Package 'polimetrics'

Title: R Tools for Political Measures
Description: This is a collection of data and functions for common metrics in political science research. Data measuring ideology, and functions calculating geographical diffusion and ideological diffusion - geog.diffuse() and ideo.dist(), respectively. Functions derived from methods developed in: Soule and King (2006) <doi:10.1086/499908>, Berry et al. (1998) <doi:10.2307/2991759>, Cruz-Aceves and Mallinson (2019) <doi:10.1177/0160323X20902818>, and Grossback et al. (2004) <doi:10.1177/1532673X04263801>.
Authors: Vann Jr Burrel [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Vann Jr Burrel <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-03-06 07:05:25 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Calculating Geographical Diffusion


Calculating Geographical Diffusion


geog.diffuse(df, id, neighbors, time, status, end = FALSE, keep = FALSE)



data frame to read in. Data frame should include a variable that is a character list of each observation's neighbors.


the grouping variable, usually states or counties


a variable that is a character list of each observation's neighbors. The elements of the character list of neighbors should be separated by commas.


the time variable, at which observations are measured.


binary, user-defined measure of the status of policy or event in a state in a given year. 0 equates to policy has not yet occurred in the year, for the state, 1 equates to policy event has already been adopted in the year, for the state – a value of 1 should exist for a state in the year it was adopted and every year thereafter). The example below relies on ERA ratification data from Soule and King (2006) <doi:10.1086/499908>, merged with ideology data from Berry et al. (1998) <doi:10.2307/2991759>, but the user should include the measure of adoption of their choice.


logical (default set to F). When set to end = T, will calculate the percent of neighbors that had adopted policy by year-end. Otherwise, will calculate based on number of neighbors that had adopted the policy at year-start.


logical (default set to F). When set to end = T, will include additional variables (number of neighbors and number of neighbors that had adopted the policy) in the updated data frame.


This function updates the data frame with a new variable capturing the geographical diffusion score.


Berry, William D., Ringquist, Evan J., Fording, Richard C., and Hanson, Russell L. (1998) 'Measuring Citizen and Government Ideology in the American States, 1960-93.' American Journal of Political Science 42:327-348. doi:10.2307/2991759.
Soule, Sarah A., and King, Brayden G. (2006) 'The Stages of the Policy Process and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1972-1982.' American Journal of Sociology 111:1871-1909. doi:10.1086/499908.

This function calculates the percent (or proportion) of geographically contiguous neighbors that have engaged in some event (e.g. policy adoption) in a given year. This function can be applied to any unit of analysis and time level for any type of event.


data <- Ideology_ERA

geog.diffuse(data, state, neighbors, year, era_status)

Calculating Ideological Distance


Calculating Ideological Distance


ideo.dist(df, id, ideology, time, adoption)



data frame to read in. This should be an adapted version of the Ideology data set provided in the package. The adapted version should include an outcome variable measuring the policy adoption of choice.


the grouping variable, usually states


the state's ideology score variable (either state or citizen ideology) in a given year. These data come from Richard C. Fording ( as used in Berry et al. (1998), and are measured, for each state, from 1960 to 2018.


the time variable, at which the ideology score is measured. These data come from Richard C. Fording ( as used in Berry et al. (1998), and are measured, for each state, from 1960 to 2018.


binary, user-defined measure of policy adoption in a state in a given year. 0 equates to policy not adopted in the year, for the state, 1 equates to policy is adopted in the year, for the state – a value of 1 should only exist for a state in the year it was adopted (e.g. not every year thereafter). The example below relies on ERA ratification data from Soule and King (2006), but the user should include the measure of adoption of their choice.


This function updates the data frame with a new variable capturing the ideological distance score.


Grossback, Lawrence J., Nicholson-Crotty, Sean, and Peterson, David A.M. (2004) 'Ideology and Learning in Policy Diffusion.' American Politics Research 32:521-545. doi:10.1177/1532673X04263801.
Cruz-Aceves, Victor D., and Mallinson, Daniel J. (2019) 'Clarifying the Measurement of Relative Ideology in Policy Diffusion Research.' State and Local Government Review 51:179-186. doi:10.1177/0160323X20902818.
Berry, William D., Ringquist, Evan J., Fording, Richard C., and Hanson, Russell L. (1998) 'Measuring Citizen and Government Ideology in the American States, 1960-93.' American Journal of Political Science 42:327-348. doi:10.2307/2991759.
Soule, Sarah A., and King, Brayden G. (2006) 'The Stages of the Policy Process and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1972-1982.' American Journal of Sociology 111:1871-1909. doi:10.1086/499908.

This function calculates ideological distance scores based on the calculation created by Grossback et al. (2004) and clarified by Cruz-Aceves and Mallinson (2019). This calculation is based on state ideology data (by year) provided by Richard C. Fording ( and used in Berry et al. (1998). This function can be applied to any unit of analysis and time level for any type of policy adoption.


data <- Ideology_ERA

ideo.dist(data, state, s_ideo, year, era_ratified)

Fording's State Ideology Data


This data set comes from Richard C. Fording ( and used in Berry et al. (1998). The data set includes state ideology data (measured at the state/legislature and citizen levels), for each year between 1960 and 2018. These data will be updated as Fording updates the data.




A data frame with 3050 observations and 4 variables.

state state name
year year measured
c_ideo citizen ideology score
s_ideo state level ideology score

Fording's State Ideology Data (adapted, with E.R.A. status)


This data set comes from Richard C. Fording ( and used in Berry et al. (1998). The data set includes state ideology data (measured at the state/legislature and citizen levels), for each year between 1960 and 2018. These data will be updated as Fording updates the data. This data set enables inclusion of a variable measuring state-level policy adoption by year. As an example, the data set also include a variable measuring the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment as depicted in Soule and King (2006).




A data frame with 300 observations and 5 variables.

state state name
year year measured
c_ideo citizen ideology score
s_ideo state level ideology score
era_status measures the the event: adoption/ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment for a state in a given year. 0 equates to not ratified in state in that year, 1 equates to ratified in state in that year
neighbors list of neighboring states for each observation. Elements (states) comma-delimited

US State Neighbor List


This data set provides a list (as a character string) of neighboring states for each U.S. state.




A data frame with 50 observations and 2 variables.

state state name
neighbors character string of neighboring states (separated by ',') for each state observation

US Counties Information for Merging


This data set provides common names and abbreviations for U.S. counties to enable merging with various data sets.




A data frame with 3104 observations and 8 variables.

countystate proper county name and state name
state_name proper state name
county_name proper county name
county_fips county FIPS
state_abbv abbreviated state name
state_name_cap capitalized state name
state_name_cap_nominate capitalized state name, shortened (as in DW-NOMINATE data)
state_fips state FIPS

US States Information for Merging


This data set provides common names and abbreviations for U.S. states to enable merging with various data sets.




A data frame with 50 observations and 5 variables.

state_name proper state name
state_abbv abbreviated state name
state_name_cap capitalized state name
state_name_cap_nominate capitalized state name, shortened (as in DW-NOMINATE data)
state_fips state FIPS