Package 'qcluster'

Title: Clustering via Quadratic Scoring
Description: Performs tuning of clustering models, methods and algorithms including the problem of determining an appropriate number of clusters. Validation of cluster analysis results is performed via quadratic scoring using resampling methods, as in Coraggio, L. and Coretto, P. (2023) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181>.
Authors: Luca Coraggio [cre, aut] (Homepage: <>), Pietro Coretto [aut] (Homepage: <>)
Maintainer: Luca Coraggio <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.2.1
Built: 2025-02-13 07:00:11 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Swiss Banknotes Data


Data from Tables 1.1 and 1.2 (pp. 5-8) of Flury and Riedwyl (1988). There are six measurements made on 200 Swiss banknotes (the old-Swiss 1000-franc). The banknotes belong to two classes of equal size: genuine and counterfeit.




A data.frame of dimension 200x7 with the following variables:


a factor with classes: genuine, counterfeit


Length of bill (mm)


Width of left edge (mm)


Width of right edge (mm)


Bottom margin width (mm)


Top margin width (mm)


Length of diagonal (mm)


Flury, B. and Riedwyl, H. (1988). Multivariate Statistics: A practical approach. London: Chapman & Hall.

Bootstrapping quadratic scores


Estimates the expected quadratic score for clustering solutions provided by a list of of candidate model, methods or algorithmic setting.


       B = 10,
       type = "smooth",
       oob = FALSE, 
       ncores = detectCores() - 2,
       alpha = 0.05,
       rankby = ifelse(B == 0, "mean", "lq"),
       boot_na_share = 0.25,
       savescores = FALSE,
       saveparams = FALSE)



a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed.


a list of functions. A function in the list takes data as input and provide a clustering method to be scored (see Details).


a integer >=0. If B=0, the funciton fits and scores the clustering methods on the entire data set without resampling (see Details). B>=1, sets the number of boostrap replicates (see Details).


character string specifying the type of score, Possibile values are {"smooth", "hard", "both"}. If ="smooth" (default), only the smooth score is estimated. If ="hard", only the hard score is estimated. ="both", both the smooth and the hard scores are estimated.


logical or character string specifying if out-of-bag bootstrap is performed. Possibile values are {FALSE, TRUE, "only"} If =FALSE (default), out-of-bag boostrap is not performed. If =TRUE, out-of-bag bootstrap is performed along with the empirical bootstrap sampling. If ="only", only the out-of-bag bootstrap is performed.


an integer, it defines the number of cores used for parallel computing (see Details).


a number in (0,1), the confidence-level for empirical bootstrap quantiles (both-tails).


character string specifying how the scored solution are ranked. Possible values are {"lq", "mean", "1se"}. With ="lq" (default), the solutions are ranked by maximizing the estimated lower limit of the of the 1-alpha bootstrap confidence intervalfor the expected score. With ="mean", the solutions are ranked by maximizing the estimated expected score. With ="1se", the solutions are ranked by maximizing the estimated lower limit of the confidence interval for the expected score whose semi-length is equal to a standard error. The expected score's standard error is approximated using the boostrap distribution.


a numeric value in (0,1). During the boostrapping a method's score is set to NA if the underlying comptutation runs into errors. Methods resulting in more than B * boot_na_share errors are excluded from the comparison


logical, if =TRUE it returns estimated scores for each boostrap sample.


logical, if =TRUE it returns estimated cluster parameters for each boostrap sample.


The function implements the estimation and selection of an appropriate clustering based on the methodology proposed in Coraggio and Coretto (2023). In addition, we add the possibility of obtaining score estimates using out-of-bag-boorstrap sampling alongside the empirical bootstrap-based estimates proposed in the aforementioned paper. Note that the out-of-bag-boorstrap estimates are obtained using the same samples used for the emprical bootsrap, therefore, oob=TRUE add a small computational cost.

Choice of B. In theory B should be as large as possible, however, if the list of methods is large and the computational capacity is modest, a large B may require long run times. Coraggio and Coretto (2023) show experiments where changing from B=1000 to B=100 introduces a marginal increase in variability. B=100 should be considered as a lower bound. In the case where one has very large method lists, high-dimensional datasets and demanding methods, a possible strategy to reduce the computational cost is as follows:

  1. set a small value of B, e.g., B=50 or even less.

  2. Analyze the methods' ranking and identify those methods that report score values that are small compared to the top performers.

  3. Narrow down the methodset list and repeat the bootstrap estimation with a value of B that is as large as possible relative to available computational resources.

Parallel computing. Bootstrap sampling is performed using foreach-based parallel computation via the doParallel parallel backend. Note that depending on the system settings, and how the functions in methodset make use of parallelism and/or multi-threading computing, increasing ncores may not produce the desired reduction in computing time. For instance, this happens when using linear algebra routines optimized for multi-threaded computing (e.g., OpenBLAS, Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), and so on). These optimized shared libraries already implement multi-threading, and it is necessary to find the optimal trade-off between distributing processes over physical cores and multi-threading at the logical unit level of the same physical unit. Unfortunately, there is no universal recipe and much depends on hardware architectures, operating system, shared libraries, etc. We obtained the best results using OpenBLAS (the tagged serial) and setting ncores= the number of physical cores.

methodset argument. The methodset argument allows in input a function, list, or output from mset functions: mset_user, mset_gmix, mset_kmeans, mset_pam. It is also possible give any combination of these, concatenated with the mbind function. When passing a function, either as a single element or in a list, this must take the data set as its first argument, and must return in output at least list named "params", conforming with the return value of clust2params, i.e. a list containing proportion, mean and cov elements, representing the estimated clusters' parameters.


An S3 object of class bqs. Output components are as follows:


data.frame returned if type="smooth" or type="both". It contains a summary of the estimated score. The rows corresponds to competing methods in methodset sorted by the specified ranking criterion. Columns are as follows:


index of the method in the corresponding methodset list;


rank of the clustering solution according to rankby;


expected score;


standard error for the mean score;


lower limit of the confidence interval for the mean score;


upper limit of the confidence interval for the mean score;


number of valid bootstrap samples after filtering erroneous cases;


number of filtered erroneous cases.


data.frame returned if type="hard" or type="both". It reports the results about the hard score in analogy to the previous object smooth.


data.frame returned if type="smooth" or type="both" and obb=TRUE or obb="only". It reports the results about the smooth score estimated using out-of-bang-boostrap samples in analogy to the previous objects smooth and hard.


data.frame returned if type="hard" or type="both" and obb=TRUE or obb="only". It reports the results about the hard score estimated using out-of-bang-boostrap samples in analogy to the previous objects smooth and hard.


Clustering produced by the best method, according the specified rankby criterion, applied to the smooth score estimated using the empirical bootstrap sampling.


clustering produced by the best method, according the specified rankby criterion, applied to the hard score estimated using the empirical bootstrap sampling.


clustering produced by the best method, according the specified rankby criterion, applied to the smooth score estimated using the out-of-bag-boostrap samples.


clustering produced by the best method, according the specified rankby criterion, applied to the hard score estimated using the out-of-bag-boostrap samples.


a list containing information about the input data set necessary for the fruition of the returned object.


number of bootstrap replicates.


The elements of methodset for which a solution is produced.


the ranking criterion.


a list that allows tracing the bootstrap sampling in almost every stage. Let n=sample size, B=bootstrap samples, M= number of methods in methoset. It contains the following objects.


an array of dimension n x B where the j-th column contains the indexes of the observed data points belonging to the j-th bootstrap sample. That is, data[boot_id[ ,j], ] gives the j-th bootstrap data set.


an array of dimension (M x 3 x B) returned if savescores=TRUE. It reports both hard and smooth scores estimated in each bootstrap replicate. score[,1,] reports a code=1 if the corresponding bootstrap sample has been excluded because of errors (otherwise code=0).


returned if obb=TRUE or obb="only" and savescores=TRUE. It is an array is organized as the previous object score but contains information about out-of-bag-bootstrap estimates.


a list returned if saveparams=TRUE. params[[m]] contains estimated cluster parameters for methodset[[m]] where m=1,...,M. Each member of the list is a list of length B where params[[m]][[b]] contains the cluster parameters fitted by the m-th method on the b-th bootstrap sample.


Coraggio, Luca and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the number of clusters, clustering models, and algorithms. A unifying approach based on the quadratic discriminant score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), 1-20. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also

mset_user, mset_gmix, mset_kmeans, pam, mbind, clust2params


# load data
dat <- banknote[-1]

## set up methods
## see also help('mset_user')  and related functions 
KM   <- mset_kmeans(K = 3)
GMIX <- mset_gmix(K=3, erc=c(1,100)) 

# combine tuned methods
mlist <- mbind(KM, GMIX)

# perform bootstrap
# change B and ncores to a much larger value in real problems 
res <- bqs(dat, mlist, B = 3, type = "both", rankby="lq",
         ncores = 1, oob = TRUE, savescores = TRUE, saveparams = FALSE)

## Not run: 
# The following example is more realistic but may take time
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# load data
dat <- banknote[-1]

# set up kmeans, see help('mset_kmeans')
KM    <- mset_kmeans(K = 2:5)

# set up Gaussian model-based clustering via gmix() 
GMIX  <- mset_gmix(K=2:5, erc=c(1, 50 , 100)) 

# set up Gaussian model-based clustering via library("mclust")
# see examples in help('mset_user')
mc_wrapper <- function(data, K, ...){
    y <- Mclust(data, G = K, ...)
    y[["params"]] <- list(proportion = y$parameters$pro,
                          mean = y$parameters$mean,
                          cov = y$parameters$variance$sigma)
MC <- mset_user(fname = "mc_wrapper", K = 2:5, modelNames = c("EEI", "VVV"))

# combine tuned methods
mlist <- mbind(KM, GMIX, MC)

# perform bootstrap
# set 'ncores' to the number of available physical cores
res <- bqs(dat, mlist, B = 100, type = "both", rankby="lq", ncores=1,
           oob = TRUE, savescores = TRUE, saveparams = FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Ranking Clusters Quadratic Scores Estimated Via Boostrap


Ranks the scores of clusters methods estimated via boostrap


bqs_rank(bqsol, rankby = "lq", boot_na_share = 0.25)



an object of class bqs obtained from bqs.


character string specifying how the scored solution are ranked. Possible values are {"lq", "mean", "1se"}. With ="lq" (default), the solutions are ranked by maximizing the estimated lower limit of the of the 1-alpha bootstrap confidence intervalfor the expected score. With ="mean", the solutions are ranked by maximizing the estimated expected score. With ="1se", the solutions are ranked by maximizing the estimated lower limit of the confidence interval for the expected score whose semi-length is equal to a standard error. The expected score's standard error is approximated using the boostrap distribution.


a numeric value in (0,1). During the boostrapping a method's score is set to NA if the underlying comptutation runs into errors. Methods resulting in more than B * boot_na_share errors are excluded from the comparison


An S3 object of class bqs. Output components are those of bqs. See Value in bqs.


Coraggio, Luca and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the number of clusters, clustering models, and algorithms. A unifying approach based on the quadratic discriminant score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), 1-20. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also



# load data
dat <- banknote[-1]

## set up methods
## see also help('mset_user')  and related functions 
KM   <- mset_kmeans(K = 3)
GMIX <- mset_gmix(K=3, erc=c(1,100)) 

# combine tuned methods
mlist <- mbind(KM, GMIX)

# perform bootstrap
# change B and ncores to a much larger value in real problems 
res <- bqs(dat, mlist, B = 3, rankby="lq", ncores=1)

# now change ranking criterion
res2 <- bqs_rank(res, rankby="mean")

Select Ranked Cluster Solutions by Quadratic Score


Select solutions from a bqs object based on specified rank and type of score.


bqs_select(bqs_sol, rank = 1, type = "smooth", rankby = NA, boot_na_share = 0.25)



An object of class bqs containing the clustering solutions to be selected.


An integer >0 specifying the rank of the solution to select. Default is 1.


A character string specifying the type of Quadratic Score. Possible values are "hard", "smooth", "oob_hard", "oob_smooth". Default is "smooth".


A character string specifying the criteria used to rank solutions in bqs. Possible values are "lq", "mean", "1se", or NA (default). See Details.


A numeric value between (0, 1). Clustering solutions in bqs_sol with a share of NA bootstrap estimates are excluded from ranking. Default is 0.25.


Even if the bqs_sol object is not pre-ranked, the user may specify a ranking criterion to rank clustering solutions dynamically using the rankby argument; this does not influence the bqs_sol ranking. In these instances, the user can also specify boot_na_share as in bqs_rank to exclude solutions based on the proportion of unsuccessful bootstrap estimations. If rankby=NA, the bqs_sol must be pre-ranked.


A named list of all clustering solutions achieving a type score of rank rank when ranked according to rankby criterion, or NULL if no such solution is available in the bqs_sol object. List names correspond to methods' names, and each named entry contains the corresponding clustering method in bqs_sol$methodlist fit on bqs_sol$data.

See Also

bqs, bqs_rank


# Load data and set seet
dat <- banknote[-1]

# set up kmeans, see help('mset_kmeans')
KM    <- mset_kmeans(K = 2:5)

# set up Gaussian model-based clustering via gmix()
GMIX  <- mset_gmix(K=2:5, erc=c(1, 50 , 100))

# combine tuned methods
mlist <- mbind(KM, GMIX)

# perform bootstrap
# se 'ncores' to the number of available physical cores
res <- bqs(dat, mlist, B = 20, type = "both", rankby=NA, ncores = 1,
           oob = TRUE, savescores = TRUE, saveparams = FALSE)

# Methods are not ranked; this will raise an error
try(bqs_select(res, rank = 1))

# Rank method dynamically
ranked_res <- bqs_select(res, rank = 2, rankby = "lq", boot_na_share = 0.25)

Converts Hard Assignment Into Cluster Parameters


Transforms cluster labels into a list of parameters describing cluster size, mean, and dispersion.


clust2params(data, cluster)



a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed.


a vector of integers representing cluster labels.


A list containing cluster parameters. Let P=number of variable/features and K=number of clusters. The elements of the list are as follows:

  • prop: a vector of clusters' proportions;

  • mean: a matrix of dimension (P x K) containing the clusters' mean parameters;

  • cov: an array of size (P x P x K) containing the clusters' covariance matrices.


# load data

# compute the k-means partition 
cl <- kmeans(banknote[-1], centers = 2, nstart = 1)$cluster

# convert k-means hard assignment into cluster parameters 
clpars <- clust2params(banknote[-1], cl) 

Gaussian Mixture Modelling


Fast implementation of the EM algorithm for ML estimation and clustering of Gaussian mixture models with covariance matrix regularization based on eigenvalue ratio constraints.


   K = NA,
   erc = 50,
   iter.max = 1000,
   tol = 1e-8,
   init = "kmed",
   init.nstart = 25,
   init.iter.max = 30,
   init.tol = tol,
   save_cluster = TRUE,
   save_params = TRUE,
   save_taus = FALSE)



a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Let N=nrows(data) and P=ncol(data). Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed.


the number of mixture components or clusters. It can be left NA for certain specifications of init (see below) where the number of cluster is retrieved from the initial partition.


a numeric value >=1 specifying the eigenvalue ratio constraint (See Details).


maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm.


tolerance for the convergence of the EM algorithm.


a character in the set c("kmed", "kmeans", "pam"), a vector, a matrix, or a callable giving the initial assignment of data points (see Details). The default choice is "kmed".


number of initial partitions ((see Details)).


maximum number of iterations for each run of the kmedian initialization.


tolerance for the convergence of each ran of the kmedian initialization.


logical, if TRUE the point-to-cluster assignment based on the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) rule is returned.


logical, if TRUE the estimated mixture parameters are returned.


logical, if TRUE the posterior class probabilities are returned (these are also known as posterior weights or fuzzy weights).


The function implements the constrained ML estimator studied in Coretto and Hennig (2023). The convariance matrix constraints are computed according to the CM1-step of Algorithm 2 of Coretto and Hennig (2017). This function uses highly optimized C code for fast execution. The constrained M-step extensively uses low-level common linear algebra matrix operations (BLAS/LAPACK routines). Consequently, to maximize computational efficiency, it is recommended that the best available shared libraries, such as OpenBLAS, Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), etc., be set up.

Initialization. The default method, set with init="kmed", uses fast C implementation of the k-medians algorithm with random initial centers drawn uniformly over the data rows init.iter.max times. Depending on the computer power available it is suggested to set init.iter.max as large as possible particularly in cases where the data set dimensionality is large in terms of both sample size and number of features. Setting init="kmeans" one replaces the K-medians with the K-means. With init="pam" initial clusters are determined using the PAM algorithm based on Euclidian distances. The latter does not perform multiple starts. The user can also set init = x where x is a vector of integers of length N=nrow(data) representing an initial hard assignment of data points to the mixture components or clusters (see Examples). Another possibility is to set init = W where W is a matrix of dimension (N x {K}) containing the initial posterior probabilities that the ith observation belongs to the kth cluster. The assignment provided via W can be hard (0-1 weights with the constraint that only a 1 is possible in each row of W, or smooth (each row of W must sum up to 1). W can be seen as the initial version of the object tau describied in the Value section below. The last alternative is to set init = f(data). Here f(data) is a function that takes data as an input and returns the matrix with an initial hard/smooth assignment as the W matrix previously described (see the example below).

Eigenvalue ratio constraint (erc). It is the maximum allowed ratio between within-cluster covariance matrix eigenvalues. It defines the so-called eigenratio constraint. erc=1 enforces spherical clusters with equal covariance matrices. A large erc allows for large between-cluster covariance discrepancies. It is suggested to never set erc arbitrarily large, its main role is to prevent degenerate covariance parameters and the related emergence of spurious clusters (see Referenceses below). Finally, in order to facilitate the setting of erc, it is suggested to scale the columns of data whenever measurement units of the different variables are grossly incompatible.


An S3 object of class 'mbcfit'. Output components are as follows:


information on convergence and errors (see notes).


number of iterations performed in the underlying EM-algorithm.


number of data points.


data dimension.


number of clusters.


sample expected log-likelihood.


cluster size (counts).


cluster assignment based on the maximum a posteriori rule (MAP).


a matrix of dimension (N x {K}) where tau[i, k] is the estimated posterior probability that the ith observation belongs to the kth cluster.


a list containing mixture components parameters. The elements of the list are as follows: $prop=vector of proportions; $mean==matrix of dimension (P x K) containing mean parameters; $cov=array of size (P x P x K) containing covariance matrices.


a list with two components named giving information about underlysing EM algorithm. The code obejects can take the following values:

  • code=1: the algorithm converged within iter.max.

  • code=2: the algorithm reached iter.max.

  • code=3: the algorithm did not move from initial values.

  • code=-1: unexpected memory allocation issues occured.

  • code=-2: unexpected LAPACK routines errors occured.

The flag obejects can take the following values:

  • flag=0 no flag.

  • flag=1 numerically degenerate posterior probabilities. (taus) could not be prevented.

  • flag=2 the ERC was enforced at least once.

  • flag=3 if condition of flag=1 and flag=2 occurred.


Coretto, Pietro and Christian Hennig (2017). Consistency, breakdown robustness, and algorithms for robust improper maximum likelihood clustering. Journal of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 18(142), pp. 1-39. URL:

Coretto, Pietro and Christian Hennig (2023) Nonparametric consistency for maximum likelihood estimation and clustering based on mixtures of elliptically-symmetric distributions. arXiv:2311.06108. URL:


# --- load data
dat <- banknote[-1]
n   <- nrow(dat) #sample size
nc  <- 2         #number of clusters

# fit 2 clusters using the default k-median initialization 
# In real applications set 'init.nstart' as large as possibile
fit1 <- gmix(dat, K = nc, init.nstart = 1)

# plot partition (default)
plot(x = fit1, data = dat)

# plot partition onto the first 3 principal component coordinates 
plot(x = fit1, data = prcomp(dat)$x, margins = c(1,2,3),
     pch_cl = c("A", "B"), col_cl = c("#4285F4", "#0F9D58"),
     main = "Principal Components")

# user-defined random initialization with hard assignment labels 
i2   <- sample(1:nc, size = n, replace = TRUE)
fit2 <- gmix(dat, K = 2, init = i2)
plot(x=fit2, data = dat)

# user-defined smooth "toy" initialization: 
# 50% of the points are assigned to cluster 1 with probability 0.95 and to
# cluster 2 with probability 5%. The remaining data points are assigned to
# cluster 1 with probability 10% and  to cluster 2 with probability 10%
idx        <- sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), size = n, replace = TRUE)
i3         <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = nc) 
i3[idx,  ] <- c(0.9, 0.1)
i3[!idx, ] <- c(0.1, 0.9)
# fit
fit3  <- gmix(dat, K = nc, init = i3)
plot(x=fit3, data = dat)

# user-defined function for initialization
# this one produces a 0-1 hard posterior matrix W based on kmeans
compute_init <- function(data, K){
  cl  <- kmeans(data, K, nstart=1, iter.max=10)$cluster
  W   <- sapply(seq(K), function(x) as.numeric(cl==x))
fit4 <- gmix(dat, K = nc, init = compute_init)
plot(fit4, data = dat)

Combines Methods Settings


The function combines functions containing clustering methods setups built using mset_user and related functions.





one or more object of class qcmethod obtained from mset_user and related functions


An S3 object of class 'qcmethod'. Each element of the list represents a competing method containing the following objects


a string identifying the setup.


a list with arguments that are passed to the base function.


the function implementing the specified setting. This fn function can be executed on the data set. It has two arguments: data and only_params. data is a data matrix or data.frame only_params is logical. If only_params==FALSE (default), fn will return the object returned by the fname. If only_params==TRUE (default) fn will return only cluster parameters (proportions, mean, and cov, see clust2params).


Coraggio, Luca and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the number of clusters, clustering models, and algorithms. A unifying approach based on the quadratic discriminant score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), 1-20. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also

mset_user, mset_gmix, mset_kmeans, mset_pam


# load data
dat  <- banknote[-1]

# generate  kmeans setups 
A <- mset_kmeans(K=c(2,3))

# generate gmix  setups 
B <- mset_gmix(K=c(2,3))

# combine setups
M <- mbind(A, B)

# get the PAM setting with K=3
m <- M[[4]]

# cluster data with M[[3]]
fit <- m$fn(dat)

Generates Methods Settings for Gaussian Mixture Model-Based Clustering


The function generates a software abstraction of a list of clustering models implemented through a set of tuned methods and algorithms. In particular, it generates a list ofgmix -type functions each combining model tuning parameters and other algorithmic settings. The generated functions are ready to be called on the data set.


   K = seq(10),
   init = "kmed",
   erc = c(1, 50, 1000),
   iter.max = 1000,
   tol = 1e-8,
   init.nstart = 25, 
   init.iter.max = 30,
   init.tol = tol)



a vector/list, specifies the number of clusters.


a vector, contains the settings of the init parameter of gmix.


a vector/list, contains the settings of the erc parameter of gmix.


a integer vector, contains the settings of the iter.max parameter of gmix.


a vector/list, contains the settings of the tol parameter of gmix.


a integer vector, contains the settings of the init.start parameter of gmix.


a integer vector, contains the settings of the init.iter.max parameter of gmix.


a vector/list, contains the settings of the init.tol parameter of gmix.


The function produces functions implementing competing clustering methods based on several Gaussian Mixture models specifications. The function produces functions for fitting competing Gaussian Mixture model-based clustering methods settings. This is a specialized version of the more general function mset_user. In particular, it produces a list of gmix functions each corresponding to a specific setup in terms of both model hyper-parameters (e.g. the number of clusters, the eigenvalue ratio constraint, etc.) and algorithm's control parameters (e.g. the type of initialization, maximum number of iteration, etc.). See gmix for a detailed description of the role of each argument and their data types.


An S3 object of class 'qcmethod'. Each element of the list represents a competing method containing the following objects


a string identifying the setup.


a list with gmix function arguments.


the function implementing the specified setting. This fn function can be executed on the data set. It has two arguments: data and only_params. data is a data matrix or data.frame only_params is logical. If only_params==FALSE (default), fn will return the object returned by gmix. If only_params==TRUE (default) fn will return only cluster parameters (proportions, mean, and cov, see clust2params.


Coraggio, Luca, and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the Number of Clusters, Clustering Models, and Algorithms. A Unifying Approach Based on the Quadratic Discriminant Score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), pp. 1-20, doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also

gmix, mset_user, bqs


# 'gmix' settings combining number of clusters K={3,4} and eigenvalue 
# ratio constraints {1,10} 
A <- mset_gmix(K = c(2,3), erc = c(1,10))
# select setup 1: K=2, erc = 1, init =" kmed"
ma1 <- A[[1]]

# fit M[[1]] on banknote data
dat  <- banknote[-1]
fit1 <- ma1$fn(dat)   

# if only cluster parameters are needed
fit1b <- ma1$fn(dat, only_params = TRUE)   

# include a custom initialization, see also help('gmix')
compute_init <- function(data, K){
  cl  <- kmeans(data, K, nstart=1, iter.max=10)$cluster
  W   <- sapply(seq(K), function(x) as.numeric(cl==x))

# generate methods settings 
B <- mset_gmix(K = c(2,3), erc = c(1,10), init=c(compute_init, "kmed"))

# select setup 2: K=2, erc=10, init = compute_init
mb2  <- B[[2]]
fit2 <- mb2$fn(dat)   

Generates Methods Settings for K-Means Clustering


The function generates a software abstraction of a list of clustering models implemented through a set of tuned methods and algorithms. In particular, it generates a list of kmeans-type functions each combining tuning parameters and other algorithmic settings. The generated functions are ready to be called on the data set.


mset_kmeans(K = c(1:10),
            iter.max = 50,
            nstart = 30,
            algorithm = "Hartigan-Wong",
            trace = FALSE)



a vector, specifies the number of clusters.


a vector, contains the settings of the iter.max parameter of kmeans.


a vector, contains the settings of the nstart parameter ofkmeans.


a vector, contains the settings of the algorithm parameter of kmeans.


a vector, contains the settings of the trace parameter of kmeans.


The function produces functions implementing competing clustering methods based on the K-Means methodology as implemented in kmeans. This is a specialized version of the more general function mset_user. In particular, it produces a list of kmeans functions each corresponding to a specific setup in terms of hyper-parameters (e.g. the number of clusters) and algorithm's control parameters (e.g. initialization). See kmeans for more detail for a detailed description of the role of each argument and their data types.


An S3 object of class 'qcmethod'. Each element of the list represents a competing method containing the following objects


a string identifying the setup.


a list with kmeans function arguments.


the function implementing the specified setting. This fn function can be executed on the data set. It has two arguments: data and only_params. data is a data matrix or data.frame only_params is logical. If only_params==FALSE (default), fn will return the object returned by kmeans. If only_params==TRUE (default) fn will return only cluster parameters (proportions, mean, and cov, see clust2params.


Coraggio, Luca, and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the Number of Clusters, Clustering Models, and Algorithms. A Unifying Approach Based on the Quadratic Discriminant Score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), pp. 1-20, doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also

kmeans, mset_user, bqs


# 'pam' settings combining number of clusters K={2,3}, and dissimilarities {euclidean, manhattan}
A <- mset_pam(K = c(2,3), metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan"))
# select setup 1: K=2, metric = "euclidean"
m <- A[[1]]

# cluster with the method set in 'ma1'
dat  <- banknote[-1]
fit1 <- m$fn(dat)   

# if only cluster parameters are needed
fit2 <- m$fn(dat, only_params = TRUE)   

Generates Methods Settings for Partitioning Around Medoids (Pam) Clustering


The function generates a software abstraction of a list of clustering models implemented through the a set of tuned methods and algorithms. In particular, it generates a list of pam-type functions each combining tuning parameters and other algorithmic settings. The generated functions are ready to be called on the data set.


mset_pam(K = seq(10),
         metric = "euclidean",
         medoids = if (is.numeric(nstart)) "random",
         nstart = if (variant == "faster") 1 else NA,
         stand = FALSE,
         do.swap = TRUE,
         variant = "original",
         pamonce = FALSE)



a vector/list, specifies the number of clusters.


a vector, contains the settings of the metric parameter of pam.


list, contains the settings of the medoids parameter of pam.


a vector, contains the settings of the nstart parameter of pam.


a vector, contains the settings of the stand parameter of pam.


a vector, contains the settings of the do.swap parameter of pam.


a list, contains the settings of the variant parameter of pam.


a vector, contains the settings of the pamonce parameter of pam.


The function produces functions implementing competing clustering methods based on the PAM clustering methodology as implemented in pam. This is a specialized version of the more general function mset_user. In particular, it produces a list of pam functions each corresponding to a specific setup in terms of hyper-parameters (e.g. the number of clusters) and algorithm's control parameters (e.g. initialization). See pam for more detail for a detailed description of the role of each argument and their data types.


An S3 object of class 'qcmethod'. Each element of the list represents a competing method containing the following objects


a string identifying the setup.


a list with pam function arguments.


the function implementing the specified setting. This fn function can be executed on the data set. It has two arguments: data and only_params. data is a data matrix or data.frame only_params is logical. If only_params==FALSE (default), fn will return the object returned by pam. If only_params==TRUE (default) fn will return only cluster parameters (proportions, mean, and cov, see clust2params.


Coraggio, Luca, and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the Number of Clusters, Clustering Models, and Algorithms. A Unifying Approach Based on the Quadratic Discriminant Score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), pp. 1-20, doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also

pam,mset_user, bqs


# 'pam' settings combining number of clusters K={2,3}, and dissimilarities {euclidean, manhattan}
A <- mset_pam(K = c(2,3), metric = c("euclidean", "manhattan"))
# select setup 1: K=2, metric = "euclidean"
m <- A[[1]]

# cluster with the method set in 'm'
dat  <- banknote[-1]
fit1 <- m$fn(dat)   

# if only cluster parameters are needed
fit1b <- m$fn(dat, only_params = TRUE)   

Generates Clustering Methods Settings for a Prototype Methodology Provided by the User


The function generates a software abstraction of a list of clustering models implemented through the a set of tuned methods and algorithms. The base clustering methodology is provided via a user-defined function. The latter prototype is exapanded in a list of fucntions each combining tuning parameters and other algorithmic settings. The generated functions are ready to be called on the data set.


mset_user(fname, .packages = NULL, .export = NULL, ...)



a function implementing a user-defined clustering method. It clusters a data set and outputs cluster parameters. fname must fulfill certain requirements detailed below in the Details.


character vector of packages that the tasks in fname depend on (see Details).


character vector of variables to export that are needed by fname and that are not defined in the current environment (see Details).


parameters passed to fname. If a given parameter is included as a vector/list each of its members is to obtain the final collection of fname specifications (see Details and Examples).


The function produces functions implementing competing clustering methods based on a prototype methodology implemented by the user via the input argument fname. In particular, it builds a list of fname-type functions each corresponding to a specific setup in terms of hyper-parameters (e.g. the number of clusters) and algorithm's control parameters (e.g. initialization).

Requirements for fname. fname is a function implementing the base clustering method of interest. It must have the following input argument

  • data: a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed.

Additionally, fname can have any other input parameter controlling the underlying clustering model/method/algorithm. All this additional parameters are passed to mset_user via ... (see Arguments).

The output of fname must contain a list named params with cluster parameters describing size, centrality and scatter. Let P=number of variable/features and K=number of clusters. The elements of params are as follows:

  • prop: a vector of clusters' proportions;

  • mean: a matrix of dimension (P x K) containing the clusters' mean parameters;

  • cov: an array of size (P x P x K) containing the clusters' covariance matrices.

Note that params can be easily obtained from a vector of cluster labels using clust2params.

packages and export. The user does not normally need to specify packages and export. These arguments are not needed if the functions generated by mset_user will be called from an environment containing all variables and functions needed to execute fname. Functions like bqs will call the functions by mset_user within a parallel infrastructure using foreach. If the user specifies packages and export, they will be passed to the .packages and .export arguments of foreach.

Finally, note that the package already contains specialized versions of mset_user generating methods settings for some popular algorithms (see mset_gmix, mset_kmeans, mset_pam)


An S3 object of class 'qcmethod'. Each element of the list represents a competing method containing the following objects


a string identifying the setup.


a list with arguments that are passed to the base function.


the function implementing the specified setting. This fn function can be executed on the data set. It has two arguments: data and only_params. data is a data matrix or data.frame only_params is logical. If only_params==FALSE (default), fn will return the object returned by the fname. If only_params==TRUE (default) fn will return only cluster parameters (proportions, mean, and cov, see clust2params).


Coraggio, Luca, and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the Number of Clusters, Clustering Models, and Algorithms. A Unifying Approach Based on the Quadratic Discriminant Score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), pp. 1-20, doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also

clust2params, mset_gmix, mset_kmeans, mset_pam


# load data
dat  <- banknote[-1]

# EXAMPLE 1: generate Hierarchical Clustering settings
# ----------------------------------------------------

# wrapper for the popular stats::hclust() for Hierarchical Clustering
# Note the usee:
#   of the optional arguments '...' passed to the underling clustering function
#   the use of 'clust2params' to add cluster parameters to the output 
hc_wrapper <- function(data, K, ...){ 
    dm  <- dist(data, method = "euclidean")
    ## ... = hc parameters 
    hc  <- hclust(dm, ...)
    cl  <- cutree(hc, k = K)
    ## output with params 
    res          <- list()
    res$cluster  <- cl
    res$params   <- clust2params(data, cluster = cl)

# generate settings for Hierarchical Clustering with varying
# number of clusters K={3,4},  agglomeration method = {ward.D, median}
# see help('stats::hclust')
A <- mset_user(fname="hc_wrapper", K = c(2,3), method = c("ward.D", "complete"))

# get the setting with K=2 and method = "complete"
ma <- A[[4]]

# cluster data with M[[3]]
fit_a1 <- ma$fn(dat)

## if only cluster parameters are needed 
fit_a2 <- ma$fn(dat, only_params = TRUE)

## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 2: generate 'mclust' model settings 
# -------------------------------------------
# mclust is popular package for performing model based clustering based on
# Gaussian mixture. Please visit

# wrapper for the popular stats::hclust() for Hierarchical Clustering
# Notes:
#  * optional arguments '...' are passed to the underling
#    'mclust' clustering function
#  * 'mclust' fits Gaussian Mixture models so cluster parameters are 
#     contained in the mclust object  
mc_wrapper <- function(data, K, ...){
    y <- Mclust(data, G = K, ...)
    y[["params"]] <- list(proportion = y$parameters$pro,
                          mean = y$parameters$mean,
                          cov = y$parameters$variance$sigma)

# generate 'mclust' model settings by varying the number of clusters and
# covariance matrix models (see help('mclust::mclustModelNames'))
B <- mset_user(fname = "mc_wrapper", K = c(2,3), modelNames = c("EEI", "VVV"))

# get the setting with K=3 and covariance model "EEI"
mb <- B[[2]]

# cluster data with M[[3]]
fit_b <- mb$fn(dat)
fit_b ## class(fit_b) = "Mclust"

# if needed one can make sure that 'mclust' package is always available
# by setting the argument 'packages'
B <- mset_user(fname = "mc_wrapper", K = c(2,3), modelNames = c("EEI","VVV"),

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# EXAMPLE 3: generate 'dbscan' settings 
# -------------------------------------
# DBSCAN is popular nonparametric method for discovering clusters of
# arbitrary shapes with noise. The number of clusters is implicitly
# determined via two crucial tunings usually called 'eps' and 'minPts'
# See

# wrapper for dbscan::dbscan
db_wrap <- function(data, ...) {
  cl <- dbscan(data, borderPoints = TRUE, ...)$cluster
  return(params = clust2params(data, cl))

D  <- mset_user(fname = "db_wrap", eps = c(0.5, 1), minPts=c(5,10))
md    <- D[[2]]
fit_d <- md$fn(dat)

## End(Not run)

Plot Data With Clustering Information


This function plots data and optionally adds clustering information such as clustering assignments, contours, or boundaries.


plot_clustering(data,  subset = NULL,
                cluster = NULL, params = NULL,
                what = c("clustering", "contour", "boundary"),
                col_cl = NULL, pch_cl = NULL)



a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed.


A numeric vector indexing columns of data to subset and focus the plot on specific features. Default is NULL.


A vector of cluster assignments. If provided, the plot can display clustering information as specified in what. Must have the same number of observations as data


A list of clustering parameters, including proportion, mean, and cov. If provided, the plot can display contour and boundary information.


Character vector specifying which elements to plot. Options are "clustering", "contour", and "boundary". Default is to plot "clustering" whenever cluster is not NULL, and "contour" and "boundary" whenever params is not NULL.


A vector of colors to use for clusters (one for each cluster). Default is NULL, which uses a default sequence of colors.


A vector of plotting symbols (one for each cluster) to use for clusters. Default is NULL, which uses a default sequence of symbols.


No return value, called for side effects

See Also

bqs, clust2params


# Example data
data <- rbind(
            matrix(rnorm(100 * 2), ncol = 2),
            matrix(rnorm(100 * 2) + 2, ncol = 2)
cluster <- c(rep(1, 100), rep(2, 100))
params <- clust2params(data, cluster)

# Plot with clustering information
plot_clustering(data, cluster = cluster, what = "clustering")

# Plot with subset of variables
plot_clustering(data, cluster = cluster, subset = 1, what = c("clustering", "contour"))

# Plot with customized colors and symbols
plot_clustering(data, cluster = cluster, params = params,
                col_cl = c("magenta", "orange"), pch_cl = c("A", "B"))

Plot (Bootstrap) Quadratic Score Results


Produce a plot of bqs (Bootstrap Quadratic Scores). This function creates plots based on the BQS (Bootstrap Quality Scores) data.


## S3 method for class 'bqs'
plot(x, score = NULL, perc_scale = FALSE, top = NULL, annotate = NULL, ...)



An S3 object of class bqs as returned by the bqs function. x is expected to have the component rankby set.


Character vector specifying the score(s) to be plotted. Valid scores are "hard", "smooth", "oob_hard", and "oob_smooth". If NULL (default), all valid scores present in x are plotted.


Logical; if TRUE, scales the plot using percentages, relative to the best score. Default is FALSE.


Numeric; specifies the number of top models to individually highlight. Must be a single number less than or equal to the length of x$methodset. If NULL (default), top is automatically determined based on the score values.


Logical; if TRUE, annotates the top models in the plot. Default is automatically determined (TRUE if the number of methods M <= 30, FALSE otherwise).


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


A plot displaying the Bootstrap Quality Scores.

See Also



# load data
dat <- banknote[-1]

# set up methods
mlist <- mset_gmix(K=1:3, erc=c(1,100))

# perform bootstrap
# change B and ncores to a much larger value in real problems
res <- bqs(dat, mlist, B = 3, type = "both", rankby="lq",
         ncores = 1, oob = TRUE, savescores = FALSE, saveparams = FALSE)

# Plot with default settings

# Plot in percentage scale relative to first model
plot(res, perc_scale = TRUE)

Plot Fitted Mixture Models


This function provides a plot method for objects of class mbcfit, returned as output by the gmix function. It serves as a wrapper around plot_clustering, allowing easy visualization of clustering results, including clustering assignments, contours, and boundaries.


## S3 method for class 'mbcfit'
plot(x, data = NULL, subset = NULL,
                      what = c("clustering", "contour"),
                      col_cl = NULL, pch_cl = NULL, ...)



An object of class mbcfit, typically a result of the gmix function.


NULL or a data matrix, data frame, or array containing data points to be plotted. See Details.


A numeric vector indexing columns of data to subset and focus the plot on specific features. Default is NULL.


Character vector specifying which elements to plot. Options are "clustering", "contour", and "boundary". Default is to plot "clustering" and "boundary". See Details.


A vector of colors to use for clusters (one for each cluster). Default is NULL, which uses a default sequence of colors.


A vector of plotting symbols (one for each cluster) to use for clusters. Default is NULL, which uses a default sequence of symbols.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The plot.mbcfit function provides a plotting method for objects of the class mbcfit. It acts as a wrapper around the plot_clustering function, allowing users to easily generate various plots to analyze the clustering results. A plot is produced only upon a successful mbcfit estimate, i.e., when mbcfit has code equal to either 1 or 2.

When data is NULL (the default), the function plots only contour sets (and optionally clustering boundaries) for the estimated mixture density components, using the params information from the mbcfit object. When data is not NULL, the function additionally plots data points and their hard clustering labels, which are obtained using mbcfit to predict the cluster labels (see predict.mbcfit).


A plot displaying the data with clustering information, contours, and/or boundaries, depending on the specified what argument.

See Also

gmix, plot_clustering, link{predict.mbcfit}


# load data
dat <- banknote[-1]

# fit 2 clusters
fit <- gmix(dat, K = 2, init.nstart = 1)

# plot partition (default)
plot(x = fit, data = dat)

# plot partition onto the first 3 coordinates
plot(x = fit, data = dat, subset = c(1:3), pch_cl = c("A", "B"),
     col_cl = c("#4285F4", "#0F9D58"), what = "clustering")

# additionally plot clustering boundary and contour sets
plot(x = fit, data = dat, subset = c(1:3), pch_cl = c("A", "B"),
     col_cl = c("#4285F4", "#0F9D58"), what = c("clustering", "boundary", "contour"))

Predict Hard Clustering Assignments for using Mixture Models


This function predicts cluster assignments for new data based on an existing model of class mbcfit. The prediction leverages information from the fitted model to categorize new observations into clusters.


## S3 method for class 'mbcfit'
predict(object, newdata, ...)



An object of class mbcfit, representing the fitted mixture model. This is typically obtained in output from the gmix function. See Details.


A numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed. The number of columns must be coherent with that implied by x. See Details.


Further arguments passed to or from other methods.


The predict.mbcfit function utilizes the parameters of a previously fitted mbcfit model to allocate new data points to estimated clusters. The function performs necessary checks to ensure the mbcfit model returns valid estimates and the dimensionality of the new data aligns with the model.

The mbcfit object must contain a component named params, which is itself a list containing the following necessary elements, for a mixture model with K components:


A numeric vector of length K, with elements summing to 1, representing cluster proportions.


A numeric matrix of dimensions c(P, K), representing cluster centers.


A numeric array of dimensions c(P, P, K), representing cluster covariance matrices.

Data dimensionality is P, and new data dimensionality must match (ncol(data) must be equal to P) or otherwise the function terminates with an error message.

The predicted clustering is obtained as the MAP estimator using posterior weights of a Gaussian mixture model parametrized at params. Denoting with z(x)z(x) the predicted cluster label for point xx, and with ϕ\phi the (multivariate) Gaussian density:

z(x)=argmaxk={1,,K}πkϕ(x,μk,Σk)j=1Kπjϕ(x,μj,Σj)z(x) = \underset{k=\{1,\ldots,K\}}{\arg\,\max} \frac{\pi_k\phi(x, \mu_k, \Sigma_k)}{\sum_{j=1}^K \pi_j\phi(x, \mu_j, \Sigma_j)}


A vector of length nrow(data) containing the estimated cluster labels for each observation in the provided data.


Coraggio, Luca and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the number of clusters, clustering models, and algorithms. A unifying approach based on the quadratic discriminant score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), 1-20. doi: doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also



# load data
dat <- banknote[,-1]

# Estimate 3-components gaussian mixture model
res <- gmix(dat, K = 3)

# Cluster in output from gmix

# Predict cluster on a single point
# (keep table dimension)
predict(res, dat[1, , drop=FALSE])

# Predict cluster on a subset
predict(res, dat[1:10, ])

# Predicted cluster on original dataset are equal to the clustering from the gmix model
all(predict(res, dat) == res$cluster)

Clustering Quadratic Score


Computes both the hard and the smooth quadratic score of a clustering. Handles both


qscore(data, params, type = "both")



a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame of observations. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables/features. Let N=nrows(data) and P=ncol(data). Categorical variables and NA values are not allowed.


a list containing cluster parameters (size, mean, cov). Let K=number of clusters. The elements of the list are as follows: $prop=vector of clusters' proportions; $mean=matrix of dimension (P x K) containing the clusters' mean parameters; $cov=array of size (P x P x K) containing the clusters' covariance matrices.


the type of score, a character in the set c("both", "smooth", "hard"). The default value is set to "booth". See Details.


The function calculates quadratic scores as defined in equation (22) in Coraggio and Coretto (2023).


A numeric vector with both the hard and the smooth score, or only one of them depending on the argument type.


Coraggio, Luca and Pietro Coretto (2023). Selecting the number of clusters, clustering models, and algorithms. A unifying approach based on the quadratic discriminant score. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Vol. 196(105181), 1-20. DOI: doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2023.105181

See Also



# --- load and split data
idx   <- sample(1:nrow(banknote), size = 25, replace = FALSE)
dat_f <- banknote[-idx, -1] ## training data set  
dat_v <- banknote[ idx, -1] ## validation data set 

# --- Gaussian model-based clustering, K=3
# fit clusters 
fit1 <- gmix(dat_f, K=3)
## compute quadratic scores using fitted mixture parameters
s1 <- qscore(dat_v , params = fit1$params)

# --- k-means clustering, K=3
# obtain the k-means partition 
cl_km <- kmeans(dat_f, centers = 3, nstart = 1)$cluster
## convert k-means hard assignment into  cluster parameters 
par_km <- clust2params(dat_f, cl_km)
# compute quadratic scores 
s2 <- qscore(dat_v, params = par_km)