Title: | Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes |
Description: | Tools for data analysis with partially observed Markov process (POMP) models (also known as stochastic dynamical systems, hidden Markov models, and nonlinear, non-Gaussian, state-space models). The package provides facilities for implementing POMP models, simulating them, and fitting them to time series data by a variety of frequentist and Bayesian methods. It is also a versatile platform for implementation of inference methods for general POMP models. |
Authors: | Aaron A. King [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Aaron A. King <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 6.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-10 06:07:28 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The pomp package provides facilities for inference on time series data using partially-observed Markov process (POMP) models. These models are also known as state-space models, hidden Markov models, or nonlinear stochastic dynamical systems. One can use pomp to fit nonlinear, non-Gaussian dynamic models to time-series data. The package is both a set of tools for data analysis and a platform upon which statistical inference methods for POMP models can be implemented.
pomp provides algorithms for:
Simulation of stochastic dynamical systems;
see simulate
Particle filtering (AKA sequential Monte Carlo or sequential importance sampling);
see pfilter
and wpfilter
The iterated filtering methods of Ionides et al. (2006, 2011, 2015);
see mif2
The nonlinear forecasting algorithm of Kendall et al. (2005); see nlf.
The particle MCMC approach of Andrieu et al. (2010);
see pmcmc
The probe-matching method of Kendall et al. (1999, 2005); see probe_match.
Synthetic likelihood a la Wood (2010);
see probe
A spectral probe-matching method (Reuman et al. 2006, 2008); see spect_match.
Approximate Bayesian computation (Toni et al. 2009);
see abc
The approximate Bayesian sequential Monte Carlo scheme of Liu & West (2001);
see bsmc2
Ensemble and ensemble adjusted Kalman filters; see kalman.
Simple trajectory matching; see traj_match.
The package also provides various tools for plotting and extracting information on models and data.
pomp algorithms are arranged into several levels. At the top level, estimation algorithms estimate model parameters and return information needed for other aspects of inference. Elementary algorithms perform common operations on POMP models, including simulation, filtering, and application of diagnostic probes; these functions may be useful in inference, but they do not themselves perform estimation. At the lowest level, workhorse functions provide the interface to basic POMP model components. Beyond these, pomp provides a variety of auxiliary functions for manipulating and extracting information from ‘pomp’ objects, producing diagnostic plots, facilitating reproducible computations, and so on.
The basic structure at the heart of the package is the ‘pomp object’.
This is a container holding a time series of data (possibly multivariate) and a model.
The model is specified by specifying some or all of its basic model components.
One does this using the basic component arguments to the pomp
One can also add, modify, or delete basic model components “on the fly” in any pomp function that accepts them.
The package contains a number of examples. Some of these are included in the help pages. In addition, several pre-built POMP models are included with the package. Tutorials and other documentation, including a package FAQ, are available from the package website.
pomp homepage: https://kingaa.github.io/pomp/
Report bugs to: https://github.com/kingaa/pomp/issues
Frequently asked questions: https://kingaa.github.io/pomp/FAQ.html
User guides and tutorials: https://kingaa.github.io/pomp/docs.html
pomp news: https://kingaa.github.io/pomp/blog.html
Execute citation("pomp")
to view the correct citation for publications.
Aaron A. King
A. A. King, D. Nguyen, and E. L. Ionides. Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes via the R package pomp. Journal of Statistical Software 69(12), 1–43, 2016. doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i12. An updated version of this paper is available on the pomp package website.
See the package website for more references, including many publications that use pomp.
Useful links:
More on implementing POMP models:
More on pomp workhorse functions:
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
The approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithm for estimating the parameters of a partially-observed Markov process.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' abc( data, ..., Nabc = 1, proposal, scale, epsilon, probes, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, dprior, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' abc( data, ..., Nabc = 1, proposal, scale, epsilon, probes, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' abc(data, ..., probes, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' abc( data, ..., Nabc, proposal, scale, epsilon, probes, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' abc( data, ..., Nabc = 1, proposal, scale, epsilon, probes, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, dprior, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' abc( data, ..., Nabc = 1, proposal, scale, epsilon, probes, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' abc(data, ..., probes, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' abc( data, ..., Nabc, proposal, scale, epsilon, probes, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Nabc |
the number of ABC iterations to perform. |
proposal |
optional function that draws from the proposal distribution. Currently, the proposal distribution must be symmetric for proper inference: it is the user's responsibility to ensure that it is. Several functions that construct appropriate proposal function are provided: see MCMC proposals for more information. |
scale |
named numeric vector of scales. |
epsilon |
ABC tolerance. |
probes |
a single probe or a list of one or more probes. A probe is simply a scalar- or vector-valued function of one argument that can be applied to the data array of a ‘pomp’. A vector-valued probe must always return a vector of the same size. A number of useful probes are provided with the package: see basic probes. |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
dprior |
optional; prior distribution density evaluator, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
For more information, see prior specification.
Setting |
verbose |
logical; if |
returns an object of class ‘abcd_pomp’.
One or more ‘abcd_pomp’ objects can be joined to form an ‘abcList’ object.
To re-run a sequence of ABC iterations, one can use the abc
method on a ‘abcd_pomp’ object.
By default, the same parameters used for the original ABC run are re-used (except for verbose
, the default of which is shown above).
If one does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
One can continue a series of ABC iterations from where one left off using the continue
A call to abc
to perform Nabc=m
iterations followed by a call to continue
to perform Nabc=n
iterations will produce precisely the same effect as a single call to abc
to perform Nabc=m+n
By default, all the algorithmic parameters are the same as used in the original call to abc
Additional arguments will override the defaults.
The following can be applied to the output of an abc
repeats the calculation, beginning with the last state
continues the abc
produces a series of diagnostic plots
produces an mcmc
object, to which the various coda convergence diagnostics can be applied
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Edward L. Ionides, Aaron A. King
J.-M. Marin, P. Pudlo, C. P. Robert, and R. J. Ryder. Approximate Bayesian computational methods. Statistics and Computing 22, 1167–1180, 2012. doi:10.1007/s11222-011-9288-2.
T. Toni and M. P. H. Stumpf. Simulation-based model selection for dynamical systems in systems and population biology. Bioinformatics 26, 104–110, 2010. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btp619.
T. Toni, D. Welch, N. Strelkowa, A. Ipsen, and M. P. H. Stumpf. Approximate Bayesian computation scheme for parameter inference and model selection in dynamical systems. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 6, 187–202, 2009. doi:10.1098/rsif.2008.0172.
More on methods based on summary statistics:
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods:
More on Bayesian methods:
Latent state variables that accumulate quantities through time.
In formulating models, one sometimes wishes to define a state variable that will accumulate some quantity over the interval between successive observations.
pomp provides a facility to make such features more convenient.
Specifically, if is a state-variable named in the
's accumvars
argument, then for each interval ,
will be set to zero at prior to any
computation over that interval.
Deterministic trajectory computation is handled slightly differently:
see flow
For examples, see sir
and the tutorials on the package website.
More on implementing POMP models:
## A simple SIR model. ewmeas |> subset(time < 1952) |> pomp( times="time",t0=1948, rprocess=euler( Csnippet(" int nrate = 6; double rate[nrate]; // transition rates double trans[nrate]; // transition numbers double dW; // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(sigma^2 dt) dW = rgammawn(sigma,dt); // compute the transition rates rate[0] = mu*pop; // birth into susceptible class rate[1] = (iota+Beta*I*dW/dt)/pop; // force of infection rate[2] = mu; // death from susceptible class rate[3] = gamma; // recovery rate[4] = mu; // death from infectious class rate[5] = mu; // death from recovered class // compute the transition numbers trans[0] = rpois(rate[0]*dt); // births are Poisson reulermultinom(2,S,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1]); reulermultinom(2,I,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3]); reulermultinom(1,R,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5]); // balance the equations S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2]; I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4]; R += trans[3]-trans[5]; "), delta.t=1/52/20 ), rinit=Csnippet(" double m = pop/(S_0+I_0+R_0); S = nearbyint(m*S_0); I = nearbyint(m*I_0); R = nearbyint(m*R_0); "), paramnames=c("mu","pop","iota","gamma","Beta","sigma", "S_0","I_0","R_0"), statenames=c("S","I","R"), params=c(mu=1/50,iota=10,pop=50e6,gamma=26,Beta=400,sigma=0.1, S_0=0.07,I_0=0.001,R_0=0.93) ) -> ew1 ew1 |> simulate() |> plot(variables=c("S","I","R")) ## A simple SIR model that tracks cumulative incidence. ew1 |> pomp( rprocess=euler( Csnippet(" int nrate = 6; double rate[nrate]; // transition rates double trans[nrate]; // transition numbers double dW; // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(sigma^2 dt) dW = rgammawn(sigma,dt); // compute the transition rates rate[0] = mu*pop; // birth into susceptible class rate[1] = (iota+Beta*I*dW/dt)/pop; // force of infection rate[2] = mu; // death from susceptible class rate[3] = gamma; // recovery rate[4] = mu; // death from infectious class rate[5] = mu; // death from recovered class // compute the transition numbers trans[0] = rpois(rate[0]*dt); // births are Poisson reulermultinom(2,S,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1]); reulermultinom(2,I,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3]); reulermultinom(1,R,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5]); // balance the equations S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2]; I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4]; R += trans[3]-trans[5]; H += trans[3]; // cumulative incidence "), delta.t=1/52/20 ), rmeasure=Csnippet(" double mean = H*rho; double size = 1/tau; reports = rnbinom_mu(size,mean); "), rinit=Csnippet(" double m = pop/(S_0+I_0+R_0); S = nearbyint(m*S_0); I = nearbyint(m*I_0); R = nearbyint(m*R_0); H = 0; "), paramnames=c("mu","pop","iota","gamma","Beta","sigma","tau","rho", "S_0","I_0","R_0"), statenames=c("S","I","R","H"), params=c(mu=1/50,iota=10,pop=50e6,gamma=26, Beta=400,sigma=0.1,tau=0.001,rho=0.6, S_0=0.07,I_0=0.001,R_0=0.93) ) -> ew2 ew2 |> simulate() |> plot() ## A simple SIR model that tracks weekly incidence. ew2 |> pomp(accumvars="H") -> ew3 ew3 |> simulate() |> plot()
## A simple SIR model. ewmeas |> subset(time < 1952) |> pomp( times="time",t0=1948, rprocess=euler( Csnippet(" int nrate = 6; double rate[nrate]; // transition rates double trans[nrate]; // transition numbers double dW; // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(sigma^2 dt) dW = rgammawn(sigma,dt); // compute the transition rates rate[0] = mu*pop; // birth into susceptible class rate[1] = (iota+Beta*I*dW/dt)/pop; // force of infection rate[2] = mu; // death from susceptible class rate[3] = gamma; // recovery rate[4] = mu; // death from infectious class rate[5] = mu; // death from recovered class // compute the transition numbers trans[0] = rpois(rate[0]*dt); // births are Poisson reulermultinom(2,S,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1]); reulermultinom(2,I,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3]); reulermultinom(1,R,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5]); // balance the equations S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2]; I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4]; R += trans[3]-trans[5]; "), delta.t=1/52/20 ), rinit=Csnippet(" double m = pop/(S_0+I_0+R_0); S = nearbyint(m*S_0); I = nearbyint(m*I_0); R = nearbyint(m*R_0); "), paramnames=c("mu","pop","iota","gamma","Beta","sigma", "S_0","I_0","R_0"), statenames=c("S","I","R"), params=c(mu=1/50,iota=10,pop=50e6,gamma=26,Beta=400,sigma=0.1, S_0=0.07,I_0=0.001,R_0=0.93) ) -> ew1 ew1 |> simulate() |> plot(variables=c("S","I","R")) ## A simple SIR model that tracks cumulative incidence. ew1 |> pomp( rprocess=euler( Csnippet(" int nrate = 6; double rate[nrate]; // transition rates double trans[nrate]; // transition numbers double dW; // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(sigma^2 dt) dW = rgammawn(sigma,dt); // compute the transition rates rate[0] = mu*pop; // birth into susceptible class rate[1] = (iota+Beta*I*dW/dt)/pop; // force of infection rate[2] = mu; // death from susceptible class rate[3] = gamma; // recovery rate[4] = mu; // death from infectious class rate[5] = mu; // death from recovered class // compute the transition numbers trans[0] = rpois(rate[0]*dt); // births are Poisson reulermultinom(2,S,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1]); reulermultinom(2,I,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3]); reulermultinom(1,R,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5]); // balance the equations S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2]; I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4]; R += trans[3]-trans[5]; H += trans[3]; // cumulative incidence "), delta.t=1/52/20 ), rmeasure=Csnippet(" double mean = H*rho; double size = 1/tau; reports = rnbinom_mu(size,mean); "), rinit=Csnippet(" double m = pop/(S_0+I_0+R_0); S = nearbyint(m*S_0); I = nearbyint(m*I_0); R = nearbyint(m*R_0); H = 0; "), paramnames=c("mu","pop","iota","gamma","Beta","sigma","tau","rho", "S_0","I_0","R_0"), statenames=c("S","I","R","H"), params=c(mu=1/50,iota=10,pop=50e6,gamma=26, Beta=400,sigma=0.1,tau=0.001,rho=0.6, S_0=0.07,I_0=0.001,R_0=0.93) ) -> ew2 ew2 |> simulate() |> plot() ## A simple SIR model that tracks weekly incidence. ew2 |> pomp(accumvars="H") -> ew3 ew3 |> simulate() |> plot()
Mathematically, the parts of a POMP model include the latent-state process transition distribution, the measurement-process distribution, the initial-state distribution, and possibly a prior parameter distribution. Algorithmically, each of these corresponds to at least two distinct operations. In particular, for each of the above parts, one sometimes needs to make a random draw from the distribution and sometimes to evaluate the density function. Accordingly, for each such component, there are two basic model components, one prefixed by a ‘r’, the other by a ‘d’, following the usual R convention.
In addition to the parts listed above, pomp includes two additional basic model components: the deterministic skeleton, and parameter transformations that can be used to map the parameter space onto a Euclidean space for estimation purposes. There are also basic model components for computing the mean and variance of the measurement process conditional on the latent-state process.
There are thus altogether twelve basic model components:
rprocess, which samples from the latent-state transition distribution,
dprocess, which evaluates the latent-state transition density,
rmeasure, which samples from the measurement distribution,
emeasure, which computes the conditional expectation of the measurements, given the latent states,
vmeasure, which computes the conditional covariance matrix of the measurements, given the latent states,
dmeasure, which evaluates the measurement density,
rprior, which samples from the prior distribution,
dprior, which evaluates the prior density,
rinit, which samples from the initial-state distribution,
dinit, which evaluates the initial-state density,
skeleton, which evaluates the deterministic skeleton,
partrans, which evaluates the forward or inverse parameter transformations.
Each of these can be set or modified in the pomp
constructor function or in any of the pomp elementary algorithms or estimation algorithms using an argument that matches the basic model component.
A basic model component can be unset by passing NULL
in the same way.
Help pages detailing each basic model component are provided.
workhorse functions, elementary algorithms, estimation algorithms.
More on implementing POMP models:
Several simple and configurable probes are provided with in the package. These can be used directly and as templates for custom probes.
probe_mean(var, trim = 0, transform = identity, na.rm = TRUE) probe_median(var, na.rm = TRUE) probe_var(var, transform = identity, na.rm = TRUE) probe_sd(var, transform = identity, na.rm = TRUE) probe_period(var, kernel.width, transform = identity) probe_quantile(var, probs, ...) probe_acf( var, lags, type = c("covariance", "correlation"), transform = identity ) probe_ccf( vars, lags, type = c("covariance", "correlation"), transform = identity ) probe_marginal(var, ref, order = 3, diff = 1, transform = identity) probe_nlar(var, lags, powers, transform = identity)
probe_mean(var, trim = 0, transform = identity, na.rm = TRUE) probe_median(var, na.rm = TRUE) probe_var(var, transform = identity, na.rm = TRUE) probe_sd(var, transform = identity, na.rm = TRUE) probe_period(var, kernel.width, transform = identity) probe_quantile(var, probs, ...) probe_acf( var, lags, type = c("covariance", "correlation"), transform = identity ) probe_ccf( vars, lags, type = c("covariance", "correlation"), transform = identity ) probe_marginal(var, ref, order = 3, diff = 1, transform = identity) probe_nlar(var, lags, powers, transform = identity)
var , vars
character; the name(s) of the observed variable(s). |
trim |
the fraction of observations to be trimmed (see |
transform |
transformation to be applied to the data before the probe is computed. |
na.rm |
if |
kernel.width |
width of modified Daniell smoothing kernel to be used
in power-spectrum computation: see |
probs |
the quantile or quantiles to compute: see |
... |
additional arguments passed to the underlying algorithms. |
lags |
In In |
type |
Compute autocorrelation or autocovariance? |
ref |
empirical reference distribution. Simulated data will be
regressed against the values of |
order |
order of polynomial regression. |
diff |
order of differencing to perform. |
powers |
the powers of each term (corresponding to |
A call to any one of these functions returns a probe function,
suitable for use in probe
or probe_objfun
. That
is, the function returned by each of these takes a data array (such as
comes from a call to obs
) as input and returns a single
numerical value.
Daniel C. Reuman, Aaron A. King
B.E. Kendall, C.J. Briggs, W.W. Murdoch, P. Turchin, S.P. Ellner, E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, and S.N. Wood. Why do populations cycle? A synthesis of statistical and mechanistic modeling approaches. Ecology 80, 1789–1805, 1999. doi:10.2307/176658.
S. N. Wood Statistical inference for noisy nonlinear ecological dynamic systems. Nature 466, 1102–1104, 2010. doi:10.1038/nature09319.
More on methods based on summary statistics:
Density and random generation for the Beta-binomial distribution with parameters size
, mu
, and theta
rbetabinom(n = 1, size, prob, theta) dbetabinom(x, size, prob, theta, log = FALSE)
rbetabinom(n = 1, size, prob, theta) dbetabinom(x, size, prob, theta, log = FALSE)
n |
integer; number of random variates to generate. |
size |
prob |
mean of the Beta distribution |
theta |
Beta distribution dispersion parameter |
x |
vector of non-negative integer quantiles |
log |
logical; if TRUE, return logarithm(s) of probabilities. |
A variable is Beta-binomially distributed if
Using the standard
rbetabinom |
Returns a vector of length |
dbetabinom |
Returns a vector (of length equal to the number of columns of |
An interface for C codes using these functions is provided by the package. Visit the package homepage to view the pomp C API document.
More on implementing POMP models:
is a data frame containing the data from several of Nicholson's classic experiments with the Australian sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina.
blowflies1( P = 3.2838, delta = 0.16073, N0 = 679.94, sigma.P = 1.3512, sigma.d = 0.74677, sigma.y = 0.026649 ) blowflies2( P = 2.7319, delta = 0.17377, N0 = 800.31, sigma.P = 1.442, sigma.d = 0.76033, sigma.y = 0.010846 )
blowflies1( P = 3.2838, delta = 0.16073, N0 = 679.94, sigma.P = 1.3512, sigma.d = 0.74677, sigma.y = 0.026649 ) blowflies2( P = 2.7319, delta = 0.17377, N0 = 800.31, sigma.P = 1.442, sigma.d = 0.76033, sigma.y = 0.010846 )
P |
reproduction parameter |
delta |
death rate |
N0 |
population scale factor |
sigma.P |
intensity of |
sigma.d |
intensity of |
sigma.y |
measurement error s.d. |
and blowflies2()
construct ‘pomp’ objects encoding stochastic delay-difference equation models.
The data for these come from "population I", a control culture.
The experiment is described on pp. 163–4 of Nicholson (1957).
Unlimited quantities of larval food were provided;
the adult food supply (ground liver) was constant at 0.4g per day.
The data were taken from the table provided by Brillinger et al. (1980).
The models are discrete delay equations:
where and
are Gamma-distributed i.i.d. random variables
with mean 1 and variances
, respectively.
has a timestep () of 1 day;
has a timestep of 2 days.
The process model in blowflies1
thus corresponds exactly to that studied by Wood (2010).
The measurement model in both cases is taken to be
i.e., the observations are assumed to be negative-binomially distributed with
mean and variance
Default parameter values are the MLEs as estimated by Ionides (2011).
and blowflies2
return ‘pomp’ objects containing the actual data and two variants of the model.
A.J. Nicholson. The self-adjustment of populations to change. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 22, 153–173, 1957. doi:10.1101/SQB.1957.022.01.017.
Y. Xia and H. Tong. Feature matching in time series modeling. Statistical Science 26, 21–46, 2011. doi:10.1214/10-sts345.
E.L. Ionides. Discussion of “Feature matching in time series modeling” by Y. Xia and H. Tong. Statistical Science 26, 49–52, 2011. doi:10.1214/11-sts345c.
S. N. Wood Statistical inference for noisy nonlinear ecological dynamic systems. Nature 466, 1102–1104, 2010. doi:10.1038/nature09319.
W.S.C. Gurney, S.P. Blythe, and R.M. Nisbet. Nicholson's blowflies revisited. Nature 287, 17–21, 1980. doi:10.1038/287017a0.
D.R. Brillinger, J. Guckenheimer, P. Guttorp, and G. Oster. Empirical modelling of population time series: The case of age and density dependent rates. In: G. Oster (ed.), Some Questions in Mathematical Biology vol. 13, pp. 65–90, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1980. doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-1344-8_19.
More examples provided with pomp:
More data sets provided with pomp:
plot(blowflies1()) plot(blowflies2())
plot(blowflies1()) plot(blowflies2())
An outbreak of influenza in an all-boys boarding school.
Data are recorded from a 1978 flu outbreak in a closed population. The variable ‘B’ refers to boys confined to bed on the corresponding day and ‘C’ to boys in convalescence, i.e., not yet allowed back to class. In total, 763 boys were at risk of infection and, over the course of the outbreak, 512 boys spent between 3 and 7 days away from class (either in bed or convalescent). The index case was a boy who arrived at school from holiday six days before the next case.
Anonymous. Influenza in a boarding school. British Medical Journal 1, 587, 1978.
More data sets provided with pomp:
if (require(tidyr) && require(ggplot2)) { bsflu |> gather(variable,value,-date,-day) |> ggplot(aes(x=date,y=value,color=variable))+ geom_line()+ labs(y="number of boys",title="boarding school flu outbreak")+ theme_bw() }
if (require(tidyr) && require(ggplot2)) { bsflu |> gather(variable,value,-date,-day) |> ggplot(aes(x=date,y=value,color=variable))+ geom_line()+ labs(y="number of boys",title="boarding school flu outbreak")+ theme_bw() }
Modified version of the Liu & West (2001) algorithm.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' bsmc2( data, ..., Np, smooth = 0.1, params, rprior, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' bsmc2(data, ..., Np, smooth = 0.1, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' bsmc2( data, ..., Np, smooth = 0.1, params, rprior, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' bsmc2(data, ..., Np, smooth = 0.1, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Np |
the number of particles to use.
This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timesteps, one may specify length(time(object,t0=TRUE)) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
In the latter case, |
smooth |
Kernel density smoothing parameter.
The compensating shrinkage factor will be |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rprior |
optional; prior distribution sampler, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
For more information, see prior specification.
Setting |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
partrans |
optional parameter transformations, constructed using Many algorithms for parameter estimation search an unconstrained space of parameters.
When working with such an algorithm and a model for which the parameters are constrained, it can be useful to transform parameters.
One should supply the |
verbose |
logical; if |
uses a version of the original algorithm (Liu & West 2001), but discards the auxiliary particle filter.
The modification appears to give superior performance for the same amount of effort.
Samples from the prior distribution are drawn using the rprior
This is allowed to depend on elements of params
, i.e., some of the elements of params
can be treated as “hyperparameters”.
draws are made from the prior distribution.
An object of class ‘bsmcd_pomp’. The following methods are avaiable:
produces diagnostic plots
puts the prior and posterior samples into a data frame
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Michael Lavine, Matthew Ferrari, Aaron A. King, Edward L. Ionides
J. Liu and M. West. Combining parameter and state estimation in simulation-based filtering. In A. Doucet, N. de Freitas, and N. J. Gordon, (eds.), Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice, pp. 197–224. Springer, New York, 2001. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-3437-9_10.
More on Bayesian methods:
More on full-information (i.e., likelihood-based) methods:
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
These functions generate B-spline basis functions.
gives a basis of spline functions.
gives a
basis of periodic spline functions.
bspline_basis(x, nbasis, degree = 3, deriv = 0, names = NULL, rg = range(x)) periodic_bspline_basis( x, nbasis, degree = 3, period = 1, deriv = 0, names = NULL )
bspline_basis(x, nbasis, degree = 3, deriv = 0, names = NULL, rg = range(x)) periodic_bspline_basis( x, nbasis, degree = 3, period = 1, deriv = 0, names = NULL )
x |
Vector at which the spline functions are to be evaluated. |
nbasis |
The number of basis functions to return. |
degree |
Degree of requested B-splines. |
deriv |
The order of the derivative required. |
names |
optional; the names to be given to the basis functions. These
will be the column-names of the matrix returned. If the names are
specified as a format string (e.g., "basis%d"), |
rg |
numeric of length 2; range of the B-spline basis.
To be properly specified, we must have |
period |
The period of the requested periodic B-splines. |
bspline_basis |
Returns a matrix with |
periodic_bspline_basis |
Returns a matrix with |
If deriv>0
, the derivative of that order of each of the corresponding spline basis functions are returned.
Access to the underlying C routines is available: see the pomp C API document. for definition and documentation of the C API.
Aaron A. King
More on interpolation:
x <- seq(0,2,by=0.01) y <- bspline_basis(x,degree=3,nbasis=9,names="basis") matplot(x,y,type='l',ylim=c(0,1.1)) lines(x,apply(y,1,sum),lwd=2) x <- seq(-1,2,by=0.01) y <- periodic_bspline_basis(x,nbasis=5,names="spline%d") matplot(x,y,type='l')
x <- seq(0,2,by=0.01) y <- bspline_basis(x,degree=3,nbasis=9,names="basis") matplot(x,y,type='l',ylim=c(0,1.1)) lines(x,apply(y,1,sum),lwd=2) x <- seq(-1,2,by=0.01) y <- periodic_bspline_basis(x,nbasis=5,names="spline%d") matplot(x,y,type='l')
is a data frame containing the monthly number of reported cases of chickenpox, measles, and mumps from two American cities (Baltimore and New York) in the mid-20th century (1928–1972).
and ewcitmeas
are data frames containing weekly reported cases of measles in England and Wales.
records the total measles reports for the whole country, 1948–1966.
One questionable data point has been replaced with an NA.
records the incidence in seven English cities 1948–1987.
These data were kindly provided by Ben Bolker, who writes:
“Most of these data have been manually entered from published records by various people, and are prone to errors at several levels.
All data are provided as is; use at your own risk.”
W. P. London and J. A. Yorke, Recurrent outbreaks of measles, chickenpox and mumps: I. Seasonal variation in contact rates. American Journal of Epidemiology 98, 453–468, 1973. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a121575.
More data sets provided with pomp:
More examples provided with pomp:
plot(cases~time,data=LondonYorke,subset=disease=="measles",type='n',main="measles",bty='l') lines(cases~time,data=LondonYorke,subset=disease=="measles"&town=="Baltimore",col="red") lines(cases~time,data=LondonYorke,subset=disease=="measles"&town=="New York",col="blue") legend("topright",legend=c("Baltimore","New York"),lty=1,col=c("red","blue"),bty='n') plot( cases~time, data=LondonYorke, subset=disease=="chickenpox"&town=="New York", type='l',col="blue",main="chickenpox, New York", bty='l' ) plot( cases~time, data=LondonYorke, subset=disease=="mumps"&town=="New York", type='l',col="blue",main="mumps, New York", bty='l' ) plot(reports~time,data=ewmeas,type='l') plot(reports~date,data=ewcitmeas,subset=city=="Liverpool",type='l')
plot(cases~time,data=LondonYorke,subset=disease=="measles",type='n',main="measles",bty='l') lines(cases~time,data=LondonYorke,subset=disease=="measles"&town=="Baltimore",col="red") lines(cases~time,data=LondonYorke,subset=disease=="measles"&town=="New York",col="blue") legend("topright",legend=c("Baltimore","New York"),lty=1,col=c("red","blue"),bty='n') plot( cases~time, data=LondonYorke, subset=disease=="chickenpox"&town=="New York", type='l',col="blue",main="chickenpox, New York", bty='l' ) plot( cases~time, data=LondonYorke, subset=disease=="mumps"&town=="New York", type='l',col="blue",main="mumps, New York", bty='l' ) plot(reports~time,data=ewmeas,type='l') plot(reports~date,data=ewcitmeas,subset=city=="Liverpool",type='l')
Extract, set, or modify the estimated parameters from a fitted model.
## S4 method for signature 'listie' coef(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' coef(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'pomp' coef(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) <- value ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' coef(object, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'objfun' coef(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'listie' coef(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' coef(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'pomp' coef(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) <- value ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' coef(object, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'objfun' coef(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) <- value
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class extending ‘pomp’ |
... |
ignored or passed to the more primitive function |
pars |
optional character; names of parameters to be retrieved or set. |
transform |
logical; perform parameter transformation? |
value |
numeric vector or list; values to be assigned.
If |
allows one to extract the parameters from a fitted model.
returns the parameters transformed onto
the estimation scale.
coef(object) <- value
sets or alters the coefficients of a
‘pomp’ object.
coef(object,transform=TRUE) <- value
assumes that value
is on
the estimation scale, and applies the “from estimation scale”
parameter transformation from object
before altering the
Other extraction methods:
Simple SIR-type models implemented in various ways.
sir( gamma = 26, mu = 0.02, iota = 0.01, beta1 = 400, beta2 = 480, beta3 = 320, beta_sd = 0.001, rho = 0.6, k = 0.1, pop = 2100000, S_0 = 26/400, I_0 = 0.001, R_0 = 1 - S_0 - I_0, t0 = 0, times = seq(from = t0 + 1/52, to = t0 + 4, by = 1/52), seed = 329343545, delta.t = 1/52/20 ) sir2( gamma = 24, mu = 1/70, iota = 0.1, beta1 = 330, beta2 = 410, beta3 = 490, rho = 0.1, k = 0.1, pop = 1e+06, S_0 = 0.05, I_0 = 1e-04, R_0 = 1 - S_0 - I_0, t0 = 0, times = seq(from = t0 + 1/12, to = t0 + 10, by = 1/12), seed = 1772464524 )
sir( gamma = 26, mu = 0.02, iota = 0.01, beta1 = 400, beta2 = 480, beta3 = 320, beta_sd = 0.001, rho = 0.6, k = 0.1, pop = 2100000, S_0 = 26/400, I_0 = 0.001, R_0 = 1 - S_0 - I_0, t0 = 0, times = seq(from = t0 + 1/52, to = t0 + 4, by = 1/52), seed = 329343545, delta.t = 1/52/20 ) sir2( gamma = 24, mu = 1/70, iota = 0.1, beta1 = 330, beta2 = 410, beta3 = 490, rho = 0.1, k = 0.1, pop = 1e+06, S_0 = 0.05, I_0 = 1e-04, R_0 = 1 - S_0 - I_0, t0 = 0, times = seq(from = t0 + 1/12, to = t0 + 10, by = 1/12), seed = 1772464524 )
gamma |
recovery rate |
mu |
death rate (assumed equal to the birth rate) |
iota |
infection import rate |
beta1 , beta2 , beta3
seasonal contact rates |
beta_sd |
environmental noise intensity |
rho |
reporting efficiency |
k |
reporting overdispersion parameter (reciprocal of the negative-binomial size parameter) |
pop |
overall host population size |
S_0 , I_0 , R_0
the fractions of the host population that are susceptible, infectious, and recovered, respectively, at time zero. |
t0 |
zero time |
times |
observation times |
seed |
seed of the random number generator |
delta.t |
Euler step size |
producees a ‘pomp’ object encoding a simple seasonal SIR model with simulated data.
Simulation is performed using an Euler multinomial approximation.
has the same model implemented using Gillespie's algorithm.
In both cases the measurement model is negative binomial:
is distributed as a negative binomial random variable with mean equal to rho*cases
and size equal to 1/k
This and similar examples are discussed and constructed in tutorials available on the package website.
These functions return ‘pomp’ objects containing simulated data.
More examples provided with pomp:
po <- sir() plot(po) coef(po) po <- sir2() plot(po) plot(simulate(window(po,end=3))) coef(po) po |> as.data.frame() |> head()
po <- sir() plot(po) coef(po) po <- sir2() plot(po) plot(simulate(window(po,end=3))) coef(po) po |> as.data.frame() |> head()
Concatenate two or more ‘pomp’ objects into a list-like ‘listie’.
## S3 method for class 'Pomp' c(...) concat(...)
## S3 method for class 'Pomp' c(...) concat(...)
... |
elements to be recursively combined into a ‘listie’ |
applied to one or more ‘pomp’ objects or lists of ‘pomp’ objects converts the list into a ‘listie’.
In particular, concat(A,B,C)
is equivalent to do.call(c,unlist(list(A,B,C)))
gompertz(sigma=2,tau=1) -> g Np <- c(low=100,med=1000,high=10000) lapply( Np, \(np) pfilter(g,Np=np) ) |> concat() -> pfs pfs coef(pfs) logLik(pfs) eff_sample_size(pfs) cond_logLik(pfs) pfs |> plot()
gompertz(sigma=2,tau=1) -> g Np <- c(low=100,med=1000,high=10000) lapply( Np, \(np) pfilter(g,Np=np) ) |> concat() -> pfs pfs coef(pfs) logLik(pfs) eff_sample_size(pfs) cond_logLik(pfs) pfs |> plot()
The estimated conditional log likelihood from a fitted model.
## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterList' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterList' cond_logLik(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
The conditional likelihood is defined to be the value of the density of
evaluated at .
is the observable process, and
the data, at time
Thus the conditional log likelihood at time is
where is the probability density above.
The numerical value of the conditional log likelihood.
Note that some methods compute not the log likelihood itself but instead a related quantity.
To keep the code simple, the cond_logLik
function is nevertheless used to extract this quantity.
When object
is of class ‘bsmcd_pomp’
(i.e., the result of a bsmc2
returns the conditional log “evidence”
(see bsmc2
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
Continue an iterative computation where it left off.
## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' continue(object, ..., Nabc = 1) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' continue(object, ..., Nmcmc = 1) ## S4 method for signature 'mif2d_pomp' continue(object, ..., Nmif = 1)
## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' continue(object, ..., Nabc = 1) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' continue(object, ..., Nmcmc = 1) ## S4 method for signature 'mif2d_pomp' continue(object, ..., Nmif = 1)
object |
the result of an iterative pomp computation |
... |
additional arguments will be passed to the underlying method. This allows one to modify parameters used in the original computations. |
Nabc |
positive integer; number of additional ABC iterations to perform |
Nmcmc |
positive integer; number of additional PMCMC iterations to perform |
Nmif |
positive integer; number of additional filtering iterations to perform |
Incorporating time-varying covariates using lookup tables.
## S4 method for signature 'numeric' covariate_table(..., order = c("linear", "constant"), times) ## S4 method for signature 'character' covariate_table(..., order = c("linear", "constant"), times) repair_lookup_table(table, t, order)
## S4 method for signature 'numeric' covariate_table(..., order = c("linear", "constant"), times) ## S4 method for signature 'character' covariate_table(..., order = c("linear", "constant"), times) repair_lookup_table(table, t, order)
... |
numeric vectors or data frames containing time-varying covariates. It must be possible to bind these into a data frame. |
order |
the order of interpolation to be used.
Options are “linear” (the default) and “constant”.
Setting |
times |
the times corresponding to the covariates. This may be given as a vector of (non-decreasing, finite) numerical values. Alternatively, one can specify by name which of the given variables is the time variable. |
table |
a ‘covartable’ object created by a call to |
t |
numeric vector;
times at which interpolated values of the covariates in |
If the ‘pomp’ object contains covariates (specified via the covar
argument), then interpolated values of the covariates will be available to each of the model components whenever it is called.
In particular, variables with names as they appear in the covar
covariate table will be available to any C snippet.
When a basic component is defined using an R function, that function will be called with an extra argument, covars
, which will be a named numeric vector containing the interpolated values from the covariate table.
An exception to this rule is the prior (rprior
and dprior
covariate-dependent priors are not allowed.
Nor are parameter transformations permitted to depend upon covariates.
applies lookup
at the provided values of t
and returns the resulting lookup table.
If order
is unsupplied, the interpolation-order from table
is preserved.
should be considered experimental: its interface may change without notice.
returns a lookup table suitable for inclusion of covariates in a ‘pomp’ object.
Specifically, this is an object of class ‘covartable’.
returns a lookup table with entries at the provided values of t
If t
is outside the range of the lookup table, the values will be extrapolated, and a warning will be issued.
The type of extrapolation performed will be constant or linear according to the order
flag used when creating the table.
More on implementing POMP models:
More on interpolation:
A helper function to extract a covariance matrix.
## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcList' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcList' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' covmat(object, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcList' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcList' covmat(object, start = 1, thin = 1, expand = 2.38, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' covmat(object, ...)
object |
an object extending ‘pomp’ |
start |
the first iteration number to be used in estimating the covariance matrix.
Setting |
thin |
factor by which the chains are to be thinned |
expand |
the expansion factor |
... |
ignored |
When object
is the result of a pmcmc
or abc
gives the covariance matrix of the chains.
This can be useful, for example, in tuning the proposal distribution.
When object
is a ‘probed_pomp’ object (i.e., the result
of a probe
computation), covmat(object)
returns the
covariance matrix of the probes, as applied to simulated data.
Other extraction methods:
Accelerating computations through inline snippets of C code
text |
character; text written in the C language |
pomp provides a facility whereby users can define their model's components using inline C code.
C snippets are written to a C file, by default located in the R session's temporary directory, which is then compiled (via R CMD SHLIB
) into a dynamically loadable shared object file.
This is then loaded as needed.
By default, your R installation may not support R CMD SHLIB
The package website contains installation instructions that explain how to enable this powerful feature of R.
In writing a C snippet one must bear in mind both the goal of the snippet, i.e., what computation it is intended to perform, and the context in which it will be executed. These are explained here in the form of general rules. Additional specific rules apply according to the function of the particular C snippet. Illustrative examples are given in the tutorials on the package website.
C snippets must be valid C.
They will embedded verbatim in a template file which will then be compiled by a call to R CMD SHLIB
If the resulting file does not compile, an error message will be generated.
Compiler messages will be displayed, but no attempt will be made by pomp to interpret them.
Typically, compilation errors are due to either invalid C syntax or undeclared variables.
State variables, parameters, observables, and covariates must be left undeclared within the snippet.
State variables and parameters are declared via the statenames
or paramnames
arguments to pomp
, respectively.
Compiler errors that complain about undeclared state variables or parameters are usually due to failure to declare these in statenames
or paramnames
, as appropriate.
A C snippet can declare local variables. Be careful not to use names that match those of state variables, observables, or parameters. One must never declare state variables, observables, covariates, or parameters within a C snippet.
Names of observables must match the names given given in the data.
They must be referred to in measurement model C snippets (rmeasure
and dmeasure
) by those names.
If the ‘pomp’ object contains a table of covariates (see above), then the variables in the covariate table will be available, by their names, in the context within which the C snippet is executed.
Because the dot ‘.’ has syntactic meaning in C, R variables with names containing dots (‘.’) are replaced in the C codes by variable names in which all dots have been replaced by underscores (‘_’).
The headers ‘R.h’ and ‘Rmath.h’, provided with R, will be included in the generated C file, making all of the R C API available for use in the C snippet. This makes a great many useful functions available, including all of R's statistical distribution functions.
The header ‘pomp.h’, provided with pomp, will also be included, making all of the pomp C API available for use in every C snippet.
Snippets of C code passed to the globals
argument of pomp
will be included at the head of the generated C file.
This can be used to declare global variables, define useful functions, and include arbitrary header files.
It is straightforward to link C snippets with precompiled C libraries.
To do so, one must make sure the library's header files are included;
the globals
argument can be used for this purpose.
The shlib.args
argument can then be used to specify additional arguments to be passed to R CMD SHLIB
FAQ 3.7 gives an example.
To prevent collisions in parallel computations, a ‘pomp’ object built using C snippets is “salted” with the current time and a random number. A result is that two ‘pomp’ objects, built on identical codes and data, will not be identical as R objects, though they will be functionally identical in every respect.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
constructs a ‘pomp’ object containing census and cholera
mortality data from the Dacca district of the former British province of
Bengal over the years 1891 to 1940 together with a stochastic differential
equation transmission model.
The model is that of King et al. (2008).
The parameters are the MLE for the SIRS model with seasonal reservoir.
dacca( gamma = 20.8, eps = 19.1, rho = 0, delta = 0.02, deltaI = 0.06, clin = 1, alpha = 1, beta_trend = -0.00498, logbeta = c(0.747, 6.38, -3.44, 4.23, 3.33, 4.55), logomega = log(c(0.184, 0.0786, 0.0584, 0.00917, 0.000208, 0.0124)), sd_beta = 3.13, tau = 0.23, S_0 = 0.621, I_0 = 0.378, Y_0 = 0, R1_0 = 0.000843, R2_0 = 0.000972, R3_0 = 1.16e-07 )
dacca( gamma = 20.8, eps = 19.1, rho = 0, delta = 0.02, deltaI = 0.06, clin = 1, alpha = 1, beta_trend = -0.00498, logbeta = c(0.747, 6.38, -3.44, 4.23, 3.33, 4.55), logomega = log(c(0.184, 0.0786, 0.0584, 0.00917, 0.000208, 0.0124)), sd_beta = 3.13, tau = 0.23, S_0 = 0.621, I_0 = 0.378, Y_0 = 0, R1_0 = 0.000843, R2_0 = 0.000972, R3_0 = 1.16e-07 )
gamma |
recovery rate |
eps |
rate of waning of immunity for severe infections |
rho |
rate of waning of immunity for inapparent infections |
delta |
baseline mortality rate |
deltaI |
cholera mortality rate |
clin |
fraction of infections that lead to severe infection |
alpha |
transmission function exponent |
beta_trend |
slope of secular trend in transmission |
logbeta |
seasonal transmission rates |
logomega |
seasonal environmental reservoir parameters |
sd_beta |
environmental noise intensity |
tau |
measurement error s.d. |
S_0 |
initial susceptible fraction |
I_0 |
initial fraction of population infected |
Y_0 |
initial fraction of the population in the Y class |
R1_0 , R2_0 , R3_0
initial fractions in the respective R classes |
Data are provided courtesy of Dr. Menno J. Bouma, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
returns a ‘pomp’ object containing the model, data, and MLE
parameters, as estimated by King et al. (2008).
A.A. King, E.L. Ionides, M. Pascual, and M.J. Bouma. Inapparent infections and cholera dynamics. Nature 454, 877-880, 2008. doi:10.1038/nature07084.
More examples provided with pomp:
More data sets provided with pomp:
# takes too long for R CMD check po <- dacca() plot(po) ## MLE: coef(po) plot(simulate(po))
# takes too long for R CMD check po <- dacca() plot(po) ## MLE: coef(po) plot(simulate(po))
These functions are useful for generating designs for the exploration of parameter space.
generates a data-frame where each row can be used as the starting point for a profile likelihood calculation.
generates a design based on random samples from a multivariate uniform distribution.
generates points along slices through a specified point.
generates a Latin hypercube design based on the Sobol' low-discrepancy sequence.
profile_design( ..., lower, upper, nprof, type = c("runif", "sobol"), stringsAsFactors = getOption("stringsAsFactors", FALSE) ) runif_design(lower = numeric(0), upper = numeric(0), nseq) slice_design(center, ...) sobol_design(lower = numeric(0), upper = numeric(0), nseq)
profile_design( ..., lower, upper, nprof, type = c("runif", "sobol"), stringsAsFactors = getOption("stringsAsFactors", FALSE) ) runif_design(lower = numeric(0), upper = numeric(0), nseq) slice_design(center, ...) sobol_design(lower = numeric(0), upper = numeric(0), nseq)
... |
In |
lower , upper
named numeric vectors giving the lower and upper bounds of the ranges, respectively. |
nprof |
The number of points per profile point. |
type |
the type of design to use.
stringsAsFactors |
should character vectors be converted to factors? |
nseq |
Total number of points requested. |
center |
The Sobol' sequence generation is performed using codes from the NLopt library by S. Johnson.
returns a data frame with nprof
points per profile point.
returns a data frame with nseq
rows and one column for each variable named in lower
and upper
returns a data frame with one row per point.
The ‘slice’ variable indicates which slice the point belongs to.
returns a data frame with nseq
rows and one column for each variable named in lower
and upper
Aaron A. King
S. Kucherenko and Y. Sytsko. Application of deterministic low-discrepancy sequences in global optimization. Computational Optimization and Applications 30, 297–318, 2005. doi:10.1007/s10589-005-4615-1.
S.G. Johnson. The NLopt nonlinear-optimization package. https://github.com/stevengj/nlopt/.
P. Bratley and B.L. Fox. Algorithm 659 Implementing Sobol's quasirandom sequence generator. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 14, 88–100, 1988. doi:10.1145/42288.214372.
S. Joe and F.Y. Kuo. Remark on algorithm 659: Implementing Sobol' quasirandom sequence generator. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 29, 49–57, 2003. doi:10.1145/641876.641879.
## Sobol' low-discrepancy design plot(sobol_design(lower=c(a=0,b=100),upper=c(b=200,a=1),nseq=100)) ## Uniform random design plot(runif_design(lower=c(a=0,b=100),upper=c(b=200,a=1),100)) ## A one-parameter profile design: x <- profile_design(p=1:10,lower=c(a=0,b=0),upper=c(a=1,b=5),nprof=20) dim(x) plot(x) ## A two-parameter profile design: x <- profile_design(p=1:10,q=3:5,lower=c(a=0,b=0),upper=c(b=5,a=1),nprof=200) dim(x) plot(x) ## A two-parameter profile design with random points: x <- profile_design(p=1:10,q=3:5,lower=c(a=0,b=0),upper=c(b=5,a=1),nprof=200,type="runif") dim(x) plot(x) ## A single 11-point slice through the point c(A=3,B=8,C=0) along the B direction. x <- slice_design(center=c(A=3,B=8,C=0),B=seq(0,10,by=1)) dim(x) plot(x) ## Two slices through the same point along the A and C directions. x <- slice_design(c(A=3,B=8,C=0),A=seq(0,5,by=1),C=seq(0,5,length=11)) dim(x) plot(x)
## Sobol' low-discrepancy design plot(sobol_design(lower=c(a=0,b=100),upper=c(b=200,a=1),nseq=100)) ## Uniform random design plot(runif_design(lower=c(a=0,b=100),upper=c(b=200,a=1),100)) ## A one-parameter profile design: x <- profile_design(p=1:10,lower=c(a=0,b=0),upper=c(a=1,b=5),nprof=20) dim(x) plot(x) ## A two-parameter profile design: x <- profile_design(p=1:10,q=3:5,lower=c(a=0,b=0),upper=c(b=5,a=1),nprof=200) dim(x) plot(x) ## A two-parameter profile design with random points: x <- profile_design(p=1:10,q=3:5,lower=c(a=0,b=0),upper=c(b=5,a=1),nprof=200,type="runif") dim(x) plot(x) ## A single 11-point slice through the point c(A=3,B=8,C=0) along the B direction. x <- slice_design(center=c(A=3,B=8,C=0),B=seq(0,10,by=1)) dim(x) plot(x) ## Two slices through the same point along the A and C directions. x <- slice_design(c(A=3,B=8,C=0),A=seq(0,5,by=1),C=seq(0,5,length=11)) dim(x) plot(x)
Evaluates the initial-state density.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dinit( object, ..., params = coef(object), t0 = timezero(object), x, log = FALSE )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dinit( object, ..., params = coef(object), t0 = timezero(object), x, log = FALSE )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
params |
a |
t0 |
the initial time, i.e., the time corresponding to the initial-state distribution. |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
log |
if TRUE, log probabilities are returned. |
returns a 1-D numerical array containing the likelihoods (or log likelihoods if log=TRUE
By default, t0
is the initial time defined when the ‘pomp’ object ws constructed.
Specification of the initial-state distribution: dinit_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the initial-state distribution density evaluator, dinit.
To fully specify the unobserved Markov state process, one must give its distribution at the zero-time (t0
One specifies how to evaluate the log probability density function for this distribution using the dinit
As usual, this can be provided either as a C snippet or as an R function.
In the former case, bear in mind that:
The goal of a this snippet is computation of a log likelihood, to be put into a variable named loglik
In addition to the state variables, parameters, and covariates (if any), the variable t
, containing the zero-time, will be defined in the context in which the snippet is executed.
General rules for writing C snippets can be found here.
If an R function is to be used, pass
dinit = f
to pomp
, where f
is a function with arguments that can include the time t
, any or all of the model state variables, parameters, and covariates.
As usual, f
may take additional arguments, provided these are passed along with it in the call to pomp
must return a single numeric value, the log likelihood.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
evaluates the probability density of observations given states.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dmeasure( object, ..., y = obs(object), x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object), log = FALSE )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dmeasure( object, ..., y = obs(object), x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object), log = FALSE )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
y |
a matrix containing observations.
The dimensions of |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
log |
if TRUE, log probabilities are returned. |
returns a matrix of dimensions nreps
x ntimes
If d
is the returned matrix, d[j,k]
is the likelihood (or log likelihood if log = TRUE
) of the observation y[,k]
at time times[k]
given the state x[,j,k]
Specification of the measurement density evaluator: dmeasure_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the measurement model density function, dmeasure.
The measurement model is the link between the data and the unobserved state process.
It can be specified either by using one or both of the rmeasure
and dmeasure
Suppose you have a procedure to compute the probability density of an observation given the value of the latent state variables. Then you can furnish
dmeasure = f
to pomp algorithms,
where f
is a C snippet or R function that implements your procedure.
Using a C snippet is much preferred, due to its much greater computational efficiency.
See Csnippet
for general rules on writing C snippets.
The goal of a dmeasure C snippet is to fill the variable lik
with the either the probability density or the log probability density, depending on the value of the variable give_log
In writing a dmeasure
C snippet, observe that:
In addition to the states, parameters, covariates (if any), and observables, the variable t
, containing the time of the observation will be defined in the context in which the snippet is executed.
Moreover, the Boolean variable give_log
will be defined.
The goal of a dmeasure C snippet is to set the value of the lik
variable to the likelihood of the data given the state, if give_log == 0
If give_log == 1
, lik
should be set to the log likelihood.
If dmeasure
is to be provided instead as an R function, this is accomplished by supplying
dmeasure = f
to pomp
, where f
is a function.
The arguments of f
should be chosen from among the observables, state variables, parameters, covariates, and time.
It must also have the arguments ...
, and log
It can take additional arguments via the userdata facility.
must return a single numeric value, the probability density (or log probability density if log = TRUE
) of y
given x
at time t
It is a common error to fail to account for both log = TRUE
and log = FALSE
when writing the dmeasure
C snippet or function.
If dmeasure
is left unspecified, calls to dmeasure
will return missing values (NA
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
## We start with the pre-built Ricker example: ricker() -> po ## To change the measurement model density, dmeasure, ## we use the 'dmeasure' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function. ## Here, we pass the dmeasure specification to 'pfilter' ## as an R function. po |> pfilter( dmeasure=function (y, N, phi, ..., log) { dpois(y,lambda=phi*N,log=log) }, Np=100 ) -> pf ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> pfilter( dmeasure=Csnippet("lik = dpois(y,phi*N,give_log);"), paramnames="phi", statenames="N", Np=100 ) -> pf
## We start with the pre-built Ricker example: ricker() -> po ## To change the measurement model density, dmeasure, ## we use the 'dmeasure' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function. ## Here, we pass the dmeasure specification to 'pfilter' ## as an R function. po |> pfilter( dmeasure=function (y, N, phi, ..., log) { dpois(y,lambda=phi*N,log=log) }, Np=100 ) -> pf ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> pfilter( dmeasure=Csnippet("lik = dpois(y,phi*N,give_log);"), paramnames="phi", statenames="N", Np=100 ) -> pf
Evaluates the prior probability density.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dprior(object, ..., params = coef(object), log = FALSE)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dprior(object, ..., params = coef(object), log = FALSE)
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
params |
a |
log |
if TRUE, log probabilities are returned. |
The required density (or log density), as a numeric vector.
Specification of the prior density evaluator: prior_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
More on Bayesian methods:
Evaluates the probability density of a sequence of consecutive state transitions.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dprocess( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object), log = FALSE )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' dprocess( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object), log = FALSE )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
log |
if TRUE, log probabilities are returned. |
returns a matrix of dimensions nrep
x ntimes-1
If d
is the returned matrix, d[j,k]
is the likelihood (or the log likelihood if log=TRUE
) of the transition from state x[,j,k-1]
at time times[k-1]
to state x[,j,k]
at time times[k]
Specification of the process-model density evaluator: dprocess_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the latent state process density function, dprocess.
Suppose you have a procedure that allows you to compute the probability density
of an arbitrary transition from state at time
to state
at time
under the assumption that the state remains unchanged
Then you can furnish
dprocess = f
to pomp
, where f
is a C snippet or R function that implements your procedure.
Specifically, f
should compute the log probability density.
Using a C snippet is much preferred, due to its much greater computational efficiency.
See Csnippet
for general rules on writing C snippets.
The goal of a dprocess C snippet is to fill the variable loglik
with the log probability density.
In the context of such a C snippet, the parameters, and covariates will be defined, as will the times t_1
and t_2
The state variables at time t_1
will have their usual name (see statenames
) with a “_1
” appended.
Likewise, the state variables at time t_2
will have a “_2
” appended.
If f
is given as an R function, it should take as arguments any or all of the state variables, parameter, covariates, and time.
The state-variable and time arguments will have suffices “_1
” and “_2
” appended.
Thus for example, if var
is a state variable, when f
is called, var_1
will value of state variable var
at time t_1
, var_2
will have the value of var
at time t_2
should return the log likelihood of a transition from x1
at time t1
to x2
at time t2
assuming that no intervening transitions have occurred.
To see examples, consult the demos and the tutorials on the package website.
It is not typically necessary (or even feasible) to define dprocess
In fact, no current pomp inference algorithm makes use of dprocess
This functionality is provided only to support future algorithm development.
By default, dprocess
returns missing values (NA
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
Data and models for the 2014–2016 outbreak of Ebola virus disease in West Africa.
ebolaModel( country = c("GIN", "LBR", "SLE"), data = NULL, timestep = 1/8, nstageE = 3L, R0 = 1.4, rho = 0.2, cfr = 0.7, k = 0, index_case = 10, incubation_period = 11.4, infectious_period = 7 )
ebolaModel( country = c("GIN", "LBR", "SLE"), data = NULL, timestep = 1/8, nstageE = 3L, R0 = 1.4, rho = 0.2, cfr = 0.7, k = 0, index_case = 10, incubation_period = 11.4, infectious_period = 7 )
country |
ISO symbol for the country (GIN=Guinea, LBR=Liberia, SLE=Sierra Leone). |
data |
if NULL, the situation report data (WHO Ebola Response Team 2014) for the appropriate country or region will be used. Providing a dataset here will override this behavior. |
timestep |
duration (in days) of Euler timestep for the simulations. |
nstageE |
integer; number of incubation stages. |
R0 |
basic reproduction ratio |
rho |
case reporting efficiency |
cfr |
case fatality rate |
k |
dispersion parameter (negative binomial |
index_case |
number of cases on day 0 (2014-04-01) |
incubation_period , infectious_period
mean duration (in days) of the incubation and infectious periods. |
The data include monthly case counts and death reports derived from WHO situation reports, as reported by the U.S. CDC. The models are described in King et al. (2015).
The data-cleaning script is included in the R source code file ‘ebola.R’.
The default incubation period is supposed to be Gamma distributed with shape parameter nstageE
and mean 11.4 days and the case-fatality ratio ('cfr') is taken to be 0.7 (cf. WHO Ebola Response Team 2014).
The discrete-time formula is used to calculate the corresponding alpha
(cf. He et al. 2010).
The observation model is a hierarchical model for cases and deaths:
Here, is negative binomial with mean
and dispersion parameter
is binomial with size
and probability equal to the case fatality rate
A.A. King, M. Domenech de Cellès, F.M.G. Magpantay, and P. Rohani. Avoidable errors in the modelling of outbreaks of emerging pathogens, with special reference to Ebola. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 282, 20150347, 2015. doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.0347.
WHO Ebola Response Team. Ebola virus disease in West Africa—the first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections. New England Journal of Medicine 371, 1481–1495, 2014. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1411100.
D. He, E.L. Ionides, and A.A. King. Plug-and-play inference for disease dynamics: measles in large and small populations as a case study. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7, 271–283, 2010. doi:10.1098/rsif.2009.0151.
More data sets provided with pomp:
More examples provided with pomp:
# takes too long for R CMD check if (require(ggplot2) && require(tidyr)) { ebolaWA2014 |> pivot_longer(c(cases,deaths)) |> ggplot(aes(x=date,y=value,group=name,color=name))+ geom_line()+ facet_grid(country~.,scales="free_y")+ theme_bw()+ theme(axis.text=element_text(angle=-90)) } plot(ebolaModel(country="SLE")) plot(ebolaModel(country="GIN")) plot(ebolaModel(country="LBR"))
# takes too long for R CMD check if (require(ggplot2) && require(tidyr)) { ebolaWA2014 |> pivot_longer(c(cases,deaths)) |> ggplot(aes(x=date,y=value,group=name,color=name))+ geom_line()+ facet_grid(country~.,scales="free_y")+ theme_bw()+ theme(axis.text=element_text(angle=-90)) } plot(ebolaModel(country="SLE")) plot(ebolaModel(country="GIN")) plot(ebolaModel(country="LBR"))
Estimate the effective sample size of a Monte Carlo computation.
## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterList' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterList' eff_sample_size(object, ..., format = c("numeric", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
Effective sample size is computed as
where is the normalized weight of particle
at time
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
In pomp, elementary algorithms perform POMP model operations. These operations do not themselves estimate parameters, though they may be instrumental in inference methods.
There are six elementary algorithms in pomp:
which simulates from the joint distribution of latent and observed variables,
, which performs a simple particle filter operation,
, which performs a weighted particle filter operation,
, which computes a suite of user-specified summary statistics on actual and simulated data,
, which performs a power-spectral density function computation on actual and simulated data,
, which iterates or integrates the deterministic skeleton according to whether the latter is a (discrete-time) map or a (continuous-time) vectorfield.
Help pages detailing each elementary algorithm component are provided.
basic model components, workhorse functions, estimation algorithms.
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
Return the expected value of the observed variables, given values of the latent states and the parameters.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' emeasure( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' emeasure( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
returns a rank-3 array of dimensions
x nrep
x ntimes
where nobs
is the number of observed variables.
Specification of the measurement-model expectation: emeasure_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the measurement-model conditional expectation, emeasure.
The measurement model is the link between the data and the unobserved state process.
Some algorithms require the conditional expectation of the measurement model, given the latent state and parameters.
This is supplied using the emeasure
Suppose you have a procedure to compute this conditional expectation, given the value of the latent state variables. Then you can furnish
emeasure = f
to pomp algorithms,
where f
is a C snippet or R function that implements your procedure.
Using a C snippet is much preferred, due to its much greater computational efficiency.
See Csnippet
for general rules on writing C snippets.
In writing an emeasure
C snippet, bear in mind that:
The goal of such a snippet is to fill variables named E_y
with the conditional expectations of observables y
Accordingly, there should be one assignment of E_y
for each observable y
In addition to the states, parameters, and covariates (if any), the variable t
, containing the time of the observation, will be defined in the context in which the snippet is executed.
The demos and the tutorials on the package website give examples.
It is also possible, though less efficient, to specify emeasure
using an R function.
In this case, specify the measurement model expectation by furnishing
emeasure = f
to pomp
, where f
is an R function.
The arguments of f
should be chosen from among the state variables, parameters, covariates, and time.
It must also have the argument ...
must return a named numeric vector of length equal to the number of observable variables.
The names should match those of the observable variables.
The default emeasure
is undefined.
It will yield missing values (NA
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
pomp currently implements the following algorithms for estimating model parameters:
Help pages detailing each estimation algorithm are provided.
basic model components, workhorse functions, elementary algorithms.
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
pomp provides a number of probability distributions that have proved useful in modeling partially observed Markov processes. These include the Euler-multinomial family of distributions and the the Gamma white-noise processes.
reulermultinom(n = 1, size, rate, dt) deulermultinom(x, size, rate, dt, log = FALSE) eeulermultinom(size, rate, dt) rgammawn(n = 1, sigma, dt)
reulermultinom(n = 1, size, rate, dt) deulermultinom(x, size, rate, dt, log = FALSE) eeulermultinom(size, rate, dt) rgammawn(n = 1, sigma, dt)
n |
integer; number of random variates to generate. |
size |
scalar integer; number of individuals at risk. |
rate |
numeric vector of hazard rates. |
dt |
numeric scalar; duration of Euler step. |
x |
matrix or vector containing number of individuals that have succumbed to each death process. |
log |
logical; if TRUE, return logarithm(s) of probabilities. |
sigma |
numeric scalar; intensity of the Gamma white noise process. |
If individuals face constant hazards of death in
at rates
then in an interval of duration
the number of individuals remaining alive and dying in each way is multinomially distributed:
where is the number of individuals remaining alive and
is the number of individuals dying in way
over the interval.
Here, the probability of remaining alive is
and the probability of dying in way is
In this case, we say that
where .
random samples from this distribution by doing
dn <- reulermultinom(n=m,size=N,rate=r,dt=dt),
where r
is the vector of rates.
Evaluate the probability that are the numbers of individuals who have died in each of the
ways over the interval
by doing
Bretó & Ionides (2011) discuss how an infinitesimally overdispersed death process can be constructed by compounding a multinomial process with a Gamma white noise process. The Euler approximation of the resulting process can be obtained as follows. Let the increments of the equidispersed process be given by
In this expression, replace the rate with
is the increment of an integrated Gamma white noise process with intensity
That is,
has mean
and variance
The resulting process is overdispersed and converges (as
goes to zero) to a well-defined process.
The following lines of code accomplish this:
dW <- rgammawn(sigma=sigma,dt=dt)
dn <- reulermultinom(size=N,rate=r,dt=dW)
dn <- reulermultinom(size=N,rate=r*dW/dt,dt=dt).
He et al. (2010) use such overdispersed death processes in modeling measles and the "Simulation-based Inference" course discusses the value of allowing for overdispersion more generally.
For all of the functions described here, access to the underlying C routines is available: see below.
returns a length(rate)
by n
Each column is a different random draw.
Each row contains the numbers of individuals that have succumbed to the corresponding process.
returns a vector (of length equal to the number of columns of x
This contains the probabilities of observing each column of x
given the specified parameters (size
, rate
, dt
returns a length(rate)
containing the expected number of individuals to have succumbed to the corresponding process.
With the notation above, if
dn <- eeulermultinom(size=N,rate=r,dt=dt),
then the -th element of the vector
will be .
returns a vector of length n
containing random increments of the integrated Gamma white noise process with intensity sigma
An interface for C codes using these functions is provided by the package. Visit the package homepage to view the pomp C API document.
Aaron A. King
C. Bretó and E. L. Ionides. Compound Markov counting processes and their applications to modeling infinitesimally over-dispersed systems. Stochastic Processes and their Applications 121, 2571–2591, 2011. doi:10.1016/j.spa.2011.07.005. D. He, E.L. Ionides, and A.A. King. Plug-and-play inference for disease dynamics: measles in large and small populations as a case study. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 7, 271–283, 2010. doi:10.1098/rsif.2009.0151.
More on implementing POMP models:
## Simulate 5 realizations of Euler-multinomial random variable: dn <- reulermultinom(5,size=100,rate=c(a=1,b=2,c=3),dt=0.1) dn ## Compute the probability mass function at each of the 5 realizations: deulermultinom(x=dn,size=100,rate=c(1,2,3),dt=0.1) ## Compute the expectation of an Euler-multinomial: eeulermultinom(size=100,rate=c(a=1,b=2,c=3),dt=0.1) ## An Euler-multinomial with overdispersed transitions: dt <- 0.1 dW <- rgammawn(sigma=0.1,dt=dt) reulermultinom(5,size=100,rate=c(a=1,b=2,c=3),dt=dW)
## Simulate 5 realizations of Euler-multinomial random variable: dn <- reulermultinom(5,size=100,rate=c(a=1,b=2,c=3),dt=0.1) dn ## Compute the probability mass function at each of the 5 realizations: deulermultinom(x=dn,size=100,rate=c(1,2,3),dt=0.1) ## Compute the expectation of an Euler-multinomial: eeulermultinom(size=100,rate=c(a=1,b=2,c=3),dt=0.1) ## An Euler-multinomial with overdispersed transitions: dt <- 0.1 dW <- rgammawn(sigma=0.1,dt=dt) reulermultinom(5,size=100,rate=c(a=1,b=2,c=3),dt=dW)
The mean of the filtering distribution
## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' filter_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' filter_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' filter_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' filter_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
vars |
optional character; names of variables |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
The filtering distribution is that of
where ,
are the latent state and observable processes, respectively, and
is the data, at time
The filtering mean is therefore the expectation of this distribution
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
Drawing from the smoothing distribution
## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' filter_traj(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' filter_traj(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' filter_traj(object, vars, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' filter_traj(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' filter_traj(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' filter_traj(object, vars, ...)
object |
result of a filtering computation |
vars |
optional character; names of variables |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
The smoothing distribution is the distribution of
where is the latent state process and
is the observable process at time
, and
is the number of observations.
To draw samples from this distribution, one can run a number of independent particle filter (pfilter
) operations, sampling the full trajectory of one randomly-drawn particle from each one.
One should view these as weighted samples from the smoothing distribution, where the weights are the likelihoods returned by each of the pfilter
One accomplishes this by setting filter.traj = TRUE
in each pfilter
computation and extracting the trajectory using the filter_traj
In particle MCMC (pmcmc
), the tracking of an individual trajectory is performed automatically.
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
Compute the flow generated by a deterministic vectorfield or map.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' flow( object, ..., x0, t0 = timezero(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' flow( object, ..., x0, t0 = timezero(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
Additional arguments are passed to the ODE integrator (if the skeleton is a vectorfield) and are ignored if it is a map.
See |
x0 |
an array with dimensions |
t0 |
the time at which the initial conditions are assumed to hold.
By default, this is the zero-time (see |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
verbose |
logical; if |
In the case of a discrete-time system (map), flow
iterates the map to yield trajectories of the system.
In the case of a continuous-time system (vectorfield), flow
uses the numerical solvers in deSolve to integrate the vectorfield starting from given initial conditions.
returns an array of dimensions nvar
x nrep
x ntimes
If x
is the returned matrix, x[i,j,k]
is the i-th component of the state vector at time times[k]
given parameters params[,j]
When there are accumulator variables (as determined by the accumvars
argument), their handling in the continuous-time (vectorfield) case differs from that in the discrete-time (map) case.
In the latter, accumulator variables are set to zero at the beginning of each interval ,
over which flow computation is required.
In the former, the flow computation proceeds over the entire set of intervals required, and accumulator variables are then differenced.
That is, the value
of accumulator variable
at times
will be
, where
is the solution of the corresponding differential equation at
More on pomp workhorse functions:
More on methods for deterministic process models:
Mean of the one-step-ahead forecasting distribution.
forecast(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' forecast(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' forecast(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
forecast(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' forecast(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' forecast(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
... |
ignored |
vars |
optional character; names of variables |
format |
format of the returned object |
Other extraction methods:
constructs a ‘pomp’ object encoding a stochastic Gompertz population model with log-normal measurement error.
gompertz( K = 1, r = 0.1, sigma = 0.1, tau = 0.1, X_0 = 1, times = 1:100, t0 = 0 )
gompertz( K = 1, r = 0.1, sigma = 0.1, tau = 0.1, X_0 = 1, times = 1:100, t0 = 0 )
K |
carrying capacity |
r |
growth rate |
sigma |
process noise intensity |
tau |
measurement error s.d. |
X_0 |
value of the latent state variable |
times |
observation times |
t0 |
zero time |
The state process is
and the
are i.i.d. lognormal random deviates with
The observed variables
are distributed as
Parameters include the per-capita growth rate , the carrying
, the process noise s.d.
, the
measurement error s.d.
, and the initial condition
. The ‘pomp’ object includes parameter
transformations that log-transform the parameters for estimation purposes.
A ‘pomp’ object with simulated data.
More examples provided with pomp:
plot(gompertz()) plot(gompertz(K=2,r=0.01))
plot(gompertz()) plot(gompertz(K=2,r=0.01))
The algorithms in pomp are formulated using R functions that access the basic model components
, dprocess
, rmeasure
, dmeasure
, etc.).
For short, we refer to these elementary functions as “workhorses”.
In implementing a model, the user specifies basic model components
using functions, procedures in dynamically-linked libraries, or C snippets.
Each component is then packaged into a ‘pomp_fun’ objects, which gives a uniform interface.
The construction of ‘pomp_fun’ objects is handled by the hitch
which conceptually “hitches” the workhorses to the user-defined procedures.
hitch( ..., templates, obsnames, statenames, paramnames, covarnames, PACKAGE, globals, cfile, cdir = getOption("pomp_cdir", NULL), on_load, shlib.args, compile = TRUE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
hitch( ..., templates, obsnames, statenames, paramnames, covarnames, PACKAGE, globals, cfile, cdir = getOption("pomp_cdir", NULL), on_load, shlib.args, compile = TRUE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
... |
named arguments representing the user procedures to be hitched.
These can be functions, character strings naming routines in external, dynamically-linked libraries, C snippets, or |
templates |
named list of templates.
Each workhorse must have a corresponding template.
See |
obsnames , statenames , paramnames , covarnames
character vectors specifying the names of observable variables, latent state variables, parameters, and covariates, respectively. These are only needed if one or more of the horses are furnished as C snippets. |
optional character;
the name (without extension) of the external, dynamically loaded library in which any native routines are to be found.
This is only useful if one or more of the model components has been specified using a precompiled dynamically loaded library;
it is not used for any component specified using C snippets.
globals |
optional character or C snippet;
arbitrary C code that will be hard-coded into the shared-object library created when C snippets are provided.
If no C snippets are used, |
cfile |
optional character variable.
cdir |
optional character variable.
on_load |
optional character or C snippet:
arbitrary C code that will be executed when the C snippet file is loaded.
If no C snippets are used, |
shlib.args |
optional character variables.
Command-line arguments to the |
compile |
if |
verbose |
Setting |
returns a named list of length two. The element named
“funs” is itself a named list of ‘pomp_fun’ objects, each of
which corresponds to one of the horses passed in. The element named
“lib” contains information on the shared-object library created
using the C snippets (if any were passed to hitch
). If no C
snippets were passed to hitch
, lib
Otherwise, it is a length-3 named list with the following elements:
The name of the library created.
directory in which the library was created. If this is NULL
, the
library was created in the session's temporary directory.
A character string with the full contents of the C snippet file.
Aaron A. King
The ensemble Kalman filter and ensemble adjustment Kalman filter.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' enkf( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, emeasure, vmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' enkf(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' enkf(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' eakf( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, emeasure, vmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' eakf(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' enkf( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, emeasure, vmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' enkf(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' enkf(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' eakf( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, emeasure, vmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' eakf(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Np |
integer; the number of particles to use, i.e., the size of the ensemble. |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
emeasure |
the expectation of the measured variables, conditional on the latent state.
This can be specified as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
vmeasure |
the covariance of the measured variables, conditional on the latent state.
This can be specified as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
verbose |
logical; if |
An object of class ‘kalmand_pomp’.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Aaron A. King
G. Evensen. Sequential data assimilation with a nonlinear quasi-geostrophic model using Monte Carlo methods to forecast error statistics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 99, 10143–10162, 1994. doi:10.1029/94JC00572.
J.L. Anderson. An ensemble adjustment Kalman filter for data assimilation. Monthly Weather Review 129, 2884–2903, 2001. doi:10.1175/1520-0493(2001)129<2884:AEAKFF>2.0.CO;2.
G. Evensen. Data assimilation: the ensemble Kalman filter. Springer-Verlag, 2009. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03711-5.
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
The basic Kalman filter for multivariate, linear, Gaussian processes.
kalmanFilter(object, X0 = rinit(object), A, Q, C, R, tol = 1e-06)
kalmanFilter(object, X0 = rinit(object), A, Q, C, R, tol = 1e-06)
object |
a pomp object containing data; |
X0 |
length-m vector containing initial state. This is assumed known without uncertainty. |
A |
Q |
C |
R |
tol |
the tolerance to be used in computing matrix pseudoinverses via singular-value decomposition.
Singular values smaller than |
If the latent state is , the observed variable is
, and
where denotes the multivariate normal distribution with mean
and variance
Then the Kalman filter computes the exact likelihood of
, and
A named list containing the following elements:
the ‘pomp’ object
as in the call
if (require(dplyr)) { gompertz() -> po po |> as.data.frame() |> mutate( logY=log(Y) ) |> select(time,logY) |> pomp(times="time",t0=0) |> kalmanFilter( X0=c(logX=0), A=matrix(exp(-0.1),1,1), Q=matrix(0.01,1,1), C=matrix(1,1,1), R=matrix(0.01,1,1) ) -> kf po |> pfilter(Np=1000) -> pf kf$logLik logLik(pf) + sum(log(obs(pf))) }
if (require(dplyr)) { gompertz() -> po po |> as.data.frame() |> mutate( logY=log(Y) ) |> select(time,logY) |> pomp(times="time",t0=0) |> kalmanFilter( X0=c(logX=0), A=matrix(exp(-0.1),1,1), Q=matrix(0.01,1,1), C=matrix(1,1,1), R=matrix(0.01,1,1) ) -> kf po |> pfilter(Np=1000) -> pf kf$logLik logLik(pf) + sum(log(obs(pf))) }
Extract the estimated log likelihood (or related quantity) from a fitted model.
logLik(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' logLik(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'nlf_objfun' logLik(object, ...)
logLik(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' logLik(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' logLik(object) ## S4 method for signature 'nlf_objfun' logLik(object, ...)
object |
fitted model object |
... |
ignored |
numerical value of the log likelihood.
Note that some methods compute not the log likelihood itself but instead a related quantity.
To keep the code simple, the logLik
function is nevertheless used to extract this quantity.
When object
is of ‘pfilterd_pomp’ class (i.e., the result of a wpfilter
computation), logLik
retrieves the estimated log likelihood.
When object
is of ‘wpfilterd_pomp’ class (i.e., the result of a wpfilter
computation), logLik
retrieves the estimated log likelihood.
When object
is of ‘probed_pomp’ class (i.e., the result of a probe
computation), logLik
retrieves the “synthetic likelihood”.
When object
is of ‘kalmand_pomp’ class (i.e., the result of an eakf
or enkf
computation), logLik
retrieves the estimated log likelihood.
When object
is of ‘pmcmcd_pomp’ class (i.e., the result of a pmcmc
computation), logLik
retrieves the estimated log likelihood as of the last particle filter operation.
When object
is of ‘bsmcd_pomp’ class (i.e., the result of a bsmc2
computation), logLik
retrieves the “log evidence”.
When object
is of ‘spect_match_objfun’ class (i.e., an objective function constructed by spect_objfun
), logLik
retrieves minus the spectrum mismatch.
When object
is an NLF objective function, i.e., the result of a call to nlf_objfun
retrieves the “quasi log likelihood”.
Other extraction methods:
avoiding over- and under-flow in doing so. It can optionally return an estimate of the standard error in this quantity.
logmeanexp(x, se = FALSE, ess = FALSE)
logmeanexp(x, se = FALSE, ess = FALSE)
x |
numeric |
se |
logical; give approximate standard error? |
ess |
logical; give effective sample size? |
When se = TRUE
, logmeanexp
uses a jackknife estimate of the variance in .
When ess = TRUE
, logmeanexp
returns an estimate of the effective sample size.
computed so as to avoid over- or underflow.
If se = TRUE
, the approximate standard error is returned as well.
If ess = TRUE
, the effective sample size is returned also.
Aaron A. King
# takes too long for R CMD check ## an estimate of the log likelihood: ricker() |> pfilter(Np=1000) |> logLik() |> replicate(n=5) -> ll logmeanexp(ll) ## with standard error: logmeanexp(ll,se=TRUE) ## with effective sample size logmeanexp(ll,ess=TRUE)
# takes too long for R CMD check ## an estimate of the log likelihood: ricker() |> pfilter(Np=1000) |> logLik() |> replicate(n=5) -> ll logmeanexp(ll) ## with standard error: logmeanexp(ll,se=TRUE) ## with effective sample size logmeanexp(ll,ess=TRUE)
Interpolate values from a lookup table
lookup(table, t)
lookup(table, t)
table |
a ‘covartable’ object created by a call to |
t |
numeric vector; times at which interpolated values of the covariates in |
A numeric vector or matrix of the interpolated values.
If t
is outside the range of the lookup table, the values will be extrapolated, and a warning will be issued.
The type of extrapolation performed will be constant or linear according to the order
flag used when creating the table.
More on interpolation:
Given a collection of points maximizing the likelihood over a range of fixed values of a focal parameter, this function constructs a profile likelihood confidence interval accommodating both Monte Carlo error in the profile and statistical uncertainty present in the likelihood function.
mcap(logLik, parameter, level = 0.95, span = 0.75, Ngrid = 1000)
mcap(logLik, parameter, level = 0.95, span = 0.75, Ngrid = 1000)
logLik |
numeric; a vector of profile log likelihood evaluations. |
parameter |
numeric; the corresponding values of the focal parameter. |
level |
numeric; the confidence level required. |
span |
numeric; the |
Ngrid |
integer; the number of points to evaluate the smoothed profile. |
returns a list including the loess
profile, a quadratic approximation, and the constructed confidence interval.
Edward L. Ionides
E. L. Ionides, C. Bretó, J. Park, R. A. Smith, and A. A. King. Monte Carlo profile confidence intervals for dynamic systems. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface 14, 20170126, 2017. doi:10.1098/rsif.2017.0126.
Convert arrays, lists, and other objects to data frames.
## S4 method for signature 'ANY' melt(data, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'array' melt(data, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'list' melt(data, ..., level = 1)
## S4 method for signature 'ANY' melt(data, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'array' melt(data, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'list' melt(data, ..., level = 1)
data |
object to convert |
... |
ignored |
level |
integer; level of recursion |
converts its first argument to a data frame.
It is a simplified version of the melt
command provided by the no-longer maintained reshape2 package.
An array can be melted into a data frame. In this case, the data frame will have one row per entry in the array.
A list can be melted into a data frame. This operation is recursive. A variable will be appended to distinguish the separate list entries.
An iterated filtering algorithm for estimating the parameters of a partially-observed Markov process.
Running mif2
causes the algorithm to perform a specified number of particle-filter iterations.
At each iteration, the particle filter is performed on a perturbed version of the model, in which the parameters to be estimated are subjected to random perturbations at each observation.
This extra variability effectively smooths the likelihood surface and combats particle depletion by introducing diversity into particle population.
As the iterations progress, the magnitude of the perturbations is diminished according to a user-specified cooling schedule.
The algorithm is presented and justified in Ionides et al. (2015).
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' mif2( data, ..., Nmif = 1, rw.sd, cooling.type = c("geometric", "hyperbolic"), cooling.fraction.50, Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' mif2( data, ..., Nmif = 1, rw.sd, cooling.type = c("geometric", "hyperbolic"), cooling.fraction.50, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' mif2(data, ..., Nmif = 1, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'mif2d_pomp' mif2( data, ..., Nmif, rw.sd, cooling.type, cooling.fraction.50, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' mif2( data, ..., Nmif = 1, rw.sd, cooling.type = c("geometric", "hyperbolic"), cooling.fraction.50, Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' mif2( data, ..., Nmif = 1, rw.sd, cooling.type = c("geometric", "hyperbolic"), cooling.fraction.50, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' mif2(data, ..., Nmif = 1, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'mif2d_pomp' mif2( data, ..., Nmif, rw.sd, cooling.type, cooling.fraction.50, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Nmif |
The number of filtering iterations to perform. |
rw.sd |
specification of the magnitude of the random-walk perturbations that will be applied to some or all model parameters.
Parameters that are to be estimated should have positive perturbations specified here.
The specification is given using the ifelse(time==time[1],s,0). Likewise, ifelse(time==time[lag],s,0). See below for some examples. The perturbations that are applied are normally distributed with the specified s.d. If parameter transformations have been supplied, then the perturbations are applied on the transformed (estimation) scale. |
cooling.type , cooling.fraction.50
specifications for the cooling schedule,
i.e., the manner and rate with which the intensity of the parameter perturbations is reduced with successive filtering iterations.
Np |
the number of particles to use.
This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timesteps, one may specify length(time(object,t0=TRUE)) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
In the latter case, |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
partrans |
optional parameter transformations, constructed using Many algorithms for parameter estimation search an unconstrained space of parameters.
When working with such an algorithm and a model for which the parameters are constrained, it can be useful to transform parameters.
One should supply the |
verbose |
logical; if |
Upon successful completion, mif2
returns an object of class
If Np
is anything other than a constant, the user must take care that the number of particles requested at the end of the time series matches that requested at the beginning.
In particular, if T=length(time(object))
, then one should have Np[1]==Np[T+1]
when Np
is furnished as an integer vector and Np(0)==Np(T)
when Np
is furnished as a function.
The following methods are available for such an object:
picks up where mif2
leaves off and performs more filtering iterations.
returns the so-called mif log likelihood which is the log likelihood of the perturbed model, not of the focal model itself.
To obtain the latter, it is advisable to run several pfilter
operations on the result of a mif2
extracts the point estimate
extracts the effective sample size of the final filtering iteration
Various other methods can be applied, including all the methods applicable to a pfilterd_pomp
object and all other pomp estimation algorithms and diagnostic methods.
The rw_sd
function simply returns a list containing its arguments as unevaluated expressions.
These are then evaluated in a context in which the vector of observation times is defined (as ‘time
This allows for easy specification of the structure of the perturbations that are to be applied.
For example,
rw_sd( a=0.05, b=ifelse(time==time[1], 0.2, 0), c=ivp(0.2), d=ifelse(time==time[13], 0.2, 0), e=ivp(0.2, lag=13), f=ifelse(time<23, 0.02, 0), g=ifelse(time>=23 & time<50, 0.02, 0), h=ivp(0.1,lags=3:8) )
results in random perturbations of parameter a
with s.d. 0.05 at every time step, while parameters b
and c
both get perturbations of s.d. 0.2 only before the first observation (i.e., at the zero-time).
Parameters d
and e
, by contrast, get perturbations of s.d. 0.2 only before the thirteenth observation.
Parameter f
gets a random perturbation of size 0.02 before every observation falling before ,
gets perturbed before all observations that fall in the interval .
Finally, the magnitude of the perturbation of parameter
is applied before the third through eighth observations.
On the -th IF2 iteration, prior to time-point
, the
-th parameter is given a random increment normally distributed with mean
and standard deviation
, where
is the cooling schedule and
is specified using
, as described above.
Let be the length of the time series and
Then, when cooling.type="geometric"
, we have
When cooling.type="hyperbolic"
, we have
where satisfies
Thus, in either case, the perturbations at the end of 50 IF2 iterations are a fraction smaller than they are at first.
To re-run a sequence of IF2 iterations, one can use the mif2
method on a ‘mif2d_pomp’ object.
By default, the same parameters used for the original IF2 run are re-used (except for verbose
, the default of which is shown above).
If one does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Aaron A. King, Edward L. Ionides, Dao Nguyen
E.L. Ionides, D. Nguyen, Y. Atchadé, S. Stoev, and A.A. King. Inference for dynamic and latent variable models via iterated, perturbed Bayes maps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 719–724, 2015. doi:10.1073/pnas.1410597112.
More on full-information (i.e., likelihood-based) methods:
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on maximization-based estimation methods:
Parameter estimation by maximum simulated quasi-likelihood.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' nlf_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), lags, nrbf = 4, ti, tf, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, period = NA, tensor = TRUE, fail.value = NA_real_, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose") ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' nlf_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), lags, nrbf = 4, ti, tf, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, period = NA, tensor = TRUE, fail.value = NA, verbose = getOption("verbose") ) ## S4 method for signature 'nlf_objfun' nlf_objfun( data, ..., est, lags, nrbf, ti, tf, seed = NULL, period, tensor, transform.data, fail.value, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' nlf_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), lags, nrbf = 4, ti, tf, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, period = NA, tensor = TRUE, fail.value = NA_real_, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose") ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' nlf_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), lags, nrbf = 4, ti, tf, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, period = NA, tensor = TRUE, fail.value = NA, verbose = getOption("verbose") ) ## S4 method for signature 'nlf_objfun' nlf_objfun( data, ..., est, lags, nrbf, ti, tf, seed = NULL, period, tensor, transform.data, fail.value, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
est |
character vector; the names of parameters to be estimated. |
lags |
A vector specifying the lags to use when constructing the nonlinear autoregressive prediction model. The first lag is the prediction interval. |
nrbf |
integer scalar; the number of radial basis functions to be used at each lag. |
ti , tf
required numeric values.
NLF works by generating simulating long time series from the model.
The simulated time series will be from |
seed |
When fitting, it is often best to fix the seed of the random-number generator (RNG).
This is accomplished by setting |
transform.data |
optional function.
If specified, forecasting is performed using data and model simulations transformed by this function.
By default, |
period |
numeric; |
tensor |
logical; if FALSE, the fitted model is a generalized additive model with time mod period as one of the predictors, i.e., a gam with time-varying intercept. If TRUE, the fitted model is a gam with lagged state variables as predictors and time-periodic coefficients, constructed using tensor products of basis functions of state variables with basis functions of time. |
fail.value |
optional numeric scalar;
if non- |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
verbose |
logical; if |
Nonlinear forecasting (NLF) is an ‘indirect inference’ method. The NLF approximation to the log likelihood of the data series is computed by simulating data from a model, fitting a nonlinear autoregressive model to the simulated time series, and quantifying the ability of the resulting fitted model to predict the data time series. The nonlinear autoregressive model is implemented as a generalized additive model (GAM), conditional on lagged values, for each observation variable. The errors are assumed multivariate normal.
The NLF objective function constructed by nlf_objfun
simulates long time series (nasymp
is the number of observations in the simulated times series), perhaps after allowing for a transient period (ntransient
It then fits the GAM for the chosen lags to the simulated time series.
Finally, it computes the quasi-likelihood of the data under the fitted GAM.
NLF assumes that the observation frequency (equivalently the time between successive observations) is uniform.
constructs a stateful objective function for NLF estimation.
Specfically, nlf_objfun
returns an object of class ‘nlf_objfun’, which is a function suitable for use in an optim
-like optimizer.
In particular, this function takes a single numeric-vector argument that is assumed to contain the parameters named in est
, in that order.
When called, it will return the negative log quasilikelihood.
It is a stateful function:
Each time it is called, it will remember the values of the parameters and its estimate of the log quasilikelihood.
Unlike other pomp estimation methods, NLF cannot accommodate general time-dependence in the model via explicit time-dependence or dependence on time-varying covariates.
However, NLF can accommodate periodic forcing.
It does this by including forcing phase as a predictor in the nonlinear autoregressive model.
To accomplish this, one sets period
to the period of the forcing (a positive numerical value).
In this case, if tensor = FALSE
, the effect is to add a periodic intercept in the autoregressive model.
If tensor = TRUE
, by contrast, the fitted model includes time-periodic coefficients,
constructed using tensor products of basis functions of observables with
basis functions of time.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Since pomp cannot guarantee that the final call an optimizer makes to the function is a call at the optimum, it cannot guarantee that the parameters stored in the function are the optimal ones. Therefore, it is a good idea to evaluate the function on the parameters returned by the optimization routine, which will ensure that these parameters are stored.
If you use C snippets (see Csnippet
), a dynamically loadable library will be built.
As a rule, pomp functions load this library as needed and unload it when it is no longer needed.
The stateful objective functions are an exception to this rule.
For efficiency, calls to the objective function do not execute pompLoad
or pompUnload
rather, it is assumed that pompLoad
has been called before any call to the objective function.
When a stateful objective function using one or more C snippets is created, pompLoad
is called internally to build and load the library:
therefore, within a single R session, if one creates a stateful objective function, one can freely call that objective function and (more to the point) pass it to an optimizer that calls it freely, without needing to call pompLoad
On the other hand, if one retrieves a stored objective function from a file, or passes one to another R session, one must call pompLoad
before using it.
Failure to do this will typically result in a segmentation fault (i.e., it will crash the R session).
Stephen P. Ellner, Bruce E. Kendall, Aaron A. King
S.P. Ellner, B.A. Bailey, G.V. Bobashev, A.R. Gallant, B.T. Grenfell, and D.W. Nychka. Noise and nonlinearity in measles epidemics: combining mechanistic and statistical approaches to population modeling. American Naturalist 151, 425–440, 1998. doi:10.1086/286130.
B.E. Kendall, C.J. Briggs, W.W. Murdoch, P. Turchin, S.P. Ellner, E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, and S.N. Wood. Why do populations cycle? A synthesis of statistical and mechanistic modeling approaches. Ecology 80, 1789–1805, 1999. doi:10.2307/176658.
B.E. Kendall, S.P. Ellner, E. McCauley, S.N. Wood, C.J. Briggs, W.W. Murdoch, and P. Turchin. Population cycles in the pine looper moth (Bupalus piniarius): dynamical tests of mechanistic hypotheses. Ecological Monographs 75 259–276, 2005. doi:10.1890/03-4056.
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on methods based on summary statistics:
More on maximization-based estimation methods:
if (require(subplex)) { ricker() |> nlf_objfun(est=c("r","sigma","N_0"),lags=c(4,6), partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("r","sigma","N_0")), paramnames=c("r","sigma","N_0"), ti=100,tf=2000,seed=426094906L) -> m1 subplex(par=log(c(20,0.5,5)),fn=m1,control=list(reltol=1e-4)) -> out m1(out$par) coef(m1) plot(simulate(m1)) }
if (require(subplex)) { ricker() |> nlf_objfun(est=c("r","sigma","N_0"),lags=c(4,6), partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("r","sigma","N_0")), paramnames=c("r","sigma","N_0"), ti=100,tf=2000,seed=426094906L) -> m1 subplex(par=log(c(20,0.5,5)),fn=m1,control=list(reltol=1e-4)) -> out m1(out$par) coef(m1) plot(simulate(m1)) }
Extract the data array from a ‘pomp’ object.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' obs(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' obs(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' obs(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' obs(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class extending ‘pomp’ |
vars |
names of variables to retrieve |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
Other extraction methods:
constructs a ‘pomp’ object encoding a bivariate discrete-time Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with noisy observations.
ou2( alpha_1 = 0.8, alpha_2 = -0.5, alpha_3 = 0.3, alpha_4 = 0.9, sigma_1 = 3, sigma_2 = -0.5, sigma_3 = 2, tau = 1, x1_0 = -3, x2_0 = 4, times = 1:100, t0 = 0 )
ou2( alpha_1 = 0.8, alpha_2 = -0.5, alpha_3 = 0.3, alpha_4 = 0.9, sigma_1 = 3, sigma_2 = -0.5, sigma_3 = 2, tau = 1, x1_0 = -3, x2_0 = 4, times = 1:100, t0 = 0 )
alpha_1 , alpha_2 , alpha_3 , alpha_4
entries of the |
sigma_1 , sigma_2 , sigma_3
entries of the lower-triangular |
tau |
measurement error s.d. |
x1_0 , x2_0
latent variable values at time |
times |
vector of observation times |
t0 |
the zero time |
If the state process is , then
where and
are 2x2 matrices,
is lower-triangular, and
is standard bivariate normal.
The observation process is
, where
A ‘pomp’ object with simulated data.
More examples provided with pomp:
po <- ou2() plot(po) coef(po) x <- simulate(po) plot(x) pf <- pfilter(po,Np=1000) logLik(pf)
po <- ou2() plot(po) coef(po) x <- simulate(po) plot(x) pf <- pfilter(po,Np=1000) logLik(pf)
Equipping models with parameter transformations to facilitate searches in constrained parameter spaces.
parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'NULL,NULL' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp_fun,pomp_fun' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Csnippet,Csnippet' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ..., log, logit, barycentric) ## S4 method for signature 'character,character' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'function,function' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...)
parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'NULL,NULL' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp_fun,pomp_fun' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'Csnippet,Csnippet' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ..., log, logit, barycentric) ## S4 method for signature 'character,character' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'function,function' parameter_trans(toEst, fromEst, ...)
toEst , fromEst
procedures that perform transformation of model parameters to and from the estimation scale, respectively. These can be furnished using C snippets, R functions, or via procedures in an external, dynamically loaded library. |
... |
ignored. |
log |
names of parameters to be log transformed. |
logit |
names of parameters to be logit transformed. |
barycentric |
names of parameters to be collectively transformed according to the log barycentric transformation. Important note: variables to be log-barycentrically transformed must be adjacent in the parameter vector. |
When parameter transformations are desired, they can be integrated into the ‘pomp’ object via the partrans
arguments using the parameter_trans
As with the other basic model components, these should ordinarily be specified using C snippets.
When doing so, note that:
The parameter transformation mapping a parameter vector from the scale used by the model codes to another scale, and the inverse transformation, are specified via a call to
The goal of these snippets is the transformation of the parameters from the natural scale to the estimation scale, and vice-versa.
If p
is the name of a variable on the natural scale, its value on the estimation scale is T_p
Thus the toEst
snippet computes T_p
given p
whilst the fromEst
snippet computes p
given T_p
Time-, state-, and covariate-dependent transformations are not allowed. Therefore, neither the time, nor any state variables, nor any of the covariates will be available in the context within which a parameter transformation snippet is executed.
These transformations can also be specified using R functions with arguments chosen from among the parameters.
Such an R function must also have the argument ‘...
In this case, toEst
should transform parameters from the scale that the basic components use internally to the scale used in estimation.
should be the inverse of toEst
Note that it is the user's responsibility to make sure that the transformations are mutually inverse.
If obj
is the constructed ‘pomp’ object, and coef(obj)
is non-empty, a simple check of this property is
x <- coef(obj, transform = TRUE) obj1 <- obj coef(obj1, transform = TRUE) <- x identical(coef(obj), coef(obj1)) identical(coef(obj1, transform=TRUE), x)
One can use the log
and logit
arguments of parameter_trans
to name variables that should be log-transformed or logit-transformed, respectively.
The barycentric
argument can name sets of parameters that should be log-barycentric transformed.
Note that using the log
, logit
, or barycentric
arguments causes C snippets to be generated.
Therefore, you must make sure that variables named in any of these arguments are also mentioned in paramnames
at the same time.
The logit transform is defined by
The log barycentric transformation of variables is given by
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
is a utility that makes a vector of parameters suitable for
use in pomp functions.
parmat(params, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'numeric' parmat(params, nrep = 1, ..., names = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'array' parmat(params, nrep = 1, ..., names = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' parmat(params, nrep = 1, ...)
parmat(params, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'numeric' parmat(params, nrep = 1, ..., names = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'array' parmat(params, nrep = 1, ..., names = NULL) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' parmat(params, nrep = 1, ...)
params |
named numeric vector or matrix of parameters. |
... |
additional arguments, currently ignored. |
nrep |
number of replicates (columns) desired. |
names |
optional character; column names. |
returns a matrix consisting of nrep
copies of
Aaron A. King
# takes too long for R CMD check ## generate a bifurcation diagram for the Ricker map p <- parmat(coef(ricker()),nrep=500) p["r",] <- exp(seq(from=1.5,to=4,length=500)) trajectory( ricker(), times=seq(from=1000,to=2000,by=1), params=p, format="array" ) -> x matplot(p["r",],x["N",,],pch='.',col='black', xlab=expression(log(r)),ylab="N",log='x')
# takes too long for R CMD check ## generate a bifurcation diagram for the Ricker map p <- parmat(coef(ricker()),nrep=500) p["r",] <- exp(seq(from=1.5,to=4,length=500)) trajectory( ricker(), times=seq(from=1000,to=2000,by=1), params=p, format="array" ) -> x matplot(p["r",],x["N",,],pch='.',col='black', xlab=expression(log(r)),ylab="N",log='x')
Performs parameter transformations.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' partrans(object, params, ..., dir = c("fromEst", "toEst")) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' partrans(object, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' partrans(object, params, ..., dir = c("fromEst", "toEst")) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' partrans(object, ...)
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
params |
a |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
dir |
the direction of the transformation to perform. |
If dir=fromEst
, the parameters in params
are assumed to be on the estimation scale and are transformed onto the natural scale.
If dir=toEst
, they are transformed onto the estimation scale.
In both cases, the parameters are returned as a named numeric vector or an array with rownames, as appropriate.
Specification of parameter transformations: parameter_trans
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Size of a population of great tits (Parus major) from Wytham Wood, near Oxford.
Provenance: Global Population Dynamics Database dataset #10163. (NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College (2010) The Global Population Dynamics Database Version 2. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/cpb/gpdd2/). Original source: McCleer and Perrins (1991).
R. McCleery and C. Perrins. Effects of predation on the numbers of Great Tits, Parus major. In: C.M. Perrins, J.-D. Lebreton, and G.J.M. Hirons (eds.), Bird Population Studies, pp. 129–147, Oxford. Univ. Press, 1991. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198577300.003.0006.
More data sets provided with pomp:
# takes too long for R CMD check parus |> pfilter(Np=1000,times="year",t0=1960, params=c(K=190,r=2.7,sigma=0.2,theta=0.05,N.0=148), rprocess=discrete_time( function (r, K, sigma, N, ...) { e <- rnorm(n=1,mean=0,sd=sigma) c(N = exp(log(N)+r*(1-N/K)+e)) }, delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=function (N, theta, ...) { c(pop=rnbinom(n=1,size=1/theta,mu=N+1e-10)) }, dmeasure=function (pop, N, theta, ..., log) { dnbinom(x=pop,mu=N+1e-10,size=1/theta,log=log) }, partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("sigma","theta","N_0","r","K")), paramnames=c("sigma","theta","N_0","r","K") ) -> pf pf |> logLik() pf |> simulate() |> plot()
# takes too long for R CMD check parus |> pfilter(Np=1000,times="year",t0=1960, params=c(K=190,r=2.7,sigma=0.2,theta=0.05,N.0=148), rprocess=discrete_time( function (r, K, sigma, N, ...) { e <- rnorm(n=1,mean=0,sd=sigma) c(N = exp(log(N)+r*(1-N/K)+e)) }, delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=function (N, theta, ...) { c(pop=rnbinom(n=1,size=1/theta,mu=N+1e-10)) }, dmeasure=function (pop, N, theta, ..., log) { dnbinom(x=pop,mu=N+1e-10,size=1/theta,log=log) }, partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("sigma","theta","N_0","r","K")), paramnames=c("sigma","theta","N_0","r","K") ) -> pf pf |> logLik() pf |> simulate() |> plot()
A plain vanilla sequential Monte Carlo (particle filter) algorithm. Resampling is performed at each observation.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' pfilter( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, pred.mean = FALSE, pred.var = FALSE, filter.mean = FALSE, filter.traj = FALSE, save.states = c("no", "filter", "prediction", "weighted", "unweighted", "FALSE", "TRUE"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' pfilter( data, ..., Np, pred.mean = FALSE, pred.var = FALSE, filter.mean = FALSE, filter.traj = FALSE, save.states = c("no", "filter", "prediction", "weighted", "unweighted", "FALSE", "TRUE"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pfilter(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' pfilter(data, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' pfilter( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, pred.mean = FALSE, pred.var = FALSE, filter.mean = FALSE, filter.traj = FALSE, save.states = c("no", "filter", "prediction", "weighted", "unweighted", "FALSE", "TRUE"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' pfilter( data, ..., Np, pred.mean = FALSE, pred.var = FALSE, filter.mean = FALSE, filter.traj = FALSE, save.states = c("no", "filter", "prediction", "weighted", "unweighted", "FALSE", "TRUE"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pfilter(data, ..., Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' pfilter(data, ...)
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Np |
the number of particles to use.
This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timesteps, one may specify length(time(object,t0=TRUE)) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
In the latter case, |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
pred.mean |
logical; if |
pred.var |
logical; if |
filter.mean |
logical; if |
filter.traj |
logical; if |
save.states |
If |
verbose |
logical; if |
An object of class ‘pfilterd_pomp’, which extends class ‘pomp’. Information can be extracted from this object using the methods documented below.
the estimated log likelihood
the estimated conditional log likelihood
the (time-dependent) estimated effective sample size
, pred_var
the mean and variance of the approximate prediction distribution
the mean of the filtering distribution
retrieve one particle trajectory. Useful for building up the smoothing distribution.
retrieve saved states
coerce to a data frame
diagnostic plots
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Aaron A. King
M.S. Arulampalam, S. Maskell, N. Gordon, and T. Clapp. A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear, non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50, 174–188, 2002. doi:10.1109/78.978374.
A. Bhadra and E.L. Ionides. Adaptive particle allocation in iterated sequential Monte Carlo via approximating meta-models. Statistics and Computing 26, 393–407, 2016. doi:10.1007/s11222-014-9513-x.
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
More on full-information (i.e., likelihood-based) methods:
pf <- pfilter(gompertz(),Np=1000) ## use 1000 particles plot(pf) logLik(pf) cond_logLik(pf) ## conditional log-likelihoods eff_sample_size(pf) ## effective sample size logLik(pfilter(pf)) ## run it again with 1000 particles ## run it again with 2000 particles pf <- pfilter(pf,Np=2000,filter.mean=TRUE,filter.traj=TRUE,save.states="filter") fm <- filter_mean(pf) ## extract the filtering means ft <- filter_traj(pf) ## one draw from the smoothing distribution ss <- saved_states(pf,format="d") ## the latent-state portion of each particle as(pf,"data.frame") |> head()
pf <- pfilter(gompertz(),Np=1000) ## use 1000 particles plot(pf) logLik(pf) cond_logLik(pf) ## conditional log-likelihoods eff_sample_size(pf) ## effective sample size logLik(pfilter(pf)) ## run it again with 1000 particles ## run it again with 2000 particles pf <- pfilter(pf,Np=2000,filter.mean=TRUE,filter.traj=TRUE,save.states="filter") fm <- filter_mean(pf) ## extract the filtering means ft <- filter_traj(pf) ## one draw from the smoothing distribution ss <- saved_states(pf,format="d") ## the latent-state portion of each particle as(pf,"data.frame") |> head()
Diagnostic plots.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp_plottable' plot( x, variables, panel = lines, nc = NULL, yax.flip = FALSE, mar = c(0, 5.1, 0, if (yax.flip) 5.1 else 2.1), oma = c(6, 0, 5, 0), axes = TRUE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'Pmcmc' plot(x, ..., pars) ## S4 method for signature 'Abc' plot(x, ..., pars, scatter = FALSE) ## S4 method for signature 'Mif2' plot(x, ..., pars, transform = FALSE) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' plot(x, y, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' plot( x, ..., max.plots.per.page = 4, plot.data = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), quantile.styles = list(lwd = 1, lty = 1, col = "gray70"), data.styles = list(lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "black") ) ## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' plot(x, pars, thin, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'probe_match_objfun' plot(x, y, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' plot(x, y, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp_plottable' plot( x, variables, panel = lines, nc = NULL, yax.flip = FALSE, mar = c(0, 5.1, 0, if (yax.flip) 5.1 else 2.1), oma = c(6, 0, 5, 0), axes = TRUE, ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'Pmcmc' plot(x, ..., pars) ## S4 method for signature 'Abc' plot(x, ..., pars, scatter = FALSE) ## S4 method for signature 'Mif2' plot(x, ..., pars, transform = FALSE) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' plot(x, y, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' plot( x, ..., max.plots.per.page = 4, plot.data = TRUE, quantiles = c(0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975), quantile.styles = list(lwd = 1, lty = 1, col = "gray70"), data.styles = list(lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "black") ) ## S4 method for signature 'bsmcd_pomp' plot(x, pars, thin, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'probe_match_objfun' plot(x, y, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' plot(x, y, ...)
x |
the object to plot |
variables |
optional character; names of variables to be displayed |
panel |
function of the form |
nc |
the number of columns to use. Defaults to 1 for up to 4 series, otherwise to 2. |
yax.flip |
logical; if TRUE, the y-axis (ticks and numbering) should flip from side 2 (left) to 4 (right) from series to series. |
mar , oma
the |
axes |
logical; indicates if x- and y- axes should be drawn |
... |
ignored or passed to low-level plotting functions |
pars |
names of parameters. |
scatter |
logical; if |
transform |
logical; should the parameter be transformed onto the estimation scale? |
y |
ignored |
max.plots.per.page |
positive integer; maximum number of plots on a page |
plot.data |
logical; should the data spectrum be included? |
quantiles |
numeric; quantiles to display |
quantile.styles |
list; plot styles to use for quantiles |
data.styles |
list; plot styles to use for data |
thin |
integer; when the number of samples is very large, it can be helpful to plot a random subsample:
The Particle MCMC algorithm for estimating the parameters of a
partially-observed Markov process. Running pmcmc
causes a particle
random-walk Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain algorithm to run for the
specified number of proposals.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' pmcmc( data, ..., Nmcmc = 1, proposal, Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, dprior, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' pmcmc( data, ..., Nmcmc = 1, proposal, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pmcmc( data, ..., Nmcmc = 1, proposal, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' pmcmc(data, ..., Nmcmc, proposal, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' pmcmc( data, ..., Nmcmc = 1, proposal, Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, dprior, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' pmcmc( data, ..., Nmcmc = 1, proposal, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pmcmc( data, ..., Nmcmc = 1, proposal, Np, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' pmcmc(data, ..., Nmcmc, proposal, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Nmcmc |
The number of PMCMC iterations to perform. |
proposal |
optional function that draws from the proposal distribution. Currently, the proposal distribution must be symmetric for proper inference: it is the user's responsibility to ensure that it is. Several functions that construct appropriate proposal function are provided: see MCMC proposals for more information. |
Np |
the number of particles to use.
This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timesteps, one may specify length(time(object,t0=TRUE)) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
In the latter case, |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
dprior |
optional; prior distribution density evaluator, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
For more information, see prior specification.
Setting |
verbose |
logical; if |
An object of class ‘pmcmcd_pomp’.
The following can be applied to the output of a pmcmc
repeats the calculation, beginning with the last state
continues the pmcmc
produces a series of diagnostic plots
extracts a random sample from the smoothing distribution
produces an mcmc
object, to which the various coda convergence diagnostics can be applied
To re-run a sequence of PMCMC
iterations, one can use the pmcmc
method on a ‘pmcmc’ object.
By default, the same parameters used for the original PMCMC run are re-used
(except for verbose
, the default of which is shown above). If one
does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Edward L. Ionides, Aaron A. King, Sebastian Funk
C. Andrieu, A. Doucet, and R. Holenstein. Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B 72, 269–342, 2010. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2009.00736.x.
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
More on full-information (i.e., likelihood-based) methods:
More on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods:
More on Bayesian methods:
This function constructs a ‘pomp’ object, encoding a partially-observed Markov process (POMP) model together with a uni- or multi-variate time series. As such, it is central to all the package's functionality. One implements the POMP model by specifying some or all of its basic components. These comprise:
which samples from the distribution of the state process at the zero-time;
which evaluates the density of the state process at the zero-time;
the simulator of the unobserved Markov state process;
the evaluator of the probability density function for transitions of the unobserved Markov state process;
the simulator of the observed process, conditional on the unobserved state;
the evaluator of the measurement model probability density function;
the expectation of the measurements, conditional on the latent state;
the covariance matrix of the measurements, conditional on the latent state;
which samples from a prior probability distribution on the parameters;
which evaluates the prior probability density function;
which computes the deterministic skeleton of the unobserved state process;
which performs parameter transformations.
The basic structure and its rationale are described in the Journal of Statistical Software paper, an updated version of which is to be found on the package website.
pomp( data, ..., times, t0, rinit, dinit, rprocess, dprocess, rmeasure, dmeasure, emeasure, vmeasure, skeleton, rprior, dprior, partrans, covar, params, accumvars, obsnames, statenames, paramnames, covarnames, nstatevars, PACKAGE, globals, on_load, userdata, cdir = getOption("pomp_cdir", NULL), cfile, shlib.args, compile = TRUE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
pomp( data, ..., times, t0, rinit, dinit, rprocess, dprocess, rmeasure, dmeasure, emeasure, vmeasure, skeleton, rprior, dprior, partrans, covar, params, accumvars, obsnames, statenames, paramnames, covarnames, nstatevars, PACKAGE, globals, on_load, userdata, cdir = getOption("pomp_cdir", NULL), cfile, shlib.args, compile = TRUE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments will generate an error. |
times |
the sequence of observation times.
t0 |
The zero-time, i.e., the time of the initial state.
This must be no later than the time of the first observation, i.e., |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
dinit |
evaluator of the initial-state density.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
dprocess |
evaluator of the probability density of transitions of the unobserved state process.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
emeasure |
the expectation of the measured variables, conditional on the latent state.
This can be specified as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
vmeasure |
the covariance of the measured variables, conditional on the latent state.
This can be specified as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
skeleton |
optional; the deterministic skeleton of the unobserved state process.
Depending on whether the model operates in continuous or discrete time, this is either a vectorfield or a map.
Accordingly, this is supplied using either the |
rprior |
optional; prior distribution sampler, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
For more information, see prior specification.
Setting |
dprior |
optional; prior distribution density evaluator, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
For more information, see prior specification.
Setting |
partrans |
optional parameter transformations, constructed using Many algorithms for parameter estimation search an unconstrained space of parameters.
When working with such an algorithm and a model for which the parameters are constrained, it can be useful to transform parameters.
One should supply the |
covar |
optional covariate table, constructed using If a covariate table is supplied, then the value of each of the covariates is interpolated as needed.
The resulting interpolated values are made available to the appropriate basic components.
See the documentation for |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
accumvars |
optional character vector; contains the names of accumulator variables. See accumvars for a definition and discussion of accumulator variables. |
obsnames |
optional character vector;
names of the observables.
It is not usually necessary to specify |
statenames |
optional character vector;
names of the latent state variables.
It is typically only necessary to supply |
paramnames |
optional character vector;
names of model parameters.
It is typically only necessary to supply |
covarnames |
optional character vector;
names of the covariates.
It is not usually necessary to specify |
nstatevars |
optional integer scalar;
If C snippets or native routines are used, one can specify the number of state variables with this argument.
By default, |
optional character;
the name (without extension) of the external, dynamically loaded library in which any native routines are to be found.
This is only useful if one or more of the model components has been specified using a precompiled dynamically loaded library;
it is not used for any component specified using C snippets.
globals |
optional character or C snippet;
arbitrary C code that will be hard-coded into the shared-object library created when C snippets are provided.
If no C snippets are used, |
on_load |
optional character or C snippet:
arbitrary C code that will be executed when the C snippet file is loaded.
If no C snippets are used, |
userdata |
optional list; the elements of this list will be available to basic model components.
This allows the user to pass information to the basic components outside of the usual routes of covariates ( |
cdir |
optional character variable.
cfile |
optional character variable.
shlib.args |
optional character variables.
Command-line arguments to the |
compile |
if |
verbose |
logical; if |
Each basic component is supplied via an argument of the same name.
These can be given in the call to pomp
, or to many of the package's other functions.
In any case, the effect is the same: to add, remove, or modify the basic component.
Each basic component can be furnished using C snippets, R functions, or pre-compiled native routine available in user-provided dynamically loaded libraries.
The pomp
constructor function returns an object, call it P
, of class ‘pomp’.
contains, in addition to the data, any elements of the model that have been specified as arguments to the pomp
constructor function.
One can add or modify elements of P
by means of further calls to pomp
, using P
as the first argument in such calls.
One can pass P
to most of the pomp package methods via their data
It is not typically necessary (or indeed feasible) to define all of the basic components for any given purpose. However, each pomp algorithm makes use of only a subset of these components. When an algorithm requires a basic component that has not been furnished, an error is generated to let you know that you must provide the needed component to use the algorithm.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Aaron A. King
A. A. King, D. Nguyen, and E. L. Ionides. Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes via the R package pomp. Journal of Statistical Software 69(12), 1–43, 2016. doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i12. An updated version of this paper is available on the pomp package website.
More on implementing POMP models:
Examples of pomp objects containing models and data.
pomp includes a number of pre-built examples of pomp objects and data that can be analyzed using pomp methods. These include:
Data from Nicholson's experiments with sheep blowfly populations
A pomp object with some of the blowfly data together with a discrete delay equation model.
A variant of blowflies1
Data from an outbreak of influenza in a boarding school.
Fifty years of census and cholera mortality data, together with a stochastic differential equation transmission model (King et al. 2008).
Data from the 2014 West Africa outbreak of Ebola virus disease, together with simple transmission models (King et al. 2015).
The Gompertz population dynamics model, with simulated data.
Data on incidence of several childhood diseases (London and Yorke 1973)
Measles incidence data from England and Wales
Measles incidence data from 7 English cities
A 2-D Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with simulated data
Population censuses of a Parus major population in Wytham Wood, England.
The Ricker population dynamics model, with simulated data
A 2-D Brownian motion model, with simulated data.
A simple continuous-time Markov chain SIR model, coded using Euler-multinomial steps, with simulated data.
A simple continuous-time Markov chain SIR model, coded using Gillespie's algorithm, with simulated data.
The Verhulst-Pearl (logistic) model, a continuous-time model of population dynamics, with simulated data
See also the tutorials on the package website for more examples.
Anonymous. Influenza in a boarding school. British Medical Journal 1, 587, 1978.
A.A. King, E.L. Ionides, M. Pascual, and M.J. Bouma. Inapparent infections and cholera dynamics. Nature 454, 877-880, 2008. doi:10.1038/nature07084.
A.A. King, M. Domenech de Cellès, F.M.G. Magpantay, and P. Rohani. Avoidable errors in the modelling of outbreaks of emerging pathogens, with special reference to Ebola. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 282, 20150347, 2015. doi:10.1098/rspb.2015.0347.
W. P. London and J. A. Yorke, Recurrent outbreaks of measles, chickenpox and mumps: I. Seasonal variation in contact rates. American Journal of Epidemiology 98, 453–468, 1973. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a121575.
A.J. Nicholson. The self-adjustment of populations to change. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology 22, 153–173, 1957. doi:10.1101/SQB.1957.022.01.017.
More examples provided with pomp:
The mean of the prediction distribution
## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' pred_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pred_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'kalmand_pomp' pred_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pred_mean(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
vars |
optional character; names of variables |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
The prediction distribution is that of
where ,
are the latent state and observable processes, respectively, and
is the data, at time
The prediction mean is therefore the expectation of this distribution
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
The variance of the prediction distribution
## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pred_var(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' pred_var(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
vars |
optional character; names of variables |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
The prediction distribution is that of
where ,
are the latent state and observable processes, respectively, and
is the data, at time
The prediction variance is therefore the variance of this distribution
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
Specification of prior distributions via the rprior and dprior components.
A prior distribution on parameters is specified by means of the rprior
and/or dprior
arguments to pomp
As with the other basic model components, it is preferable to specify these using C snippets.
In writing a C snippet for the prior sampler (rprior
), keep in mind that:
Within the context in which the snippet will be evaluated, only the parameters will be defined.
The goal of such a snippet is the replacement of parameters with values drawn from the prior distribution.
Hyperparameters can be included in the ordinary parameter list. Obviously, hyperparameters should not be replaced with random draws.
In writing a C snippet for the prior density function (dprior
), observe that:
Within the context in which the snippet will be evaluated, only the parameters and give_log
will be defined.
The goal of such a snippet is computation of the prior probability density, or the log of same, at a given point in parameter space.
This scalar value should be returned in the variable lik
When give_log == 1
, lik
should contain the log of the prior probability density.
Hyperparameters can be included in the ordinary parameter list.
General rules for writing C snippets can be found here.
Alternatively, one can furnish R functions for one or both of these arguments.
In this case, rprior
must be a function that makes a draw from
the prior distribution of the parameters and returns a named vector
containing all the parameters.
The only required argument of this function is ...
Similarly, the dprior
function must evaluate the prior probability
density (or log density if log == TRUE
) and return that single
scalar value.
The only required arguments of this function are ...
and log
By default, the prior is assumed flat and improper.
In particular, dprior
returns 1
if log = TRUE
) for every parameter set.
Since it is impossible to simulate from a flat improper prior, rprocess
returns missing values (NA
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
More on Bayesian methods:
# takes too long for R CMD check ## Starting with an existing pomp object: verhulst() |> window(end=30) -> po ## We add or change prior distributions using the two ## arguments 'rprior' and 'dprior'. Here, we introduce ## a Gamma prior on the 'r' parameter. ## We construct 'rprior' and 'dprior' using R functions. po |> bsmc2( rprior=function (n_0, K0, K1, sigma, tau, r0, r1, ...) { c( n_0 = n_0, K = rgamma(n=1,shape=K0,scale=K1), r = rgamma(n=1,shape=r0,scale=r1), sigma = sigma, tau = tau ) }, dprior=function(K, K0, K1, r, r0, r1, ..., log) { p <- dgamma(x=c(K,r),shape=c(K0,r0),scale=c(K1,r1),log=log) if (log) sum(p) else prod(p) }, params=c(n_0=10000,K=10000,K0=10,K1=1000, r=0.9,r0=0.9,r1=1,sigma=0.5,tau=0.3), Np=1000 ) -> B ## We can also pass them as C snippets: po |> bsmc2( rprior=Csnippet(" K = rgamma(K0,K1); r = rgamma(r0,r1);" ), dprior=Csnippet(" double lik1 = dgamma(K,K0,K1,give_log); double lik2 = dgamma(r,r0,r1,give_log); lik = (give_log) ? lik1+lik2 : lik1*lik2;" ), paramnames=c("K","K0","K1","r","r0","r1"), params=c(n_0=10000,K=10000,K0=10,K1=1000, r=0.9,r0=0.9,r1=1,sigma=0.5,tau=0.3), Np=10000 ) -> B ## The prior is plotted in grey; the posterior, in blue. plot(B) B |> pmcmc(Nmcmc=100,Np=1000,proposal=mvn_diag_rw(c(r=0.01,K=10))) -> Bb plot(Bb,pars=c("loglik","log.prior","r","K"))
# takes too long for R CMD check ## Starting with an existing pomp object: verhulst() |> window(end=30) -> po ## We add or change prior distributions using the two ## arguments 'rprior' and 'dprior'. Here, we introduce ## a Gamma prior on the 'r' parameter. ## We construct 'rprior' and 'dprior' using R functions. po |> bsmc2( rprior=function (n_0, K0, K1, sigma, tau, r0, r1, ...) { c( n_0 = n_0, K = rgamma(n=1,shape=K0,scale=K1), r = rgamma(n=1,shape=r0,scale=r1), sigma = sigma, tau = tau ) }, dprior=function(K, K0, K1, r, r0, r1, ..., log) { p <- dgamma(x=c(K,r),shape=c(K0,r0),scale=c(K1,r1),log=log) if (log) sum(p) else prod(p) }, params=c(n_0=10000,K=10000,K0=10,K1=1000, r=0.9,r0=0.9,r1=1,sigma=0.5,tau=0.3), Np=1000 ) -> B ## We can also pass them as C snippets: po |> bsmc2( rprior=Csnippet(" K = rgamma(K0,K1); r = rgamma(r0,r1);" ), dprior=Csnippet(" double lik1 = dgamma(K,K0,K1,give_log); double lik2 = dgamma(r,r0,r1,give_log); lik = (give_log) ? lik1+lik2 : lik1*lik2;" ), paramnames=c("K","K0","K1","r","r0","r1"), params=c(n_0=10000,K=10000,K0=10,K1=1000, r=0.9,r0=0.9,r1=1,sigma=0.5,tau=0.3), Np=10000 ) -> B ## The prior is plotted in grey; the posterior, in blue. plot(B) B |> pmcmc(Nmcmc=100,Np=1000,proposal=mvn_diag_rw(c(r=0.01,K=10))) -> Bb plot(Bb,pars=c("loglik","log.prior","r","K"))
Probe a partially-observed Markov process by computing summary statistics and the synthetic likelihood.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' probe( data, ..., probes, nsim, seed = NULL, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' probe( data, ..., probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' probe( data, ..., probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probe_match_objfun' probe(data, ..., seed, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' probe(data, ..., seed = NULL)
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' probe( data, ..., probes, nsim, seed = NULL, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' probe( data, ..., probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' probe( data, ..., probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probe_match_objfun' probe(data, ..., seed, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' probe(data, ..., seed = NULL)
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
probes |
a single probe or a list of one or more probes. A probe is simply a scalar- or vector-valued function of one argument that can be applied to the data array of a ‘pomp’. A vector-valued probe must always return a vector of the same size. A number of useful probes are provided with the package: see basic probes. |
nsim |
the number of model simulations to be computed. |
seed |
optional integer;
if set, the pseudorandom number generator (RNG) will be initialized with |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
verbose |
logical; if |
applies one or more “probes” to time series data and
model simulations and compares the results. It can be used to diagnose
goodness of fit and/or as the basis for “probe-matching”, a
generalized method-of-moments approach to parameter estimation.
A call to probe
results in the evaluation of the probe(s) in
on the data. Additionally, nsim
simulated data sets
are generated (via a call to simulate
) and
the probe(s) are applied to each of these. The results of the probe
computations on real and simulated data are stored in an object of class
When probe
operates on a probe-matching objective function (a ‘probe_match_objfun’ object), by default, the
random-number generator seed is fixed at the value given when the objective function was constructed.
Specifying NULL
or an integer for seed
overrides this behavior.
returns an object of class ‘probed_pomp’, which contains the data and the model, together with the results of the probe
The following methods are available.
displays diagnostic plots.
displays summary information. The summary includes quantiles (fractions of simulations with probe values less than those realized on the data) and the corresponding two-sided p-values. In addition, the “synthetic likelihood” (Wood 2010) is computed, under the assumption that the probe values are multivariate-normally distributed.
returns the synthetic likelihood for the probes. NB: in general, this is not the same as the likelihood.
coerces a ‘probed_pomp’ to a ‘data.frame’.
The latter contains the realized values of the probes on the data and on the simulations.
The variable .id
indicates whether the probes are from the data or simulations.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Daniel C. Reuman, Aaron A. King
B.E. Kendall, C.J. Briggs, W.W. Murdoch, P. Turchin, S.P. Ellner, E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, and S.N. Wood. Why do populations cycle? A synthesis of statistical and mechanistic modeling approaches. Ecology 80, 1789–1805, 1999. doi:10.2307/176658.
S. N. Wood Statistical inference for noisy nonlinear ecological dynamic systems. Nature 466, 1102–1104, 2010. doi:10.1038/nature09319.
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
More on methods based on summary statistics:
Estimation of parameters by maximum synthetic likelihood
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' probe_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, probes, nsim, seed = NULL, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' probe_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' probe_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probe_match_objfun' probe_objfun( data, ..., est, fail.value, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' probe_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, probes, nsim, seed = NULL, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' probe_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' probe_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, probes, nsim, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'probe_match_objfun' probe_objfun( data, ..., est, fail.value, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
est |
character vector; the names of parameters to be estimated. |
fail.value |
optional numeric scalar;
if non- |
probes |
a single probe or a list of one or more probes. A probe is simply a scalar- or vector-valued function of one argument that can be applied to the data array of a ‘pomp’. A vector-valued probe must always return a vector of the same size. A number of useful probes are provided with the package: see basic probes. |
nsim |
the number of model simulations to be computed. |
seed |
When fitting, it is often best to fix the seed of the random-number generator (RNG).
This is accomplished by setting |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
partrans |
optional parameter transformations, constructed using Many algorithms for parameter estimation search an unconstrained space of parameters.
When working with such an algorithm and a model for which the parameters are constrained, it can be useful to transform parameters.
One should supply the |
verbose |
logical; if |
In probe-matching, one attempts to minimize the discrepancy between simulated and actual data, as measured by a set of summary statistics called probes. In pomp, this discrepancy is measured using the “synthetic likelihood” as defined by Wood (2010).
constructs a stateful objective function for probe matching.
Specifically, probe_objfun
returns an object of class ‘probe_match_objfun’, which is a function suitable for use in an optim
-like optimizer.
In particular, this function takes a single numeric-vector argument that is assumed to contain the parameters named in est
, in that order.
When called, it will return the negative synthetic log likelihood for the probes specified.
It is a stateful function:
Each time it is called, it will remember the values of the parameters and its estimate of the synthetic likelihood.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Since pomp cannot guarantee that the final call an optimizer makes to the function is a call at the optimum, it cannot guarantee that the parameters stored in the function are the optimal ones. Therefore, it is a good idea to evaluate the function on the parameters returned by the optimization routine, which will ensure that these parameters are stored.
If you use C snippets (see Csnippet
), a dynamically loadable library will be built.
As a rule, pomp functions load this library as needed and unload it when it is no longer needed.
The stateful objective functions are an exception to this rule.
For efficiency, calls to the objective function do not execute pompLoad
or pompUnload
rather, it is assumed that pompLoad
has been called before any call to the objective function.
When a stateful objective function using one or more C snippets is created, pompLoad
is called internally to build and load the library:
therefore, within a single R session, if one creates a stateful objective function, one can freely call that objective function and (more to the point) pass it to an optimizer that calls it freely, without needing to call pompLoad
On the other hand, if one retrieves a stored objective function from a file, or passes one to another R session, one must call pompLoad
before using it.
Failure to do this will typically result in a segmentation fault (i.e., it will crash the R session).
Aaron A. King
B.E. Kendall, C.J. Briggs, W.W. Murdoch, P. Turchin, S.P. Ellner, E. McCauley, R.M. Nisbet, and S.N. Wood. Why do populations cycle? A synthesis of statistical and mechanistic modeling approaches. Ecology 80, 1789–1805, 1999. doi:10.2307/176658.
S. N. Wood Statistical inference for noisy nonlinear ecological dynamic systems. Nature 466, 1102–1104, 2010. doi:10.1038/nature09319.
More on methods based on summary statistics:
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on maximization-based estimation methods:
gompertz() -> po ## A list of probes: plist <- list( mean=probe_mean("Y",trim=0.1,transform=sqrt), sd=probe_sd("Y",transform=sqrt), probe_marginal("Y",ref=obs(po)), probe_acf("Y",lags=c(1,3,5),type="correlation",transform=sqrt), probe_quantile("Y",prob=c(0.25,0.75),na.rm=TRUE) ) ## Construct the probe-matching objective function. ## Here, we just want to estimate 'K'. po |> probe_objfun(probes=plist,nsim=100,seed=5069977, est="K") -> f ## Any numerical optimizer can be used to minimize 'f'. if (require(subplex)) { subplex(fn=f,par=0.4,control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } else { optim(fn=f,par=0.4,control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } ## Call the objective one last time on the optimal parameters: f(out$par) coef(f) ## There are 'plot' and 'summary' methods: f |> as("probed_pomp") |> plot() f |> summary() ## One can convert an objective function to a data frame: f |> as("data.frame") |> head() f |> as("probed_pomp") |> as("data.frame") |> head() f |> probe() |> plot() ## One can modify the objective function with another call ## to 'probe_objfun': f |> probe_objfun(est=c("r","K")) -> f1 optim(fn=f1,par=c(0.3,0.3),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out f1(out$par) coef(f1)
gompertz() -> po ## A list of probes: plist <- list( mean=probe_mean("Y",trim=0.1,transform=sqrt), sd=probe_sd("Y",transform=sqrt), probe_marginal("Y",ref=obs(po)), probe_acf("Y",lags=c(1,3,5),type="correlation",transform=sqrt), probe_quantile("Y",prob=c(0.25,0.75),na.rm=TRUE) ) ## Construct the probe-matching objective function. ## Here, we just want to estimate 'K'. po |> probe_objfun(probes=plist,nsim=100,seed=5069977, est="K") -> f ## Any numerical optimizer can be used to minimize 'f'. if (require(subplex)) { subplex(fn=f,par=0.4,control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } else { optim(fn=f,par=0.4,control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } ## Call the objective one last time on the optimal parameters: f(out$par) coef(f) ## There are 'plot' and 'summary' methods: f |> as("probed_pomp") |> plot() f |> summary() ## One can convert an objective function to a data frame: f |> as("data.frame") |> head() f |> as("probed_pomp") |> as("data.frame") |> head() f |> probe() |> plot() ## One can modify the objective function with another call ## to 'probe_objfun': f |> probe_objfun(est=c("r","K")) -> f1 optim(fn=f1,par=c(0.3,0.3),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out f1(out$par) coef(f1)
Functions to construct proposal distributions for use with MCMC methods.
mvn_diag_rw(rw.sd) mvn_rw(rw.var) mvn_rw_adaptive( rw.sd, rw.var, scale.start = NA, scale.cooling = 0.999, shape.start = NA, target = 0.234, max.scaling = 50 )
mvn_diag_rw(rw.sd) mvn_rw(rw.var) mvn_rw_adaptive( rw.sd, rw.var, scale.start = NA, scale.cooling = 0.999, shape.start = NA, target = 0.234, max.scaling = 50 )
rw.sd |
named numeric vector; random-walk SDs for a multivariate normal random-walk proposal with diagonal variance-covariance matrix. |
rw.var |
square numeric matrix with row- and column-names. Specifies the variance-covariance matrix for a multivariate normal random-walk proposal distribution. |
scale.start , scale.cooling , shape.start , target , max.scaling
to control the proposal adaptation algorithm. Beginning with MCMC
iteration |
Each of these calls constructs a function suitable for use as the
argument of pmcmc
or abc
. Given a parameter
vector, each such function returns a single draw from the corresponding
proposal distribution.
Aaron A. King, Sebastian Funk
G.O. Roberts and J.S. Rosenthal. Examples of adaptive MCMC. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 18, 349–367, 2009. doi:10.1198/jcgs.2009.06134.
More on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods:
Archiving of computations and control of the random-number generator.
bake( file, expr, seed = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL, dependson = NULL, info = FALSE, timing = TRUE, dir = getOption("pomp_archive_dir", getwd()) ) stew( file, expr, seed = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL, dependson = NULL, info = FALSE, timing = TRUE, dir = getOption("pomp_archive_dir", getwd()) ) freeze( expr, seed = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL, envir = parent.frame(), enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv() ) append_data( data, file, overwrite = FALSE, dir = getOption("pomp_archive_dir", getwd()) )
bake( file, expr, seed = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL, dependson = NULL, info = FALSE, timing = TRUE, dir = getOption("pomp_archive_dir", getwd()) ) stew( file, expr, seed = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL, dependson = NULL, info = FALSE, timing = TRUE, dir = getOption("pomp_archive_dir", getwd()) ) freeze( expr, seed = NULL, kind = NULL, normal.kind = NULL, envir = parent.frame(), enclos = if (is.list(envir) || is.pairlist(envir)) parent.frame() else baseenv() ) append_data( data, file, overwrite = FALSE, dir = getOption("pomp_archive_dir", getwd()) )
file |
Name of the archive file in which the result will be stored or retrieved, as appropriate.
For |
expr |
Expression to be evaluated. |
seed , kind , normal.kind
To set the state and of the RNG.
The default, |
dependson |
arbitrary R object (optional).
Variables on which the computation in |
info |
If |
timing |
If |
dir |
Directory holding archive files;
by default, this is the current working directory.
This can also be set using the global option |
envir |
the |
enclos |
relevant when |
data |
data frame |
overwrite |
logical; if |
On cooking shows, recipes requiring lengthy baking or stewing are prepared beforehand.
The bake
and stew
functions perform analogously:
an computation is performed and archived in a named file.
If the function is called again and the file is present, the computation is not executed.
Instead, the results are loaded from the archive.
Moreover, via their optional seed
argument, bake
and stew
can control the pseudorandom-number generator (RNG) for greater reproducibility.
After the computation is finished, these functions restore the pre-existing RNG state to avoid side effects.
The freeze
function doesn't save results, but does set the RNG state to the specified value and restore it after the computation is complete.
Both bake
and stew
first test to see whether file
If it does, bake
reads it using readRDS
and returns the resulting object.
By contrast, stew
loads the file using load
and copies the objects it contains into the user's workspace (or the environment of the call to stew
If file
does not exist, then both bake
and stew
evaluate the expression expr
they differ in the results that they save.
saves the value of the evaluated expression to file
as a single object.
The name of that object is not saved.
By contrast, stew
creates a local environment within which expr
is evaluated; all objects in that environment are saved (by name) in file
and stew
also store information about the code executed, the dependencies, and the state of the random-number generator (if the latter is controlled) in the archive file.
Re-computation is triggered if any of these things change.
returns the value of the evaluated expression expr
Other objects created in the evaluation of expr
are discarded along with the temporary, local environment created for the evaluation.
The latter behavior differs from that of stew
, which returns the names of the objects created during the evaluation of expr
After stew
completes, these objects are copied into the environment in which stew
was called.
returns the value of evaluated expression expr
However, freeze
evaluates expr
within the parent environment, so other objects created in the evaluation of expr
will therefore exist after freeze
and stew
store information about the code executed, the dependencies, and the state of the random-number generator in the archive file.
In the case of bake
, this is recorded in the “ingredients” attribute (attr(.,"ingredients")
in the stew
case, this is recorded in an object, “.ingredients”, in the archive.
This information is returned only if info=TRUE
The time required for execution is also recorded.
stores this in the “system.time” attribute of the archived R object;
does so in a hidden variable named .system.time
The timing is obtained using system.time
returns a data frame containing the new contents of file
, invisibly.
Note that when a ‘pomp’ object is built with one or more C snippets, the resulting code is “salted” with a random element to prevent collisions in parallel computations.
As a result, two such ‘pomp’ objects will never match perfectly, even if the codes and data used to construct them are identical.
Therefore, avoid using ‘pomp’ objects as dependencies in bake
and stew
With pomp version, the behavior of bake
and stew
In particular, older versions did no dependency checking, and did not check to see whether expr
had changed.
Accordingly, the archive files written by older versions have a format that is not compatible with the newer ones.
When an archive file in the old format is encountered, it will be updated to the new format, with a warning message.
Note that this will overwrite existing archive files!
However, there will be no loss of information.
Aaron A. King
## Not run: bake(file="example1.rds",{ x <- runif(1000) mean(x) }) bake(file="example1.rds",{ x <- runif(1000) mean(x) }) bake(file="example1.rds",{ a <- 3 x <- runif(1000) mean(x) }) a <- 5 b <- 2 stew(file="example2.rda", dependson=list(a,b),{ x <- runif(10) y <- rnorm(n=10,mean=a*x+b,sd=2) }) plot(x,y) set.seed(11) runif(2) freeze(runif(3),seed=5886730) runif(2) freeze(runif(3),seed=5886730) runif(2) set.seed(11) runif(2) runif(2) runif(2) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: bake(file="example1.rds",{ x <- runif(1000) mean(x) }) bake(file="example1.rds",{ x <- runif(1000) mean(x) }) bake(file="example1.rds",{ a <- 3 x <- runif(1000) mean(x) }) a <- 5 b <- 2 stew(file="example2.rda", dependson=list(a,b),{ x <- runif(10) y <- rnorm(n=10,mean=a*x+b,sd=2) }) plot(x,y) set.seed(11) runif(2) freeze(runif(3),seed=5886730) runif(2) freeze(runif(3),seed=5886730) runif(2) set.seed(11) runif(2) runif(2) runif(2) ## End(Not run)
is a ‘pomp’ object encoding a stochastic Ricker model
with Poisson measurement error.
ricker(r = exp(3.8), sigma = 0.3, phi = 10, c = 1, N_0 = 7)
ricker(r = exp(3.8), sigma = 0.3, phi = 10, c = 1, N_0 = 7)
r |
intrinsic growth rate |
sigma |
environmental process noise s.d. |
phi |
sampling rate |
c |
density dependence parameter |
N_0 |
initial condition |
The state process is , where the
are i.i.d. normal
random deviates with zero mean and variance
. The
observed variables
are distributed as
A ‘pomp’ object containing the Ricker model and simulated data.
More examples provided with pomp:
po <- ricker() plot(po) coef(po) simulate(po) |> plot() # takes too long for R CMD check ## generate a bifurcation diagram for the Ricker map p <- parmat(coef(ricker()),nrep=500) p["r",] <- exp(seq(from=1.5,to=4,length=500)) trajectory( ricker(), times=seq(from=1000,to=2000,by=1), params=p, format="array" ) -> x matplot(p["r",],x["N",,],pch='.',col='black', xlab=expression(log(r)),ylab="N",log='x')
po <- ricker() plot(po) coef(po) simulate(po) |> plot() # takes too long for R CMD check ## generate a bifurcation diagram for the Ricker map p <- parmat(coef(ricker()),nrep=500) p["r",] <- exp(seq(from=1.5,to=4,length=500)) trajectory( ricker(), times=seq(from=1000,to=2000,by=1), params=p, format="array" ) -> x matplot(p["r",],x["N",,],pch='.',col='black', xlab=expression(log(r)),ylab="N",log='x')
Samples from the initial-state distribution.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rinit(object, ..., params = coef(object), t0 = timezero(object), nsim = 1)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rinit(object, ..., params = coef(object), t0 = timezero(object), nsim = 1)
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
params |
a |
t0 |
the initial time, i.e., the time corresponding to the initial-state distribution. |
nsim |
optional integer; the number of initial states to simulate per column of |
returns an nvar
x nsim*ncol(params)
matrix of state-process initial conditions when given an npar
x nsim
matrix of parameters, params
, and an initial time t0
By default, t0
is the initial time defined when the ‘pomp’ object ws constructed.
_spec of the initial-state distribution: rinit_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the initial-state distribution simulator, rinit.
To fully specify the unobserved Markov state process, one must give its distribution at the zero-time (t0
One does this by furnishing a value for the rinit
As usual, this can be provided either as a C snippet or as an R function.
In the former case, bear in mind that:
The goal of a this snippet is the construction of a state vector, i.e., the setting of the dynamical states at time .
In addition to the parameters and covariates (if any), the variable t
, containing the zero-time, will be defined in the context in which the snippet is executed.
NB: The statenames
argument plays a particularly important role when the rinit is specified using a C snippet.
In particular, every state variable must be named in statenames
Failure to follow this rule will result in undefined behavior.
General rules for writing C snippets can be found here.
If an R function is to be used, pass
rinit = f
to pomp
, where f
is a function with arguments that can include the initial time t0
, any of the model parameters, and any covariates.
As usual, f
may take additional arguments, provided these are passed along with it in the call to pomp
must return a named numeric vector of initial states.
It is of course important that the names of the states match the expectations of the other basic components.
Note that the state-process rinit
can be either deterministic (as in the default) or stochastic.
In the latter case, it samples from the distribution of the state process at the zero-time, t0
By default, pomp
assumes that the initial distribution is concentrated on a single point.
In particular, any parameters in params
, the names of which end in “_0
” or “.0
”, are assumed to be initial values of states.
When the state process is initialized, these are simply copied over as initial conditions.
The names of the resulting state variables are obtained by dropping the suffix.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
## Starting with an existing pomp object verhulst() -> po ## we add or change the initial-state simulator, ## rinit, using the 'rinit' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function (or in the ## 'pomp' constructor itself). ## Here, we pass the rinit specification to 'simulate' ## as an R function. po |> simulate( rinit=function (n_0, ...) { c(n=rpois(n=1,lambda=n_0)) } ) -> sim ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> simulate( rinit=Csnippet("n = rpois(n_0);"), paramnames="n_0", statenames="n" ) -> sim
## Starting with an existing pomp object verhulst() -> po ## we add or change the initial-state simulator, ## rinit, using the 'rinit' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function (or in the ## 'pomp' constructor itself). ## Here, we pass the rinit specification to 'simulate' ## as an R function. po |> simulate( rinit=function (n_0, ...) { c(n=rpois(n=1,lambda=n_0)) } ) -> sim ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> simulate( rinit=Csnippet("n = rpois(n_0);"), paramnames="n_0", statenames="n" ) -> sim
Sample from the measurement model distribution, given values of the latent states and the parameters.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rmeasure( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rmeasure( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
returns a rank-3 array of dimensions
x nrep
x ntimes
where nobs
is the number of observed variables.
Specification of the measurement-model simulator: rmeasure_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the measurement-model simulator, rmeasure.
The measurement model is the link between the data and the unobserved state process.
It can be specified either by using one or both of the rmeasure
and dmeasure
Suppose you have a procedure to simulate observations given the value of the latent state variables. Then you can furnish
rmeasure = f
to pomp algorithms,
where f
is a C snippet or R function that implements your procedure.
Using a C snippet is much preferred, due to its much greater computational efficiency.
See Csnippet
for general rules on writing C snippets.
In writing an rmeasure
C snippet, bear in mind that:
The goal of such a snippet is to fill the observables with random values drawn from the measurement model distribution. Accordingly, each observable should be assigned a new value.
In addition to the states, parameters, and covariates (if any), the variable t
, containing the time of the observation, will be defined in the context in which the snippet is executed.
The demos and the tutorials on the package website give examples.
It is also possible, though far less efficient, to specify rmeasure
using an R function.
In this case, specify the measurement model simulator by furnishing
rmeasure = f
to pomp
, where f
is an R function.
The arguments of f
should be chosen from among the state variables, parameters, covariates, and time.
It must also have the argument ...
must return a named numeric vector of length equal to the number of observable variables.
The default rmeasure
is undefined.
It will yield missing values (NA
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
## We start with the pre-built Ricker example: ricker() -> po ## To change the measurement model simulator, rmeasure, ## we use the 'rmeasure' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function. ## Here, we pass the rmeasure specification to 'simulate' ## as an R function. po |> simulate( rmeasure=function (N, phi, ...) { c(y=rpois(n=1,lambda=phi*N)) } ) -> sim ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> simulate( rmeasure=Csnippet("y = rpois(phi*N);"), paramnames="phi", statenames="N" ) -> sim
## We start with the pre-built Ricker example: ricker() -> po ## To change the measurement model simulator, rmeasure, ## we use the 'rmeasure' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function. ## Here, we pass the rmeasure specification to 'simulate' ## as an R function. po |> simulate( rmeasure=function (N, phi, ...) { c(y=rpois(n=1,lambda=phi*N)) } ) -> sim ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> simulate( rmeasure=Csnippet("y = rpois(phi*N);"), paramnames="phi", statenames="N" ) -> sim
Sample from the prior probability distribution.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rprior(object, ..., params = coef(object))
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rprior(object, ..., params = coef(object))
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
params |
a |
A numeric matrix containing the required samples.
Specification of the prior distribution simulator: prior_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
More on Bayesian methods:
simulates the process-model portion of partially-observed Markov process.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rprocess( object, ..., x0 = rinit(object), t0 = timezero(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' rprocess( object, ..., x0 = rinit(object), t0 = timezero(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
x0 |
an |
t0 |
the initial time, i.e., the time corresponding to the state in |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
When rprocess
is called, t0
is taken to be the initial time (i.e., that corresponding to x0
The values in times
are the times at which the state of the simulated processes are required.
returns a rank-3 array with rownames.
Suppose x
is the array returned.
where nvars
is the number of state variables (=nrow(x0)
is the number of independent realizations simulated (=ncol(x0)
), and
is the length of the vector times
is the value of the state process in the j
-th realization at time times[k]
The rownames of x
will correspond to those of x0
Specification of the process-model simulator: rprocess_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the latent state process simulator, rprocess.
onestep(step.fun) discrete_time(step.fun, delta.t = 1) euler(step.fun, delta.t) gillespie(rate.fun, v, hmax = Inf) gillespie_hl(..., .pre = "", .post = "", hmax = Inf)
onestep(step.fun) discrete_time(step.fun, delta.t = 1) euler(step.fun, delta.t) gillespie(rate.fun, v, hmax = Inf) gillespie_hl(..., .pre = "", .post = "", hmax = Inf)
step.fun |
a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a native routine in a shared-object library. This gives a procedure by which one simulates a single step of the latent state process. |
delta.t |
positive numerical value; for |
rate.fun |
a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a native routine in a shared-object library. This gives a procedure by which one computes the event-rate of the elementary events in the continuous-time latent Markov chain. |
v |
integer matrix; giving the stoichiometry of the continuous-time latent Markov process.
It should have dimensions |
hmax |
maximum time step allowed (see below) |
... |
individual C snippets corresponding to elementary events |
.pre , .post
C snippets (see Details) |
If the state process evolves in discrete time, specify rprocess
using the discrete_time
Specifically, provide
rprocess = discrete_time(step.fun = f, delta.t),
where f
is a C snippet or R function that simulates one step of the state process.
The former is the preferred option, due to its much greater computational efficiency.
The goal of such a C snippet is to replace the state variables with their new random values at the end of the time interval.
Accordingly, each state variable should be over-written with its new value.
In addition to the states, parameters, covariates (if any), and observables, the variables t
and dt
, containing respectively the time at the beginning of the step and the step's duration, will be defined in the context in which the C snippet is executed.
See Csnippet
for general rules on writing C snippets.
Examples are to be found in the tutorials on the package website.
If f
is given as an R function, its arguments should come from the state variables, parameters, covariates, and time.
It may also take the argument ‘delta.t
when called, the latter will be the timestep.
It must also have the argument ‘...
It should return a named vector of length equal to the number of state variables, representing a draw from the distribution of the state process at time t+delta.t
conditional on its value at time t
If the state process evolves in continuous time, but you can use an Euler approximation, implement rprocess
using the euler
rprocess = euler(step.fun = f, delta.t)
in this case.
As before, f
can be provided either as a C snippet or as an R function, the former resulting in much quicker computations.
The form of f
will be the same as above (in the discrete-time case).
If you have a procedure that allows you, given the value of the state process at any time,
to simulate it at an arbitrary time in the future, use the onestep
To do so, specify
rprocess = onestep(step.fun = f).
Again, f
can be provided either as a C snippet or as an R function, the former resulting in much quicker computations.
The form of f
should be as above (in the discrete-time or Euler cases).
The simulator plug-ins discrete_time
, euler
, and onestep
all work by taking discrete time steps.
They differ as to how this is done.
takes a single step to go from any given time t1
to any later time t2
(t1 <= t2
Thus, this plug-in is designed for use in situations where a closed-form solution to the process exists.
To go from t1
to t2
, euler
takes n
steps of equal size, where
n = ceiling((t2-t1)/delta.t).
assumes that the process evolves in discrete time, where the interval between successive times is delta.t
Thus, to go from t1
to t2
, discrete_time
takes n
steps of size exactly delta.t
, where
n = floor((t2-t1)/delta.t).
If you desire exact simulation of certain continuous-time Markov chains, an implementation of Gillespie's algorithm (Gillespie 1977) is available,
via the gillespie
and gillespie_hl
The former allows for the rate function to be provided as an R function or a single C snippet,
while the latter provides a means of specifying the elementary events via a list of C snippets.
A high-level interface to the simulator is provided by gillespie_hl
To use it, supply
rprocess = gillespie_hl(..., .pre = "", .post = "", hmax = Inf)
to pomp
Each argument in ...
corresponds to a single elementary event and should be a list containing two elements.
The first should be a string or C snippet;
the second should be a named integer vector.
The variable rate
will exist in the context of the C snippet, as will the parameter, state variables, covariates, and the time t
The C snippet should assign to the variable rate
the corresponding elementary event rate.
The named integer vector specifies the changes to the state variables corresponding to the elementary event.
There should be named value for each of the state variables returned by rinit
The arguments .pre
and .post
can be used to provide C code that will run respectively before and after the elementary-event snippets.
These hooks can be useful for avoiding duplication of code that performs calculations needed to obtain several of the different event rates.
Here's how a simple birth-death model might be specified:
gillespie_hl( birth=list("rate = b*N;",c(N=1)), death=list("rate = m*N;",c(N=-1)) )
In the above, the state variable N
represents the population size and parameters b
, m
are the birth and death rates, respectively.
To use the lower-level gillespie
interface, furnish
rprocess = gillespie(rate.fun = f, v, hmax = Inf)
to pomp
, where f
gives the rates of the elementary events.
Here, f
may be an R function of the form
f(j, x, t, params, ...)
When f
is called,
the integer j
will be the number of the elementary event (corresponding to the column the matrix v
, see below),
will be a named numeric vector containing the value of the state process at time t
is a named numeric vector containing parameters.
should return a single numerical value, representing the rate of that elementary event at that point in state space and time.
Here, the stoichiometric matrix v
specifies the continuous-time Markov process in terms of its elementary events.
It should have dimensions nvar
x nevent
, where nvar
is the number of state variables and nevent
is the number of elementary events.
describes the changes that occur in each elementary event:
it will usually comprise the values 1, -1, and 0 according to whether a state variable is incremented, decremented, or unchanged in an elementary event.
The rows of v
should have names corresponding to the state variables.
If any of the row names of v
cannot be found among the state variables or if any row names of v
are duplicated, an error will occur.
It is also possible to provide a C snippet via the rate.fun
argument to gillespie
Such a snippet should assign the correct value to a rate
variable depending on the value of j
The same variables will be available as for the C code provided to gillespie_hl
This lower-level interface may be preferable if it is easier to write code that calculates the correct rate based on j
rather than to write a snippet for each possible value of j
For example, if the number of possible values of j
is large and the rates vary according to a few simple rules, the lower-level interface may provide the easier way of specifying the model.
When the process is non-autonomous (i.e., the event rates depend explicitly on time), it can be useful to set hmax
to the maximum step that will be taken.
By default, the elementary event rates will be recomputed at least once per observation interval.
The default rprocess
is undefined.
It will yield missing values (NA
) for all state variables.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
constructs a ‘pomp’ object encoding a 2-D Gaussian random walk.
rw2(x1_0 = 0, x2_0 = 0, s1 = 1, s2 = 3, tau = 1, times = 1:100, t0 = 0)
rw2(x1_0 = 0, x2_0 = 0, s1 = 1, s2 = 3, tau = 1, times = 1:100, t0 = 0)
x1_0 , x2_0
initial conditions (i.e., latent state variable values at the zero time |
s1 , s2
random walk intensities |
tau |
observation error s.d. |
times |
observation times |
t0 |
zero time |
The random-walk process is fully but noisily observed.
A ‘pomp’ object containing simulated data.
More examples provided with pomp:
if (require(ggplot2)) { rw2() |> plot() rw2(s1=1,s2=1,tau=0.1) |> simulate(nsim=10,format="d") |> ggplot(aes(x=y1,y=y2,group=.id,color=.id))+ geom_path()+ guides(color="none")+ theme_bw() }
if (require(ggplot2)) { rw2() |> plot() rw2(s1=1,s2=1,tau=0.1) |> simulate(nsim=10,format="d") |> ggplot(aes(x=y1,y=y2,group=.id,color=.id))+ geom_path()+ guides(color="none")+ theme_bw() }
A straightforward implementation of simulated annealing with box constraints.
sannbox(par, fn, control = list(), ...)
sannbox(par, fn, control = list(), ...)
par |
Initial values for the parameters to be optimized over. |
fn |
A function to be minimized, with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result. |
control |
A named list of control parameters. See ‘Details’. |
... |
ignored. |
The control
argument is a list that can supply any of the following components:
Non-negative integer. If positive, tracing information on the progress of the optimization is produced. Higher values may produce more tracing information.
An overall scaling to be applied to the value of
during optimization. If negative, turns the problem into a
maximization problem. Optimization is performed on fn(par)/fnscale
A vector of scaling values for the parameters.
Optimization is performed on par/parscale
and these should be
comparable in the sense that a unit change in any element produces about a
unit change in the scaled value.
The total number of function evaluations: there is no
other stopping criterion. Defaults to 10000
starting temperature for the cooling
schedule. Defaults to 1
number of function evaluations at each temperature.
Defaults to 10
function to randomly select a new candidate
parameter vector. This should be a function with three arguments, the
first being the current parameter vector, the second the temperature, and
the third the parameter scaling. By default, candidate.dist
function(par,temp,scale) rnorm(n=length(par),mean=par,sd=scale*temp).
cooling schedule. A function of a three arguments giving the
temperature as a function of iteration number and the control parameters
and tmax
By default, sched
function(k,temp,tmax) temp/log(((k-1)%/%tmax)*tmax+exp(1)).
Alternatively, one can supply a numeric vector of temperatures.
This must be of length at least maxit
numeric vectors. These describe the lower and upper box constraints,
respectively. Each can be specified either as a single scalar (common to
all parameters) or as a vector of the same length as par
. By
default, lower=-Inf
and upper=Inf
, i.e., there are no
returns a list with components:
two-element integer vector.
The first number gives the number of calls made to fn
The second number is provided for compatibility with optim
and will always be NA.
provided for compatibility with optim
will always be 0.
last tried value of par
value of fn
corresponding to
best tried value of par
value of fn
corresponding to par
Daniel Reuman, Aaron A. King
trajectory matching, probe matching, spectrum matching, nonlinear forecasting.
Retrieve latent state trajectories from a particle filter calculation.
## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' saved_states(object, ..., format = c("list", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterList' saved_states(object, ..., format = c("list", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'pfilterd_pomp' saved_states(object, ..., format = c("list", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'pfilterList' saved_states(object, ..., format = c("list", "data.frame"))
object |
result of a filtering computation |
... |
ignored |
format |
character; format of the returned object (see below). |
When one calls pfilter
with save.states="filter"
or save.states="prediction"
, the latent state vector associated with each particle is saved.
This can be extracted by calling saved_states
on the ‘pfilterd.pomp’ object.
If the filtered particles are saved, these particles are unweighted, saved after resampling using their normalized weights.
If the argument save.states="prediction"
was used, the particles correspond to simulations from rprocess
, and their corresponding unnormalized weights are included in the output.
According to the format
argument, the saved states are returned either as a list or a data frame.
If format="data.frame"
, then the returned data frame holds the state variables and (optionally) the unnormalized log weight of each particle at each observation time.
The .id
variable distinguishes particles.
If format="list"
and pfilter
was called with save.states="unweighted"
or save.states="TRUE"
, the returned list contains one element per observation time.
Each element consists of a matrix, with one row for each state variable and one column for each particle.
If pfilter
was called with save.states="weighted"
, the list itself contains two lists:
the first holds the particles as above, the second holds the corresponding unnormalized log weights.
In particular, it has one element per observation time; each element is the vector of per-particle log weights.
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
Other extraction methods:
generates simulations of the state and measurement
## S4 method for signature 'missing' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ..., times, t0, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, format = c("pomps", "arrays", "data.frame"), include.data = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ..., times, t0, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, format = c("pomps", "arrays", "data.frame"), include.data = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ..., format = c("pomps", "arrays", "data.frame"), include.data = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'missing' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ..., times, t0, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, format = c("pomps", "arrays", "data.frame"), include.data = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ..., times, t0, params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, format = c("pomps", "arrays", "data.frame"), include.data = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' simulate( object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ..., format = c("pomps", "arrays", "data.frame"), include.data = FALSE, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' simulate(object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, ...)
object |
optional; if present, it should be a data frame or a ‘pomp’ object. |
nsim |
The number of simulations to perform.
Note that the number of replicates will be |
seed |
optional integer;
if set, the pseudorandom number generator (RNG) will be initialized with |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
times |
the sequence of observation times.
t0 |
The zero-time, i.e., the time of the initial state.
This must be no later than the time of the first observation, i.e., |
params |
a named numeric vector or a matrix with rownames containing the parameters at which the simulations are to be performed. |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
format |
the format in which to return the results.
include.data |
if |
verbose |
logical; if |
A single “pomp” object,
a “pompList” object,
a named list of two arrays,
or a data frame, according to the format
If params
is a matrix, each column is treated as a distinct parameter set.
In this case, if nsim=1
then simulate
will return one simulation for each parameter set.
If nsim>1
then simulate
will yield nsim
simulations for each parameter set.
These will be ordered such that
the first ncol(params)
simulations represent one simulation
from each of the distinct parameter sets,
the second ncol(params)
simulations represent a second simulation from each,
and so on.
Adding column names to params
can be helpful.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Aaron A. King
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
Evaluates the deterministic skeleton at a point or points in state space, given parameters.
In the case of a discrete-time system, the skeleton is a map.
In the case of a continuous-time system, the skeleton is a vectorfield.
NB: skeleton
just evaluates the deterministic skeleton;
it does not iterate or integrate (see flow
and trajectory
for this).
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' skeleton( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' skeleton( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
returns an array of dimensions nvar
x nrep
x ntimes
If f
is the returned matrix, f[i,j,k]
is the i-th component of the deterministic skeleton at time times[k]
given the state x[,j,k]
and parameters params[,j]
Specification of the deterministic skeleton: skeleton_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
More on methods for deterministic process models:
Specification of the deterministic skeleton.
vectorfield(f) map(f, delta.t = 1)
vectorfield(f) map(f, delta.t = 1)
f |
procedure for evaluating the deterministic skeleton This can be a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a native routine in a dynamically linked library. |
delta.t |
positive numerical value; the size of the discrete time step corresponding to an application of the map |
The skeleton is a dynamical system that expresses the central tendency of the unobserved Markov state process.
As such, it is not uniquely defined, but can be both interesting in itself and useful in practice.
In pomp, the skeleton is used by trajectory
and traj_objfun
If the state process is a discrete-time stochastic process, then the skeleton is a discrete-time map. To specify it, provide
skeleton = map(f, delta.t)
to pomp
, where f
implements the map and delta.t
is the size of the timestep covered at one map iteration.
If the state process is a continuous-time stochastic process, then the skeleton is a vectorfield (i.e., a system of ordinary differential equations). To specify it, supply
skeleton = vectorfield(f)
to pomp
, where f
implements the vectorfield, i.e., the right-hand-size of the differential equations.
In either case, f
can be furnished either as a C snippet (the preferred choice), or an R function.
General rules for writing C snippets can be found here.
In writing a skeleton
C snippet, be aware that:
For each state variable, there is a corresponding component of the deterministic skeleton. The goal of such a snippet is to compute all the components.
When the skeleton is a map, the component corresponding to state variable x
is named Dx
and is the new value of x
after one iteration of the map.
When the skeleton is a vectorfield, the component corresponding to state variable x
is named Dx
and is the value of .
As with the other C snippets, all states, parameters and covariates, as well as the current time, t
, will be defined in the context within which the snippet is executed.
NB: When the skeleton is a map, the duration of the timestep will not be defined in the context within which the snippet is executed. When the skeleton is a vectorfield, of course, no timestep is defined. In this regard, C snippets for the skeleton and rprocess components differ.
The tutorials on the package website give some examples.
If f
is an R function, its arguments should be taken from among the state variables, parameters, covariates, and time.
It must also take the argument ‘...
As with the other basic components, f
may take additional arguments, provided these are passed along with it in the call to pomp
The function f
must return a numeric vector of the same length as the number of state variables, which contains the value of the map or vectorfield at the required point and time.
Other packages (most notably the tidyverse package purrr) have functions named ‘map’.
Beware that, if you load one of these packages after you load pomp, the pomp function map
described here will be masked.
You can always access the pomp function by calling pomp::map
The default skeleton
is undefined.
It will yield missing values (NA
) for all state variables.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
More on methods for deterministic process models:
## Starting with an existing pomp object, ## e.g., the continuous-time Verhulst-Pearl model, verhulst() -> po ## we add or change the deterministic skeleton ## using the 'skeleton' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function ## (or in the 'pomp' constructor itself). ## Here, we pass the skeleton specification ## to 'trajectory' as an R function. ## Since this is a continuous-time POMP, the ## skeleton is a vectorfield. po |> trajectory( skeleton=vectorfield( function(r, K, n, ...) { c(n=r*n*(1-n/K)) } ), format="data.frame" ) -> traj ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> traj_objfun( skeleton=vectorfield(Csnippet("Dn=r*n*(1-n/K);")), paramnames=c("r","K"), statenames="n" ) -> ofun ofun() ## For a discrete-time POMP, the deterministic skeleton ## is a map. For example, gompertz() -> po po |> traj_objfun( skeleton=map( Csnippet(" double dt = 1.0; double s = exp(-r*dt); DX = pow(K,(1-s))*pow(X,s);" ), delta.t=1 ), paramnames=c("r","K"), statenames=c("X") ) -> ofun ofun()
## Starting with an existing pomp object, ## e.g., the continuous-time Verhulst-Pearl model, verhulst() -> po ## we add or change the deterministic skeleton ## using the 'skeleton' argument in any 'pomp' ## elementary or estimation function ## (or in the 'pomp' constructor itself). ## Here, we pass the skeleton specification ## to 'trajectory' as an R function. ## Since this is a continuous-time POMP, the ## skeleton is a vectorfield. po |> trajectory( skeleton=vectorfield( function(r, K, n, ...) { c(n=r*n*(1-n/K)) } ), format="data.frame" ) -> traj ## We can also pass it as a C snippet: po |> traj_objfun( skeleton=vectorfield(Csnippet("Dn=r*n*(1-n/K);")), paramnames=c("r","K"), statenames="n" ) -> ofun ofun() ## For a discrete-time POMP, the deterministic skeleton ## is a map. For example, gompertz() -> po po |> traj_objfun( skeleton=map( Csnippet(" double dt = 1.0; double s = exp(-r*dt); DX = pow(K,(1-s))*pow(X,s);" ), delta.t=1 ), paramnames=c("r","K"), statenames=c("X") ) -> ofun ofun()
Power spectrum computation and spectrum-matching for partially-observed Markov processes.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' spect( data, ..., vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' spect( data, ..., vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' spect( data, ..., vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data, detrend, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' spect(data, ..., seed, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' spect(data, ..., seed = NULL)
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' spect( data, ..., vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' spect( data, ..., vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' spect( data, ..., vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data, detrend, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' spect(data, ..., seed, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE)) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' spect(data, ..., seed = NULL)
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
vars |
optional; names of observed variables for which the power spectrum will be computed. By default, the spectrum will be computed for all observables. |
kernel.width |
width parameter for the smoothing kernel used for calculating the estimate of the spectrum. |
nsim |
number of model simulations to be computed. |
seed |
optional; if non- |
transform.data |
function; this transformation will be applied to the observables prior to estimation of the spectrum, and prior to any detrending. |
detrend |
de-trending operation to perform. Options include no detrending, and subtraction of constant, linear, and quadratic trends from the data. Detrending is applied to each data series and to each model simulation independently. |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
verbose |
logical; if |
estimates the power spectrum of time series data and model
simulations and compares the results. It can be used to diagnose goodness
of fit and/or as the basis for frequency-domain parameter estimation
A call to spect
results in the estimation of the power spectrum for
the (transformed, detrended) data and nsim
model simulations. The
results of these computations are stored in an object of class
When spect
operates on a spectrum-matching objective function (a ‘spect_match_objfun’ object), by default, the
random-number generator seed is fixed at the value given when the objective function was constructed.
Specifying NULL
or an integer for seed
overrides this behavior.
An object of class ‘spectd_pomp’, which contains the model, the data, and the results of the spect
The following methods are available:
produces some diagnostic plots
displays a summary
gives a measure of the agreement of the power spectra
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Daniel C. Reuman, Cai GoGwilt, Aaron A. King
D.C. Reuman, R.A. Desharnais, R.F. Costantino, O. Ahmad, J.E. Cohen. Power spectra reveal the influence of stochasticity on nonlinear population dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 18860-18865, 2006. doi:10.1073/pnas.0608571103.
D.C. Reuman, R.F. Costantino, R.A. Desharnais, J.E. Cohen. Color of environmental noise affects the nonlinear dynamics of cycling, stage-structured populations. Ecology Letters 11, 820-830, 2008. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01194.x.
More on methods based on summary statistics:
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
Estimation of parameters by matching power spectra
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' spect_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), weights = 1, fail.value = NA, vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' spect_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), weights = 1, fail.value = NA, vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' spect_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), weights = 1, fail.value = NA, vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' spect_objfun( data, ..., est, weights, fail.value, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' spect_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), weights = 1, fail.value = NA, vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), params, rinit, rprocess, rmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' spect_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), weights = 1, fail.value = NA, vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend = c("none", "mean", "linear", "quadratic"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' spect_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), weights = 1, fail.value = NA, vars, kernel.width, nsim, seed = NULL, transform.data = identity, detrend, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'spect_match_objfun' spect_objfun( data, ..., est, weights, fail.value, seed = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
est |
character vector; the names of parameters to be estimated. |
weights |
optional numeric or function.
The mismatch between model and data is measured by a weighted average of mismatch at each frequency.
By default, all frequencies are weighted equally.
fail.value |
optional numeric scalar;
if non- |
vars |
optional; names of observed variables for which the power spectrum will be computed. By default, the spectrum will be computed for all observables. |
kernel.width |
width parameter for the smoothing kernel used for calculating the estimate of the spectrum. |
nsim |
the number of model simulations to be computed. |
seed |
When fitting, it is often best to fix the seed of the random-number generator (RNG).
This is accomplished by setting |
transform.data |
function; this transformation will be applied to the observables prior to estimation of the spectrum, and prior to any detrending. |
detrend |
de-trending operation to perform. Options include no detrending, and subtraction of constant, linear, and quadratic trends from the data. Detrending is applied to each data series and to each model simulation independently. |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
rmeasure |
simulator of the measurement model, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
partrans |
optional parameter transformations, constructed using Many algorithms for parameter estimation search an unconstrained space of parameters.
When working with such an algorithm and a model for which the parameters are constrained, it can be useful to transform parameters.
One should supply the |
verbose |
logical; if |
In spectrum matching, one attempts to minimize the discrepancy between a POMP model's predictions and data, as measured in the frequency domain by the power spectrum.
constructs an objective function that measures the discrepancy.
It can be passed to any one of a variety of numerical optimization routines, which will adjust model parameters to minimize the discrepancies between the power spectrum of model simulations and that of the data.
constructs a stateful objective function for spectrum matching.
Specifically, spect_objfun
returns an object of class ‘spect_match_objfun’, which is a function suitable for use in an optim
-like optimizer.
This function takes a single numeric-vector argument that is assumed to contain the parameters named in est
, in that order.
When called, it will return the (optionally weighted) distance between the data spectrum and simulated spectra.
It is a stateful function:
Each time it is called, it will remember the values of the parameters and the discrepancy measure.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Since pomp cannot guarantee that the final call an optimizer makes to the function is a call at the optimum, it cannot guarantee that the parameters stored in the function are the optimal ones. Therefore, it is a good idea to evaluate the function on the parameters returned by the optimization routine, which will ensure that these parameters are stored.
If you use C snippets (see Csnippet
), a dynamically loadable library will be built.
As a rule, pomp functions load this library as needed and unload it when it is no longer needed.
The stateful objective functions are an exception to this rule.
For efficiency, calls to the objective function do not execute pompLoad
or pompUnload
rather, it is assumed that pompLoad
has been called before any call to the objective function.
When a stateful objective function using one or more C snippets is created, pompLoad
is called internally to build and load the library:
therefore, within a single R session, if one creates a stateful objective function, one can freely call that objective function and (more to the point) pass it to an optimizer that calls it freely, without needing to call pompLoad
On the other hand, if one retrieves a stored objective function from a file, or passes one to another R session, one must call pompLoad
before using it.
Failure to do this will typically result in a segmentation fault (i.e., it will crash the R session).
D.C. Reuman, R.A. Desharnais, R.F. Costantino, O. Ahmad, J.E. Cohen. Power spectra reveal the influence of stochasticity on nonlinear population dynamics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 18860-18865, 2006. doi:10.1073/pnas.0608571103.
D.C. Reuman, R.F. Costantino, R.A. Desharnais, J.E. Cohen. Color of environmental noise affects the nonlinear dynamics of cycling, stage-structured populations. Ecology Letters 11, 820-830, 2008. doi:10.1111/j.1461-0248.2008.01194.x.
More on pomp estimation algorithms:
More on methods based on summary statistics:
More on maximization-based estimation methods:
ricker() |> spect_objfun( est=c("r","sigma","N_0"), partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("r","sigma","N_0")), paramnames=c("r","sigma","N_0"), kernel.width=3, nsim=100, seed=5069977 ) -> f f(log(c(20,0.3,10))) f |> spect() |> plot() if (require(subplex)) { subplex(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } else { optim(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } f(out$par) f |> summary() f |> spect() |> plot()
ricker() |> spect_objfun( est=c("r","sigma","N_0"), partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("r","sigma","N_0")), paramnames=c("r","sigma","N_0"), kernel.width=3, nsim=100, seed=5069977 ) -> f f(log(c(20,0.3,10))) f |> spect() |> plot() if (require(subplex)) { subplex(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } else { optim(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } f(out$par) f |> summary() f |> spect() |> plot()
Peek into the inside of one of pomp's objects.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' spy(object)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' spy(object)
object |
the object whose structure we wish to examine |
Other extraction methods:
ricker() |> spy() sir() |> spy() sir2() |> spy()
ricker() |> spy() sir() |> spy() sir2() |> spy()
Extract the latent states from a ‘pomp’ object.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' states(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' states(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' states(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame")) ## S4 method for signature 'listie' states(object, vars, ..., format = c("array", "data.frame"))
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class extending ‘pomp’ |
vars |
names of variables to retrieve |
... |
ignored |
format |
format of the returned object |
Other extraction methods:
Display a summary of a fitted model object.
## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' summary(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' summary(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' summary(object, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'probed_pomp' summary(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'spectd_pomp' summary(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'objfun' summary(object, ...)
object |
a fitted model object |
... |
ignored or passed to the more primitive function |
Other extraction methods:
Get and set the vector of observation times.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' time(x, t0 = FALSE, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'pomp' time(object, t0 = FALSE, ...) <- value ## S4 method for signature 'listie' time(x, t0 = FALSE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' time(x, t0 = FALSE, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'pomp' time(object, t0 = FALSE, ...) <- value ## S4 method for signature 'listie' time(x, t0 = FALSE, ...)
x |
a ‘pomp’ object |
t0 |
logical; should the zero time be included? |
... |
ignored or passed to the more primitive function |
object |
a ‘pomp’ object |
value |
numeric vector; the new vector of times |
returns the vector of observation times.
returns the vector of observation
times with the zero-time t0
time(object) <- value
replaces the observation times slot (times
) of object
with value
time(object,t0=TRUE) <- value
has the same effect, but the first element in value
is taken to be the initial time.
The second and subsequent elements of value
are taken to be the observation times.
Those data and states (if they exist) corresponding to the new times are retained.
Other extraction methods:
Get and set the zero-time.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' timezero(object, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'pomp' timezero(object, ...) <- value
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' timezero(object, ...) ## S4 replacement method for signature 'pomp' timezero(object, ...) <- value
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’ |
... |
ignored or passed to the more primitive function |
value |
numeric; the new zero-time value |
the value of the zero time
Other extraction methods:
Retrieve the history of an iterative calculation.
## S4 method for signature 'mif2d_pomp' traces(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'mif2List' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcList' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcList' traces(object, pars, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'mif2d_pomp' traces(object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'mif2List' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcd_pomp' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'abcList' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcd_pomp' traces(object, pars, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'pmcmcList' traces(object, pars, ...)
object |
an object of class extending ‘pomp’, the result of the application of a parameter estimation algorithm |
pars |
names of parameters |
transform |
logical; should the traces be transformed back onto the natural scale? |
... |
ignored or passed to the more primitive function |
Note that pmcmc
does not currently support parameter transformations.
When object
is the result of a mif2
traces(object, pars)
returns the traces of the parameters named in pars
By default, the traces of all parameters are returned.
If transform=TRUE
, the parameters are transformed from the natural scale to the estimation scale.
When object
is a ‘abcd_pomp’, traces(object)
extracts the traces as a coda::mcmc
When object
is a ‘abcList’, traces(object)
extracts the traces as a coda::mcmc.list
When object
is a ‘pmcmcd_pomp’, traces(object)
extracts the traces as a coda::mcmc
When object
is a ‘pmcmcList’, traces(object)
extracts the traces as a coda::mcmc.list
Other extraction methods:
Estimation of parameters for deterministic POMP models via trajectory matching.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' traj_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, ode_control = list(), params, rinit, skeleton, dmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' traj_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, ode_control = list(), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'traj_match_objfun' traj_objfun( data, ..., est, fail.value, ode_control, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' traj_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, ode_control = list(), params, rinit, skeleton, dmeasure, partrans, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' traj_objfun( data, ..., est = character(0), fail.value = NA, ode_control = list(), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'traj_match_objfun' traj_objfun( data, ..., est, fail.value, ode_control, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) )
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments will modify the model structure |
est |
character vector; the names of parameters to be estimated. |
fail.value |
optional numeric scalar;
if non- |
ode_control |
optional list;
the elements of this list will be passed to |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
skeleton |
optional; the deterministic skeleton of the unobserved state process.
Depending on whether the model operates in continuous or discrete time, this is either a vectorfield or a map.
Accordingly, this is supplied using either the |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
partrans |
optional parameter transformations, constructed using Many algorithms for parameter estimation search an unconstrained space of parameters.
When working with such an algorithm and a model for which the parameters are constrained, it can be useful to transform parameters.
One should supply the |
verbose |
logical; if |
In trajectory matching, one attempts to minimize the discrepancy between a POMP model's predictions and data under the assumption that the latent state process is deterministic and all discrepancies between model and data are due to measurement error.
The measurement model likelihood (dmeasure
), or rather its negative, is the natural measure of the discrepancy.
Trajectory matching is a generalization of the traditional nonlinear least squares approach. In particular, if, on some scale, measurement errors are normal with constant variance, then trajectory matching is equivalent to least squares on that particular scale.
constructs an objective function that evaluates the likelihood function.
It can be passed to any one of a variety of numerical optimization routines, which will adjust model parameters to minimize the discrepancies between the power spectrum of model simulations and that of the data.
constructs a stateful objective function for spectrum matching.
Specifically, traj_objfun
returns an object of class ‘traj_match_objfun’, which is a function suitable for use in an optim
-like optimizer.
In particular, this function takes a single numeric-vector argument that is assumed to contain the parameters named in est
, in that order.
When called, it will return the negative log likelihood.
It is a stateful function:
Each time it is called, it will remember the values of the parameters and its estimate of the log likelihood.
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Since pomp cannot guarantee that the final call an optimizer makes to the function is a call at the optimum, it cannot guarantee that the parameters stored in the function are the optimal ones. Therefore, it is a good idea to evaluate the function on the parameters returned by the optimization routine, which will ensure that these parameters are stored.
If you use C snippets (see Csnippet
), a dynamically loadable library will be built.
As a rule, pomp functions load this library as needed and unload it when it is no longer needed.
The stateful objective functions are an exception to this rule.
For efficiency, calls to the objective function do not execute pompLoad
or pompUnload
rather, it is assumed that pompLoad
has been called before any call to the objective function.
When a stateful objective function using one or more C snippets is created, pompLoad
is called internally to build and load the library:
therefore, within a single R session, if one creates a stateful objective function, one can freely call that objective function and (more to the point) pass it to an optimizer that calls it freely, without needing to call pompLoad
On the other hand, if one retrieves a stored objective function from a file, or passes one to another R session, one must call pompLoad
before using it.
Failure to do this will typically result in a segmentation fault (i.e., it will crash the R session).
More on methods for deterministic process models:
More on maximization-based estimation methods:
ricker() |> traj_objfun( est=c("r","sigma","N_0"), partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("r","sigma","N_0")), paramnames=c("r","sigma","N_0") ) -> f f(log(c(20,0.3,10))) if (require(subplex)) { subplex(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } else { optim(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } f(out$par) if (require(ggplot2)) { f |> trajectory(format="data.frame") |> ggplot(aes(x=time,y=N))+geom_line()+theme_bw() }
ricker() |> traj_objfun( est=c("r","sigma","N_0"), partrans=parameter_trans(log=c("r","sigma","N_0")), paramnames=c("r","sigma","N_0") ) -> f f(log(c(20,0.3,10))) if (require(subplex)) { subplex(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } else { optim(fn=f,par=log(c(20,0.3,10)),control=list(reltol=1e-5)) -> out } f(out$par) if (require(ggplot2)) { f |> trajectory(format="data.frame") |> ggplot(aes(x=time,y=N))+geom_line()+theme_bw() }
Compute trajectories of the deterministic skeleton of a Markov process.
## S4 method for signature 'missing' trajectory( ..., t0, times, params, skeleton, rinit, ode_control = list(), format = c("pomps", "array", "data.frame"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' trajectory( object, ..., t0, times, params, skeleton, rinit, ode_control = list(), format = c("pomps", "array", "data.frame"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' trajectory( object, ..., params, skeleton, rinit, ode_control = list(), format = c("pomps", "array", "data.frame"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'traj_match_objfun' trajectory(object, ..., verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
## S4 method for signature 'missing' trajectory( ..., t0, times, params, skeleton, rinit, ode_control = list(), format = c("pomps", "array", "data.frame"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' trajectory( object, ..., t0, times, params, skeleton, rinit, ode_control = list(), format = c("pomps", "array", "data.frame"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' trajectory( object, ..., params, skeleton, rinit, ode_control = list(), format = c("pomps", "array", "data.frame"), verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'traj_match_objfun' trajectory(object, ..., verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
t0 |
The zero-time, i.e., the time of the initial state.
This must be no later than the time of the first observation, i.e., |
times |
the sequence of observation times.
params |
a named numeric vector or a matrix with rownames containing the parameters at which the simulations are to be performed. |
skeleton |
optional; the deterministic skeleton of the unobserved state process.
Depending on whether the model operates in continuous or discrete time, this is either a vectorfield or a map.
Accordingly, this is supplied using either the |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
ode_control |
optional list;
the elements of this list will be passed to |
format |
the format in which to return the results.
verbose |
logical; if |
object |
optional; if present, it should be a data frame or a ‘pomp’ object. |
In the case of a discrete-time system, the deterministic skeleton is a map and a trajectory is obtained by iterating the map.
In the case of a continuous-time system, the deterministic skeleton is a vector-field;
uses the numerical solvers in deSolve to integrate the vectorfield.
The format
option controls the nature of the return value of trajectory
See above for details.
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
More on methods for deterministic process models:
## The basic components needed to compute trajectories ## of a deterministic dynamical system are ## rinit and skeleton. ## The following specifies these for a simple continuous-time ## model: dx/dt = r (1+e cos(t)) x trajectory( t0 = 0, times = seq(1,30,by=0.1), rinit = function (x0, ...) { c(x = x0) }, skeleton = vectorfield( function (r, e, t, x, ...) { c(x=r*(1+e*cos(t))*x) } ), params = c(r=1,e=3,x0=1) ) -> po plot(po,log='y') ## In the case of a discrete-time skeleton, ## we use the 'map' function. For example, ## the following computes a trajectory from ## the dynamical system with skeleton ## x -> x exp(r sin(omega t)). trajectory( t0 = 0, times=seq(1,100), rinit = function (x0, ...) { c(x = x0) }, skeleton = map( function (r, t, x, omega, ...) { c(x=x*exp(r*sin(omega*t))) }, delta.t=1 ), params = c(r=1,x0=1,omega=4) ) -> po plot(po) # takes too long for R CMD check ## generate a bifurcation diagram for the Ricker map p <- parmat(coef(ricker()),nrep=500) p["r",] <- exp(seq(from=1.5,to=4,length=500)) trajectory( ricker(), times=seq(from=1000,to=2000,by=1), params=p, format="array" ) -> x matplot(p["r",],x["N",,],pch='.',col='black', xlab=expression(log(r)),ylab="N",log='x')
## The basic components needed to compute trajectories ## of a deterministic dynamical system are ## rinit and skeleton. ## The following specifies these for a simple continuous-time ## model: dx/dt = r (1+e cos(t)) x trajectory( t0 = 0, times = seq(1,30,by=0.1), rinit = function (x0, ...) { c(x = x0) }, skeleton = vectorfield( function (r, e, t, x, ...) { c(x=r*(1+e*cos(t))*x) } ), params = c(r=1,e=3,x0=1) ) -> po plot(po,log='y') ## In the case of a discrete-time skeleton, ## we use the 'map' function. For example, ## the following computes a trajectory from ## the dynamical system with skeleton ## x -> x exp(r sin(omega t)). trajectory( t0 = 0, times=seq(1,100), rinit = function (x0, ...) { c(x = x0) }, skeleton = map( function (r, t, x, omega, ...) { c(x=x*exp(r*sin(omega*t))) }, delta.t=1 ), params = c(r=1,x0=1,omega=4) ) -> po plot(po) # takes too long for R CMD check ## generate a bifurcation diagram for the Ricker map p <- parmat(coef(ricker()),nrep=500) p["r",] <- exp(seq(from=1.5,to=4,length=500)) trajectory( ricker(), times=seq(from=1000,to=2000,by=1), params=p, format="array" ) -> x matplot(p["r",],x["N",,],pch='.',col='black', xlab=expression(log(r)),ylab="N",log='x')
Some useful parameter transformations.
logit(p) expit(x) log_barycentric(X) inv_log_barycentric(Y)
logit(p) expit(x) log_barycentric(X) inv_log_barycentric(Y)
p |
numeric; a quantity in [0,1]. |
x |
numeric; the log odds ratio. |
X |
numeric; a vector containing the quantities to be transformed according to the log-barycentric transformation. |
Y |
numeric; a vector containing the log fractions. |
Parameter transformations can be used in many cases to recast constrained optimization problems as unconstrained problems.
Although there are no limits to the transformations one can implement using the parameter_trans
facilty, pomp provides a few ready-built functions to implement some very commonly useful ones.
The logit transformation takes a probability to its log odds,
It maps the unit interval
into the extended real line
The inverse of the logit transformation is the expit transformation.
The log-barycentric transformation takes a vector , to a vector
, where
The transformation is not one-to-one.
However, for each , it maps the simplex
bijectively onto
-dimensional Euclidean space
The inverse of the log-barycentric transformation is implemented as inv_log_barycentric
Note that it is not a true inverse, in the sense that it takes to the unit simplex,
log_barycentric(inv_log_barycentric(Y)) == Y,
inv_log_barycentric(log_barycentric(X)) == X
only if sum(X) == 1
More on implementing POMP models:
When POMP basic components need information they can't get from parameters or covariates.
It can happen that one desires to pass information to one of the POMP model basic components (see here for a definition of this term) outside of the standard routes (i.e., via model parameters or covariates). pomp provides facilities for this purpose. We refer to the objects one wishes to pass in this way as user data.
The following will apply to every basic model component.
For the sake of definiteness, however, we'll use the rmeasure
component as an example.
To be even more specific, the measurement model we wish to implement is
y1 ~ Poisson(x1+theta), y2 ~ Poisson(x2+theta),
where theta
is a parameter.
Although it would be very easy (and indeed far preferable) to include theta
among the ordinary parameters (by including it in params
), we will assume here that we have some reason for not wanting to do so.
Now, we have the choice of providing rmeasure
in one of three ways:
as an R function,
as a C snippet, or
as a procedure in an external, dynamically loaded library.
We'll deal with these three cases in turn.
We can implement a simulator for the aforementioned measurement model so:
f <- function (t, x, params, theta, ...) { y <- rpois(n=2,x[c("x1","x2")]+theta) setNames(y,c("y1","y2")) }
So far, so good, but how do we get theta
to this function?
We simply provide an additional argument to whichever pomp algorithm we are employing (e.g., simulate
, pfilter
, mif2
, abc
, etc.).
For example:
simulate(..., rmeasure = f, userdata = list(theta = 42), ...)
where the ...
represent other arguments.
A C snippet implementation of the aforementioned measurement model is:
f <- Csnippet(r"{ double theta = *get_userdata_double("theta"); y1 = rpois(x1+theta); y2 = rpois(x2+theta); }")
Here, the call to get_userdata_double
retrieves a pointer to the stored value of theta
Note that, by using R string literals (r"{}"
) we avoid the need to escape the quotes in the C snippet text.
It is possible to store and retrieve integer objects also, using get_userdata_int
One must take care that one stores the user data with the appropriate storage type.
For example, it is wise to wrap floating point scalars and vectors with as.double
and integers with as.integer
In the present example, our call to simulate might look like
simulate(..., rmeasure = f, userdata = list(theta = as.double(42)), ...)
Since the two functions get_userdata_double
and get_userdata_int
return pointers, it is trivial to pass vectors of double-precision and integers.
A simpler and more elegant approach is afforded by the globals
argument (see below).
The rules are essentially the same as for C snippets.
declarations for the get_userdata_double
and get_userdata_int
are given in the ‘pomp.h’ header file and these two routines are registered so that they can be retrieved via a call to R_GetCCallable
See the Writing R extensions manual for more information.
The use of the userdata facilities incurs a run-time cost.
It is often more efficient, when using C snippets, to put the needed objects directly into the C snippet library.
The globals
argument does this.
See the example below.
More on implementing POMP models:
## The familiar Ricker example. ## Suppose that for some reason we wish to pass 'phi' ## via the userdata facility instead of as a parameter. ## C snippet approach: simulate(times=1:100,t0=0, userdata=list(phi=as.double(100)), params=c(r=3.8,sigma=0.3,N.0=7), rprocess=discrete_time( step.fun=Csnippet(r"{ double e = (sigma > 0.0) ? rnorm(0,sigma) : 0.0; N = r*N*exp(-N+e);}" ), delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=Csnippet(r"{ double phi = *get_userdata_double("phi"); y = rpois(phi*N);}" ), paramnames=c("r","sigma"), statenames="N", obsnames="y" ) -> rick1 ## The same problem solved using 'globals': simulate(times=1:100,t0=0, globals=Csnippet("static double phi = 100;"), params=c(r=3.8,sigma=0.3,N.0=7), rprocess=discrete_time( step.fun=Csnippet(r"{ double e = (sigma > 0.0) ? rnorm(0,sigma) : 0.0; N = r*N*exp(-N+e);}" ), delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=Csnippet(" y = rpois(phi*N);" ), paramnames=c("r","sigma"), statenames="N", obsnames="y" ) -> rick2 ## Finally, the R function approach: simulate(times=1:100,t0=0, userdata=list(phi=100), params=c(r=3.8,sigma=0.3,N_0=7), rprocess=discrete_time( step.fun=function (r, N, sigma, ...) { e <- rnorm(n=1,mean=0,sd=sigma) c(N=r*N*exp(-N+e)) }, delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=function (phi, N, ...) { c(y=rpois(n=1,lambda=phi*N)) } ) -> rick3
## The familiar Ricker example. ## Suppose that for some reason we wish to pass 'phi' ## via the userdata facility instead of as a parameter. ## C snippet approach: simulate(times=1:100,t0=0, userdata=list(phi=as.double(100)), params=c(r=3.8,sigma=0.3,N.0=7), rprocess=discrete_time( step.fun=Csnippet(r"{ double e = (sigma > 0.0) ? rnorm(0,sigma) : 0.0; N = r*N*exp(-N+e);}" ), delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=Csnippet(r"{ double phi = *get_userdata_double("phi"); y = rpois(phi*N);}" ), paramnames=c("r","sigma"), statenames="N", obsnames="y" ) -> rick1 ## The same problem solved using 'globals': simulate(times=1:100,t0=0, globals=Csnippet("static double phi = 100;"), params=c(r=3.8,sigma=0.3,N.0=7), rprocess=discrete_time( step.fun=Csnippet(r"{ double e = (sigma > 0.0) ? rnorm(0,sigma) : 0.0; N = r*N*exp(-N+e);}" ), delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=Csnippet(" y = rpois(phi*N);" ), paramnames=c("r","sigma"), statenames="N", obsnames="y" ) -> rick2 ## Finally, the R function approach: simulate(times=1:100,t0=0, userdata=list(phi=100), params=c(r=3.8,sigma=0.3,N_0=7), rprocess=discrete_time( step.fun=function (r, N, sigma, ...) { e <- rnorm(n=1,mean=0,sd=sigma) c(N=r*N*exp(-N+e)) }, delta.t=1 ), rmeasure=function (phi, N, ...) { c(y=rpois(n=1,lambda=phi*N)) } ) -> rick3
The Verhulst-Pearl (logistic) model of population growth.
verhulst(n_0 = 10000, K = 10000, r = 0.9, sigma = 0.4, tau = 0.1, dt = 0.01)
verhulst(n_0 = 10000, K = 10000, r = 0.9, sigma = 0.4, tau = 0.1, dt = 0.01)
n_0 |
initial condition |
K |
carrying capacity |
r |
intrinsic growth rate |
sigma |
environmental process noise s.d. |
tau |
measurement error s.d. |
dt |
Euler timestep |
A stochastic version of the Verhulst-Pearl logistic model. This evolves in continuous time, according to the stochastic differential equation
Numerically, we simulate the stochastic dynamics using an Euler approximation.
The measurements are assumed to be log-normally distributed:
A ‘pomp’ object containing the model and simulated data. The following basic components are included in the ‘pomp’ object: ‘rinit’, ‘rprocess’, ‘rmeasure’, ‘dmeasure’, and ‘skeleton’.
More examples provided with pomp:
# takes too long for R CMD check verhulst() -> po plot(po) plot(simulate(po)) pfilter(po,Np=1000) -> pf logLik(pf) spy(po)
# takes too long for R CMD check verhulst() -> po plot(po) plot(simulate(po)) pfilter(po,Np=1000) -> pf logLik(pf) spy(po)
Return the covariance matrix of the observed variables, given values of the latent states and the parameters.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' vmeasure( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' vmeasure( object, ..., x = states(object), times = time(object), params = coef(object) )
object |
an object of class ‘pomp’, or of a class that extends ‘pomp’.
This will typically be the output of |
... |
additional arguments are ignored. |
x |
an array containing states of the unobserved process.
The dimensions of |
times |
a numeric vector (length |
params |
a |
returns a rank-4 array of dimensions
x nobs
x nrep
x ntimes
where nobs
is the number of observed variables.
If v
is the returned array, v[,,j,k]
contains the
covariance matrix at time times[k]
given the state x[,j,k]
Specification of the measurement-model covariance matrix: vmeasure_spec
More on pomp workhorse functions:
Specification of the measurement-model covariance matrix, vmeasure.
The measurement model is the link between the data and the unobserved state process.
Some algorithms require the conditional covariance of the measurement model, given the latent state and parameters.
This is supplied using the vmeasure
Suppose you have a procedure to compute this conditional covariance matrix, given the value of the latent state variables. Then you can furnish
vmeasure = f
to pomp algorithms,
where f
is a C snippet or R function that implements your procedure.
Using a C snippet is much preferred, due to its much greater computational efficiency.
See Csnippet
for general rules on writing C snippets.
In writing a vmeasure
C snippet, bear in mind that:
The goal of such a snippet is to fill variables named V_y_z
with the conditional covariances of observables y
, z
Accordingly, there should be one assignment of V_y_z
and one assignment of V_z_y
for each pair of observables y
and z
In addition to the states, parameters, and covariates (if any), the variable t
, containing the time of the observation, will be defined in the context in which the snippet is executed.
The demos and the tutorials on the package website give examples.
It is also possible, though less efficient, to specify vmeasure
using an R function.
In this case, specify it by furnishing
vmeasure = f
to pomp
, where f
is an R function.
The arguments of f
should be chosen from among the state variables, parameters, covariates, and time.
It must also have the argument ...
must return a square matrix of dimension equal to the number of observable variables.
The row- and column-names of this matrix should match the names of the observable variables.
The matrix should of course be symmetric.
The default vmeasure
is undefined.
It will yield missing values (NA
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
More on implementing POMP models:
Restrict to a portion of a time series.
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' window(x, start, end, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'pomp' window(x, start, end, ...)
x |
a ‘pomp’ object or object of class extending ‘pomp’ |
start , end
the left and right ends of the window, in units of time |
... |
ignored |
These functions mediate the interface between the user's model and the package algorithms. They are low-level functions that do the work needed by the package's inference methods.
They include
which samples from the initial-state distribution,
which evaluates the initial-state density,
which evaluates the measurement model density,
which samples from the measurement model distribution,
which computes the expectation of the observed variables conditional on the latent state,
which computes the covariance matrix of the observed variables conditional on the latent state,
which evaluates the process model density,
which samples from the process model distribution,
which evaluates the prior probability density,
which samples from the prior distribution,
which evaluates the model's deterministic skeleton,
which iterates or integrates the deterministic skeleton to yield trajectories,
which performs parameter transformations associated with the model.
Aaron A. King
basic model components, elementary algorithms, estimation algorithms
More on pomp workhorse functions:
A sequential importance sampling (particle filter) algorithm.
Unlike in pfilter
, resampling is performed only when triggered by
deficiency in the effective sample size.
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' wpfilter( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, trigger = 1, target = 0.5, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' wpfilter( data, ..., Np, trigger = 1, target = 0.5, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' wpfilter(data, ..., Np, trigger, target, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
## S4 method for signature 'data.frame' wpfilter( data, ..., Np, params, rinit, rprocess, dmeasure, trigger = 1, target = 0.5, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'pomp' wpfilter( data, ..., Np, trigger = 1, target = 0.5, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE) ) ## S4 method for signature 'wpfilterd_pomp' wpfilter(data, ..., Np, trigger, target, verbose = getOption("verbose", FALSE))
data |
either a data frame holding the time series data,
or an object of class ‘pomp’,
i.e., the output of another pomp calculation.
Internally, |
... |
additional arguments are passed to |
Np |
the number of particles to use.
This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timesteps, one may specify length(time(object,t0=TRUE)) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
In the latter case, |
params |
optional; named numeric vector of parameters.
This will be coerced internally to storage mode |
rinit |
simulator of the initial-state distribution.
This can be furnished either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
rprocess |
simulator of the latent state process, specified using one of the rprocess plugins.
Setting |
dmeasure |
evaluator of the measurement model density, specified either as a C snippet, an R function, or the name of a pre-compiled native routine available in a dynamically loaded library.
Setting |
trigger |
numeric; if the effective sample size becomes smaller than |
target |
numeric; target power. |
verbose |
logical; if |
This function is experimental and should be considered in alpha stage. Both interface and underlying algorithms may change without warning at any time. Please explore the function and give feedback via the pomp Issues page.
An object of class ‘wpfilterd_pomp’, which extends class ‘pomp’. Information can be extracted from this object using the methods documented below.
the estimated log likelihood
the estimated conditional log likelihood
the (time-dependent) estimated effective sample size
coerce to a data frame
diagnostic plots
Some Windows users report problems when using C snippets in parallel computations.
These appear to arise when the temporary files created during the C snippet compilation process are not handled properly by the operating system.
To circumvent this problem, use the cdir
and cfile
options to cause the C snippets to be written to a file of your choice, thus avoiding the use of temporary files altogether.
Aaron A. King
M.S. Arulampalam, S. Maskell, N. Gordon, and T. Clapp. A tutorial on particle filters for online nonlinear, non-Gaussian Bayesian tracking. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 50, 174–188, 2002. doi:10.1109/78.978374.
More on pomp elementary algorithms:
More on sequential Monte Carlo methods:
More on full-information (i.e., likelihood-based) methods:
Estimate weighted quantiles.
wquant( x, weights = rep(1, length(x)), probs = c(`0%` = 0, `25%` = 0.25, `50%` = 0.5, `75%` = 0.75, `100%` = 1) )
wquant( x, weights = rep(1, length(x)), probs = c(`0%` = 0, `25%` = 0.25, `50%` = 0.5, `75%` = 0.75, `100%` = 1) )
x |
numeric; a vector of data. |
weights |
numeric; vector of weights. |
probs |
numeric; desired quantiles. |
estimates quantiles of weighted data using the estimator of Harrell & Davis (1982), with improvements recommended by Andrey Akinshin (2023).
returns a vector containing the estimated quantiles.
If probs
has names, these are inherited.
Aaron A. King
F. E. Harrell and C. E. Davis. A new distribution-free quantile estimator. Biometrika 69, 635–640, 1982. doi:10.1093/biomet/69.3.635.
A. Akinshin. Weighted quantile estimators. arXiv:2304.07265, 2023. doi:10.48550/arxiv.2304.07265.
x <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,5,5,6,6,6) quantile(x) wquant(x) wquant(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),weights=c(3,2,4,1,2,3)) wquant(c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,0,0,1,1))
x <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,5,5,6,6,6) quantile(x) wquant(x) wquant(c(1,2,3,4,5,6),weights=c(3,2,4,1,2,3)) wquant(c(1,2,3,4,5),c(1,0,0,1,1))