder to which the file will be saved. By default, the working directory is used.


logical(1). Determines if a prefix is appended to the file name. The prefix takes the form ⁠[record_id]-[event_name]-[file_name]⁠. The file name is always the same name of the file as it exists in REDCap.


Arguments to pass to other methods


These functions only export, import, or delete a single file.

When exporting, the file name cannot be changed; whatever name exists in REDCap is the name that will be used. The record ID and event name may be appended as a prefix.


exportFiles invisibly returns the file path to which the exported file was saved.

importFiles invisibly returns TRUE when successful, or throws an error if the import failed.

deleteFiles invisible returns TRUE when successful, or throws an error if the deletion failed.


  • exportFiles(): Export a file from a REDCap project.

  • importFiles(): Import a file to a REDCap project.

  • deleteFiles(): Delete a file from a REDCap project.

See Also

importFileToRecord() (can create a record to receive the file if it does yet exist)


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

save_to_dir <- tempdir()              

# Export a file
            record = 1, 
            field = "file_upload_test", 
            dir = save_to_dir)
# Export a file for a specific event
            record = 1, 
            field = "file_upload_test",
            event = "event_1_arm_1", 
            dir = save_to_dir)

# Import a file 
            file = "file_to_upload.txt" 
            record = 1, 
            field = "file_upload_test")
# Delete a file
            record = 1, 
            field = "file_upload_test")

## End(Not run)

Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository


These methods enable the user to export, import, or delete entire folders of files from the file repository. These actions may be done recursively to include subfolders as well.


  dir = getwd(),
  dir_create = FALSE,
  recursive = FALSE,

importFileRepository(rcon, dir, folder_id = numeric(0), ...)

deleteFileRepository(rcon, folder_id, recursive = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  folder_id = numeric(0),
  dir = getwd(),
  dir_create = FALSE,
  recursive = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  folder_id = numeric(0),
  dag_id = numeric(0),
  role_id = numeric(0),
  recursive = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  recursive = FALSE,
  confirm = c("ask", "no", "yes")



A redcapConnection object.


integerish(0/1) The folder ID with the files to download. If length 0, defaults to the top-level directory.


character(1). A directory on the local system to which the files are to be saved. Defaults to the working directory.


logical(1). When TRUE create the directory dir if it does not already exist. Defaults to FALSE. If dir does not exist and dir_create = FALSE, an error is thrown.


integerish(0/1) The ID of a data access group. When provided, access to the folder will be restricted to the DAG.


integerish(0/1) The ID of a role. When provided, access to the folder will be restricted to users with that role.


logical(1). When TRUE, export all subfolders and their files as well.


character. One of c("ask", "no", "yes"). When "ask", user will be prompted to confirm the deletion. When "no", the function will terminate with no action. When "yes", the function will proceed without confirmation (useful for automated processes).


Arguments to pass to other methods


deleteFileRepository will only delete files and cannot delete folders.

Deleted files will remain in the recycling bin for up to 30 days.


exportFileRepository returns a data frame with the locations to which the files were saved on the local system. It has the columns:

directory The directory in which the file is saved.
filename The name of the saved file.

importFileRepository returns a data frame with the locations to which the files were saved on the local system. It has the columns:

directory The directory in which the file is saved.
filename The name of the saved file.

deleteFileRepository returns a data frame listing the files that were deleted from the file repository. It has the columns:

folder_id The REDCap assigned ID number for the folder. This will be NA for files.
doc_id The REDCap assigned ID number for the file.
name The filename of the deleted files.
parent_folder The folder ID of parent folder.


  • exportFileRepository(): Export multiple files from the File Repository.

  • importFileRepository(): Import multiple files to the File Repository.

  • deleteFileRepository(): Delete multiple files from the File Repository.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
save_location <- tempdir()

# Export the top-level file repository folder
                     folder_id = numeric(0), 
                     dir = save_location)
# Export the entire repository 
                     folder_id = numeric(0), 
                     dir = save_location, 
                     recursive = TRUE)
# Export a file repository folder below the top-level
                     folder_id = 12345, 
                     dir = save_location)
# Import the files from a folder to the top-level file repository
                     dir = "path/to/folder")
# Import the files from a folder to sub folder of the file repository
                     dir = "path/to/folder", 
                     folder_id = 12345) 
# Import the files from a folder and assign to a specific 
# Data Access Group
                     dir = "path/to/folder", 
                     dag_id = 789)  
# Delete files from the top-level folder of the file repository
                     folder_id = numeric(0))
# Delete all the file sfrom the file repository
                     folder_id = numeric(0), 
                     recursive = TRUE)                   

## End(Not run)

Reconstruct the file repository path


Reconstruct the file repository path


fileRepositoryPath(doc_id = numeric(0), folder_id = numeric(0), fileRepo)



integerish(0/1). The document ID for which the file path should be returned. Only one of doc_id or folder_id should be specified.


integerish(0/1). The folder ID for which the file path should be returned. Only one of doc_id or folder_id should be specified.


data.frame with the file repository listing. Typically provided by rcon$fileRepository()

Remove Rows Containing Only Missing Values


Evaluates each row of a data frame for missingness. If all fields (excluding the identifying fields) are missing, the row is removed from the data. For the purpose of this function, redcap_data_access_group is considered an identifying field.


filterEmptyRow(data, rcon)



A data.frame to be filtered.


A redcapConnection object.

See Also


Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository


These methods enable the user to export, import, or delete individual files from a REDCap project's file repository.


exportFromFileRepository(rcon, doc_id, dir = getwd(), dir_create = FALSE, ...)

importToFileRepository(rcon, file, folder_id = numeric(0), ...)

deleteFromFileRepository(rcon, doc_id, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportFromFileRepository(rcon, doc_id, dir = getwd(), dir_create = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importToFileRepository(rcon, file, folder_id = numeric(0), ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
deleteFromFileRepository(rcon, doc_id, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


integerish(1). The document ID to be downloaded.


integerish(0/1). The ID of the folder into which the file is to be imported. If length is zero, it is imported to the top-level folder.


character(1). A file on the local system to be imported to the File Repository.


character(1). A directory on the local system to which the file is to be saved. Defaults to the working directory.


logical(1). Create the directory dir if it does not already exist. Defaults to FALSE. If dir does not exist and create = FALSE, an error is thrown.


Arguments to pass to other methods


When a file is deleted, the file will remain in the Recycle Bin folder for up to 30 days.


exportFromFileRepository, importToFileRepository, and deleteFromFileRepository each return a data frame with the columns:

directory The directory in which the file is saved.
filename The name of the saved file.


  • exportFromFileRepository(): Export a file from the file repository.

  • importToFileRepository(): Import a file to the file repository.

  • deleteFromFileRepository(): Delete a file from the file repository.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
write_to_path <- tempdir()            
# Export a file from the repository
                         doc_id = 12345, 
                         dir = write_to_path)
# Export a file and create the target directory if it does not exist
                         doc_id = 12345, 
                         dir = write_to_path, 
                         dir_create = TRUE)
# Import a file to the top-level directory of the file repository
                       file = "file_to_import.txt")
# Import a file to a specific directory of the file repository
                       file = "file_to_import.txt", 
                       folder_id = 678)
# Delete a file from the file repository
                         doc_id = 12345)

## End(Not run)

Return a vector of the Project ID Fields


Returns a character vector listing the project ID fields. This will be at most a vector of length two. The first element will be the first field in the meta data. The second, if provided, will be the name of the secondary unique field specified in the project.





A redcapConnection object.


Returns a character vector with the field names that uniquely identify an experimental unit.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

## End(Not run)

Import a File With Option to Create A Record to Receive the File


There are times when the user may desire to create a record and import a file as part of a single action. For example, a study consent form may have been collected and needs to be stored with the data of the new study participant. importFileToRecord extends importFiles to allow the concurrent creation of the record in which the file will be stored.


  record = NULL,
  overwrite = TRUE,
  repeat_instance = NULL,



A redcapConnection object.


character(1). The file path to the file to be imported.


character(1) or integerish(1) or NULL. The record ID in which the desired file is stored. When NULL, an attempt will be made to create a new record for the file. See 'Details'


character(1). The field name in which the file is stored.


character(1) or NULL. The event name for the file. This applies only to longitudinal projects. If the event is not supplied for a longitudinal project, the API will return an error message


logical(1). When FALSE, the function checks if a file already exists for that record. If a file exists, the function terminates to prevent overwriting. When TRUE, no additional check is performed.


integerish(1) or NULL. The repeat instance number of the repeating event or the repeating instrument. When available in your instance of REDCap, and passed as NULL, the API will assume a value of 1.


Arguments to pass to other methods


The behavior of importFileToRecord depends on

  1. whether record auto numbering has been enabled in the project,

  2. if the record is specified by the user

  3. if the record specified by the user exists.

The following table details the actions taken based on these conditions. (force_auto_number is an argument to importRecords()).

Autonumbering enabled record Record Exists Action
Yes NULL No Create a new record (using force_auto_number = TRUE) and import the file to the new record
Yes Specified Yes Import the file to the existing record
Yes Specified No Create a new record (using force_auto_number = TRUE)and import the file to the new record
No NULL No Error: record must be provided when auto numbering is not enabled
No Specified Yes Import the file to the existing record
No Specified No Create the record (using force_auto_number = FALSE) and import the file to the new record.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

                   file = "file_to_upload.txt" 
                   record = NULL, 
                   field = "file_upload_test")

## End(Not run)

Import Records to a Project


These methods enable the user to import new records or update existing records to a project.


  overwriteBehavior = c("normal", "overwrite"),
  returnContent = c("count", "ids", "nothing", "auto_ids"),
  returnData = FALSE,
  logfile = "",

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  overwriteBehavior = c("normal", "overwrite"),
  returnContent = c("count", "ids", "nothing", "auto_ids"),
  returnData = FALSE,
  logfile = "",
  force_auto_number = FALSE,
  batch.size = -1



A redcapConnection object.


A data.frame to be imported to the project.


character(1). One of c("normal", "overwrite"). "normal" prevents blank fields from overwriting populated fields. "overwrite" causes blanks to overwrite data in the database.


character(1). One of c("count", "ids", "nothing", "auto_ids"). 'count' returns the number of records imported; 'ids' returns the record ids that are imported; 'nothing' returns no message; 'auto_ids' returns a list of pairs of all record IDs that were imported. If used when force_auto_number = FALSE, the value will be changed to 'ids'.


logical(1). When TRUE, prevents the REDCap import and instead returns the data frame that would have been given for import. This is sometimes helpful if the API import fails without providing an informative message. The data frame can be written to a csv and uploaded using the interactive tools to troubleshoot the problem.


character(1). An optional filepath (preferably .txt) in which to print the log of errors and warnings about the data. When "", the log is printed to the console.


Arguments to pass to other methods


logical(1). If record auto-numbering has been enabled in the project, it may be desirable to import records where each record's record name is automatically determined by REDCap (just as it does in the user interface). When TRUE, the record names provided in the request will not be used (although they are still required in order to associate multiple rows of data to an individual record in the request); instead those records in the request will receive new record names during the import process. It is recommended that the user use returnContent = "auto_ids" when force_auto_number = TRUE


integerish(1). Specifies the number of subjects to be included in each batch of a batched export or import. Non-positive numbers export/import the entire operation in a single batch. Batching may be beneficial to prevent tying up smaller servers. See Details.


importRecords prevents the most common import errors by testing the data before attempting the import. Namely

  1. Check that all variables in data exist in the REDCap data dictionary.

  2. Check that the record id variable exists

  3. Force the record id variable to the first position in the data frame (with a warning)

  4. Remove calculated fields (with a warning)

  5. Verify that REDCap date fields are represented in the data frame as either character, POSIXct, or Date class objects.

  6. Determine if values are within their specified validation limits.

See the documentation for validateImport() for detailed explanations of the validation.

A 'batched' import is one where the export is performed over a series of API calls rather than one large call. For large projects on small servers, this may prevent a single user from tying up the server and forcing others to wait on a larger job.

BioPortal Fields

Text fields that are validation enabled using the BioPortal Ontology service may be imported by providing the coded value. Importing the coded value does not, however, guarantee that the labeled value will be immediately available. Labels for BioPortal values are cached on the REDCap server in a process that occurs when viewing data in the user interface. Thus, if the label has not be previously cached on the server, the code will be used to represent both the code and the label.


importRecords, when returnData = FALSE, returns the content from the API response designated by the returnContent argument.

importRecords, when returnData = TRUE, returns the data frame that was internally prepared for import. This data frame has values transformed from R objects to character values the API will accept.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Import records
NewData <- data.frame(record_id = c(1, 2, 3), 
                      age = c(27, 43, 32), 
                      date_of_visit = rep(Sys.Date(), 3))
              data = NewData)
# Import records and save validation info to a file
NewData <- data.frame(record_id = c(1, 2, 3), 
                      age = c(27, 43, 32), 
                      date_of_visit = rep(Sys.Date(), 3))
              data = NewData, 
              logfile = "import-validation-notes.txt")      

## End(Not run)

Helper functions for formatting validation failure report


exportRecordsTyped() may have an invalid attribute if validations fail. This data has some routines which help locate the failing records.


## S3 method for class 'invalid'
format(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'invalid'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'invalid'
summary(object, ...)



The invalid class object.


additional arguments to print


The invalid class object.


## Not run: 
rcon <- redcapConnection(url=[YOUR_REDCAP_URL], token=[API_TOKEN])

rec <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)

attr(rec, "invalid")

## End(Not run)

Identify Check Fields with a Zero Coded Option


Check fields that have 0 as a coding option can confuse certain data processing steps because it can be difficult to differentiate if a 0 value represents an unchecked or checked option. Identifying these fields is important to handling them correctly.



warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting(field_name, x)

warnZeroCodedFieldPresent(field_names, warn_zero_coded)



character(1) The name of a field to be tested.


atomic object.


character vector of field names.


logical(1). Turn on or off warnings about zero coded fields. Defaults to TRUE.


isZeroCodedCheckField returns a logical(1)

warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting has no return and issues a warning if the field name appears to be zero-coded.

warnZeroCodedFieldPresent has no return and issues a warning if any of the fields passed appear to be zero-coded.

Zero-Coded Check Fields

A zero-coded check field is a field of the REDCap type checkbox that has a coding definition of ⁠0, [label]⁠. When exported, the field names for these fields is ⁠[field_name]___0⁠. As in other checkbox fields, the raw data output returns binary values where 0 represent an unchecked box and 1 represents a checked box. For zero-coded checkboxes, then, a value of 1 indicates that 0 was selected.

This coding rarely presents a problem when casting from raw values (as is done in exportRecordsTyped). However, casting from coded or labeled values can be problematic. In this case, it becomes indeterminate from context if the intent of 0 is 'false' or the coded value '0' ('true') ...

The situations in which casting may fail to produce the desired results are

Code Label Result
0 anything other than "0" Likely to fail when casting from coded values
0 0 Likely to fail when casting from coded or labeled values

Because of the potential for miscast data, casting functions will issue a warning anytime a zero-coded check field is encountered. A separate warning is issued when a field is cast from coded or labeled values.

When casting from coded or labeled values, it is strongly recommended that the function castCheckForImport() be used. This function permits the user to state explicitly which values should be recognized as checked, avoiding the ambiguity resulting from the coding.


## Not run: 


x <- factor(c(1, 0, 1, 0, 0), 
            levels = 0:1)
warnOfZeroCodedCheckCasting(field_name = "check_field___0", 
                            x = x)
warnZeroCodedFieldPresent(c("check_field___x", "check_field___0"), TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Make REDCap API Calls


Constructs and executes API calls to the REDCap API. These are left deliberately abstract in order to be flexible enough to support the redcapAPI functions, but also allow users to execute calls for new REDCap features that are not yet implemented.


makeApiCall(rcon, body = list(), url = NULL, success_status_codes = 200L, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


list List of parameters to be passed to curl::curl's body argument


character(1) A url string to hit. Defaults to rcon$url.


integerish A vector of success codes to ignore for error handling. Defaults to c(200L).


This will capture api_param (if specified) which will modify the body of the the specified body of the request. It also captures config which will get passed to curl::handle_setopt.


The intent of this function is to provide an approach to execute calls to the REDCap API that is both consistent and flexible. Importantly, this provides a framework for making calls to the API using features that the R package does not yet support (redcapAPI will always lag behind when REDCap adds new features).

The API call consists of two components: the "body" and the "config." The body of the call contains all of the arguments being passed to the API. When building body components, be sure to review the documentation. options to the API that require an array need to be built using vectorToApiBodyList; options that are not an array can be entered directly (see examples).

The config list is a list of parameter overrides that reflect the curl request object. The most commonly used elements of this list is options or maybe headers.

Using the settings stored in the redcapConnection object, a response code of 408 (Request Timeout), 500 (Internal Server Error), 502 (Bad Gateway), 503 (Service Unavailable), or 504 (Gateway Timeout) will prompt reattempts at calling the API. See redcapConnection() for details. If the API reaches its attempt limit without resolving to any other code, the last response is returned. If any other response code is returned at any point in the retry loop, the loop breaks and returns that response.


## Not run: 
  url <- "Enter your API URL here"
  token <- "Enter your API token here"
  rcon <- redcapConnection(url = url, 
                           token = token)
  MetaData <- 
    makeApiCall(rcon = rcon,
               body = list(content = "metadata",
                           format = "csv",
                           returnFormat = "csv"))
  MetaData <- utils::read.csv(text = as.character(MetaData),
                              stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                              na.strings = "")

  # Call to export Meta Data (Data Dictionary) for specific fields

  fields <- vectorToApiBodyList(vector = c("row_purpose", 
                                parameter_name = "fields")
  MetaData <-
    makeApiCall(rcon = rcon,
                body = c(list(content = "metadata",
                              format = "csv",
                              returnFormat = "csv"),
  MetaData <- read.csv(text = as.character(MetaData),
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       na.strings = "")

  # Basic call to export records

  Records <- makeApiCall(rcon = rcon,
                         body = list(content = "record",
                                     format = "csv",
                                     returnFormat = "csv",
                                     type = "flat"))

  Records <- read.csv(text = as.character(Records),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                      na.strings = "")

  # Call to export records for a single form.
  # Note that even though we are interested in a single form, the
  # API requires an array, so we use vectorToApiBodyList

  export_form <- vectorToApiBodyList("branching_logic",
                                     parameter_name = "forms")
  Records <- makeApiCall(rcon = rcon,
                         body = c(list(content = "record",
                                       format = "csv",
                                       returnFormat = "csv",
                                       type = "flat"),
  Records <- read.csv(text = as.character(Records),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                      na.strings = "")

  # Call to export records with a pipe delimiter.

  Records <- makeApiCall(rcon = rcon,
                         body = list(content = "record",
                                     format = "csv",
                                     returnFormat = "csv",
                                     type = "flat",
                                     csvDelimiter = "|"))
  Records <- read.csv(text = as.character(Records),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                      na.strings = "",
                      sep = "|")

  # Call to export records created/modified after 25 Dec 2022 14:00.

  Records <- makeApiCall(rcon = rcon,
                         body = list(content = "record",
                                     format = "csv",
                                     returnFormat = "csv",
                                     type = "flat",
                                     dateRangeBegin = "2022-12-25 14:00:00"))

  Records <- read.csv(text = as.character(Records),
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                      na.strings = "")

## End(Not run)

Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings


These methods enable the user to export and add/modify the mappings between instruments and events. The information provided with the methods corresponds to what is provided in the 'Designate Instruments for My Events' page in the user interface.


exportMappings(rcon, arms, ...)

importMappings(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportMappings(rcon, arms = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importMappings(rcon, data, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


integerish or character. A vector of arm numbers. When given, mappings are only exported for the given arms.


data.frame with columns arm_num, unique_event_name, and form. See Details


Arguments to pass to other methods


These methods are only applicable to longitudinal projects. If the project information reports that the project is not longitudinal, a data frame with 0 rows is returned without calling the API.


exportMappings returns a data frame with the columns:

arm_num The arm number for the unique event mapped to the instrument.
unique_event_name The unique event name to which the instrument is assigned.
form The REDCap assigned instrument name mapped to the event.

importMappings invisible returns the number of mappings added or edited.


  • exportMappings(): Export instrument-event mappings.

  • importMappings(): Import instrument-event mappings to the project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export all mappings

# Export mappings for a specific arm
               arms = 1)
# Import mappings
NewMapping <- 
  data.frame(arm_num = c(1, 1, 2), 
             unique_event_name = c("event_1_arm_1", 
             form = c("registration", 

              data = NewMapping)

## End(Not run)

Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary)


These methods provide the user access to a REDCap project's data dictionary. The data dictionary may be exported or altered via the import.


exportMetaData(rcon, ...)

importMetaData(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportMetaData(rcon, fields = character(0), forms = character(0), ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'



A redcapConnection object.


character vector of field names for which the metadata is to be retrieved.


character vector of forms for which the metadata is to be retrieved. If a form name is given, all of the fields on that form will be returned, regardless of whether it is included in fields or not. Form names should match those in the second column of the data dictionary, and not the display names shown on the web interface.


data.frame with the Meta Data to import.


Arguments to pass to other methods


character giving the acceptable field types when validating the field_type column. This


character giving the acceptable values for the text_validation_or_show_slider_number column.


When importing meta data, the following conditions apply:

Field names may start with a letter, have any number of letters, numbers, or underscores, and end in either a letter or a number. All letters must be lowercase (the function will coerce them to lower before checking for duplicate field names).

Form names may start with a letter, have any number of letters, numbers, or underscores, and end in either a letter or a number. All letters must be lowercase (the function will coerce them to lower before checking for duplicate field names).

Field types may be one of REDCAP_METADATA_FIELDTYPE. In the event that a new field type is added to REDCap and redcapAPI is not yet updated, the user may add additional values via c(REDCAP_METADATA_FIELDTYPE, "new_type").

Validation types may be one of REDCAP_METADATA_VALIDATION_TYPE or NA. As with field types, additional values can be appended if necessary. Only fields that have a field type of "text" or "slider" should have a validation type. "slider" fields should be either NA (do not display the selected number) or "number".

For multiple choice fields, the selection choices take the format of "code1, label1 | ... | coden, labeln". For slider fields, the format is "left_value | mid_value | right_value". Any of those values may be an empty character, but the two pipes are required, nonetheless.

For calculated fields, the values in "select_choices_or_calculations" are currently unvalidated.

All of the values between brackets in the branching logic must be either a field name or an existing unique event name (such as "event_1_arm_1")


exportMetaData returns a data frame. Not all 18 (or more) columns are documented here, but the most commonly used within redcapAPI are (these may appear in a different order in the data frame):

field_name The name of a field in the project.
filed_label The human-readable form of the field name.
form_name The name of the form on which the field is found.
field_type One of two fields used to determine how a field is transformed into an R object.
select_choices_or_calculations The second field used to determine how a field is translated into an R object.
text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number Describes how fields are validated. For slider fields, it gives the limits and center point to display.
field_annotation Contains annotations such as units of measures. Also contains action tags.

importMetaData invisibly returns the number of fields that were imported.


  • exportMetaData(): Export the Meta Data (Data Dictionary) of a REDCap Project

  • importMetaData(): Import New Meta Data (Data Dictionary) Definitions

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export the MetaData from REDCap

# Export MetaData for select fields only (returns two rows)
               fields = c("dropdown_test", "radio_test"))

# Export MetaData for select forms
               forms = c("first_form", "second_form"))
# MetaData my be exported for a combination of fields and forms
               fields = c("dropdown_test", "radio_test"), 
               forms = c("first_form", "second_form"))
# Alter and import new MetaData (change the record ID label)
Meta <- exportMetaData(rcon)

Meta$field_label[1] <- "A better description of the Record ID"
               data = Meta)

## End(Not run)

Report of Missing Values


Returns a data frame of subject events with missing values.


missingSummary(rcon, excludeMissingForms = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
missingSummary(rcon, excludeMissingForms = TRUE, ...)

missingSummary_offline(records, meta_data, excludeMissingForms = TRUE)



A redcapConnection object.


logical(1) When TRUE, forms where all fields are missing are assumed to be deliberately missing data and are excluded from the count of missing values. An example when this is desirable is if a patient did not experience an adverse event; the adverse event form would contain no data and the empty fields should not be considered missing data.


additional arguments passed to inner call of exportRecordsTyped.


character(1) A filename pointing to the raw records download from REDCap.


character(1) A filename pointing to the data dictionary download from REDCap.


The intention of this function is to generate a list of subject events that are missing and could potentially be values that should have been entered.

The branching logic from the data dictionary is parsed and translated into and R expression. When a field with branching logic passes the logical statement, it is evaluated with, otherwise, it is set to FALSE (non-missing, because there was never an opportunity to provide a value). The utility of this function is limited to simple logic where all of the data exist within the same row. Any complex statements using events will result in a failure.

Optionally, forms that are entirely missing can be determined to be non-missing. This is applicable when, for instance, a patient did not have an adverse event. In this case, a form dedicated to adverse events would contain meaningless missing values and could be excluded from the report.

See Also

vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI")


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Generate a summary of missing values for the entire project

# Generate a summary of missing values for a single form
               exportRecordsArgs = list(forms = "target_form"))

## End(Not run)

Parse Branching Logic


Branching logic from the REDCap Data Dictionary is parsed into R Code and returned as expressions. These can be evaluated if desired and allow the user to determine if missing values are truly missing or not required because the branching logic prevented the variable from being presented.





A vector of REDCap branching logic statements. These are usually passed as the vector meta_data$branching_logic.


For a study, I was asked to identify which subjects had missing values so that remaining data could be collected. The initial pass of produced a lot of subjects missing values where there was no need to collect data because they did not qualify for some variables in the branching logic. Parsing the logic allowed me to determine which values we expected to be missing and narrow the search to just those subjects with legitimately missing values.

The utility of this function is limited to simple logic where all of the data exist within the same row. Any complex statements using events will result in a failure.


Returns a list of unevaluated expressions.

See Also



## Not run: 
parseBranchingLogic("[age] > 30")
parseBranchingLogic("[dropdown_test] = 'd'")
parseBranchingLogic(c("[age] > 30", 
                      "[dropdown_test] = 'd'"))

## End(Not run)

Prepare User Data for Import


Prepares a data frame for import via the API. Allows for data to be passed in either the raw format or the labeled data received from exportUsers.


prepUserImportData(data, rcon, consolidate = TRUE, user_role = FALSE)



data.frame with the structure of redcapAPI:::REDCAP_USER_STRUCTURE. It may also have additional columns for the form and export access of each of the instruments.


A redcapConnection object.


logical(1) If TRUE, the form and data export access values will be read from the expanded columns. Otherwise, the consolidated values (as provided by the API export) are utilized.


logical(1) If TRUE, the code will treat the data as if it is being prepared for importing User Roles.


Returns a data.frame with user settings that will be accepted by the API for import.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Prep user data
NewData <- data.frame(username = "target_user", 
                      design = 1, 
                      api_export = "Access", 
                      api_import = "No Access", 
                      surveys_enabled = 0)
prepUserImportData(data = NewData, 
                   rcon = rcon)
# Prep user role data
NewData <- data.frame(unique_role_name = "target_user", 
                      design = 1, 
                      api_export = "Access", 
                      api_import = "No Access", 
                      surveys_enabled = 0)
prepUserImportData(data = NewData, 
                   rcon = rcon)

## End(Not run)

Preserve Project Data Locally


The methods enable the user to export a project data and meta data into local memory. For convenience, options are provided to save the objects to files on the local machine. Files may be saved as either .Rdata files or .csv files.


preserveProject(rcon, ..., save_as = NULL, dir, dir_create = TRUE)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
preserveProject(rcon, ..., save_as = NULL, dir, dir_create = TRUE)

readPreservedProject(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'list'
readPreservedProject(x, ..., version = NULL, url = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'character'
readPreservedProject(x, ..., version = NULL, url = NULL)



A redcapConnection object.


arguments to pass to other methods


character(1) or NULL. When "Rdata", the data objects will be saved to an .Rdata file. When "csv", the data objects will be written to files at dir. Any other character value will prompt an error.


character(1). The path to a directory in which the data objects (or files) will be saved. Must be provided if save_as is not NULL.


logical(1). When TRUE, an attempt will be made to create the directory at dir if it does not already exist. When FALSE, and the directory does not exist, an error is returned.


list or character. If a list, the list returned (or saved) by preserveProject. If character, the directory to which the CSV files are saved by preserveProject.


character(1) giving the instance's REDCap version number.


character(1). URL for the user's REDCap database API.


The options to save files to local files provide the user a convenient tool set for providing other users with the ability to work with data offline. See the examples for suggestions on how to read data into an offlineConnection.

When saving to an .Rdata file, the data are saved in a list named RedcapList. The list has the same elements in the list returned when save_as = NULL and is suitable for creating an offlineConnection. The file name it is saved to follows the pattern "project-[project_id]-RedcapList.Rdata".

When saving to a .csv file, each element of the data is saved to a file with the pattern "project-[project_id]-[data type].csv".

readPreservedProject is a function of convenience for users who need to work using offline connections. If given a list, it must be in the format returned by preserveProject. If given a character, it must be the directory in which the CSV files were saved by preserveProject. If any of the file names have been changed, readPreservedProject will fail to execute. Refer to vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI") for more details.



Whensave_as = NULL', returns a list is returned with the elements

  • project_information

  • arms

  • events

  • meta_data

  • mappings

  • repeating_instruments

  • users

  • user_roles

  • user_role_assignments

  • dags

  • dag_assignments

  • records

When save_as is not NULL, the logical TRUE is invisibly returned to provide an indication that the save operation(s) are complete.


Returns a redcapOfflineConnection object.

See Also

vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI"),



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Save a project to the current session

projectData <- preserveProject(rcon)

# Save a project to an Rdata file

save_to_dir <- tempdir()
                save_as = "Rdata", 
                dir = save_to_dir)

# Create an offline connection from the Rdata file

off_conn <- readPreservedProject(RedcapList, 
                                 version = "[redcap_api_version]", 
                                 url = "[redcap_api_url]")
# Save a project to CSV files

save_to_dir <- tempdir()
                save_as = "csv", 
                dir = save_to_dir)
# Create an offline connection from the CSV files

off_con <- 
                      version = "[redcap_api_version]", 
                      url = "[redcap_api_url]")

## End(Not run)

Export and Import Project Settings


These methods enable the user to export or update project level settings, such as the project title, if it is longitudinal, if surveys are enabled, etc.


exportProjectInformation(rcon, ...)

importProjectInformation(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportProjectInformation(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importProjectInformation(rcon, data, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


data.frame with only one row and any subset of allowable fields to be updated. See Details.


Arguments to pass to other methods


When importing, fields that are not editable will be quietly removed prior to import. This allows the user to use the result of exportProjectInformation as a template for the import.

For any values that are boolean, they should be represented as either a '0' (no/false) or '1' (yes/true).

It is not required for data to have all of the fields, but only the fields the user wishes to update (see examples).

The following project attributes can be updated:

  • project_title

  • project_language

  • purpose

  • purpose_other

  • project_notes

  • custom_record_label

  • secondary_unique_field

  • is_longitudinal

  • surveys_enabled

  • scheduling_enabled

  • record_autonumbering_enabled

  • randomization_enabled

  • project_irb_number

  • project_grant_number

  • project_pi_firstname

  • project_pi_lastname

  • display_today_now_button

  • bypass_branching_erase_field_prompt


exportProjectInformation returns a data frame with the columns

project_id The internal ID number assigned to the project.
project_title The project title given to the project.
creation_time The date/time the project was created.
production_time The date/time the project was moved into production status.
in_production Boolean value indicating if the project is in production status.
project_language The language associated with the project.
purpose An integerish value identifying the purpose of the project. 0 = "Practice/Just for fun", 1 = "Other", 2 = "Research", 3 = "Quality Improvement", 4 = "Operational Support".
purpose_other The user supplied character value given when the project purpose is 'Other'.
project_notes The user supplied notes about the project.
custom_record_label The user provided custom label for the record identifier field.
secondary_unique_field The name of the secondary unique field, if this has been configured.
is_longitudinal Boolean value indicating if the project is a longitudinal project.
has_repeating_instruments_or_events Boolean value indicating if the repeating instruments or events module has been enabled.
surveys_enabled Boolean value indicating if the surveys module has been enabled.
scheduling_enabled Boolean value indicating if the scheduling module has been enabled.
record_autonumbering_enabled Boolean value indicating if the record autonumbering feature has been enabled.
randomization_enabled Boolean value indicating if the randomization module has been enabled.
ddp_enabled Boolean value indicating if dynamic data pull has been enabled for a project (may only be enabled by a REDCap administrator).
project_irb_number The user provided IRB number for the project.
project_grant_number The user provided grant number for the project.
project_pi_firstname The first name of the principal investigator.
project_pi_lastname The last name of the principal investigator.
display_today_now_button Boolean value indicating if the today/now button is displayed for date/time fields in the UI.
missing_data_codes Character value giving the missing data codes enabled for the project. They are given in the format ⁠[code],[label]⁠, with each coding separated by a pipe character.
external_modules Character value listing the external modules enabled.
bypass_branching_erase_field_prompt Boolean value indicating if the box for "Prevent branching logic from hiding fields that have values" has been checked under "Additional Customizations."

importProjectInformation invisibly returns the number of fields updated.


  • exportProjectInformation(): Export project settings.

  • importProjectInformation(): Import project settings.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Export Project Information

# Import a new project title
NewData <- data.frame(project_title = "New Title Name")
                         data = NewData)
# Enable surveys in the project
NewData <- data.frame(surveys_enabled = 1)
                         data = NewData)
# Change multiple fields in the project settings
NewData <- data.frame(project_irb_number = "IRB-12345", 
                      display_today_now_button = 0, 
                      scheduling_enabled = 1)
                         data = NewData)

## End(Not run)

Purge and Restore Project Data


These functions are primarily intended to assist with testing features of redcapAPI. Purging and restoring project data permits us to perform tests on different project structures without having to manage multiple projects or API tokens.

When purging project data, many of these actions may only be performed with a project in development status, as they are potentially destructive and may result in data loss. It is a good practice to back up your data and project structure before purging a project.


purgeProject(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  arms = FALSE,
  events = FALSE,
  users = FALSE,
  user_roles = FALSE,
  dags = FALSE,
  records = FALSE,
  purge_all = FALSE,
  flush = TRUE,

restoreProject(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  project_information = NULL,
  arms = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  meta_data = NULL,
  mappings = NULL,
  repeating_instruments = NULL,
  users = NULL,
  user_roles = NULL,
  user_role_assignments = NULL,
  dags = NULL,
  dag_assignments = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  flush = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'list'
restoreProject(object, ..., rcon)



Arguments to pass to other methods


Either logical(1) indicating if arms data should be purged from the project; or a data.frame for restoring arms data via importArms.


Either logical(1) indicating if events data should be purged from the project; or a data.frame for restoring events data via importEvents


Either logical(1) indicating if users data should be purged from the project; or a data.frame for restoring users data via importUsers. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED


Either logical(1) indicating if user roles data should be purged from the project; or a data.frame for restoring user roles data via importUserRoles. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED


Either logical(1) indicating if DAG data should be purged from the project; or a data.frame for restoring DAGs data via importDags. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED


Either logical(1) indicating if records data should be purged from the project; or a data.frame for restoring records data via importRecords


logical(1). A shortcut option to purge all data elements from a project.


logical(1). When TRUE, all caches in the connection object will be flushed after completing the operation. This is highly recommended.

object, rcon

A redcapConnection object. Except in restoreProject.list, where object is a list of data frames to use in restoring the project.


data.frame for restoring data. Provides the project settings to load via importProjectInformation.


A data.frame for restoring metadata data via importMetaData. The API does not support deleting metadata, but an import replaces the existing metadata.


A data.frame for restoring instrument-event mappings via importMappings. The API does not support deleting mappings, but an import replaces the existing mappings.


A data.frame for restoring repeating instruments configuration via importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(). The API does not support deleting repeating instruments, but an import replaces the existing instruments. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED


A data.frame for restoring user-role assignments via importUserRoleAssignments. The API does not support deleting assignments, but an import replaces the existing assignments. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.


A data.frame for restoring DAG assignments via importDagAssignments. The API does not support deleting assignments, but an import replaces the existing assignments. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.


When restoring a project, all arguments are optional. Any argument that is NULL will result in no import being made. The order of reconstructing the project is (purging data occurs in the reverse order):

  1. Update project information

  2. Import Arms Data

  3. Import Events Data

  4. Import Meta Data

  5. Import Mappings

  6. Import Repeating Instruments

  7. Import Users

  8. Import User Roles

  9. Import User-Role Assignments

  10. Import Data Access Groups

  11. Import Data Access Group Assignments

  12. Import Records


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Preserve a project

# Purge a project
             purge_all = TRUE)
# Restore a project

## End(Not run)

Change labeling of checkbox variables


Rewrites the labeling of checkbox variables from Checked/Unchecked to Yes/No (or some other user specified labeling).


  old = c("Unchecked", "Checked"),
  new = c("No", "Yes"),
  reverse = FALSE



A data frame, presumably retrieved from REDCap, though not a strict requirement.


Optional character vector of variables to convert. If left missing, all of the variables in df that are identified as checkbox variables are relabeled. See 'Details' for more about identifying checkbox variables.


A character vector to be passed to factor. This indicates the levels to be replaced and their order.


A character vector of labels to replace the values in levels. The first value becomes the reference value.


For convenience, if the user would prefer to reverse the order of the elements in levels and labels, simply set this to TRUE.


checkbox variables are not identified using the metadata from the REDCap database. Instead, variables are scanned, and those variables in which every value is in levels are assumed to be checkbox variables.

Realistically, this could be used to relabel any set of factors with identical labels, regardless of the data source. The number of labels is not limited, but levels and labels should have the same length.

The actual code to perform this is not particularly difficult (df[checkbox] <- lapply(df[checkbox], factor, levels=levels, labels=labels)), but checkbox variables are common enough in REDCap (and the Checked/Unchecked scheme so unpalatable) that a quick way to replace the labels was highly desirable

Save a File to a Local Directory from a Response


Converts the file from a response object and saves it to the local file directory.


  dir_create = FALSE,
  file_prefix = "",
  filename = character(0)



An object of class response.


character(1) A directory on the local file system into which the file will be saved.


logical(1) If TRUE and the directory does not exist, it will be created. Defaults to FALSE. If dir does not exist and create = FALSE, an error is thrown.


character(1) An optional prefix to prepend to the file name. This may be desirable to explicitly associate files with a record and/or event.


character(0/1) An optional filename. This is used in the case where a filename is being provided. It this has length 0, the filename will be extracted from the API response.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
response <- makeApiCall(rcon, 
                        body = list(content = 'file', 
                        action = 'export', 
                        record = '1', 
                        field = 'file_upload_test', 
                        event = 'event_1_arm_1'))
                           dir = tempdir())

## End(Not run)

Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record


These methods enable the user to get the next record name (when auto numbering is enabled) or rename and existing record.


exportNextRecordName(rcon, ...)

renameRecord(rcon, record_name, new_record_name, arm = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportNextRecordName(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
renameRecord(rcon, record_name, new_record_name, arm = NULL, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character(1) or integerish(1). The name of an existing record in the project.


character(1) or integerish(1). The new name to give to the record.


character(1) or NULL, an optional arm number. If NULL, then all records with same name across all arms on which it exists (if longitudinal with multiple arms) will be renamed to new record name, otherwise it will rename the record only in the specified arm.


Arguments to pass to other methods


exportNextRecordName returns an integerish value. The value is determined by looking up the highest record ID number in the project and incrementing it by 1.

renameRecord invisibly returns a logical value that indicates if the operation was successful. Otherwise, an error is thrown.


  • exportNextRecordName(): Get the ID number for the next record to be created.

  • renameRecord(): Rename an existing record.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Get the next record name

# Rename an existing record
             record_name = "1", 
             new_record_name = "42")

## End(Not run)

Export Records and Reports


These methods enable the user to export records and reports from a project.


  factors = TRUE,
  fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  labels = TRUE,
  dates = TRUE,
  drop = NULL,
  survey = TRUE,
  dag = TRUE,
  checkboxLabels = FALSE,
  colClasses = character(0),

  factors = TRUE,
  fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  labels = TRUE,
  dates = TRUE,
  checkboxLabels = FALSE,
  colClasses = NA,

  factors = TRUE,
  labels = TRUE,
  dates = TRUE,
  drop = NULL,
  checkboxLabels = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  factors = TRUE,
  fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  labels = TRUE,
  dates = TRUE,
  drop = NULL,
  survey = TRUE,
  dag = TRUE,
  checkboxLabels = FALSE,
  colClasses = character(0),
  batch.size = -1,
  form_complete_auto = TRUE

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  factors = TRUE,
  labels = TRUE,
  dates = TRUE,
  drop = NULL,
  checkboxLabels = FALSE,



A redcapConnection object.


integerish(1). Gives the report id of the desired report. This is located on the Report Builder page of the user interface.


logical(1). When TRUE, multiple choice fields will be returned as factors. Otherwise, they are returned as character values. See 'Exporting Records' for more on how this interacts with the checkboxLabels argument.


character. Fields to be returned. When NULL, all fields are returned.


character. Forms to be returned. When NULL, all forms are returned.


character or integerish. Record ID's to be returned. When NULL, all records are returned.


character. Events to be returned from a longitudinal database. When NULL, all events are returned.


logical(1). When TRUE, field labels are attached to each column as an attribute.


logical(1). When TRUE, date variables are converted to POSIXct objects.


character. An optional vector of REDCap field names to remove from the dataset. Ignored when NULL. Any fields in this argument that do not exist in the project will be ignored.


logical(1). specifies whether or not to export the survey identifier field (redcap_survey_identifier) or survey timestamp fields (⁠[form_name]_timestamp⁠) when surveys are utilized in the project.


logical(1). When TRUE, the system field redcap_data_access_group is included in the export. This option is only viable if the user whose token is being used to make the API request is not in a data access group. If the user is in a group, then this flag will revert to FALSE.


logical(1). When FALSE labels are applied as "Unchecked"/"Checked". When TRUE, they are applied as ⁠""/[field_label]⁠ where ⁠[field_label]⁠ is the label assigned to the level in the data dictionary.


logical(1). When TRUE (default), the ⁠[form]_complete⁠ fields for any form from which at least one variable is requested will automatically be retrieved. When FALSE, these fields must be explicitly requested.


Named character vector. Column classes passed to utils::read.csv() calls. Useful to force the interpretation of a column in a specific type and avoid an unexpected recast.


integerish(1). Specifies the number of subjects to be included in each batch of a batched export or import. Non-positive numbers export/import the entire operation in a single batch. Batching may be beneficial to prevent tying up smaller servers. See Details.


character(1). Gives the location of the dataset downloaded from REDCap. This should be the raw (unlabeled) data set.


character(1). Gives the location of the data dictionary downloaded from REDCap.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Deprecated version of metaDataFile.


It is unnecessary to include '"redcap_event_name"“ in the fields argument. This field is automatically exported for any longitudinal database. If the user does include it in the fields argument, it is removed quietly in the parameter checks.

There are four ways the data from checkbox variables may be represented depending on the values of factors and checkboxLabels. The most common are the first and third rows of the table below. When checkboxLabels = TRUE, either the coded value or the labeled value is returned if the box is checked, or an empty string if it is not.

factors checkboxLabels Output
FALSE TRUE "" / code
TRUE FALSE Unchecked / Checked
TRUE TRUE "" / label

The 'offline' version of exportReports operates on the raw (unlabeled) data file downloaded from REDCap along with the data dictionary. This is made available for instances where the API cannot be accessed for some reason (such as waiting for API approval from the REDCap administrator).

A 'batched' export (or import) is one where the export is performed over a series of API calls rather than one large call. For large projects on small servers, this may prevent a single user from tying up the server and forcing others to wait on a larger job. The batched export is performed by first calling the API to export the record identifier field (the first field in the meta data). The unique ID's are then assigned a batch number with no more than batch.size ID's in any single batch. The batches are exported from the API and stacked together.

In longitudinal projects, batch.size may not necessarily be the number of records exported in each batch. If batch.size is ten and there are four records per patient, each batch will consist of 40 records. Thus, if the user is concerned about tying up the server with a large, longitudinal project, it would be prudent to use a smaller batch size.


exportRecords returns a data frame with the project data. The data will be formatted consistent with the meta data and the arguments provided by the user.

exportReports returns a data frame with the data from the requested report. The data will be formatted consisted with the meta data and the arguments provided by the user.


  • exportRecords(): Export records from a project.

  • exportRecords_offline(): Format records from REDCap data file exports.

  • exportReports(): Export data via a report.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export records

# Export records in batches of one hundred IDs
              batch.size = 100)
# Export records without factors
              factors = FALSE)

# Export a report
              report_id = 12345)
# Export raw data
                   validation = skip_validation,
                   cast = raw_cast)

## End(Not run)

Export Records or Reports From a Project


These methods enable the user to export records from a database or from a report. These methods have more control for casting fields to R objects than exportRecords.


  fields = NULL,
  drop_fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  events = NULL,

exportReportsTyped(rcon, report_id, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  fields = NULL,
  drop_fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  survey = TRUE,
  dag = FALSE,
  date_begin = NULL,
  date_end = NULL,
  na = list(),
  validation = list(),
  cast = list(),
  assignment = list(label = stripHTMLandUnicode, units = unitsFieldAnnotation),
  filter_empty_rows = TRUE,
  warn_zero_coded = TRUE,
  csv_delimiter = ",",
  batch_size = NULL

## S3 method for class 'redcapOfflineConnection'
  fields = NULL,
  drop_fields = NULL,
  forms = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  na = list(),
  validation = list(),
  cast = list(),
  assignment = list(label = stripHTMLandUnicode, units = unitsFieldAnnotation),
  warn_zero_coded = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  drop_fields = NULL,
  na = list(),
  validation = list(),
  cast = list(),
  assignment = list(label = stripHTMLandUnicode, units = unitsFieldAnnotation),
  warn_zero_coded = TRUE,
  csv_delimiter = ","



A redcapConnection object.


integerish(1). The ID number of the report to be exported.


character or NULL. Vector of fields to be returned. If NULL, all fields are returned (unless forms is specified).


character or NULL. A vector of field names to remove from the export.


character or NULL. Vector of forms to be returned. If NULL, all forms are returned (unless fields is specified.


character or integerish. A vector of study ID's to be returned. If NULL, all subjects are returned.


A character vector of events to be returned from a longitudinal database. If NULL, all events are returned. When using a redcapOfflineConnection object, this argument is unvalidated, and only rows that match one of the values given are returned; misspellings may result in unexpected results.


logical(1). When TRUE, the survey identifier field (e.g., redcap_survey_identifier) and survey timestamp fields (e.g., ⁠[form_name]_timestamp⁠) will be exported (relevant only when surveys are utilized in the project). If these fields are specified in the fields argument and this flag is set to FALSE the requested fields will not be exported.


logical(1). When TRUE the redcap_data_access_group field will be included in the export \ when data access groups are utilized in the project. This flag is only viable if the user whose token is being used to make the API request is not in a data access group. If the user is in a group, then this flag will revert to its default value. Data Access Groups privilege is required when creating/renaming/deleting DAGs and when importing/exporting user-DAG assignments. Therefore, the default for this flag is FALSE. To export DAG information set this flag to TRUE.


POSIXct(1) or NULL. Ignored if NULL (default). Otherwise, records created or modified after this date will be returned.


POSIXct(1) or NULL. Ignored if NULL (default). Otherwise, records created or modified before this date will be returned.


A named list of user specified functions to determine if the data is NA. This is useful when data is loaded that has coding for NA, e.g. -5 is NA. Keys must correspond to a truncated REDCap field type, i.e. date_, datetime_, datetime_seconds_, time_mm_ss, time_hh_mm_ss, time, float, number, calc, int, integer, select, radio, dropdown, yesno, truefalse, checkbox, form_complete, sql, system. The function will be provided the variables (x, field_name, coding). The function must return a vector of logicals matching the input. It defaults to isNAorBlank() for all entries.


A named list of user specified validation functions. The same named keys are supported as the na argument. The function will be provided the variables (x, field_name, coding). The function must return a vector of logical matching the input length. Helper functions to construct these are valRx() and valChoice(). Only fields that are not identified as NA will be passed to validation functions.


A named list of user specified class casting functions. The same named keys are supported as the na argument. The function will be provided the variables (x, field_name, coding). The function must return a vector of logical matching the input length. The cast should match the validation, if one is using raw_cast, then validation=skip_validation is likely the desired intent. See fieldValidationAndCasting()


A named list of functions. These functions are provided, field_name, label, description and field_type and return a list of attributes to assign to the column. Defaults to creating a label attribute from the stripped HTML and UNICODE raw label and scanning for units={"UNITS"} in description


logical(1). Filter out empty rows post retrieval. Defaults to TRUE.


character. One of c(",", "\t", ";", "|", "^"). Designates the delimiter for the CSV file received from the API.


integerish(1) or NULL. When NULL, all records are pulled. Otherwise, the records all pulled in batches of this size.


logical(1). Turn on or off warnings about potentially problematic zero coded fields. Defaults to TRUE.


Arguments to pass to other methods


The 'offline' method operates on the raw (unlabeled) data file downloaded from REDCap along with the data dictionary. This is made available for instances where the API cannot be accessed for some reason (such as waiting for API approval from the REDCap administrator).

When validating data for offlineRedcapConnection objects, links to invalid data forms will not work if the user does not provide the url, version, project_info, and events arguments (if the project is longitudinal). For the project_info, the values project_id and is_longitudinal are required. The user may be able to provide as little as ⁠project_info = data.frame(project_id = [id], is_longitudinal = [0/1])⁠. The user should be aware that the REDCap User Interface download for events does not include the event ID. To include the event ID, the user must construct a data frame to pass to offlineConnection.

Record Identifier (System) Fields

In all calls, the project's ID fields will be included–there is no option provided to prevent this. Additionally, if the project has a secondary unique field specified, it will also be included. Inclusion of these fields is necessary to support some post-processing functions.

By default, the system fields redcap_event_name, redcap_repeat_instrument, and redcap_repeat_instance are exported (when they are appropriate to the project). These are automatically included by the API. However, if the user omits any of these in fields or designates one in drop_fields, the final result will honor those conditions. Excluding any of these identifiers may cause problems with some post-processing functions that operate on repeating instrument data.

The combination of the project ID field, secondary unique field, and the system fields are what uniquely identify an experimental unit. In nearly all cases, it is desirable to have them all included.

System fields are cast to labelled values by default. They may be cast to their coded values using the override cast = list(system = castRaw). The fields affected by the system override are redcap_event_name, redcap_repeat_instrument, and redcap_data_access_group.

BioPortal Fields

Text fields that are validation enabled using the BioPortal Ontology service may be cast to labeled values so long as the labels have been cached on the REDCap server. Caching is performed when the field is viewed in a form on the web interface. However, labels are not cached when data are imported via the API. In cases where labels are not cached, the coded value is treated as both the code and the label.

Record Batching

A 'batched' export is one where the export is performed over a series of API calls rather than one large call. For large projects on small servers, this may prevent a single user from tying up the server and forcing others to wait on a larger job. The batched export is performed by first calling the API to export the subject identifier field (the first field in the meta data). The unique ID's are then assigned a batch number with no more than batch_size ID's in any single batch. The batches are exported from the API and stacked together.

In longitudinal projects, batch_size may not necessarily be the number of records exported in each batch. If batch_size is ten and there are four records per patient, each batch will consist of 40 records. Thus, if the user is concerned about tying up the server with a large, longitudinal project, it would be prudent to use a smaller batch size.

Inversion of Control

The final product of calling this is a data.frame with columns that have been type cast to most commonly used analysis class (e.g. factor). This version allows the user to override any step of this process by specifying a different function for each of the stages of the type casting. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Detect NAs in returned data (na argument).

  2. Run validate functions for the field_types.

  3. On the fields that are not NA and pass validate do the specified cast.

It is expected that the na and validate overrides should rarely be used. Their exposure via the function parameters is to future proof against possible bugs in the defaults, and allows for things that higher versions of REDCap add as possible field types. I.e., the overrides are for use to continue using the library when errors or changes to REDCap occur.

The cast override is one where users can specify things that were controlled by an ever increasing set of flags before. E.g., dates=as.Date was an addition to allow dates in the previous version to be overridden if the user wanted to use the Date class. In this version, it would appear called as ⁠cast=list(_date=as.Date))⁠. See fieldValidationAndCasting() for a full listing of package provided cast functions.


exportRecordsTyped returns a data frame with the formatted data.

exportReportsTyped returns a data frame with the formatted data.


  • exportRecordsTyped(): Export records with type casting.

  • exportReportsTyped(): Export reports with type casting.

  • exportRecordsTyped(redcapOfflineConnection): Export records without API access.

Zero-Coded Check Fields

A zero-coded check field is a field of the REDCap type checkbox that has a coding definition of ⁠0, [label]⁠. When exported, the field names for these fields is ⁠[field_name]___0⁠. As in other checkbox fields, the raw data output returns binary values where 0 represent an unchecked box and 1 represents a checked box. For zero-coded checkboxes, then, a value of 1 indicates that 0 was selected.

This coding rarely presents a problem when casting from raw values (as is done in exportRecordsTyped). However, casting from coded or labeled values can be problematic. In this case, it becomes indeterminate from context if the intent of 0 is 'false' or the coded value '0' ('true') ...

The situations in which casting may fail to produce the desired results are

Code Label Result
0 anything other than "0" Likely to fail when casting from coded values
0 0 Likely to fail when casting from coded or labeled values

Because of the potential for miscast data, casting functions will issue a warning anytime a zero-coded check field is encountered. A separate warning is issued when a field is cast from coded or labeled values.

When casting from coded or labeled values, it is strongly recommended that the function castCheckForImport() be used. This function permits the user to state explicitly which values should be recognized as checked, avoiding the ambiguity resulting from the coding.

See Also

Other records exporting functions


Field validations and casting


Post-processing functionality





## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export records with default settings

# Export records with no factors
                   cast = default_cast_character)
# Export records for specific records
                   records = 1:3)
# Export records for specific instruments
                   forms = c("registration", "visit_1", "medications"))
# Export records using filterLogic, an API parameter not provided
# in the exportRecordsTyped function signature
  records = 1:3, 
  api_param = list(filterLogic = "[age_at_enrollment] > 25")
# Export a report 
              report_id = 12345)
# Export records using files downloaded from the user interface
rcon_off <- 
    meta_data = 
                  package = "redcapAPI"), 
    records = 
                  package = "redcapAPI"))


## End(Not run)

Connect to a REDCap Database


These methods enable the user to create a connection object used to access the database.


  url = getOption("redcap_api_url"),
  config = NULL,
  retries = 5,
  retry_interval = 2^(seq_len(retries)),
  retry_quietly = TRUE

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
print(x, ...)

  meta_data = NULL,
  arms = NULL,
  events = NULL,
  instruments = NULL,
  field_names = NULL,
  mapping = NULL,
  repeat_instrument = NULL,
  users = NULL,
  user_roles = NULL,
  user_role_assignment = NULL,
  dags = NULL,
  dag_assignment = NULL,
  project_info = NULL,
  version = "14.4.0",
  file_repo = NULL,
  records = NULL,
  url = NULL,
  external_coding = list()

## S3 method for class 'redcapOfflineConnection'
print(x, ...)



character(1). URL for the user's REDCap database API.


character(1) REDCap API token


A list to be passed to curl::handle_setopt. This allows the user to set additional configurations for the API calls, such as certificates, SSL version, etc. For the majority of users, this does not need to be altered.


integerish(1). Sets the number of attempts to make to the API if a timeout error is encountered. Must be a positive value.


numeric. Sets the intervals (in seconds) at which retries are attempted. By default, set at a 2^r where r is the rth retry (ie, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...). For fixed intervals, provide a single value. Values will be recycled to match the number of retries.


logical(1). When FALSE, messages will be shown giving the status of the API calls. Defaults to TRUE.


redcapConnection object to be printed


arguments to pass to other methods


Either a character giving the file from which the metadata can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the arms can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the events can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the instruments can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the field names can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the Event Instrument mappings can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the Repeating Instruments and Events settings can be read, or a data.frame. Note: The REDCap GUI does not offer a download file of these settings (at the time of this writing).


Either a character giving the file from which the User settings can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the User Roles can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the User-Role Assignments can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the Data Access Groups can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the Data Access Group Assignments can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the Project Information can be read, or a data.frame. See Details.


character(1) giving the instance's REDCap version number.


Either a character giving the file from which the File Repository Listing can be read, or a data.frame.


Either a character giving the file from which the Records can be read, or a data.frame. This should be the raw data as downloaded from the API, for instance. Using labeled or formatted data is likely to result in errors when passed to other functions.


Named list of named character vectors or a character giving the file from which the external coding may be read. The list is generally obtained from the API using exportExternalCoding(). The name of the list element should be a field name in the data that is of type bioportal or sql. The named vectors are code-label pairings where the value of the vector is the code and the name is the label. If passing a file name, it should be a file with the list saved via dput.


redcapConnection objects will retrieve and cache various forms of project information. This can make metadata, arms, events, etc. available directly from the redcapConnection object. The retrieval of these objects uses the default values of the respective export functions (excepting the file repository, which uses recursive = TRUE).

For each of these objects, there are four methods that can be called from the redcapConnection object:

Function type Purpose Example
⁠[info_type]⁠ Returns the information from the connection object rcon$metadata()
has_[info_type] Returns a boolean indicating if the information is cached rcon$has_metadata()
flush_[info_type] Purges the information from the connection object rcon$flush_metadata()
refresh_[info_type] Replaces the information with a new call to the API rcon$refresh_metadata()

Information is cached for

  • metadata

  • arms

  • events

  • instruments

  • fieldnames

  • mapping (field-event mappings)

  • repeatInstrumentEvent

  • users

  • user_roles

  • user_role_assignment

  • dags

  • dag_assignment

  • projectInformation

  • version

  • fileRepository

  • externalCoding

There is also a flush_all and refresh_all method that will purge the entire cache and refresh the entire cache, respectively.

The externalCoding elements relate to the code-label mappings of text fields with the external validation types (such as sql fields or text fields with BioPortal Ontology modules enabled).

Specific to API Connections

The redcapApiConnection object also stores the user preferences for handling repeated attempts to call the API. In the event of a timeout error or server unavailability, these settings allow a system pause before attempting another API call. In the event all of the retries fail, the error message of the last attempt will be returned. These settings may be altered at any time using the methods rcon$set_retries(r), rcon$set_retry_interval(ri), and rcon$set_retry_quietly(rq). The argument to these functions have the same requirements as the corresponding arguments to redcapConnection.

Tokens are specific to a project, and a token must be created for each project for which the user wishes to use the API.

Additional Curl option can be set in the config argument. See the documentation for curl::handle_setopt for more curl options.

Specific to Offline Connections

"Offline connections" are a tool designed to provide the users without API privileges with at least a subset of the functionality available to API users. The offline connections are typically constructed from the comma separated value (CSV) files downloaded from the REDCap user interface. Alternatively, data frames may be provided with the necessary data.

Not all of the components of an offline connection are needed for most operations. Rather, the object was built to accept the same components available to the redcapApiConnection in order to provide a consistent interface and simplify future development.

The meta data will be required for nearly all operations. For validating and casting data, the records data must be provided, and works best if the data are the raw, unlabeled data downloaded from the REDCap user interface.

Other components that may prove useful when casting records are the url, version, events (if the project is longitudinal), and a subset of the project information. The user is encouraged to review the vignette for working with offline connections for more details.

With offline connections, the refresh methods have an important difference. The user may pass the refresh method a file path or data frame which will be used to replace the existing component. See examples.

See Also

For establishing connections using secure token storage.
vignette("redcapAPI-getting-started-connecting", package = "redcapAPI")

For working with offline connections. vignette("redcapAPI-offline-connection", package = "redcapAPI")

To prepare data for an offline user, see preserveProject() and readPreservedProject().


## Not run: 
rcon <- redcapConnection(url = [YOUR_REDCAP_URL], 
                         token = [API_TOKEN])


# Get the complete metadata for the project

# Get the fieldnames for a project

# remove a cached value for fieldnames

# Using offline connections

meta_data_file <- "path/to/meta_data_file.csv"
records_file <- "path/to/records_file.csv"
events_file <- "path/to/events_file.csv"

ProjectInfo <- data.frame(project_id = 12345, 
                          is_longitudinal = 1)

off_conn <- offlineConnection(meta_data = meta_data_file, 
                              records = records_file,
                              project_info = ProjectInfo, 
                              version = [YOUR_REDCAP_VERSION_NUMBER], 
                              url = [YOUR_REDCAP_URL])

# Add or replace the data in the events component.

## End(Not run)

REDCap Data Structures


Utilities for recognizing and validating data structures for use with the REDCap API


validateRedcapData(data, redcap_data)








data.frame User provided data to be compared against the established REDCap data structure.


data.frame A data set from the redcapAPI package to use a reference for comparing to expected data structure.


An object of class character of length 5.

An object of class character of length 5.

An object of class character of length 11.

An object of class character of length 25.

An object of class data.frame with 0 rows and 3 columns.

Convert REDCap factors between labeled and coded


Factors exported from REDCap can be toggled between the coded and labeled values with the use of the attributes assigned to the factors during export.





A factor exported from REDCap. The REDCap type may be radio, dropdown, check, yesno, etc.


Each factor type variable in REDCap is given the attributes redcapLabels and redcapLevels. With these attached to the vector, switching between the coded and labeled values can be done with ease. This may be helpful when the coded value has importance, such as 0/1 for death, or if a yes is worth six points (instead of one).

Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings


These methods enable the user to export the existing repeating instrument and event settings, or import new settings to the project.


exportRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, ...)

importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, data, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


data.frame. For classical projects, it must have the columns form_name and custom_form_label. Longitudinal projects also require a column for event_name.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Repeating events (as opposed to repeating instruments) are provided as a row of data where the form_name column is NA.

It is not possible to update the has_repeating_instruments_or_events property of the project through importProjectInformation. Enabling of repeating instruments and events must be done through the GUI.

Although the API does not provide a delete method, it is possible to remove settings by doing an import that excludes the settings that are to be deleted. All settings can be cleared by executing importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(rcon, REDCAP_REPEAT_INSTRUMENT_STRUCTURE).


exportRepeatingInstrumentsEvents returns a data frame with the columns:

event_name The unique event name.
form_name The form name, as given in the second column of the Meta Data
custom_form_label A custom display string for the repeating instrument/event

importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents invisibly returns the number of rows imported.


  • exportRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(): Export repeating instruments and events.

  • importRepeatingInstrumentsEvents(): Import repeating instruments and events.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export repeating instruments and events

# Import repeating instruments and events
NewData <- data.frame(event_name = c("event_1_arm_1", 
                      form_name = c("field_observation", 
                      custom_form_label = c("Instructor led field observation", 
                                            "Trainee self assessment"))
                                 data = NewData)

## End(Not run)

Review Invalid Records Following Field Validation


This function retrieves a summary of data elements that failed validation during field validation and casting.


reviewInvalidRecords(data, quiet = TRUE)



data.frame. The result of a function that performed field validation.


logical(1). When TRUE, a message will be printed if the invalid attribute is not found on data. Otherwise, the message is suppressed.


When discussing field validation and invalid data, it is helpful to establish the following terminology:

A Records data frame is a data frame returned by a function where the fields (columns) in the data frame have been cast for subsequent analysis.

Some casting function also perform field validation and return an Invalid data frame, which is a listing of data elements that have failed validation. The Invalid data frame is attached as an attribute to the Records data frame. If no data elements fail the validation, the Invalid data frame will have zero rows. If at least one data element fails validation, a warning is printed to notify the user so that the user may review the Invalid data frame and mitigate the failed validations.

The Invalid data frame has an additional class (c("invalid", "data.frame")) and comes with a print method. The print.invalid method displays the content of the Invalid data frame neatly in both the console and within reports utilizing markdown.


If data has the "invalid" attribute, an object with class c("invalid", "data.frame") is returned. (NULL will be returned if data does not have the attribute).

The colums in the Invalid data frame are

row The row number from the Records data frame for which validation failed.
record_id The record ID for the failed validation.
field_name The field name (column) of the failed validation.
field_type The field type of the failed validation.
value The original value that failed validation. It will be replaced with NA in the Records data.

The Invalid data frame has additional attributes

  • time - The date/time at which the validation was performed.

  • version - The REDCap version number (as retrieved by exportVersion).

  • project - The title of the REDCap project (as retrieved by exportProjectInformation).

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Review the Invalid data frame after export
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)

# Review Invalid data frame before import
Records <- castForImport(rcon)

# Access the Invalid data frame the attributes
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)
attr(Records, "invalid")

## End(Not run)

Split a Data Frame into its Forms


Separates a data frame from REDCap into a list of data frames where each form constitutes an element in the list.


splitForms(Records, rcon, envir = NULL, base = NULL, post = NULL)



data.frame such as one generated by exportRecords or exportRecordsTyped


A redcapConnection object.


environment. The target environment for the resulting list of data.frames. Defaults to NULL which returns the a list. Use globalenv to assign the global environment. Will accept a number of the environment.


character(1) giving the start of the naming scheme for the elements of the list. By default, the names of the list will be the form names. If this value is provided, it will follow the format base.form_name.


function to apply to each element of form data after separating them, must be of signature ⁠function(data, rcon)⁠.

See Also

Other post-processing functions



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)

splitForms(Records, rcon)

## End(Not run)

Remove Undesired Characters From Strings


These functions are utilities to clear undesired characters from REDCap output.


  tags = c("p", "br", "div", "span", "b", "font", "sup", "sub"), = TRUE




character, vector of content to be cleaned.


character, vector of HTML tags to remove from x

logical(1), should cases be ignored when matching patterns? Defaults to TRUE.


stripHTMLTags returns a character vector.

stripUnicode returns a character vector.


stripHTMLTags("<p>Text in a paragraph <b>tag</b> with bold formatting </p>")

stripUnicode("\U00B5 = 0")

Helper Functions for exportRecordsType Attributes


These functions assist in setting attributes for columns of the resulting type cast data.frame.


stripHTMLandUnicode(field_name, field_label, field_annotation)

unitsFieldAnnotation(field_name, field_label, field_annotation)



character. Name of the fields.


character. Labels from meta data.


character. Annotations from meta_data.


Functions passed into the assignment argument list of exportRecordsTyped() construct attributes on a column. They are expected to have a signature of ⁠function(field_name, field_label, field_annotation)⁠ and return the attribute to assign or NA. They must be vectorized.

Useful utilities are provided in stringCleanup()

stripHTMLandUnicode strips both HTML and UNICODE from the field_label.

unitsFieldAnnotation pulls a units string from the field_annotation. An example of the form searched for is ⁠units=\{"meters"\}⁠


stripHTMLandUnicode returns a character vector.

unitsFieldAnnotation returns a character vector.

See Also



## Not run: 
stripHTMLandUnicode("field_name", "<b>Field label</b>", "field annotation")

unitsFieldAnnotation("field", "label", "units={\"meters\"}")

## End(Not run)

Export Survey Participant Information


These methods enable the user to export information relating to survey participants.


exportSurveyParticipants(rcon, instrument, event, ...)

exportSurveyLink(rcon, record, instrument, event, repeat_instance = 1, ...)

exportSurveyQueueLink(rcon, record, ...)

  repeat_instance = 1,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportSurveyParticipants(rcon, instrument = NULL, event = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  event = NULL,
  repeat_instance = 1,

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportSurveyQueueLink(rcon, record, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
  event = NULL,
  repeat_instance = 1,



A redcapConnection object.


character(1) or integerish(1). The record ID of a survey participant.


character(1). The name of a survey instrument.


character(1) The event name of the event for which participant information should be exported.


integerish(1). The repeat instance if the instrument is designated as a repeating instrument. Default value is 1.


Arguments to pass to other methods


exportSurveyParticipants returns a data frame with the columns:

email The e-mail address of the participant.
email_occurrence The number of times the invitation has been sent (after the next invite).
identifier Participant identifier (if it exists) to match the survey response to a participant.
record Record ID of the participant.
invitation_sent_status Boolean value indicating if a survey invitation has been sent.
invitation_send_time Date/time the survey invitation was sent.
response_status Boolean value indicating if the participant has responded.
survey_access_code The participant's survey access code.
survey_link The participant's survey link.
survey_queue_link The participants' survey queue link.

exportSurveyLink returns a character(1) giving the link for the user to access the survey form.

exportSurveyQueueLink returns a character(1) giving the survey queue link for the user.

exportSurveyReturnCode returns a character(1) giving the survey return code for the user.


  • exportSurveyParticipants(): Export survey participants for a survey instrument.

  • exportSurveyLink(): Export a survey participant's survey instrument link.

  • exportSurveyQueueLink(): Export a survey participant's survey queue link.

  • exportSurveyReturnCode(): Export a survey participant's instrument return code.


## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export survey participants
                         instrument = "survey_form")
# Export survey participants for an event
                         instrument = "survey_form", 
                         event = "event_1_arm_1")
# Export survey link
                 record = 1, 
                 instrument = "survey_form")
# Export survey queue link
                      record = 1)
# Export survey return code
                       user = 1, 
                       instrument = "survey_form")

## End(Not run)

Switch Data Access Group Assignment for the Current User


This method enables the current API user to switch (assign/reassign/unassign) their current Data Access Group assignment if they have been assigned to multiple DAGs via the DAG Switcher page in the project.


switchDag(rcon, dag, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
switchDag(rcon, dag, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


character(1) A unique data access group to which to assign the current user. Use NA to leave the user unassigned.


Arguments to pass to other methods


Invisibly returns TRUE when the call is completed successfully. Otherwise an error is thrown.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())

# Switch the current user to the DAG "Facility Two"
          dag = "facility_two")

## End(Not run)

Synchronize coding of checkbox variables between meta data and records field names.


Due to a bug in the REDCap export module, underscores in checkbox codings are not retained in the suffixes of the field names in the exported records. For example, if variable chk is a checkbox with a coding 'a_b, A and B', the field name in the data export becomes chk___ab. The loss of the underscore causes fieldToVar to fail as it cannot match variable names to the meta data. syncUnderscoreCodings rectifies this problem by searching the suffixes and meta data for underscores. If a discrepancy is found, the underscores are removed from the metadata codings, restoring harmony to the universe. This bug was fixed in REDCap version 5.5.21 and this function does not apply to that and later versions.


syncUnderscoreCodings(records, meta_data, export = TRUE)



The data frame object returned from the API export prior to applying factors, labels, and dates via the fieldToVar function.


Metadata export from exportMetaData


Logical. Specifies if data are being synchronized for import or export


syncUnderscoreCodings performs a series of evaluations. First, it determines if any underscores are found in the checkbox codings. If none are found, the function terminates without changing anything.

If the checkbox codings have underscores, the next evaluation is to determine if the variable names suffixes have matching underscores. If they do, then the function terminates with no changes to the meta data.

For data exports, if the prior two checks find underscores in the meta data and no underscores in the suffixes, the underscores are removed from the meta data and the new meta data returned.

For data imports, the meta data are not altered and the checkbox_field_name_map attribute is used to synchronize field names to the meta data and the expectations of REDCap (for import, REDCap expects the underscore codings to be used.

Backward Compatibility

In retrospect, we realize that the way syncUnderscoreCodings is written is backward. We should have altered the field names in the records data frame. Any scripts that make use of syncUnderscoreCodings and were written prior to version 5.5.21 will fail because the underscores in the codings will now be present where they were not before.

For backward compatibility of redcapAPI, we continue to alter the codings in the meta data. We do not anticipate many problems, as most people do not use underscores in the checkbox codings

If your scripts were written under REDCap 5.5.21 or higher, there will be no backward compatibility problems related to this issue.

Open REDCap connections using cryptolocker for storage of API_KEYs.


Opens a set of connections to REDcap from API_KEYs stored in an encrypted keyring. If the keyring does not exist, it will ask for password to this keyring to use on later requests. Next it will ask for the API_KEYs specified in connections. If an API_KEY does not work, it will request again. On later executions it will use an open keyring to retrieve all API_KEYs or for a password if the keyring is currently locked.


  envir = NULL,
  passwordFUN = .default_pass(),



character vector. A list of strings that define the connections with associated API_KEYs to load into environment. Each name should correspond to a REDCap project for traceability, but it can be named anything one desires. The name in the returned list is this name.


character. The url of one's institutional REDCap server api.


character. Potential keyring, not used by default.


environment. The target environment for the connections. Defaults to NULL which returns the keys as a list. Use globalenv() to assign in the global environment. Will accept a number such a '1' for global as well.


function. Function to get the password for the keyring. Usually defaults getPass::getPass. On MacOS it will use rstudioapi::askForPassword if available.


Additional arguments passed to redcapConnection().


If one forgets the password to this keyring, or wishes to start over: keyring::keyring_delete("<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>")

Consistent behavior requires options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file) to be set. It is recommended to place this in ⁠~/.Rprofile⁠.

For production servers where the password must be stored in a readable plain text file, it will search for ⁠../<basename>.yml⁠. DO NOT USE this unless one is a sysadmin, as this defeats the security and purpose of a local encrypted file. The expected structure of this yaml file is as follows:

other-config-stuff1: blah blah
other-config-stuff2: blah blah
other-config-stuff3: blah blah

For production servers the use of ENV variables is also supported. The connection string is converted to upper case for the search of ENV. If a YAML and ENV variable both exist, the YAML will take precedence.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that R is set to NEVER save workspace to .RData as this is writing the API_KEY to a local file in clear text because connection objects contain the unlocked key in memory. Tips are provided in vignette("redcapAPI-best-practices").


If envir is NULL returns a list of opened connections. Otherwise connections are assigned into the specified envir.

See Also





## Not run: 
options(keyring_backend=keyring::backend_file) # Put in .Rprofile

unlockREDCap(c(test_conn    = 'TestRedcapAPI',
               sandbox_conn = 'SandboxAPI'),
             keyring      = '<NAME_OF_KEY_RING_HERE>',
             envir        = globalenv(),
             url          = 'https://<INSTITUTIONS_REDCAP_DOMAIN>/api/') 

## End(Not run)

Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons


These methods enable the user to add and remove users from a project. They also enable the user to modify the permissions granted to each user within the project.


exportUsers(rcon, ...)

importUsers(rcon, data, ...)

deleteUsers(rcon, users, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportUsers(rcon, dates = TRUE, labels = TRUE, form_rights = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importUsers(rcon, data, consolidate = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
deleteUsers(rcon, users, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


logical(1). When TRUE, expiration dates are converted to a POSIXct object.


logical(1). When TRUE the data export and form access rights are converted to factor objects.


logical(1). When TRUE, the form rights will be transformed to one column per form. The API-provided character string is always returned with the format ⁠[form_name]:[access_code]⁠ and a comma separating each form.


character. Vector of unique user names to be deleted.


data.frame. Provides the user data for import. It must have a column titled username. All other columns are optional.


logical(1). When TRUE, the form and data export access values will be read from the expanded columns. Otherwise, the consolidated values (as provided by the API export) are utilized.


Arguments to pass to other methods


User project access fields (those not related to forms or exports) are mapped between coded and labeled values as:

Code Label
0 No Access
1 Access

Form access fields are mapped as:

Code Label
0 No Access
1 View records/responses and edit records (survey responses are read-only)
2 Read Only
3 Edit survey responses

Form export permission fields are mapped as:

Code Label
0 No Access
1 Full Data Set
2 De-Identified
3 Remove Identifier Fields

Importing Users/User Roles

It is not required that the user provide a data frame with all of the fields available for modification. Only fields that are provided will be modified. The only required field for imports is the username field.

When setting permissions for a user project access fields, form access, and form export permissions, the user may provided any of the coded or labeled values above. The user data is passed through prepUserImportData() before sending it to the API; text values will be converted to the numeric value.

It is also permissible to use a column for each form individually, as can be exported via exportUsers(). With consolidate = TRUE, these settings will be consolidated into the text string expected by the API.

The REDCap API does not natively allow for modifying the rights of a user that is part of a User Role. When an attempt to modify the rights of a user in a User Role is made with this package, the user will be removed from the User Role, the rights modified, and then the User Role restored. This is done silently: be aware that modifications to a user's rights may not have an impact while the User Role is assigned.


When importing via CSV, (as redcapAPI does by default) it appears that the form access rights are imported but may not always be reflected in the exported values. The form export rights do not appear to be imported when using the CSV format. We may be able to resolve this in the future using a JSON format.


exportUsers returns a data frame with the columns:

username The unique username for a user that can access the project.
email The e-mail address associated with the user in the REDCap system.
firstname The user's first name.
lastname The user's last name.
expiration The date at which the user's access to the project will expire.
data_access_group The text name of the Data Access Group to which the user is assigned.
data_access_group_id The REDCap assigned unique identifier of the Data Access Group.
design Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to utilize the project design modules.
alerts Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to utlize the alerts tools.
user_right Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to modify user rights.
data_access_groups Boolean flag indicating if the user has user has permission to assign user to Data Access Groups.
reports Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to design reports.
stats_and_charts Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to view the Statistics and Charts module.
manage_survey_participants Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to manage survey participants.
calendar Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to utilize the project calendar module.
data_import_tool Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to use the data import tool.
data_comparison_tool Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to use the data comparison tool.
logging Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to view the project logs (audit trail).
file_repository Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to access the project file repository.
data_quality_create Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission create new data quality rules.
data_quality_execute Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to execute data quality rules.
api_export Boolean flag indicating if the user has API export privileges.
api_import Boolean flag indicating if the user has API import privileges.
mobile_app Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to use the mobile app.
mobile_app_download_data Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to download data on the mobile app.
record_create Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to create new records.
record_rename Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to rename existing records.
record_delete Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to delete records.
lock_records_all_forms Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to lock records across all forms.
lock_records Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to lock a records on individual forms.
lock_records_customization Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to customize record locking.
random_setup Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to set up randomization rules.
random_dashboard Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to view the randomization dashboard.
random_perform Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to perform record randomization.
forms Character string listing form access rights for each form.
forms_export Character string listing the form export rights for each form.

When form_rights = TRUE, additional columns are created that give the form access and form export rights in an individual column for each form. Form access rights columns have the naming pattern ⁠[form_name]_access⁠ and the form export rights columns have the naming pattern ⁠[form_name]_export_access⁠.

importUsers invisibly returns the number of users that were added or modified.

deleteUsers invisibly returns the number of users that were deleted.


  • exportUsers(): Export users affiliated with a project.

  • importUsers(): Add users or modify user permissions in a project.

  • deleteUsers(): Remove users from a project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export users

# Export users without additional form access variables
            form_rights = FALSE)
# Export users as raw data
            labels = FALSE)
# Import new permissions
NewData <- data.frame(username = "target_user", 
                      design = 0, 
                      api_export = 1, 
                      api_import = "No Access")
            data = NewData)

# Remove a user from a project
            users = "target_user")

## End(Not run)

Export or Import User-Role Assignments


These methods enable the user to export the user-role assignments, add assignments, or modify existing assignments.


exportUserRoleAssignments(rcon, ...)

importUserRoleAssignments(rcon, data, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportUserRoleAssignments(rcon, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importUserRoleAssignments(rcon, data, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


data.frame with columns username and unique_role_name. Each username must be unique. Users without a unique_role_name will not be assigned to a user role.


Arguments to pass to other methods


exportUserRoleAssignments returns a data frame with the columns:

username Username of a user in the project.
unique_role_name The unique role name to which the user is assigned.
data_access_group The Data Access Group to which the user is assigned.

importUserRoleAssignments invisibly returns the number of user roles assignments added or modified.


  • exportUserRoleAssignments(): Export user-role assignments from a project.

  • importUserRoleAssignments(): Import user-role assignments to a project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export user-role assignments

# Import/modify a user-role assignment
NewData <- data.frame(username = "desired_user_name", 
                      unique_role_name = "KN3430U")
                           data = NewData)

## End(Not run)

Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project


These methods enable the user to export user roles, add user roles, or remove user roles from a project. They also enable the user to modify the permissions granted to a user.


exportUserRoles(rcon, ...)

importUserRoles(rcon, data, ...)

deleteUserRoles(rcon, user_roles, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
exportUserRoles(rcon, labels = TRUE, form_rights = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
importUserRoles(rcon, data, consolidate = TRUE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'redcapApiConnection'
deleteUserRoles(rcon, user_roles, ...)



A redcapConnection object.


logical(1). When TRUE the data export and form access rights are converted to factor objects.


logical(1). When TRUE, the form rights will be transformed to one column per form. The API-provided character string is always returned with the format ⁠[form_name]:[access_code]⁠ and a comma separating each form.


character. Unique role names to be deleted from the project.


data.frame. Provides the user data for import. It must have a column titled unique_role_name. All other columns are optional.


logical(1). When TRUE, the form and data export access values will be read from the expanded columns. Otherwise, the consolidated values (as provided by the API export) are utilized.


Arguments to pass to other methods


User project access fields (those not related to forms or exports) are mapped between coded and labeled values as:

Code Label
0 No Access
1 Access

Form access fields are mapped as:

Code Label
0 No Access
1 View records/responses and edit records (survey responses are read-only)
2 Read Only
3 Edit survey responses

Form export permission fields are mapped as:

Code Label
0 No Access
1 Full Data Set
2 De-Identified
3 Remove Identifier Fields

Importing Users/User Roles

It is not required that the user provide a data frame with all of the fields available for modification. Only fields that are provided will be modified. The only required field for imports is the username field.

When setting permissions for a user project access fields, form access, and form export permissions, the user may provided any of the coded or labeled values above. The user data is passed through prepUserImportData() before sending it to the API; text values will be converted to the numeric value.

It is also permissible to use a column for each form individually, as can be exported via exportUsers(). With consolidate = TRUE, these settings will be consolidated into the text string expected by the API.

The REDCap API does not natively allow for modifying the rights of a user that is part of a User Role. When an attempt to modify the rights of a user in a User Role is made with this package, the user will be removed from the User Role, the rights modified, and then the User Role restored. This is done silently: be aware that modifications to a user's rights may not have an impact while the User Role is assigned.


When importing via CSV, (as redcapAPI does by default) it appears that the form access rights are imported but may not always be reflected in the exported values. The form export rights do not appear to be imported when using the CSV format. We may be able to resolve this in the future using a JSON format.


exportUserRoles returns a data frame with the columns:

unique_role_name The REDCap assigned unique role name.
role_label The user provided label describing the role.
design Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to utilize the project design modules.
alerts Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to utlize the alerts tools.
user_right Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to modify user rights.
data_access_groups Boolean flag indicating if the user has user has permission to assign user to Data Access Groups.
reports Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to design reports.
stats_and_charts Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to view the Statistics and Charts module.
manage_survey_participants Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to manage survey participants.
calendar Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to utilize the project calendar module.
data_import_tool Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to use the data import tool.
data_comparison_tool Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to use the data comparison tool.
logging Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to view the project logs (audit trail).
file_repository Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to access the project file repository.
data_quality_create Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission create new data quality rules.
data_quality_execute Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to execute data quality rules.
api_export Boolean flag indicating if the user has API export privileges.
api_import Boolean flag indicating if the user has API import privileges.
mobile_app Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to use the mobile app.
mobile_app_download_data Boolean flag indicating if the user has permissions to download data on the mobile app.
record_create Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to create new records.
record_rename Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to rename existing records.
record_delete Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to delete records.
lock_records_all_forms Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to lock records across all forms.
lock_records Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to lock a records on individual forms.
lock_records_customization Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to customize record locking.
random_setup Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to set up randomization rules.
random_dashboard Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to view the randomization dashboard.
random_perform Boolean flag indicating if the user has permission to perform record randomization.
forms Character string listing form access rights for each form.
forms_export Character string listing the form export rights for each form.

When form_rights = TRUE, additional columns are created that give the form access and form export rights in an individual column for each form. Form access rights columns have the naming pattern ⁠[form_name]_access⁠ and the form export rights columns have the naming pattern ⁠[form_name]_export_access⁠.

importUserRoles invisibly returns the number of user roles that were added or modified.

deleteUserRoles invisibly returns the number of user roles that were deleted.


  • exportUserRoles(): Export user roles from a project.

  • importUserRoles(): Import user roles to a project.

  • deleteUserRoles(): Delete user roles from a project.

See Also



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
# Export users-roles

# Export user-roles without additional form access variables
                 form_rights = FALSE)
# Export users as raw data
                labels = FALSE)
# Import new permissions
NewData <- data.frame(unique_role_name = "KN439U", 
                      design = 0, 
                      api_export = 1, 
                      api_import = "No Access")
                data = NewData)

# Remove a user from a project
                user_roles = "KN439U")

## End(Not run)

Validate Data Frames for Import


Validates the variables in a data frame prior to attempting an import to REDCap


validateImport(data, meta_data, logfile = "")



data.frame being prepared for import to REDCap.


REDCap database meta data.


A character string giving the filepath to which the results of the validation are printed. If "", the results are printed in the console.


validateImport is called internally by importRecords and is not available to the user.

Each variable is validated by matching they type of variable with the type listed in the REDCap database.

Although the log messages will indicate a preference for dates to be in mm/dd/yyyy format, the function will accept mm/dd/yy, yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd, and yyyymmdd formats as well. When possible, pass dates as Date objects or POSIXct objects to avoid confusion. Dates are also compared to minimum and maximum values listed in the data dictionary. Records where a date is found out of range are allowed to import and a message is printed in the log.

For continuous/numeric variables, the values are checked against the minimum and maximum allowed in the data dictionary. Records where a value is found out of range are allowed to import and a message is printed in the log.

ZIP codes are tested to see if they fit either the five digit or five digit + four format. When these conditions are not met, the data point is deleted and a message printed in the log.

YesNo fields permit any of the values 'yes', 'no', '0', '1' to be imported to REDCap with 0=No, and 1=Yes. The values are converted to lower case for validation, so any combination of lower and upper case values will pass (ie, the data frame is not case-sensitive).

TrueFalse fields will accept 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 0, 1, and logical values and are also not case-sensitive.

Radio and dropdown fields may have either the coding in the data dictionary or the labels in the data dictionary. The validation will use the meta data to convert any matching values to the appropriate coding before importing to REDCap. Values that cannot be reconciled are deleted with a message printed in the log. These variables are not case-sensitive.

Checkbox fields require a value of "Checked", "Unchecked", "0", or "1". These are currently case-sensitive. Values that do not match these are deleted with a warning printed in the log.

Phone numbers are required to be ten digit numbers. The phone number is broken into three parts: 1) a three digit area code, 2) a three digit exchange code, and 3) a four digit station code. The exchange code must start with a number from 2-9, followed by 0-8, and then any third digit. The exchange code starts with a number from 2-9, followed by any two digits. The station code is four digits with no restrictions.

E-mail addresses are considered valid when they have three parts. The first part comes before the @ symbol, and may be number of characters from a-z, A-Z, a period, underscore, percent, plus, or minus. The second part comes after the @, but before the period, and may consist of any number of letters, numbers, periods, or dashes. Finally, the string ends with a period then anywhere from two to six letters.

Convert R Vector To List for the API Call Body


Converts an R vector to a list that will be suitable for makeApiCall.


vectorToApiBodyList(vector, parameter_name)



An atomic vector.


character(1). The REDCap API parameter name.


## Not run: 
vectorToApiBodyList(1:3, "records")

## End(Not run)

Transform Data Into Wide Format


Converts a dataframe into wide format given a single REDCap form. This function assumes that the Records argument is the result of exportRecordsTyped, and that all empty values have been previously dropped. This will only widen data frames that have a unique identification variable (e.g. 'record_id'), "redcap_event_name" and "redcap_repeat_instrument" in the fields. Otherwise, the data passed in will be returned unchanged.


widerRepeated(Records, rcon)



data.frame containing the records from exportRecordsTyped()


A redcapConnection object.

See Also

Other post-processing functions



## Not run: 
unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
             url = "your_redcap_url", 
             keyring = "API_KEYs", 
             envir = globalenv())
Records <- exportRecordsTyped(rcon)

widerRepeated(Records, rcon)

## End(Not run)

Prepare a Data Frame for Import Through the API


Converts a dataframe into a character value in the format of a CSV for import through the API.





data.frame to be imported to the API