Package 'qrng'

Title: (Randomized) Quasi-Random Number Generators
Description: Functionality for generating (randomized) quasi-random numbers in high dimensions.
Authors: Marius Hofert [aut, cre], Christiane Lemieux [aut]
Maintainer: Marius Hofert <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2 | GPL-3
Version: 0.0-10
Built: 2024-09-20 05:50:33 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Compute Quasi-Random Sequences


Computing Korobov, generalize Halton and Sobol' quasi-random sequences.


korobov(n, d = 1, generator, randomize = c("none", "shift"))
ghalton(n, d = 1, method = c("generalized", "halton"))
sobol  (n, d = 1, randomize = c("none", "digital.shift", "Owen", "Faure.Tezuka",
                                "Owen.Faure.Tezuka"), seed, skip = 0, ...)



number nn of points to be generated 2\ge 2.


dimension dd.


numeric of length dd or length 1 (in which case it is appropriately extended to length dd). All numbers must be in {1,,n}\{1,\dots,n\} and must be (coercible to) integers.


character string indicating the type of randomization for the point set.


one of the following:


no randomization.


a uniform random variate modulo 1.


one of the following:


no randomization.


a digital shift.


calls generate_sobol_owen_set() from package spacefillr.


calls sobol() from package randtoolbox with scrambling being 2 and 3, respectively.

If randomize is a logical, then it is interpreted as "none" if FALSE and "digital.shift" if TRUE.


character string indicating which sequence is generated, generalized Halton or (plain) Halton.


if provided, an integer used within set.seed() for the non-scrambling randomize methods (so "none" or "digital.shift") or passed to the underlying generate_sobol_owen_set() from package spacefillr (for "Owen") and sobol() from package randtoolbox for the scrambling methods. If not provided, the non-scrambling methods respect a global set.seed() but the scrambling methods do not (they then use a randomly generated one based on time and process identifier).


number of initial points in the sequence to be skipped (skip = 0 means the sequence starts with at the origin). Note that for the scrambling methods this simply computes n + skip points and omits the first skip-many.


additional arguments passed to sobol() from package randtoolbox for randomization methods "Faure.Tezuka" and "Owen.Faure.Tezuka".


For sobol() examples see demo(sobol_examples).

Note that these procedures call fast C code. The following restrictions apply:


n,d must be 2311\le 2^{31}-1.


n must be 2321\le 2^{32}-1 and d must be 360\le 360.


if randomize = "none" or randomize = "digital.shift", n must be 2311\le 2^{31}-1 and d must be 16510\le 16510.

The choice of parameters for korobov() is crucial for the quality of this quasi-random sequence (only basic sanity checks are conducted). For more details, see l'Ecuyer and Lemieux (2000).

The generalized Halton sequence uses the scrambling factors of Faure and Lemieux (2009).


korobov() and ghalton() return an (n,d)(n,d)-matrix; for d=1d=1 an nn-vector is returned.


Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Faure, H., Lemieux, C. (2009). Generalized Halton Sequences in 2008: A Comparative Study. ACM-TOMACS 19(4), Article 15.

l'Ecuyer, P., Lemieux, C. (2000). Variance Reduction via Lattice Rules. Stochastic Models and Simulation, 1214–1235.

Lemieux, C., Cieslak, M., Luttmer, K. (2004). RandQMC User's guide. See


n <- 1021 # prime
d <- 4 # dimension

## Korobov's sequence
generator <- 76 # see l'Ecuyer and Lemieux
u <- korobov(n, d = d, generator = generator)
pairs(u, gap = 0, pch = ".", labels = as.expression(
      sapply(1:d, function(j) bquote(italic(u[.(j)])))))

## Randomized Korobov's sequence
u <- korobov(n, d = d, generator = generator, randomize = "shift")
pairs(u, gap = 0, pch = ".", labels = as.expression(
      sapply(1:d, function(j) bquote(italic(u[.(j)])))))

## Generalized Halton sequence (randomized by definition)
u <- ghalton(n, d)
pairs(u, gap = 0, pch = ".", labels = as.expression(
      sapply(1:d, function(j) bquote(italic(u[.(j)])))))

## For sobol() examples, see demo(sobol_examples)

Test Functions


Functions for testing low-discrepancy sequences.


sobol_g(u, copula = copula::indepCopula(dim = ncol(u)), alpha = 1:ncol(u), ...)
exceedance(x, q, p = 0.99, method = c("indicator", "individual.given.sum.exceeds",



(n,d)(n, d)-matrix containing nn dd-dimensional realizations (of a potential quasi-random number generator). For sum_of_squares() these need to be marginally standard uniform and for sobol_g() they need to follow the copula specified by copula.


Copula object for which the inverse Rosenblatt transformation exists.


vector of parameters of Sobol's g test function.


additional arguments passed to the underlying cCopula().


(n,d)(n, d)-matrix containing nn dd-dimensional realizations.


dd-vector containing the componentwise thresholds; if a number it is recycled to a dd-vector.

"individual.given.sum.exceeds", "sum.given.sum.exceeds"

threshold for the sum (row sums of x).


If q is not provided, the probability p is used to determine q.


dd-vector containing the probabilities determining componentwise thresholds via empirical quantiles; if a number, it is recycled to a dd-vector.

"individual.given.sum.exceeds", "sum.given.sum.exceeds"

probability determining the threshold for the sum (row sums of x) via the corresponding empirical quantile.


character string indicating the type of exceedance computed (see Section Value below).


For examples see the demo man_test_functions.

See ES_np(<matrix>) from qrmtools for another test function.


sum_of_squares() returns an nn-vector (numeric(n)) with the rowwise computed scaled sum of squares (theoretically integrating to 1).

sobol_g() returns an nn-vector (numeric(n)) with the rowwise computed Sobol' g functions.

exceedance()'s return value depends on method:


returns indicators whether, componentwise, x exceeds the threshold determined by q.


returns all rows of x whose sum exceeds the threshold determined by q.


returns the row sums of those rows of x whose sum exceeds the threshold determined by q.


Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Radovic, I., Sobol', I. M. and Tichy, R. F. (1996). Quasi-Monte Carlo methods for numerical integration: Comparison of different low discrepancy sequences. Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 2(1), 1–14.

Faure, H., Lemieux, C. (2009). Generalized Halton Sequences in 2008: A Comparative Study. ACM-TOMACS 19(4), Article 15.

Owen, A. B. (2003). The dimension distribution and quadrature test functions. Stat. Sinica 13, 1-–17.

Sobol', I. M. and Asotsky, D. I. (2003). One more experiment on estimating high-dimensional integrals by quasi-Monte Carlo methods. Math. Comput. Simul. 62, 255–-263.


## Generate some (here: copula, pseudo-random) data
cop <- claytonCopula(iTau(claytonCopula(), tau = 0.5)) # Clayton copula
U <- rCopula(1000, copula = cop)

## Compute sum of squares test function
mean(sum_of_squares(U)) # estimate of E(3(sum_{j=1}^d U_j^2)/d)

## Compute the Sobol' g test function
if(packageVersion("copula") >= "0.999-20")
    mean(sobol_g(U)) # estimate of E(<Sobol's g function>)

## Compute an exceedance probability
X <- qnorm(U)
mean(exceedance(X, q = qnorm(0.99))) # fixed threshold q
mean(exceedance(X, p = 0.99)) # empirically estimated marginal p-quantiles as thresholds

## Compute 99% expected shortfall for the sum
mean(exceedance(X, p = 0.99, method = "sum.given.sum.exceeds"))
## Or use ES_np(X, level = 0.99) from 'qrmtools'

Compute Matrices to Arrays


Converting higher-dimensional matrices of quasi-random numbers to arrays of specific formats.


to_array(x, f, format = c("(n*f,d)", "(n,f,d)"))



(nn,ffdd)-matrix of quasi-random numbers to be converted.


factor f1f\ge 1 dividing ncol{x}.


character string indicating the output format to which x should be converted.


to_array() is helpful for converting quasi-random numbers to time series paths.


(n * f, d)-matrix or (n, f, d)-array depending on the chosen format.


Marius Hofert

See Also

korobov(), ghalton(), sobol().


## Basic call
N <- 4 # replications
n <- 3 # time steps
d <- 2 # dimension
set.seed(271) # note: respected for the choice of 'randomize'
x <- sobol(N, d = n * d, randomize = "digital.shift") # higher-dim. Sobol'
stopifnot(dim(to_array(x, f = n)) == c(N * n, d)) # conversion and check
stopifnot(dim(to_array(x, f = n, format = "(n,f,d)")) == c(N, n, d))

## See how the conversion is done
(x <- matrix(1:(N * n * d), nrow = N, byrow = TRUE))
to_array(x, f = n) # => (n * d)-column x was blocked in n groups of size d each