--- title: 'prWarp: Papionin example' author: "Anne Le Maitre, Silvester Bartsch, Nicole Grunstra, Philipp Mitteroecker" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{prWarp: Papionin example} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, out.width = '100%', dpi = 600) ``` This document corresponds to the worked example of the paper *Detecting phylogenetic signal and adaptation in papionin cranial shape by decomposing variation at different spatial scales* (Grunstra et al., in press). The dataset is a set of 70 2D landmarks on the midsagittal plane of the skull in 67 primates from 18 species (16 papionin taxa, 2 outgroups). The example below describes how to decompose shape variation into total, outline, and residual shape (approach 1) or into large-scale and small-scale shape (approach 2). For further details, please read the associated paper. # Data preparation Install and load packages in R. ```{r packages, message = FALSE} library("prWarp") library("geomorph") ``` Load the dataset `papionin`. This dataset comprises the coordinates of 70 two-dimensional landmarks for the 67 specimens as a 3D array. ```{r data} data("papionin") # load dataset species <- papionin$species # species papionin_ar <- papionin$coords # landmark coordinates k <- dim(papionin_ar)[1] # number of landmarks n_spec <- dim(papionin_ar)[3] # number of specimens n_species <- length(levels(species)) # number of species ``` # Approach 1: Total, outline, and residual shape variation In this approach the total shape variation is decomposed into the variation of outline shape and residual shape. The outline shape corresponds to a subset of the full landmark set, in which all landmarks that demarcate the boarders between bones (i.e., landmarks on sutures and synchondroses) are free to slide. The residual shape corresponds to the slid landmark coordinates of the full dataset after warping them to the mean outline shape using TPS interpolation. ## Total shape For the full landmark set (70 landmarks), define semilandmarks and curves for landmark sliding as well as links between landmarks for visualization. ```{r all semilandmarks} # Semilandmarks all_semi_lm <- papionin$semi_lm # Curves for the sliding process all_curves <- papionin$curves # Links between landmarks for visualization all_links <- papionin$links ``` Visualize fixed (red) vs. sliding (black) landmarks for one specimen before sliding. ```{r plot all fixed vs sliding landmarks} plot(papionin_ar[,,1], pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 0.7, asp = 1) points(papionin_ar[-all_semi_lm,,1], pch = 16, col = "red") text(papionin_ar[-all_semi_lm,,1], label = c(1:k)[-all_semi_lm], pos = 1, col = "red", cex = 0.8) text(papionin_ar[all_semi_lm,,1], label = all_semi_lm, pos = 1, col = "black", cex = 0.6) ``` Slide the 70 landmarks by minimizing bending energy. Note that the `procSym` function of the package `Morpho` gives as output both slid *but not* Procrustes aligned outline landmarks (i.e., slid landmarks in the original coordinate system) and slid *and* Procrustes aligned outline landmarks (i.e., slid landmarks superimposed for all specimens in a new coordinate system). ```{r all gpa sliding, message = FALSE} papionin_gpa <- Morpho::procSym(papionin_ar, SMvector = all_semi_lm, outlines = all_curves, pcAlign = FALSE) # sliding + GPA papionin_ar_slid <- papionin_gpa$dataslide # slid landmarks in the original space total_shape <- papionin_gpa$rotated # Procrustes coordinates total_shape_average <- papionin_gpa$mshape # average shape ``` Visualize fixed (red) vs. sliding (black) landmarks for one specimen after sliding, for comparisons to the position of the semilandmarks before sliding. ```{r plot all fixed vs slid landmarks} plot(papionin_ar_slid[,,1], pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 0.7, asp = 1) points(papionin_ar_slid[-all_semi_lm,,1], pch = 16, col = "red") text(papionin_ar_slid[-all_semi_lm,,1], label = c(1:k)[-all_semi_lm], pos = 1, col = "red", cex = 0.8) text(papionin_ar_slid[all_semi_lm,,1], label = all_semi_lm, pos = 1, col = "black", cex = 0.6) ``` For the analyses of total shape variation use slid landmarks *after* superimposition (generalized Procrustes analysis, GPA). Total shape variation for all specimens. ```{r plot total shape} plotAllSpecimens(total_shape, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(total_shape[all_links[,1],1,i], total_shape[all_links[,1],2,i], total_shape[all_links[,2],1,i], total_shape[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Total shape variation between species. ```{r total shape between species} # Computation of the average total shape for each species total_shape_between <- array(NA, dim = c(k, 2, n_species)) for (i in 1:n_species) { spi <- which(species == levels(species)[i]) total_shape_between[,,i] <- mshape(total_shape[, , spi]) } # Plot total shape between species plotAllSpecimens(total_shape_between, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_species) { segments(total_shape_between[all_links[,1],1,i], total_shape_between[all_links[,1],2,i], total_shape_between[all_links[,2],1,i], total_shape_between[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Total shape variation within species. ```{r total shape within species} # Computation of the pooled individual within-species total shape total_shape_within <- array(NA, dim = c(k, 2, n_spec)) for (i in 1:n_species) { spi <- which(species == levels(species)[i]) for (j in 1:length(spi)) { total_shape_within[,,spi[j]] <- total_shape[, , spi[j]] - total_shape_between[,,i] + mshape(total_shape_between) } } # Plot the pooled individual within-species total shape plotAllSpecimens(total_shape_within, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(total_shape_within[all_links[,1],1,i], total_shape_within[all_links[,1],2,i], total_shape_within[all_links[,2],1,i], total_shape_within[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` ## Outline shape The 'outline' shape corresponds to a subset of 54 landmarks, of which most are defined as semilandmarks and hence free to slide. ```{r outline landmarks} outline_lm <- papionin$outline$subset # subset k_out <- length(outline_lm) # number of landmarks in the subset outline_ar <- papionin_ar[outline_lm, , ] # select the subset of landmark coordinates ``` Visualize the landmarks selected to define the subset (in blue). ```{r plot outline landmarks} plot(papionin_ar[outline_lm,,1], pch = 16, col = "blue", asp = 1) points(papionin_ar[-outline_lm,,1], pch = 4, col = "black", cex = 0.7) text(papionin_ar[outline_lm,,1], label = outline_lm, pos = 1, col = "blue", cex = 0.8) text(papionin_ar[-outline_lm,,1], label = c(1:k_out)[-outline_lm], pos = 1, col = "black", cex = 0.6) ``` For the outline landmark set (54 landmarks), define semilandmarks and curves for landmark sliding as well as links between landmarks for visualization. Note that the landmark numbers refer to the order in the 54-landmark set and not in the initial 70-landmarks set. ```{r outline semilandmarks} # Semilandmarks outline_semi_lm <- papionin$outline$semi_lm # Curves outline_curves <- papionin$outline$curves # Links between landmarks (for visualization) outline_links <- papionin$outline$links ``` Visualize fixed (red) vs. sliding (black) landmarks for the outline of one specimen before sliding. ```{r plot outline fixed vs sliding landmarks} plot(outline_ar[,,1], pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 0.7, asp = 1) points(outline_ar[-outline_semi_lm,,1], pch = 16, col = "red") text(outline_ar[outline_semi_lm,,1], label = outline_semi_lm, pos = 1, col = "black", cex = 0.6) text(outline_ar[-outline_semi_lm,,1], label = c(1:k_out)[-outline_semi_lm], pos = 1, col = "red", cex = 0.8) ``` Slide the 54 landmarks by minimizing bending energy. Here both slid *but not* Procrustes aligned outline landmarks and slid *and* Procrustes aligned outline landmarks are obtained. ```{r outline gpa sliding, message = FALSE} outline_gpa <- Morpho::procSym(outline_ar, SMvector = outline_semi_lm, outlines = outline_curves, pcAlign = FALSE) # sliding + GPA outline_ar_slid <- outline_gpa$dataslide # slid landmarks in the original space outline_shape <- outline_gpa$rotated # Procrustes coordinates outline_shape_average <- outline_gpa$mshape # average shape ``` Visualize fixed (red) vs. sliding (black) landmarks for one specimen after sliding, for comparisons to the position of the semilandmarks before sliding. ```{r plot outline fixed vs slid landmarks} plot(outline_ar_slid[,,1], pch = 16, col = "black", cex = 0.7, asp = 1) points(outline_ar_slid[-outline_semi_lm,,1], pch = 16, col = "red") text(outline_ar_slid[outline_semi_lm,,1], label = outline_semi_lm, pos = 1, col = "black", cex = 0.6) text(outline_ar_slid[-outline_semi_lm,,1], label = c(1:k_out)[-outline_semi_lm], pos = 1, col = "red", cex = 0.8) ``` For the analyses of the outline shape variation, use slid landmarks *after* superimposition (generalized Procrustes analysis, GPA). Outline shape for all specimens. ```{r plot outline shape} plotAllSpecimens(outline_shape, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(outline_shape[outline_links[,1],1,i], outline_shape[outline_links[,1],2,i], outline_shape[outline_links[,2],1,i], outline_shape[outline_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Outline shape variation between species. ```{r outline shape between species} # Computation of the average outline shape for each species outline_shape_between <- array(NA, dim = c(k_out, 2, n_species)) for (i in 1:n_species) { spi <- which(species == levels(species)[i]) outline_shape_between[,,i] <- mshape(outline_shape[, , spi]) } # Plot outline shape between species plotAllSpecimens(outline_shape_between, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_species) { segments(outline_shape_between[outline_links[,1],1,i], outline_shape_between[outline_links[,1],2,i], outline_shape_between[outline_links[,2],1,i], outline_shape_between[outline_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Outline shape variation within species. ```{r outline shape within species} # Computation of the pooled individual within-species outline shape outline_shape_within <- array(NA, dim = c(k_out, 2, n_spec)) for (i in 1:n_species) { spi <- which(species == levels(species)[i]) for (j in 1:length(spi)) { outline_shape_within[,,spi[j]] <- outline_shape[, , spi[j]] - outline_shape_between[,,i] + mshape(outline_shape_between) } } # Plot the pooled individual within-species total shape plotAllSpecimens(outline_shape_within, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(outline_shape_within[outline_links[,1],1,i], outline_shape_within[outline_links[,1],2,i], outline_shape_within[outline_links[,2],1,i], outline_shape_within[outline_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` For all statistical analyses of the outline shape, use slid *and* Procrustes aligned landmarks. Here a principal component analysis is performed. ```{r outline shape pca} # PCA outline_shape_pca <- prcomp(two.d.array(outline_shape_between)) # Plot PC1 and PC2 col.sp <- c(rep("red", 3), rep("black", 2), rep("green", 2), rep ("blue", 8), "red", rep("green", 2)) # color vector pch.sp <- c(rep(16, 4), 1, rep(16, 9), rep(1, 4)) # symbol vector plot(outline_shape_pca$x[,1:2], las = 1, pch = pch.sp, col = col.sp, asp = 1, main = "Outline shape") text(outline_shape_pca$x[,1:2], labels = levels(species), pos = 1, cex = 0.8) ``` ## Residual shape The 'residual' shape corresponds to the result of the warping of the 70 slid landmarks to the mean of the Procrustes aligned outline landmarks using TPS interpolation. Note that here: \ - the landmark configuration to be mapped is the slid *but not* Procrustes aligned full landmark set (70 landmarks); \ - the reference is the slid *but not* Procrustes aligned outline landmark subset (54 landmarks); \ - the target is the mean of the slid *and* Procrustes aligned outline landmark subset (54 landmarks). \ ```{r warping to the average outline} residual_shape <- tps.all(papionin_ar_slid, outline_ar_slid, outline_shape_average) # warping to the average outline shape ``` For the analyses of the residual shape variation no superimposition is needed because the landmarks were already registered by the warping to the mean outline shape (in contrast to GPA, this is a non-rigid registration). Residual shape for all specimens. ```{r plot residual shape} plotAllSpecimens(residual_shape, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(residual_shape[all_links[,1],1,i], residual_shape[all_links[,1],2,i], residual_shape[all_links[,2],1,i], residual_shape[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Residual shape variation between species ```{r residual shape between species} # Computation of the average residual shape for each species residual_shape_between <- array(NA, dim = c(k, 2, n_species)) for (i in 1:n_species) { spi <- which(species == levels(species)[i]) residual_shape_between[,,i] <- mshape(residual_shape[, ,spi]) } # Plot residual shape between species plotAllSpecimens(residual_shape_between, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_species) { segments(residual_shape_between[all_links[,1],1,i], residual_shape_between[all_links[,1],2,i], residual_shape_between[all_links[,2],1,i], residual_shape_between[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Residual shape variation within species. ```{r residual shape within species} # Computation of the pooled individual within-species residual shape residual_shape_within <- array(NA, dim = c(k, 2, n_spec)) for (i in 1:n_species) { spi <- which(species == levels(species)[i]) for (j in 1:length(spi)) { residual_shape_within[,,spi[j]] <- residual_shape[, , spi[j]] - residual_shape_between[,,i] + mshape(residual_shape_between) } } # Plot the pooled individual within-species residual shape plotAllSpecimens(residual_shape_within, mean = FALSE, plot_param = list(pt.cex = 0.5)) for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(residual_shape_within[all_links[,1],1,i], residual_shape_within[all_links[,1],2,i], residual_shape_within[all_links[,2],1,i], residual_shape_within[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` For statistical analyses of the residual shape, no further Procrustes alignment is needed. Here a principal component analysis is performed. ```{r residual shape pca} # PCA residual_shape_pca <- prcomp(two.d.array(residual_shape_between)) # Plot PC1 and PC2 plot(residual_shape_pca$x[,1:2], las = 1, pch = pch.sp, col = col.sp, asp = 1, main = "Residual shape") text(residual_shape_pca$x[,1:2], labels = levels(species), pos = 1, cex = 0.8) ``` # Approach 2: Small-scale vs. large-scale shape variation In this approach, shape variation is decomposed into a small-scale shape component and a large-scale shape component. For this, the slid and Procrustes aligned 70-landmark set is decomposed into partial warps. The small-scale component is based on the first pairs of partial warps, and the large-scale shape component is based on the last pairs of partial warps. In this example, the first 50 pairs are taken for the small-scale shape component. ## For all specimens Decompose the 70 Procrustes-aligned landmarks into partial warps. Note that the function `create.pw.be` returns principal warps, partial warp scores, and associated bending energies, but also small-scale and large-scale components of shape variation when a threshold value (`d`) is provided. ```{r partial warp decomposition} d <- 50 # threshold for small-scale vs. large-scale components papionin_be_pw <- create.pw.be(total_shape, total_shape_average, d) ``` Small-scale component of shape variation for all specimens. ```{r small-scale component} small_shape_all <- xxyy.to.array(papionin_be_pw$Xsmall, p = k, k = 2) plot(small_shape_all[,1,], small_shape_all[,2,], asp = 1, las = 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 16, main = "Small-scale shape component", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(small_shape_all[all_links[,1],1,i], small_shape_all[all_links[,1],2,i], small_shape_all[all_links[,2],1,i], small_shape_all[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Large-scale component of shape variation for all specimens. ```{r large-scale component} large_shape_all <- xxyy.to.array(papionin_be_pw$Xlarge, p = k, k = 2) plot(large_shape_all[,1,], large_shape_all[,2,], asp = 1, las = 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 16, main = "Large-scale shape component", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(large_shape_all[all_links[,1],1,i], large_shape_all[all_links[,1],2,i], large_shape_all[all_links[,2],1,i], large_shape_all[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Partial warp variance as a function of bending energy for all specimens. ```{r PW variance vs BE} # Computation of log BE^-1 for the (k-3) partial warps logInvBE <- log((papionin_be_pw$bendingEnergy)^(-1)) # Computation of log PW variance for the (k-3) partial warps logPWvar <- log(papionin_be_pw$variancePW) # Linear regression of the log PW variance on the log BE^-1 mod <- lm(logPWvar ~ logInvBE) # Plot log PW variance on log BE^-1 with regression line plot(logInvBE, logPWvar, col = "white", asp = 1, main = "PW variance against inverse BE", xlab = "log 1/BE", ylab = "log PW variance", sub = paste("slope =", round(mod$coefficients[2], 2))) text(logInvBE, logPWvar, labels = 1:(k-3), cex = 0.5) abline(mod, col = "blue") ``` ## Between species Decompose the 70 Procrustes aligned landmarks, averaged for each species, into partial warps. ```{r partial warp decomposition between species} d <- 50 # threshold for small-scale vs. large-scale components papionin_be_pw_between <- create.pw.be(total_shape_between, mshape(total_shape_between), d) ``` Small-scale component of shape variation between species. ```{r small-scale component between species} small_shape_between <- xxyy.to.array(papionin_be_pw_between$Xsmall, p = k, k = 2) plot(small_shape_between[,1,], small_shape_between[,2,], asp = 1, las = 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 16, main = "Small-scale shape component", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") for (i in 1:n_species) { segments(small_shape_between[all_links[,1],1,i], small_shape_between[all_links[,1],2,i], small_shape_between[all_links[,2],1,i], small_shape_between[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Large-scale component of shape variation between species. ```{r large-scale component between species} large_shape_between <- xxyy.to.array(papionin_be_pw_between$Xlarge, p = k, k = 2) plot(large_shape_between[,1,], large_shape_between[,2,], asp = 1, las = 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 16, main = "Large-scale shape component", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") for (i in 1:n_species) { segments(large_shape_between[all_links[,1],1,i], large_shape_between[all_links[,1],2,i], large_shape_between[all_links[,2],1,i], large_shape_between[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Partial warp variance as a function of bending energy between species. ```{r PW variance vs BE between species} # Computation of log BE^-1 for the (k-3) partial warps logInvBE_between <- log((papionin_be_pw_between$bendingEnergy)^(-1)) # Computation of log PW variance for the (k-3) partial warps logPWvar_between <- log(papionin_be_pw_between$variancePW) # Linear regression of the log PW variance on the log BE^-1 mod_between <- lm(logPWvar_between ~ logInvBE_between) # Plot log PW variance on log BE^-1 with regression line plot(logInvBE_between, logPWvar_between, col = "white", asp = 1, main = "PW variance against inverse BE", xlab = "log 1/BE", ylab = "log PW variance", sub = paste("slope =", round(mod_between$coefficients[2], 2))) text(logInvBE_between, logPWvar_between, labels = 1:(k-3), cex = 0.5) abline(mod_between, col = "blue") ``` ## Within species Decompose the 70 Procrustes aligned landmarks, pooled within species, into partial warps. ```{r partial warp decomposition within species} d <- 50 # threshold for small-scale vs. large-scale components papionin_be_pw_within <- create.pw.be(total_shape_within, mshape(total_shape_within), d) ``` Small-scale component of shape variation within species. ```{r small-scale component within species} small_shape_within <- xxyy.to.array(papionin_be_pw_within$Xsmall, p = k, k = 2) plot(small_shape_within[,1,], small_shape_within[,2,], asp = 1, las = 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 16, main = "Small-scale shape component", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(small_shape_within[all_links[,1],1,i], small_shape_within[all_links[,1],2,i], small_shape_within[all_links[,2],1,i], small_shape_within[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Large-scale component of shape variation within species. ```{r large-scale component within species} large_shape_within <- xxyy.to.array(papionin_be_pw_within$Xlarge, p = k, k = 2) plot(large_shape_within[,1,], large_shape_within[,2,], asp = 1, las = 1, cex = 0.5, pch = 16, main = "Large-scale shape component", xlab = "X", ylab = "Y") for (i in 1:n_spec) { segments(large_shape_within[all_links[,1],1,i], large_shape_within[all_links[,1],2,i], large_shape_within[all_links[,2],1,i], large_shape_within[all_links[,2],2,i]) } ``` Partial warp variance as a function of bending energy within species. ```{r PW variance vs BE within species} # Computation of log BE^-1 for the (k-3) partial warps logInvBE_within <- log((papionin_be_pw_within$bendingEnergy)^(-1)) # Computation of log PW variance for the (k-3) partial warps logPWvar_within <- log(papionin_be_pw_within$variancePW) # Linear regression of the log PW variance on the log BE^-1 mod_within <- lm(logPWvar_within ~ logInvBE_within) # Plot log PW variance on log BE^-1 with regression line plot(logInvBE_within, logPWvar_within, col = "white", asp = 1, main = "PW variance against inverse BE", xlab = "log 1/BE", ylab = "log PW variance", sub = paste("slope =", round(mod_within$coefficients[2], 2))) text(logInvBE_within, logPWvar_within, labels = 1:(k-3), cex = 0.5) abline(mod_within, col = "blue") ``` ## References Bookstein FL (1989). 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