Package 'osmextract'

Title: Download and Import Open Street Map Data Extracts
Description: Match, download, convert and import Open Street Map data extracts obtained from several providers.
Authors: Andrea Gilardi [aut, cre] , Robin Lovelace [aut] , Barry Rowlingson [ctb] , Salva Fernández [rev] (Salva reviewed the package (v. 0.1) for rOpenSci, see <>), Nicholas Potter [rev] (Nicholas reviewed the package (v. 0.1) for rOpenSci, see <>)
Maintainer: Andrea Gilardi <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.5.2
Built: 2025-01-24 07:05:49 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

An sf object of geographical zones taken from


Start bicycle routing for... everywhere!




An sf object with 237 rows and 6 columns:


The, usually English, long-form name of the city.


Link to the latest .osm.pbf file for this region.


Size of the pbf file in bytes.


A unique identifier. It contains letters, numbers and potentially the characters "-" and "/".


An integer code always equal to 3 (since the bbbike data represent non-hierarchical geographical zones). This is used only for matching operations in case of spatial input. The oe_* functions will select the geographical area closest to the input place with the highest "level". See geofabrik_zones for an example of a (proper) hierarchical structure.


The sfg for that geographical region, rectangular. See also oe_get_boundary() to extract the proper geographical boundaries.


An sf object containing the URLs, names, and file_size of the OSM extracts stored at


See Also

Other provider's-database: geofabrik_zones, openstreetmap_fr_zones

An sf object of geographical zones taken from


An sf object containing the URLs, names and file-sizes of the OSM extracts stored at You can read more details about these data at the following link:




An sf object with 476 rows and 9 columns:


A unique identifier. It contains letters, numbers and potentially the characters "-" and "/".


The, usually English, long-form name of the area.


The identifier of the next larger excerpts that contains this one, if present.


An integer code between 1 and 4. If level = 1, then the zone corresponds to one of the continents (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Central America, Europe, North America, and South America) or the Russian Federation. If level = 2, then the zone corresponds to the continent's subregions (i.e. the countries such as Italy, Great Britain, Spain, USA, Mexico, Belize, Morocco, Peru and so on). There are also some exceptions that correspond to the Special Sub Regions (according to the Geofabrik definition), which are: South Africa (includes Lesotho), Alps, Britain and Ireland, Germany + Austria + Switzerland, US Midwest, US Northeast, US Pacific, US South, US West, and all US states. Level = 3L corresponds to the subregions of each state (or each level 2 zone). For example, the West Yorkshire, which is a subregion of England, is a level 3 zone. Finally, level = 4 correspond to the subregions of the third level and it is mainly related to some small areas in Germany. This field is used only for matching operations in case of spatial input.


A character vector of two-letter ISO3166-1 codes. This will be set on the smallest extract that still fully (or mostly) contains the entity with that code; e.g. the code "DE" will be given for the Germany extract and not for Europe even though Europe contains Germany. If an extract covers several countries and no per-country extracts are available (e.g. Israel and Palestine), then several ISO codes will be given (such as "PS IL" for "Palestine and Israel").


A character vector of usually five-character ISO3166-2 codes. The same rules as above apply. Some entities have both an iso3166-1 and iso3166-2 code. For example, the iso3166_2 code of each US State is "US - " plus the code of the state.


Link to the latest .osm.pbf file for this region.


Size of the .pbf file in bytes.


The sfg for that geographical region. These are not the country boundaries, but a buffer around countries. Check oe_get_boundary() to extract the geographical boundaries.


See Also

Other provider's-database: bbbike_zones, openstreetmap_fr_zones

Clean download directory


This functions is a wrapper around unlink() that can be used to delete all .osm.pbf and .gpkg files in a given directory.


oe_clean(download_directory = oe_download_directory(), force = FALSE)



The directory where the .osm.pbf and .gpkg files are saved. Default value is oe_download_directory().


Internal option. It can be used to skip the checks run at the beginning of the function and force the removal of all pbf/gpkg files.


The same as unlink().


# Warning: the following removes all files in oe_download_directory()
## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

Download a file given a url


This function is used to download a file given a URL. It focuses on OSM extracts with .osm.pbf format stored by one of the providers implemented in the package. The URL is specified through the parameter file_url.


  provider = NULL,
  file_basename = basename(file_url),
  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  file_size = NA,
  force_download = FALSE,
  max_file_size = 5e+08,
  quiet = FALSE



A URL pointing to a .osm.pbf file that should be downloaded.


Which provider stores the file? If NULL (the default), it may be inferred from the URL, but it must be specified for non-standard cases. See details and examples.


The basename of the file. The default behaviour is to auto-generate it from the URL using basename().


Directory to store the file containing OSM data?.


How big is the file? Optional. NA by default. If it's bigger than max_file_size and the function is run in interactive mode, then an interactive menu is displayed, asking for permission for downloading the file.


Should the .osm.pbf file be updated even if it has already been downloaded? FALSE by default. This parameter is used to update old .osm.pbf files.


The maximum file size to download without asking in interactive mode. Default: 5e+8, half a gigabyte.


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


This function runs several checks before actually downloading a new file to avoid overloading the OSM providers. The first step is the definition of the file's path associated to the input file_url. The path is created by pasting together the download_directory, the name of chosen provider (which may be inferred from the URL) and the basename() of the URL. For example, if file_url is equal to "", and download_directory = "/tmp", then the path is built as "/tmp/geofabrik_italy-latest.osm.pbf". Thereafter, the function checks the existence of that file and, if it founds it, then it returns the path. The parameter force_download is used to modify this behaviour. If there is no file associated with the new path, then the function downloads a new file using download.file() with mode = "wb", and, again, it returns the path.


A character string representing the file's path.


(its_match = oe_match("ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE))

## Not run: 
  file_url = its_match$url,
  file_size = its_match$file_size,
  provider = "test",
  download_directory = tempdir()
iow_url = oe_match("Isle of Wight")
  file_url = iow_url$url,
  file_size = iow_url$file_size,
  download_directory = tempdir()
Sucre_url = oe_match("Sucre", provider = "bbbike")
  file_url = Sucre_url$url,
  file_size = Sucre_url$file_size,
  download_directory = tempdir()
## End(Not run)

Return the download directory used by the package


By default, the download directory is equal to tempdir(). You can set a persistent download directory by adding the following command to your .Renviron file (e.g. with edit_r_environ function in usethis package): ⁠OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY=/path/to/osm/data⁠.




A character vector representing the path for the download directory used by the package.



Get the path of .pbf and .gpkg files associated with an input OSM extract


This function takes a place name and returns the path of .pbf/.gpkg files associated with it.


  provider = "geofabrik",
  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  download_if_missing = FALSE,
  return_pbf = TRUE,
  return_gpkg = TRUE,
  quiet = FALSE,



Description of the geographical area that should be matched with a .osm.pbf file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


Which provider should be used to download the data? Available providers can be browsed with oe_providers(). For oe_get() and oe_match(), if place is equal to ⁠ITS Leeds⁠, then provider is internally set equal to "test". This is just for simple examples and internal tests.


Directory where the files downloaded by osmextract are stored. By default it is equal to oe_download_directory().


Attempt to download the file if it cannot be found? FALSE by default.


Logical of length 1. If TRUE, the function returns the path of the pbf file that matches the input place.


Logical of length 1. If TRUE, the function returns the path of the gpkg file that matches the input place.


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


Extra arguments that are passed to oe_match() and oe_get(). Please note that you cannot modify the argument download_only.


The matching between the existing files (saved in the directory specified by download_directory parameter) and the input place is performed using list.files(), setting the pattern argument equal to the basename of the URL associated to the input place. For example, if you specify place = "Isle of Wight", then the input is matched (via oe_match()) with the URL of Isle of Wight's .osm.pbf file, and the files are selected using a pattern equal to the basename of that URL.

If there is no file in the download_directory that can be matched with the basename of the URL and download_if_missing parameter is equal to TRUE, then the function tries to download and read a new file from the chosen provider (geofabrik is the default provider). If download_if_missing parameter is equal to FALSE (default value), then the function stops with an error.

By default, this function returns the path of .pbf and .gpkg files associated with the input place (if any). You can exclude one of the two formats setting the arguments return_pbf or return_gpkg to FALSE.


A character vector of length one (or two) representing the path(s) of the .pbf/.gpkg files associated with the input place. The files are sorted in alphabetical order which implies that if both formats are present in the download_directory, then the .gpkg file is returned first.


# Copy the ITS file to tempdir() to make sure that the examples do not
# require internet connection. You can skip the next 4 lines (and start
# directly with oe_get_keys) when running the examples locally.

res = file.copy(
  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf"),
  overwrite = TRUE
res = oe_get("ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir())
oe_find("ITS Leeds", provider = "test", download_directory = tempdir())
  "ITS Leeds", provider = "test",
  download_directory = tempdir(), return_gpkg = FALSE

## Not run: 
oe_find("Isle of Wight", download_directory = tempdir())
oe_find("Malta", download_if_missing = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir())
  provider = "bbbike",
  download_if_missing = TRUE,
  download_directory = tempdir(),
  return_pbf = FALSE
## End(Not run)

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir

Find, download, translate and read OSM extracts from several providers


This function is used to find, download, translate, and read OSM extracts obtained from several providers. It is a wrapper around oe_match() and oe_read(). Check the introductory vignette, the examples, and the help pages of the wrapped functions to understand the details behind all parameters.


  layer = "lines",
  provider = "geofabrik",
  match_by = "name",
  max_string_dist = 1,
  level = NULL,
  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  force_download = FALSE,
  max_file_size = 5e+08,
  vectortranslate_options = NULL,
  osmconf_ini = NULL,
  extra_tags = NULL,
  force_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  boundary = NULL,
  boundary_type = c("spat", "clipsrc"),
  download_only = FALSE,
  skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  never_skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  quiet = FALSE



Description of the geographical area that should be matched with a .osm.pbf file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


Which layer should be read in? Typically points, lines (the default), multilinestrings, multipolygons or other_relations. If you specify an ad-hoc query using the argument query (see introductory vignette and examples), then oe_get() and oe_read() will read the layer specified in the query and ignore layer argument. See also #122.


(Named) arguments that will be passed to sf::st_read(), like query, wkt_filter or stringsAsFactors. Check the introductory vignette to understand how to create your own (SQL-like) queries.


Which provider should be used to download the data? Available providers can be browsed with oe_providers(). For oe_get() and oe_match(), if place is equal to ⁠ITS Leeds⁠, then provider is internally set equal to "test". This is just for simple examples and internal tests.


Which column of the provider's database should be used for matching the input place with a .osm.pbf file? The default is "name". Check Details and Examples in oe_match() to understand how this parameter works. Ignored when place is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is performed through a spatial operation.


Numerical value greater or equal than 0. What is the maximum distance in fuzzy matching (i.e. Approximate String Distance, see adist()) between input place and match_by column that can be tolerated before testing alternative providers or looking for geographical matching with Nominatim API? This parameter is set equal to 0 if match_by is equal to iso3166_1_alpha2 or iso3166_2. Check Details and Examples in oe_match() to understand why this parameter is important. Ignored when place is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is performed through a spatial operation.


An integer representing the desired hierarchical level in case of spatial matching. For the geofabrik provider, for example, 1 corresponds with continent-level datasets, 2 for countries, 3 corresponds to regions and 4 to subregions. Hence, we could approximately say that smaller administrative units correspond to bigger levels. If NULL, the default, the ⁠oe_*⁠ functions will select the highest available level. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


Directory to store the file containing OSM data?.


Should the .osm.pbf file be updated even if it has already been downloaded? FALSE by default. This parameter is used to update old .osm.pbf files.


The maximum file size to download without asking in interactive mode. Default: 5e+8, half a gigabyte.


Options passed to the sf::gdal_utils() argument options. Set by default. Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


The configuration file. See documentation at Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate(). Set by default.


Which additional columns, corresponding to OSM tags, should be in the resulting dataset? NULL by default. Check the introductory vignette and the help pages of oe_vectortranslate() and oe_get_keys(). Ignored when osmconf_ini is not NULL.


Boolean. Force the original .pbf file to be translated into a .gpkg file, even if a .gpkg with the same name already exists? FALSE by default. If tags in extra_tags match data in previously translated .gpkg files no translation occurs (see #173 for details). Check the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


An sf/sfc/bbox object that will be used to create a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations. The type of filter can be chosen using the argument boundary_type.


A character vector of length 1 specifying the type of spatial filter. The spat filter selects only those features that intersect a given area, while clipsrc also clips the geometries. Check the examples and also here for more details.


Boolean. If TRUE, then the function only returns the path where the matched file is stored, instead of reading it. FALSE by default.


Boolean. If TRUE, then the function skips all vectortranslate operations and it reads (or simply returns the path) of the .osm.pbf file. FALSE by default.


Boolean. This is used in case the user passed its own .ini file or vectortranslate options (since, in those case, it's too difficult to determine if an existing .gpkg file was generated following the same options.)


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


The algorithm that we use for importing an OSM extract data into R is divided into 4 steps: 1) match the input place with the url of a .pbf file; 2) download the .pbf file; 3) convert it into .gpkg format and 4) read-in the .gpkg file. The function oe_match() is used to perform the first operation and the function oe_read() (which is a wrapper around oe_download(), oe_vectortranslate() and sf::st_read()) performs the other three operations.


An sf object.

See Also

oe_match(), oe_download(), oe_vectortranslate(), and oe_read().


# Copy ITS file to tempdir so that the examples do not require internet
# connection. You can skip the next 4 lines when running the examples
# locally.

its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = its_pbf,
  overwrite = TRUE

# Match, download (not really) and convert OSM extracts associated to a simple test.
its = oe_get("ITS Leeds", download_directory = tempdir())

# Get another layer from ITS Leeds extract
its_points = oe_get("ITS Leeds", layer = "points", download_directory = tempdir())

# Get the .osm.pbf and .gpkg files paths
  "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE, quiet = TRUE,
  download_directory = tempdir()
  "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE, skip_vectortranslate = TRUE,
  quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()
# See also ?oe_find()

# Add additional tags
its_with_oneway = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", extra_tags = "oneway",
  download_directory = tempdir()
table(its_with_oneway$oneway, useNA = "ifany")

# Use the query argument to get only oneway streets:
q = "SELECT * FROM 'lines' WHERE oneway == 'yes'"
its_oneway = oe_get("ITS Leeds", query = q, download_directory = tempdir())
its_oneway[, c(1, 3, 9)]

# Apply a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations
its_poly = sf::st_sfc(
      c(-1.55577, 53.80850),
      c(-1.55787, 53.80926),
      c(-1.56096, 53.80891),
      c(-1.56096, 53.80736),
      c(-1.55675, 53.80658),
      c(-1.55495, 53.80749),
      c(-1.55577, 53.80850)
  crs = 4326
its_spat = oe_get("ITS Leeds", boundary = its_poly, download_directory = tempdir())
its_clipped = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", boundary = its_poly, boundary_type = "clipsrc",
  quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()

plot(sf::st_geometry(its), reset = FALSE, col = "lightgrey")
plot(sf::st_boundary(its_poly), col = "black", add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_boundary(sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(its_poly))), col = "black", add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(its_spat), add = TRUE, col = "darkred")
plot(sf::st_geometry(its_clipped), add = TRUE, col = "orange")

# More complex examples
## Not run: 
west_yorkshire = oe_get("West Yorkshire")
# If you run it again, the function will not download the file
# or convert it again
west_yorkshire = oe_get("West Yorkshire")
# Match with place name
oe_get("Milan") # Warning: the .pbf file is 400MB
oe_get("Vatican City") # Check all providers
oe_get("Zurich") # Use Nominatim API for geolocating places

# Match with coordinates (any EPSG)
milan_duomo = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(1514924, 5034552)), crs = 3003)
oe_get(milan_duomo, quiet = FALSE) # Warning: the .pbf file is 400MB
# Match with numeric coordinates (EPSG = 4326)
oe_match(c(9.1916, 45.4650), quiet = FALSE)

# Check also alternative providers
baku = oe_get(place = "Baku")

# Other examples:
oe_get("RU", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2", quiet = FALSE)
# The following example mimics read_sf
oe_get("Andora", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, quiet = TRUE, as_tibble = TRUE)
## End(Not run)

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir

Get the administrative boundary for a given place


This function can be used to obtain polygon/multipolygon objects representing an administrative boundary. The objects are extracted from the multipolygons layer of a given OSM extract.


oe_get_boundary(place, name = place, exact = TRUE, ...)



Description of the geographical area that should be matched with a .osm.pbf file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


A character vector of length 1 that describes the relevant area. By default, this is equal to place, but this parameter can be tuned to obtain more granular results starting from the same OSM extract. See examples. It must be always set when the place argument is specified using numeric or spatial objects.


Boolean of length 1. If TRUE, then the function returns only those features where the field name is exactly equal to name. If FALSE, it performs a (case-sensitive) pattern matching.


Further arguments (e.g. quiet or force_vectortranslate) that are passed to oe_get().


The function may return an empty result when the corresponding GPKG file already exists and contains partial results. In that case, you can try running the function setting never_skip_vectortranslate = TRUE.


An sf object


## Not run: 
my_cols = sf.colors(5, categorical = TRUE)
gabon = oe_get_boundary("Gabon", quiet = TRUE) # country
libreville = oe_get_boundary("Gabon", "Libreville", quiet = TRUE) # capital

opar = par(mar = rep(0, 4))
plot(st_geometry(st_boundary(gabon)), reset = FALSE, col = "grey")
plot(st_geometry(libreville), add = TRUE, col = my_cols[1])

# Exact match
komo = oe_get_boundary("Gabon", "Komo", quiet = TRUE)
# Pattern matching
komo_pt = oe_get_boundary("Gabon", "Komo", exact = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)
plot(st_geometry(komo), add = TRUE, col = my_cols[2])
plot(st_geometry(komo_pt), add = TRUE, col = my_cols[3:5])

# Get all boundaries
(oe_get_boundary("Gabon", name = "%", exact = FALSE, quiet = TRUE)[, 1:2])

# If the basic approach doesn't work, i.e.

# try to consider larger regions, i.e.
oe_get_boundary("West Yorkshire", "Leeds")

## End(Not run)

Return keys and (optionally) values stored in "other_tags" column


This function returns the OSM keys and (optionally) the values stored in the other_tags field. See Details. In both cases, the keys are sorted according to the number of occurrences, which means that the most common keys are stored first.


  layer = "lines",
  values = FALSE,
  which_keys = NULL,
  download_directory = oe_download_directory()

## Default S3 method:
  layer = "lines",
  values = FALSE,
  which_keys = NULL,
  download_directory = oe_download_directory()

## S3 method for class 'character'
  layer = "lines",
  values = FALSE,
  which_keys = NULL,
  download_directory = oe_download_directory()

## S3 method for class 'sf'
  layer = "lines",
  values = FALSE,
  which_keys = NULL,
  download_directory = oe_download_directory()

## S3 method for class 'oe_key_values_list'
print(x, n = getOption("oe_max_print_keys", 10L), ...)



An sf object with an other_tags field or a character vector (of length 1) that can be linked to or pointing to a .osm.pbf or .gpkg file with an other_tags field. Character vectors are linked to .osm.pbf files using oe_find().


Which layer should be read in? Typically points, lines (the default), multilinestrings, multipolygons or other_relations. If you specify an ad-hoc query using the argument query (see introductory vignette and examples), then oe_get() and oe_read() will read the layer specified in the query and ignore layer argument. See also #122.


Logical. If TRUE, then function returns the keys and the corresponding values, otherwise only the keys. Defaults to FALSE.


Character vector used to subset only some keys and corresponding values. Ignored if values is FALSE. See examples.


Path of the directory that stores the .osm.pbf files. Only relevant when zone is as a character vector that must be matched to a file via oe_find(). Ignored unless zone is a character vector.


object of class oe_key_values_list


Maximum number of keys (and corresponding values) to print; can be set globally by options(oe_max_print_keys=...). Default value is 10.




OSM data are typically documented using several tags, i.e. pairs of two items, namely a key and a value. The conversion between .osm.pbf and .gpkg formats is governed by a CONFIG file that lists which tags must be explicitly added to the .gpkg file. All the other keys are automatically stored using an other_tags field with a syntax compatible with the PostgreSQL HSTORE type. See here for more details.

When the argument values is TRUE, then the function returns a named list of class oe_key_values_list that, for each key, summarises the corresponding values. The key-value pairs are stored using the following format: ⁠list(key1 = c("value1", "value1", "value2", ...), key2 = c("value1", ...) ...)⁠. We decided to implement an ad-hoc method for printing objects of class oe_key_values_list using the following structure:

key1 = {#value1 = n1; #value2 = n2; #value3 = n3,
  ...} key2 = {#value1 = n1; #value2 = n2; ...} key3 = {#value1 = n1} ...

where n1 denotes the number of times that value1 is repeated, n2 denotes the number of times that value2 is repeated and so on. Also the values are listed according to the number of occurrences in decreasing order. By default, the function prints only the ten most common keys, but the number can be adjusted using the option oe_max_print_keys.

Finally, the hstore_get_value() function can be used inside the query argument in oe_get() to extract one particular tag from an existing file. Check the introductory vignette and see examples.


If the argument values is FALSE (the default), then the function returns a character vector with the names of all keys stored in the other_tags field. If values is TRUE, then the function returns named list which stores all keys and the corresponding values. In the latter case, the returned object has class oe_key_values_list and we defined an ad-hoc printing method. See Details.

See Also



# Copy the ITS file to tempdir() to make sure that the examples do not
# require internet connection. You can skip the next 4 lines (and start
# directly with oe_get_keys) when running the examples locally.

its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = its_pbf,
  overwrite = TRUE

# Get keys
oe_get_keys("ITS Leeds", download_directory = tempdir())

# Get keys and values
oe_get_keys("ITS Leeds", values = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir())

# Subset some keys
  "ITS Leeds", values = TRUE, which_keys = c("surface", "lanes"),
  download_directory = tempdir()

# Print all (non-NA) values for a given set of keys
res = oe_get_keys("ITS Leeds", values = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir())

# Get keys from an existing sf object
its = oe_get("ITS Leeds", download_directory = tempdir())
oe_get_keys(its, values = TRUE)

# Get keys from a character vector pointing to a file (might be faster than
# reading the complete file and then filter it)
its_path = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", download_only = TRUE,
  download_directory = tempdir(), quiet = TRUE
oe_get_keys(its_path, values = TRUE)

# Add a key to an existing .gpkg file without repeating the
# vectortranslate operations
its = oe_get("ITS Leeds", download_directory = tempdir())
its_extra = oe_read(
  query = "SELECT *, hstore_get_value(other_tags, 'oneway') AS oneway FROM lines",
  quiet = TRUE

# The following fails since there is no points layer in the .gpkg file
## Not run: 
oe_get_keys(its_path, layer = "points")
## End(Not run)

# Add layer and read keys
its_path = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", layer = "points", download_only = TRUE,
  download_directory = tempdir(), quiet = TRUE
oe_get_keys(its_path, layer = "points")

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir
rm(its_pbf, res, its_path, its, its_extra)

Import transport networks used by a specific mode of transport


This function is a wrapper around oe_get() and can be used to import a road network given a place and a mode of transport. Check the Details for a precise description of the procedures used to filter the OSM ways according to each each mode of transport.


oe_get_network(place, mode = c("cycling", "driving", "walking"), ...)



Description of the geographical area that should be matched with a .osm.pbf file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


A character string of length one denoting the desired mode of transport. Can be abbreviated. Currently cycling (the default), driving and walking are supported.


Additional arguments passed to oe_get() such as boundary or force_download.


The definition of usable transport network was taken from the Python packages osmnx and pyrosm and several other documents found online, i.e., See also the discussion in

The cycling mode of transport (i.e. the default value for mode parameter) selects the OSM ways that meet the following conditions:

  • The highway tag is not missing;

  • The highway tag is not equal to abandoned, bus_guideway, byway, construction, corridor, elevator, fixme, escalator, gallop, historic, no, planned, platform, proposed, raceway or steps;

  • The highway tag is not equal to motorway, motorway_link, footway, bridleway or pedestrian unless the tag bicycle is equal to yes, designated, permissive or destination (see here for more details);

  • The access tag is not equal to private or no unless bicycle is equal to yes, permissive or designated (see #289);

  • The bicycle tag is not equal to no, use_sidepath, private, or restricted;

  • The service tag does not contain the string private (i.e. private, private_access and similar);

The walking mode of transport selects the OSM ways that meet the following conditions:

  • The highway tag is not missing;

  • The highway tag is not equal to abandoned, bus_guideway, byway, construction, corridor, elevator, fixme, escalator, gallop, historic, no, planned, platform, proposed, raceway, motorway or motorway_link;

  • The highway tag is not equal to cycleway unless the foot tag is equal to yes;

  • The access tag is not equal to private or no unless foot is equal to yes, permissive, or designated (see #289);

  • The foot tag is not equal to no, use_sidepath, private, or restricted;

  • The service tag does not contain the string private (i.e. private, private_access and similar).

The driving mode of transport selects the OSM ways that meet the following conditions:

  • The highway tag is not missing;

  • The highway tag is not equal to abandoned, bus_guideway, byway, construction, corridor, elevator, fixme, escalator, gallop, historic, no, planned, platform, proposed, cycleway, pedestrian, bridleway, path, or footway;

  • The access tag is not equal to private or no unless motor_vehicle is equal to yes, permissive, or designated (see #289);

  • The service tag does not contain the string private (i.e. private, private_access and similar).

Feel free to create a new issue in the github repo if you want to suggest modifications to the current filters or propose new values for alternative modes of transport.


An sf object.

See Also



# Copy the ITS file to tempdir() to make sure that the examples do not
# require internet connection. You can skip the next 4 lines (and start
# directly with oe_get_keys) when running the examples locally.

its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = its_pbf,
  overwrite = TRUE

# default value returned by OSM
its = oe_get(
  "ITS Leeds", quiet = TRUE, download_directory = tempdir()
plot(its["highway"], lwd = 2, key.pos = 4, key.width = lcm(2.75))
# walking mode of transport
its_walking = oe_get_network(
  "ITS Leeds", mode = "walking",
  download_directory = tempdir(), quiet = TRUE
plot(its_walking["highway"], lwd = 2, key.pos = 4, key.width = lcm(2.75))
# driving mode of transport
its_driving = oe_get_network(
  "ITS Leeds", mode = "driving",
  download_directory = tempdir(), quiet = TRUE
plot(its_driving["highway"], lwd = 2, key.pos = 4, key.width = lcm(2.75))

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir

Match input place with a url


This function is used to match an input place with the URL of a .osm.pbf file (and its file-size, if present). The URLs are stored in several provider's databases. See oe_providers() and examples.


oe_match(place, ...)

## Default S3 method:
oe_match(place, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bbox'
oe_match(place, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sf'
oe_match(place, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sfc'
oe_match(place, provider = "geofabrik", level = NULL, quiet = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
oe_match(place, provider = "geofabrik", quiet = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
  provider = "geofabrik",
  quiet = FALSE,
  match_by = "name",
  max_string_dist = 1,



Description of the geographical area that should be matched with a .osm.pbf file. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object with any CRS, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


arguments passed to other methods


Which provider should be used to download the data? Available providers can be browsed with oe_providers(). For oe_get() and oe_match(), if place is equal to ⁠ITS Leeds⁠, then provider is internally set equal to "test". This is just for simple examples and internal tests.


An integer representing the desired hierarchical level in case of spatial matching. For the geofabrik provider, for example, 1 corresponds with continent-level datasets, 2 for countries, 3 corresponds to regions and 4 to subregions. Hence, we could approximately say that smaller administrative units correspond to bigger levels. If NULL, the default, the ⁠oe_*⁠ functions will select the highest available level. See Details and Examples in oe_match().


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


Which column of the provider's database should be used for matching the input place with a .osm.pbf file? The default is "name". Check Details and Examples in oe_match() to understand how this parameter works. Ignored when place is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is performed through a spatial operation.


Numerical value greater or equal than 0. What is the maximum distance in fuzzy matching (i.e. Approximate String Distance, see adist()) between input place and match_by column that can be tolerated before testing alternative providers or looking for geographical matching with Nominatim API? This parameter is set equal to 0 if match_by is equal to iso3166_1_alpha2 or iso3166_2. Check Details and Examples in oe_match() to understand why this parameter is important. Ignored when place is not a character vector since, in that case, the matching is performed through a spatial operation.


If the input place is specified as a spatial object (either sf or sfc), then the function will return a geographical area that completely contains the object (or an error). The argument level (which must be specified as an integer between 1 and 4, extreme values included) is used to select between multiple geographically nested areas. We could roughly say that smaller administrative units correspond to higher levels. Check the help page of the chosen provider for more details on level field. By default, level = NULL, which means that oe_match() will return the area corresponding to the highest available level. If there is no geographical area at the desired level, then the function will return an error. If there are multiple areas at the same level intersecting the input place, then the function will return the area whose centroid is closest to the input place.

If the input place is specified as a character vector and there are multiple plausible matches between the input place and the match_by column, then the function will return a warning and it will select the first match. See Examples. On the other hand, if the approximate string distance between the input place and the best match in match_by column is greater than max_string_dist, then the function will look for exact matches (i.e. max_string_dist = 0) in the other supported providers. If it finds an exact match, then it will return the corresponding URL. Otherwise, if match_by is equal to "name", then it will try to geolocate the input place using the Nominatim API, and then it will perform a spatial matching operation (see Examples and introductory vignette), while, if match_by != "name", then it will return an error.

The fields iso3166_1_alpha2 and iso3166_2 are used by Geofabrik provider to perform matching operations using ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 and ISO 3166-2 codes. See geofabrik_zones for more details.


A list with two elements, named url and file_size. The first element is the URL of the .osm.pbf file associated with the input place, while the second element is the size of the file in bytes (which may be NULL or NA)

See Also

oe_providers() and oe_match_pattern().


# The simplest example:

# The default provider is "geofabrik", but we can change that:
oe_match("Leeds", provider = "bbbike")

# By default, the matching operations are performed through the column
# "name" in the provider's database but this can be a problem. Hence,
# you can perform the matching operations using other columns:
oe_match("RU", match_by = "iso3166_1_alpha2")
# Run oe_providers() for reading a short description of all providers and
# check the help pages of the corresponding databases to learn which fields
# are present.

# You can always increase the max_string_dist argument, but it can be
# dangerous:
oe_match("London", max_string_dist = 3, quiet = FALSE)

# Match the input zone using an sfc object:
milan_duomo = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(1514924, 5034552)), crs = 3003)
oe_match(milan_duomo, quiet = FALSE)
leeds = sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(430147.8, 433551.5)), crs = 27700)
oe_match(leeds, provider = "bbbike")

# If you specify more than one sfg object, then oe_match will select the OSM
# extract that covers all areas
milan_leeds = sf::st_sfc(
  sf::st_point(c(9.190544, 45.46416)), # Milan
  sf::st_point(c(-1.543789, 53.7974)), # Leeds
  crs = 4326

# Match the input zone using a numeric vector of coordinates
# (in which case crs = 4326 is assumed)
oe_match(c(9.1916, 45.4650)) # Milan, Duomo using CRS = 4326

# The following returns a warning since Berin is matched both
# with Benin and Berlin
oe_match("Berin", quiet = FALSE)

# If the input place does not match any zone in the chosen provider, then the
# function will test the other providers:

# If the input place cannot be exactly matched with any zone in any provider,
# then the function will try to geolocate the input and then it will perform a
# spatial match:
## Not run: 
## End(Not run)

# The level parameter can be used to select smaller or bigger geographical
# areas during spatial matching
yak = c(-120.51084, 46.60156)
## Not run: 
oe_match(yak, level = 3) # error
oe_match(yak, level = 2) # by default, level is equal to the maximum value
oe_match(yak, level = 1)
## End(Not run)

Check patterns in the provider's databases


This function is used to explore all provider's databases and look for matches. This function can be useful in combination with oe_match() and oe_get() for an exploratory analysis and an easy match. See Examples.


oe_match_pattern(pattern, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sf'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'bbox'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'sfc'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, full_row = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
oe_match_pattern(pattern, match_by = "name", full_row = FALSE, ...)



Description of the pattern. Can be either a length-1 character vector, an sf/sfc/bbox object, or a numeric vector of coordinates with length 2. In the last case, it is assumed that the EPSG code is 4326 specified as c(LON, LAT), while you can use any CRS with sf/sfc/bbox objects.


arguments passed to other methods


Boolean. Return all columns for the matching rows? FALSE by default.


Name of the column in the provider's database that will be used to find the match in case of character input. In all the other cases, the match is performed using a spatial overlay operation and the output returns the values stored in the name column (or even the full sf object when full_row is TRUE).


A list of character vectors or sf objects (according to the value of the parameter full_row). If no OSM zone can be matched with the input string, then the function returns an empty list.



res = oe_match_pattern("Yorkshire", full_row = TRUE)
lapply(res, function(x) sf::st_drop_geometry(x)[, 1:3])

oe_match_pattern(c(9, 45)) # long/lat for Milan, Italy

Summary of available providers


This function is used to display a short summary of the major characteristics of the databases associated to all available providers.


oe_providers(quiet = FALSE)



Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


A data.frame with 4 columns representing the name of each available provider, the name of the corresponding database and the number of features and fields.



Read a .pbf or .gpkg object from file or url


This function is used to read a .pbf or .gpkg object from file or URL. It is a wrapper around oe_download(), oe_vectortranslate(), and sf::st_read(), creating an easy way to download, convert, and read a .pbf or .gpkg file. Check the introductory vignette and the help pages of the wrapped function for more details.


  layer = "lines",
  provider = NULL,
  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  file_size = NULL,
  force_download = FALSE,
  max_file_size = 5e+08,
  download_only = FALSE,
  skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  vectortranslate_options = NULL,
  osmconf_ini = NULL,
  extra_tags = NULL,
  force_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  never_skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  boundary = NULL,
  boundary_type = c("spat", "clipsrc"),
  quiet = FALSE



A URL or the path to a .pbf or .gpkg file. If a URL, then it must be specified using HTTP/HTTPS protocol.


Which layer should be read in? Typically points, lines (the default), multilinestrings, multipolygons or other_relations. If you specify an ad-hoc query using the argument query (see introductory vignette and examples), then oe_get() and oe_read() will read the layer specified in the query and ignore layer argument. See also #122.


(Named) arguments that will be passed to sf::st_read(), like query, wkt_filter or stringsAsFactors. Check the introductory vignette to understand how to create your own (SQL-like) queries.


Which provider should be used to download the data? Available providers can be browsed with oe_providers(). For oe_get() and oe_match(), if place is equal to ⁠ITS Leeds⁠, then provider is internally set equal to "test". This is just for simple examples and internal tests.


Directory to store the file containing OSM data?.


How big is the file? Optional. NA by default. If it's bigger than max_file_size and the function is run in interactive mode, then an interactive menu is displayed, asking for permission to download the file.


Should the .osm.pbf file be updated even if it has already been downloaded? FALSE by default. This parameter is used to update old .osm.pbf files.


The maximum file size to download without asking in interactive mode. Default: 5e+8, half a gigabyte.


Boolean. If TRUE, then the function only returns the path where the matched file is stored, instead of reading it. FALSE by default.


Boolean. If TRUE, then the function skips all vectortranslate operations and it reads (or simply returns the path) of the .osm.pbf file. FALSE by default.


Options passed to the sf::gdal_utils() argument options. Set by default. Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


The configuration file. See documentation at Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate(). Set by default.


Which additional columns, corresponding to OSM tags, should be in the resulting dataset? NULL by default. Check the introductory vignette and the help pages of oe_vectortranslate() and oe_get_keys(). Ignored when osmconf_ini is not NULL.


Boolean. Force the original .pbf file to be translated into a .gpkg file, even if a .gpkg with the same name already exists? FALSE by default. If tags in extra_tags match data in previously translated .gpkg files no translation occurs (see #173 for details). Check the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


Boolean. This is used in case the user passed its own .ini file or vectortranslate options (since, in those case, it's too difficult to determine if an existing .gpkg file was generated following the same options.)


An sf/sfc/bbox object that will be used to create a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations. The type of filter can be chosen using the argument boundary_type.


A character vector of length 1 specifying the type of spatial filter. The spat filter selects only those features that intersect a given area, while clipsrc also clips the geometries. Check the examples and also here for more details.


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


The arguments provider, download_directory, file_size, force_download, and max_file_size are ignored if file_path points to an existing .pbf or .gpkg file.

Please note that you cannot add any field to an existing .gpkg file using the argument extra_tags without rerunning the vectortranslate process on the corresponding .pbf file. On the other hand, you can extract some of the tags in other_tags field as new columns. See examples and oe_get_keys() for more details.


An sf object or, when download_only argument equals TRUE, a character vector.


# Read an existing .pbf file. First we need to copy a .pbf file into a
# temporary directory
its_pbf = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf")
  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = its_pbf

# Read a new layer
oe_read(its_pbf, layer = "points")

# The following example shows how to add new tags
names(oe_read(its_pbf, extra_tags = c("oneway", "ref"), quiet = TRUE))

# Read an existing .gpkg file. This file was created internally by oe_read().
its_gpkg = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.gpkg")

# You cannot add any new layer to an existing .gpkg file but you can extract
# some of the tags in other_tags. Check oe_get_keys() for more details.
names(oe_read(its_gpkg, extra_tags = c("maxspeed"))) # doesn't work
# Instead, use the query argument
  quiet = TRUE,
  query =
  "SELECT *,
  hstore_get_value(other_tags, 'maxspeed') AS maxspeed
  FROM lines

# Read from a URL
my_url = ""
# Please note that if you read from a URL which is not linked to one of the
# supported providers, you need to specify the provider parameter:
## Not run: 
oe_read(my_url, provider = "test", quiet = FALSE)
## End(Not run)

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir

Update all the .osm.pbf files saved in a directory


This function is used to re-download all .osm.pbf files stored in download_directory that were firstly downloaded through oe_get(). See Details.


  download_directory = oe_download_directory(),
  quiet = FALSE,
  delete_gpkg = TRUE,
  max_file_size = 5e+08,



Character string of the path of the directory where the .osm.pbf files are saved.


Boolean. If FALSE the function prints informative messages. See Details.


Boolean. if TRUE the function deletes the old .gpkg files. We added this parameter to minimize the probability of accidentally reading-in old and not-synchronized .gpkg files. See Details. Defaults to TRUE.


The maximum file size to download without asking in interactive mode. Default: 5e+8, half a gigabyte.


Additional parameter that will be passed to oe_get() (such as stringsAsFactors or query).


This function is used to re-download .osm.pbf files that are stored in a directory (specified by download_directory param) and that were firstly downloaded through oe_get() . The name of the files must begin with the name of one of the supported providers (see oe_providers()) and it must end with .osm.pbf. All other files in the directory that do not match this format are ignored.

The process for re-downloading the .osm.pbf files is performed using the function oe_get() . The appropriate provider is determined by looking at the first word in the path of the .osm.pbf file. The place is determined by looking at the second word in the file path and the matching is performed through the id column in the provider's database. So, for example, the path geofabrik_italy-latest-update.osm.pbf will be matched with the provider "geofabrik" and the geographical zone italy through the column id in geofabrik_zones.

The parameter delete_gpkg is used to delete all .gpkg files in download_directory. We decided to set its default value to TRUE to minimize the possibility of reading-in old and non-synchronized .gpkg files. If you set delete_gpkg = FALSE, then you need to manually reconvert all files using oe_get() or oe_vectortranslate() .

If you set the parameter quiet to FALSE, then the function will print some useful messages regarding the characteristics of the files before and after updating them. More precisely, it will print the output of the columns size, mtime and ctime from Please note that the meaning of mtime and ctime depends on the OS and the file system. Check


The path(s) of the .osm.pbf file(s) that were updated.


## Not run: 
# Set up a fake directory with .pbf and .gpkg files
fake_dir = tempdir()
# Fill the directory
oe_get("Andorra", download_directory = fake_dir, download_only = TRUE)
# Check the directory
list.files(fake_dir, pattern = "gpkg|pbf")
# Update all .pbf files and delete all .gpkg files
oe_update(fake_dir, quiet = TRUE)
list.files(fake_dir, pattern = "gpkg|pbf")
## End(Not run)

Translate a .osm.pbf file into .gpkg format


This function is used to translate a .osm.pbf file into .gpkg format. The conversion is performed using ogr2ogr via the vectortranslate utility in sf::gdal_utils() . It was created following the suggestions of the maintainers of GDAL. See Details and Examples to understand the basic usage, and check the introductory vignette for more complex use-cases.


  layer = "lines",
  vectortranslate_options = NULL,
  osmconf_ini = NULL,
  extra_tags = NULL,
  force_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  never_skip_vectortranslate = FALSE,
  boundary = NULL,
  boundary_type = c("spat", "clipsrc"),
  quiet = FALSE



Character string representing the path of the input .pbf or .osm.pbf file.


Which layer should be read in? Typically points, lines (the default), multilinestrings, multipolygons or other_relations. If you specify an ad-hoc query using the argument query (see introductory vignette and examples), then oe_get() and oe_read() will read the layer specified in the query and ignore layer argument. See also #122.


Options passed to the sf::gdal_utils() argument options. Set by default. Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


The configuration file. See documentation at Check details in the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate(). Set by default.


Which additional columns, corresponding to OSM tags, should be in the resulting dataset? NULL by default. Check the introductory vignette and the help pages of oe_vectortranslate() and oe_get_keys(). Ignored when osmconf_ini is not NULL.


Boolean. Force the original .pbf file to be translated into a .gpkg file, even if a .gpkg with the same name already exists? FALSE by default. If tags in extra_tags match data in previously translated .gpkg files no translation occurs (see #173 for details). Check the introductory vignette and the help page of oe_vectortranslate().


Boolean. This is used in case the user passed its own .ini file or vectortranslate options (since, in those case, it's too difficult to determine if an existing .gpkg file was generated following the same options.)


An sf/sfc/bbox object that will be used to create a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations. The type of filter can be chosen using the argument boundary_type.


A character vector of length 1 specifying the type of spatial filter. The spat filter selects only those features that intersect a given area, while clipsrc also clips the geometries. Check the examples and also here for more details.


Boolean. If FALSE, the function prints informative messages. Starting from sf version 0.9.6, if quiet is equal to FALSE, then vectortranslate operations will display a progress bar.


The new .gpkg file is created in the same directory as the input .osm.pbf file. The translation process is performed using the vectortranslate utility in sf::gdal_utils(). This operation can be customized in several ways modifying the parameters layer, extra_tags, osmconf_ini, vectortranslate_options, boundary and boundary_type.

The .osm.pbf files processed by GDAL are usually categorized into 5 layers, named points, lines, multilinestrings, multipolygons and other_relations. Check the first paragraphs here for more details. This function can covert only one layer at a time, and the parameter layer is used to specify which layer of the .osm.pbf file should be converted. Several layers with different names can be stored in the same .gpkg file. By default, the function will convert the lines layer (which is the most common one according to our experience).

The arguments osmconf_ini and extra_tags are used to modify how GDAL reads and processes a .osm.pbf file. More precisely, several operations that GDAL performs on the input .osm.pbf file are governed by a CONFIG file, that can be checked at the following link. The basic components of OSM data are called elements and they are divided into nodes, ways or relations, so, for example, the code at line 7 of that file is used to determine which ways are assumed to be polygons (according to the simple-feature definition of polygon) if they are closed. Moreover, OSM data is usually described using several tags, i.e pairs of two items: a key and a value. The code at lines 33, 53, 85, 103, and 121 is used to determine, for each layer, which tags should be explicitly reported as fields (while all the other tags are stored in the other_tags column). The parameter extra_tags is used to determine which extra tags (i.e. key/value pairs) should be added to the .gpkg file (other than the default ones).

By default, the vectortranslate operations are skipped if the function detects a file having the same path as the input file, .gpkg extension, a layer with the same name as the parameter layer and all extra_tags. In that case the function will simply return the path of the .gpkg file. This behaviour can be overwritten setting force_vectortranslate = TRUE. The vectortranslate operations are never skipped if osmconf_ini, vectortranslate_options, boundary or boundary_type arguments are not NULL.

The parameter osmconf_ini is used to pass your own CONFIG file in case you need more control over the GDAL operations. Check the package introductory vignette for an example. If osmconf_ini is equal to NULL (the default value), then the function uses the standard osmconf.ini file defined by GDAL (but for the extra tags).

The parameter vectortranslate_options is used to control the options that are passed to ogr2ogr via sf::gdal_utils() when converting between .osm.pbf and .gpkg formats. ogr2ogr can perform various operations during the conversion process, such as spatial filters or SQL queries. These operations can be tuned using the vectortranslate_options argument. If NULL (the default value), then vectortranslate_options is set equal to

c("-f", "GPKG", "-overwrite", "-oo", paste0("CONFIG_FILE=", osmconf_ini), "-lco", "GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry", layer).


  • ⁠"-f", "GPKG"⁠ says that the output format is GPKG;

  • ⁠"-overwrite⁠ is used to delete an existing layer and recreate it empty;

  • ⁠"-oo", paste0("CONFIG_FILE=", osmconf_ini)⁠ is used to set the Open Options for the .osm.pbf file and change the CONFIG file (in case the user asks for any extra tag or a totally different CONFIG file);

  • ⁠"-lco", "GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry"⁠ is used to change the layer creation options for the .gpkg file and modify the name of the geometry column;

  • layer indicates which layer should be converted.

If vectortranslate_options is not NULL, then the options c("-f", "GPKG", "-overwrite", "-oo", "CONFIG_FILE=", path-to-config-file, "-lco", "GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry", layer) are always appended unless the user explicitly sets different default parameters for the arguments -f, -oo, -lco, and layer.

The arguments boundary and boundary_type can be used to set up a spatial filter during the vectortranslate operations (and speed up the process) using an sf or sfc object (POLYGON or MULTIPOLYGON). The default arguments create a rectangular spatial filter which selects all features that intersect the area. Setting boundary_type = "clipsrc" clips the geometries. In both cases, the appropriate options are automatically added to the vectortranslate_options (unless a user explicitly sets different default options). Check Examples in oe_get() and the introductory vignette.

See also the help page of sf::gdal_utils() and ogr2ogr for more examples and extensive documentation on all available options that can be tuned during the vectortranslate process.


Character string representing the path of the .gpkg file.

See Also



# First we need to match an input zone with a .osm.pbf file
(its_match = oe_match("ITS Leeds"))

# Copy ITS file to tempdir so that the examples do not require internet
# connection. You can skip the next 3 lines (and start directly with
# oe_download()) when running the examples locally.

  from = system.file("its-example.osm.pbf", package = "osmextract"),
  to = file.path(tempdir(), "test_its-example.osm.pbf"),
  overwrite = TRUE

# The we can download the .osm.pbf file (if it was not already downloaded)
its_pbf = oe_download(
  file_url = its_match$url,
  file_size = its_match$file_size,
  download_directory = tempdir(),
  provider = "test"

# Check that the file was downloaded
list.files(tempdir(), pattern = "pbf|gpkg")

# Convert to gpkg format
its_gpkg = oe_vectortranslate(its_pbf)

# Now there is an extra .gpkg file
list.files(tempdir(), pattern = "pbf|gpkg")

# Check the layers of the .gpkg file
sf::st_layers(its_gpkg, do_count = TRUE)

# Add points layer
its_gpkg = oe_vectortranslate(its_pbf, layer = "points")
sf::st_layers(its_gpkg, do_count = TRUE)

# Add extra tags to the lines layer
names(sf::st_read(its_gpkg, layer = "lines", quiet = TRUE))
its_gpkg = oe_vectortranslate(
  extra_tags = c("oneway", "maxspeed")
names(sf::st_read(its_gpkg, layer = "lines", quiet = TRUE))

# Adjust vectortranslate options and convert only 10 features
# for the lines layer
  vectortranslate_options = c("-limit", 10)
sf::st_layers(its_gpkg, do_count = TRUE)

# Remove .pbf and .gpkg files in tempdir

An sf object of geographical zones taken from


An sf object containing the URLs, names, and file-sizes of the OSM extracts stored at




An sf object with 1187 rows and 7 columns:


A unique ID for each area. It is used by oe_update().


The, usually English, long-form name of the city.


The identifier of the next larger excerpts that contains this one, if present.


An integer code between 1 and 4. Check to understand the hierarchical structure of the zones. 1L correspond to the biggest areas. This is used only for matching operations in case of spatial input.


Link to the latest .osm.pbf file for this region.


Size of the pbf file in bytes.


The sfg for that geographical region, rectangular. See also oe_get_boundary() to extract the proper geographical boundaries.


See Also

Other provider's-database: bbbike_zones, geofabrik_zones

Read a .poly file.


Read a .poly file.


read_poly(input, crs = "OGC:CRS84", ...)



Character vector representing a polygon object saved using the .poly format. Can be also a path to a file or a URL pointing to a valid .poly file.


The Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of the input polygon.


Further arguments passed to readLines() (which is the function used to read external .poly files).


The Polygon Filter File Format (.poly) is defined here. The code behind the function was inspired by the parse_poly function defined here.

Geofabrik stores the .poly files used to generate their extracts. Furthermore, a nice collection of exact-border poly files created from cities with an OSM Relation ID is available in this git repository on github:

The default value for the crs argument is "OGC:CRS84" instead of "4326" or "EPSG:4326" since, by definition, the coordinates are provided as "longitude, latitude" (but these differences should be relevant only when sf::st_axis_order() is TRUE).


A sfc_MULTIPOLYGON/sfc object.


toy_poly <- c(
  "0 0",
  "0 1",
  "1 1",
  "1 0",
  "0 0",
(out <- read_poly(toy_poly))

## Not run: 
italy_poly <- ""
## End(Not run)

An sf object of geographical zones taken from


This object represent a minimal provider's database and it should be used only for examples and tests.




An object of class sf (inherits from data.frame) with 2 rows and 7 columns.