Package 'ppmSuite'

Title: A Collection of Models that Employ Product Partition Distributions as a Prior on Partitions
Description: Provides a suite of functions that fit models that use PPM type priors for partitions. Models include hierarchical Gaussian and probit ordinal models with a (covariate dependent) PPM. If a covariate dependent product partition model is selected, then all the options detailed in Page, G.L.; Quintana, F.A. (2018) <doi:10.1007/s11222-017-9777-z> are available. If covariate values are missing, then the approach detailed in Page, G.L.; Quintana, F.A.; Mueller, P (2020) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2021.1999824> is employed. Also included in the package is a function that fits a Gaussian likelihood spatial product partition model that is detailed in Page, G.L.; Quintana, F.A. (2016) <doi:10.1214/15-BA971>, and multivariate PPM change point models that are detailed in Quinlan, J.J.; Page, G.L.; Castro, L.M. (2023) <doi:10.1214/22-BA1344>. In addition, a function that fits a univariate or bivariate functional data model that employs a PPM or a PPMx to cluster curves based on B-spline coefficients is provided.
Authors: Garritt L. Page [aut, cre, cph], Jose J. Quinlan [aut, cph], S. McKay Curtis [ctb, cph], Radford M. Neal [ctb, cph]
Maintainer: Garritt L. Page <[email protected]>
License: GPL
Version: 0.3.4
Built: 2025-02-22 06:30:31 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Bear dataset


Number of physiological measurements from 54 bears.


data: A data frame with 54 rows and the following 9 variables:


Function that fits a multivariate correlated product partition change point model


ccp_ppm is a function that fits a Bayesian product partition change point model, where the set of change point indicators between time series are correlated.


ccp_ppm(ydata, model=1,
         nu0, mu0, sigma0,
         mltypes, thetas,
         nburn, nskip, nsave,
         verbose = FALSE)



An L×nL \times n data matrix, where LL is the number of time series and nn, the number of time points.


Determines of model fit is such that there are p_its (model=1) or only p_t (model=2)


Degrees of freedom of the multivariate Student's t-distribution (see section Details).


Location vector of dimension LL (see section Details).


Positive definite scale matrix of order L×LL \times L (see section Details).


Type of marginal likelihood. Currently only available is:

  • mltypes = 1. Observations within a block are conditionally independent Normal(μ,σ2)Normal(\mu, \sigma^2) variates with mean μ\mu and variance σ2\sigma^2. The desired marginal likelihood is obtained after integrating (μ,σ2)(\mu, \sigma^2) with respect to a NormalInverseGamma(μ0,κ0,α0,β0)Normal-Inverse-Gamma(\mu_{0}, \kappa_{0}, \alpha_{0}, \beta_{0}) prior.


An L×qL \times q matrix containing hyperparameters associated with the marginal likelihood. The number of rows (L)(L) corresponds to the number of series. The number of columns (q)(q) depend on the marginal likelihood:

  • If mltypes = 1, then q=4q = 4 and thetas equals the hyperparameter (μ0,κ0,α0,β0)(\mu_{0}, \kappa_{0}, \alpha_{0}, \beta_{0}) of the Normal-Inverse-Gamma prior.


An L×(n1)L \times (n - 1) matrix containing the standard deviations of the candidate density associated with the random walk Metropolis-Hastings steps for updating change point probabilities.


The number of initial MCMC iterates to be discarded as burn-in.


The amount to thinning that should be applied to the MCMC chain.


Then number of MCMC iterates to be stored.


Logical indicating whether to print to screen the MCMC progression. The default value is verbose = FALSE.


As described in Quinlan et al. (add cite), for each time series yi=(yi,1,,yi,n)\boldsymbol{y}_{i} = (y_{i,1}, \ldots , y_{i,n})':

yiρij=1biF(yi,jθi)\boldsymbol{y}_{i} \mid \rho_{i} \sim \prod_{j = 1}^{b_{i}}\mathcal{F}(\boldsymbol{y}_{i,j} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_{i})

ρi(pi,1,,pi,n1)tTipi,ttTi(1pi,t):Ti={τi,1,,τi,bi1}\rho_{i} \mid (p_{i,1}, \ldots , p_{i,n-1})' \sim \prod_{t \in T_{i}}p_{i,t} \prod_{t \notin T_{i}}(1 - p_{i,t}) : T_{i} = \{\tau_{i,1}, \ldots, \tau_{i,b_{i} - 1}\}

(p1,t,,pL,t)logitt(ν0,μ0,Σ0).(p_{1,t}, \ldots , p_{L,t})' \sim logit-t(\nu_{0}, \boldsymbol{\mu}_{0}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{0}).

Here, ρi={Si,1,,Si,bi}\rho_{i} = \{S_{i,1}, \ldots , S_{i,b_{i}}\} is a partition of the set {1,,n}\{1, \ldots , n\} into bib_{i} contiguous blocks, and yi,j=(yi,t:tSi,j)\boldsymbol{y}_{i,j} = (y_{i,t} : t \in S_{i,j})'. Also, τi,j=max(Si,j)\tau_{i,j} = \max(S_{i,j}) and F(θi)\mathcal{F}( \cdot \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_{i}) is a marginal likelihood function which depends on the nature of yi\boldsymbol{y}_{i}, indexed by a hyperparameter θi\boldsymbol{\theta}_{i}. In addition, logitt(ν0,μ0,Σ0)logit-t(\nu_{0}, \boldsymbol{\mu}_{0}, \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{0}) is the logit of a multivariate Student's t-distribution with degrees of freedom ν0\nu_{0}, location vector μ0\boldsymbol{\mu}_{0} and scale matrix Σ0\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{0}.


The function returns a list containing arrays filled with MCMC iterates corresponding to model parameters. In order to provide more detail, in what follows let MM be the number of MCMC iterates collected. The output list contains the following:

  • C. An M×{L(n1)}M \times \{L(n - 1)\} matrix containing MCMC iterates associated with each series indicators of a change point. The mmth row in C is divided into LL blocks; the first (n1)(n - 1) change point indicators for time series 1, the next (n1)(n - 1) change point indicators for time series 2, and so on.

  • P. An M×{L(n1)}M \times \{L(n - 1)\} matrix containing MCMC iterates associated with each series probability of a change point. The mmth row in P is divided into LL blocks; the first (n1)(n - 1) change point probabilities for time series 1, the next (n1)(n - 1) change point probabilities for time series 2, and so on.


# Generate data that has two series, each with 100 observations
y1 <- replicate(25, rnorm(4, c(-1, 0, 1, 2), c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75)))
y2 <- replicate(25, rnorm(4, c(2, 1, 0, -2), c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75)))
y <- rbind(c(t(y1)), c(t(y2)))

# Marginal likelihood parameters
thetas <- matrix(1, nrow = 2,ncol = 4)
thetas[1,] <- c(0, 1, 2, 1)
thetas[2,] <- c(0, 1, 2, 1)

# M-H candidate density standard deviations
devs = matrix(0.1, nrow = 2, ncol = (dim(y)[2] - 1))

# Prior parameters for logit-t distribution
L <- nrow(y)
pivar <- 10
picorr <- 0.9
pimu <- rep(-6, L) # mean associated with logit of p_i
piSigma <- pivar*picorr*(rep(1, L) %*% t(rep(1, L))) +
           pivar*(1 - picorr)*diag(L)
nu0 = 3
mu0 = pimu
sigma0 = piSigma

# Fit the bayesian ppm change point model
fit <- ccp_ppm(nburn = 1000, nskip = 1, nsave = 1000, ydata = y, nu0 = nu0,
               mu0 = mu0, sigma0 = sigma0, mltypes = c(1, 1), thetas = thetas,
               devs = devs)

Gaussian PPMx Model for Functional Realizations


curve_ppmx is the main function used to fit Functional Gaussian PPMx model.


curve_ppmx(y, z, subject,
            PPM, M,
            q=3, rw_order=1, balanced=1,
            Aparm, modelPriors,
            consim, calibrate,



numeric vector or a matrix with two columns that contains measured functional response in long format


numeric vector contains time points at which functional response is measured in long format


vector of the same length as z that identies the subject to which each measurement in y corresponds.


a data-frame with number of rows being equal to the number of subjects and whose columns consist of continuous covariates. These covariates are included in the PPMx model and therefore influence clusters and thus are only used if the PPM argument is FALSE. This argument is set to NULL by default


a data-frame with nsubject number of rows and whose columns consist of categorical covariates. These covariates are included in the PPMx model and therefore influence clusters and thus are only used if the PPM argument is FALSE. The categories must be labeled using integers starting at zero. This argument is set to NULL by default


a data-frame with the number of rows corresponding to the number of out-of-sample predictions that are desired and columns consist of continuous covariates that are contained in Xcon.


a data-frame with the number of rows corresponding to the number of out-of-sample predictions that are desired and columns consist of categorical covariates that are contained in Xcat.


Logical argument that indicates if the PPM or PPMx partition model should be employed. If PPM = FALSE, then at least one of Xcon and Xcat must be supplied.


Scale parameter connected to the dispersion parameter of a Dirichlet process. Default is 1.


Degree of B-spline employed to fit curves


Order of the random walk. This specifies the type of penalty matrix employed in the penalized B-splines.


scalar with 1 - indicating the design was balanced in the sense that all subjects measurements occur at the same time and 0 - indicating design was not balanced.


scalar indicating the number of evenly spaced knots to be used.


number of time predictions to make for each subjects curve.


Upper bound parameter for lambda wich regulates the similarity of curves with in a cluster. Larger values result in clusters with curves that can be more dissimilar.


Vector of prior parameter values for priors assigned to parameters of the Gaussian Functional data model.

  • A - upper bound on sigma*_j.

  • s2mu - prior variance for mu the mean vector of theta which are cluster specific spline coefficients,

  • mb0 - prior mean for beta0_i (subject specific intercept)

  • s2b0 - prior variance for beta0_i (subject specific intercept)

  • as2b0 - prior shape associated with IG prior on variance of beta0_i (subject specific intercept)

  • bs2b0 - prior scale associated with IG prior on variacne of beta0_i (subject specific intercept)

  • at - prior shape associated with IG prior on tau (smoothing parameter for theta)

  • bt - prior scale associated with IG prior on tau (smoothing parameter for theta)


Type of similarity function that is employed for the PPMx prior on partitions. Options are 1-4 with

  • 1 - Auxilliary similarity

  • 2 - Double dipper similarity

  • 3 - Cluster variance or entropy for categorical covariates

  • 4 - Mean Gower dissimilarity (Gower dissimilarity is not available if missing values are present in X)


If similarity_function is set to either 1 or 2, then consim specifies the type of marginal likelihood used as the similarity function. Options are 1 or 2 with

  • 1 - N-N(m0, s20, v) (v variance of “likelihood”, m0 and s20 “prior” parameters),

  • 2 - N-NIG(m0, k0, nu0, s20) (m0 and k0 center and inverse scalar of a Gaussian, and nu0 and s20 are the number of prior observations and prior variance guess of a Inverse-Chi-Square distribution.)


Indicates if the similarity should be calibrated. Options are 0-2 with

  • 0 - no calibration

  • 1 - standardize similarity value for each covariate

  • 2 - coarsening is applied so that each similarity is raised to the 1/p power


Vector of parameter values employed in the similarity function of the PPMx. Entries of the vector correspond to

  • m0 - center continuous similarity with default 0,

  • s20 - spread of continuous similarity with default 1 if consim=1. For consim=2 guess of x's variance,

  • v2 - spread of 'likelihood' for conitnuous similarity (smaller values place more weight on partitions with clusters that contain homogeneous covariate values)

  • k0 - inverse scale for v (only used for N-NIG similarity model)

  • nu0 - prior number of x "observations" (only used for N-NIG similarity model)

  • a0 - dirichlet weight for categorical similarity with default of 0.1 (smaller values place more weight on partitions with individuals that are in the same category.)

  • alpha - weight associated with cluster-variance and Gower disimilarity


two dimensional vector containing values for tunning parameter associated with MH update for sigma2 and sigma20


number of MCMC iterates to be collected. default is 1100


number of MCMC iterates discared as burn-in. default is 100


number by which the MCMC chain is thinne. default is 1. Thin must be selected so that it is a multilple of (draws - thin)


This function fits a hierarhical functional data model where B-spline coefficients are clustered using either a PPM or a PPMx prior on partitions.


The function returns a list containing arrays filled with MCMC iterates corresponding to model parameters and model fit metrics. In order to provide more detail, in what follows let

"T" - be the number of MCMC iterates collected,

"N" - be the number of subjects/units,

"P" - be the number of knots + degree of spline.

The output list contains the following

  • Si - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates assocated with each subjects cluster label.

  • nclus - a matrix of dimension (T, 1) containing MCMC iterates associated with the number of clusters

  • beta - an array of dimension (N, P, T) containing the MCMC iterates assocated with each subjects P-dimensional B-spline coefficients

  • theta - an array of dimension (N, P, T) containing the MCMC iterates assocated with the cluster specific P-dimensional B-spline coefficients. Each subjects theta value is reported.

  • sig2 - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates associated with each subjects variance parameter (sigma2*_c_i)

  • tau2 - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates associated with each the cluster-specific smoothing parameter for theta

  • mu - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing MCMC iterates for the the P-dimensional B-spline coefficients associated with the global mean.

  • lam - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates for the cluster-specific lambda parameter that dictates the similarity of curves within a cluster

  • beta0 - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates for the subject-specific intercepts

  • mub0 - vector of length T containing MCMC iterates for mean of beta0

  • sig2b0 - vector of length T containing MCMC iterates for variance of beta0

  • like - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing likelihood values at each MCMC iterate.

  • WAIC - scalar containing the WAIC value

  • lpml - scalar containing lpml value

  • Hmat - a spline design matrix of dimension (N, P)


# Example with balanced data.
# generate data for two clusters with 10 subjects each.

nobs <- 100
nsubject <- 2*10

xx <- seq(0,2*pi, length=nobs)
y <- cbind(replicate(n=10, sin(xx) + rnorm(nobs,0,0.5)),
           replicate(n=10, cos(xx) + rnorm(nobs,0,0.5)))

dat <- data.frame(y=c(y),
                  z=rep(1:nobs, times=nsubject),
                  Name=rep(1:nsubject, each=nobs))

subject_obs_vec <- dat$Name

nknots <- 15

# Small number of iterates for illustrative purposes only
niter <- 5000
nburn <- 2000
nthin <- 3
nout <- (niter-nburn)/nthin

z <- dat$z

## the order here is c(mu0, s20, v, k0, nu0, a0, alpha)
## If simularity is N-NIG then k0 and nu0 are used but v is not
## If simularity is N-N then v is used but no k0 and nu0
simparms <- c(0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1)

fits <- list()

# fit vgrf only
y <- dat$y

modelPriors <- c(0.5,      # Asig
                 1000^2,   # s2_mu
                 0,        # mb0
                 1000^2,   # s2b0
                 1,        # as2b0
                 1,        # bs2b0
                 1,        # at
                 1.0/0.05) # bt

fit <- curve_ppmx(y=cbind(y), z=z,
             Xcon = NULL, Xcat = NULL,
             Xconp=NULL, Xcatp=NULL,
             PPM=TRUE, M=1,
             q=3, rw_order=1, balanced=1,
             nknots=nknots,  npredobs=1,
             consim=1, calibrate=0,
             mh=c(0.1, 1e-4),

Hmat <- fit$Hmat

# For a point estimate of partition, take first MCMC interate
# This is done only for illustrative purposes.  Recommend using
# the salso R package.

p.est <- fit$Si[1,]

nc <- length(unique(p.est))

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

# Plot individual subject fits.

tmp <- c(1,6,11,16)
for(j in tmp){
  bmn <- apply(fit$beta[j,,],1,mean)
  b0mn <- mean(fit$beta0[,j])

  ytmp <- y[dat$Name==j]

  b0vec <- rep(b0mn, nobs)


  lines(1:nobs,  b0vec+Hmat%*%bmn, col=p.est[j],lwd=2)


# plot all curves in one plot

plot(dat$z, dat$y, type="n",ylab="",xlab="Time")

for(j in 1:nsubject){

  bmn <- apply(fit$beta[j,,],1,mean)
  b0mn <- mean(fit$beta0[,j])

  b0vec <- rep(b0mn, nobs)

  lines((1:nobs),  b0vec+Hmat%*%bmn, col=p.est[j],lwd=0.5)



Function that fits Gaussian PPMx model


gaussian_ppmx is the main function used to fit Gaussian PPMx model.


gaussian_ppmx(y, X=NULL, Xpred=NULL,
                  PPM = FALSE,
                  simParms=c(0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 1),
                  modelPriors=c(0, 100^2, 1, 1),
                  mh=c(0.5, 0.5),



numeric vector for the response variable


a data frame whose columns consist of covariates that will be incorporated in the partition model. Those with class of "character" or "factor" will be treated as categorical covariates. All others will be treated as continuous covariates.


a data frame containing covariate values for which out-of-sample predictions are desired. The format of and order of Xpred must be the same as that found in X.


Type of mean model included in the likelihood that is to be used. Options are 1 or 2 with

  • 1 - cluster-specific means with no covariates in likelihood.

  • 2 - cluster-specific intercepts and a global regression of the type Xbeta is included in the likelihood.


Type of cohesion function to use in the PPMx prior. Options are 1 or 2 with

  • 1 - Dirichlet process style of cohesion c(S) = M x (|S| - 1)!

  • 2 - Uniform cohesion c(S) = 1


Precision parameter. Default is 1.


Logical argument that indicates if the PPM or PPMx partition model should be employed. If PPM = FALSE, then an X matrix must be supplied.


Type of similarity function that is employed for the PPMx prior on partitions. Options are 1-4 with

  • 1 - Auxilliary similarity

  • 2 - Double dipper similarity

  • 3 - Cluster variance or entropy for categorical covariates

  • 4 - Mean Gower dissimilarity (Gower dissimilarity is not available if missing values are present in X)


If similarity_function is set to either 1 or 2, then consim specifies the type of marginal likelihood used as the similarity function. Options are 1 or 2 with

  • 1 - N-N(m0, s20, v) (v variance of “likelihood”, m0 and s20 “prior” parameters),

  • 2 - N-NIG(m0, k0, nu0, s20) (m0 and k0 center and inverse scalar of a Gaussian, and nu0 and s20 are the number of prior observations and prior variance guess of a Inverse-Chi-Square distribution.)


Indicates if the similarity should be calibrated. Options are 0-2 with

  • 0 - no calibration

  • 1 - standardize similarity value for each covariate

  • 2 - coarsening is applied so that each similarity is raised to the 1/p power


Vector of parameter values employed in the similarity function of the PPMx. Entries of the vector correspond to

  • m0 - center continuous similarity with default 0,

  • s20 - spread of continuous similarity with default 1 if consim=1. For consim=2 guess of x's variance,

  • v2 - spread of 'likelihood' for conitnuous similarity (smaller values place more weight on partitions with clusters that contain homogeneous covariate values)

  • k0 - inverse scale for v (only used for N-NIG similarity model)

  • nu0 - prior number of x "observations" (only used for N-NIG similarity model)

  • a0 - dirichlet weight for categorical similarity with default of 0.1 (smaller values place more weight on partitions with individuals that are in the same category.)

  • alpha - weight associated with cluster-variance and Gower disimilarity


Vector of prior parameter values for priors assigned to parameters of the Gaussian data model.

  • m - prior mean for mu0 with default equal to 0,

  • s2 - prior variance mu0 with default equal to 100^2,

  • A - upper bound on sigma2*_j with default equal to 10

  • A0 - upper bound on sig20 with default equal to 10


two dimensional vector containing values for tunning parameter associated with MH update for sigma2 and sigma20


number of MCMC iterates to be collected. default is 1100


number of MCMC iterates discared as burn-in. default is 100


number by which the MCMC chain is thinne. default is 1. Thin must be selected so that it is a multilple of (draws - thin)


Logical indicating if information regarding data and MCMC iterate should be printed to screen


This function is able to fit a Gaussian PPM or PPMx model as detailed in (Mueller, Quintana, and Rosner, 2011). The data model is a Gaussian distribution with cluster-specific means and variances. If meanModel = 2, then a “global” regression component is added to the mean. Conjugate priors are used for cluster-specific means while uniform priors are used for variance components. A variety of options associated with the similarity function of the PPMx are available. See Page, Quintana 2018; Mueller, Quintana, Rosner 2011 for more details.

If covariate matrix contains missing values, then the approach described in Page, Quintana, Mueller (2022) is automatically employed. Missing values must be denoted using "NA". Currently, NAs cannot be accommodated if a “global” regression is desired.

We recommend standardizing covariates so thay they have mean zero and standard deviation one. This makes the default values provided for the similarity function reasonable in most cases. If covariates are standardized and meanModel = 2 the regression coefficients are estimated on the original scale and are ordered such that the continuous covariates appear first and the categorical covariates come after.

The MCMC algorithm used to sample from the joint posterior distribution is based on algorithm 8 found in Neal 2000.


The function returns a list containing arrays filled with MCMC iterates corresponding to model parameters and model fit metrics. In order to provide more detail, in what follows let

"T" - be the number of MCMC iterates collected,

"N" - be the number of observations,

"P" - be the number of predictions.

"C" - be the total number of covariates

The output list contains the following

  • mu - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates associated with each subjects mean parameter (mu*_c_i).

  • sig2 - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates associated with each subjects variance parameter (sigma2*_c_i)

  • beta - if meanModel = 2, then this is a matrix of dimension (T,C) containing MCMC iterates associated coefficients in the global regression

  • Si - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates assocated with each subjects cluster label.

  • mu0 - vector of length T containing MCMC iterates for mu0 parameter

  • sig20 - vector of length T containing MCMC iterates for sig20

  • nclus - vector of length T containing number of clusters at each MCMC iterate

  • like - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing likelihood values at each MCMC iterate.

  • WAIC - scalar containing the WAIC value

  • lpml - scalar containing lpml value

  • fitted.values - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing fitted (or in sample predictions) for each subject at each MCMC iterate

  • ppred - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing out of sample preditions for each "new" subject at each MCMC iterate of the posterior predictive distribution

  • predclass - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing MCMC iterates of cluster two which "new" subject is allocated

  • rbpred - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing out of sample preditions for each "new" subject at each MCMC iterate based on the rao-blackwellized prediction



# plot length, sex, and weight of bears
ck <- c(4,3,2)

# response is weight
Y <- bear$weight

# Continuous Covariate is length of chest
# Categorical covariate is sex
X <- bear[,c("length", "sex")]
X$sex <- as.factor(X$sex)

# Randomly partition data into 44 training and 10 testing
trainObs <- sample(1:length(Y),44, replace=FALSE)

Ytrain <- Y[trainObs]
Ytest <- Y[-trainObs]

Xtrain <- X[trainObs,,drop=FALSE]
Xtest <- X[-trainObs,,drop=FALSE]

simParms <- c(0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1)
modelPriors <- c(0, 100^2, 0.5*sd(Y), 100)
M <- 1.0

niter <- 100000
nburn <- 50000
nthin <- 50

nout <- (niter - nburn)/nthin

mh <- c(1,10)

# Run MCMC algorithm for Gaussian PPMx model
out1 <- gaussian_ppmx(y=Ytrain, X=Xtrain, Xpred=Xtest,
              M=M, PPM=FALSE,
              meanModel = 1,
		          modelPriors = modelPriors,
		          draws=niter, burn=nburn, thin=nthin,

# plot a select few posterior distributions
plot(density(out1$mu[,1])) # first observation's mean
plot(density(out1$sig2[,1])) # first observation's variance
plot(table(out1$nc)/nout,type='h') # distribution
plot(density(out1$mu0), type='l')

# The first partition iterate is used for plotting
# purposes only. We recommended using the salso
# R-package to estimate the partition based on Si
pairs(bear[trainObs,ck],col=out1$Si[1,], pch=out1$Si[1,])

# Compare fit and predictions when covariates are not included
# in the partition model.  That is, refit data with PPM rather than PPMx
out2 <- gaussian_ppmx(y=Ytrain, X=Xtrain, Xpred=Xtest,
              M=M, PPM=TRUE,
              meanModel = 1,
		          modelPriors = modelPriors,
		          draws=niter, burn=nburn, thin=nthin,

oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)

plot(Xtrain[,1], Ytrain, ylab="weight", xlab="length", pch=20)
points(Xtrain[,1], apply(out2$fitted,2,mean), col='red',pch=2, cex=1)
points(Xtrain[,1], apply(out1$fitted,2,mean), col='blue',pch=3, cex=1)
          col=c("black","red","blue", "green"),pch=c(20,2,3,4))

plot(Xtest[,1], Ytest, ylab="weight", xlab="length",pch=20)
points(Xtest[,1], apply(out2$ppred,2,mean), col='red',pch=2, cex=1)
points(Xtest[,1], apply(out1$ppred,2,mean), col='blue',pch=3, cex=1)


Function that fits the multivariate independent product partition change point model


icp_ppm is a function that fits a Bayesian product partition change point model. Each series is treated independently.


         a0, b0,
         nburn, nskip, nsave,
         verbose = FALSE)



An L×nL \times n data matrix, where LL is the number of time series and nn, the number of time points.


Vector of dimension LL with shape 1 Beta parameters (see Details).


Vector of dimension LL with shape 2 Beta parameters (see Details).


Type of marginal likelihood. Currently only available is:

  • mltypes = 1. Observations within a block are conditionally independent Normal(μ,σ2)Normal(\mu, \sigma^2) variates with mean μ\mu and variance σ2\sigma^2. The desired marginal likelihood is obtained after integrating (μ,σ2)(\mu, \sigma^2) with respect to a NormalInverseGamma(μ0,κ0,α0,β0)Normal-Inverse-Gamma(\mu_0, \kappa_0, \alpha_0, \beta_0) prior.


An L×qL \times q matrix containing hyperparameters associated with the marginal likelihood. The number of rows (L)(L) corresponds to the number of series. The number of columns (q)(q) depend on the marginal likelihood:

  • If mltypes = 1, then q=4q = 4 and thetas equals the hyperparameter (μ0,κ0,α0,β0)(\mu_{0}, \kappa_{0}, \alpha_{0}, \beta_{0}) of the Normal-Inverse-Gamma prior.


The number of initial MCMC iterates to be discarded as burn-in.


The amount to thinning that should be applied to the MCMC chain.


Then number of MCMC iterates to be stored.


Logical indicating whether to print to screen the MCMC progression. The default value is verbose = FALSE.


As described in Barry and Hartigan (1992) and Loschi and Cruz (2002), for each time series yi=(yi,1,,yi,n)\boldsymbol{y}_{i} = (y_{i,1}, \ldots , y_{i,n})':

yiρij=1biF(yi,jθi)\boldsymbol{y}_{i} \mid \rho_{i} \sim \prod_{j = 1}^{b_{i}}\mathcal{F}(\boldsymbol{y}_{i,j} \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_{i})

ρipipibi1(1pi)nbi\rho_{i} \mid p_{i} \sim p_{i}^{b_{i} - 1}(1 - p_{i})^{n - b_{i}}

piBeta(ai,0,bi,0).p_{i} \sim Beta(a_{i,0}, b_{i,0}).

Here, ρi={Si,1,,Si,bi}\rho_{i} = \{S_{i,1}, \ldots , S_{i,b_{i}}\} is a partition of the set {1,,n}\{1, \ldots , n\} into bib_{i} contiguous blocks, and yi,j=(yi,t:tSi,j)\boldsymbol{y}_{i,j} = (y_{i,t} : t \in S_{i,j})'. Also, F(θi)\mathcal{F}( \cdot \mid \boldsymbol{\theta}_{i}) is a marginal likelihood function which depends on the nature of yi\boldsymbol{y}_{i}, indexed by a hyperparameter θi\boldsymbol{\theta}_{i}. Notice that pip_{i} is the probability of observing a change point in series ii, at each time t{2,,n}t \in \{2, \ldots , n\}.


The function returns a list containing arrays filled with MCMC iterates corresponding to model parameters. In order to provide more detail, in what follows let MM be the number of MCMC iterates collected. The output list contains the following:

  • C. An M×{L(n1)}M \times \{L(n - 1)\} matrix containing MCMC iterates associated with each series indicators of a change point. The mmth row in C is divided into LL blocks; the first (n1)(n - 1) change point indicators for time series 1, the next (n1)(n - 1) change point indicators for time series 2, and so on.

  • P. An M×{L(n1)}M \times \{L(n - 1)\} matrix containing MCMC iterates associated with each series probability of a change point. The mmth row in P is divided into LL blocks; the first (n1)(n - 1) change point probabilities for time series 1, the next (n1)(n - 1) change point probabilities for time series 2, and so on.


# Generate data that has two series, each with 100 observations
y1 <- replicate(25, rnorm(4, c(-1, 0, 1, 2), c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75)))
y2 <- replicate(25, rnorm(4, c(2, 1, 0, -2), c(0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75)))
y <- rbind(c(t(y1)), c(t(y2)))
n <- ncol(y)
# Marginal likelihood parameters
thetas <- matrix(1, nrow = 2, ncol = 4)
thetas[1,] <- c(0, 1, 2, 1)
thetas[2,] <- c(0, 1, 2, 1)

# Fit the Bayesian ppm change point model
fit <- icp_ppm(ydata = y,
               a0 = c(1, 1),
               b0 = c(1, 1),
               mltypes = c(1, 1),
               thetas = thetas,
               nburn = 1000, nskip = 1, nsave = 1000)

cpprobsL <- matrix(apply(fit$C,2,mean), nrow=n-1, byrow=FALSE)

Function that fits ordinal probit model with a PPMx as a prior on partitions


ordinal_ppmx is the main function used to fit ordinal probit model with a PPMx as a prior on partitions.


ordinal_ppmx(y, co, X=NULL,Xpred=NULL,
              PPM = FALSE,
              simParms=c(0.0, 1.0, 0.1, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 1),
              modelPriors=c(0, 10, 1, 1),
              mh=c(0.5, 0.5),



Response vector containing ordinal categories that have been mapped to natural numbers beginning with 0


Vector specifying the boundaries associated with auxiliary variables of the probit model. If the number of ordinal categories is c, then the dimension of this vector must be c+1.


a data frame whose columns consist of covariates that will be incorporated in the partition model. Those with class of "character" or "factor" will be treated as categorical covariates. All others will be treated as continuous covariates.


a data frame containing covariate values for which out of sample predictions are desired. The format of Xpred must be the same as for X.


Type of mean model included in the likelihood that is to be used

  • 1 - cluster-specific means with no covariates in likelihood.

  • 2 - cluster-specific intercepts and a global regression of the type Xbeta is included in the likelihood.


Type of cohesion function to use in the PPMx prior.

  • 1 - Dirichlet process style of cohesion c(S) = M x (|S| - 1)!

  • 2 - Uniform cohesion c(S) = 1


Precision parameter of the PPMx if a DP style cohesion is used. See above. Default is 1.


Logical argument that indicates if the PPM or PPMx partition model should be employed. If PPM = FALSE, then an X matrix must be supplied.


Type of similarity function that is employed for the PPMx prior on partitions. Options are

  • 1 - Auxilliary similarity

  • 2 - Double dipper similarity

  • 3 - Cluster variance or entropy for categorical covariates

  • 4 - Mean Gower disimilarity (this one not available if missing values are present in X)


If similarity_function is set to either 1 or 2, then consim specifies the type of marginal likelihood used as the similarity function. Options are (see simparms argument for more details)

  • 1 - N-N(m0, s20, v) (v variance of ”likelihood”, m0 and s20 ”prior” parameters),

  • 2 - N-NIG(m0, k0, nu0, s20) (m0 and k0 center and inverse scalar of a Gaussian, and nu0 and s20 are the number of prior observations and prior variance guess of a Inverse-Chi-Square distribution.)


This argument determines if the similarity should be calibrated. Options are

  • 0 - no calibration

  • 1 - standardize similarity value for each covariate

  • 2 - coarsening is applied so that each similarity is raised to the 1/p power


Vector of parameter values employed in the similarity function of the PPMx. Entries of the vector correspond to

  • m0 - center continuous similarity with default 0,

  • s20 - spread of continuous similarity with default 1 if consim=1. For consim=2 guess of x's variance,

  • v2 - spread of 'likelihood' for conitnuous similarity (smaller values place more weight on partitions with clusters that contain homogeneous covariate values)

  • k0 - inverse scale for v (only used for N-NIG similarity model)

  • nu0 - prior number of x "observations" (only used for N-NIG similarity model)

  • a0 - dirichlet weight for categorical similarity with default of 0.1 (smaller values place more weight on partitions with individuals that are in the same category.)

  • alpha - weight associated with cluster-variance and Gower disimilarity


Vector of prior parameter values for priors assigned to parameters of the Gaussian latent model.

  • m - prior mean for mu0 with default equal to 0,

  • s2 - prior variance mu0 with default equal to 100^2,

  • A - upper bound on sigma2*_j with default equal to 10

  • A0 - upper bound on sig20 with default equal to 10


two dimensional vector containing values for tunning parameter associated with MH update for sigma2 and sigma20


number of MCMC iterates to be collected. default is 1100


number of MCMC iterates discared as burn-in. default is 100


number by which the MCMC chain is thinne. default is 1. Thin must be selected so that it is a multilple of (draws - thin)


Logical indicating if information regarding data and MCMC iterate should be printed to screen


This function fits an ordinal probit model with either a PPM or PPMx prior on partitions. For details on the ordinal probit model see Kottas et al (2005) and Page, Quintana, Rosner (2020). Cutpoints listed in the “co” argument can be arbitrarily selected, but values that are too far from zero will result in an algorithm that will require more burn-in. Based on these cutpoints latent variables are introduced. The latent variables are assumed to follow a Gaussian distribution with cluster-specific means and variances. If meanModel = 2, then a “global” regression component is added to the mean resulting in a model with cluster-specific parallel regression lines. Commonly used conjugate priors are then employed in the regression component.

If covariates contain missing values, then the approach developed in Page, Quintana, Mueller (2022) is automatically employed. Missing values must be denoted using "NA". Currently, NAs cannot be accommodated if a “global” regression is desired (i.e., meanMode = 2).

We recommend standardizing covariates so thay they have mean zero and standard deviation one. This makes the default values provided for the similarity function reasonable in most cases. If covariates are standardized and meanModel = 2 the regression coefficients are estimated on the original scale and are ordered such that the continuous covariates appear first and the categorical covariates come after.

The MCMC algorithm used to sample from the joint posterior distribution is based on algorithm 8 found in Neal 2000.


The function returns a list containing arrays filled with MCMC iterates corresponding to model parameters and also returns a couple of model fit metrics. In order to provide more detail, in what follows let

"T" - be the number of MCMC iterates collected,

"N" - be the number of observations,

"P" - be the number of predictions.

"C" - be the total number of covariates

The output list contains the following

  • mu - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates associated with each subjects mean parameter (mu*_c_i).

  • sig2 - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates associated with each sujbects variance parameter (sigma2*_c_i)

  • beta - available only if meanModel = 2, then this is a matrix of dimension (T,C) containing MCMC iterates associated coefficients in the global regression

  • Si - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates assocated with each subjects cluster label.

  • zi - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing MCMC iterates assocated with each subjects latent variable.

  • mu0 - vector of length T containing MCMC iterates for mu0 parameter

  • sig20 - vector of length T containing MCMC iterates for sig20

  • nclus - vector of length T containing number of clusters at each MCMC iterate

  • like - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing likelihood values at each MCMC iterate.

  • WAIC - scalar containing the WAIC value

  • lpml - scalar containing lpml value

  • fitted.values - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing fitted values at the latent variable level for each subject at each MCMC iterate

  • ppred - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing out of sample preditions at the latent variable level for each “new” subject at each MCMC iterate

  • predclass - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing MCMC iterates of cluster two which "new" subject is allocated

  • rbpred - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing out of sample preditions at the latent variable level for each "new" subject at each MCMC iterate based on the rao-blackwellized prediction

  • ord.fitted.values - a matrix of dimension (T, N) containing fitted values on the ordinal variable scale for each subject at each MCMC iterate.

  • ord.ppred - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing out of sample preditions on the ordinal variable scale for each “new” subject at each MCMC iterate from the posterior predictive distribution.

  • ord.rbpred - a matrix of dimension (T, P) containing out of sample preditions on the ordinal variable scale for each "new" subject at each MCMC iterate based on the rao-blackwellized prediction.


n <- 100
# Continuous Covariate
X1 <- runif(n, -1,1)

# Binary Covariate
X2 <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)

pi <- exp(2*X1 + -2*X2)/(exp(2*X1 + -2*X2) + 1)

# Binary response
Y <- rbinom(n, 1, pi)

keep <- 1:(n-25)

# standardize X1 to have mean zero and sd 1.
X <- data.frame(X1=scale(X1), X2=as.factor(X2))

Xtn <- X[keep,]
ytn <- Y[keep]
Xtt <- X[-keep,]
ytt <- Y[-keep]

# Since we have a binary response there are two "latent states".
# The boundaries of the latent states can be selected arbitrarily.
# Below I essentially use (-Inf, 0, Inf) to define the two latent spaces.
co <- c(-1e5, 0, 1e5)

#             m0   s20  v  k0   n0   a0   alpha
simParms <- c(0, 1.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 0.1, 1)
#                m  s2  s  s0
modelPriors <- c(0, 10, 1, 1)

draws <- 50000
burn <- 25000
thin <- 25
nout <- (draws - burn)/thin

# Takes about 20 seconds to run
fit <- ordinal_ppmx(y = ytn, co=co, X=Xtn, Xpred=Xtt,
                     similarity_function=1, consim=1,
                     draws=draws, burn=burn, thin=thin, verbose=FALSE)

# The first partition iterate is used for plotting
# purposes only. We recommended using the salso
# R-package to estimate the partition based on Si
pairs(cbind(Y, X), col=fit$Si[1,])

# in-sample confusion matrix
table(ytn, apply(fit$ord.fitted.values, 2, median))

# out-of-sample confusion matrix based on posterior predictive samples
table(ytt, apply(fit$ord.ppred, 2, median))

Ozone data


data set consists of 112 measurements of maximum daily ozone in Rennes. In addition, temperature (T), nebulosity (Ne), and projection of wind speed vectors (Vx) were measured three times daily (9:00, 12:00, and 15:00 hours) resulting in nine covariates.


data: A data frame with 112 rows and the following variables:


observed number of cancer cases


max daily ozone


temperature measured at 9:00, 12:00, and 15:00 hours


nebulosity measured at 9:00, 12:00, and 15:00 hours


projection of wind speed vectors measured at 9:00, 12:00, and 15:00 hours


max daily ozone of previous day.


The wind direction


Source of data:

Function generates random realizations from a PPM or PPMx


rppmx Employes the ploya urn sampling scheme to randomly generate a partition from the PPM or PPMx.


rppmx(m, X=NULL,



Number of unites that are allocated to partitions


a data frame whose columns consist of covariates that will be incorporated in the partition model. Those with class of "character" or "factor" will be treated as categorical covaraites. All others will be treated as continuous covariates. If NULL, then a PPM partition is produced.


Type of similarity function that is employed for covariates. Options are

1 - Auxilliary similarity,

2 - Double dipper similarity

3 - variance similarity


Type of similarty model employed for continuous covariates. Options are

1 - N-N(m0, s20, v) (v variance of ”likelihood”, m0 and s20 ”prior” parameters),

2 - N-NIG(m0,k0, k0, v0, s20) (m0 and k0 center and scale of Gaussian, n0 and s20 shape and scale of IG )


Precision parameter. Default is 1.


Continuous similarity function value (see above)


Continuous similarity function value (see above)


Continuous similarity function value (see above)


Continuous similarity function value (see above)


Continuous similarity function value (see above)


Penalty value when using the variance similarity


Use polya urn scheme to sample from the PPM or the PPMx


The function returns randomly generated partition


X <- cbind(rnorm(100), rbinom(100,1,0.5))
p <- rppmx(m=100, X=X, similarity=1, simparm=1, M=1)

Scallops data


Data set that provides the location and scallop catches in the Atlantic waters off the coasts of New Jersey and Long Island, New York.


data: A data frame with 148 rows and the variables are the following:



Banerjee, S; Carline, B. P.; Gelfand, A. E.; (2015) Hierarchical Modeling and Analysis for Spatial Data 2nd Ed. CRC. Press

Standardized testing data in Chile


Average standard testing results with average mother's and father's education level for schools in the greater Santiago area of Chile. Measurements are recorded from 2005-2011 and spatial coordinates of the schools are provided.


data: A data frame with 1072 rows and the following variables:


longitude coordinates of school


lattitude coordinates of school


Unique school identifier


Name of the commune in which the school resides


Math score of standardized test in 2005-2011


Average level of father's education of students that attended school 2005-2011


Average level of mother's education of students that attended school 2005-2011


Page, G. L. and Quintana, F. A. (2016) Spatial Product Partition Models, Bayesian Anal., Volume 11, Number 1, 265-298.

Function that fits spatial product partition model with Gaussian likelihood


sppm is the main function used to fit model with Guassian likelihood and spatial PPM as prior on partitions.


    modelPriors=c(0, 100^2, 10, 10),
    cParms=c(1, 1.5, 0, 1, 2, 2),
    mh=c(0.5, 0.5),



numeric vector containing response variable


Two-column matrix containing spatial locations (i.e., longitude and lattitude).


Two-column matrix containing spatial locations at which out-of-sample predictions will be collected.


Scalar that indicates which cohesion to use.

  1. distance from centroids

  2. upper bound

  3. auxiliary similarity

  4. double dipper similarity


Parameter related to Dirichlet process scale or dispersion parameter.


Vector containing model prior values (see below for more details)


Vector containing partition model prior values (see below for more details)


Tuning standard deviations for metropolis updates for sigma2 and sigma20


Number of MCMC samples to collect


Number of the MCMC samples discarded in the burn-in phase of the sampler


The amount of thinning desired for the chain


The vector ⁠modelPriors = c(m0, s20, ms, ms0)⁠ where each prior parameter is listed in the model description below.

The cParm vector contains values associated with the cohesion function.
⁠ cParm = c( epsilon value - cohesion 1 only, distance bound - cohesion 2 only, mu0 - center of NNIG for cohesion 3 and 4 k0 - scale parm of gaussian part of NNIG for cohesion 3 and 4 v0 - degrees of freedom IG part of NNIG for cohesion 3 and 4 L0 - scale parm (scalar of identity matrix) IG part of NNIG for cohesion 3 and 4).⁠

The model this function fits is Gaussian likelihood model using the sPPM prior on partitions (Page and Quintana, 2016). Specific model details are

yiμ,σ2,ciN(μci,σci2),i=1,,ny_i | \mu^*, \sigma^{2*}, c_i \sim N(\mu_{c_i}^*, \sigma^{2*}_{c_i}), i=1,\ldots,n

μjμ0,σ02N(μ0,σ02)\mu^*_j | \mu_0, \sigma^2_0 \sim N(\mu_0,\sigma^2_0)

σjAUN(0,ms)\sigma^*_j | A \sim UN(0, ms)

ρM,ξsPPM\rho|M,\xi \sim sPPM

To complete the model specification, the folloing hyperpriors are assumed,

μ0m,s2N(m0,s02)\mu_0 | m, s^2 \sim N(m0,s0^2)

σ0BUN(0,ms0)\sigma_0 | B \sim UN(0,ms0)

Note that we employ uniform prior distributions on variance components as suggest in Gelman's 2006 Bayesian paper. "sPPM" in the model specificaiton denotes the the spatial product partition model. The computational implementation of the model is based algorithm 8 found in Neal's 2000 JCGS paper.


This function returns in a list all MCMC interates for each model parameter, posterior predictive, and fitted values. In addition the LPML model fit metric is provided.



s_coords <- scallops[,3:4] #lat and long
m <- dim(s_coords)[1]

# standardize spatial coordinates
smn <- apply(s_coords,2,mean)
ssd <- apply(s_coords,2,sd)
s_std <- t((t(s_coords) - smn)/ssd)

# Create a grid of prediction locations
np <- 10

sp <- expand.grid(seq(min(s_coords[,1]), max(s_coords[,1]),length=np),
                   seq(min(s_coords[,2]), max(s_coords[,2]), length=np))

sp_std <- t((t(sp) - smn)/ssd) # standardized prediction spatial coordinates

niter <- 20000
nburn <- 10000
nthin <- 10
nout <- (niter - nburn)/nthin

out <- sppm(y=Y,s=s_std,s.pred=sp_std,cohesion=4, M=1, draws=niter, burn=nburn, thin=nthin)

# fitted values
fitted.values <- out$fitted <- apply(fitted.values, 2,mean)
mean((Y -^2) # MSE
out$lpml #lpml value

ppred <- out$ppred
predmn <- apply(ppred,2,mean)

# The first partition iterate is used for plotting
# purposes only. We recommended using the salso
# R-package to estimate the partition based on Si
Si <- out$Si
plot(s_coords[,1], s_coords[,2], col=Si[1,])