Package 'rbcc'

Title: Risk-Based Control Charts
Description: Univariate and multivariate versions of risk-based control charts. Univariate versions of control charts, such as the risk-based version of X-bar, Moving Average (MA), Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts (EWMA), and Cumulative Sum Control Charts (CUSUM) charts. The risk-based version of the multivariate T2 control chart. Plot and summary functions. Kosztyan et. al. (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2016.06.019>.
Authors: Aamir Saghir [aut], Attila Imre Katona [aut], Zsolt Tibor Kosztyan [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Zsolt Tibor Kosztyan <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2024-10-18 12:38:45 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Package of Risk-based Control Charts


The risk-based is a new methodology to design an optimized control chart that minimized the cost of decision outcomes of the control process. The basic purpose of the risk-based control is to determine the optimal control charts parameters to minimize the risks arising from measurement uncertainty. This article develops an R package for family of risk-based control charts, namely 'rbcc'. In this package, the functions required in the design of family of risk-based control charts univariate and multivariate

This work has been implemented by the TKP2021-NVA-10 project with the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the 2021 Thematic Excellence Programme funding scheme.


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

rbcc, data_gen, summary.rbcc, plot.rbcc.

Data Generator for Risk-based Control Charts


data_gen function simulate the data set from a specified distribution used in the risk based control charts.


data_gen(obs, mu, va, sk, ku)



The total number of observations of a process( a numeric value).


The means of p characteristics/measurement errors (a numeric vector).


The variances of p characteristics/measurement errors (a numeric vector).


The skewness of distribution of p characteristics/measurement errors (a numeric vector).


The kurtosis of distribution of p characteristics/measurement errors (a numeric vector).


Return the data vector/matrix and the measurement error vector/matrix used in the risk-based control charts functions.


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data Generation and Xbar chart.

## Example for generation of data vector X and measuremenet error vector UC.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
mu_UC <- c(0)              # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)              # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)              # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)              # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Simulation of 200 obervations of 1 variable.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Simulation of 200 muasurement erros related to 1 variable.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# Construction of risk-based Xbar chart with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                             # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcc(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")       # for subgroups of size 3
plot(H)                                     # plot RBCC

# optimal risk-based xbar control chart
H_opt <- rbcc_opt(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")

# Data Generation and multivariate T2 chart.

# Data generation for a matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)           # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)       # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)      # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)        # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.

# Example for generation of data matrix X of 200 obervations of 3 variables.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC.
mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)         # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)      # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)         # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)         # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

#Example for generation of measurement error matrix with 3 variables.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

# optimal risk-based multivariate control chart
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)              # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)          # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3)  #optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Plot function for Risk-based Control Charts


Plot function for Risk-based Univariate (shewhart, exponentially weighted moving average(EWMA), moving average (MA) and cumulative sum (CUSUM) or Multivariate Control Chart


## S3 method for class 'rbcc'
plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rbcusumcc'
plot(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rbmcc'
plot(x, ...)



an object of class 'rbcc', 'rbcusumcc' or 'rbmcc'.


other graphical parameters.


No return value, called for side effects


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, summary.rbcc.


# Data Generation and Xbar chart.

## Example for generation of data vector X and measuremenet error vector UC.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
mu_UC <- c(0)              # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)              # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)              # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)              # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Simulation of 200 obervations of 1 variable.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Simulation of 200 muasurement erros related to 1 variable.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# Construction of risk-based Xbar chart with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                            # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcc(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")      # for subgroups of size 3
plot(H)                                    # plot RBCC

# optimal risk-based xbar control chart
H_opt <- rbcc_opt(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")

# Data Generation and multivariate T2 chart.
# Data generation for a matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)               # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)          # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)            # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                     # Total number of observations of a process.

# Example for generation of data matrix X of 200 obervations of 3 variables.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC.
mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)      # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)   # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)      # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)      # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Example for generation of measurement error matrix of 3 variables.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

# optimal risk-based multivariate control chart
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)          # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)         # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C) # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)             # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)         # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3) # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Risk-based Statistical Control Charts


Calculate Risk-based Shewhart type univarate Control Charts


rbcc (X, UC, C, n, type= c("xbar", "R", "S"), confidence_level=0.9973, K=3)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


a character string specifying the type of Shewhart control chart. Available types are; "Xbar", "R"and "S".


the (1-alpha)percent confidence level (default value is 0.99)


a correction component (default value is 3).



Total cost of a monitoring process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


Lower control limit of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart for a given data


Upper control limit of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart for a given data


Lower control limit of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Upper control limit of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Real values of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart statistic


Observed values of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart with measurement errors


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt,rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data Generation and Xbar chart.

## Example for generation of data vector X and measuremenet error vector UC.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
mu_UC <- c(0)              # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)              # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)              # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)              # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Simulation of 200 obervations of 1 variable.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Simulation of 200 muasurement erros related to 1 variable.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# Construction of risk-based Xbar chart with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                         # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcc(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")   # for subgroups of size 3
plot(H)                                 # plot RBCC

# optimal risk-based xbar control chart
H_opt <- rbcc_opt(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")

# Data Generation and multivariate T2 chart.
# Data generation for a matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)               # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)          # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)            # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                     # Total number of observations of a process.

# Example for generation of data matrix X of 200 obervations of 3 variables.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC.
mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)       # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)    # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)       # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)       # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Example for generation of measurement error matrix of 3 variables.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

# optimal risk-based multivariate control chart
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)
# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)         # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)        # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C) # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)           # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)         # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3) # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Optimized Risk-based Univariate Control Charts


Calculate Optimized Risk-based Univariate Control Chart


rbcc_opt(X, UC, C, n, type=c("xbar", "R", "S"),confidence_level=0.9973,



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


a character string specifying the type of Shewhart control chart. Available types are; "Xbar", "R"and "S".


the (1-alpha)percent confidence level(default value is 0.9973)


a correction component (default value is 0).


Lower limit of K parameter (default value is 0)


Upper limit of K parameter (default value is 5)



Total cost of a monitoring process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


Lower Control Limit of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart for a given data


Upper Control Limit of a Shewhart univariate 'type' chart for a given data


Lower Control Limit of an Optimal Risk-based univariate 'type' chart for a given data


Upper Control Limit of an Optimal Risk-based univariate 'type' chart for a given data


Real values of plotting statistic for a given data


Observed plotting statistic for a given data with measurement errors


Optimal 'K' parameter of risk-based univariate 'type' chart


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data Generation and Xbar chart.

## Example for generation of data vector X and measuremenet error vector UC.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
mu_UC <- c(0)              # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)              # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)              # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)              # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

 # Simulation of 200 obervations of 1 variable.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)
# Simulation of 200 muasurement erros related to 1 variable.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# Construction of risk-based Xbar chart with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                                 # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcc(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")           # for subgroups of size 3
summary(H)                                      # summarize the results
plot(H)                                         # plot RBCC

# optimal risk-based xbar control chart
H_opt <- rbcc_opt(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")

# Data Generation and multivariate T2 chart.

# Data generation for a matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)            # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)        # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)       # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)         # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                  # Total number of observations of a process.

# Example for generation of data matrix X of 200 obervations of 3 variables.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC.
mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)        # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)     # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)        # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)        # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Example for generation of measurement error matrix of 3 variables.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
summary(H)                     # summarize the results
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C) # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)           # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)         # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3) # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Risk-based Cumulative Sum Control Charts


Calculate Risk-based Cumulative Sum univariate Control Charts


rbcusumcc(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K=5)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


A numeric value specifying the number of standard errors of the summary statistics at which the cumulative sum is out of control (The defualt value is 5).


The amount of shift to detect in the process, measured in standard errors of the CUSUM statistics (default value is 1).


a correction component(default value is 5).



Total cost of a monitoing process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


Lower decision bound of CUSUM chart for a given data


Upper decision bound of CUSUM control chart for a given data


Lower decision bound of CUSUM chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Upper decision bound of CUSUM chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Real values of CUSUM statistic


Observed values of CUSUM statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Below target real values of CUSUM statistic for a given data


Above target real values of CUSUM statistic for a given data


Below target observed values of CUSUM statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Below target observed values of CUSUM statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt,rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc,rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for vector X
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.
n <- 1                     # Individual observation

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error vector UC

mu_UC <- c(0)               # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)               # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)               # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)               # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

C <- c(1,1,1,1)                                     # Define a vector of decision costs.
H <- rbcusumcc(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K=5)   # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                                             # plot RBCC

# optimal risk-based CUSUM control chart
H_opt <- rbcusumcc_opt(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K_init= 0, LKL=0, UKL=6)

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcusumcc(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K=5)

# Optimal risk-based CUSUM control chart
H_opt <- rbcusumcc_opt(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K_init= 0, LKL=0, UKL=6)

# Plot of traditional and optimal risk based cusum control charts

Optimized Risk-based CUSUM Control Charts


Calculate Optimized Risk-based Univariate cumulative sum (CUSUM) Control Chart


rbcusumcc_opt(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K_init= 0, LKL=0, UKL=6)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


A numeric value specifying the number of standard errors of the summary statistics at which the cumulative sum is out of control (The defualt value is 5).


The amount of shift to detect in the process, measured in standard errors of the CUSUM statistics (default value is 1).


Set correction component to 0 by default (default value is 0)


Lower limit of K parameter (default value is 0)


Upper limit of K parameter (default value is 6)



Total cost of a monitoring process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


Lower decision bound of CUSUM chart for a given data


Upper decision bound of CUSUM control chart for a given data


Lower decision bound of CUSUM chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Upper decision bound of CUSUM chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Real values of CUSUM statistic for a given data


Observed values of CUSUM statistic for a given data with measurement errors


Below target real values of CUSUM statistic for a given data


Above target real values of CUSUM statistic for a given data


Below target observed values of CUSUM statistic for a given data with measurement errors


Below target observed values of CUSUM statistic of a given data with measurement errors


Optimal 'K' paramater of a risk-based CUSUM control chart


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt,rbcusumcc, rbewmacc,rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for vector X
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error vector UC

mu_UC <- c(0)               # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)               # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)               # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)               # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

n <- 1 # For individual obervations use n=1

UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

C <- c(1,1,1,1)                             # Define a vector of decision costs.
H <- rbcusumcc(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K=5)  # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                                           # plot RBCC

# optimal risk-based CUSUM control chart
H_opt <- rbcusumcc_opt(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K_init= 0, LKL=0, UKL=6)

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcusumcc(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K=5)
H_opt <- rbcusumcc_opt(X, UC, C, n, T=5, se.shift=1, K_init= 0, LKL=0, UKL=6)
# optimal risk-based CUSUM control chart

summary(H_opt)                # summarize the reults

# Plot of traditional and optimal risk based cusum control charts

Risk-based Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts


Calculate Risk-based Exponentially Weighted Moving Average univarate Control Charts


rbewmacc (X, UC, C, n=1, lambada=0.20, nsigmas=3, K=3)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


a weight or smoothing constant for EWMA control charts. The value is between (0,1). The defualt value is 0.20.


the charting multiplier(default value is 3)


a correction component(default value is 3).



Total cost of a monitoring process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


Lower control limit of type chart for a given data


Upper control limit of type control chart for a given data


Lower control limit of type chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Upper control limit of type control chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Real values of ewma statistic for a given data


Observed values of ewma statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for vector X
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error vector UC

mu_UC <- c(0)               # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)               # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)               # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)               # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

C <- c(1,1,1,1)                           # Define a vector of decision costs.
H <- rbewmacc(X, UC, C)                   # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                                   # plot RBCC

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)               # vector of decision costs
H <- rbewmacc(X, UC, C)           # traditional risk-based EWMA control chat
summary(H)                        # summarize the results
plot(H)                           # plot RBCC

Optimized Risk-based EWMA Control Charts


Calculate Optimized Risk-based Univariate exponentially weighted moving average Control Chart


rbewmacc_opt(X, UC, C, n=1, lambada=0.20, nsigmas=3, K_init= 0, LKL=0, UKL=5)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


a weight or smoothing constant for EWMA control charts. The value is between (0,1). The defualt value is 0.20.


the charting multiplier(default value is 3)


Set correction component to 0 by default (default value is 0)


Lower limit of K parameter (default value is 0)


Upper limit of K parameter (default value is 5)



Total cost of a monitoring process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


UCL of a EWMA chart for a given data


UCL of optimized risk based EWMA control chart for a given data


Real values of plotting statistic for a given data


Observed plotting statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Optimal 'K' paramater of risk-based EWMA control chart for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt,rbewmacc, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for vector X
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error vector UC

mu_UC <- c(0)               # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)               # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)               # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)               # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

C <- c(1,1,1,1)                           # Define a vector of decision costs.
H <- rbewmacc(X, UC, C)                   # for subgroups of size 1
# fit optimal risk-based EWMA control chart
H_opt <- rbewmacc_opt(X, UC, C, n=1,lambada=0.20,nsigmas=3,K_init= 0,LKL=0,UKL=5)
plot(H_opt)                              # plot RBEWMACC

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)               # vector of decision costs
H <- rbewmacc(X, UC, C)           # traditional risk-based EWMA control chat

# fit optimal risk-based EWMA control chart
H_opt <- rbewmacc_opt(X, UC, C, n=1,lambada=0.20,nsigmas=3,K_init= 0,LKL=0,UKL=5)
plot(H_opt)                           # plot RBEWMACC

Risk-based Moving Average Control Charts


Calculate Risk-based Moving Average univarate Control Charts


rbmacc (X, UC, C, n=1, w=2, K=3)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


moving average spam. The defualt value is 2.


a correction component(default value is 3).



Total cost of a monitoring process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


Lower control limit of MA chart for a given data


Upper control limit of MA control chart for a given data


Lower control limit of MA chart for for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Upper control limit of MA control chart for a given data with measurement uncertainity


Real values of MA statistic for a given data


Observed values of MA statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt,rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for vector X
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error vector UC

mu_UC <- c(0)               # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)               # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)               # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)               # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

C <- c(1,1,1,1)                           # Define a vector of decision costs.
H <- rbmacc(X, UC, C, w=2, n=1)           # for subgroups of size 1
summary(H)                                # summarize the reults
plot(H)                                   # plot RBMACC

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)                       # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmacc(X, UC, C, w=2, n=2)           # for subgroups of size 1
summary(H)                                # summarize the reults
plot(H)                                   # plot RBMACC

Optimized Risk-based Moving Average Control Charts


Calculate Optimized Risk-based Univariate MA Control Chart


rbmacc_opt(X, UC, C, n, w, K_init=0, LKL=0, UKL=5)



vector of variable (numeric vector). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


vector of measuerement error (numeric vector).Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available previous information.


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


the sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


Moving average spam. The defualt value is 1.


Set correction component to 0 by default (default value is 0)


Lower limit of K parameter (default value is 0)


Upper limit of K parameter (default value is 5)



Total cost of a monioting process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


UCL of a MA chart for a given data


UCL of optimized risk based MA control chart for a given data


Real values of plotting statistic for a given data


Observed plotting statistic with measurement errors for a given data


Optimal K paramater of risk-based MA control chart for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt,rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for vector X
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error vector UC

mu_UC <- c(0)               # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)               # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)               # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)               # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

C <- c(1,1,1,1)                           # Define a vector of decision costs.
H <- rbmacc(X, UC, C, w=2, n=1)           # for subgroups of size 1

# fit optimal risk-based MA control chart
H_opt <- rbmacc_opt(X, UC, C, w=2, n=1)
summary(H_opt)                              # summarize the reults
plot(H_opt)                                 # plot RBMACC
# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)                      # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmacc(X, UC, C, w=2, n=3)          # for subgroups of size 3
# fit optimal risk-based MA control chart
H_opt <- rbmacc_opt(X, UC, C, w=2, n=3)
summary(H_opt)                              # summarize the reults
plot(H_opt)                                 # plot RBMACC

Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


Calculate Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


rbmcc(X, UC, C, n=1 , confidence_level=0.99, K=0)



matrix of variables (numeric matrix). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


matrix of measuerement error (numeric matrix).


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


The sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


The (1-alpha)percent confidence level (default value is 0.99)


Set correction component to 0 by default (default value is 0)



Total cost of a monitoirng process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


UCL of T^2 chart for a given data


UCL of optimized risk based multivariate control chart for a given data


Real values of T2 statistic for a given data


Observed T2 with measurement errors for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt,rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)               # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)          # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)            # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                     # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X) # generate data pints

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC

mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)              # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)              # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)              # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# example for generation of measurement error matrix
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)           # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)           # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Optimized Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


Calculate Optimized Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, n=1, confidence_level=0.99, K_init=0,LKL=-5,UKL=5)



matrix of variables (numeric matrix). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


matrix of measuerement error (numeric matrix).


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


The sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


The (1-alpha)percent confidence level (default value is 0.99)


Set correction component to 0 by default (default value is 0)


Lower limit of K parameter (default value is -5)


Upper limit of K parameter (default value is -5)



Total cost of a monitoing process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


UCL of T^2 chart for a given data


UCL of optimized risk based multivariate control chart for a given data


Real values of T2 statistic for a given data


Observed T2 with measurement errors for a given data


Optimal K paramater of risk-based multivariate control chart for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)               # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)          # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)            # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                     # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X) # generate data pints

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC

mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)              # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)              # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)              # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# example for generation of measurement error matrix
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)           # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)           # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Summary of Risk-based Control Charts


Print summary of Risk-based Univariate (shewhart, exponentially weighted moving average(EWMA), moving average (MA) and cumulative sum (CUSUM) or Multivariate Control Chart


## S3 method for class 'rbcc'
summary(object, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'rbcusumcc'
summary(object, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'rbmcc'
summary(object, digits = getOption("digits"), ...)



an object of class 'rbcc', 'rbcusumcc', or 'rbmcc'.


the number of significant digits to use when add.stats = TRUE.


additional arguments affecting the summary produced.


No return value, called for side effects


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: [email protected]


Katona, A. I., Saghir, A., Hegedűs, C., & Kosztyán, Z. T. (2023). Design of Risk-Based Univariate Control Charts with Measurement Uncertainty. IEEE Access.

Kosztyán, Z. T., & Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbcusumcc, rbcusumcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc.


# Data Generation and Xbar chart.

## Example for generation of data vector X and measuremenet error vector UC.
obs <- 200                 # Total number of observations of a process.
mu_X <- c(0)               # Define data mean.
va_X  <- c(1)              # Define data standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0)               # Define data skewness.
ku_X <- c(3)               # Define data kurtosis.
mu_UC <- c(0)              # Define mean of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1)              # Define standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0)              # Define skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3)              # Define kurtosis of measurement errors.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)    # Simulation of 200 obervations of 1 variable.
# Simulation of 200 muasurement erros related to 1 variable.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)
# Construction of risk-based Xbar chart with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                                 # vector of decision costs
H <- rbcc(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")           # for subgroups of size 3
plot(H)                                         # plot RBCC

 # optimal risk-based xbar control chart
H_opt <- rbcc_opt(X, UC, C, n=3, type="xbar")
# Data Generation and multivariate T2 chart.

# Data generation for a matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)               # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)          # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)            # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                     # Total number of observations of a process.

# Example for generation of data matrix X of 200 obervations of 3 variables.
X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X)

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC.
mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)        # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)     # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)        # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)        # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# Example for generation of measurement error matrix of 3 variables.
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
summary(H)                     # summarize the results
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)# optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)           # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)        # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3)# optimal risk-based multivariate control chart
summary(H_opt)                  # summarize the results

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

Sample data for Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


This data set contains measured product characteristic values for handbrake cylinder products. The measured product characteristics are cutting length and main diameter respectively for 50 pieces. Each parameter of each product was measured twice, first with a high-precision optical measurement machine and secondly with manual height measurement device/caliper. Measurement errors are estimated as the difference between the optical and manual measurement results. This dataset can be used to validate Risk-based Multivariate control charts.




A data frame with 50 observations on the following 6 variables.


A numeric vector of optical measurement results regarding cutting length [mm].


A numeric vector of optical measurement results regarding the main diameter [mm].


A numeric vector of manual measurement (height gauge) results regarding cutting length [mm].


A numeric vector of manual measurement (caliper) results regarding the main diameter [mm].


A numeric vector of measurement erros estimated as the difference between manual and optical measurement results associated with cutting length of the product.


A numeric vector of measurement erros estimated as the difference between manual and optical measurement results associated with the main diameter of the product.


Katona, A. I. (2021). Validation of risk-based quality control techniques: a case study from the automotive industry. Journal of Applied Statistics, 1-20.


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result