Package 'powerGWASinteraction'

Title: Power Calculations for GxE and GxG Interactions for GWAS
Description: Analytical power calculations for GxE and GxG interactions for case-control studies of candidate genes and genome-wide association studies (GWAS). This includes power calculation for four two-step screening and testing procedures. It can also calculate power for GxE and GxG without any screening.
Authors: Charles Kooperberg <[email protected]> and Li Hsu <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Charles Kooperberg <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.1.3
Built: 2025-02-20 06:31:53 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Power for GxE interactions in genetic association studies


This routine carries out (analytical, approximate) power calculations for identifying Gene-Environment interactions in Genome Wide Association Studies


powerGE(n, power, model, caco, alpha, alpha1, maintain.alpha)



Sample size: combined number of cases and controls. Note: exactly one of n and power should be specified.


Power: targeted power. Note: exactly one of n and power should be specified.


List specifying the genetic model. This list contains the following objects:

  • prev Prevalence of the outcome in the population. Note that for case-only and empirical Bayes estimators to be valid, the prevalence needs to be low.

  • pGene Probability that a binary SNP is 1 (i.e. not the minor allele frequency for a three level SNP).

  • pEnv Frequency of the binary environmental variable.

  • orGE Odds ratio between the binary SNP and binary environmental variable.

  • beta.LOR Vector of length three with the odds ratios of the genetic, environmental, and GxE interaction effect, respectively.

  • nSNP Number of SNPs (genes) being tested.


Fraction of the sample that are cases (default = 0.5).


Overall (family-wise) Type 1 error (default = 0.05).


Significance level at which testing during the first stage (screening) takes place. If alpha1 = 1, there is no screening.


Some combinations of screening and GxE testing methods do not maintain the proper Type 1 error. Default is True: combinations that do not maintain the Type 1 error are not computed. If maintain.alpha is False all combinations are computed.


The routine computes power for a variety of two-stage procedures. Five different screening procedures are used:

  • No screening All SNPs are tested for interaction

  • Marginal screening Only SNPs that are marginally significant at level alpha1 are screened for interaction. See Kooperberg and LeBlanc (2010).

  • Correlation screening Only SNPs that are, combined over all cases and controls, associated with the environmental variable at level alpha 1 are screened for interaction. See Murcray et al. (2012).

  • Cocktail screening SNPs are screened on the most significant of marginal and correlation screening. See Hsu et al. (2012).

  • Chi-square screening SNPs are screened using a chi-square combination of correlation and marginal screening. See Gauderman et al. (2013).

After screening, the SNPs that pass the screen can be tested using

  • Case-control The standard case-control estimator.

  • Case-only The case-only estimator.

  • Empirical Bayes The empirical Bayes estimator of Mukherjee and Chatterjee (2010).

If screening took place using the correlation or chi-square screening, the Type 1 error won't be maintained if the final GxE testing is carried out using either the case-only or empirical Bayes estimator. See Dai et al. (2012). The cocktail screening maintains the Type 1 family wise error rate, since only those SNPs that pass on to the second stage using marginal screening will use the case-only or empirical Bayes estimator, the SNPs that pass on to the second stage using correlation screening will always use the case-control estimator.

When SNP and environment are correlated in the population (i.e. model$orGE does not equal 1) the case-only estimator does not maintain the Type 1 error. The empirical Bayes estimator may also have a moderately inflated Type 1 error. When the disease is common either the case-only estimator or the empirical Bayes estimator also may not estimate the GxE interaction.

Power calculations are described in Kooperberg, Dai, and Hsu (2014). Briefly, for a given genetic model we compute the expected p-values for all screening statistics. We then use a normal approximation to compute the probability that this SNP passes the screening (e.g., if alpha1 equaled this expected p-value this probability would be exactly 0.5), and combine this with power calculations for the second stage of GxE testing.


A list with three components.


A 5x3 matrix with estimated power for all testing approaches, only if n was specified.


A 5x3 matrix with required sample sizes for all testing approaches, only if power was specified.


A 5x3 matrix with the expected p value for the SNP to pass screening. This p-value depends on the sample size, but not on the second stage testing.

A 5x3 matrix with the probability that the interacting SNP would pass the screening stage. This probability depends on the sample size, but not on the second stage testing.


Li Hsu [email protected] and Charles Kooperberg [email protected].


Dai JY, Kooperberg C, LeBlanc M, Prentice RL (2012). Two-stage testing procedures with independent filtering for genome-wide gene-environment interaction. Biometrika, 99, 929-944.

Gauderman WJ, Zhang P, Morrison JL, Lewinger JP (2013). Finding novel genes by testing GxE interactions in a genome-wide association study. Genetic Epidemiology, 37, 603-613.

Hsu L, Jiao S, Dai JY, Hutter C, Peters U, Kooperberg C (2012). Powerful cocktail methods for detecting genome-wide gene-environment interaction. Genetic Epidemiology, 36, 183-194.

Kooperberg C, Dai, JY, Hsu L (2014). Two-stage procedures for the identification of gene x environment and gene x gene interactions in genome-wide association studies. To appear.

Kooperberg C, LeBlanc ML (2008). Increasing the power of identifying gene x gene interactions in genome-wide association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 32, 255-263.

Mukherjee B, Chatterjee N (2008). Exploiting gene-environment inde- pendence for analysis of case-control studies: an empirical Bayes-type shrinkage estimator to trade-off between bias and efficiency Biometrics, 64, 685-694.

Murcray CE, Lewinger JP, Gauderman WJ (2009). Gene-environment interaction in genome-wide association studies. American Journalk of Epidemiology, 169, 219-226.

See Also



mod1 <- list(prev=0.01,pGene=0.2,pEnv=0.2,beta.LOR=log(c(1.0,1.2,1.4)),orGE=1.2,nSNP=10^6)
results <- powerGE(n=20000, model=mod1,alpha1=.01)

mod2 <- list(prev=0.01,pGene=0.2,pEnv=0.2,beta.LOR=log(c(1.0,1.0,1.4)),orGE=1,nSNP=10^6)
results <- powerGE(power=0.8, model=mod2,alpha1=.01)

Power for GxG interactions in genetic association studies


This routine carries out (analytical, approximate) power calculations for identifying Gene-Gene interactions in Genome Wide Association Studies


powerGG(n, power, model, caco, alpha, alpha1)



Sample size: combined number of cases and controls. Note: exactly one of n and power should be specified.


Power: targeted power. Note: exactly one of n and power should be specified.


List specifying the genetic model. This list contains the following objects:

  • prev Prevalence of the outcome in the population. Note that for case-only and empirical Bayes estimators to be valid, the prevalence needs to be low.

  • pGene1 Probability that the first binary SNP is 1 (i.e. not the minor allele frequency for a three level SNP).

  • pGene2 Probability that the first binary SNP is 1 (i.e. not the minor allele frequency for a three level SNP).

  • beta.LOR Vector of length three with the odds ratios of the first genetic, second genetic, and GxG interaction effect, respectively.

  • nSNP Number of SNPs (genes) being tested.


Fraction of the sample that are cases (default = 0.5).


Overall (family-wise) Type 1 error (default = 0.05).


Significance level at which testing during the first stage (screening) takes place. If alpha1 = 1, there is no screening.


The routine computes power calculations for a two-stage procedure with marginal screening followed by either case-control or case-only testing.


A data frame consisting of two numbers: the power for the case-control and case-only approaches if n is specified or the required combined sample size for the case-control and case-only approaches if power is specified.


Charles Kooperberg, [email protected]


Kooperberg C, LeBlanc M (2008). Increasing the power of identifying gene x gene interactions in genome-wide association studies. Genetic Epidemiology, 32, 255-263.

See Also



mod1 <- list(prev=0.05, pGene1=0.3, pGene2=0.3, beta.LOR=c(0,0,.6),nSNP=500000)



This function is depreciated and has been replaced by powerGG and powerGE




An error message is printed


Charles Kooperberg, [email protected]

See Also


