The output of match_name()
has the following
The output of prioritize()
has the following
The output of target_sda()
has the following
The {pacta.loanbook}
package provides a demo
output dataset sda
#> # A tibble: 110 × 6
#> sector year region scenario_source emission_factor_metric emission_factor_value
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl>
#> 1 cement 2020 advanced economies demo_2020 projected 0.0230
#> 2 cement 2020 developing asia demo_2020 projected 0.0595
#> 3 cement 2020 global demo_2020 projected 0.664
#> 4 cement 2021 advanced economies demo_2020 projected 0.0232
#> 5 cement 2021 developing asia demo_2020 projected 0.0594
#> 6 cement 2021 global demo_2020 projected 0.665
#> 7 cement 2022 advanced economies demo_2020 projected 0.0233
#> 8 cement 2022 developing asia demo_2020 projected 0.0592
#> 9 cement 2022 global demo_2020 projected 0.666
#> 10 cement 2023 advanced economies demo_2020 projected 0.0235
#> # ℹ 100 more rows
The output of prep_techmix()
has the following
The output of prep_emission_intensity()
has the
following columns:
The output of prep_trajectory()
has the following