Minor: + Avoid warning in C++ to pass CRAN checks, thanks to a PR of Dirk Eddelbuettel [email protected] + Minors changes in examples, default mc.cores to 2
Minor: + change sort(, 1) to sort(, "descend") in C++ code to avoid warnings during checks
Minor: + change & to && in C++ code to avoid warnings during checks
Minor: + change "package = " to "PACKAGE = "
Minor: + memory leak corrected (sp_mat declaration) + linking to Rcpp/RcppArmadillo headers (requires R 3.0-2)
Major: + added bounded regression (regression penalized by infinity norm + structered l2 norm) + added corresponding functionalies for cross-validation and stability path Minor: + corrected wrong annotations of the stability path (PFER) + handled normalization internally ('normalize' is no longer a parameter) + more simple internal handling of penscales and correction of the rescaling of the intercept + better use of multicore features + handled runtime error exception in RcppArmadillo when the system is singular (end of the solution path) A consequence is quadrupen is less likely to crash due to user's "bad" parametrization + simplification of the C++ code, bugs corrected, probably new ones added :-'( + added 'examples' and 'tests' directories