Package 'qrcm'

Title: Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling
Description: Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions.
Authors: Paolo Frumento <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Paolo Frumento <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 3.1
Built: 2025-01-09 07:20:00 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


This package implements quantile regression coefficient modeling (qrcm), in which the coefficients of a quantile regression model are described by (flexible) parametric functions. The method is described in Frumento and Bottai (2016, 2017); Frumento and Salvati (2021); Frumento, Bottai, and Fernandez-Val (2021); and Hsu, Wen, and Chen (2021). Special functions can be used to diagnose and eliminate quantile crossing (Sottile and Frumento, 2023).


Package: qrcm
Type: Package
Version: 3.1
Date: 2024-02-13
License: GPL-2

The function iqr permits specifying regression models for cross-sectional data, allowing for censored and truncated outcomes. The function iqrL can be used to analyze longitudinal data in which the same individuals are observed repeatedly.

Two special functions, slp and plf, can be used for model building. Auxiliary functions for model summary, prediction, and plotting are provided. The generic function is used to assess the model fit.

The function diagnose.qc can be applied to iqr objects to diagnose quantile crossing, and the option remove.qc can be used to remove it, using the algorithm described in qc.control.


Paolo Frumento

Maintainer: Paolo Frumento <[email protected]>


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72 (1), 74-84.

Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2017). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with censored and truncated data. Biometrics, 73 (4), 1179-1188.

Frumento, P., and Salvati, N. (2021). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with count data. Statistical Methods and Applications, 30, 1237-1258.

Frumento, P., Bottai, M., and Fernandez-Val, I. (2021). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with longitudinal data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116 (534), 783-797.

Hsu, C.Y., Wen, C.C., and Chen, Y.H. (2021). Quantile function regression analysis for interval censored data, with application to salary survey data. Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 4, 999-1018.

Sottile, G., and Frumento, P. (2023). Parametric estimation of non-crossing quantile functions. Statistical Modelling, 23 (2), 173-195.

Frumento, P., and Corsini, L. (2024). Using parametric quantile regression to investigate determinants of unemployment duration. Unpublished manuscript.


# iqr(y ~ x) # cross-sectional observations
 # iqr(Surv(time, event) ~ x) # right-censored data
 # iqr(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ x) # right-censored and left-truncated data
 # iqr(Surv(time1, time2, type = "interval") ~ x) # interval-censored data
 # iqrL(y ~ x, id = id) # repeated measures
 # diagnose.qc(model) # diagnose quantile crossing
 # Use iqr(..., remove.qc = TRUE) to remove crossing

Diagnose Quantile Crossing


Diagnose quantile crossing in a model estimated with iqr.





an object created with iqr.


The function determines if quantile crossing occurs in your fitted model, and provides a number of diagnostic tools.

Local quantile crossing is defined by obj$PDF < 0, and is obtained when the quantile function, say Q(px)Q(p | x), has negative first derivatives at the values of pp that correspond to the observed data. Global quantile crossing occurs when the conditional quantile function has negative first derivatives at some values of pp. To assess global crossing, a grid of approximately 1000 quantiles is used. Note that local crossing is a special case of global crossing.

The function will assess local and global crossing, and return a summary pcross of the quantiles at which global crossing occurs. It is important to understand that crossing at extremely low or high quantiles is very common, but may be considered irrelevant in practice. For example, if all observations have crossing quantiles, implying that global crossing is 100%, but crossing only occurs at quantile above 0.999, the fitted model can be safely used for prediction. Very frequently, crossing occurs at extreme quantiles that do not correspond to any observation in the data.

This command will also compute a crossIndex, that represents the average length, across observations, of the sub-intervals pp* such that Q(px)<0Q'(p* | x) < 0. For example, if Q(px)<0Q'(p | x) < 0 in the interval p=(0.3,0.5)p* = (0.3,0.5), the contribution to the crossIndex is 0.5 - 0.3 = 0.2. If crossing is detected at a single quantile, the interval is assumed to have length 1e-6. In principle, the crossIndex is always between 0 (no quantile crossing) and 1 (all observations crossing at all quantiles, which is clearly impossible). In practice, values of crossIndex greater than 0.05 are relatively rare.


A list with the following items:


a data frame with two columns (qc.local, containing logical indicators of local and global quantile crossing for each observation in the data.


the absolute number of observations for which local/global quantile crossing was detected.


a frequency table of the values of pp at which global quantile crossing was detected.


the estimated index of crossing described above.

If no quantile crossing is detected, pcross = NULL, and crossIndex = 0.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Sottile, G., and Frumento, P. (2023). Parametric estimation of non-crossing quantile functions. Statistical Modelling, 23(2), 173-195.

See Also

iqr, qc.control.


# Using simulated data

 n <- 1000
 x1 <- runif(n,0,3)
 x2 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)

 u <- runif(n)
 y <- 1*qexp(u) + (2 + 3*u)*x1 + 5*x2
 m <- iqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ slp(p,7))

Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


This function implements Frumento and Bottai's (2016, 2017) and Hsu, Wen, and Chen's (2021) methods for quantile regression coefficients modeling (qrcm). Quantile regression coefficients are described by (flexible) parametric functions of the order of the quantile. Quantile crossing can be eliminated using the method described in Sottile and Frumento (2023).


iqr(formula, formula.p = ~ slp(p,3), weights, data, s, 
    tol = 1e-6, maxit, remove.qc = FALSE)



a two-sided formula of the form y ~ x1 + x2 + ...: a symbolic description of the quantile regression model. The left side of the formula is Surv(time,event) if the data are right-censored; Surv(time,time2,event) if the data are right-censored and left-truncated (time < time2, time can be -Inf); and Surv(time1, time2, type = "interval2") for interval-censored data (use time1 = time2 for exact observations, time1 = -Inf or NA for left-censored, and time2 = Inf or NA for right-censored).


a one-sided formula of the form ~ b1(p, ...) + b2(p, ...) + ..., describing how quantile regression coefficients depend on p, the order of the quantile.


an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. The weights will always be normalized to sum to the sample size. This implies that, for example, using double weights will not halve the standard errors.


an optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in formula.


an optional 0/1 matrix that permits excluding some model coefficients (see ‘Examples’).


convergence criterion for numerical optimization.


maximum number of iterations.


either a logical value, or a list created with qc.control. See ‘Details’.


Quantile regression permits modeling conditional quantiles of a response variabile, given a set of covariates. A linear model is used to describe the conditional quantile function:

Q(px)=β0(p)+β1(p)x1+β2(p)x2+.Q(p | x) = \beta_0(p) + \beta_1(p)x_1 + \beta_2(p)x_2 + \ldots.

The model coefficients β(p)\beta(p) describe the effect of covariates on the pp-th quantile of the response variable. Usually, one or more quantiles are estimated, corresponding to different values of pp.

Assume that each coefficient can be expressed as a parametric function of pp of the form:

β(pθ)=θ0+θ1b1(p)+θ2b2(p)+\beta(p | \theta) = \theta_{0} + \theta_1 b_1(p) + \theta_2 b_2(p) + \ldots

where b1(p),b2(p,)b_1(p), b_2(p, \ldots) are known functions of pp. If qq is the dimension of x=(1,x1,x2,)x = (1, x_1, x_2, \ldots) and kk is that of b(p)=(1,b1(p),b2(p),)b(p) = (1, b_1(p), b_2(p), \ldots), the entire conditional quantile function is described by a q×kq \times k matrix θ\theta of model parameters.

Users are required to specify two formulas: formula describes the regression model, while formula.p identifies the 'basis' b(p)b(p). By default, formula.p = ~ slp(p, k = 3), a 3rd-degree shifted Legendre polynomial (see slp). Any user-defined function b(p,)b(p, \ldots) can be used, see ‘Examples’.

If no censoring and truncation are present, estimation of θ\theta is carried out by minimizing an objective function that corresponds to the integral, with respect to pp, of the loss function of standard quantile regression. Details are in Frumento and Bottai (2016). If the data are censored or truncated, instead, θ\theta is estimated by solving the estimating equations described in Frumento and Bottai (2017) and Hsu, Wen, and Chen (2021).

The option remove.qc applies the method described by Sottile and Frumento (2023) to remove quantile crossing. You can either choose remove.qc = TRUE, or use remove.qc = qc.control(...), which allows to specify the operational parameters of the algorithm. Please read qc.control for more details on the method, and use diagnose.qc to diagnose quantile crossing.


An object of class “iqr”, a list containing the following items:


a matrix of estimated model parameters describing the fitted quantile function.


logical. The convergence status.

the number of iterations.


the matched call.


if the data are neither censored nor truncated, the value of the minimized loss function; otherwise, a meaningful loss function which, however, is not the objective function of the model (see note 3). The number of model parameter is returned as an attribute.


the model frame used.


the fitted values of the conditional probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF). See note 1 for details.


the estimated covariance matrix.


the used ‘s’ matrix.

Use summary.iqr, plot.iqr, and predict.iqr for summary information, plotting, and predictions from the fitted model. The function can be used for goodness-of-fit assessment. The generic accessory functions coefficients, formula, terms, model.matrix, vcov are available to extract information from the fitted model. The special function diagnose.qc can be used to diagnose quantile crossing.


NOTE 1 (PDF, CDF, quantile crossing, and goodness-of-fit). By expressing quantile regression coefficients as functions of pp, you practically specify a parametric model for the entire conditional distribution. The induced CDF is the value pp^* such that y=Q(px)y = Q(p^* | x). The corresponding PDF is given by 1/Q(px)1/Q'(p^* | x). Negative values of PDF indicate quantile crossing, occurring when the estimated quantile function is not monotonically increasing. If negative PDF values occur for a relatively large proportion of data, the model is probably misspecified or ill-defined. If the model is correct, the fitted CDF should approximately follow a Uniform(0,1) distribution. This idea is used to implement a goodness-of-fit test, see

NOTE 2 (model intercept). The intercept can be excluded from formula, e.g., iqr(y ~ -1 + x). This, however, implies that when x = 0, y is zero at all quantiles. See example 5 in ‘Examples’. The intercept can also be removed from formula.p. This is recommended if the data are bounded. For example, for strictly positive data, use iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = -1 + slp(p,3)) to force the smallest quantile to be zero. See example 6 in ‘Examples’.

NOTE 3 (censoring, truncation, and loss function). Data are right-censored when, instead of a response variable TT, one can only observe Y=min(T,C)Y = min(T,C) and d=I(TC)d = I(T \le C). Here, CC is a censoring variable that is assumed to be conditionally independent of TT. Additionally, left truncation occurs if YY can only be observed when it exceeds another random variable ZZ. For example, in the prevalent sampling design, subjects with a disease are enrolled; those who died before enrollment are not observed.

Ordinary quantile regression minimizes L(β(p))=(pω)(txβ(p))L(\beta(p)) = \sum (p - \omega)(t - x'\beta(p)) where ω=I(txβ(p))\omega = I(t \le x'\beta(p)). Equivalently, it solves its first derivative, S(β(p))=x(ωp)S(\beta(p)) = \sum x(\omega - p). The objective function of iqr is simply the integral of L(β(pθ))L(\beta(p | \theta)) with respect to pp.

If the data are censored and truncated, ω\omega is replaced by

ω=ω.y+(1d)ω.y(p1)/S.yω.zω.z(p1)/S.z+p\omega^* = \omega.y + (1 - d)\omega.y(p - 1)/S.y - \omega.z - \omega.z(p - 1)/S.z + p

where ω.y=I(yxβ(p))\omega.y = I(y \le x'\beta(p)), ω.z=I(zxβ(p))\omega.z = I(z \le x'\beta(p)), S.y=P(T>y)S.y = P(T > y), and S.z=P(T>z)S.z = P(T > z). The above formula can be obtained from equation (7) of Frumento and Bottai, 2017. Replacing ω\omega with ω\omega^* in L(β(p))L(\beta(p)) is NOT equivalent to replacing ω\omega with ω\omega^* in S(β(p))S(\beta(p)). The latter option leads to a much simpler computation, and generates the estimating equation used by iqr. This means that, if the data are censored or truncated, the obj.function returned by iqr is NOT the objective function being minimized, and should not be used to compare models. However, if one of two models has a much larger value of the obj.function, this may be a sign of severe misspecification or poor convergence.

If the data are interval-censored, the loss function is obtained as the average between the loss calculated on the lower end of the interval, and that calculated on the upper end. The presence of right- or left-censored observations is handled as described above.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72 (1), 74-84.

Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2017). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with censored and truncated data. Biometrics, 73 (4), 1179-1188.

Frumento, P., and Salvati, N. (2021). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with count data. Statistical Methods and Applications, 30, 1237-1258.

Hsu, C.Y., Wen, C.C., and Chen, Y.H. (2021). Quantile function regression analysis for interval censored data, with application to salary survey data. Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, 4, 999-1018.

Sottile, G., and Frumento, P. (2023). Parametric estimation of non-crossing quantile functions. Statistical Modelling, 23 (2), 173-195.

Frumento, P., and Corsini, L. (2024). Using parametric quantile regression to investigate determinants of unemployment duration. Unpublished manuscript.

See Also

summary.iqr, plot.iqr, predict.iqr, for summary, plotting, and prediction, and for goodness-of-fit assessment; plf and slp to define b(p)b(p) to be a piecewise linear function and a shifted Legendre polynomial basis, respectively; diagnose.qc to diagnose quantile crossing.


##### Using simulated data in all examples

  ##### Example 1
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- rnorm(n, 1 + x, 1 + x)
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with 
    # beta0(p) = beta1(p) = 1 + qnorm(p)
  # fit the true model: b(p) = (1 , qnorm(p))
  m1 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)))
  # the fitted quantile regression coefficient functions are
    # beta0(p) = m1$coef[1,1] + m1$coef[1,2]*qnorm(p)
    # beta1(p) = m1$coef[2,1] + m1$coef[2,2]*qnorm(p)
  # a basis b(p) = (1, p), i.e., beta(p) is assumed to be a linear function of p
  m2 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ p)

  # a 'rich' basis b(p) = (1, p, p^2, log(p), log(1 - p))
  m3 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ p + I(p^2) + I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p)))

  # 'slp' creates an orthogonal spline basis using shifted Legendre polynomials
  m4 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ slp(p, k = 3)) # note that this is the default
  # 'plf' creates the basis of a piecewise linear function
  m5 <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ plf(p, knots = c(0.1,0.9)))

  summary(m1, p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75))
  par(mfrow = c(1,2)); plot(m1, ask = FALSE)
  # see the documentation for 'summary.iqr', '', and 'plot.iqr'

  ##### Example 2 ### excluding coefficients
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  qy <- function(p,x){(1 + qnorm(p)) + (1 + log(p))*x}
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
    # beta0(p) = 1 + qnorm(p) 
    # beta1(p) = 1 + log(p)
  y <- qy(runif(n), x) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x) 
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + I(log(p)))

  # I would like to exclude log(p) from beta0(p), and qnorm(p) from beta1(p)
  # I set to 0 the corresponding entries of 's'

  s <- matrix(1,2,3); s[1,3] <- s[2,2] <- 0
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + I(log(p)), s = s)


  ##### Example 3 ### excluding coefficients when b(p) is singular
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  qy <- function(p,x){(1 + log(p) - 2*log(1 - p)) + (1 + log(p/(1 - p)))*x} 
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
    # beta0(p) = 1 + log(p) - 2*log(1 - p)
    # beta1(p) = 1 + log(p/(1 - p))

  y <- qy(runif(n), x) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x)

  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p)) + I(log(p/(1 - p))))
  # log(p/(1 - p)) is dropped due to singularity
  # I want beta0(p) to be a function of log(p) and log(1 - p),
  # and beta1(p) to depend on log(p/(1 - p)) alone

  s <- matrix(1,2,4); s[2,2:3] <- 0
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p)) + I(log(p/(1 - p))), s = s)
  # log(p/(1 - p)) is not dropped

  ##### Example 4 ### using slp to test deviations from normality
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- rnorm(n, 2 + x) 
  # the true model is normal, i.e., b(p) = (1, qnorm(p))
  summary(iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + slp(p,3))) 
  # if slp(p,3) is not significant, no deviation from normality

  ##### Example 5 ### formula without intercept
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- runif(n, 0,x) 

  # True quantile function: Q(p | x) = p*x, i.e., beta0(p) = 0, beta1(p) = p
  # When x = 0, all quantiles of y are 0, i.e., the distribution is degenerated
  # To explicitly model this, remove the intercept from 'formula'
  iqr(y ~ -1 + x, formula.p = ~ p)
  # the true model does not have intercept in b(p) either:

  iqr(y ~ -1 + x, formula.p = ~ -1 + p)

  ##### Example 6 ### no covariates, strictly positive outcome
  n <- 1000
  y <- rgamma(n, 3,1) 

  # you know that Q(0) = 0
  # remove intercept from 'formula.p', and use b(p) such that b(0) = 0
  summary(iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ -1 + slp(p,5))) # shifted Legendre polynomials
  summary(iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ -1 + sin(p*pi/2) + I(qbeta(p,2,4)))) # unusual basis
  summary(iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ -1 + I(sqrt(p))*I(log(1 - p)))) # you can include interactions

  ##### Example 7 ### revisiting the classical linear model
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- 2 + 3*x + rnorm(n,0,1) # beta0 = 2, beta1 = 3
  iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)), s = matrix(c(1,1,1,0),2))
  # first column of coefficients: (beta0, beta1)
  # top-right coefficient: residual standard deviation

  ##### Example 8 ### censored data
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n,0,5)
  u <- runif(n)
  beta0 <- -log(1 - u)
  beta1 <- 0.2*log(1 - u)
  t <- beta0 + beta1*x  # time variable
  c <- rexp(n,2)        # censoring variable
  y <- pmin(t,c)        # observed events
  d <- (t <= c)         # 1 = event, 0 = censored
  iqr(Surv(y,d) ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(1 - p)))
  ##### Example 8 (cont.) ### censored and truncated data

  z <- rexp(n,10)   # truncation variable
  w <- which(y > z) # only observe z,y,d,x when y > z
  z <- z[w]; y <- y[w]; d <- d[w]; x <- x[w]

  iqr(Surv(z,y,d) ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(1 - p)))
  ##### Example 9 ### interval-censored data
  # (with a very naif data-generating process)
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n,0,5)
  u <- runif(n)
  beta0 <- 10*u + 20*u^2
  beta1 <- 10*u
  t <- beta0 + beta1*x  # time variable
  time1 <- floor(t)     # lower bound
  time2 <- ceiling(t)    # upper bound
  iqr(Surv(time1, time2, type = "interval2") ~ x, formula.p = ~ -1 + p + I(p^2))

Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling with Longitudinal Data


This function implements Frumento et al's (2021) method for quantile regression coefficients modeling with longitudinal data.


iqrL(fx, fu = ~ slp(u,3), fz = ~ 1, fv = ~ -1 + I(qnorm(v)), 
   id, weights, s.theta, s.phi, data, tol = 1e-5, maxit)


fx, fu, fz, fv

formulas that describe the model (see ‘Details’).


a vector of cluster identifiers.


an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process.

s.theta, s.phi

optional 0/1 matrices that permit excluding some model coefficients.


an optional data frame, list or environment containing the variables in fx and fz.


convergence criterion for numerical optimization.


maximum number of iterations. If missing, a default is computed.


New users are recommended to read Frumento and Bottai's (2016) paper for details on notation and modeling, and to have some familiarity with the iqr command, of which iqrL is a natural expansion.

The following data-generating process is assumed:

Yit=xitβ(Uit)+ziγ(Vi)Y_{it} = x_{it}\beta(U_{it}) + z_i\gamma(V_i)

where xitx_{it} are level-1 covariates, ziz_i are level-2 covariates, and (Uit,Vi)(U_{it}, V_i) are independent U(0,1)U(0,1) random variables. This model implies that αi=ziγ(Vi)\alpha_i = z_i\gamma(V_i) are cluster-level effects with quantile function ziγ(v)z_i\gamma(v), while xitβ(u)x_{it}\beta(u) is the quantile function of YitαiY_{it} - \alpha_i.

Both β(u)\beta(u) and γ(v)\gamma(v) are modeled parametrically, using a linear combination of known “basis” functions b(u)b(u) and c(v)c(v) such that

β(u)=β(uθ)=θb(u),\beta(u) = \beta(u | \theta) = \theta b(u),

γ(u)=γ(uϕ)=ϕc(v),\gamma(u) = \gamma(u | \phi) = \phi c(v),

where θ\theta and ϕ\phi are matrices of model parameters.

Model specification is implemented as follows.

  • fx is a two-sided formula of the form y ~ x.

  • fu is a one-sided formula that describes b(u)b(u).

  • fz is a one-sided formula of the form ~ z.

  • fv is a one-sided formula that describes c(v)c(v).

By default, fu = ~ slp(u,3), a shifted Legendre's polynomial (see slp), and the distribution of αi\alpha_i is assumed to be Normal (fv = ~ -1 + I(qnorm(v))) and to not depend on covariates (fz = ~ 1).

Restrictions on θ\theta and ϕ\phi are imposed by setting to zero the corresponding elements of s.theta and s.phi.


An object of class “iqrL”, a list containing the following items:

theta, phi

estimates of θ\theta and ϕ\phi.


the value of the minimized loss function, and, separately, the level-1 and the level-2 loss. The number of model parameters (excluding the individual effects) is returned as an attribute.


the matched call.


logical. The convergence status.

the number of iterations.

covar.theta, covar.phi

the estimated covariance matrices.

mf.theta, mf.phi

the model frames used to fit θ\theta and ϕ\phi, respectively. Note that mf.theta is sorted by increasing id and, within each id, by increasing values of the response variable y, while mf.phi is sorted by increasing id.

s.theta, s.phi

the used ‘s.theta’ and ‘s.phi’ matrices.


a data.frame with the following variables:

  • id the cluster identifier.

  • y the response variable.

  • alpha the estimated individual effects.

  • y_alpha = y - alpha[id], the estimated responses purged of the individual effects.

  • v estimates of ViV_i.

  • u estimates of UitU_{it}.

Observations are sorted by increasing id and, within each id, by increasing y.

Use summary.iqrL, plot.iqrL, and predict.iqrL for summary information, plotting, and predictions from the fitted model. The function can be used for goodness-of-fit assessment. The generic accessory functions coefficients, formula, terms, model.matrix, vcov are available to extract information from the fitted model.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72 (1), 74-84.

Frumento, P., Bottai, M., and Fernandez-Val, I. (2021). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with longitudinal data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116 (534), 783-797.

See Also

summary.iqrL, plot.iqrL, predict.iqrL, for summary, plotting, and prediction, and for goodness-of-fit assessment. plf and slp to define b(u)b(u) or c(v)c(v) to be piecewise linear functions and shifted Legendre polynomials, respectively.


##### Also see ?iqr for a tutorial on modeling
  ##### Using simulated data in all examples

  ##### Example 1

  n <- 1000 # n. of observations <- 100 # n. of clusters
  id <- rep(, each = n/ # cluster id

  x1 <- runif(n) # a level-1 covariate
  z1 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)[id] # a level-2 covariate

  V <- runif( # V_i
  U <- runif(n) # U_it

  alpha <- (0.5 + z1)*qnorm(V) # or alpha = rnorm(, 0, 0.5 + z1)
  y_alpha <- qexp(U) + 3*x1 # or y_alpha = 3*x1 + rexp(n)
  y <- y_alpha + alpha[id] # observed outcome
  mydata <- data.frame(id = id, y = y, x1 = x1, z1 = z1[id])

  # true quantile function: beta0(u) + beta1(u)*x1 + gamma0(v) + gamma1(v)*z1
  # beta0(u) = qexp(u)
  # beta1(u) = 3
  # gamma0(v) = 0.5*qnorm(v)
  # gamma1(v) = qnorm(v)

  ##### Example 1 (cont.) fitting the model

  model1 <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x1, fu = ~ I(qexp(u)), fz = ~ z1, fv = ~ -1 + I(qnorm(v)), 
    id = id, data = mydata)
  summary(model1) # theta, phi
  summary(model1, level = 1, p = c(0.1,0.9)) # beta
  summary(model1, level = 2, p = c(0.1,0.9)) # gamma
  par(mfrow = c(2,2)); plot(model1, ask = FALSE)

  ##### Example 1 (cont.) - excluding coefficients

  s.theta <- rbind(0:1,1:0) # beta0(u) has no intercept, and beta1(u) does not depend on u.
  model2 <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x1, fu = ~ I(qexp(u)), fz = ~ z1, fv = ~ -1 + I(qnorm(v)), 
    id = id, s.theta = s.theta, data = mydata)
  summary(model2) # testing goodness-of-fit

  ##### Example 1 (cont.) - flexible modeling using slp for lev. 1, asymm. logistic for lev. 2
  model3 <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x1, fu = ~ slp(u,3), 
    fz = ~ z1, fv = ~ -1 + I(log(2*v)) + I(-log(2*(1 - v))), 
    id = id, data = mydata)
  par(mfrow = c(2,2)); plot(model3, ask = FALSE)

  ##### Example 2 - revisiting the classical linear random-effects model

  n <- 1000 # n. of observations <- 100 # n. of clusters
  id <- rep(, each = n/ # id

  x1 <- runif(n,0,5)
  E <- rnorm(n) # level-1 error
  W <- rnorm(, 0, 0.5) # level-2 error
  y <- 2 + 3*x1 + E + W[id] # linear random-intercept model

  s.theta <- rbind(1, 1:0)
  linmod <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x1, fu = ~ I(qnorm(u)), id = id, s.theta = s.theta)

Basis of a Piecewise Linear Function


Generates b1(p),b2(p),b_1(p), b_2(p), \ldots such that, for 0 < p < 1,

θ1b1(p)+θ2b2(p)+\theta_1*b_1(p) + \theta_2*b_2(p) + \ldots

is a piecewise linear function with slopes (θ1,θ2,)(\theta_1, \theta_2, \ldots).


plf(p, knots)



a numeric vector of values between 0 and 1.


a set of internal knots between 0 and 1. It can be NULL for no internal knots.


This function permits computing a piecewise linear function on the unit interval. A different slope holds between each pair of knots, and the function is continuous at the knots.


A matrix with one row for each element of p, and length(knots) + 1 columns. The knots are returned as attr(, "knots"). Any linear combination of the basis matrix is a piecewise linear function where each coefficient represents the slope in the corresponding sub-interval (see ‘Examples’).


This function is typically used within a call to iqr. A piecewise linear function can be used to describe how quantile regression coefficients depend on the order of the quantile.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

slp, for shifted Legendre polynomials.


p <- seq(0,1, 0.1)

  a1 <- plf(p, knots = NULL) # returns p

  a2 <- plf(p, knots = c(0.2,0.7))
  plot(p, 3 + 1*a2[,1] - 1*a2[,2] + 2*a2[,3], type = "l") 
    # intercept = 3; slopes = (1,-1,2)

Plot Quantile Regression Coefficients


Plots quantile regression coefficients β(p)\beta(p) as a function of pp, based on a fitted model of class “iqr”.


## S3 method for class 'iqr'
plot(x, = TRUE, polygon = TRUE, which = NULL, ask = TRUE, ...)



an object of class “iqr”, typically the result of a call to iqr.

logical. If TRUE, asymptotic 95% confidence intervals are added to the plot.


logical. If TRUE, confidence intervals are represented by shaded areas via polygon. Otherwise, dashed lines are used.


an optional numerical vector indicating which coefficient(s) to plot. If which = NULL, all coefficients are plotted.


logical. If which = NULL and ask = TRUE (the default), you will be asked interactively which coefficients to plot.


additional graphical parameters, that can include xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, col, lwd, cex.lab, cex.axis, axes, frame.plot. See par.


Using iqr, each quantile regression coefficient β(p)\beta(p) is described by a linear combination of known parametric functions of pp. With this command, a plot of β(p)\beta(p) versus pp is created. If ask = TRUE, an additional option permits plotting a Q-Q plot of the fitted cumulative distribution function (CDF), that should follow a U(0,1) distribution if the model is correctly specified. If the data are censored or truncated, this is assessed applying the Kaplan-Meier estimator to the fitted CDF values. See also for a formal test of uniformity.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

iqr for model fitting; summary.iqr and predict.iqr for model summary and prediction.


# using simulated data
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  qy <- function(p,x){p^2 + x*log(p)}
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
     # beta0(p) = p^2
     # beta1(p) = log(p)
  y <- qy(runif(n), x) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x)
  par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  plot(iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ slp(p,3)), ask = FALSE) 
  # flexible fit with shifted Legendre polynomials

Plot Quantile Regression Coefficients with Longitudinal Data


Plots quantile regression coefficients β(u)\beta(u) and γ(v)\gamma(v), based on a fitted model of class “iqrL”.


## S3 method for class 'iqrL'
plot(x, = TRUE, polygon = TRUE, which = NULL, ask = TRUE, ...)



an object of class “iqrL”, the result of a call to iqrL.

logical. If TRUE, asymptotic 95% confidence intervals are added to the plot.


logical. If TRUE, confidence intervals are represented by shaded areas via polygon. Otherwise, dashed lines are used.


an optional numerical vector indicating which coefficient(s) to plot. If which = NULL, all coefficients are plotted.


logical. If which = NULL and ask = TRUE (the default), you will be asked interactively which coefficients to plot. Additional options will permit creating Q-Q plots of u or v, which should be independently distributed according to a Uniform(0,1) distribution. The option ppplot(u,v) will generate a P-P plot that compares the empirical distribution of (u,v) with its theoretical value, F(u,v) = uv, at a discrete grid of points.


additional graphical parameters, that can include xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, col, lwd, cex.lab, cex.axis, axes, frame.plot. See par.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

iqrL for model fitting; summary.iqrL and predict.iqrL for model summary and prediction.


# using simulated data
  n <- 1000 # n. of observations <- 100 # n. of clusters
  id <- rep(, each = n/ # cluster id

  x1 <- runif(n) # a level-1 covariate
  z1 <- rnorm( # a level-2 covariate

  V <- runif( # V_i
  U <- runif(n) # U_it

  alpha <- 2*(V - 1) + z1 # alpha
  y_alpha <- 1 + 2*qnorm(U) + 3*U*x1 # y - alpha
  y <- y_alpha + alpha[id] # observed outcome
  mydata <- data.frame(id = id, y = y, x1 = x1, z1 = z1[id])

  model <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x1, fu = ~ I(qnorm(u)) + u, 
    fz = ~ z1, fv = ~ -1 + I(qnorm(v)), id = id, data = mydata)
  par(mfrow = c(2,2))
  plot(model, ask = FALSE)

Prediction After Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Predictions from an object of class “iqr”.


## S3 method for class 'iqr'
predict(object, type = c("beta", "CDF", "QF", "sim"), newdata, p, se = TRUE, ...)



an object of class “iqr”, the result of a call to iqr.


a character string specifying the type of prediction. See ‘Details’.


an optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the data are used. For type = "CDF", it must include the response variable. Ignored if type = "beta".


a numeric vector indicating the order(s) of the quantile to predict. Only used if type = "beta" or type = "QF".


logical. If TRUE (the default), standard errors of the prediction will be computed. Only used if type = "beta" or type = "QF".


for future methods.


Using iqr, quantile regression coefficients β(p)\beta(p) are modeled as parametric functions of pp, the order of the quantile. This implies that the model parameter is not β(p)\beta(p) itself. The function predict.iqr permits computing β(p)\beta(p) and other quantities of interest, as detailed below.

  • if type = "beta" (the default), β(p)\beta(p) is returned at the supplied value(s) of p. If p is missing, a default p = (0.01, ..., 0.99) is used.

  • if type = "CDF", the value of the fitted CDF (cumulative distribution function) and PDF (probability density function) are computed.

  • if type = "QF", the fitted values xβ(p)x'\beta(p), corresponding to the conditional quantile function, are computed at the supplied values of p.

  • if type = "sim", data are simulated from the fitted model. To simulate the data, the fitted conditional quantile function is computed at randomly generated p following a Uniform(0,1) distribution.


  • if type = "beta" a list with one item for each covariate in the model. Each element of the list is a data frame with columns (p, beta, se, low, up) reporting β(p)\beta(p), its estimated standard error, and the corresponding 95% confidence interval. If se = FALSE, the last three columns are not computed.

  • if type = "CDF", a two-columns data frame (CDF,PDF).

  • if type = "QF" and se = FALSE, a data frame with one row for each observation, and one column for each value of p. If se = TRUE, a list of two data frames, fit (predictions) and (standard errors).

  • if type = "sim", a vector of simulated data.


Prediction may generate quantile crossing if the support of the new covariates values supplied in newdata is different from that of the observed data.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

iqr, for model fitting; summary.iqr and plot.iqr, for summarizing and plotting iqr objects.


# using simulated data
  n <- 1000
  x <- runif(n)
  y <- rlogis(n, 1 + x, 1 + x)
  # true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
    # beta0(p) = beta1(p) = 1 + log(p/(1 - p))
  model <- iqr(y ~ x, formula.p = ~ I(log(p)) + I(log(1 - p))) 
  # (fit asymmetric logistic distribution)
  # predict beta(0.25), beta(0.5), beta(0.75)
  predict(model, type = "beta", p = c(0.25,0.5, 0.75))
  # predict the CDF and the PDF at new values of x and y
  predict(model, type = "CDF", newdata = data.frame(x = c(.1,.2,.3), y = c(1,2,3)))
  # computes the quantile function at new x, for p = (0.25,0.5,0.75)
  predict(model, type = "QF", p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75), newdata = data.frame(x = c(.1,.2,.3)))

  # simulate data from the fitted model
  ysim <- predict(model, type = "sim") # 'newdata' can be supplied

  # if the model is correct, the distribution of y and that of ysim should be similar
  qy <- quantile(y, prob = seq(.1,.9,.1))
  qsim <- quantile(ysim, prob = seq(.1,.9,.1))
  plot(qy, qsim); abline(0,1)

Prediction After Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling with Longitudinal Data


Predictions from an object of class “iqrL”.


## S3 method for class 'iqrL'
predict(object, level, type = c("coef", "CDF", "QF", "sim"), newdata, p, se = FALSE, ...)



an object of class “iqrL”, the result of a call to iqrL.


a numeric scalar. Use level = 1 to predict yitαiy_{it} - \alpha_i, and level = 2 to predict αi\alpha_i (see iqrL for the notation).


a character string specifying the type of prediction. See ‘Details’.


an optional data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict (ignored if type = "coef"). For type = "CDF", newdata must include a response variable named ‘y_alpha’, if level = 1, and ‘alpha’ if level = 2. If newdata is omitted, the observed data will be used, and y_alpha and alpha will be taken from object$fit.


a numeric vector indicating the order(s) of the quantile to predict. Only used if type = "coef" or type = "QF".


logical. If TRUE (the default), standard errors of the prediction will be computed. Only used if type = "coef" or type = "QF".


for future methods.


  • if type = "coef" (the default), quantile regression coefficients are returned: if level = 1, β(p)\beta(p); and if level = 2, γ(p)\gamma(p). If p is missing, a default p = (0.01, ..., 0.99) is used.

  • if type = "CDF", the value of the fitted CDF (cumulative distribution function) and PDF (probability density function) are computed. If level = 1, these refer to the distribution of Yitαi=xitβ(Uit)Y_{it} - \alpha_i = x_{it}\beta(U_{it}), and the CDF is an estimate of UitU_{it}. If level = 2, they refer to the distribution of αi=ziγ(Vi)\alpha_i = z_i\gamma(V_i), and the CDF is an estimate of ViV_i.

  • if type = "QF", the fitted values xβ(p)x\beta(p) (if level = 1), or zγ(p)z\gamma(p) (if level = 2).

  • if type = "sim", data are simulated from the fitted model. If level = 1, simulated values are from the distribution of YitαiY_{it} - \alpha_i, while if level = 2, they are from the distribution of αi\alpha_i.


  • if type = "coef" a list with one item for each covariate. Each element of the list is a data frame with columns (u, beta, se, low, up), if level = 1, and (v, gamma, se, low, up), if level = 2. If se = FALSE, the last three columns are not computed.

  • if type = "CDF", a two-columns data frame (CDF,PDF).

  • if type = "QF" and se = FALSE, a data frame with one row for each observation, and one column for each value of p. If se = TRUE, a list of two data frames, fit (predictions) and (standard errors).

  • if type = "sim", a vector of simulated data.


If no newdata are supplied, the observed data are used and predictions are ordered as follows:

  • if level = 1, by increasing id and, within each id, by increasing values of the response variable y. Rownames will indicate the position in the original data frame.

  • if level = 2, by increasing id.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

iqrL, for model fitting; summary.iqrL and plot.iqrL, for summarizing and plotting iqrL objects.


# using simulated data
  n <- 1000 # n. of observations <- 100 # n. of clusters
  id <- rep(, each = n/ # cluster id

  x1 <- runif(n) # a level-1 covariate
  z1 <- rbinom(,1,0.5) # a level-2 covariate

  V <- runif( # V_i
  U <- runif(n) # U_it

  alpha <- qlogis(V)*(0.5 + z1) # alpha
  y_alpha <- 1 + 2*qexp(U) + 3*x1 # y - alpha
  y <- y_alpha + alpha[id] # observed outcome
  mydata <- data.frame(id = id, y = y, x1 = x1, z1 = z1[id])

  # true model: Y_it = beta0(U_it) + beta1(U_it)*x1 + gamma0(V_i) + gamma1(V_i)*z1
  # beta0(u) = 1 + 2*pexp(u)
  # beta1(u) = 3
  # gamma0(v) = 0.5*qlogis(v)
  # gamma1(v) = qlogis(V)
  model <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x1, fu = ~ I(qexp(u)), fz = ~ z1, fv = ~ -1 + I(qlogis(v)), 
    id = id, data = mydata) 
  # predict beta(0.25), beta(0.5), beta(0.75)
  predict(model, level = 1, type = "coef", p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75))
  # predict gamma(0.1), gamma(0.9)
  predict(model, level = 2, type = "coef", p = c(0.1,0.9))

  # predict the CDF (u) and the PDF of (y - alpha), at new values of x1
  predict(model, level = 1, type = "CDF", 
    newdata = data.frame(x1 = c(.1,.2,.3), y_alpha = c(1,2,3)))
  # predict the CDF (v) and the PDF of alpha, at new values of z1
  predict(model, level = 2, type = "CDF", 
    newdata = data.frame(z1 = c(0,1), alpha = c(-1,1)))
  # computes the quantile function of (y - alpha) at new x1, for u = (0.25,0.5,0.75)
  predict(model, level = 1, type = "QF", p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75), 
    newdata = data.frame(x1 = c(.1,.2,.3)))

  # computes the quantile function of alpha at new z1, for v = (0.25,0.5,0.75)
  predict(model, level = 2, type = "QF", p = c(0.25,0.5,0.75), 
    newdata = data.frame(z1 = c(.1,.2,.3)))

  # simulate data from the fitted model
  y_alpha_sim <- predict(model, level = 1, type = "sim")
  alpha_sim <- predict(model, level = 2, type = "sim")
  y_sim = y_alpha_sim + alpha_sim[id]

Estimate Non-Crossing Quantile Functions


This function generates a list of arguments to be used as operational parameters for remove.qc within a call to iqr. Additionally, this R documentation page contains a short description of the algorithm, which is presented in details in Sottile and Frumento (2023).


qc.control(maxTry = 25, trace = FALSE, lambda = NULL)



maximum number of attempts of the algorithm.


logical: should the progress be printed on screen?


an optional positive scalar to be used as tuning parameter (see “Details”). By default, lambda = NULL.


Quantile crossing occurs when the first derivative of the estimated quantile function is negative at some value of pp. The argument remove.qc of the iqr function can be used to eliminate quantile crossing.

The algorithm proceeds as follows. A penalization that reflects the severity of crossing is added to the loss function. The weight of the penalty term is determined by a tuning parameter λ\lambda. If λ\lambda is too small, the penalization has no effect. However, if λ\lambda is too large, the objective function may lose its convexity, causing a malfunctioning of the algorithm. In general, the value of λ\lambda is not user-defined. The algorithm starts with an initial guess for the tuning parameter, and proceeds adaptively until it finds a suitable value. The maximum number of iterations is determined by the maxTry argument of this function (default maxTry = 25). The algorithm stops automatically when the crossIndex of the model (see diagnose.qc) is zero, or when no further progress is possible.

It is possible to supply a user-defined value of λ\lambda, e.g., lambda = 7.5. If this happens, the model is estimated once, using the requested lambda, while the maxTry argument is ignored.

This method allows for censored or truncated data, that are supported by iqr. Full details are provided in Sottile and Frumento (2021).


The function performs a sanity check and returns its arguments.


Occasionally, the loss of the penalized model is smaller than that of the unconstrained fit. This is either an artifact due to numerical approximations or lack of convergence, or is explained by the fact that, if the quantile function is ill-defined, so is the loss function of the model. With censored or truncated data, however, it can also be explained by the fact that the obj.function of the model is NOT the function being minimized (see note 3 in the documentation of iqr).


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Sottile, G., and Frumento, P. (2023). Parametric estimation of non-crossing quantile functions. Statistical Modelling, 23(2), 173-195.

See Also

iqr, diagnose.qc.


# Using simulated data

 n <- 1000
 x1 <- runif(n,0,3)
 x2 <- rbinom(n,1,0.5)

 u <- runif(n)
 y <- 1*qexp(u) + (2 + 3*u)*x1 + 5*x2

 # This model is likely to suffer from quantile crossing
 m <- iqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ slp(p,7))

 # Repeat estimation with remove.qc = TRUE
 m2 <- iqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ slp(p,7), remove.qc = TRUE)

 # Use remove.qc = qc.control(trace = TRUE) to see what is going on!
 # You can set a larger 'maxTry', if the algorithm failed to remove 
 # quantile crossing entirely, or a smaller one, if you want to stop
 # the procedure before it becomes 'too expensive' in terms of loss.

Shifted Legendre Polynomials


Computes shifted Legendre polynomials.


slp(p, k = 3, intercept = FALSE)



the variable for which to compute the polynomials. Must be 0 <= p <= 1.


the degree of the polynomial.


logical. If TRUE, the polynomials include the constant term.


Shifted Legendre polynomials (SLP) are orthogonal polynomial functions in (0,1) that can be used to build a spline basis, typically within a call to iqr. The constant term is omitted unless intercept = TRUE: for example, the first two SLP are (2*p - 1, 6*p^2 - 6*p + 1), but slp(p, k = 2) will only return (2*p, 6*p^2 - 6*p).


An object of class “slp”, i.e., a matrix with the same number of rows as p, and with k columns named slp1, slp2, ... containing the SLP of the corresponding orders. The value of k is reported as attribute.


The estimation algorithm of iqr is optimized for objects of class “slp”, which means that using formula.p = ~ slp(p, k) instead of formula.p = ~ p + I(p^2) + ... + I(p^k) will result in a quicker computation, even with k = 1, with equivalent results. The default for iqr is formula.p = ~ slp(p, k = 3).


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Refaat El Attar (2009), Legendre Polynomials and Functions, CreateSpace, ISBN 978-1-4414-9012-4.

See Also

plf, for piecewise linear functions in the unit interval.


p <- seq(0,1,0.1)
  slp(p, k = 1) # = 2*p
  slp(p, k = 1, intercept = TRUE) # = 2*p - 1 (this is the true SLP of order 1)
  slp(p, k = 3) # a linear combination of (p, p^2, p^3), with slp(0,k) = 0

Summary After Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling


Summary of an object of class “iqr”.


## S3 method for class 'iqr'
summary(object, p, cov = FALSE, ...)



an object of class “iqr”, the result of a call to iqr.


an optional vector of quantiles.


logical. If TRUE, the covariance matrix of β(p)\beta(p) is reported. Ignored if p is missing.


for future methods.


If p is missing, a summary of the fitted model is reported. This includes the estimated coefficients, their standard errors, and other summaries (see ‘Value’). If p is supplied, the quantile regression coefficients of order p are extrapolated and summarized.


If p is supplied, a standard summary of the estimated quantile regression coefficients is returned for each value of p. If cov = TRUE, the covariance matrix is also reported.

If p is missing (the default), a list with the following items:


logical value indicating the convergence status.

the number of iterations.


the number of observations.


the number of free parameters in the model.


the matrix of estimated coefficients. Each row corresponds to a covariate, while each column corresponds to an element of b(p)b(p), the set of functions that describe how quantile regression coefficients vary with the order of the quantile. See ‘Examples’.


the estimated standard errors.


Wald test for the covariates. Each row of coefficients is tested for nullity.


Wald test for the building blocks of the quantile function. Each column of coefficients is tested for nullity.


the minimized loss function (NULL if the data are censored or truncated).


the matched call.


In version 1.0 of the package, a chi-squared goodness-of-fit test was provided. The test appeared to be unreliable and has been removed from the subsequent versions. Use


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

iqr, for model fitting; predict.iqr and plot.iqr, for predicting and plotting objects of class “iqr”. for a goodness-of-fit test.


# using simulated data

set.seed(1234); n <- 1000
x1 <- rexp(n)
x2 <- runif(n)
qy <- function(p,x){qnorm(p)*(1 + x)}
# true quantile function: Q(p | x) = beta0(p) + beta1(p)*x, with
   # beta0(p) = beta1(p) = qnorm(p)

y <- qy(runif(n), x1) # to generate y, plug uniform p in qy(p,x)
                      # note that x2 does not enter

model <- iqr(y ~ x1 + x2, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p)) + p + I(p^2))
# beta(p) is modeled by linear combinations of b(p) = (1, qnorm(p),p,p^2)

# interpretation: 
  # beta0(p) = model$coef[1,]*b(p)
  # beta1(p) = model$coef[2,]*b(p); etc.
# x2 and (p, p^2) are not significant

summary(model, p = c(0.25, 0.75)) # summary of beta(p) at selected quantiles

Summary After Quantile Regression Coefficients Modeling With Longitudinal Data


Summary of an object of class “iqrL”.


## S3 method for class 'iqrL'
summary(object, p, level, cov = FALSE, ...)



an object of class “iqrL”, the result of a call to iqrL.


an optional vector of quantiles.


a numeric scalar. Use level = 1 to summarize β(u)\beta(u), and level = 2 to summarize γ(v)\gamma(v). Ignored if p is missing.


logical. If TRUE, the covariance matrix of the coefficients or is reported. Ignored if p is missing.


for future methods.


If p is supplied, a standard summary of the estimated quantile regression coefficients is returned for each value of p: if level = 1, a summary of beta(p), and if level = 2, a summary of gamma(p). If cov = TRUE, the covariance matrix is also reported.

If p is missing (the default), a list with the following items:


logical value indicating the convergence status.

the number of iterations.


the number of observations.

the number of unique ids.


the number of free parameters in the model, excluding fixed effects.


the estimate of θ\theta.


the estimated standard errors associated with theta.


the estimate of ϕ\phi.


the estimated standard errors associated with phi.

test.row.theta, test.row.phi

Wald test for the covariates. Each row of theta and phi is tested for nullity.

test.col.theta, test.col.phi

Wald test for the building blocks of the quantile function. Each column of theta and phi is tested for nullity.


the minimized loss function.


the matched call.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]

See Also

iqrL, for model fitting; predict.iqrL and plot.iqrL, for predicting and plotting objects of class “iqrL”; for a goodness-of-fit test.


# using simulated data

n <- 1000 # n. of observations <- 100 # n. of clusters
id <- rep(, each = n/ # cluster id

x <- rexp(n) # a covariate

V <- runif( # V_i
U <- runif(n) # U_it
y <- 1 + 2*log(U) + 3*x + 0.5*qnorm(V)

# true quantile function: Q(u,v | x) = beta0(u) + beta1(u)*x + gamma0(v), with
   # beta0(u) = 1 + 2*log(u)
   # beta1(u) = 3
   # gamma0(v) = 0.5*qnorm(v)

model <- iqrL(fx = y ~ x, fu = ~ 1 + I(log(u)), fz = ~ 1, fv = ~ -1 + I(qnorm(v)), id = id)
summary(model, level = 1, p = c(0.25, 0.75)) # summary of beta(u) at selected quantiles
summary(model, level = 2, p = c(0.1, 0.9)) # summary of gamma(v) at selected quantiles

Goodness-of-Fit Test


Generic method for goodness-of-fit test.

Usage, ...)



an object of class “iqr” or “iqrL”.


additional arguments to be supplied to or


This function will simply call or depending on class(object).


The test statistic(s) and the associated p-values evaluated with Monte Carlo.

See Also,

Goodness-of-Fit Test


Goodness-of-fit test for a model fitted with iqr. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and the Cramer-Von Mises statistic are computed. Their distribution under the null hypothesis is evaluated with Monte Carlo.


## S3 method for class 'iqr', R = 100, zcmodel, icmodel, trace = FALSE, ...)



an object of class “iqr”.


number of Monte Carlo replications. If R = 0, the function only returns the test statistics.


a numeric value indicating how to model the joint distribution of censoring (CC) and truncation (ZZ). See ‘Details’.


a list of operational parameters to simulate interval-censored data. See ‘Details’.


logical. If TRUE, the progress will be printed.


for future arguments.


This function permits assessing goodness of fit by testing the null hypothesis that the CDF values follow a U(0,1)U(0,1) distribution, indicating that the model is correctly specified. Since the fitted CDF values depend on estimated parameters, the distribution of the test statistic is not known. To evaluate it, the model is fitted on R simulated datasets generated under the null hypothesis.

The testing procedures are described in details by Frumento and Bottai (2016, 2017) and Frumento and Corsini (2024).

Right-censored and left-truncated data. If the data are censored and truncated, object$CDF is as well a censored and truncated outcome, and its quantiles must be computed by using a suitable version of Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimator. The fitted survival curve is then compared with that of a U(0,1)U(0,1) distribution.

To run Monte Carlo simulations when data are censored or truncated, it is necessary to estimate the distribution of the censoring and that of the truncation variable. To this goal, the function pchreg from the pch package is used, with default settings.

The joint distribution of the censoring variable (CC) and the truncation variable (ZZ) can be specified in two ways:

  • If zcmodel = 1, it is assumed that C=Z+UC = Z + U, where UU is a positive variable and is independent of ZZ, given covariates. This is the most common situation, and is verified when censoring occurs at the end of the follow-up. Under this scenario, CC and ZZ are correlated with P(C>Z)=1P(C > Z) = 1.

  • If zcmodel = 2, it is assumed that CC and ZZ are conditionally independent. This situation is more plausible when all censoring is due to drop-out.

Interval-censored data.

If the data are interval-censored, object$CDF is composed of two columns, left and right. A nonparametric estimator is applied to the interval-censored pair (left, right) using the icenReg R package. The fitted quantiles are then compared with those of a U(0,1)U(0,1) distribution.

To simulate interval-censored data, additional information is required about the censoring mechanism. This testing procedure assumes that interval censoring occurs because each individual is only examined at discrete time points, say t[1], t[2], t[3],... If this is not the mechanism that generated your data, you should not use this function.

In the ideal situation, one can use t[1], t[2], t[3],... to estimate the distribution of the time between visits, t[j + 1] - t[j]. If, however, one only knows time1 and time2, the two endpoints of the interval, things are more complicated. The empirical distribution of time2 - time1 is NOT a good estimator of the distribution of t[j + 1] - t[j], because the events are likely contained in longer intervals, a fact that obviously generates selection bias. There are two common situations: either t[j + 1] - t[j] is a constant (e.g., one month), or it is random. If t[j + 1] - t[j] is random and has an Exponential distribution with scale lambda, then time2 - time1 has a Gamma(shape = 2, scale = lambda) distribution. This is due to the property of memoryless of the Exponential distribution, and may only be an approximation if there is a floor effect (i.e., if lambda is larger than the low quantiles of the time-to-event).

The icmodel argument must be a list with four elements, model, lambda (optional), t0, and logscale:

  • model. A character string, either 'constant' or 'exponential'.

  • lambda. If model = 'constant', lambda will be interpreted as a constant time between visits. If model = 'exponential', instead, it will be interpreted as the mean (not the rate) of the Exponential distribution that is assumed to describe the time between visits.

    If you either know lambda, or you can estimate it by using additional information (e.g., individual data on all visit times t[1], t[2], t[3], ...), you can supply a scalar value, that will be used for all individuals, or a vector, allowing lambda to differ across individuals.

    If, instead, lambda is not supplied or is NULL, the algorithm proceeds as follows. If model = 'constant', the time between visits is assumed to be constant and equal to lambda = mean(time2 - time1). If model = 'exponential', times between visits are generated from an Exponential distribution in which the mean, lambda, is allowed to depend on covariates according to a log-linear model, and is estimated by fitting a Gamma model on time2 - time1 as described earlier.

  • t0. If t0 = 0, data will be simulated assuming that the first visit occurs at time = 0 (the “onset”), i.e., when the individual enters the risk set. This mechanism cannot generate left censoring. If t0 = 1, instead, the first visit occurs after time zero. This mechanism generates left censoring whenever the event occurs before the first visit. Finally, if t0 = -1, visits start before time 0. Under this scenario, it is assumed that not only the time at the event, but also the time at onset is interval-censored. If the event occurs in the interval (time1, time2), and the onset is in (t01, t02), then the total duration is in the interval (time1 - t02, time2 - t01).

  • logscale. Logical: is the response variable on the log scale? If this is the case, the Monte Carlo procedure will act accordingly. Note that lambda will always be assumed to describe the time between visits on the natural scale.

The mechanism described above can automatically account for the presence of left censoring. In order to simulate right-censored observations (if present in the data), the distribution of the censoring variable is estimated with the function pchreg from the pch package.


a matrix with columns statistic and p.value, reporting the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Cramer-Von Mises statistic and the associated p-values evaluated with Monte Carlo.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2016). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions. Biometrics, 72 (1), pp 74-84, doi: 10.1111/biom.12410.

Frumento, P., and Bottai, M. (2017). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with censored and truncated data. Biometrics, doi: 10.1111/biom.12675.

Frumento, P., and Corsini, L. (2024). Using parametric quantile regression to investigate determinants of unemployment duration. Unpublished manuscript.


y <- rnorm(1000)
m1 <- iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ I(qnorm(p))) # correct
m2 <- iqr(y ~ 1, formula.p = ~ p)  # misspecified

Goodness-of-Fit Test


Goodness-of-fit test for a model fitted with iqrL. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic is computed and its distribution under the null hypothesis is evaluated with Monte Carlo.


## S3 method for class 'iqrL', R = 100, trace = FALSE, ...)



an object of class “iqrL”.


number of Monte Carlo replications. If R = 0, the function only returns the test statistic.


logical. If TRUE, the progress will be printed.


for future arguments.


This function permits assessing goodness of fit by testing the null hypothesis that the estimated (u,v) values are independent uniform variables. To evaluate the distribution of the test statistic under the true model, a Monte Carlo method is used (Frumento et al, 2021).


a vector with entries statistic and p.value, reporting the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic (evaluated on a grid) and the associated p-value.


Paolo Frumento [email protected]


Frumento, P., Bottai, M., and Fernandez-Val, I. (2021). Parametric modeling of quantile regression coefficient functions with longitudinal data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116 (534), 783-797.


id <- rep(1:50, each = 10)
y <- rnorm(500) + rnorm(50)[id]
m1 <- iqrL(fx = y ~ 1, fu = ~ I(qnorm(u)), id = id) # correct
m2 <- iqrL(fx = y ~ 1, fu = ~ u, id = id)  # misspecified, R = 20), R = 20)

# Warning: this procedure may be time-consuming.