Package 'poweRbal'

Title: Phylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics
Description: The first goal of this package is to provide a multitude of tree models, i.e., functions that generate rooted binary trees with a given number of leaves. Second, the package allows for an easy evaluation and comparison of tree shape statistics by estimating their power to differentiate between different tree models. Please note that this R package was developed alongside the manuscript "Tree balance in phylogenetic models" by S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer (2024) <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2406.05185>, which provides further background and the respective mathematical definitions. This project was supported by the project ArtIGROW, which is a part of the WIR!-Alliance ArtIFARM – Artificial Intelligence in Farming funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (No. 03WIR4805).
Authors: Sophie Kersting [aut, cre] , Kristina Wicke [aut] , Mareike Fischer [aut]
Maintainer: Sophie Kersting <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Built: 2024-09-19 07:00:57 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Function to modify the node enumeration in rooted binary trees


enum2cladewise - Changes the node enumeration to cladewise enumeration, i.e., starting from the root we follow the rule:
Go to the left child; if that does not exist or was already visited go (up again and) to the right child.
The nodes in the rooted binary tree can be nearly arbitrarily enumerated (distinct nodes should have distinct values and the values should be positive, i.e., >0).


enum2cladewise(phy, root = NULL)



A rooted binary tree of class phylo.


Integer value (default = NULL) that should only be specified if the root is known precisely (not necessary, but speeds up computation).


enum2cladewise A single tree of class phylo is returned with cladewise node enumeration.


# Example with cladewise enumeration:
phy_alreadycladew <- list(edge = matrix(c(6,7, 7,8, 8,1, 8,2,
                                          7,9, 9,3, 9,4, 6,5),
                                 byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2),
                          tip.label = rep(" ",5), Nnode = 4)
attr(phy_alreadycladew, "class") <- "phylo"
enum2cladewise(phy_alreadycladew, root = 6)$edge
# Example with other node enumeration:
phy_example <- list(edge = matrix(c(1,55, 55,12, 12,2, 12,10, 55,9,
                                    9,13, 9,60, 1,3),
                                  byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2),
                    tip.label = rep(" ",5), Nnode = 4,
                    edge.length = rep(1, 8))
attr(phy_example, "class") <- "phylo"
# The reenumeration works with and without specifying the root:
enum2cladewise(phy_example, root = 1)$edge

Generation of rooted binary trees under Aldous' beta splitting model


genAldousBetaTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the Aldous beta model. The Aldous beta model is not a rate-based incremental evolutionary (tree) construction and thus cannot generate edge lengths, only a topology. Instead, the Aldous beta model works as follows: The idea is to start with the root and the set of its descendant leaves, i.e., all n leaves. Then, this set is partitioned into two subsets according to a density function dependent on the parameter beta. The two resulting subsets contain the leaves of the two maximal pending subtrees of the root, respectively. The same procedure is then applied to the root's children and their respective subsets, and so forth.


genAldousBetaTree(n, BETA)



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Numeric value >=-2 which specifies how the leaf sets are partitioned. For certain choices of BETA the Aldous beta model coincides with known models:

  • BETA = 0: Yule model

  • BETA = -3/2: PDA model (all phylogenies equally probable)

  • BETA = -2: Caterpillar with n leaves


genAldousBetaTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • D. Aldous. Probability Distributions on Cladograms. In Random Discrete Structures, pages 1–18. Springer New York, 1996.


genAldousBetaTree(n = 5, BETA = 1)

Generation of rooted binary trees under the alternative birth-death model


genAltBirthDeathTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the alternative birth-death model. In the alternative birth-death process all species have the same speciation BIRTHRATE and extinction rates DEATHRATE. Extinct species remain as fossils inside the tree with zero speciation and extinction rates.


genAltBirthDeathTree(n, BIRTHRATE = 1, DEATHRATE = 0, TRIES = 5)



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Positive numeric value (default = 1) which specifies the rate at which the speciation events occur.


Positive numeric value (default = 0) which specifies the rate at which the extinction events occur.


Integer value (default = 5) that specifies the number of attempts to generate a tree with n leaves.


genAltBirthDeathTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models. arXiv:2406.05185, 2024.

  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models: Supplementary material., 2024.


genAltBirthDeathTree(n = 7, DEATHRATE = 1)

Generation of rooted binary trees under the BiSSE model


genBiSSETree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the BiSSE model. In the BiSSE model all species have a state, either A or B, and depending on the state a speciation rate BIRTHRATES, an extinction rate DEATHRATES as well as a transition rate to the other state TRANSRATES.
Extinct species are removed from the tree, i.e., the generated tree contains only species living at the present.


  BIRTHRATES = c(1, 1),
  DEATHRATES = c(0, 0),
  TRIES = 5,
  TIMEperTRY = 0.1



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Numeric vector (default = c(1,1)) which specifies the speciation rates in state A and B (vector with 2 values >=0, one value >0).


Numeric vector (default = c(0,0)) which specifies the extinction rates in state A and B (vector with 2 values >=0).


Numeric vector which specifies the transition rates from A to B and from B to A (vector with 2 values >0).


Integer value (default = 5) that specifies the number of attempts to generate a tree with n leaves.


Numeric value (default = 0.1) that specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) invested per try.


genBiSSETree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • This function uses the tree.bisse function of the diversitree package (R. G. FitzJohn. Diversitree: Comparative Phylogenetic Analyses of Diversification in R. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(6):1084-1092, 2012).

  • W. P. Maddison, P. E. Midford, and S. P. Otto. Estimating a binary character’s effect on speciation and extinction. Systematic Biology, 56(5):701–710, 2007.


if (requireNamespace("diversitree", quietly = TRUE)) {
genBiSSETree(n = 5, BIRTHRATES = c(1,2), DEATHRATES = c(0,0),
             TRANSRATES = c(0.1,0.3))

Generation of the comb or caterpillar tree


genCombTree - Generates the rooted binary comb tree (also known as caterpillar tree) in phylo format with the given number of n leaves.





Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genCombTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • D. Aldous. Probability Distributions on Cladograms. In Random Discrete Structures, pages 1–18. Springer New York, 1996.


genCombTree(n = 6)

Generation of rooted binary trees under the density model


genDensityTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the density-dependent model. In the density-dependent tree generation process all species have the same speciation BIRTHRATE, but the extinction rates depend on the number of species (it increases linearly with the number of co-existing lineages until an equilibrium number is reached at which speciation and extinction rates are equal). Extinct species are removed from the tree, i.e., the generated tree contains only species living at the present.


genDensityTree(n, BIRTHRATE = 1, EQUILIB, TRIES = 5, TIMEperTRY = 0.01)



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Positive numeric value (default = 1) which specifies the rate at which the speciation events occur.


Integer value that specifies the equilibrium number.


Integer value (default = 5) that specifies the number of attempts to generate a tree with n leaves.


Numeric value (default = 0.01) that specifies the maximum amount of time (in seconds) invested per try.


genDensityTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • P. H. Harvey, R. M. May, and S. Nee. Phylogenies without fossils. Evolution, 48(3):523–529, 1994.


genDensityTree(n = 5, EQUILIB = 6)

Generation of rooted binary trees under the equiprobable-types-model (ETM)


genETMTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the equiprobable-types-model. Given n, all tree shapes/topologies with n leaves are equiprobable under the ETM.





Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genETMTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • This function uses the rtree(..., equiprob = T) function of the ape package (E. Paradis, K. Schliep. “ape 5.0: an environment for modern phylogenetics and evolutionary analyses in R.” Bioinformatics, 35, 526-528, 2019).


genETMTree(n = 5)

Generation of rooted binary trees under Ford's alpha model


genFordsAlphaTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under Ford's alpha model. Ford's alpha model is not a rate-based evolutionary (tree) construction and thus cannot generate edge lengths, only a topology. Instead, it works as follows: The idea is to start with a cherry and incrementally increase the size of the tree by adding a new leaf with a leaf edge to any edge (inner or leaf edge), one at a time. Given a tree with i leaves, then each of the i-1 inner edges (includes an additional root edge) is chosen with probability ALPHA/(i-ALPHA). Each of the i leaf edges is chosen with probability (1-ALPHA)/(i-ALPHA).


genFordsAlphaTree(n, ALPHA)



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Numeric value >=0 and <=1 which specifies the probabilities of picking an inner or a leaf edge. For certain choices of ALPHA Ford's alpha model coincides with known models:

  • ALPHA = 0: Yule model

  • ALPHA = 1/2: PDA model (all phylogenies equally probable)

  • ALPHA = 1: Caterpillar with n leaves


genFordsAlphaTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • D. J. Ford. Probabilities on cladograms: introduction to the alpha model, 2005.

  • G. Kaur, K. P. Choi, and T. Wu. Distributions of cherries and pitchforks for the Ford model. Theoretical Population Biology, 149:27–38, 2023.


genFordsAlphaTree(n = 5, ALPHA = 0.3)

Generation of the greedy from the bottom tree


genGFBTree - Generates the rooted binary greedy from the bottom tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves.





Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genGFBTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models. arXiv:2406.05185, 2024.

  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models: Supplementary material., 2024.


genGFBTree(n = 6)

Generation of rooted binary trees under tree growing models (no extinction)


genGrowTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under a specified discrete-time tree growing model without extinction. These tree growing models act at the leaves by varying their speciation rates according to a parameter ZETA or variance SIGMA. They may also depend on so-called trait values of the leaves (e.g., continuous or discrete age, or another numeric trait that affects fitness).
You may choose an already built-in model (see use_built_in) or specify a (new) model by defining how the rates (and optionally traits) change in every time step (see parameters childRates and otherRates as well as childTraits and otherTraits; see also Table 5 of the supplementary material of the corresponding manuscript).


  ZETA = 1,
  SIGMA = 0,
  childTraits = NULL,
  otherTraits = NULL,
  use_built_in = NULL



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Positive numeric value (default = 1) which specifies the initial rate at which the speciation events occur (has only influence on the edge length, not on the tree topology).


Numeric value (default = 10) which specifies the initial state of a trait.


Constant non-negative numeric value (default = 1) which can influence the speciation rates. Can also be a vector if used as such when defining the functions childRates, otherRates, childTraits, and otherTraits.


Constant positive numeric value (default = 0) which can influence the speciation rates. Can also be a vector if used as such when defining the functions childRates, otherRates, childTraits, and otherTraits.


A function that generates two speciation rates for the children emerging from a speciation event based on various factors.
Necessary if use_built_in is not specified. childTraits works similarly but is executed before childRates.
All available parameters are:

  • the starting rate sr,

  • the starting trait value st,

  • the parent's rate pr,

  • the parent's trait value pt,

  • the children's trait values ct (vector ct[1] and ct[2]),

  • the parameters zeta ze

  • and sigma si.

    All parameters have to appear in the function definition but not necessarily in the body of the function. Trait values are NA, if childTraits and otherTraits is not given.
    function (sr, st, pr, pt, ct, ze, si) return(c(pr*ze, pr*(1-ze))) for biased speciation.


A function that generates a new speciation rate for all leaves not affected by the speciation event (all but parent and children) based on various factors. The function is applied after the speciation event, i.e., after childRates/Traits.
Necessary if use_built_in is not specified. otherTraits works similarly.
All available parameters are:

  • the starting rate sr,

  • the starting trait value st,

  • the leaf's old rate or,

  • the leaf's old trait value ot,

  • the parameters zeta ze

  • and sigma si.

    All parameters have to appear in the function definition but not necessarily in the body of the function. Trait values are NA, if childTraits and otherTraits is not given.
    function (sr, st, or, ot, ze, si) return(or*ze) for age-step-based fertility.


An optional function (default = NULL) that generates two trait values for the children emerging from a speciation event based on various factors.
See childRates for available parameters (except ct) and explanations. Not necessary; is only applied if not NULL.
function (sr, st, pr, pt, ze, si) return(c(0, 0)) for age.


An optional function (default = NULL) that generates a new trait value for all leaves not affected by the speciation event (all but parent and children) based on various factors.
See otherRates for available parameters and explanations.
Not necessary; is only applied if not NULL.
function (sr, st, or, ot, ze, si) return(ot+1) for discrete age (age in time steps).


Optional (default = NULL): Character specifying which of the already implemented models should be used. Overwrites childRates, otherRates, childTraits, and otherTraits.
Here is a list of available models with their (abbreviated) underlying functions given in parentheses (in order childRates, otherRates; then childTraits and otherTraits if necessary):

  • "DCO_sym": Symmetric direct-children-only, ZETA>0 (c(sr ze, sr ze), sr)

  • "DCO_asym": Asymmetric direct-children-only, ZETA>0 (c(sz, pr), sr)

  • "IF_sym": Symmetric inherited fertility, ZETA>0 (c(pr ze, pr ze), or)

  • "IF_asym": Asymmetric inherited fertility, ZETA>0 (c(pr ze, pr), or)

  • "IF-diff": Unequal fertility inheritance, ZETA>=1 (c(2 pr ze / (ze+1), 2 pr / (ze+1)), or)

  • "biased": Biased speciation, ZETA >=0 and <=1 (c(pr ze, pr (1-ze)), or)

  • "ASB": Age-step-based fertility, ZETA>0 (c(sr, sr), or ze)

  • "simpleBrown_sym": Symmetric simple Brownian, SIGMA> =0 (c(max{pr+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si),1e-100}, max{pr+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si),1e-100}), or)

  • "simpleBrown_asym": Asymmetric simple Brownian, SIGMA>=0 (c(max{pr+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si),1e-100}, pr), or)

  • "lin-Brown_sym": Sym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian, SIGMA vector with two values >=0
    (c(10^(log(ct[1])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1])), 10^(log(ct[2])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1]))), or;
    c(max{pt + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]),1e-100}, max{pt + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]),1e-100}), ot)

  • "lin-Brown_asym": Asym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian, SIGMA vector with two values >=0
    (c(10^(log(ct[1])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1])), pr), or;
    c(max{pt + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]),1e-100}, pt, ot)

  • "lin-Brown-bounded_sym": Bounded sym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian, SIGMA vector with two values >=0, STARTING_TRAIT is automatically set to 10
    (c(10^(log(ct[1])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1])), 10^(log(ct[2])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1]))), or;
    c(min{max{pt + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]),1e-100},20}, min{max{pt + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]),1e-100},20}), ot)

  • "lin-Brown-bounded_asym": Bounded asym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian, SIGMA vector with two values >=0
    (c(10^(log(ct[1])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1])), pr), or;
    c(min{max{pt + rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]),1e-100},20}, pt), ot)

  • "log-Brown_sym": Sym. punctuated(-intermittent) log-Brownian, SIGMA vector with two values >=0
    (c(10^(log(ct[1])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1])), 10^(log(ct[2])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1]))), or;
    c(10^(log(pt)+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2])), 10^(log(pt)+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2]))), ot)

  • "log-Brown_asym": Asym. punctuated(-intermittent) log-Brownian, SIGMA vector with two values >=0
    (c(10^(log(ct[1])+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[1])), pr), or;
    10^(c(log(pt)+ rnorm(1, mean=0, sd=si[2])), pt), ot)


genGrowTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models. arXiv:2406.05185, 2024.

  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models: Supplementary material., 2024.

  • M. G. B. Blum and O. Francois. On statistical tests of phylogenetic tree imbalance: the Sackin and other indices revisited. Mathematical Biosciences, 195(2):141–153, 2005.

  • S. B. Heard. Patterns in phylogenetic tree balance with variable and evolving speciation rates. Evolution, 50(6):2141–2148, 1996.

  • S. J. Kersting. Genetic programming as a means for generating improved tree balance indices (Master’s thesis, University of Greifswald), 2020.

  • M. Kirkpatrick and M. Slatkin. Searching for evolutionary patterns in the shape of a phylogenetic tree. Evolution, 47(4):1171–1181, 1993.


genGrowTree(n = 5, use_built_in = "IF_sym", ZETA = 2)

Generation of the maximally balanced tree


genMBTree - Generates the rooted binary maximally balanced tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves.





Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genMBTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models. arXiv:2406.05185, 2024.

  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models: Supplementary material., 2024.


genMBTree(n = 6)

Generation of rooted binary trees under the PDA model


genPDATree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the proportional-to-distinguishable-arrangements model. Given n, all phylogenies (trees with labeled leaves) with n leaves are equiprobable under the PDA.





Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genPDATree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • This function uses the rtopology(..., rooted = T) function of the ape package (E. Paradis, K. Schliep. “ape 5.0: an environment for modern phylogenetics and evolutionary analyses in R.” Bioinformatics, 35, 526-528, 2019).

  • D. E. Rosen. Vicariant patterns and historical explanation in biogeography. Systematic Zoology, 27(2):159, 1978.


genPDATree(n = 5)

Generation of rooted binary trees under a given tree model


genTrees - Is a wrapper function that generates Ntrees-many rooted binary trees with the given number of n leaves under any tree model tm contained in this package (more details on the available models are given in the parameter information for tm).


genTrees(n, Ntrees = 1L, tm)



Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiPhylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


Integer value (default = 1) that specifies the desired number of generated trees.


Character or list specifying the tree model under which the trees should be generated as well as their parameters. Available are:

  • "yule" - Yule model.

  • "pda" - PDA model.

  • "etm" - ETM.

  • list("aldous", BETA) - Aldous' beta splitting model with parameter BETA >= -2.

  • list("ford", ALPHA) - Ford's alpha model with parameter ALPHA >= 0 and <= 1.

  • list("alt-birth-death", BIRTHRATE, DEATHRATE) or
    list("alt-birth-death", BIRTHRATE, DEATHRATE, TRIES) - Alternative birth-death model with parameters BIRTHRATE >0 and DEATHRATE>= 0.

  • list("density", BIRTHRATE, EQUILIB) or
    list("density", BIRTHRATE, EQUILIB, TRIES, TIMEperTRY) - Density dependent model with parameters BIRTHRATE >0 and EQULIB>= 1.

    list("BiSSE", BIRTHRATES, DEATHRATES, TRANSRATES, TRIES, TIMEperTRY) - BiSSE model with parameters BIRTHRATES (vector with 2 values >=0, one value >0), DEATHRATES (vector with 2 values >=0), and TRANSRATES (vector with 2 values >=0, one value >0).

  • list("DCO_sym", ZETA) or
    list("DCO_sym", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Symmetric direct-children-only with parameter ZETA > 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("DCO_asym", ZETA) or
    list("DCO_asym", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Asymmetric direct-children-only with parameter ZETA > 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("IF_sym", ZETA) or
    list("IF_sym", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Symmetric inherited fertility with parameter ZETA > 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("IF_asym", ZETA) or
    list("IF_asym", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Asymmetric inherited fertility with parameter ZETA > 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("IF-diff", ZETA) or
    list("IF-diff", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Unequal fertility inheritance with parameter ZETA >= 1 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("biased", ZETA) or
    list("biased", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Biased speciation with parameter ZETA >=0 and <=1 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("ASB", ZETA) or
    list("ASB", ZETA, STARTING_RATE) - Age-step-based fertility with parameter ZETA > 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("simpleBrown_sym", SIGMA) or
    list("simpleBrown_sym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE) - Symmetric simple Brownian with parameter SIGMA >= 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("simpleBrown_asym", SIGMA) or
    list("simpleBrown_asym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE) - Asymmetric simple Brownian with parameter SIGMA >= 0 and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1).

  • list("lin-Brown_sym", SIGMA) or
    list("lin-Brown_sym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE, STARTING_TRAIT) - Sym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian with parameter SIGMA (vector with 2 values >=0) and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1) and STARTING_TRAIT (default = 10).

  • list("lin-Brown_asym", SIGMA) or
    list("lin-Brown_asym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE, STARTING_TRAIT) - Asym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian with parameter SIGMA (vector with 2 values >=0) and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1) and STARTING_TRAIT (default = 10).

  • list("lin-Brown-bounded_sym", SIGMA) or
    list("lin-Brown-bounded_sym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE, STARTING_TRAIT) - Bounded sym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian with parameter SIGMA (vector with 2 values >=0) and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1) and STARTING_TRAIT (default = 10).

  • list("lin-Brown-bounded_asym", SIGMA) or
    list("lin-Brown-bounded_asym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE, STARTING_TRAIT) - Bounded asym. punctuated(-intermittent) linear-Brownian with parameter SIGMA (vector with 2 values >=0) and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1) and STARTING_TRAIT (default = 10).

  • list("log-Brown_sym", SIGMA) or
    list("log-Brown_sym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE, STARTING_TRAIT) - Sym. punctuated(-intermittent) log-Brownian with parameter SIGMA (vector with 2 values >=0) and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1) and STARTING_TRAIT (default = 10).

  • list("log-Brown_asym", SIGMA) or
    list("log-Brown_asym", SIGMA, STARTING_RATE, STARTING_TRAIT) - Asym. punctuated(-intermittent) log-Brownian with parameter SIGMA (vector with 2 values >=0) and optionally STARTING_RATE > 0 (default = 1) and STARTING_TRAIT (default = 10).

    More information on each model and their parameters can be found in the description of each model, accessible with ?genYuleTree, ?genPDATree, ?genETMTree, ?genAldousBetaTree, ?genFordsAlphaTree,
    ?genBirthDeathTree, ?genAltBirthDeathTree, ?genGrowTree.


genTrees If Ntrees is 1, then a single tree of class phylo is returned. If Ntrees is larger than 1, a list of class multiPhylo containing the trees of class phylo is returned.


  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models. arXiv:2406.05185, 2024.

  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models: Supplementary material., 2024.


genTrees(n = 5, Ntrees = 2, tm = list("aldous", 1))
genTrees(n = 5, tm = "pda")

Generation of rooted binary trees under the Yule model


genYuleTree - Generates a rooted binary tree in phylo format with the given number of n leaves under the Yule model. The Yule process is a simple birth-process in which all species have the same speciation rate.





Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.
Due to the restrictions of the phylo or multiphylo format, the number of leaves must be at least 2 since there must be at least one edge.


genYuleTree A single tree of class phylo is returned.


  • This function uses the rtree function of the ape package (E. Paradis, K. Schliep. “ape 5.0: an environment for modern phylogenetics and evolutionary analyses in R.” Bioinformatics, 35, 526-528, 2019).

  • G. U. Yule. A mathematical theory of evolution, based on the conclusions of Dr. J. C. Willis, F. R. S. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Containing Papers of a Biological Character, 213(402-410):21–87, 1925.

  • E. F. Harding. The probabilities of rooted tree-shapes generated by random bifurcation. Advances in Applied Probability, 3(1):44–77, 1971.


genYuleTree(n = 5)

Functions for computing the region of acceptance


getAccRegion - Computes the region of acceptance based on quantiles for a specified level of significance and method.

getAccRegion_sampled - Computes a sampling-based region of acceptance for the given null model based on quantiles for a specified level of significance and method.

getAccRegion_exact - Computes the exact region of acceptance for the given null model based on quantiles for a specified level of significance and method. Currently, this is only implemented for null_model = "yule" or "pda", and n<=20.

computeAccRegion - Computes the bounds of the region of acceptance given the empirical distribution function (specified by the unique values and their probabilities under the null model) for specified cut-offs (e.g., 0.025 on both sides for a symmetric two-tailed test). For values strictly outside of the interval the null hypothesis is rejected.
This function also computes the probabilities to reject the null hypothesis if the value equals the lower or upper bound of the region of acceptance. This probability is 0 for correction method "none" and for "small-sample" it ensures that the probability of rejection exactly corresponds with the specified cut-offs.


  null_model = "yule",
  distribs = "exact_if_possible",
  N_null = 10000L,
  N_alt = 1000L,
  N_intervals = 1000L,
  test_type = "two-tailed",
  correction = "small-sample",
  sig_lvl = 0.05

  null_model = "yule",
  N_alt = 1000L,
  N_intervals = 1000L,
  test_type = "two-tailed",
  correction = "small-sample",
  sig_lvl = 0.05

  null_model = "yule",
  N_alt = 1000L,
  N_intervals = 1000L,
  test_type = "two-tailed",
  correction = "small-sample",
  sig_lvl = 0.05




Vector containing the names (as character) of the tree shape statistics that should be compared. You may either use the short names provided in tssInfo to use the already included TSS, or use the name of a list object containing similar information as the entries in tssInfo. Example:
Use "new_tss" as the name for the list object new_tss containing at least the function new_tss$func = function(tree){...}, and optionally also the information new_tss$short, new_tss$simple, new_tss$name, new_tss$type, new_tss$only_binary, and new_tss$safe_n.


The null model that is to be used to determine the power of the tree shape statistics. In general, it must be a function that produces rooted binary trees in phylo format.
If the respective model is included in this package, then specify the model and its parameters by using a character or list. Available are all options listed under parameter tm in the documentation of function genTrees (type ?genTrees).
If you want to include your own tree model, then use the name of a list object containing the function (with the two input parameters n and Ntrees). Example:
Use "new_tm" for the list object new_tm <- list(func = function(n, Ntrees){...}).


Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.


Determines how the distributions (and with that the bounds of the critical region) are computed. Available are:

  • "exact_if_possible" (default): Tries to compute the exact distribution under the null model if possible. Currently, this is only implemented for null_model = "yule", "pda", or "etm", and n<=20. In all other cases the distribution is approximated by sampling N_null many trees under the null model as in the option "sampled" below.

  • "sampled": N_null many trees are sampled under the null model to approximate the distribution.


Sample size (integer >=10) if distributions are sampled (default = 10000L).


Sample size (integer >=10) for the alternative models to estimate the power (default = 1000L). Only needed here if the test_type is "two-tailed-unbiased".


Number (integer >=3, default = 1000L) of different quantile/cut-off pairs investigated as potential bounds of the region of acceptance. This parameter is only necessary if the test_type is "two-tailed-unbiased".


Determines the method. Available are:

  • "two-tailed" (default): The lower and upper bound of the region of acceptance are determined based on the (empirical) distribution function such that P(TSS < lower bound) <= sig_lvl/2 and P(TSS > upper bound) <= sig_lvl/2. See parameter correction for specifying how conservative the test should be: the null hypothesis can either be rejected only if the values are strictly outside of this region of acceptance (can be too conservative) or it can also be rejected (with certain probabilities) if the value equals the lower or upper bound.

  • "two-tailed-unbiased": Experimental - Use with caution!
    The region of acceptance is optimized to yield an unbiased test, i.e., a test that identifies non-null models with a probability of at least sig_lvl. The region of acceptance is determined similar to the default method. However, it need not be symmetrical, i.e., not necessarily cutting off sig_lvl/2 on both sides. Also see parameter correction for specifying how conservative the test should be.


Specifies the desired correction method. Available are:

  • "small-sample" (default): This method tries to ensure that the critical region, i.e., the range of values for which the null hypothesis is rejected, is as close to sig_lvl as possible (compared with "none" below, which can be too conservative). The idea is that the null hypothesis is also rejected with certain probabilities if the value matches a bound of the region of acceptance.

  • "none": No correction method is applied. With that the test might be slightly too conservative as the null hypothesis is maintained if the values are >= the lower and <= the upper bound.


Level of significance (default=0.05, must be >0 and <1).


Numeric vector containing all the unique values under the null model.


Numeric vector containing the corresponding probabilities of the unique values under the null model.


Numeric value (>=0, <1) specifying the cut-off of the distribution for the lower bound of the region of acceptance. The sum of the two cut-offs must be <1.


Numeric value (>=0, <1) specifying the cut-off of the distribution for the upper bound of the region of acceptance. The sum of the two cut-offs must be <1.


getAccRegion Numeric matrix (one row per TSS) with four columns: The first two columns contain the interval limits of the region of acceptance, i.e., we reject the null hypothesis for values strictly outside of this interval. The third and fourth columns contain the probabilities to reject the null hypothesis if values equal the lower or upper bound, respectively.

getAccRegion_sampled Numeric matrix (one row per TSS) with four columns - similar as getAccRegion.

getAccRegion_exact Numeric matrix (one row per TSS) with four columns - similar as getAccRegion.

computeAccRegion Numeric vector with four columns - similar as getAccRegion.


getAccRegion(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"), n = 6L)
getAccRegion(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"), n = 6L, null_model = "etm",
             N_null = 20L, correction = "none", distribs = "sampled")
getAccRegion(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"), n = 6L, N_null = 20L,
             test_type = "two-tailed-unbiased", N_intervals = 5L,
             N_alt = 10L)
getAccRegion_sampled(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"), n = 6L,
                     N_null = 20L, correction = "none")
getAccRegion_exact(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
                   null_model = "etm", n = 8L)
computeAccRegion(unique_null_vals = c(1,2,3,4,5),
                 unique_null_probs = c(0.1,0.4,0.1,0.2,0.2),
                 correction = "small-sample",
                 cutoff_left = 0.15, cutoff_right = 0.15)

Function for computing the power given the region of acceptance


getPowerMultTSS - Computes the power of one or multiple TSS by calculating the proportion of values outside the region of acceptance for a single alternative model.


getPowerMultTSS(accept_regions, alt_data)



Numeric matrix (one row per TSS) with two or four columns: The first two columns contain the interval limits of the region of acceptance, i.e., we reject the null hypothesis for values strictly outside of this interval. The third and fourth columns contain the probabilities to reject the null hypothesis if values equal the lower or upper bound, respectively. If the last two columns are missing they are interpreted as zeroes. See return value of getAccRegion().


Numeric matrix (one row per TSS) with values under the alternative model. If there is only one TSS, then it can be a simple vector of values instead (returns a single unnamed value).


getPowerMultTSS A vector containing the power regarding the given TSS (retains row names of accept_regions).


# Example with small data (with/without third and fourth column):
getPowerMultTSS(accept_regions = c(2,3, 0,0), alt_data = c(1,2,4,5))
getPowerMultTSS(accept_regions = c(2,3, 0.5,1), alt_data = c(1,2,4,5))
# Example with multiple rows/TSS:
getPowerMultTSS(accept_regions = matrix(c(2,3,0,0,
                                   nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
                                   dimnames = list(c("TSS1", "TSS2"), NULL)),
                alt_data = matrix(c(  1,2,3,4,
                                  nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE,
                                  dimnames = list(c("TSS1", "TSS2"), NULL)))
# Example with generated TSS data:
getPowerMultTSS(accept_regions = getAccRegion(tss = c("Colless","SNI"),
                                              n = 6L),
                alt_data = getTSSdata(tss = c("Colless", "SNI"), n = 6L,
                                      Ntrees = 20L, tm = list("aldous", -1)))

Functions for generating the TSS data under a tree model


getTSSdata - Compute the tree shape statistics of trees generated under a tree model for each given TSS.

getTSSdata_trees - Compute the tree shape statistics for each given TSS and all given trees.


getTSSdata(tss, n, Ntrees = 1L, tm)

getTSSdata_trees(tss, treeList)



Vector containing the names (as character) of the tree shape statistics that should be compared. You may either use the short names provided in tssInfo to use the already included TSS, or use the name of a list object containing similar information as the entries in tssInfo. Example:
Use "new_tss" as the name for the list object new_tss containing at least the function new_tss$func = function(tree){...}, and optionally also the information new_tss$short, new_tss$simple, new_tss$name, new_tss$type, new_tss$only_binary, and new_tss$safe_n.


Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.


Integer value (default = 1) that specifies the desired number of generated trees.


If the respective model is included in this package, then specify the model and its parameters by using a character or list. Available are all options listed under parameter tm in the documentation of function genTrees (type ?genTrees).
If you want to include your own tree model, then use the name of a list object containing the function (with the two input parameters n and Ntrees). Example:
Use "new_tm" for the list object new_tm <- list(func = function(n, Ntrees){...}).


List of trees of class multiphylo.


getTSSdata Numeric matrix of TSS values (one row per TSS).

getTSSdata_trees Numeric matrix of TSS values (one row per TSS).


# Example using tree models and TSS included in this package:
getTSSdata(tss = c("Colless", "Sackin"), n = 5L, Ntrees = 3L,
           tm = list("aldous", -1))
# Example using a "new" tree model and a "new" TSS provided by the user:
my_aldous <- list(func = function(n, Ntrees){
                        trees <- lapply(1:Ntrees,
                           function(x){genAldousBetaTree(n = n, BETA =5L)})
                        attr(trees, "class") <- "multiPhylo"
my_avd <- list(func = treebalance::avgVertDep, short = "My AVD")
getTSSdata(tss = c("Colless", "my_avd"), n = 5L, Ntrees = 3L,
           tm = "my_aldous")
# Example using TSS provided in tssInfo.
getTSSdata_trees(tss = c("Colless", "Sackin"),
           treeList = genTrees(n = 5L, Ntrees = 3L, tm = "yule"))
# Example using a "new" TSS provided by the user.
my_avd <- list(func = treebalance::avgVertDep, short = "My AVD")
getTSSdata_trees(tss = c("Colless", "my_avd"),
           treeList = genTrees(n = 5L, Ntrees = 3L,
                               tm = list("IF_sym", 2)))

Get information on included tree shape statistics


getTSSnames - Returns the full names (character/expression) of the TSS.

getTSSsimple - Returns the simple names (character/expression) of the TSS.

getTSScolors - Returns the colors of the TSS.

getTSSsafe_n - Returns the ranges of n that can be safely used.

getTSStype - Returns the types of the TSS, i.e., whether they are balance or imbalance indices, or simple tree shape statistics.

getTSSonly_bin - Returns TRUE/FALSE vector: TRUE if TSS is only for binary trees and FALSE otherwise.

getAllTSS - Returns the short names of all TSS that are safe to use for the specified n, have one of the specified types and can be applied to (non-)binary trees (not_only_bin).








getAllTSS(n = NULL, not_only_bin = FALSE, types = c("tss", "bali", "imbali"))



Vector of short names (characters) of TSS contained in tssInfo.


Integer value or vector of integer values, that specifies the number(s) of leaves. If NULL (default), then getAllSafeTSS returns the short names of all TSS contained in tssInfo.


Select TRUE if you also want to analyze non-binary trees and therefore want to filter out any TSS that only work on binary trees. Otherwise, select FALSE (default) if all TSS are applicable.


Character vector, that specifies all permissible TSS types. The vector may contain a subset of c("tss", "bali", "imbali") to indicate if balance indices, imbalance indices or mere TSS should be included. By default all types are permissible.


getTSSnames Vector of characters/expressions.

getTSSsimple Vector of characters/expressions.

getTSScolors Vector of characters (color names).

getTSSsafe_n Numeric matrix, one row per TSS and two columns with lower and upper limit.

getTSStype Vector of characters (types as factors).

getTSSonly_bin Logical vector.

getAllTSS Character vector of short names of TSS contained in tssInfo.


getTSSnames(tss_shorts = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"))
getTSSsimple(tss_shorts = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"))
getTSScolors(tss_shorts = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"))
getTSSsafe_n(tss_shorts = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"))
getTSStype(tss_shorts = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"))
getTSSonly_bin(tss_shorts = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"))
getAllTSS(n = c(3,30))

Plot method for poweRbal_data objects


This function generates a plot for an object of class poweRbal_data. Creates a bar plot if alt_model_params and x$alt_model_params = NULL and a line plot otherwise if this information is given.


## S3 method for class 'poweRbal_data'
  tss_names = NULL,
  tss_colors = NULL,
  sig_lvl = NULL,
  legend_pos = "topright",
  alt_model_names = NULL,
  alt_model_params = NULL,
  tss_ltys = NULL,
  alt_model_family = NULL,



An object of class poweRbal_data, which is a list containing one mandatory element, power, and several optional elements:

  • power: A numeric matrix containing the power values (one row per TSS and one column per alternative model).

  • accept_regions: A numeric matrix containing information on the region of acceptance (one row per TSS and four columns).

  • CIradius: A numeric matrix containing the confidence interval radii (one row per TSS and one column per alternative model).

  • actual_sample_sizes: A numeric vector containing the actual sample sizes under each alternative model, as some models do not always successfully generate trees.

  • alt_model_params: A numeric vector (one element per alternative model) containing the values of a tree model parameter. This is only suitable if the alternative models all belong to the same tree model family and differ only in one parameter.

  • Other input data from the powerComp() function, such as tss, null_model, alt_models, n, distribs, N_null, N_alt, test_type, correction, and sig_lvl.


Vector of characters/expression of the TSS names (default = NULL). If none are provided, x$tss is used for the names of the TSS if existent and otherwise the row names of x$power are used.


Vector of colors for the TSS (default = NULL).


Level of significance (default=0.05, must be >0 and <1) depicted as a dashed horizontal line. Not depicted if set to NULL.


Character specifying where the legend is displayed (default = "topright"). No legend is displayed if set to NULL.


Vector of characters/expression of the model names (default = NULL). If none are provided, the column names of x$power are used as names for the models.
Only used if alt_model_params and x$alt_model_params = NULL.


Numeric vector containing the parameter values of the representatives of the tree model (default = NULL). If none are provided, x$alt_model_params is used if existent.


Vector of line types for the TSS (default = NULL).
Not used if alt_model_params and x$alt_model_params = NULL.


Vector of characters/expressions of the name of the tree model family and of the parameter (default = NULL), e.g. c("Aldous\'", expression(beta)). If none is provided, the first column name of x$power is used.
Not used if alt_model_params and x$alt_model_params = NULL.


Additional arguments passed to the plot function.


plot.poweRbal_data No return value, as the primary purpose of this function is the side effect (plotting).


# Plotting a 'poweRbal_data' object:
pc1 <- powerComp(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
                 alt_models = list(list("aldous",-1), "pda", "etm"),
                 n = 8L, N_null = 40L, N_alt = 20L)
# Plotting a power comparison with a tree model family
pc2 <- powerComp(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
               alt_models = list(list("aldous", -1.5),
                                 list("aldous", -1),list("aldous", -0.5),
                                 list("aldous", 0),list("aldous", 0.5)),
               n=20L, N_null = 20L, N_alt = 10L, distribs = "sampled")
# Create a bar plot or ...
# ... a line plot by specifying 'alt_model_params'.
plot(pc2, alt_model_params = c(-1.5,-1,-0.5,0,0.5),
     tss_names = getTSSnames(c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I")),
     tss_colors = getTSScolors(c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I")),
     alt_model_family = c("Aldous\'", expression(beta)),
     ylim = c(0,1))

Comparison of the power of TSS under different models


powerComp - Compare the power of a set of TSS to identify trees generated under different alternative models given a null model.

powerComp_RegAcc - Compare the power of a set of TSS to identify trees generated under different alternative models given a the region(s) of acceptance.


  null_model = "yule",
  distribs = "exact_if_possible",
  N_null = 10000L,
  N_alt = 1000L,
  test_type = "two-tailed",
  correction = "small-sample",
  sig_lvl = 0.05

  distribs = "exact_if_possible",
  N_null = 10000L,
  N_alt = 1000L,
  test_type = "two-tailed",
  correction = "small-sample",
  sig_lvl = 0.05



Vector containing the names (as character) of the tree shape statistics that should be compared. You may either use the short names provided in tssInfo to use the already included TSS, or use the name of a list object containing similar information as the entries in tssInfo. Example:
Use "new_tss" as the name for the list object new_tss containing at least the function new_tss$func = function(tree){...}, and optionally also the information new_tss$short, new_tss$simple, new_tss$name, new_tss$type, new_tss$only_binary, and new_tss$safe_n.


The null model that is to be used to determine the power of the tree shape statistics. In general, it must be a function that produces rooted binary trees in phylo format.
If the respective model is included in this package, then specify the model and its parameters by using a character or list. Available are all options listed under parameter tm in the documentation of function genTrees (type ?genTrees).
If you want to include your own tree model, then use the name of a list object containing the function (dependent on one parameter n). Example:
Use "new_tm" for the list object
new_tm <- list(func = function(n, Ntrees){...}).


List containing the alternative models that are to be used to determine the power of the tree shape statistics. Functions that produce rooted binary trees in phylo format. The information of each single model must be in the format described for null_model.


Integer value that specifies the desired number of leaves, i.e., vertices with in-degree 1 and out-degree 0.


Determines how the distributions (and with that the bounds of the critical region) are computed. Available are:

  • "exact_if_possible" (default): Tries to compute the exact distribution under the null model if possible. Currently, this is only implemented for null_model = "yule", "pda", or "etm", and n<=20. In all other cases the distribution is approximated by sampling N_null many trees under the null model as in the option "sampled" below.

  • "sampled": N_null many trees are sampled under the null model to approximate the distribution.


Sample size (integer >=10) if distributions are sampled (default = 10000L).


Sample size (integer >=10) for the alternative models to estimate the power (default = 1000L).


Determines the method. Available are:

  • "two-tailed" (default): The lower and upper bound of the region of acceptance are determined based on the (empirical) distribution function such that P(TSS < lower bound) <= sig_lvl/2 and P(TSS > upper bound) <= sig_lvl/2. See parameter correction for specifying how conservative the test should be: the null hypothesis can either be rejected only if the values are strictly outside of this region of acceptance (can be too conservative) or it can also be rejected (with certain probabilities) if the value equals the lower or upper bound.

  • "two-tailed-unbiased": Experimental - Use with caution!
    The region of acceptance is optimized to yield an unbiased test, i.e., a test that identifies non-null models with a probability of at least sig_lvl. The region of acceptance is determined similar to the default method. However, it need not be symmetrical, i.e., not necessarily cutting off sig_lvl/2 on both sides. Also see parameter correction for specifying how conservative the test should be.


Specifies the desired correction method. Available are:

  • "small-sample" (default): This method tries to ensure that the critical region, i.e. the range of values for which the null hypothesis is rejected, is as close to sig_lvl as possible (compared with "none" below, which can be too conservative). The idea is that the null hypothesis is also rejected with certain probabilities if the value matches the value of a quantile.

  • "none": No correction method is applied. With that the test might be slightly too conservative as the null hypothesis is maintained if the values is >= the lower and <= the upper quantile.


Level of significance (default = 0.05, must be >0 and <1).


Numeric matrix (one row per TSS) with two or four columns: The first two columns contain the interval limits of the region of acceptance, i.e., we reject the null hypothesis for values strictly outside of this interval. The third and fourth columns contain the probabilities to reject the null hypothesis if values equal the lower or upper bound, respectively. If the last two columns are missing they are interpreted as zeroes. See return value of getAccRegion().


powerComp Returns an object of class 'poweRbal_data' which is a list containing the following objects:

  • power: Numeric matrix containing the power values (one row per TSS and one column per alternative model).

  • accept_regions: Numeric matrix containing the information on the region of acceptance (one row per TSS and four columns).

  • CIradius: Numeric matrix containing the confidence interval radii (one row per TSS and one column per alternative model).

  • actual_sample_sizes: Numeric vector containing the actual sample sizes under each alternative model as some models do not always successfully generate trees.

  • other input data.

powerComp_RegAcc Returns an object of class 'poweRbal_data' similar to powerComp.


  • S. J. Kersting, K. Wicke, and M. Fischer. Tree balance in phylogenetic models. arXiv:2406.05185, 2024.


powerComp(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
          alt_models = list(list("aldous",-1), "pda", "etm"), n = 10L,
          distribs = "sampled", N_null = 40L, N_alt = 20L)
powerComp_RegAcc(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
          accept_regions = getAccRegion(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
                                        n = 6L, null_model = "etm",
                                        N_null = 20L, distribs = "sampled"),
          null_model = "etm", distribs = "sampled",
          alt_models = list(list("aldous",-1), "pda", "yule"), n = 6L,
          N_null = 20L, N_alt = 20L)

Print and summary method for poweRbal_data objects


This function prints the contents of an object of class poweRbal_data. It provides a brief summary of the object structure and its contents.

This function provides a summary of an object of class poweRbal_data. It offers a high-level overview of the contents and their structure.


## S3 method for class 'poweRbal_data'
print(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'poweRbal_data'
summary(object, ...)



An object of class poweRbal_data, which is a list containing one mandatory element, power, and several optional elements:

  • power: A numeric matrix containing the power values (one row per TSS and one column per alternative model).

  • accept_regions: A numeric matrix containing information on the region of acceptance (one row per TSS and four columns).

  • CIradius: A numeric matrix containing the confidence interval radii (one row per TSS and one column per alternative model).

  • actual_sample_sizes: A numeric vector containing the actual sample sizes under each alternative model, as some models do not always successfully generate trees.

  • alt_model_params: A numeric vector (one element per alternative model) containing the values of a tree model parameter. This is only suitable if the alternative models all belong to the same tree model family and differ only in one parameter.

  • Other input data from the powerComp() function, such as tss, null_model, alt_models, n, distribs, N_null, N_alt, test_type, correction, and sig_lvl.


Additional arguments passed to the print or summary function.


An object of class poweRbal_data (see x for more details).


print.poweRbal_data No return value, as the primary purpose of this function is the side effect (printing).

summary.poweRbal_data No return value, as the primary purpose of this function is the side effect (printing summary).


# Printing a 'poweRbal_data' object:
pc1 <- powerComp(tss = c("Sackin", "Colless", "B1I"),
                 alt_models = list(list("aldous",-1), "pda", "etm"),
                 n = 8L, N_null = 40L, N_alt = 20L)
# Summary of a 'poweRbal_data' object:

Function for displaying TSS distributions


showTSSdata - This function plots histograms of TSS data.


showTSSdata(tss_data, main = NULL, xlab = NULL, sig_lvl = 0.05, ...)



Numeric matrix of TSS values (one row per TSS). The row names are used as names for the TSS.


Title (default = NULL). A generic title is created by default.


Label of x-axis (default = NULL). A generic label is created by default.


Level of significance (default=0.05, must be >0 and <1).


Add further specifications for plot().


showTSSdata No return value, called for side effects (plotting).


showTSSdata(tss_data = getTSSdata_trees(tss = c("Colless", "Sackin"),
                treeList = lapply(1:20L, function(x) genYuleTree(10))),

Tree shape statistics


tssInfo - List that provides information on available tree shape statistics (TSS) from the package 'treebalance'. Most of them are either balance or imbalance indices. The indices are grouped by their families and otherwise sorted alphabetically by their full names.
The following information is provided:

  • short: Abbreviation of the name (plain characters).

  • simple: Simplified full name (plain characters).

  • name: Full name (partly expressions as some names use special symbols).

  • func: Function of the TSS.

  • type: Either "tss", "bali", or "imbali" expressing what type of tree shape statistic it is.

  • only_binary: TRUE if TSS is suitable only for binary trees, FALSE if also applicable to arbitrary rooted trees.

  • safe_n : Integer vector with two entries specifying the range of leaf numbers n for which the TSS can be (safely) used, without warnings for too few leaves or values reaching Inf for too many leaves.
    c(4,800), for example means that this TSS should only be applied on trees with 4 to 800 leaves. 'Inf' as the second entry means that there is no specific upper limit, but that the size of the tree itself and the computation time are the limiting factors.

  • col: Color for the TSS (related TSS have similar colors).




An object of class list of length 29.


  • M. Fischer, L.Herbst, S. J. Kersting, L. Kühn, and K. Wicke, Tree Balance Indices - A Comprehensive Survey. Springer, 2023. ISBN: 978-3-031-39799-8

