Package 'patchDVI'

Title: Package to Patch '.dvi' or '.synctex' Files
Description: Functions to patch specials in '.dvi' files, or entries in '.synctex' files. Works with concordance=TRUE in Sweave, knitr or R Markdown to link sources to previews.
Authors: Duncan Murdoch [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Duncan Murdoch <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.11.3
Built: 2024-10-22 07:25:28 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Support for non-Sweave concordances.


Sweave automatically inserts concordances into the output file, so they will be embedded in the ‘.dvi’ or ‘.pdf’ output using the LaTeX macro ⁠\Sconcordance⁠ from the ‘Sweave.sty’ style file. Other vignette processing engines (e.g. knitr) do not use ‘Sweave.sty’, so defSconcordance defines the macro explicitly.

The useknitr function is specific to knitr documents. If writeMacro is TRUE, it calls defSconcordance to write the macro definition to the output file. If writeMacro is not specified, it guesses the value by looking for ⁠\begin{document}⁠ somewhere in the first 100 lines of the file. It always writes the ⁠\input⁠ line for the concordances into the file.





logical; whether to call defSconcordance


This function is not necessary when using Sweave, it is only for other vignette engines.

With knitr, the concordances would be written to a file with a name typically be of the form ‘basename-concordance.tex’, where the input file was ‘basename.Rnw’. You would insert it with code like


If the document does use the ‘Sweave.sty’ style, or if it is being included in another larger document, do not use defSconcorance: this can be forced by calling patchDVI::useknitr(writeMacro = FALSE).


These functions are called for the side effect of writing out the LaTeX code.


Duncan Murdoch



Get and set DVI specials


These functions get and set the \specials values in .dvi files.


setDVIspecials(f, newspecials, newname=f)



character filename of .dvi file to patch


character vector of new specials to put into the file


the name of the file to write


If an entry of the newspecials vector is NA, that special is removed.


DVIspecials returns all the specials from the file in a character vector.

setDVIspecials is called for the side effect of patching the .dvi file; it returns NULL invisibly.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also



## Not run: 
x <- DVIspecials("test.dvi")
x[1] <- "new value"
setDVIspecials("test.dvi", x)

## End(Not run)

Trigger processing of chapter files from RStudio.


If this function is executed within RStudio, it will knit all child from the main file of a large ‘.Rnw’-style knitr document.


knitInRStudio(SweaveFiles, force = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)



The files to process. If missing, the value is set from a .SweaveFiles variable in the global environment.


If TRUE, all files are knitted; otherwise, only those that are newer than the corresponding ‘.tex’ file.


Add some debugging information to the output.


This does nothing if not run from within RStudio. If run there, it starts a second R process to do the knitting. It's assumed that this call will exist in a code chunk in another knitr document.

Set childOutput = TRUE in the options to the code chunk containing this if you wish to see the output of the child knitr runs in the same log as the main one.


The concatenated output from the child knitting, and possibly some verbose output.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

knitAll, which does a similar thing outside of RStudio.

Knit a File and Patch


This is a simple script to run knit, then LaTeX, then patchDVI.


knitMiktex(Rnw, main,
    weave = knitr::knit,

knitPDFMiktex(Rnw, main,
    weave = knitr::knit,

knitDVI(Rnw, main,
    weave = knitr::knit,

knitPDF(Rnw, main,
    weave = knitr::knit,

knitDVIPDFM(Rnw, main,
    weave = knitr::knit,



The .Rnw input file


The .tex file on which to run latex, defaulting to the output file from Sweave


The function to carry out the weaving.


See Details below.


The ... arguments are passed to the corresponding Sweave* function.

If the Rnw argument is a filename ending in ‘.tex’, then knitting is skipped, but the output file is still patched (because one of the other files in the project might have come from knitr).


These functions are run for the side effects.


## Not run: 
knitPDF("chapter.Rnw", "book.tex")

## End(Not run)

Check for and optionally install packages used by document.


This function checks for needed packages


needsPackages(pkgs, install = TRUE, 
                    update = FALSE, 
                    load = FALSE, 
                    attach = FALSE)



A list of names of packages to check.


Whether to install missing packages.


Whether to update all packages that can be updated.


Whether to load namespaces for packages.


Whether to run library calls.


Each of the boolean arguments can be a vector of the same length as pkgs, applying separately to each entry.


Called for the side effects.


# This shouldn't do anything, as patchDVI must already be
# installed!

patch Sweave source references into .dvi file


This package allows source references in .dvi files to refer to the actual source file, rather than the intermediate .tex file. Dvi previewers such as yap and xdvi can make use of these source references to jump directly to the part of a document corresponding to a particular source line, and the previewer can send messages to editors to jump to the source corresponding to a location in the preview.


patchDVI(f, newname = f, patchLog = TRUE)
patchSynctex(f, newname=f, uncompress="pdftk %s output %s uncompress",
	     fromDVI = NULL, patchLog = TRUE)



A character value giving the name of the .dvi or .synctex file to patch


Output will go to this file; by default to overwrite the original


Whether to attempt to patch the ‘.log’ file


External command to uncompress a compressed PDF file


Name of DVI file in which to find concordance


This function works with Sweave with option concordance=TRUE and some related functions.

Using patchDVI requires a change to the usual Sweave workflow, as follows:

1. Write the source file in .Rnw. Include the


option to enable the patching.

2. Use Sweave to convert the file to .tex format.

3. Use latex to process the .tex file into a .dvi file or .pdf file.

4. Run patchDVI on the .dvi file or the .synctex file to patch in the Rnw links.

5. Use the previewer on the patched .dvi file or the original .pdf file.

All the information needed for the patching is stored in the .dvi file, so these 5 steps can be run from the command line, there's no need to keep an R session running (though they'll all work from within one session as well). At some distant date in the future maybe the previewers will learn how to read the concordance info, and step 4 will no longer be necessary.

The patchLog option makes use of the new patchLog function.


A string containing a message about what was done.


In a .dvi file, the concordance is stored in a TeX "special" in the following format (as of version 0.5): concordance:<oldname>:<newname>:<firstline> <rle pairs>*. Here <oldname> is the name of the .tex file to replace, <newname> is the name of the .Rnw file to substitute for it, and <firstline> is the line number from the .Rnw file of the first line in the .tex file.

The <rle pairs> are a sequence of pairs (length, value), separated by spaces (no parentheses), with the length indicating the number of repetitions of the value. Using inverse.rle these are converted to a sequence of differences in the line numbers of the concordance.

Since colons are used to delimit the elements, they must not be used in <oldname> or <newname>: names like ‘C:/source.Rnw’ will not work.

For example, a concordance might contain

\Sconcordance{\concordance:optimization.tex:optimization.Rnw:1 2 1 2 4 39 1 1 4 ...}

saying that source references to optimization.tex should be replaced with optimization.Rnw. Line 1 of the .tex file corresponds to line 1 of the .Rnw file. The diffs for successive lines are 1 1 4 4 1 <repeated 39 times> 4 ..., so the corresponding lines in the .Rnw file (including the first) are 1 2 3 7 11 12 13 ....

The same format is used in a stream object in a .pdf file. (Version 2.12.2 and earlier of R used a different format which was actually invalid according to the PDF specification.) This is not always successfully read by the patching code, because some versions of pdflatex compress parts of the file, and patchDVI currently can't read compressed parts of files. We suggest installing the pdftk open source PDF toolkit (available from to decompress the file; patchSynctex will make use of it if found. The uncompress argument can be modified to call a different uncompress utility. The Latex commands ⁠\pdfcompresslevel=0\pdfobjcompresslevel=0⁠ at the start of your document instruct pdflatex not to compress the file, but some Latex packages (e.g. beamer) will override these settings.

If your workflow involves using latex and dvipdfm, then you will need a recent enough version of latex that supports the -synctex=1 option, and then you can specify the name of the ‘.dvi’ file in the fromDVI argument.

This format is subject to change in future R releases.


Duncan Murdoch


The yap previewer is part of MikTeX, from

See Also

DVIspecials for the function to read .dvi files, SweaveMiktex for a simple script to run Sweave, MikTeX and patchDVI.


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)

Patch a LaTeX log file.


This function parses a standard LaTeX log file and applies patches to it based on an Sweave concordance, so that error messages and warnings refer to the ‘.Rnw’ file rather than the ‘.tex’ file.


patchLog(f, newname = f, concords = NULL, max_print_line = 79, Cstyle = FALSE)



The filename of the log file.


The filename to write the patched file to.


Concordances read from the ‘.dvi’ or ‘.pdf’. If NULL, an attempt is made to read these from the source.


The line length at which the latex compiler will wrap error messages.


If TRUE, only look for C-style error messages "filename:num: msg". If FALSE, look for classic messages "! msg". If NA, look for both, pick the more popular style.


The parsing is based on the log parser written by Jonathan Kew, Stefan Löffler, Antonio Macrì, and Henrik Skov Midtiby for TeXWorks. That parser assumes error lines are reported in the standard format; C style errors are not currently supported. patchLog can detect C style errors, but standard format is assumed by default, and is preferred.


This function is called mainly for the side effect of writing the new log file. It returns the concords object invisibly.


Duncan Murdoch

See Also

patchDVI, patchSynctex

R Markdown driver to add concordance


The pdf_documentC driver replaces the like-named rmarkdown driver with one that outputs Commonmark rather than Pandoc Markdown. Commonmark is a dialect of Markdown for which the Pandoc driver for Commonmark supports output of source position information. By using this function as your output driver, you can get that in your own documents.


pdf_documentC(latex_engine = "pdflatex",
           sourcepos = TRUE,
           defineSconcordance = TRUE,
           run_latex = TRUE, ...)



Command to convert ‘.tex’ file to ‘.pdf’.


Whether to include source position information.


If TRUE, insert a definition of the ⁠\Sconcordance⁠ macro just before ⁠\begin{document}⁠.


Whether to run the latex_engine to produce a PDF.


Other arguments to pass to the base driver.


This driver modifies the standard rmarkdown driver pdf_document to use Commonmark and add concordances.

The latex_formatC driver requires a currently unreleased version of the commonmark package, with version higher than 1.9.0.


An R Markdown output format object which will add concordance information.


Duncan Murdoch

Convert an R Markdown pdf driver to one that handles concordances.


This function produces a new driver which matches the old one in most respects, but adds an argument sourcepos (and possibly others). If that argument is TRUE (the default) then concordances are handled by the new driver.

This is used to produce pdf_documentC in this package, and should also work on other drivers that produce PDF output using Pandoc.





An R Markdown driver that produces HTML, LaTeX or PDF using Pandoc.


This function makes use of the RmdConcord::pdf_with_concordance function. That function adds concordances to the output of the original driver; this function patches the PDF file so that source references in it refer to the original source file.


A new driver function.



Demo function to read a .dvi file


This is an R function that reads a .dvi file (it was the prototype for DVIspecials). Modify it to see other parts of a .dvi.


readDVI(f, show=c("bop", "special", "fntdef", "preamble"))





which type of records to print


readDVI prints as it reads, it doesn't return anything useful.

Render R Markdown and Patch


These are simple scripts to render, then run LaTeX, then patch.


renderMiktex(Rmd, main,
    weave = rmarkdown::render,

renderPDFMiktex(Rmd, main,
    weave = rmarkdown::render,

renderDVI(Rmd, main,
    weave = rmarkdown::render,

renderPDF(Rmd, main,
    weave = rmarkdown::render,

renderDVIPDFM(Rmd, main,
    weave = rmarkdown::render,



The .Rmd input file


The .tex file on which to run latex, defaulting to the output file from Sweave


The function to carry out the weaving.


See Details below.


The ... arguments are passed to the corresponding Sweave* function.

If the Rmd argument is a filename ending in ‘.tex’, then knitting is skipped, but the output file is still patched (because one of the other files in the project might have come from R Markdown).


These functions are run for the side effects.


## Not run: 
renderPDF("chapter.Rnw", "book.tex")

## End(Not run)

Apply Sweave to a collection of files.


This function allows a master Sweave input file to specify other files in the project. All modified files will be run through Sweave. Following the run, several post-processing steps may be performed.


SweaveAll(SweaveFiles, make = 1, PostSweaveHook = NULL,
          force = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
          weave = utils::Sweave, ...)
knitAll(RnwFiles, make = 1, PostKnitHook = NULL,
          force = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
          weave = knitr::knit, ...)
renderAll(RmdFiles = NULL, make = 1, PostKnitHook = NULL,
          force = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
          weave = rmarkdown::render, ...)


SweaveFiles, RnwFiles, RmdFiles

character vector naming the files to run through weave.


integer indicating which files to run weave on. See below.

PostSweaveHook, PostKnitHook

default hook to be called after each weave call. See below.


If TRUE, all files in SweaveFiles will be run, otherwise only those which are newer than the corresponding ‘.tex’ file.


Mainly for debugging: print progress messages.


The function to be used for converting from source to ‘.tex’. It will be called as weave(filename, ...) for each file in SweaveFiles and other files identified as needing weaving.


Extra parameters to pass to weave.


This function runs weave repeatedly. It starts by checking for a global variable .SweaveFiles, and augments the SweaveFiles argument with any unprocessed files in that list. It then runs weave on each file listed in SweaveFiles.

Before each run, it removes the global variables .PostSweaveHook, .SweaveFiles, and .TexRoot. The individual Sweave files may set these variables to control post- processing as described below.

Following each run, SweaveAll checks whether the code chunks created a variable .PostSweaveHook in the global environment. If present, it should be a function (or the name of a function; is used to do the lookup) taking a single argument. If not present, the PostSweaveHook (or PostKnitHook) argument will be used as a default. SweaveAll will pass the name of the ‘.tex’ output file to this function, which can do any required postprocessing. For example, we have used it to remove local pathnames from output strings.

SweaveAll then checks again for .SweaveFiles, which if present should be a character vector of filenames. These are collected, and after the Sweave runs specified by SweaveFiles, the make parameter controls which other files are run. The default value of 1 works as follows: any new files added via .SweaveFiles that were not already processed are checked. If they are newer than the corresponding ‘.tex’ file, or the ‘.tex’ file does not exist, they are processed. They may also return new filenames in the global .SweaveFiles variable and those will be processed as well.

Setting make = 2 forces all mentioned files to be processed. With make = 0, only the original vector of files passed to SweaveAll will be processed.

SweaveAll also checks for a global variable named .TexRoot. If present, it will be placed in the first position in the result vector. (If it was already in the vector, later copies will be removed.)


The names of all files produced. The first element of Sweavefiles will produce the first element of the result if .TexRoot was not specified; other elements will depend on which files were processed.


Duncan Murdoch


## Not run: 
# Run Sweave on a main file, and obtain other files from there.

# Run knitr on the same file.
SweaveAll("main.Rnw", weave = knitr::knit)

## End(Not run)

Run Sweave and Patch


This is a simple script to run Sweave, then convert the LaTeX file, then patch it.


SweaveMiktex(Rnw, main,
    cmd = "texify",
    options = "--tex-option=-src-specials --tex-option=-interaction=nonstopmode",
    includedir = "--tex-option=--include-directory=",
    stylepath = FALSE,
    source.code = NULL,
    make = 1,
    preview = 'yap "%s"',
    sleep = 0, ...)

SweavePDFMiktex(Rnw, main,
    cmd = "texify --pdf",
    options = "--tex-option=-synctex=-1 --tex-option=-interaction=nonstopmode",
    includedir = "--tex-option=-include-directory=",
    stylepath = FALSE,
    source.code = NULL,
    make = 1,
    preview = NULL,
    patchLog = TRUE,
    sleep = 0, ...)

SweaveDVI(Rnw, main,
    texinputs = NULL,
    source.code = NULL,
    make = 1,
    links = NULL,
    preview = NULL,
    patchLog = TRUE, ...)

SweavePDF(Rnw, main,
    texinputs = NULL,
    source.code = NULL,
    make = 1,
    links = NULL,
    preview = NULL,
    patchLog = TRUE, ...)

SweaveDVIPDFM(Rnw, main,
    latex = "latex", latexOpts = "-synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode",
    dvipdfm = "dvipdfm", dvipdfmOpts = "",
    texinputs = NULL,
    source.code = NULL,
    make = 1,
    preview = NULL,
    patchLog = TRUE, ...)



The .Rnw input file


The .tex file on which to run latex, defaulting to the output file from Sweave


The LaTeX command to run


Options to pass to LaTeX


The prefix for an option to give the location of Sweave.sty


stylepath argument to pass to Sweave


If not NULL, a filename to source before running Sweave


Value to pass to SweaveAll to control which Sweave files are processed


Command to use to preview result, or NULL for no preview


Whether to attempt to patch the console log and ‘.log’ file


Number of seconds to sleep if an error is detected in the run


Extra paths to pass to texi2dvi


If not NULL, an option to turn on production of source links via Synctex or source specials

latex, latexOpts

The function to call to convert the ‘.tex’ to ‘.dvi’, and options to put on the command line.

dvipdfm, dvipdfmOpts

The function to call to convert the ‘.dvi’ to ‘.pdf’, and options to put on the command line.


Additional options to pass to SweaveAll


If the Rnw argument is a filename ending in ‘.tex’, then weaving is skipped, but the ‘.dvi’ file is still patched (because one of the other files in the project might have come from Sweave).

The source.code argument may be used to temporarily install code before running the document through the weaver (e.g. Sweave). It could install an experimental version of Sweave, or set up some variables to be used by other code chunks, etc. (Note that things are sourced locally, whereas Sweave runs things in the global environment, so the file will need to make explicit assignments there, and it should avoid using names that clash with the argument names to SweaveMiktex or SweavePDFMiktex.)

The functions invoke Latex differently. SweaveMiktex is designed to call Miktex's texify command to produce a ‘.dvi’ file. SweavePDFMiktex does the same, but produces a ‘.pdf’. SweaveDVI and SweavePDF are similar, but use a modified version of R's texi2dvi function to invoke Latex. SweaveDVIPDFM does the conversion to ‘.pdf’ in two stages.

The patchLog option makes use of the new patchLog function.


These functions are run for the side effects.


## Not run: 
SweaveMiktex("chapter.Rnw", "book.tex")

## End(Not run)