Package 'plgp'

Title: Particle Learning of Gaussian Processes
Description: Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) inference for fully Bayesian Gaussian process (GP) regression and classification models by particle learning (PL) following Gramacy & Polson (2011) <arXiv:0909.5262>. The sequential nature of inference and the active learning (AL) hooks provided facilitate thrifty sequential design (by entropy) and optimization (by improvement) for classification and regression models, respectively. This package essentially provides a generic PL interface, and functions (arguments to the interface) which implement the GP models and AL heuristics. Functions for a special, linked, regression/classification GP model and an integrated expected conditional improvement (IECI) statistic provide for optimization in the presence of unknown constraints. Separable and isotropic Gaussian, and single-index correlation functions are supported. See the examples section of ?plgp and demo(package="plgp") for an index of demos.
Authors: Robert B. Gramacy <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Robert B. Gramacy <[email protected]>
License: LGPL
Version: 1.1-12
Built: 2025-02-20 06:33:53 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Particle Learning of Gaussian Processes


Sequential Monte Carlo inference for fully Bayesian Gaussian process (GP) regression and classification models by particle learning (PL). The sequential nature of inference and the active learning (AL) hooks provided facilitate thrifty sequential design (by entropy) and optimization (by improvement) for classification and regression models, respectively. This package essentially provides a generic PL interface, and functions (arguments to the interface) which implement the GP models and AL heuristics. Functions for a special, linked, regression/classification GP model and an integrated expected conditional improvement (IECI) statistic is provides for optimization in the presence of unknown constraints. Separable and isotropic Gaussian, and single-index correlation functions are supported. See the examples section of ?plgp and demo(package="plgp") for an index of demos


For a fuller overview including a complete list of functions, and demos, please use help(package="plgp").


Robert B. Gramacy [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Carvalho, C., Johannes, M., Lopes, H., and Polson, N. (2008). “Particle Learning and Smoothing”. Discussion Paper 2008-32, Duke University Dept. of Statistical Science.

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

PL, tgp

Add data to pall


Add sufficient data common to all particles to the global pall variable, a mnemonic for “particles-all”, for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models





new observation(s) (usually the next one in “time”) to add to the pall global variable


All three functions add new Z$x to pall$X; addpall.GP also adds Z$y to pall$Y, addpall.CGP also adds Z$c to pall$Y, and addpall.ConstGP does both


nothing is returned, but global variables are modified


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also



## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Supply GP data to PL


Functions to supply data to PL for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models


data.GP(begin, end = NULL, X, Y)
data.GP.improv(begin, end = NULL, f, rect, prior,
               adapt = ei.adapt, cands = 40,
               save = TRUE, oracle = TRUE, verb = 2,
               interp = interp.loess)
data.CGP(begin, end = NULL, X, C)
data.CGP.adapt(begin, end = NULL, f, rect, prior,
               cands = 40, verb = 2, interp=interp.loess)
data.ConstGP(begin, end = NULL, X, Y, C)
data.ConstGP.improv(begin, end = NULL, f, rect, prior,
                    adapt = ieci.const.adapt , cands = 40, 
                    save = TRUE, oracle = TRUE, verb = 2,
                    interp = interp.loess)



positive integer starting time for data to be returned


positive integer (end >= begin) ending time for data being returned; may be NULL if only data at time begin is needed


data.frame with at least end rows containing covariates


vector of length at least end containing real-valued responses


vector of length at least end containing class labels


function returning a responses when called as f(X) for matrix X; for data.GP.improv the responses must be real-valued returned as a vector; for data.CGP.adapt they must be class labels returned as a vector; for data.ConstGP.improv they must be pairs of real-valued and in {0,1} (1 indicates constraint violation), returned as a 2-column data.frame


bounding rectangle for the inputs X to f(X) with two columns and rows equalling nrow(X)


prior parameters passed from PL generated by one of the prior functions, e.g., prior.GP


function that evaluates a sequential design criterion on some candidate locations; the default ei.adapt EI about the minimum; ieci.adapt providing IECI is another possibility , which is hard coded into data.ConstGP.adapt


number of Latin Hypercube candidate locations used to choose the next adaptively sampled input design point


scalar logical indicating if the improvment information for chosen candidate should be saved in the psave global variable


scalar logical indicating if the candidates should be augmented with the point found to maximize the predictive surface (with a search starting at the most recently chosen input)


verbosity level for printing the progress of improv and other adaptive sampling calculations


function for smoothing of 2-d image plots. The default comes from interp.loess, but what works best is interp which requires the interp or akima package


These functions provide data to PL for Gaussian progress regression and classification methods in a variety of ways. The simplest, data.GP and data.CGP supply pre-recorded regression and classification data stored in data frames and vectors; data.ConstGP is a hybrid that does joint regression and classification. The other functions provide data by active learning/sequential design:

The data.GP.improv function uses expected improvement (EI); data.CGP.improv uses predictive entropy; data.ConstGP.improv uses integrated expected conditional improvement (IECI). In these cases, once the x-location(s) is/are chosen, the function f is used to provide the response(s)


The output are vectors or data.frames.


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also



## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Metropolis-Hastings draw for GP parameters


Functions for using Metropolis-Hastings (MH) to evolve a particle according to the posterior distribution given by a Gaussian process (GP) for regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint model


draw.GP(Zt, prior, l = 3, h = 4, thin = 10, Y = NULL)
draw.CGP(Zt, prior, l = 3, h = 4, thin = 10)
draw.ConstGP(Zt, prior, l = 3, h = 4, thin = 10)



the particle describing model parameters and sufficient statistics that determines the predictive distribution


prior parameters passed from PL generated by one of the prior functions, e.g., prior.GP


positive uniform random walk parameter; for old parameter pold, a new parameter is proposed as p = runif(1, p*l/h, p*h/l). Such proposals are then accepted (or rejected) via the MH acceptance ratio


positive uniform random walk parameter; see above


thinning level in the MCMC; describes the number of MH rounds executed before the value is saved as a sample from the (marginal) posterior distribution


not for external use; used internally by CGP and ConstGP internal routines


These functions are used in two important places in plgp. At the user level, they can be used to initialize the particles at time start; see PL and the demos. Internally, they are used in the PL propagate step, e.g., propagate.GP

draw.ConstGP is a combination of the draw.GP and draw.CGP methods, which are for regression and classification GPs, respectively


These functions return an updated particle Zt


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

init.GP, propagate.GP, PL


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

2-d Exponential Hessian Data


Generates 2-d classification data with two or three class labels, based on the Hessian data from a 2-d real-valued response


exp2d.C(X, threed = TRUE)



a matrix or data.frame describing the design at which the response categories are desired


a scalar logical indicating if the two or three-class version of the class labels should be returned.


The underlying real-valued response is governed by

Z(X)=x1exp(x12x22).Z(X)=x_1 * \exp(x_1^2-x_2^2).

Two class labels are generated by inspecting the sign of the sum of the eigenvalues of the Hessian (Broderick & Gramacy, 2010). This generates the first (-) and second (+) classes in a three-class function. A third class label (the default) may created from the first one where X[,1] > 0 (Gramacy & Polson, 2011)


A vector of class labels of length nrow(X) is returned


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Broderick, T. and Gramacy, R. (2010). “Classification and categorical inputs with treed Gaussian process models.” Tech. rep., University of Cambridge. ArXiv:0904.4891.

Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;


## The following demos use this data
## Not run: 
## Illustrates classification GPs on a simple 2-d exponential
## data generating mechanism
demo("plcgp_exp", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates active learning via entropy with classification
## GPs on a simple 2-d exponential data generating mechanism
demo("plcgp_exp_entropy", ask=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Initialize particles for GPs


Functions for initializing particles for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models


init.GP(prior, d = NULL, g = NULL, Y = NULL)
init.CGP(prior, d = NULL, g = NULL)



prior parameters passed from PL generated by one of the prior functions, e.g., prior.GP


initial range (or length-scale) parameter(s) for the GP correlation function(s)


initial nugget parameter for the GP correlation


data used to update GP sufficient information in the case of init.GP; if NULL then pall$Y is used


Returns a particle for internal use in the PL method


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

PL, draw.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Log-Predictive Probability Calculation for GPs


Log-predictive probability calculation for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models; primarily to be used particle learning (PL) re-sample step


lpredprob.GP(z, Zt, prior)
lpredprob.CGP(z, Zt, prior)
lpredprob.ConstGP(z, Zt, prior)



new observation whose (log) predictive probability is to be calculated given the particle Zt


the particle describing model parameters and sufficient statistics that determines the predictive distribution


prior parameters passed from PL generated by one of the prior functions, e.g., prior.GP


This is the workhorse of the PL re-sample step. For each new observation (in sequence), the PL function calls lpredprob and these values determine the weights used in the sample function to obtain the new particle set, which is then propagated, e.g., using propagate.GP

The lpredprob.ConstGP is essentially the combination (product) of lpredprob.GP and lpredprob.CGP for regression and classification GP models, respectively


Returns a real-valued scalar - the log predictive probability


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

PL, propagate.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Extending apply to particles


Applies a user-specified function to each particle contained in the global variables peach and pall, collecting the output in a data.frame


papply(fun, verb = 1, pre = "", ...)



a user-defined function which which takes a particle as its first input; the output of fun should be a vector, matrix or data.frame


a scalar logical indicating whether progress statements should be printed to the screen


an optional character prefix used in the progress print statements; ignored if verb = 0


these ellipses arguments are used to pass extra optional arguments to the user-supplied function fun


This is a extension to the built-in apply family of function to particles, intended to be used with the particles created by PL. Perhaps the most common use of this function is in obtaining samples form the posterior predictive distribution, i.e., with the user supplied fun = pred.GP

The particles applied over must be present in the global variables pall, containing sufficient information common to all particles, peach, containing sufficient information particular to each particle, as constructed by PL


Returns a data frame with the collected output of the user-specified function fun


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Carvalho, C., Johannes, M., Lopes, H., and Polson, N. (2008). “Particle Learning and Smoothing.” Discussion Paper 2008-32, Duke University Dept. of Statistical Science.

See Also

PL, pred.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Extract parameters from GP particles


Extract parameters from particles for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models




Collects the parameters from each of the particles (contained in the global variable peach) into a data.frame that can be used for quick summary and visualization, e.g., via hist. These functions are also called to make progress visualizations in PL


returns a data.frame containing summaries for each parameter in its columns


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

PL, lpredprob.GP, propagate.GP, init.GP, pred.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Particle Learning Skeleton Method


Implements the Particle Learning sequential Monte Carlo algorithm on the data sequence provided, using re-sample and propagate steps


PL(dstream, start, end, init, lpredprob, propagate, prior = NULL,
   addpall = NULL, params = NULL, save = NULL, P = 100,
   progress = 10, cont = FALSE, verb = 1)



function generating the data stream; for examples see data.GP


a scalar integer specifying the starting “time”; the data entry/sample where PL will start


a scalar integer specifying the ending “time”; the data entry/sample where PL will stop


function used to initialize the particles at the start of PL; for examples see draw.GP


function used to calculate the predictive probability of an observation (usually the next one in “time”) given a particle. This is the primary function used in the PL re-sample step; for examples see lpredprob.GP


function used to propagate particles given an observation (usually the next one in “time”); for examples see propagate.GP


function used to generate prior parameters that may be passed into the dstream, init, lpredprob and propagate functions as needed; for examples see prior.GP


an optional function that adds the new observation (usually the next one in “time”) to the pall variable in the PL.env environment (i.e., PL.env$pall), which stores the sufficient information shared by all particles; for examples see addpall.GP


an optional function called each progress rounds that collects parameters from the particles for summary and visualization; for examples see params.GP


an option function that is called every round to save some information about the particles


number of particles to use


number of PL rounds after which to collect params and draws histograms; a non-positive value or params = NULL skips the progress meter


if TRUE then PL will try to use the existing set of particles to “continue” where it left off; start and end should be specified appropriately when continuing


if nonzero, then screen prints will indicate the proportion of PL updates finished so far; verb = 1 will cause PL to pause on progress drawings for inspection


Uses the PL SMC algorithm via the functions provided. This function is just a skeleton framework. The hard work is in specifying the arguments/functions which execute the calculations needed in the re-sample and propagate steps.

PL and uses the variables stored in the PL.env environment: pall, containing sufficient information common to all particles, peach, containing sufficient information particular to each of the P particles, and psave containing any saved information. These variables may be accessed as PL.env$psave, for example.

Note that PL is designed to be fast for sequential updating (of GPs) when new data arrive. This facilitates efficient sequential design of experiments by active learning techniques, e.g., optimization by expected improvement and sequential exploration of classification label boundaries by the predictive entropy. PL is not optimized for static inference when all of the data arrive at once, in batch


PL modifies the PL.env$peach variable, containing sufficient information particular to each (of the P) particles


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Carvalho, C., Johannes, M., Lopes, H., and Polson, N. (2008). “Particle Learning and Smoothing.” Discussion Paper 2008-32, Duke University Dept. of Statistical Science.

Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

papply, draw.GP, data.GP, lpredprob.GP, propagate.GP, params.GP, pred.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp"); it is important to
## run them with the ask=FALSE argument so that the
## automatically generated plots may refresh automatically
## (without requiring the user to press RETURN)
## Not run: 
## Illustrates regression GPs on a simple 1-d sinusoidal
## data generating mechanism
demo("plgp_sin1d", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates classification GPs on a simple 2-d exponential
## data generating mechanism
demo("plcgp_exp", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates classification GPs on Ripley's Cushings data
demo("plcgp_cush", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates active learning via the expected improvement
## statistic on a simple 1-d data generating mechanism
demo("plgp_exp_ei", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates active learning via entropy with classification
## GPs on a simple 2-d exponential data generating mechanism
demo("plcgp_exp_entropy", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates active learning via the integrated expected
## conditional improvement statistic for optimization
## under known constraints on a simple 1-d data generating
## mechanism
demo("plgp_1d_ieci", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates active learning via the integrated expected
## conditional improvement statistic for optimization under
## unknown constraints on a simple 1-d data generating
## mechanism
demo("plconstgp_1d_ieci", ask=FALSE)

## Illustrates active learning via the integrated expected
## conditional improvement statistic for optimization under
## unknokn constraints on a simple 2-d data generating
## mechanism
demo("plconstgp_2d_ieci", ask=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

Prediction for GPs


Prediction on a per-particle basis for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models


pred.GP(XX, Zt, prior, Y = NULL, quants = FALSE, Sigma = FALSE,
        sub = 1:Zt$t)
pred.CGP(XX, Zt, prior, mcreps = 100, cs = NULL)
pred.ConstGP(XX, Zt, prior, quants = TRUE)



matrix or data.frame containing (a design of) predictive locations where ncol(XX) = ncol(X), on which the data were trained and particle Zt thus obtained


the particle describing model parameters and sufficient statistics that determines the predictive distribution


prior parameters passed from PL generated by one of the prior functions, e.g., prior.GP


not for external use; used internally by CGP and ConstGP internal routines


a scalar logical indicating if predictive quantiles should be are desired


a scalar logical indicating if the full predictive variance-covariance matrix is desired; typically only used internally by CGP and ConstGP


not for external used; used internally by CGP and ConstGP internal routines


number of Monte Carlo iterations used in CGP prediction, integrating over the latent real-valued Y variables at the XX locations


indicates a class label at which the predictive probability is desired; the entire probability distribution over all class labels will be provided if not specified


For pred.GP the predictive mean (and quantiles if quants = TRUE is provided. For pred.CGP the predictive distribution over the class labels is provided, unless only one class (cs) is desired. pred.ConstGP is a combination of the pred.GP and pred.CGP methods

It is suggested that this function is used in as an argument to papply to obtain many predictions - one for each particle in a cloud - which are combined into a data.frame

Some of the function arguments aren't meant to be specified by the user, but are rather there to facilitate usage as a subroutine inside other PL functions, such as lpredprob.GP and others


A single-row data.frame is returned with the desired predictive; these rows are automatically combined when used with papply


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

papply, PL, lpredprob.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Generate priors for GP models


Generate priors for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models


prior.GP(m, cov = c("isotropic", "separable", "sim"))
prior.CGP(m, cov = c("isotropic", "separable", "sim"))
prior.ConstGP(m, cov.GP = c("isotropic", "separable", "sim"),
              cov.CGP = cov.GP)



positive scalar integer specifying the dimensionality of the input space


whether to use an "isotropic" or "separable" power exponential correlation function with power 2 – nugget included; a single index model ("sim") capability is provided as “beta” functionality; applies to both regression and classification GPs


specifies the covariance for the real-valued response in the combined unknown constraint GP model


specifies the covariance for the categorical response in the combined unknown constraint GP model


These function generate a default prior object in the correct format for use with the other PL routines, e.g., init.GP and pred.GP. The object returned may be modified as necessary.

The prior.ConstGP is essentially the combination of prior.GP and prior.CGP for regression and classification GP models, respectively


a valid prior object for the appropriate GP model;

By making the output $drate and/or $grate values negative causes the corresponding lengthscale d parameter(s) and nugget d parameter to be fixed at the reciprocal of their absolute values, respectively. This effectively turns off inference for these values, and allows one to study the GP predictive distribution as a function of fixed values. When both are fixed it is sensible to use only one particle (P=1, as an argument to PL)


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

PL, lpredprob.GP, propagate.GP, init.GP, pred.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

PL propagate rule for GPs


Incorporation of a new data point for Gaussian process (GP) regression, classification, or combined unknown constraint models; primarily to be used particle learning (PL) propagate step


propagate.GP(z, Zt, prior)
propagate.CGP(z, Zt, prior)
propagate.ConstGP(z, Zt, prior)



new observation whose to be incorporate into the particle Zt


the particle describing model parameters and sufficient statistics that the new data is being incorporated into


prior parameters passed from PL generated by one of the prior functions, e.g., prior.GP


This is the workhorse of the PL propagate step. After re-sampling the particles, PL calls propagate on each of the particles to obtain the set used in the next round/time-step

The propagate.ConstGP is essentially the combination of propagate.GP and propagate.CGP for regression and classification GP models, respectively


These functions return a new particle with the new observation incorporated


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]


Gramacy, R. and Polson, N. (2011). “Particle learning of Gaussian process models for sequential design and optimization.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20(1), pp. 102-118; arXiv:0909.5262

Gramacy, R. and Lee, H. (2010). “Optimization under unknown constraints”. Bayesian Statistics 9, J. M. Bernardo, M. J. Bayarri, J. O. Berger, A. P. Dawid, D. Heckerman, A. F. M. Smith and M. West (Eds.); Oxford University Press

Gramacy, R. (2020). “Surrogates: Gaussian Process Modeling, Design and Optimization for the Applied Sciences”. Chapman Hall/CRC;

See Also

PL, lpredprob.GP


## See the demos via demo(package="plgp") and the examples
## section of ?plgp

Un/Scale data in a bounding rectangle


Scale data lying in an arbitrary rectangle to lie in the unit rectangle, and back again


rectscale(X, rect)
rectunscale(X, rect)



a matrix or data.frame of real-valued covariates


a matrix describing a bounding rectangle for X with 2 columns and ncol(X) rows


a matrix or data.frame with the same dimensions as X scaled or un-scaled as appropriate


Robert B. Gramacy, [email protected]



X <- matrix(runif(10, 1, 3), ncol=2)
rect <- rbind(c(1,3), c(1,3))
Xs <- rectscale(X, rect)
rectunscale(Xs, rect)