Package 'nsROC'

Title: Non-Standard ROC Curve Analysis
Description: Tools for estimating Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, building confidence bands, comparing several curves both for dependent and independent data, estimating the cumulative-dynamic ROC curve in presence of censored data, and performing meta-analysis studies, among others.
Authors: Sonia Perez Fernandez
Maintainer: Sonia Perez Fernandez <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 1.1
Built: 2025-02-20 06:54:05 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Tools for estimating Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, building confidence bands, comparing several curves both for dependent and independent data, estimating the cumulative-dynamic ROC curve in presence of censored data, and performing meta-analysis studies, among others.


The basic function of the nsROC package is the gROC function. It will estimate an ROC curve under one of these considerations: larger values of the marker are associated with a higher probability of being positive (right-sided), the opposite (left-sided) or when both smaller and larger values of the marker are associated with having more probability of being positive (both).

Confidence bands for an ROC curve estimate resulting of the previous function can be computed and displayed by the ROCbands function. Three different methods are provided to compute them.

Several paired or unpaired ROC curves can be compared with the compareROCdep or compareROCindep function, respectively. In order to compare ROC curves different statistics can be used, and to approximate the distribution of the statistic in the paired case both permutation and bootstrap procedures are computed.

Time-dependent ROC curves can be estimated by the cumulative/dynamic approach using the cdROC function. In order to deal with the right censored problem three different statistics can be considered.

Meta-analysis of ROC curves following a non-parametric approach can be performed with the metaROC function. Both the fixed-effects and random-effects model can be considered.


The following abbreviations are frequently used in this package:

  • ROC: Receiver Operating Characteristic

  • AUC: Area Under the (ROC) Curve

  • Sp: Specificity

  • Se: Sensitivity

  • TPR: True-Positive Rate

  • FPR: False-Positive Rate


gROC ROC curve estimate (generalization included)
ROCbands Confidence bands for ROC curves
compareROCdep Comparison of k paired ROC curves
compareROCindep Comparison of k independent ROC curves
cdROC Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimate
metaROC Non-parametric ROC curve estimate for meta-analysis
plot Plot an ROC curve
plot Plot confidence bands for an ROC curve
plot Plot a time-dependent ROC curve
print Print a groc object
print Print a rocbands object
print Print a cdroc object
checkROC Check the data to compute an ROC curve (internal function)


This package comes with a dataset of 9 papers (meta-analysis) with the number of TP (true positive), FP (false positive), TN (true negative) and FN (false negative) about the use of the Interleukin6 (IL6) as a marker for the early detection of neonatal sepsis: interleukin6.

Installing and using

To install this package:


To load the package:



Sonia Perez-Fernandez

Maintainer: Sonia Perez Fernandez <[email protected]>

See Also

CRAN packages sde and survival employed in this package.

Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimate


This function estimates a time-dependent ROC curve following the cumulative/dynamic approach and returns a 'cdroc' object. This object can be printed or plotted. To deal with the right censored problem different statistics can be considered: those ones proposed by Martinez-Camblor et al. (2016) based on the hazard Cox regression model (semiparametric) or the Kaplan-Meier estimator (non-parametric); and the one included in Li et al. (2016) based on the kernel-weighted Kaplan-Meier method. See References below.


cdROC(stime, status, marker, predict.time, ...)
## Default S3 method:
cdROC(stime, status, marker, predict.time, method=c('Cox', 'KM', 'wKM'),
      kernel=c('normal', 'Epanechnikov', 'other'), h=1, = function(x,xi,h){u <- (x-xi)/h; 1/(2*h)*(abs(u) <= 1)},
      ci=FALSE, boot.n=100, conf.level=0.95, seed=2032, ...)



vector of observed times.


vector of status (takes the value 0 if the subject is censored and 1 otherwise).


vector of (bio)marker values.


considered time point (scalar).


procedure used to estimate the probability. One of "Cox" (method based on Cox regression), "KM" (method based on Kaplan-Meier estimator) or "wKM" (method based on kernel-weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator).


procedure used to calculate the kernel function. One of "normal", "Epanechnikov" or "other". Only considered if method='wKM'.


bandwith used to calculate the kernel function. Only considered if method='wKM'.

if method='wKM' and kernel='other', function used to calculate the kernel function. It has three input parameters: x=vector, xi=value around which the kernel weight should be computed, h=bandwidth. Default: Uniform kernel.


if TRUE, a confidence interval for the area under the curve is computed.


number of bootstrap replicates considered to build the confidence interval. Default: 100.


the width of the confidence band as a number in (0,1). Default: 0.95, resulting in a 95% confidence band.


seed considered to generate bootstrap replicates (for reproducibility).


additional arguments for cdROC. Ignored.


Assuming that larger values of the marker are associated with higher probabilities of occurrence of the event, the cumulative sensitivity and the dynamic specificity are defined by:

SeC(x,t)=P(Se^C(x,t) = P(marker >x> x |stime t)\le t) and SpD(x,t)=P(Sp^D(x,t) = P(marker x\le x | stime >t)> t).

The resulting ROC curve is known as the cumulative/dynamic ROC curve, RtC/DR_t^{C/D}, where t=t = predict.time.

Data censored before tt is the major handicap with regard to the estimation of the time-dependent ROC curve. In order to estimate the probability of surviving beyond tt for the ii-th subject, P^i\hat{P}_i, three different methods are considered:

  • A semiparametric one, using a proportional hazard Cox regression model:

    The hazard function is estimated by λ(t)=λ0(t)exp(βX)\lambda(t) = \lambda_0(t) \cdot exp(\beta \cdot X) where XX denotes the marker.

    The probability is estimated by P^i=S^(tX=xi)S^(ziX=xi)\hat{P}_i = \frac{\hat{S}(t | X = x_i)}{\hat{S}(z_i | X = x_i)} where ziz_i stands for the observed time of the ii-th subject and S^\hat{S} is the survival function estimated from the Cox regression model.

  • A non-parametric one, using the Kaplan-Meier estimator directly:

    The probability is estimated by P^i=S^(t)S^(zi)\hat{P}_i = \frac{\hat{S}(t)}{\hat{S}(z_i)} where ziz_i stands for the observed time of the ii-th subject and S^\hat{S} is the survival function estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method referred to those subjects satisfying XxiX \le x_i.

  • A non-parametric one, using the kernel-weighted Kaplan-Meier estimator:

    The survival function is estimated by S^(tX=xi)=st[1j=1nKh(xj,xi)I(zj=s)statusjj=1nKh(xj,xi)I(zj=s)]\hat{S}(t | X = x_i) = \prod_{s \leq t} \left[ 1- \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n K_h(x_j,x_i) I(z_j = s) status_j}{\sum_{j=1}^n K_h(x_j,x_i) I(z_j = s)} \right] where zjz_j stands for the observed time of the jj-th subject, II is the indicator function and statusjstatus_j takes the value 0 if the jj-th subject is censored and 1 otherwise.

    Two different methods can be considered in order to define the kernel function, Kh(xj,xi)K_h(x_j,x_i):

    • kernel='normal':

      Kh(xj,xi)=1h2πexp{(xjxi)22h2}K_h(x_j,x_i) = \frac{1}{h \sqrt{2 \pi}} exp\{ - \frac{(x_j - x_i)^2}{2 h^2} \}

    • kernel='Epanechnikov':

      Kh(xj,xi)=34h(1xjxih)I(xjxih)K_h(x_j,x_i) = \frac{3}{4h} \left( 1 - \frac{x_j - x_i}{h} \right) I(|x_j - x_i| \le h)

    where hh is the bandwidth considered for kernel weights.

    If the user decide to use another kernel function, kernel='other', it should be defined by the input parameter, which has three parameters following this order: x is a vector, xi is the value around which the kernel weight should be computed and h is the bandwidth.

    The probability is estimated by P^i=S^(tX=xi)S^(ziX=xi)\hat{P}_i = \frac{\hat{S}(t | X = x_i)}{\hat{S}(z_i | X = x_i)} where ziz_i stands for the observed time of the ii-th subject and S^\hat{S} is the survival function estimated by the kernel-weighted Kaplan-Meier method considered above.


A list of class 'cdroc' with the following content:


vector of sensitivities (true positive rates).


vector of specificities (true negative rates).


vector of thresholds considered for the (bio)marker. It coincides with the marker vector adding min(min(marker)1)-1 and max(max(marker)+1)+1.


area under the curve estimate by trapezoidal rule.


if TRUE, a confidence interval for the area under the curve has been computed.


number of bootstrap replicates considered to build the confidence interval. Default: 100.


the width of the confidence band as a number in (0,1). Default: 0.95, resulting in a 95% confidence band.


seed considered to generate bootstrap replicates (for reproducibility).


bootstrap area under the curve estimate (mean along bootstrap replicates).


bootstrap confidence interval for the area under the curve.


vector of bootstrap area under the curve estimates.


vector of observed times.


vector of status (takes the value 0 if the subject is censored and 1 otherwise).


vector of (bio)marker values.


considered time point (scalar).


procedure used in order to estimate the probability.


procedure used to calculate the kernel function. Only considered if method='wKM'.


bandwith used to calculate the kernel function. Only considered if method='wKM'.


survfit and Surv functions in survival package are used in order to estimate the survival functions in both methodologies. Additionally, coxph from the same package is used to fit the Cox proportional hazard regression model in the semiparametric approach.


Martinez-Camblor P., F-Bayon G., Perez-Fernandez S., 2016, Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimation, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 86(17), 3582-3594.

Li L., Greene T., Hu B., 2016, A simple method to estimate the time-dependent receiver operating characteristic curve and the area under the curve with right censored data, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, DOI: 10.1177/0962280216680239.


# Basic example. Data
stime <- rchisq(50,3)
status <- sample(c(rep(1,40), rep(0,10)))
marker <- max(stime) - stime + rnorm(50,0,2)

# Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimate at time 2.8 (Cox method is used) with 0.95 confidence
# interval for the area under the curve
cdROC(stime, status, marker, 2.8, ci=TRUE)

# Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimate at time 3.1 (Kaplan-Meier method is used)
cdROC(stime, status, marker, 3.1, method="KM")

# Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimate at time 3 (kernel-weighted Kaplan-Meier method with
# gaussian kernel and bandwidth 1 is used)
cdROC(stime, status, marker, 3, method="wKM")

# Cumulative/dynamic ROC curve estimate at time 3 (kernel-weighted Kaplan-Meier method with
# biweight kernel and bandwidth equals to 2 is used)
cdROC(stime, status, marker, 3, method="wKM", kernel="other", h=2, = function(x,xi,h){u <- (x-xi)/h; 15/(16*h)*(1-u^2)^2*(abs(u)<=1)})

Check data to compute an ROC curve


This internal function checks if the data introduced for building the curve is correct or not. It shows if there are some missing marker or response values and whether there are less or more than two levels at the response vector, D. It also splits the data into two groups: controls and cases, depending on the corresponding value in the response vector.





vector of (bio)marker values. It should be numeric.


vector of response values. It should contain at least two different levels.


The code will not run and an error will be showed in these cases:

  • X or D is missing,

  • X or D is NULL or full of NA's,

  • X is not a numeric vector,

  • D has less than two different values, and/or

  • X and D have different lengths.

If the response vector has more than two different levels, only the two first ones are considered as controls and cases, respectively.

If the user does not agree with the codification, it can be changed modifying the order of the levels using the factor function; for instance, factor(D, levels=c("1","0")).


If the marker and response vectors are correct a list with the following fields is returned:


levels in D. The two first ones are the labels of D considered as controls and cases, respectively.


marker values for controls.


marker values for cases.


number of controls.


number of cases.


marker values corresponding to controls and cases (in this order).


response vector consisting of n0 repetitions of levels[1] and n1 repetitions of levels[2] (in this order).


# Basic example with full information
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))

# Example with some missing values and more than two levels
X <- replace(c(rnorm(25), rnorm(30,2,1.5), rnorm(20,-3,1)), seq(1,75,5), NA)
D <- replace(c(rep(0,25), rep(1,30), rep(2,20)), seq(1,75,11), NA)

Comparison of k paired ROC curves


This function compares k ROC curves from dependent data. Different statistics can be considered in order to perform the comparison: those ones included in Martinez-Camblor et al. (2013) based on general distances between functions, the Venkatraman et al. (1996) methodology for comparing diagnostic the accuracy of the k markers based on data from a paired design and the DeLong et al. (1988) one based on the AUC (area under the curve) comparison. Two different methods could be considered to approximate the distribution function of the statistic: the procedure proposed by Venkatraman et al. (1996) (based on permutated samples) or the one introduced by Martinez-Camblor et al. (2012) (based on bootstrap samples). See References below.


compareROCdep(X, D, ...)
## Default S3 method:
compareROCdep(X, D, method=c("general.bootstrap","permutation","auc"),
              FUN.dist=function(g){max(abs(g))}, side=c("right","left"),
              Ni=1000, B=500, perm=500, seed=123,,x){
              H*sd(x)*length(x)^{-1/3}}, H=1, plot.roc=TRUE, type='s', lwd=3,
              lwd.curves=rep(2,ncol(X)), lty=1, lty.curves=rep(1,ncol(X)),
              col='black',col.curves=rainbow(ncol(X)), cex.lab=1.2,
              legend=c(sapply(1:ncol(X), function(i){eval(bquote(expression(
              hat(R)[.(i)](t))))}), expression(hat(R)(t))),
              legend.position='bottomright', legend.inset=0.03,
              cex.legend=1, ...)



a matrix of k columns in which each column is the vector of (bio)marker values corresponding to each sample.


the vector of response values.


the method used to approximate the statistic distribution. One of "general.bootstrap" (Martinez-Camblor et al. (2012)), "permutation" (Venkatraman et al. (1996)) or "auc" (DeLong et al. (1988)).


the statistic used to compare the curves. One of "KS" (Kolmogorov-Smirnov criteria), "L1" (L1L_1-measure), "L2" (L2L_2-measure), "CR" (Cramer-von Mises), "other" (another statistic defined by the FUN.dist input parameter), "VK" (Venkatraman) or "AUC" (area under the curve).


the distance considered as a function of one variable. If statistic="other" the statistic considered is i=1k\sum_{i=1}^k FUN.dist(n1(R^i(t)R^(t)\sqrt{n_1}(\hat{R}_i(t) - \hat{R}(t)) where n1n_1 is the number of cases, R^i(t)\hat{R}_i(t) is the ROC curve estimate from the i-th sample and R^(t):=k1i=1kR^i(t)\hat{R}(t) := k^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^k \hat{R}_i(t).


type of ROC curve. One of "right" or "left". If method="VK" only right-sided could be considered.


number of subintervals of the unit interval (FPR values) considered to calculate the curve. Default: 1000.


number of bootstrap samples if method="general.bootstrap". Default: 500.


number of permutations if method="permutation". Default: 500.


seed considered to generate the permutations (for reproducibility). Default: 123.

a function defining the bandwidth calculus used to generate the bootstrap samples if method="general.bootstrap". It has two arguments: the first one referred to the H value and the second one, x, referred to the sample. Default: function(H,x){H*sd(x)*length(x)^{-1/3}}.


the value used to compute, that is, the bandwidth. Default: 1.


if TRUE, a plot including ROC curve estimates for the k samples and the mean of all of them is displayed.


what type of plot should be drawn.


the line width to be used for mean ROC curve estimate.


a vector with the line widths to be used for ROC curve estimates of each sample.


the line type to be used for mean ROC curve estimate.


a vector with the line types to be used for ROC curve estimates of each sample.


the color to be used for mean ROC curve estimate.


a vector with the colors to be used for ROC curve estimates of each sample.


the magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex.


a character or expression vector to appear in the legend.

legend.position, legend.inset, cex.legend

the position of the legend, the inset distance from the margins as a fraction of the plot region when legend is placed and the character expansion factor relative to current par("cex"), respectively.


another graphical parameters to be passed.


First of all, the data introduced is checked and those subjects with some missing information (marker or response value(s)) are removed. Data from a paired design should have the same length along the samples. If this is not fulfilled the code will not run and an error will be showed.

If the Venkatraman statistic is chosen in order to compare left-sided ROC curves, an error will be displayed and it will not work. The Venkatraman methodology is just implemented for right-sided ROC curves. Furthermore, for this statistics, method="permutation" is automatically assigned.

The statistic is defined by i=1k\sum_{i=1}^k FUN.dist(n1(R^i(t)R^(t))\sqrt{n_1} \cdot (\hat{R}_i(t) - \hat{R}(t))) where FUN.dist stands by the distance function, n1n_1 is the number of cases, R^i(t)\hat{R}_i(t) is the ROC curve estimate from the i-th sample and R^(t):=k1i=1kR^i(t)\hat{R}(t) := k^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^k \hat{R}_i(t).

The statistics implemented are defined by the following FUN.dist functions:

  • statistic="KS":

    FUN.dist(g) = max(abs(g))

  • statistic="L1":

    FUN.dist(g) = mean(abs(g))

  • statistic="L2":

    FUN.dist(g) = mean(g^2)

  • statistic="CR":

    FUN.dist.CR(g,h) = sum(g[-length(g)]^2*(h[-1]-h[-length(h)]))

    Cramer von-Mises statistic is defined by i=1k\sum_{i=1}^k FUN.dist.CR(n1(R^i(t)R^(t))\sqrt{n_1} \cdot (\hat{R}_i(t) - \hat{R}(t)), R^(t)\hat{R}(t))

In case of statistic="VK" the Venkatraman methodology (see References below) is computed to calculate the statistic. If k>2k>2 the statistic value is the sum of statistic values of each pair such that i<ji < j.

If method="general.bootstrap" it is necessary to have a bandwidth in order to compute the bootstrap samples from the smoothed (the gaussian kernel is considered) multivariate empirical distribution functions referred to controls and cases. This bandwidth is defined by the h.FUN function whose parameters are a bandwidth constant parameter defined by the user, H, and the sample (cases or controls values of the marker) considered, x.

If method="auc", the methodology proposed by DeLong et al. is implemented. This option is slower because of the Mann-Whitney statistic inside requires number of casesnumber of controlsnumber~of~cases \cdot number~of~controls comparisons. In this case, statistic returns the value of the Mann-Whitney statistic estimate and test.statistic the final test statistic estimate (formula (5) in the paper) which follows a chi-square distribution.



the number of controls.


the number of cases.


a matrix whose columns are the controls along the k samples.


a matrix whose columns are the cases along the k samples.


the value of the test statistic.


a vector of statistic values for bootstrap replicates if method="general.bootstrap".


a vector of statistic values for permutations if method="permutation".


statistic estimate given in formula (5) of DeLong et al. (1988) (See References below) if method="auc".


the p-value for the test.


Venkatraman E.S., Begg C.B., 1996, A distribution-free procedure for comparing receiver operating characteristic curves from a paired experiment, Biometrika, 83(4), 835-848.

Martinez-Camblor P., Corral, N., 2012, A general bootstrap algorithm for hypothesis testing, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142, 589-600.

Martinez-Camblor P., Carleos C., Corral N., 2013, General nonparametric ROC curve comparison, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 42(1), 71-81.

DeLong E.R., DeLong D.M., Clarke-Pearson D.L., 1988, Comparing the areas under two or more correlated receiver operating characteristic curves: a nonparametric approach, Biometrics, 44, 837-845.


n0 <- 45; n1 <- 60
D <- c(rep(0,n0), rep(1,n1))

rho.12 <- 1/4; rho.13 <- 1/4; rho.23 <- 0.5
sd.controls <- c(1,1,1)
sd.cases <- c(1,1,1)
var.controls <- sd.controls%*%t(sd.controls)
var.cases <- sd.cases%*%t(sd.cases)
sigma.controls <- var.controls*matrix(c(1,rho.12,rho.13,rho.12,1,rho.23,rho.13,rho.23,1),3,3)
sigma.cases <- var.cases*matrix(c(1,rho.12,rho.13,rho.12,1,rho.23,rho.13,rho.23,1),3,3)
controls <- rmvnorm(n0, mean=rep(0,3), sigma=sigma.controls)
cases <- rmvnorm(n1, mean=rep(1.19,3), sigma=sigma.cases)
marker.samples <- rbind(controls,cases)

# Default method: KS statistic proposed in Martinez-Camblor by general bootstrap
output <- compareROCdep(marker.samples, D)

# L1 statistic proposed in Martinez-Camblor by general bootstrap
output1 <- compareROCdep(marker.samples, D, statistic="L1")

# CR statistic proposed in Martinez-Camblor by permutation method
output2 <- compareROCdep(marker.samples, D, method="permutation", statistic="CR")

# Venkatraman statistic
output3 <- compareROCdep(marker.samples, D, statistic="VK")

# DeLong AUC comparison methodology
output4 <- compareROCdep(marker.samples, D, method="auc")

Comparison of k independent ROC curves


This function compares k ROC curves from independent data. Different statistics can be considered in order to perform the comparison: those ones included in Martinez-Camblor et al. (2011) based on distances, the Venkatraman (2000) methodology for comparing curves for continuous unpaired data and one based in AUC (area under the curve) comparison. See References below.


compareROCindep(X, G, D, ...)
## Default S3 method:
compareROCindep(X, G, D, statistic=c("L1","L2","CR","other","VK","AUC"),
      , roc){mean(abs(roc.i - roc))},
                FUN.stat.cons=function(n.cases, n.controls){sqrt(n.cases)},
                side=c("right","left"), Ni=1000, raw=FALSE, perm=500,
                seed=123, plot.roc=TRUE, type='s', lwd=3,
                lwd.curves=rep(2,length(table(G))), lty=1,
                lty.curves=rep(1,length(table(G))), col='black',
                col.curves=rainbow(length(table(G))), cex.lab=1.2,
                expression(hat(R)(t))), legend.position='bottomright',
                legend.inset=0.03, cex.legend=1, ...)



vector of (bio)marker values.


vector of group identifier values (it should have as levels as independent samples to compare).


the vector of response values.


the statistic used in order to compare the curves. One of "L1" (L1L_1-measure), "L2" (L2L_2-measure), "CR" (Cramer-von Mises), "other" (another statistic defined by i=1k\sum_{i=1}^k FUN.stat.cons \cdot, "VK" (Venkatraman) or "AUC" (area under the curve).

a function of two variables, roc.i and roc standing for ROC curve estimate for the ithi-th sample and mean ROC curve estimate along the k samples, respectively. This function represents the integral to consider in case of statistic="other".


a function of two variables, n.cases and n.controls standing for the cases and controls sample size, respectively. This function represents the constant to multiply above in case of statistic="other".


type of ROC curve. One of "right" or "left". If method="VK" only right-sided could be considered.


number of subintervals of the unit interval (FPR values) considered to calculate the curve. Default: 1000.


if TRUE, raw data is considered; if FALSE, data is ranked and a method to break ties in the permutations is considered (see Venkatraman (2000) in References). Default: FALSE.


number of permutations. Default: 500.


seed considered to generate the permutations (for reproducibility). Default: 123.


if TRUE, a plot including ROC curve estimates for the k samples and the mean of all of them is displayed.


what type of plot should be drawn.


the line width to be used for mean ROC curve estimate.


a vector with the line widths to be used for ROC curve estimates of each sample.


the line type to be used for mean ROC curve estimate.


a vector with the line types to be used for ROC curve estimates of each sample.


the color to be used for mean ROC curve estimate.


a vector with the colors to be used for ROC curve estimates of each sample.


the magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex.


a character or expression vector to appear in the legend.

legend.position, legend.inset, cex.legend

the position of the legend, the inset distance from the margins as a fraction of the plot region when legend is placed, and the character expansion factor relative to current par("cex"), respectively.


another graphical parameters to be passed.


If the Venkatraman statistic is chosen in order to compare left-sided ROC curves, an error will be displayed and it will not work. The Venkatraman methodology is just implemented for right-sided ROC curves.

If raw=FALSE the data will be ranked in each sample using the rank function with ties.method='first' option. Furthermore, the permutation samples possible ties will be broken using ties.method='random' option.

The statistic is defined by i=1k\sum_{i=1}^k statistic.cons \cdot where statistic.cons = FUN.stat.cons('number of cases in the i-th sample', 'number of controls in the i-th sample') and ='ROC curve estimate from the i-th sample', 'mean ROC curve estimate along the k samples'). It is usual to consider the function as an integral of a distance between R^i(t)\hat{R}_i(t) and R^(t)\hat{R}(t) where R^(t):=k1i=1kR^i(t)\hat{R}(t) := k^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^k \hat{R}_i(t).

The statistics implemented are defined by the following FUN.stat.cons and functions:

  • statistic="L1":, roc) = mean(abs(roc.i - roc))

    FUN.stat.cons(n.cases, n.controls) = sqrt(n.cases)

  • statistic="L2":, roc) = mean((roc.i - roc)^2)

    FUN.stat.cons(n.cases, n.controls) = n.cases

  • statistic="CR":, roc) = mean((roc.i[seq(2,2*Ni+1,2)] -

    roc[seq(2,2*Ni+1,2)])^2 * (roc[seq(3,2*Ni+1,2)] - roc[seq(1,2*Ni-1,2)])).

    FUN.stat.cons(n.cases, n.controls) = n.cases

    In order to use this statistic, the ROC curves have been estimated in a grid with 2*Ni subintervals of the unit interval.

The permutation method proposed in Venkatraman (2000) is used in order to generate the perm samples in all methodologies (i.e., any statistic).

In case of statistic="VK" the Venkatraman methodology (see References below) is computed to calculate the statistic. If k>2k>2 the statistic value is the sum of the statistic values of each pair such that i<ji < j.

In case of statistic="AUC", the statistic considered is k1i=1kAUC^iAUC^k^{-1} \sum_{i=1}^k | \widehat{AUC}_i - \widehat{AUC} | where AUC^\hat{AUC} is the mean of AUC^i\hat{AUC}_i along the k samples.



vector of number of controls in each sample.


vector of number of cases in each sample.


a vector of all controls along the k samples, ordered by sample.


a vector of all cases along the k samples, ordered by sample.


the value of the test statistic.


a vector of statistic values for permutations.


the p-value for the test.


Venkatraman E.S., 2000, A permutation test to compare receiver operating characteristic curves, Biometrics, 56, 1134-1138.

Martinez-Camblor P., Carleos C., Corral N., 2011, Powerful nonparametric statistics to compare k independent ROC curves, Journal of Applied Statistics, 38(7), 1317-1332.


X1 <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D1 <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))
X2 <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(38,3,1.5))
D2 <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,38))
X3 <- c(rnorm(30), rnorm(42,3,1))
D3 <- c(rep(0,30), rep(1,42))
X <- c(X1, X2, X3)
D <- c(D1, D2, D3)
G <- c(rep(1,75), rep(2,83), rep(3,72))

# Default method: L1 statistic proposed in Martinez-Camblor
output <- compareROCindep(X, G, D)

# Venkatraman statistic
output1 <- compareROCindep(X, G, D, statistic="VK")

# DeLong AUC comparison methodology
output2 <- compareROCindep(X, G, D, statistic="AUC")

ROC curve estimation (generalization included)


This function estimates the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and returns a 'groc' object. This object can be printed or plotted. It is the main function of the package and it includes the ROC curve generalization for non-monotone relationships (see References below).


gROC(X, D, ...)
## Default S3 method:
gROC(X, D, side=c("right", "left", "both", "both2", "auto"),
          Ni = NULL,  plot.roc = FALSE, plot.density = FALSE,
          pval.auc = FALSE, B = 500, ...)



vector of (bio)marker values.


vector of response values.


type of ROC curve. One of "right", "left", "both", "both2" or "auto". If the user does not specify the method, "right" is considered, i.e., the right-sided ROC curve is estimated. If "auto", one of "right" or "left" is assigned automatically according to the Wilcoxon statistic. If the estimate is lower than number  of  controls×number  of  cases2\frac{number \; of \; controls \times number \; of \; cases}{2}, the right-sided ROC curve is computed, otherwise the left one is considered. If "both", the gROC curve is estimated in the usual way (controls inside the interval) and if "both2", the opposite direction is considered.


number of subintervals of the unit interval (FPR values) considered to calculate the curve. Default: NULL (in this case the fast algorithm considering as many FPR values as number of controls is considered).


if TRUE, ROC curve estimate considered is displayed.


if TRUE, density estimates for the (bio)marker in the positive and negative subjects are displayed in the same plot.


if TRUE, a permutation test to test if the AUC differs from $0.5$ is performed. Available if Ni is NULL. Default: FALSE.


number of permutations used for testing. Default: 500.


additional arguments for gROC. Ignored.


First of all, the data introduced is checked by the ROCcheck function.

If side is not specified, one of "right" or "left" options is considered according to the comparison of the Wilcoxon test estimate and number  of  controls×number  of  cases2\frac{number \; of \; controls \times number \; of \; cases}{2}. In this case, Wilcoxon rank test is performed in order to test the alternative hypothesis median(controls)<median(cases)median(controls)<median(cases) and the resulting p-value is shown but side selection is just based in the aforementioned comparison, without taking into account the p-value of the test.

If Ni is NULL, the general ROC curve, Rg(.)R_g(.) is estimated considering every different pair (t, γ\gamma \cdot t) available on data. Otherwise it is estimated using {0, 1e-3, 2e-3, ..., 1} as a grid for γ\gamma in the unit interval.

If both plot.density and plot.roc are TRUE they are displayed in the same window.


A list of class "groc" with the following content:


levels in D. The two first ones are the labels of D considered controls and cases, respectively.


marker values for controls.


marker values for cases.


direction of the comparison between controls and cases. One of "right", "left", "both" or "both2". If side is auto in input arguments, the output will be the one considered by the function (according to the comparison specified above).


p-value of Wilcoxon test performed to compare cases and controls. Alternative hypothesis: median(controls)<median(cases)median(controls)<median(cases).


vector of values of t: {0, 1/Ni, 2/Ni, ..., 1}.


vector of values of R(t)R(t) for each tt.


area under the ROC curve estimate by trapezoidal rule.


p-value of the permutation test over the AUC.


different permutation AUCs displayed if the hypothesis test is performed.


coordinates of the points (FPR, TPR) where the ROC curve estimate has a step in case of right or left-sided curves. The first column corresponds to the values of the points vector providing these coordinates.


coordinates of the points (FPR, TPR) where the ROC curve estimate has a step in case of general curves. The first and second columns correspond to the values of the pairpoints matrix providing these coordinates.


a logical value indicating if the estimation procedure whether parametric or not.


number of subintervals of the unit interval considered to build the curve.


if Ni != NULL, vector of cut-off points of the (bio)marker considered to estimate left or right-sided ROC curves. It corresponds to the sorted marker-values, including -\infty and \infty.


if Ni != NULL, matrix whose rows correspond to each pair of cut-off points (xl,xu) such that xl<xu of the (bio)marker considered to estimate general ROC curves.


if Ni != NULL, vector of specificities associated to points if left or right-sided ROC curves are considered and those ones corresponding to pairpoints in case of general ROC curves. It could contain repeated values in both cases.


if Ni != NULL, vector of sensitivities associated to points if left or right-sided ROC curves are considered and those ones corresponding to pairpoints in case of general ROC curves. It could contain repeated values in both cases.


if Ni != NULL, matrix whose first column is constituted by the unique values of FPR (1-specificities) and its second column is formed by the corresponding values of TPR (sensitivities). In the case of general ROC curves, several TPR values could be associated with the same FPR value.


if Ni != NULL, in general ROC curves, a vector displaying which row(s) of the pairpoints matrix correspond(s) to pairpoints.coordinates.


Martinez-Camblor P., Corral N., Rey C., Pascual J., Cernuda-Morollon E., 2014, ROC curve generalization for non-monotone relationships, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(1), 113-123.


# Basic example (side="auto") -> Output side is "right"
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))

# Basic example (side="auto") -> Output side is "left"
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,-2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))

# General ROC curve example
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,1,4))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))
gROC(X, D, side="both")

# Plot density estimates and ROC curve in the same plot
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))
gROC(X, D, plot.roc=TRUE, plot.density=TRUE)

Interleukin 6 (IL6) data


This dataset includes the true-positives (TP), false-positives (FP), true-negatives (TN) and false-negatives (FN) reported by 9 different papers which study the use of the Interleukin 6 (IL6) as a marker for the early detection of neonatal sepsis.




A data frame with 19 observations of the following 5 variables.


a vector assigning different numbers to each paper


vector of true positives


vector of false positives


vector of false negatives


vector of true negatives


In those papers providing more than one pair of Sensitivity-Specificity all of them are collected.


Martinez-Camblor P., 2017, Fully non-parametric receiver operating characteristic curve estimation for random-effects meta-analysis, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(1), 5-20.


# Load the dataset

# Plot pairs (FPR, TPR) for each Author


plot(FPR, TPR, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), lwd=10, pch=1, col='gray', xlab="False-Positive Rate",
    ylab="True-Positive Rate", main=paste("ROC curve interpolation"))

S <- unique(Author)
ind <- order(Author, FPR, TPR) <- cbind(Author[ind], FPR[ind], TPR[ind])
roc.j <- sapply(S, function(j){
  lines(c(0,[Author==j,2],1), c(0,[Author==j,3],1), col='gray')})
for(i in 1:19){text([i,2],[i,3],[i,1],cex=0.5)}

Non-parametric ROC curve estimate for meta-analysis


This function performs meta-analytic studies of diagnostic tests for both the fixed and random-effects models. In particular it reports a fully non-parametric ROC curve estimate when data come from a meta-analysis study using the information of all cut-off points available in the selected original studies. The approach considered is the one proposed by Martinez-Camblor et al. (2017) based on weighting each individual interpolated ROC curve. See References below.


metaROC(data, ...)
## Default S3 method:
metaROC(data, Ni=1000, model=c("fixed-effects","random-effects"),
        plot.Author=FALSE, plot.bands=TRUE, plot.inter.var=FALSE,
        cex.Author=0.7, lwd.Author=12, col.curve='blue',
        col.bands='light blue', alpha.trans=0.5, col.border='blue', ...)



a data frame containing at least the following variables (with these names):

  • Author: a vector assigning different numbers to each paper/author.

  • TP: true positives.

  • FP: false positives.

  • TN: true negatives.

  • FN: false negatives.


number of points of the unit interval (FPR values) considered to calculate the curve. Default: 1000.


the meta-analysis model used to estimate the ROC curve. One of "fixed-effects" (it only considers the within-study variability) or "random-effects" (it takes into account the variability between the studies).


if TRUE, a plot including ROC curve estimates (by linear interpolation) for each paper under study is displayed.


if TRUE, confidence interval estimate for the curve is added to the plot of the ROC curve estimate.


if TRUE, a plot including inter-study variability estimate is displayed on an additional window.


the magnification to be used to display the paper/author points labels relative to the current setting of cex.


the size to be used for the paper/author points.


the color to be used for the (summary) ROC curve estimate. Default: blue.


the color to be used for the confidence interval of ROC curve estimate. Default: light blue.


proportion of opacity to be used for the confidence interval of ROC curve estimate. A number in the unit interval where 0 means transparent. Default: 0.5.


the color to be used for the border of confidence interval of ROC curve estimate. Default: blue.


another graphical parameters to be passed.


The slight modification considered to ensure the monotonicity of the summary ROC curve estimate is the following sRA(t)=max(supz[0,t]sRA(z),RA(t)).sRA(t) = max(sup_{z \in [0,t]} sRA(z), RA(t)).

Some basic information about the model used and the results obtained are printed.



the data-frame considered ordered by Author-FPR-TPR and including the following variables:

  • n: positive subjects sample size.

  • m: negative subjects sample size.

  • FPR: false positive rate.

  • TPR: true positive rate.


values of the unit interval (FPR values) considered to calculate the curve.


the meta-analysis model used to estimate the ROC curve. One of "fixed-effects" (it only considers the within-study variability) or "random-effects" (it takes into account the variability between the studies).


non-parametric summary ROC curve estimate following the model considered with a slight modification to ensure the monotonicity. This is the one reported in graphics.


non-parametric summary ROC curve estimate following the model without modifications.


standard-error of summary ROC curve estimate.


area under the summary ROC curve estimate by trapezoidal rule.


the optimal specificity and sensitivity (in the Youden index sense).


a matrix whose column j contains the estimated ROC curve for the j-th study in each point t considered.


a matrix whose column j contains the weights in fixed-effects model for the j-th study in each point t considered.


a matrix whose column j contains the weights in random-effects model for the j-th study in each point t considered.


inter-study variability estimate in each point t considered. Only computed if model is "random-effects".


Martinez-Camblor P., 2017, Fully non-parametric receiver operating characteristic curve estimation for random-effects meta-analysis, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 26(1), 5-20.



# Fixed-effects meta-analysis showing linear interpolations of the papers considered in the graphic
output1 <- metaROC(interleukin6, plot.Author=TRUE)

# Random-effects meta-analysis displaying also a window with a plot of the inter-study
# variability estimate
output2 <- metaROC(interleukin6, model="random-effects", plot.Author=TRUE)

Plot an ROC curve object


This function plots a 'groc', 'rocbands' or 'cdroc' object.


## S3 method for class 'groc'
plot(x, lwd = 2, xlab = "False-Positive Rate",
      ylab = "True-Positive Rate", main = "ROC curve", ...)
## S3 method for class 'rocbands'
plot(x, type='s', lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
     xlab="False-Positive Rate", ylab="True-Positive Rate",
     main=paste("ROC curve \n (", obj$method, " confidence bands)", sep=""),
     col='aquamarine3', col.inside="azure2","azure3",, ...)
## S3 method for class 'cdroc'
plot(x, type='s', lwd=3, xlab='1 - Specificity',
     ylab='Sensitivity', xaxs='i', yaxs='i',
     main=paste("ROC curve at time", obj$predict.time), ...)



a 'groc', 'rocbands' or 'cdroc' object from the gROC, ROCbands or cdROC respectively.


what type of plot should be drawn.


the line width to be used for ROC curve estimate, a positive number. See par.


the color to be used for ROC curve estimate. See par.

the line width to be used for ROC curve confidence bands estimate.


the color to be used for ROC curve confidence bands estimate ( and for the area inside (col.inside).

xlim, ylim

numeric vectors of length 2, giving the x and y coordinates ranges. See plot.window.

xlab, ylab

a title for the x and y axis, respectively. See title.

xaxs, yaxs

the style of axis interval calculation to be used for the x and y axis, respectively. See par.


an overall title for the plot. See title.


further arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters. See par.


These functions return a plot of the object they were passed.


# Data generation
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))

# Plot an ROC curve
grocobj <- gROC(X,D)

# Plot ROC curve confidence bands
rocbandsobj <- ROCbands(grocobj)

# Plot cumulative/dynamic ROC curve
stime <- rchisq(50,3)
status <- sample(c(rep(1,40), rep(0,10)))
marker <- max(stime) - stime + rnorm(50,0,2)
cdrocobj <- cdROC(stime, status, marker, 2.8, ci=TRUE)

Print an ROC curve object


This function prints a 'groc', 'rocbands' or 'cdroc' object.


## S3 method for class 'groc'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rocbands'
print(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'cdroc'
print(x, ...)



a 'groc', 'rocbands' or 'cdroc' object from the gROC, ROCbands or cdROC respectively.


further arguments to be passed to other methods. Ignored.


These functions return information about the object they were passed.

See Also

gROC, ROCbands, cdROC


# Data generation
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))

# Print a groc object
grocobj <- gROC(X,D)

# Print an rocbands object
grocobj <- ROCbands(grocobj)

# Print a cdroc object
stime <- rchisq(50,3)
status <- sample(c(rep(1,45), rep(0,5)))
marker <- max(stime) - stime + rnorm(50,0,2)
cdrocobj <- cdROC(stime, status, marker, 3, ci=TRUE)

Confidence bands for ROC curves


This function computes and plots confidence bands for ROC curves (both left/right-sided and general one) using three different procedures. Particularly, one parametric approach assuming the binormal model (Demidenko) and two non-parametric techniques (Jensen et al. and Martinez-Camblor et al.). See References below.


ROCbands(groc, ...)
## Default S3 method:
ROCbands(groc, method = c("PSN", "JMS", "DEK"), conf.level = 0.95,
          B = 500, = TRUE, alpha1 = NULL, s = 1, a.J = NULL, b.J = NULL,
          plot.bands = FALSE, plot.var = FALSE, seed = 123, ...)



a 'groc' object from the gROC function.


method used to compute the confidence bands. One of "PSN" (Martinez-Camblor et al.), "JMS" (Jensen et al.) or "DEK" (Demidenko).


the width of the confidence band as a number in (0,1). Default: 0.95, resulting in a 95% confidence band.


number of bootstrap replicates. Default: 500 (only used in "PSN" and "JMS" methods).

if TRUE, a bar showing bootstrap replication progress is displayed.


α1\alpha_1 in "PSN" approach a number in (0,1) affecting the width between the lower band and the ROC curve estimate. Default: NULL, the one which minimizes the theoretical area between lower and upper bands is considered.


scale parameter used to compute the smoothed kernel distribution functions in "PSN" method. The bandwidth h=smin(m,n)1/5σ^h = s \cdot min(m,n)^{1/5} \cdot \hat{\sigma} where mm and nn stand by the number of controls and cases, respectively, is considered. Default: 1.

a.J, b.J

extremes of interval in (0,1) in which compute the regional confidence bands by "JMS" methodology. Default: (1/Ni, 1 - 1/Ni.).


if TRUE, confidence bands at level conf.level are displayed.


if TRUE, a plot of σn,1(t)\sigma_n^{*,1}(t) with tt in [0,1] (if "PSN" method is selected) or Var(Ψ(p))Var(\Psi(p)) with pp in (a.J, b.J) (if "JMS" method is selected) is displayed.


seed used to compute the bootstrap controls and cases samples in "PSN" method or Brownian Bridges in "JMS" method.


additional arguments for ROCbands. Ignored.


  • Martinez-Camblor et al. methodology - "PSN" method

    The theoretical.area is computed as (cα1cα2)n1/2σn(t)dt(c_{\alpha_1} - c_{\alpha_2}) n^{-1/2} \int \sigma_n^*(t) dt where σn(t)\sigma_n^*(t) is the standard deviation estimate of n[R^(ω,.)R(.)]\sqrt{n} [\hat{R}(\omega, .) - R(.)] and nn is the cases sample size.

    Due to computation can take some time depending on the number of bootstrap replicates considered, a progress bar is shown.

    Confidence bands are truncated in the following way: on one hand, if the lower band is lower than 0 or higher than 0.95 it is forced to be 0 or 0.95, respectively; on the other hand, if the upper band is higher than 1 or lower than 0.05 it is forced to be 1 or 0.05, respectively.

  • Jensen et al. methodology - "JMS" method

    Ka,bαK^\alpha_{a,b} denote the upper α/2\alpha/2-quantile of the distribution of supapbΨ(p)VarΨ(p)\sup_{a \le p \le b} \frac{|\Psi(p)|}{\sqrt{Var \Psi(p)}} where (a,b)(a,b) is the interval in which the regional confidence bands are calculated and Ψ(.)\Psi(.) is the limiting process of the stochastic process ΔN=N[R^(ω,.)R(.)]\Delta_N = \sqrt{N} [\hat{R}(\omega, .) - R(.)] with NN being the total sample size.

    Extremes of the interval (a.J, b.J) used in order to display the regional confidence bands must be divisors of Ni in the interval [0,1][0,1].

    Confidence bands are truncated in a similar way as in "PSN" method in order not to have bands lower than 0 or higher than 1.

  • Demidenko methodology - "DEK" method

    Demidenko ROC curve estimate does not correspond to the empirical one due to the fact that the (bio)marker values in controls and cases are supposed to come from a normal distribution is exploited.


A list of class 'rocbands' with the following content:


method used to compute the confidence bands. One of "PSN" (Martinez-Camblor et al.), "JMS" (Jensen et al.) or "DEK" (Demidenko).


the width of the confidence band as a number in (0,1).


number of bootstrap replicates used in "PSN" and "JMS" methods.

L, U

vectors containing the values of lower and upper bands, respectively, for each tt \in {0, 1/Ni, 2/Ni, ..., 1}. In case of "JMS" method p is considered as tt.


area between lower and upper bands (L and U) computed by trapezoidal rule.


number of subintervals of the unit interval considered to build the curve.


vector of values of R(t)R(t) for each tt \in {0, 1/Ni, 2/Ni, ..., 1}.

If the method is "PSN":


scale parameter used to compute the smoothed kernel distribution functions.

alpha1, alpha2

if the alpha1 input argument is not specified, α1\alpha_1 and α2\alpha_2 values which minimize area between bands are automatically computed. If alpha1 is chosen by the user, alpha2 is computed by alpha1 = (1 - conf.level) - alpha1.


if TRUE, alpha1 has been fixed by the user.

c1, c2

cα1c_{\alpha_1} and cα2c_{\alpha_2} resulting from the algorithm to compute confidence bands.


matrix of size Ni+1, B whose columns contain the ROC curve estimate for each bootstrap sample.


vector σn(t)\sigma_n^*(t) which is the estimate of the standard deviation of the empirical process considered.


theoretical area between confidence bands by trapezoidal rule.

If the method is "JMS":

a.J, b.J

extremes of the interval in which the regional confidence bands have been computed.


vector of FPR points considered in the interval (a.J, b.J).


smooth ROC curve estimate for each value of p.


value of Ka,bαK_{a,b}^\alpha computed to calculate confidence bands (see Details above).


value of Var(Ψ(p))Var(\Psi(p)) estimated from the formula given by Hsieh and Turnbull (see Jensen et al. in References).

If the method is "DEK":

DEK.fpr, DEK.tpr

values of FPR and TPR computed to calculate the Demidenko confidence bands taking into account that it is a binormal technique.


Brownian bridges needed to estimate Ψ(.)\Psi(.) in "JMS" method are computed using the BBridge function in the sde package.

It should be noted that both the "PSN" and "JMS" methods are non-parametric, while the "DEK" approach is designed assuming the binormal model, so it is not convenient to use this method when distribution assumptions are not fulfilled. Furthermore, both the "JMS" and "DEK" methodologies are implemented just for the right-sided ROC curve. If side is left or both only the "PSN" method provides confidence bands.


Martinez-Camblor P., Perez-Fernandez S., Corral N., 2016, Efficient nonparametric confidence bands for receiver operating-characteristic curves, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, DOI: 10.1177/0962280216672490.

Jensen K., Muller H-H., Schafer H., 2000, Regional confidence bands for ROC curves, Statistical in Medicine, 19, 493-509.

Demidenko E., 2012, Confidence intervals and bands for the binormal ROC curve, Journal of Applied Statistics, 39(1), 67-79.


# Basic example
X <- c(rnorm(45), rnorm(30,2,1.5))
D <- c(rep(0,45), rep(1,30))
groc.obj <- gROC(X,D)

# PSN confidence bands with conf.level=0.95
# Plot standard deviation estimate of the curve and confidence bands in the same window
ROCbands(groc.obj, plot.bands=TRUE, plot.var=TRUE)
# PSN confidence bands with alpha1 fixed (alpha1=0.025)
ROCbands(groc.obj, alpha1=0.025)

# JMS confidence bands in (0.2,0.7) interval
ROCbands(groc.obj, method="JMS", a.J=0.2, b.J=0.7)
# Plot variance estimate of the curve and confidence bands in the same window
ROCbands(groc.obj, method="JMS", a.J=0.2, b.J=0.7, plot.bands=TRUE, plot.var=TRUE)

# DEK confidence bands with conf.level=0.99
ROCbands(groc.obj, method="DEK", conf.level=0.99)