Title: | Psychometric Mixture Models |
Description: | Psychometric mixture models based on 'flexmix' infrastructure. At the moment Rasch mixture models with different parameterizations of the score distribution (saturated vs. mean/variance specification), Bradley-Terry mixture models, and MPT mixture models are implemented. These mixture models can be estimated with or without concomitant variables. See Frick et al. (2012) <doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i07> and Frick et al. (2015) <doi:10.1177/0013164414536183> for details on the Rasch mixture models. |
Authors: | Hannah Frick [aut] , Friedrich Leisch [aut] , Carolin Strobl [aut] , Florian Wickelmaier [aut], Achim Zeileis [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Achim Zeileis <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.1-9 |
Built: | 2025-01-09 07:01:22 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Fit finite mixtures of Bradley-Terry models for paired comparisons data via maximum likelihood with the EM algorithm.
btmix(formula, data, k, subset, weights, nrep = 3, cluster = NULL, control = NULL, verbose = TRUE, drop = TRUE, unique = FALSE, which = NULL, type = c("loglin", "logit"), ref = NULL, undecided = NULL, position = NULL, ...) FLXMCbtreg(formula = . ~ ., type = c("loglin", "logit"), ref = NULL, undecided = NULL, position = NULL, ...)
btmix(formula, data, k, subset, weights, nrep = 3, cluster = NULL, control = NULL, verbose = TRUE, drop = TRUE, unique = FALSE, which = NULL, type = c("loglin", "logit"), ref = NULL, undecided = NULL, position = NULL, ...) FLXMCbtreg(formula = . ~ ., type = c("loglin", "logit"), ref = NULL, undecided = NULL, position = NULL, ...)
formula |
Symbolic description of the model (of type |
data , subset
Arguments controlling formula processing. |
k |
A vector of integers indicating the number of components of
the finite mixture; passed in turn to the |
weights |
An optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
process; passed in turn to the |
nrep |
Number of runs of the EM algorithm. |
cluster |
Either a matrix with |
control |
An object of class |
verbose |
A logical; if |
drop |
A logical; if |
unique |
A logical; if |
which |
number of model to get if |
type |
Character. Should an auxiliary log-linear Poisson model or logistic binomial be employed for estimation? The latter is only available if not undecided effects are estimated. |
ref |
Character or numeric. Which object parameter should be the reference category, i.e., constrained to zero? |
undecided |
Logical. Should an undecided parameter be estimated? |
position |
Logical. Should a position effect be estimated? |
... |
Currently not used. |
Internally stepFlexmix
is called with suitable arguments to fit the finite mixture model with
the EM algorithm.
is the flexmix
-driver for
Bradley-Terry mixture models.
The interface is designed along the same lines as raschmix
which is introduced in detail in Frick et al. (2012). However, the
function has not yet been fully tested and may change in
future versions.
Either an object of class "btmix"
containing the best model
with respect to the log-likelihood (if k
is a scalar) or the
one selected according to which
(if specified and k
is a
vector of integers longer than 1) or an object of class
(if which
is not specified and k
is a
vector of integers longer than 1).
Bradley, R.A., and Terry, M.E. (1952). Rank Analysis of Incomplete Block Designs. I. The Method of Paired Comparisons. Biometrika, 39(3/4), 324–345.
Dörr, M. (2011). Bradley Terry Mixture Models: Theory, Implementation in R and Validation. Diploma Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Frick, H., Strobl, C., Leisch, F., and Zeileis, A. (2012). Flexible Rasch Mixture Models with Package psychomix. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(7), 1–25. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i07.
Grün, B., and Leisch, F. (2008). FlexMix Version 2: Finite Mixtures with Concomitant Variables and Varying and Constant Parameters. Journal of Statistical Software, 28(4), 1–35. doi:10.18637/jss.v028.i04.
Leisch, F. (2004). FlexMix: A General Framework for Finite Mixture Models and Latent Class Regression in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 11(8), 1–18. doi:10.18637/jss.v011.i08.
## Data data("GermanParties2009", package = "psychotools") ## omit single observation with education = 1 gp <- subset(GermanParties2009, education != "1") gp$education <- factor(gp$education) ## Bradley-Terry mixture models suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) ## fit models for k = 1, ..., 4 with concomitant variables cm <- btmix(preference ~ gender + education + age + crisis, data = gp, k = 1:4, nrep = 3) ## inspect results plot(cm) ## select model cm4 <- getModel(cm, which = "4") ## inspect mixture and effects library("lattice") xyplot(cm4) effectsplot(cm4) effectsplot(cm4, selection = "education") ## vis effects package directly if(require("effects")) { eff4 <- allEffects(cm4) plot(eff4) }
## Data data("GermanParties2009", package = "psychotools") ## omit single observation with education = 1 gp <- subset(GermanParties2009, education != "1") gp$education <- factor(gp$education) ## Bradley-Terry mixture models suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) ## fit models for k = 1, ..., 4 with concomitant variables cm <- btmix(preference ~ gender + education + age + crisis, data = gp, k = 1:4, nrep = 3) ## inspect results plot(cm) ## select model cm4 <- getModel(cm, which = "4") ## inspect mixture and effects library("lattice") xyplot(cm4) effectsplot(cm4) effectsplot(cm4, selection = "education") ## vis effects package directly if(require("effects")) { eff4 <- allEffects(cm4) plot(eff4) }
A fitted btmix
object for a Bradley-Terry mixture
:Numeric vector with prior probabilities of classes.
:Named list with elements scaled
and unscaled
, both matrices with one row per observation
and one column per class.
:Number of EM iterations.
:Number of classes after EM.
:Number of classes at start of EM.
:Class assignments of observations.
:Class sizes.
:Log-likelihood at EM convergence.
:Total number of parameters of the model.
:List describing
the fitted components using FLXcomponent
:Object of class "formula"
:Object of class "FLXcontrol"
:The function call used to create the object.
:Object of class "factor"
:Logical, TRUE
if EM algorithm converged.
:Object of class "FLXP"
:Optional weights of the observations.
:Internal call to stepFlexmix
:Number of observations.
:Labels of objects compared.
:Measurement scale of paired comparisons data.
:logical. Should an undecided parameter be estimated?
:character or numeric. Which object parameter should be the reference category, i.e., constrained to zero?
:character. Should an auxiliary log-linear Poisson model or logistic binomial be employed for estimation? The latter is only available if not undecided effects are estimated.
Class flexmix
, directly.
The following functions should be used for accessing the corresponding slots:
:Cluster assignments of observations.
:A matrix of posterior probabilities for each observation.
Methods for btmix-class
## S4 method for signature 'btmix' worth(object, component = NULL)
## S4 method for signature 'btmix' worth(object, component = NULL)
object |
An object of class |
component |
Indicates which components are returned. Default is all components. |
returns the worth parameters from the Bradley-Terry model.
Generic function for visualizing the effects of concomitant variables in finite mixture models.
effectsplot(object, ...)
effectsplot(object, ...)
object |
Fitted model object. |
... |
Arguments passed to |
is set up to be both an S3 and S4 generic.
The idea is that it provides the glue needed to extract the concomitant
part from a mixture model: First, the concomitant model is
refitted as a multinom
object or glm
object (in case of
a mixture with two components). Second, effect
or allEffects
from the effects package
is called to extract the effects of the concomitants. Third,
the corresponding plot
methods from the effects
package create the display.
Currently, this is implemented for raschmix
, and mptmix
objects. The interface is not
yet fully tested and may change in future versions.
Fox, J. (2003). Effect Displays in R for Generalised Linear Models. Journal of Statistical Software, 8(15), 1–27. doi:10.18637/jss.v008.i15
Fox, J., and Hong, J. (2009). Effect Displays in R for Multinomial and Proportional-Odds Logit Models: Extensions to the effects Package. Journal of Statistical Software, 32(1), 1–24. doi:10.18637/jss.v032.i01
, allEffects
, glm
## data on party preferences in Germany ## (omit single observation with education = 1) data("GermanParties2009", package = "psychotools") gp <- subset(GermanParties2009, education != "1") gp$education <- factor(gp$education) ## fit Bradley-Terry mixture, see ?btmix for more details ## and a fully-worked example suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(2) cm4 <- btmix(preference ~ gender + education + age + crisis, data = gp, k = 4, nrep = 1) ## inspect mixture and effects library("lattice") xyplot(cm4) effectsplot(cm4) ## vis effects package directly if(require("effects")) { eff4 <- allEffects(cm4) plot(eff4) }
## data on party preferences in Germany ## (omit single observation with education = 1) data("GermanParties2009", package = "psychotools") gp <- subset(GermanParties2009, education != "1") gp$education <- factor(gp$education) ## fit Bradley-Terry mixture, see ?btmix for more details ## and a fully-worked example suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(2) cm4 <- btmix(preference ~ gender + education + age + crisis, data = gp, k = 4, nrep = 1) ## inspect mixture and effects library("lattice") xyplot(cm4) effectsplot(cm4) ## vis effects package directly if(require("effects")) { eff4 <- allEffects(cm4) plot(eff4) }
Fit finite mixtures of multinomial processing tree (MPT) models via maximum likelihood with the EM algorithm.
mptmix(formula, data, k, subset, weights, nrep = 3, cluster = NULL, control = NULL, verbose = TRUE, drop = TRUE, unique = FALSE, which = NULL, spec, treeid = NULL, optimargs = list(control = list(reltol = .Machine$double.eps^(1/1.2), maxit = 1000)), ...) FLXMCmpt(formula = . ~ ., spec = NULL, treeid = NULL, optimargs = NULL, ...)
mptmix(formula, data, k, subset, weights, nrep = 3, cluster = NULL, control = NULL, verbose = TRUE, drop = TRUE, unique = FALSE, which = NULL, spec, treeid = NULL, optimargs = list(control = list(reltol = .Machine$double.eps^(1/1.2), maxit = 1000)), ...) FLXMCmpt(formula = . ~ ., spec = NULL, treeid = NULL, optimargs = NULL, ...)
formula |
Symbolic description of the model (of type |
data , subset
Arguments controlling formula processing. |
k |
A vector of integers indicating the number of components of
the finite mixture; passed in turn to the |
weights |
An optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
process; passed in turn to the |
nrep |
Number of runs of the EM algorithm. |
cluster |
Either a matrix with |
control |
An object of class |
verbose |
A logical; if |
drop |
A logical; if |
unique |
A logical; if |
which |
number of model to get if |
spec , treeid , optimargs
arguments for the MPT model passed on to
... |
Currently not used. |
Internally stepFlexmix
is called with suitable arguments to fit the finite mixture model with
the EM algorithm.
is the flexmix
driver for
MPT mixture models.
The interface is designed along the same lines as raschmix
which is introduced in detail in Frick et al. (2012). However, the
function has not yet been fully tested and may change in
future versions.
The latent-class MPT model (Klauer, 2006) is equivalent to an MPT mixture model without concomitant variables.
MPT models are specified using the mptspec
function. See the
documentation in the mpt package for details.
Either an object of class "mptmix"
containing the best model
with respect to the log-likelihood (if k
is a scalar) or the
one selected according to which
(if specified and k
is a
vector of integers longer than 1) or an object of class
(if which
is not specified and k
is a
vector of integers longer than 1).
Frick, H., Strobl, C., Leisch, F., and Zeileis, A. (2012). Flexible Rasch Mixture Models with Package psychomix. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(7), 1–25. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i07
Klauer, K.C. (2006). Hierarchical Multinomial Processing Tree Models: A Latent-Class Approach. Psychometrika, 71, 7–31. doi:10.1007/s11336-004-1188-3
## Data data("PairClustering", package = "psychotools") pc <- reshape(PairClustering, timevar = "trial", idvar = "ID", direction = "wide") ## Latent-class MPT model (Klauer, 2006) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) m <- mptmix(as.matrix(pc[-1]) ~ 1, data = pc, k = 1:3, spec = mptspec("SR", .replicates = 2)) m1 <- getModel(m, which = "BIC") ## Inspect results summary(m1) parameters(m1) plot(m1) library(lattice) xyplot(m1)
## Data data("PairClustering", package = "psychotools") pc <- reshape(PairClustering, timevar = "trial", idvar = "ID", direction = "wide") ## Latent-class MPT model (Klauer, 2006) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) m <- mptmix(as.matrix(pc[-1]) ~ 1, data = pc, k = 1:3, spec = mptspec("SR", .replicates = 2)) m1 <- getModel(m, which = "BIC") ## Inspect results summary(m1) parameters(m1) plot(m1) library(lattice) xyplot(m1)
A fitted mptmix
object for an MPT mixture model
:Numeric vector with prior probabilities of classes.
:Named list with elements scaled
and unscaled
, both matrices with one row per observation
and one column per class.
:Number of EM iterations.
:Number of classes after EM.
:Number of classes at start of EM.
:Class assignments of observations.
:Class sizes.
:Log-likelihood at EM convergence.
:Total number of parameters of the model.
:List describing
the fitted components using FLXcomponent
:Object of class "formula"
:Object of class "FLXcontrol"
:The function call used to create the object.
:Object of class "factor"
:Logical, TRUE
if EM algorithm converged.
:Object of class "FLXP"
:Optional weights of the observations.
:Internal call to stepFlexmix
:Number of observations.
Class flexmix
, directly.
The following functions should be used for accessing the corresponding slots:
:Cluster assignments of observations.
:A matrix of posterior probabilities for each observation.
Fit finite mixtures of Rasch models for item response data via conditional maximum likelihood with the EM algorithm.
raschmix(formula, data, k, subset, weights, scores = c("saturated", "meanvar"), restricted = FALSE, nrep = 3, cluster = NULL, control = NULL, verbose = TRUE, drop = TRUE, unique = FALSE, which = NULL, reltol = 1e-10, deriv = "sum", hessian = FALSE, restart = TRUE, model = NULL, gradtol = reltol, ...) FLXMCrasch(formula = . ~ ., scores = "saturated", delta = NULL, nonExtremeProb = 1, ref = 1, reltol = 1e-10, deriv = "sum", hessian = FALSE, restart = TRUE, ...)
raschmix(formula, data, k, subset, weights, scores = c("saturated", "meanvar"), restricted = FALSE, nrep = 3, cluster = NULL, control = NULL, verbose = TRUE, drop = TRUE, unique = FALSE, which = NULL, reltol = 1e-10, deriv = "sum", hessian = FALSE, restart = TRUE, model = NULL, gradtol = reltol, ...) FLXMCrasch(formula = . ~ ., scores = "saturated", delta = NULL, nonExtremeProb = 1, ref = 1, reltol = 1e-10, deriv = "sum", hessian = FALSE, restart = TRUE, ...)
formula |
Symbolic description of the model (of type |
data , subset
Arguments controlling formula processing. |
k |
A vector of integers indicating the number of components of
the finite mixture; passed in turn to the |
weights |
An optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting
process; passed in turn to the |
scores |
Indicates which model should be fitted
for the score probabilities: either a |
restricted |
Logical. Should the score distributions be restricted to being equal across components? See Frick et al. (2015) for details. |
nrep |
Number of runs of the EM algorithm. |
cluster |
Either a matrix with |
control |
An object of class |
verbose |
A logical; if |
drop |
A logical; if |
unique |
A logical; if |
which |
number of model to get if |
nonExtremeProb |
A numeric giving the probability of scoring either none or all items. |
ref |
Reference category for the saturated score model. |
reltol , gradtol , deriv , hessian
Control parameters passed to
restart |
Logical. Should the estimation of the item parameters be restarted in each iteration? If FALSE, the estimates from the previous M-step are used as starting values. |
delta |
Parameters of score model. If |
model |
An object inheriting from class |
... |
Currently not used. |
is intended as a convenience interface to the
function from the flexmix package
(Leisch 2004, Grün and Leisch 2008). The formula argument of
raschmix is used to describe the model in terms of both items and
concomitant variables, if any. On the left-hand side of the formula
the item are specified, either as a matrix y
or as single items
y1 + y2 + y3 + ...
. On the right-hand side, the concomitant
variables are specified. If no concomitant variables are to be
included in the model, the right-hand side of the is just written as
~ 1
. See Frick et al. (2012) for a detailed introduction.
processes this model description and calls
with the suitable driver
. Usually, the driver does not need to be called by
itself, but it is of course also possible to call
directly with this driver to fit
Rasch mixture models.
The Rasch mixture model with saturated score distribution as proposed by Rost (1990) is also known as “Mixed Rasch Model”. The mean-variance score distribution was suggested by Rost and von Davier (1995). A more recent extension is the restricted score specification by Frick et al. (2015) who also provide an extensive comparison using Monte Carlo studies.
Either an object of class "raschmix"
containing the best model
with respect to the log-likelihood (if k
is a scalar) or the
one selected according to which
(if specified and k
is a
vector of integers longer than 1) or an object of class
(if which
is not specified and k
is a
vector of integers longer than 1).
Frick, H., Strobl, C., Leisch, F., and Zeileis, A. (2012). Flexible Rasch Mixture Models with Package psychomix. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(7), 1–25. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i07.
Frick, H., Strobl, C., and Zeileis, A. (2015). Rasch Mixture Models for DIF Detection: A Comparison of Old and New Score Specifications. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 75(2), 208–234. doi:10.1177/0013164414536183.
Grün, B., and Leisch, F. (2008). FlexMix Version 2: Finite Mixtures with Concomitant Variables and Varying and Constant Parameters. Journal of Statistical Software, 28(4), 1–35. doi:10.18637/jss.v028.i04.
Leisch, F. (2004). FlexMix: A General Framework for Finite Mixture Models and Latent Class Regression in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 11(8), 1–18. doi:10.18637/jss.v011.i08.
Rost, J. (1990). Rasch Models in Latent Classes: An Integration of Two Approaches to Item Analysis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 14(3), 271–282.
Rost, J., and von Davier, M. (1995). Mixture Distribution Rasch Models. In Fischer, G.H., and Molenaar, I.W. (eds.), Rasch Models: Foundations, Recent Developments, and Applications, chapter 14, pp. 257–268. Springer-Verlag, New York.
, stepFlexmix
########## ## Data ## ########## ## simulate response from Rost's scenario 2 (with 2 latent classes) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) r2 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost2") ## plus informative and non-informative concomitants d <- data.frame( x1 = rbinom(nrow(r2), prob = c(0.4, 0.6)[attr(r2, "cluster")], size = 1), x2 = rnorm(nrow(r2)) ) d$resp <- r2 ## fit model with 2 latent classes (here the number is known a priori) m <- raschmix(r2, k = 2, scores = "saturated") summary(m) ## see below for examples which do not use this a priori information ## (these take a little longer to compute) #################################################### ## Rasch mixture model with saturated score model ## ## (Rost, 1990) ## #################################################### ## fit models for k = 1, 2, 3 m1 <- raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, score = "saturated") ## equivalently: m1 <- raschmix(resp ~ 1, data = d, k = 1:3, score = "saturated") ## inspect results m1 plot(m1) ## select best BIC model BIC(m1) m1b <- getModel(m1, which = "BIC") summary(m1b) ## compare estimated with true item parameters parameters(m1b, "item") ## 9 items, item_1 = 0 worth(m1b) ## 10 items, sum = 0 attr(r2, "difficulty") ## graphical comparison plot(m1b, pos = "top") for(i in 1:2) lines(attr(r2, "difficulty")[,i], lty = 2, type = "b") ## extract estimated raw score probabilities ## (approximately equal across components and roughly uniform) scoreProbs(m1b) ## note: parameters() and worth() take "component" argument parameters(m1b, "item", component = 2) parameters(m1b, "score", component = 1) worth(m1b, component = 2:1) ## inspect posterior probabilities histogram(m1b) head(posterior(m1b)) ## for first observations only ## compare resulting clusters with true groups table(model = clusters(m1b), true = attr(r2, "cluster")) ################################################################ ## Rasch mixture model with mean/variance score distribution ## ## (Rost & von Davier, 1995) ## ################################################################ ## more parsimonious parameterization, ## fit multinomial logit model for score probabilities ## fit models and select best BIC m2 <- raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, score = "meanvar") plot(m2) m2b <- getModel(m2, which = "BIC") ## compare number of estimated parameters dim(parameters(m2b)) dim(parameters(m1b)) ## graphical comparison with true parameters plot(m2b, pos = "top") for(i in 1:2) lines(attr(r2, "difficulty")[,i], lty = 2, type = "b") ## results from non-parametric and parametric specification ## essentially identical max(abs(worth(m1b) - worth(m2b, component = 2:1))) ########################### ## Concomitant variables ## ########################### ## employ concomitant variables (x1 = informative, x2 = not) ## Not run: ## fit model cm2 <- raschmix(resp ~ x1 + x2, data = d, k = 2:3, score = "meanvar") ## BIC selection rbind(m2 = BIC(m2), cm2 = c(NA, BIC(cm2))) cm2b <- getModel(cm2, which = "BIC") ## concomitant coefficients parameters(cm2b, which = "concomitant") ## End(Not run) ########## ## Misc ## ########## ## note: number of clusters can either be chosen directly ## or directly selected via AIC (or BIC, ICL) ## Not run: raschmix(r2, k = 2) raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, which = "AIC") ## End(Not run)
########## ## Data ## ########## ## simulate response from Rost's scenario 2 (with 2 latent classes) suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1) r2 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost2") ## plus informative and non-informative concomitants d <- data.frame( x1 = rbinom(nrow(r2), prob = c(0.4, 0.6)[attr(r2, "cluster")], size = 1), x2 = rnorm(nrow(r2)) ) d$resp <- r2 ## fit model with 2 latent classes (here the number is known a priori) m <- raschmix(r2, k = 2, scores = "saturated") summary(m) ## see below for examples which do not use this a priori information ## (these take a little longer to compute) #################################################### ## Rasch mixture model with saturated score model ## ## (Rost, 1990) ## #################################################### ## fit models for k = 1, 2, 3 m1 <- raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, score = "saturated") ## equivalently: m1 <- raschmix(resp ~ 1, data = d, k = 1:3, score = "saturated") ## inspect results m1 plot(m1) ## select best BIC model BIC(m1) m1b <- getModel(m1, which = "BIC") summary(m1b) ## compare estimated with true item parameters parameters(m1b, "item") ## 9 items, item_1 = 0 worth(m1b) ## 10 items, sum = 0 attr(r2, "difficulty") ## graphical comparison plot(m1b, pos = "top") for(i in 1:2) lines(attr(r2, "difficulty")[,i], lty = 2, type = "b") ## extract estimated raw score probabilities ## (approximately equal across components and roughly uniform) scoreProbs(m1b) ## note: parameters() and worth() take "component" argument parameters(m1b, "item", component = 2) parameters(m1b, "score", component = 1) worth(m1b, component = 2:1) ## inspect posterior probabilities histogram(m1b) head(posterior(m1b)) ## for first observations only ## compare resulting clusters with true groups table(model = clusters(m1b), true = attr(r2, "cluster")) ################################################################ ## Rasch mixture model with mean/variance score distribution ## ## (Rost & von Davier, 1995) ## ################################################################ ## more parsimonious parameterization, ## fit multinomial logit model for score probabilities ## fit models and select best BIC m2 <- raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, score = "meanvar") plot(m2) m2b <- getModel(m2, which = "BIC") ## compare number of estimated parameters dim(parameters(m2b)) dim(parameters(m1b)) ## graphical comparison with true parameters plot(m2b, pos = "top") for(i in 1:2) lines(attr(r2, "difficulty")[,i], lty = 2, type = "b") ## results from non-parametric and parametric specification ## essentially identical max(abs(worth(m1b) - worth(m2b, component = 2:1))) ########################### ## Concomitant variables ## ########################### ## employ concomitant variables (x1 = informative, x2 = not) ## Not run: ## fit model cm2 <- raschmix(resp ~ x1 + x2, data = d, k = 2:3, score = "meanvar") ## BIC selection rbind(m2 = BIC(m2), cm2 = c(NA, BIC(cm2))) cm2b <- getModel(cm2, which = "BIC") ## concomitant coefficients parameters(cm2b, which = "concomitant") ## End(Not run) ########## ## Misc ## ########## ## note: number of clusters can either be chosen directly ## or directly selected via AIC (or BIC, ICL) ## Not run: raschmix(r2, k = 2) raschmix(r2, k = 1:3, which = "AIC") ## End(Not run)
A fitted raschmix
object for a Rasch mixture
:Numeric vector with prior probabilities of classes.
:Named list with elements scaled
and unscaled
, both matrices with one row per observation
and one column per class.
:Number of EM iterations.
:Number of classes after EM.
:Number of classes at start of EM.
:Class assignments of observations.
:Class sizes.
:Log-likelihood at EM convergence.
:Total number of parameters of the model.
:List describing
the fitted components using FLXcomponent
:Object of class "formula"
:Object of class "FLXcontrol"
:The function call used to create the object.
:Object of class "factor"
:Logical, TRUE
if EM algorithm converged.
:Object of class "FLXP"
:Optional weights of the observations.
:Type of score model employed.
:Logical. Is the score model equal across components?
:Type of derivatives used for computing
gradient and Hessian matrix. Analytical with sum algorithm ("sum"
analytical with difference algorithm ("diff"
, faster but numerically unstable),
or numerical.
:Estimated probability of solving either all or no items.
:Table of raw scores from the data.
:Internal call to stepFlexmix
:Number of observations without missing values, excluding observations with an extreme score.
:Factor indicating which items are identified.
Class flexmix
, directly.
The following functions should be used for accessing the corresponding slots:
:Cluster assignments of observations.
:A matrix of posterior probabilities for each observation.
Methods for raschmix-class
## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' summary(object, eps = 1e-4, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' parameters(object, which = c("model", "item", "score", "concomitant"), difficulty = TRUE, component = NULL, simplify = TRUE) ## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' worth(object, difficulty = TRUE, component = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' itempar(object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, ...) scoreProbs(object, component = NULL, simplify = TRUE)
## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' summary(object, eps = 1e-4, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' parameters(object, which = c("model", "item", "score", "concomitant"), difficulty = TRUE, component = NULL, simplify = TRUE) ## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' worth(object, difficulty = TRUE, component = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'raschmix' itempar(object, ref = NULL, alias = TRUE, ...) scoreProbs(object, component = NULL, simplify = TRUE)
object |
An object of class |
eps |
Probabilities below this threshold are treated as zero in the summary method. |
which |
Indicates which type of parameters are used. |
difficulty |
Indicates whether item difficulty (default) or easiness parameters are used. |
component |
Indicates which components are returned. Default is all components. |
ref |
a vector of labels or position indices of item parameters or a contrast matrix which should be used as restriction/for normalization. If 'NULL' (the default), all items are used (sum zero restriction). |
alias |
logical. If 'TRUE' (the default), the aliased parameter is included in the return vector. If 'FALSE', it is removed. If the restriction given in 'ref' depends on several parameters, the first parameter of the restriction specified is (arbitrarily) chosen to be removed if 'alias' is 'FALSE'. |
simplify |
Should the result be simplified if possible? |
... |
Currently not used. |
transforms the item parameters so that the sum over all
item parameters (within each component) is zero.
allows for the flexible specification of the
restriction applied to the item parameters.
does not include any aliased parameters if a certain
raw score is not present in the data.
The plot
method for raschmix-class
objects gives a
base plot of the item parameter profiles in each class. A lattice plot
of the item parameters is returned by xyplot
. A rootogram or
histogram of the posterior probabilities is plotted via histogram
## S4 method for signature 'raschmix,missing' plot(x, y, component = NULL, difficulty = TRUE, center = TRUE, index = TRUE, names = TRUE, abbreviate = FALSE, ref = TRUE, col = "black", refcol = "lightgray", linecol = NULL, lty = 2, cex = 1, pch = 19, type = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = "Items", ylab = NULL, legend = TRUE, pos = "topright", srt = 45, adj = c(1.1, 1.1), ...) ## S3 method for class 'raschmix' histogram(x, data, root = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raschmix' xyplot(x, data, component = NULL, item = NULL, difficulty = TRUE, plot.type = c("multiple", "single"), auto.key = NULL, type = "b", lty = NULL, xlab = "Item", ylab = NULL, panel = NULL, scales = NULL, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'raschmix,missing' plot(x, y, component = NULL, difficulty = TRUE, center = TRUE, index = TRUE, names = TRUE, abbreviate = FALSE, ref = TRUE, col = "black", refcol = "lightgray", linecol = NULL, lty = 2, cex = 1, pch = 19, type = NULL, ylim = NULL, xlab = "Items", ylab = NULL, legend = TRUE, pos = "topright", srt = 45, adj = c(1.1, 1.1), ...) ## S3 method for class 'raschmix' histogram(x, data, root = TRUE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'raschmix' xyplot(x, data, component = NULL, item = NULL, difficulty = TRUE, plot.type = c("multiple", "single"), auto.key = NULL, type = "b", lty = NULL, xlab = "Item", ylab = NULL, panel = NULL, scales = NULL, ...)
x |
An object of class |
y |
Not used. |
component |
A vector indicating which components should be plotted. |
difficulty |
Logical. Should item difficulty parameters be used? |
center |
Logical. Should the item parameters be centered around 0? |
index |
Logical. Should the index be used for labelling the items? |
names |
Either logical or an optional vector of names used for labeling of the items. |
abbreviate |
Logical. Should the labels of the items be abbreviated? |
ref |
Logical. Should a reference line be drawn? |
col |
Point color. If |
refcol |
Color of the reference line. |
linecol |
Line color. Defaults to the point color. |
lty , cex , pch , type , ylim , xlab , ylab
Further standard graphical parameters. |
legend |
Logical. Should a legend be included? |
pos |
Position of the legend. |
srt , adj
Passed on to text() if names = TRUE. |
... |
Further graphical parameters. |
data |
Ignored. |
root |
Logical. Should a rootogram be drawn? |
item |
A vector indicating which items should be plotted. |
plot.type |
Should the item profiles be drawn in multiple panels or a single panel? |
auto.key , panel , scales
Further graphical parameters for lattice. |
For a graphical representation of the item parameter in each class use
(for a base graph) or xyplot
(for a lattice plot).
For a graphical representation of the quality of the mixture use
. For details see plot-methods
Frick, H., Strobl, C., Leisch, F., and Zeileis, A. (2012). Flexible Rasch Mixture Models with Package psychomix. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(7), 1–25. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i07.
Leisch, F. (2004). FlexMix: A General Framework for Finite Mixture Models and Latent Class Regression in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 11(8), 1–18. doi:10.18637/jss.v011.i08.
Leisch, F. (2004). Exploring the Structure of Mixture Model Components. In Jaromir Antoch, editor, Compstat 2004 – Proceedings in Computational Statistics, pages 1405–1412. Physika Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 3-7908-1554-3.
Generate simulated data from mixtures of Rasch models. The latent classes of the mixture can differ regarding size as well as item and person parameters of the corresponding Rasch model.
simRaschmix(design, extremes = FALSE, attributes = TRUE, ...)
simRaschmix(design, extremes = FALSE, attributes = TRUE, ...)
design |
Type of data generating process. Can be provided as a character or a named list. See Details. |
extremes |
Logical. Should observations with none or all items solved be included in the data? |
attributes |
Logical. Should the true group membership as well as
true item and person parameters be attached to the data as attributes
... |
Currently not used. |
The design
of the data generating process (DGP) can be provided
in essentially three different ways.
If the design
argument is one of "rost1"
, "rost2"
or "rost3"
, responses from the three DGPs introduced in Rost
(1990) will be drawn.
Alternatively, the design
can be provided as a named list with
elements nobs
, weights
, ability
, and
The weights
can be provided in three formats: If provided as a
vector of probabilities (summing to 1), class membership will be drawn
with these probabilities. If weights
is a vector of integer weights
(summing to nobs
, or an integer division thereof), Class sizes
will be either the weights directly or a multiple thereof. As a third
alternative, the weights
can be provided as a
function of the number of observations (nobs
The ability
specification can also be provided in three
formats: If provided as a matrix of dimension 2xk with mean and
standard deviation for each of the k clusters, the ability parameters
are drawn from a normal distribution with the corresponding parameters.
Second, ability
can be an array of dimension (., 2, k) with abilities
and corresponding weights/probabilities per cluster. Third, it can
also be provided as a list of k functions which take the number of
observations as an argument.
The specification of the item difficulty
can be
provided either as a matrix with k columns with the item
difficulties per cluster or as a matrix with nobs
rows with the item
difficulties per subject.
As a third option, design
may also be a named list containing a
vector of ability
parameters and a matrix
of dimension (number of observation x number of items).
A matrix of item responses with dimension (number of observations x
number of items).
If attributes = TRUE
, the matrix has attributes cluster
, and difficulty
. The class memberships
are only returned when not provided implicitly through
and a vector of abilties and a difficulty matrix with entries for each
Frick, H., Strobl, C., Leisch, F., and Zeileis, A. (2012). Flexible Rasch Mixture Models with Package psychomix. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(7), 1–25. doi:10.18637/jss.v048.i07.
Rost, J. (1990). Rasch Models in Latent Classes: An Integration of Two Approaches to Item Analysis. Applied Psychological Measurement, 14(3), 271–282.
################# ## Rost's DGPs ## ################# suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1990) ## DGP 1 with just one latent class r1 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost1") ## less than 1800 observations because the extreme scorers have been removed table(attr(r1, "ability")) table(rowSums(r1)) ## DGP 2 with 2 equally large latent classes r2 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost2", extreme = TRUE) ## exactly 1800 observations including the extreme scorers table(attr(r2, "ability")) table(rowSums(r2)) ## DGP 3 with 3 latent classes r3 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost3") ## item parameters in the three latent classes attr(r3, "difficulty") #################################### ## flexible specification of DGPs ## #################################### suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(482) ## number of observations nobs <- 8 ## relative weights weights <- c(1/4, 3/4) ## exact weights: either summing to nobs or an integer division thereof weights <- c(2, 6) weights <- c(1, 3) ## weights as function ## here the result is the same as when specifying relative weights weights <- function(n) sample(size = n, 1:2, prob = c(1/4, 3/4), replace = TRUE) ## class 1: only ability level 0 ## class 2: normally distributed abilities with mean = 2 and sd = 1 ability <- cbind(c(0, 0), c(2, 1)) ## class 1: 3 ability levels (-1, 0, 1); class 2: 2 ability levels (-0.5, 0.5) ## with equal probabilities and frequencies, repectively ability <- array(c(cbind(-1:1, rep(1/3, 3)), cbind(-1:1/2, c(0.5, 0, 0.5))), dim = c(3, 2, 2)) ability <- array(c(cbind(-1:1, rep(1, 3)), cbind(-1:1/2, c(1, 0, 1))), dim = c(3, 2, 2)) ## ability as function ability <- list( function(n) rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), function(n) sample(c(-0.5, 0.5), size = n, replace = TRUE) ) ## difficulty per latent class difficulty <- cbind(c(-1,1,rep(0,8)), c(rep(0,8),1,-1)) ## simulate data dat <- simRaschmix(design = list(nobs = nobs, weights = weights, ability = ability, difficulty = difficulty)) ## inspect attributes and raw scores table(attr(dat, "cluster")) hist(attr(dat, "ability")) barplot(table(rowSums(dat))) attr(dat, "difficulty") ## specification of DGP only via ability and difficulty ## one vector of abilities of all subjects ability <- c(rnorm(4, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), sample(c(-0.5, 0.5), size = 4, replace = TRUE)) ## difficulty per subject difficulty <- matrix(c(rep(c(-1,1,rep(0,8)), 4), rep(c(rep(0,8),1,-1), 4)), nrow = 8, byrow = TRUE) ## simulate data dat <- simRaschmix(design = list(ability = ability, difficulty = difficulty)) ## inspect attributes and raw scores hist(attr(dat, "ability")) barplot(table(rowSums(dat))) attr(dat, "difficulty")
################# ## Rost's DGPs ## ################# suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(1990) ## DGP 1 with just one latent class r1 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost1") ## less than 1800 observations because the extreme scorers have been removed table(attr(r1, "ability")) table(rowSums(r1)) ## DGP 2 with 2 equally large latent classes r2 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost2", extreme = TRUE) ## exactly 1800 observations including the extreme scorers table(attr(r2, "ability")) table(rowSums(r2)) ## DGP 3 with 3 latent classes r3 <- simRaschmix(design = "rost3") ## item parameters in the three latent classes attr(r3, "difficulty") #################################### ## flexible specification of DGPs ## #################################### suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) set.seed(482) ## number of observations nobs <- 8 ## relative weights weights <- c(1/4, 3/4) ## exact weights: either summing to nobs or an integer division thereof weights <- c(2, 6) weights <- c(1, 3) ## weights as function ## here the result is the same as when specifying relative weights weights <- function(n) sample(size = n, 1:2, prob = c(1/4, 3/4), replace = TRUE) ## class 1: only ability level 0 ## class 2: normally distributed abilities with mean = 2 and sd = 1 ability <- cbind(c(0, 0), c(2, 1)) ## class 1: 3 ability levels (-1, 0, 1); class 2: 2 ability levels (-0.5, 0.5) ## with equal probabilities and frequencies, repectively ability <- array(c(cbind(-1:1, rep(1/3, 3)), cbind(-1:1/2, c(0.5, 0, 0.5))), dim = c(3, 2, 2)) ability <- array(c(cbind(-1:1, rep(1, 3)), cbind(-1:1/2, c(1, 0, 1))), dim = c(3, 2, 2)) ## ability as function ability <- list( function(n) rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), function(n) sample(c(-0.5, 0.5), size = n, replace = TRUE) ) ## difficulty per latent class difficulty <- cbind(c(-1,1,rep(0,8)), c(rep(0,8),1,-1)) ## simulate data dat <- simRaschmix(design = list(nobs = nobs, weights = weights, ability = ability, difficulty = difficulty)) ## inspect attributes and raw scores table(attr(dat, "cluster")) hist(attr(dat, "ability")) barplot(table(rowSums(dat))) attr(dat, "difficulty") ## specification of DGP only via ability and difficulty ## one vector of abilities of all subjects ability <- c(rnorm(4, mean = 0, sd = 0.5), sample(c(-0.5, 0.5), size = 4, replace = TRUE)) ## difficulty per subject difficulty <- matrix(c(rep(c(-1,1,rep(0,8)), 4), rep(c(rep(0,8),1,-1), 4)), nrow = 8, byrow = TRUE) ## simulate data dat <- simRaschmix(design = list(ability = ability, difficulty = difficulty)) ## inspect attributes and raw scores hist(attr(dat, "ability")) barplot(table(rowSums(dat))) attr(dat, "difficulty")