Package 'ohoegdm'

Title: Ordinal Higher-Order Exploratory General Diagnostic Model for Polytomous Data
Description: Perform a Bayesian estimation of the ordinal exploratory Higher-order General Diagnostic Model (OHOEGDM) for Polytomous Data described by Culpepper, S. A. and Balamuta, J. J. (In Press) <doi:10.1080/00273171.2021.1985949>.
Authors: Steven Andrew Culpepper [aut, cph] , James Joseph Balamuta [aut, cre, cph]
Maintainer: James Joseph Balamuta <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-17 06:39:15 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Generate a vector to map polytomous vector to integers


Converts class into a bijection to integers


gen_bijectionvector(K, M)



Number of Attributes


Number of Response Categories


Return a KK-length vector containing the bijection vector.

Generate tables that store different design elements


Each table provides a "cache" of pre-computed values.


GenerateAtable(nClass, K, M, order)



Number of Attribute Classes


Number of Attributes


Number of Responses


Highest interaction order to consider. Default model-specified k.


This is an internal function briefly used to simulate data and, thus, has been exported into R as well as documented. Output from this function can change in future versions.


Return a list containing the table caches for different parameters

Ordinal Higher-Order General Diagnostic Model under the Exploratory Framework (OHOEGDM)


Performs the Gibbs sampling routine for an ordinal higher-order EGDM.


  m = 2,
  order = k,
  sd_mh = 0.4,
  burnin = 1000L,
  chain_length = 10000L,
  l0 = c(1, rep(100, sum(choose(k, seq_len(order))))),
  l1 = c(1, rep(1, sum(choose(k, seq_len(order))))),
  m0 = 0,
  bq = 1



Ordinal Item Matrix


Dimension to estimate for Q matrix


Number of Item Categories. Default is 2 matching the binary case.


Highest interaction order to consider. Default model-specified k.


Metropolis-Hastings standard deviation tuning parameter.


Amount of Draws to Burn


Number of Iterations for chain.


Spike parameter. Default 1 for intercept and 100 coefficients


Slab parameter. Default 1 for all values.

m0, bq

Additional tuning parameters.


The estimates list contains the mean information from the sampling procedure. Meanwhile, the chain list contains full MCMC values. Moreover, the details list provides information regarding the estimation call. Lastly, the recovery list stores values that can be used when assessing the method under a simulation study.


A ohoegdm object containing four named lists:

  • estimates: Averaged chain iterations

    • thetas: Average theta coefficients

    • betas: Average beta coefficients

    • deltas: Average activeness of coefficients

    • classes: Average class membership

    • m2lls: Average negative two times log-likelihood

    • omegas: Average omega

    • kappas : Average category threshold parameter

    • taus: Average KK-vectors of factor intercept

    • lambdas: Average KK-vectors of factor loadings

    • guessing: Average guessing item parameter

    • slipping: Average slipping item parameter

    • QS: Average activeness of Q matrix entries

  • chain: Chain iterations from the underlying C++ rountine.

    • thetas: Theta coefficients iterations

    • betas: Beta coefficients iterations

    • deltas: Activeness of coefficients iterations

    • classes: Class membership iterations

    • m2lls: Negative two times log-likelihood iterations

    • omegas: Omega iterations

    • kappas : Category threshold parameter iterations

    • taus: KK-vector of factor intercept iterations

    • lambdas: KK-vector of factor loadings iterations

    • guessing: Guessing item parameter iterations

    • slipping: Slipping item parameter iterations

  • details: Properties used to estimate the model

    • n: Number of Subjects

    • j: Number of Items

    • k: Number of Traits

    • m: Number of Item Categories.

    • order: Highest interaction order to consider. Default model-specified k.

    • sd_mh: Metropolis-Hastings standard deviation tuning parameter.

    • l0: Spike parameter

    • l1: Slab parameter

    • m0, bq: Additional tuning parameters

    • burnin: Number of Iterations to discard

    • chain_length: Number of Iterations to keep

    • runtime: Elapsed time algorithm run time in the C++ code.

  • recovery: Assess recovery metrics under a simulation study.

    • Q_item_encoded: Per-iteration item encodings from Q matrix.

    • MHsum: Average acceptance from metropolis hastings sampler


# Simulation Study
if (requireNamespace("edmdata", quietly = TRUE)) {
# Q and Beta Design ----

# Obtain the full K3 Q matrix from edmdata
data("qmatrix_oracle_k3_j20", package = "edmdata")
Q_full = qmatrix_oracle_k3_j20

# Retain only a subset of the original Q matrix
removal_idx = -c(3, 5, 9, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20)
Q = Q_full[removal_idx, ]

# Construct the beta matrix by-hand
beta = matrix(0, 20, ncol = 8)

# Intercept
beta[, 1] = 1

# Main effects
beta[1:3, 2] = 1.5
beta[4:6, 3] = 1.5
beta[7:9, 5] = 1.5

# Setup two-way effects
beta[10, c(2, 3)] = 1
beta[11, c(3, 4)] = 1

beta[12, c(2, 5)] = 1
beta[13, c(2, 5)] = 1
beta[14, c(2, 6)] = 1

beta[15, c(3, 5)] = 1
beta[16, c(3, 5)] = 1
beta[17, c(3, 7)] = 1

# Setup three-way effects
beta[18:20, c(2, 3, 5)] = 0.75

# Decrease the number of Beta rows
beta = beta[removal_idx,]

# Construct additional parameters for data simulation
Kappa = matrix(c(0, 1, 2), nrow = 20, ncol = 3, byrow =TRUE) # mkappa
lambda = c(0.25, 1.5, -1.25) # mlambdas
tau = c(0, -0.5, 0.5) # mtaus

# Simulation conditions ---- 
N = 100        # Number of Observations
J = nrow(beta) # Number of Items
M = 4          # Number of Response Categories
Malpha = 2     # Number of Classes
K = ncol(Q)    # Number of Attributes
order = K      # Highest interaction to consider
sdmtheta = 1   # Standard deviation for theta values

# Simulate data ---- 

# Generate theta values
theta = rnorm(N, sd = sdmtheta)

# Generate alphas 
Zs = matrix(1, N, 1) %*% tau + 
     matrix(theta, N, 1) %*% lambda + 
     matrix(rnorm(N * K), N, K)
Alphas = 1 * (Zs > 0)

vv = gen_bijectionvector(K, Malpha)
CLs = Alphas %*% vv
Atab = GenerateAtable(Malpha ^ K, K, Malpha, order)$Atable

# Simulate item-level data
Ysim = sim_slcm(N, J, M, Malpha ^ K, CLs, Atab, beta, Kappa)

# Establish chain properties 
# Standard Deviation of MH. Set depending on sample size.
# If sample size is:
#  - small, allow for larger standard deviation
#  - large, allow for smaller standard deviation.
sd_mh = .4 
burnin = 50        # Set for demonstration purposes, increase to at least 5,000 in practice.
chain_length = 100 # Set for demonstration purposes, increase to at least 40,000 in practice.

# Setup spike-slab parameters
l0s = c(1, rep(100, Malpha ^ K - 1))
l1s = c(1, rep(1, Malpha ^ K - 1))

my_model = ohoegdm::ohoegdm(
  y = Ysim,
  k = K,
  m = M,
  order = order,
  l0 = l0s,
  l1 = l1s,
  m0 = 0,
  bq = 1,
  sd_mh = sd_mh,
  burnin = burnin,
  chain_length = chain_length

Simulate Ordinal Item Data from a Sparse Latent Class Model


Simulate Ordinal Item Data from a Sparse Latent Class Model


sim_slcm(N, J, M, nClass, CLASS, Atable, BETA, KAPPA)



Number of Observations


Number of Items


Number of Item Categories (2, 3, ..., M)


Number of Latent Classes


A vector of NN observations containing the class ID of the subject.


A matrix of dimensions MK×MOM^K \times M^O containing the attribute classes in bijection-form. Note, OO refers to the model's highest interaction order.


A matrix of dimensions J×MKJ \times M^K containing the coefficients of the reparameterized β\beta matrix.


A matrix of dimensions J×MJ \times M containing the category threshold parameters


An ordinal item matrix of dimensions N×JN \times J with MM response levels.

See Also
