Title: | Nonparametric and Stochastic Efficiency and Productivity Analysis |
Description: | Nonparametric efficiency measurement and statistical inference via DEA type estimators (see Färe, Grosskopf, and Lovell (1994) <doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710>, Kneip, Simar, and Wilson (2008) <doi:10.1017/S0266466608080651> and Badunenko and Mozharovskyi (2020) <doi:10.1080/01605682.2019.1599778>) as well as Stochastic Frontier estimators for both cross-sectional data and 1st, 2nd, and 4th generation models for panel data (see Kumbhakar and Lovell (2003) <doi:10.1017/CBO9781139174411>, Badunenko and Kumbhakar (2016) <doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.04.049>). The stochastic frontier estimators can handle both half-normal and truncated normal models with conditional mean and heteroskedasticity. The marginal effects of determinants can be obtained. |
Authors: | Oleg Badunenko [aut, cre], Pavlo Mozharovskyi [aut], Yaryna Kolomiytseva [aut] |
Maintainer: | Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 0.8.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 07:00:29 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
This package provides a variety of tools for nonparametric and parametric efficiency measurement.
The nonparametric models in npsf
comprise nonradial efficiency measurement (tenonradial
), where non-proportional reductions (expansions) in each positive input (output) are allowed, as well as popular radial efficiency measurement (teradial
), where movements to the frontier are proportional.
Using bootstrapping techniques, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
deal with statistical inference about the radial efficiency measurement. nptestind
helps in deciding which type of the bootstrap to employ. Global return to scale and individual scale efficiency is tested by nptestrts
. Finally, teradialbc
and tenonradialbc
, performs bias correction of the radial Debrue-Farrell and nonradial Russell input- or output-based measure of technical efficiency, computes bias and constructs confidence intervals.
Computer intensive functions teradialbc
and nptestrts
allow making use of parallel computing, even on a single machine with multiple cores. Help files contain examples that are intended to introduce the usage.
The parametric stochastic frontier models in npsf
can be estimated by sf
, which performs maximum likelihood estimation of the frontier parameters and technical or cost efficiencies. Inefficiency error component can be assumed to be have either half-normal or truncated normal distribution. sf
allows modelling multiplicative heteroskedasticity of either inefficiency or random noise component, or both. Additionally, marginal effects of determinants on the expected value of inefficiency term can be computed.
For details of the respective method please see the reference at the end of this introduction and of the respective help file.
All function in npsf
accept formula with either names of variables in the data set, or names of the matrices. Except for nptestind
, all function return esample
, a logical vector length of which is determined by data
and subset
(if specified) or number of rows in matrix outputs
. esample
equals TRUE
if this data point parted in estimation procedure, and FALSE
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko, <[email protected]>
Pavlo Mozharovskyi, <[email protected]>
Yaryna Kolomiytseva, <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Kumbhakar, S.C. (2016), When, Where and How to Estimate Persistent and Transient Efficiency in Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Models, European Journal of Operational Research, 255(1), 272–287, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.04.049
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2016), Nonparametric Frontier Analysis using Stata, Stata Journal, 163, 550–89, doi:10.1177/1536867X1601600302
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2020), Statistical inference for the Russell measure of technical efficiency, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 713, 517–527, doi:10.1080/01605682.2019.1599778
Bartelsman, E.J. and Gray, W. (1996), The NBER Manufacturing Productivity Database, National Bureau of Economic Research, Technical Working Paper Series, doi:10.3386/t0205
Battese, G., Coelli, T. (1988), Prediction of firm-level technical effiiencies with a generalized frontier production function and panel data. Journal of Econometrics, 38, 387–399
Battese, G., Coelli, T. (1992), Frontier production functions, technical efficiency and panel data: With application to paddy farmers in India. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 3, 153–169
Charnes, A., W. W. Cooper, and E. Rhodes. 1981. Evaluating Program and Managerial Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Program Follow Through. Management Science 27: 668–697
Caudill, S., Ford, J., Gropper, D. (1995), Frontier estimation and firm-specific inefficiency measures in the presence of heteroscedasticity. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, 105–111
Debreu, G. 1951. The Coefficient of Resource Utilization. Econometrica 19: 273–292
Färe, R. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1978), Measuring the technical efficiency of production, Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 150–162, doi:10.1016/0022-0531(78)90060-1
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710
Farrell, M. J. 1957. The Measurement of Productive Efficiency. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General) 120(3): 253–290
Heston, A., and R. Summers. 1991. The Penn World Table (Mark 5): An Expanded Set of International Comparisons, 1950-1988. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 106: 327–368
Horrace, W. and Schmidt, P. (1996), On ranking and selection from independent truncated normal distributions. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 7, 257–282
Jondrow, J., Lovell, C., Materov, I., Schmidt, P. (1982), On estimation of technical inefficiency in the stochastic frontier production function model. Journal of Econometrics, 19, 233–238
Kneip, A., Simar L., and P.W. Wilson (2008), Asymptotics and Consistent Bootstraps for DEA Estimators in Nonparametric Frontier Models, Econometric Theory, 24, 1663–1697, doi:10.1017/S0266466608080651
Koetter, M., Kolari, J., and Spierdijk, L. (2012), Enjoying the quiet life under deregulation? Evidence from adjusted Lerner indices for U.S. banks. Review of Economics and Statistics, 94, 2, 462–480
Kumbhakar, S. (1990), Production Frontiers, Panel Data, and Time-varying Technical Inefficiency. Journal of Econometrics, 46, 201–211
Kumbhakar, S. and Lovell, C. (2003), Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9781139174411
Restrepo-Tobon, D. and Kumbhakar, S. (2014), Enjoying the quiet life under deregulation? Not Quite. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29, 2, 333–343
Simar, L. and P.W. Wilson (1998), Sensitivity Analysis of Efficiency Scores: How to Bootstrap in Nonparametric Frontier Models, Management Science, 44, 49–61, doi:10.1287/mnsc.44.1.49
Simar, L. and P.W. Wilson (2000), A General Methodology for Bootstrapping in Nonparametric Frontier Models, Journal of Applied Statistics, 27, 779–802, doi:10.1080/02664760050081951
Simar, L. and P.W. Wilson (2002), Nonparametric Tests of Return to Scale, European Journal of Operational Research, 139, 115–132
Wang, H.-J. (2002), Heteroskedasticity and non-monotonic efficiency effects of a stochastic frontier model. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 18, 241–253
Wilson P.W. (2003), Testing Independence in Models of Productive Efficiency, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 20, 361–390, doi:10.1023/A:1027355917855
data frame contains selected variables for 500 (randomly sampled from around 5000) U.S. commercial banks from data of Koetter et al. (2012) for years 2000-2007. This data are used for illustrution purposes and are not suitable for research purposes.
This data frame contains the following variables (columns):
Entity ID.
Gross total assets.
Loan loss provisions.
Total securities (in thousands of US dollars).
Total loans and leases (in thousands of US dollars).
Cost of fixed assets divided by the cost of borrowed funds.
Cost of labor (in thousands of US dollars) divided by the cost of borrowed funds.
Gross total equity to gross total assets ratio.
Total operating cost.
Total loans and leases to gross total assets ratio.
Times bank is observed.
Mean value of TA.
Value of TA in the first observed year.
Mean value of LLP.
Value of LLP in the first observed year.
Mean value of ER.
Value of ER in the first observed year.
Mean value of LA.
Value of LA in the first observed year.
The data were sampled and generated as shown in section "Examples".
Koetter, M., Kolari, J., and Spierdijk, L. (2012), Enjoying the quiet life under deregulation? Evidence from adjusted Lerner indices for U.S. banks. Review of Economics and Statistics, 94, 2, 462–480.
Restrepo-Tobon, D. and Kumbhakar, S. (2014), Enjoying the quiet life under deregulation? Not Quite. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29, 2, 333–343.
## Not run: # Download data from the link in "Source" banks00_07 <- read.delim("2b_QLH.txt") # rename 'entity' to 'id' colnames(banks00_07) [colnames(banks00_07) == "entity"] <- "id" table(banks00_07$year) # keep if 2000 -- 2007 banks00_07 <- banks00_07[(banks00_07$year >= 2000 & banks00_07$year <= 2007),] dim(banks00_07) q1q3 <- quantile(banks00_07$TA, probs = c(.25,.75)) banks00_07 <- banks00_07[(banks00_07$TA >= q1q3[1] & banks00_07$TA <= q1q3[2]),] dim(banks00_07) # generate required variables banks00_07$TC <-banks00_07$TOC banks00_07$ER <- banks00_07$Z / banks00_07$TA banks00_07$LA <- banks00_07$Y2 / banks00_07$TA banks00_07 <- banks00_07[, colnames(banks00_07) c("id", "year", "Ti", "TC", "Y1", "Y2", "W1","W2", "ER", "LA", "TA", "LLP")] dim(banks00_07) t0 <- as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$id, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) length(qq)) ) banks00_07$Ti <- rep(t0, times = t0) banks00_07 <- banks00_07[banks00_07$Ti > 4,] # complete observations banks00_07 <- banks00_07[complete.cases(banks00_07),] dim(banks00_07) id_names <- unique(banks00_07$id) N_total <- length(id_names) set.seed(816376586) ids_n2choose <- sample(1:N_total, 500) ids2choose <- id_names[ids_n2choose] banks00_07 <- banks00_07[banks00_07$id dim(banks00_07) t0 <- as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$id, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) length(qq)) ) length(rep(t0, times = t0)) banks00_07$Ti <- rep(t0, times = t0) banks00_07[1:50,c("id","year","Ti")] # keep if Ti > 4 banks00_07 <- banks00_07[banks00_07$Ti > 4,] dim(banks00_07) # sort banks00_07 <- banks00_07[order(banks00_07$id, banks00_07$year),] # TC = TOC # # ER = Z / TA # Gross total equity to gross total assets ratio. # # LA = Y2 / TA # Total loans and leases to gross total assets ratio. banks00_07$TA_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$TA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$TA_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$TA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) banks00_07$LLP_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LLP, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$LLP_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LLP, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) banks00_07$ER_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$ER, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$ER_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$ER, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) banks00_07$LA_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$LA_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) cols2export <- c("id","year","Ti","TA","TA_ave", "TA_initial","LLP","LLP_ave", "LLP_initial","ER_ave","ER_initial","LA_ave","LA_initial") write.table(x = banks00_07, file = "banks00_07.txt", row.names = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Download data from the link in "Source" banks00_07 <- read.delim("2b_QLH.txt") # rename 'entity' to 'id' colnames(banks00_07) [colnames(banks00_07) == "entity"] <- "id" table(banks00_07$year) # keep if 2000 -- 2007 banks00_07 <- banks00_07[(banks00_07$year >= 2000 & banks00_07$year <= 2007),] dim(banks00_07) q1q3 <- quantile(banks00_07$TA, probs = c(.25,.75)) banks00_07 <- banks00_07[(banks00_07$TA >= q1q3[1] & banks00_07$TA <= q1q3[2]),] dim(banks00_07) # generate required variables banks00_07$TC <-banks00_07$TOC banks00_07$ER <- banks00_07$Z / banks00_07$TA banks00_07$LA <- banks00_07$Y2 / banks00_07$TA banks00_07 <- banks00_07[, colnames(banks00_07) c("id", "year", "Ti", "TC", "Y1", "Y2", "W1","W2", "ER", "LA", "TA", "LLP")] dim(banks00_07) t0 <- as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$id, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) length(qq)) ) banks00_07$Ti <- rep(t0, times = t0) banks00_07 <- banks00_07[banks00_07$Ti > 4,] # complete observations banks00_07 <- banks00_07[complete.cases(banks00_07),] dim(banks00_07) id_names <- unique(banks00_07$id) N_total <- length(id_names) set.seed(816376586) ids_n2choose <- sample(1:N_total, 500) ids2choose <- id_names[ids_n2choose] banks00_07 <- banks00_07[banks00_07$id dim(banks00_07) t0 <- as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$id, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) length(qq)) ) length(rep(t0, times = t0)) banks00_07$Ti <- rep(t0, times = t0) banks00_07[1:50,c("id","year","Ti")] # keep if Ti > 4 banks00_07 <- banks00_07[banks00_07$Ti > 4,] dim(banks00_07) # sort banks00_07 <- banks00_07[order(banks00_07$id, banks00_07$year),] # TC = TOC # # ER = Z / TA # Gross total equity to gross total assets ratio. # # LA = Y2 / TA # Total loans and leases to gross total assets ratio. banks00_07$TA_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$TA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$TA_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$TA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) banks00_07$LLP_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LLP, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$LLP_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LLP, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) banks00_07$ER_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$ER, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$ER_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$ER, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) banks00_07$LA_ave <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) mean(qq))), times = t0) banks00_07$LA_initial <- rep(as.vector( by(data = banks00_07$LA, INDICES = banks00_07$id, FUN = function(qq) qq[1])), times = t0) cols2export <- c("id","year","Ti","TA","TA_ave", "TA_initial","LLP","LLP_ave", "LLP_initial","ER_ave","ER_initial","LA_ave","LA_initial") write.table(x = banks00_07, file = "banks00_07.txt", row.names = FALSE) ## End(Not run)
data frame contains selected variables from the U.S. commercial banks data of Koetter et al. (2012) for year 2005 and 500 banks randomly sampled from around 5000. Dependent variable was randomly generated, as described under 'Details', to satisfy the assumptions of doubly heteroskedastic stochastic cost frontier model. This data is, therefore, not suitable for research purposes.
This data frame contains the following variables (columns):
Randomly generated total operating costs.
Logarithm of the cost of fixed assets divided by the cost of borrowed funds.
Logarithm of the cost of labor (in thousands of US dollars) divided by the cost of borrowed funds.
Logarithm of total securities (in thousands of US dollars).
Logarithm of total loans and leases (in thousands of US dollars).
Gross total equity to gross total assets ratio.
Total loans and leases to gross total assets ratio.
The variable representing total operating costs was generated as follows:
where and
More detailed description of input prices, outputs, and exogenous variables is provided in Koetter et al. (2012). See also related study of Restrepo-Tobon and Kumbhakar (2014).
Koetter, M., Kolari, J., and Spierdijk, L. (2012), Enjoying the quiet life under deregulation? Evidence from adjusted Lerner indices for U.S. banks. Review of Economics and Statistics, 94, 2, 462–480.
Restrepo-Tobon, D. and Kumbhakar, S. (2014), Enjoying the quiet life under deregulation? Not Quite. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29, 2, 333–343.
The data set is from an US federally sponsored program for providing remedial assistance to disadvantaged primary school students. The data comprises 70 school sites.
data( ccr81 )
data( ccr81 )
This data frame contains the following variables (columns):
School Site Number
Total Reading Score
Total Math Score
Total Coopersmith Score
Education Level of Mother
Occupation Index
Parental Visit Index
Counseling Index
Number of Teachers
The data were originally used to evaluate the efficiency of public programs and their management.
A. Charnes, W. W. Cooper and E. Rhodes (1981), Evaluating Program and Managerial Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Program Follow Through, Management Science, 27, 668–697.
Charnes, A., W. W. Cooper, and E. Rhodes. 1981. Evaluating Program and Managerial Efficiency: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis to Program Follow Through. Management Science 27: 668–697
Extracts the ML parameters of a stochastic frontier model estimated by sf
## S3 method for class 'npsf' coef( object, ... )
## S3 method for class 'npsf' coef( object, ... )
object |
an object of class |
... |
currently unused. |
returns a named vector of the ML parameters of a stochastic frontier model.
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
, nobs.npsf
, summary.npsf
, and sf
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") coef( m1 )
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") coef( m1 )
Provides Halton draws, deviates from a uniform distribution.
halton(n = 1, n.bases = 1, bases = NULL, start = 0, random.primes = FALSE, seed = 7, scale.coverage = FALSE, shuffle = FALSE)
halton(n = 1, n.bases = 1, bases = NULL, start = 0, random.primes = FALSE, seed = 7, scale.coverage = FALSE, shuffle = FALSE)
n |
number of prime numbers to be returned (the row number in the value). |
n.bases |
numeric. number of bases used. (the column number in the value). |
bases |
numeric. Supply specific order numbers for getting primes, see |
start |
numeric. from which value in the halton sequence to start. Default is 0, which is actually 0. |
random.primes |
logical. if |
seed |
set seed for replicability. Default is 17345168. |
scale.coverage |
logical. at larger primes not whole [0,1] interval is covered. if |
shuffle |
logical. if |
returns Halton draws.
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
require( npsf ) # obtain first 10 x 7 matrix with the first 7 primes as bases npsf::halton(10, n.bases = 7) # obtain first 10 x 7 matrix with the randomly chosen 7 primes as bases npsf::halton(10, n.bases = 7, random.primes = TRUE, seed = 17345168) # just one column with desired prime npsf::halton(10, bases = 1) # or 2 columns npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)) # if bases are large npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)*1000) # the coverage is not great npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)*1000, scale.coverage = TRUE) # reshuffle them, use seed for replicability npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)*1000, scale.coverage = TRUE, shuffle = TRUE, seed = 17345168)
require( npsf ) # obtain first 10 x 7 matrix with the first 7 primes as bases npsf::halton(10, n.bases = 7) # obtain first 10 x 7 matrix with the randomly chosen 7 primes as bases npsf::halton(10, n.bases = 7, random.primes = TRUE, seed = 17345168) # just one column with desired prime npsf::halton(10, bases = 1) # or 2 columns npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)) # if bases are large npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)*1000) # the coverage is not great npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)*1000, scale.coverage = TRUE) # reshuffle them, use seed for replicability npsf::halton(10, bases = c(1,7)*1000, scale.coverage = TRUE, shuffle = TRUE, seed = 17345168)
Instructional dataset, N=753, cross-sectional labor force participation data Accompanying Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, South-Western College Publishing, (c) 2000 and Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press,(c) 2001.
data( mroz )
data( mroz )
This data frame contains the following variables (columns):
=1 if in labor force, 1975
hours worked, 1975
# kids < 6 years
# kids 6-18
woman's age in yrs
years of schooling
estimated wage from earns., hours
reported wage at interview in 1976
hours worked by husband, 1975
husband's age
husband's years of schooling
husband's hourly wage, 1975
family income, 1975
fed. marginal tax rate facing woman
mother's years of schooling
father's years of schooling
unem. rate in county of resid.
=1 if live in SMSA
actual labor mkt exper
(faminc - wage*hours)/1000
Instructional dataset, N=753, cross-sectional labor force participation data Accompanying Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, South-Western College Publishing, (c) 2000 and Jeffrey M. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, MIT Press,(c) 2001.
Datasets accessible from http://wooldridge.swcollege.com, http://courses.bus.msu.edu/econ/821/001/index.cfm?action=mat, and http://www.cengage.com/aise/economics/wooldridge_3e_datasets/
Mroz, T.A. 1987. The Sensitiviy of an Empirical Model of Married Women's Hours of Work to Economic and Statistical Assumptions. Econometrica 55: 765-799
Extracts the number of observations for which efficiencies are estimated
by SF or DEA model estimated by sf
, teradial
, or teradialbc
## S3 method for class 'npsf' nobs( object, ... )
## S3 method for class 'npsf' nobs( object, ... )
object |
an object of class |
... |
currently unused. |
returns the number of observations for which efficiencies are estimated by SF or DEA model.
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
, coef.npsf
, summary.npsf
, and sf
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") nobs( m1 ) # DEA t1 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10) nobs(t1)
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") nobs( m1 ) # DEA t1 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10) nobs(t1)
In output based efficiency measurement, routine nptestind
perform test that radial (Debreu-Farrell) output-based measure of technical efficiency under chosen assumption about the technology and mix of outputs are independent. In input-based efficiency measurement, routine nptestind
perform test that radial (Debreu-Farrell) input-based measure of technical efficiency under chosen assumption about the technology and mix of inputs are independent. Testing is performed using bootstrap technique.
nptestind(formula, data, subset, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), reps = 999, alpha = 0.05, print.level = 1, dots = TRUE)
nptestind(formula, data, subset, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), reps = 999, alpha = 0.05, print.level = 1, dots = TRUE)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical efficiency is to be computed. |
rts |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “c” for constant, “n” for non-increasing, or “v” for variable returns to scale assumption. numeric: 3 for constant, 2 for non-increasing, or 1 for variable returns to scale assumption. |
base |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “o” for computing output-based or “i” for computing input-based technical efficiency measure. string: 2 for computing output-based or 1 for computing input-based technical efficiency measure |
reps |
specifies the number of bootstrap replications to be performed. The default is 999. The minimum is 100. Adequate estimates of confidence intervals using bias-corrected methods typically require 1,000 or more replications. |
alpha |
sets significance level; default is |
dots |
logical. Relevant if |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation. Default is 1. |
In output based efficiency measurement, routine nptestind
perform test that radial (Debreu-Farrell) output-based measure of technical efficiency under chosen assumption about the technology and mix of outputs are independent. In input-based efficiency measurement, routine nptestind
perform test that radial (Debreu-Farrell) input-based measure of technical efficiency under chosen assumption about the technology and mix of inputs are independent.
Testing is performed using bootstrap technique (see Wilson, 2003).
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
K |
numeric: number of data points. |
M |
numeric: number of outputs. |
N |
numeric: number of inputs. |
rts |
string: RTS assumption. |
base |
string: base for efficiency measurement. |
reps |
numeric: number of bootstrap replications. |
alpha |
numeric: significance level. |
t4n |
numeric: value of the T4n statistic. |
pval |
numeric: p-value of the test of independence. |
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
Färe, R. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1978), Measuring the technical efficiency of production, Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 150–162, doi:10.1016/0022-0531(78)90060-1
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press
Wilson P.W. (2003), Testing Independence in Models of Productive Efficiency, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 20, 361–390, doi:10.1023/A:1027355917855
, tenonradial
, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, sf
## Not run: require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # just to create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # just to create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Perform nonparametric test that radial (Debreu-Farrell) # output-based measure of technical efficiency under assumption of # NIRS technology and mix of outputs are independent. Test is # performed based on 999 replications at the 5 t1 <- nptestind ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, base = "o", rts = "n", reps = 999, dots = TRUE) # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) t2 <- nptestind ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year <= 2000, reps = 999, dots = TRUE, base = "i", rts = "v") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # just to create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # just to create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Perform nonparametric test that radial (Debreu-Farrell) # output-based measure of technical efficiency under assumption of # NIRS technology and mix of outputs are independent. Test is # performed based on 999 replications at the 5 t1 <- nptestind ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, base = "o", rts = "n", reps = 999, dots = TRUE) # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) t2 <- nptestind ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year <= 2000, reps = 999, dots = TRUE, base = "i", rts = "v") ## End(Not run)
Routine nptestrts
performs nonparametric tests the returns to scale of the underlying technology via bootstrapping techniques.
nptestrts(formula, data, subset, base = c("output", "input"), homogeneous = TRUE, test.two = TRUE, reps = 999, alpha = 0.05, core.count = 1, cl.type = c("SOCK", "MPI"), print.level = 1, dots = TRUE)
nptestrts(formula, data, subset, base = c("output", "input"), homogeneous = TRUE, test.two = TRUE, reps = 999, alpha = 0.05, core.count = 1, cl.type = c("SOCK", "MPI"), print.level = 1, dots = TRUE)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical efficiency is to be computed. |
base |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “o” for computing output-based or “i” for computing input-based technical efficiency measure. string: 2 for computing output-based or 1 for computing input-based technical efficiency measure |
homogeneous |
logical. If TRUE, the reference set is bootstrapped with homogeneous smoothing; if FALSE, the reference set is bootstrapped with heterogeneous smoothing. |
test.two |
logical. If TRUE, test 2, where efficiency measures under assumption of non-increasing and variable returns to scale technology are compared; if FALSE, |
reps |
specifies the number of bootstrap replications to be performed. The default is 999. The minimum is 100. Adequate estimates of confidence intervals using bias-corrected methods typically require 1,000 or more replications. |
alpha |
sets significance level; default is |
core.count |
positive integer. Number of cluster nodes. If |
cl.type |
Character string that specifies cluster type (see |
dots |
logical. Relevant if |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation. Default is 1. |
Routine nptestrts
performs nonparametric tests the returns to scale of the underlying technology (see Simar L. and P.W. Wilson (2002), Nonparametric Tests of Return to Scale, European Journal of Operational Research, 139, 115–132, doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(01)00167-9).
If test.two
is not specified, nptestrts
performs only Test #1, which consists of two parts. First, the null hypothesis that the technology is globally CRS (vs VRS) is tested. Second, the null hypothesis that the data point is scale efficient is tested.
If test.two
is specified, nptestrts
may perform Test #2. If the null hypothesis that the technology is CRS is rejected, test.two
requests that nptestrts
tests the null hypothesis that the technology is NIRS (vs VRS). If not all data points are scale efficient, nptestrts
tests that the reason for scale inefficiency is DRS. If the null hypothesis that the technology is CRS is not rejected and all data points are scale efficient, nptestrts
will not perform Test #2 even if test.two
is specified.
Models for nptestrts
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form outputs ~ inputs
, where outputs
) is a series of (numeric) terms which specifies outputs (inputs). Refer to the examples.
If core.count>=1
, nptestrts
will perform bootstrap on multiple cores. Parallel computing requires package snowFT
. By the default cluster type is defined by option cl.type="SOCK"
. Specifying cl.type="MPI"
requires package Rmpi
On some systems, specifying option cl.type="SOCK"
results in much quicker execution than specifying option cl.type="MPI"
. Option cl.type="SOCK"
might be problematic on Mac system.
Parallel computing make a difference for large data sets. Specifying option dots=TRUE
will indicate at what speed the bootstrap actually proceeds. Specify reps=100
and compare two runs with option core.count=1
and core.count>1
to see if parallel computing speeds up the bootstrap. For small samples, parallel computing may actually slow down the nptestrts
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
K |
numeric: number of data points. |
M |
numeric: number of outputs. |
N |
numeric: number of inputs. |
rts |
string: RTS assumption. |
base |
string: base for efficiency measurement. |
reps |
numeric: number of bootstrap replications. |
alpha |
numeric: significance level. |
teCrs |
numeric: measures of technical efficiency under the assumption of CRS. |
teNrs |
numeric: measures of technical efficiency under the assumption of NiRS. |
teVrs |
numeric: measures of technical efficiency under the assumption of VRS. |
sefficiency |
numeric: scale efficiency. |
sefficiencyMean |
numeric: ratio of means of technical efficiency measures under CRS and VRS. |
pGlobalCRS |
numeric: p-value of the test that the technology is globally CRS. |
psefficient |
numeric: p-value of the test that data point is statistically scale efficient. |
sefficient |
logical: returns |
nsefficient |
numeric: number of statistically scale efficient. |
nrsOVERvrsMean |
numeric: ratio of means of technical efficiency measures under NIRS and VRS (if |
pGlobalNRS |
numeric: p-value of the test the technology is globally NIRS (if |
sineffdrs |
logical: returns |
pineffdrs |
numeric: p-value of the test that data point is scale inefficient due to DRS (if |
nrsOVERvrs |
numeric: ratio of measures of technical efficiency under NiRS and VRS (if |
esample |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
Before specifying option homogeneous
it is advised to preform the test of independence (see nptestind
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>, Pavlo Mozharovskyi <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2016), Nonparametric Frontier Analysis using Stata, Stata Journal, 163, 550–89, doi:10.1177/1536867X1601600302
Färe, R. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1978), Measuring the technical efficiency of production, Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 150–162, doi:10.1016/0022-0531(78)90060-1
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710
Simar L. and P.W. Wilson (2002), Nonparametric Tests of Return to Scale, European Journal of Operational Research, 139, 115–132, doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(01)00167-9
, tenonradial
, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestind
, sf
## Not run: require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # just to create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # just to create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Perform output-based test of returns to scale smoothed # homogeneous bootstrap with 999 replications at the 5 # significance level. Also perform Test #2 t1 <- nptestrts(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, homogeneous = TRUE, reps = 999, dots = TRUE, base = "o") # suppress printing replication dots t2 <- nptestrts(Y2 ~ X2, homogeneous = TRUE, reps = 100, dots = FALSE, base = "o") # heterogeneous t3 <- nptestrts(Y2 ~ X2, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o") # =========================== # === Parallel computing === # =========================== # Perform previous test but use 8 cores and # cluster type SOCK t3 <- nptestrts(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # Figure industries to include in the sample (first quarter) summary(usmanuf[usmanuf$year >= 1999 & usmanuf$year < 2000, "naics"]) # This test is quite demanding and it will take some time # depending on computer power t4 <- nptestrts(Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year < 2000 & naics < 321900, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") # This is very computer intensive task t5 <- nptestrts(Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year < 2000, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # just to create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # just to create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Perform output-based test of returns to scale smoothed # homogeneous bootstrap with 999 replications at the 5 # significance level. Also perform Test #2 t1 <- nptestrts(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, homogeneous = TRUE, reps = 999, dots = TRUE, base = "o") # suppress printing replication dots t2 <- nptestrts(Y2 ~ X2, homogeneous = TRUE, reps = 100, dots = FALSE, base = "o") # heterogeneous t3 <- nptestrts(Y2 ~ X2, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o") # =========================== # === Parallel computing === # =========================== # Perform previous test but use 8 cores and # cluster type SOCK t3 <- nptestrts(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # Figure industries to include in the sample (first quarter) summary(usmanuf[usmanuf$year >= 1999 & usmanuf$year < 2000, "naics"]) # This test is quite demanding and it will take some time # depending on computer power t4 <- nptestrts(Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year < 2000 & naics < 321900, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") # This is very computer intensive task t5 <- nptestrts(Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year < 2000, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 100, dots = TRUE, base = "o", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") ## End(Not run)
Provides prime numbers.
primes(n = NULL, which = NULL, random.primes = FALSE, seed = 7)
primes(n = NULL, which = NULL, random.primes = FALSE, seed = 7)
n |
number of prime numbers to be returned. Should be smaller than 100008. |
which |
numeric. if specific prime numbers are requred. See examples. |
random.primes |
logical. if |
seed |
set seed for replicability. Default is 17345168. |
just returns prime numbers, which come from https://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/100000.txt, see https://primes.utm.edu
returns prime numbers.
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
https://primes.utm.edu/lists/small/100000.txt and https://primes.utm.edu
require( npsf ) # obtain first 30 prime numbers npsf::primes( 30 ) # the same as npsf::primes( n = 30 ) # the result in both case above are 30 prime numbers # if we use npsf::primes( which = 30 ) # the 30th prime is returns, just a scalar # both cannot be used # npsf::primes(n = 30, which = 30, random.primes = FALSE, seed = 17345168) # will give a mistake # you can get random 30 primes, use seed for replicability npsf::primes(n = 30, random.primes = TRUE, seed = 17345168) # obtain specific primes: which take order number(s) npsf::primes(which = c(3,67,30, 100008))
require( npsf ) # obtain first 30 prime numbers npsf::primes( 30 ) # the same as npsf::primes( n = 30 ) # the result in both case above are 30 prime numbers # if we use npsf::primes( which = 30 ) # the 30th prime is returns, just a scalar # both cannot be used # npsf::primes(n = 30, which = 30, random.primes = FALSE, seed = 17345168) # will give a mistake # you can get random 30 primes, use seed for replicability npsf::primes(n = 30, random.primes = TRUE, seed = 17345168) # obtain specific primes: which take order number(s) npsf::primes(which = c(3,67,30, 100008))
The data set is from Penn World Tables (PWT) 5.6. This data set provides only selected variables for years 1965 and 1990.
data( pwt56 )
data( pwt56 )
This data frame contains the following variables (columns):
Order Number
Country Name
1965 or 1990
Real GDP chain, international prices of 1985
Capital stock, international prices of 1985
Number of workers, in thousands
The Penn World Table was developed by Robert Summers and Alan Heston (and others) to facilitate consistent national accounts comparisons across countries as well as over time. The data can be used to evaluate the efficiency of economies of various countries in years 1965 and 1990.
http://www.rug.nl/research/ggdc/data/pwt/pwt-5.6. These data were originally hosted on the website of the Center for International Comparisons at the University of Pennsylvania.
Heston, A. and Summers, R. (1991), The Penn World Table (Mark 5): An Expanded Set of International Comparisons, 1950-1988, The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 106, 327–368.
rescales a vector.
rescale(x, lb = min(x), ub = max(x))
rescale(x, lb = min(x), ub = max(x))
x |
a numeric vector. |
lb |
numeric. lower bound. |
ub |
numeric. upper bound. |
returns rescaled vector.
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
require( npsf ) # obtain first 30 prime numbers set.seed(8265897) t1 <- runif(10, min = 1, max = 2) summary(t1) summary(rescale(t1, 0, 10))
require( npsf ) # obtain first 30 prime numbers set.seed(8265897) t1 <- runif(10, min = 1, max = 2) summary(t1) summary(rescale(t1, 0, 10))
performs maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters and technical or cost efficiencies in cross-sectional stochastic (production or cost) frontier models with half-normal or truncated normal distributional assumption imposed on inefficiency error component.
sf(formula, data, it = NULL, subset, prod = TRUE, model = "K1990", distribution = c("h"), eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = NULL, ln.var.u.0i = NULL, ln.var.v.0i = NULL, ln.var.v.it = NULL, simtype = c("halton", "rnorm"), halton.base = NULL, R = 500, simtype_GHK = c("halton", "runif"), R_GHK = 500, random.primes = FALSE, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE, level = 95, marg.eff = FALSE, start.val = NULL, maxit = 199, report.ll.optim = 10, reltol = 1e-8, lmtol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), digits = 4, print.level = 4, seed = 17345168, only.data = FALSE)
sf(formula, data, it = NULL, subset, prod = TRUE, model = "K1990", distribution = c("h"), eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = NULL, ln.var.u.0i = NULL, ln.var.v.0i = NULL, ln.var.v.it = NULL, simtype = c("halton", "rnorm"), halton.base = NULL, R = 500, simtype_GHK = c("halton", "runif"), R_GHK = 500, random.primes = FALSE, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE, level = 95, marg.eff = FALSE, start.val = NULL, maxit = 199, report.ll.optim = 10, reltol = 1e-8, lmtol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), digits = 4, print.level = 4, seed = 17345168, only.data = FALSE)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
it |
vector with two character entries. E.g., c("ID", "TIME"), where "ID" defines individuals that are observed in time periods defined by "TIME". The default is |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical or cost efficiencies are to be computed. |
prod |
logical. If |
model |
character. Five panel data models are estimated for now. "K1990" and "K1990modified" (see Kumbhakar, 1990), "BC1992" (see Battese and Coelli, 1992), "4comp" (see Badunenko and Kumbhakar (2016) and Filippini and Greene, 2016). They specify common evolution of inefficiency. Deffault is "K1990". The time functions are "( 1 + exp(b*t + c*t^2) )^-1", "1 + d*(t-T_i) + e*(t-T_i)^2", and "exp( -f*(t-T_i) )", respectively. |
distribution |
either |
eff.time.invariant |
logical. If |
mean.u.0i.zero |
logical. If |
mean.u.0i |
one-sided formula; e.g. |
ln.var.u.0i |
one-sided formula; e.g. |
ln.var.v.0i |
one-sided formula; e.g. |
ln.var.v.it |
one-sided formula; e.g. |
simtype |
character. Type of random deviates for the 4 components model. 'halton' draws are default. One can specify 'rnorm.' |
halton.base |
numeric. The prime number which is the base for the Halton draws. If not used, different bases are used for each id. |
R |
numeric. Number of draws. Default is 500. Can be time consuming. |
simtype_GHK |
character. Type of random deviates for use in GHK for efficiency estimating by approximation. 'halton' draws are default. One can specify 'runif.' |
numeric. Number of draws for GHK. Default is 500. Can be time consuming. |
random.primes |
logical. If |
cost.eff.less.one |
logical. If |
level |
numeric. Defines level% two-sided prediction interval for technical or cost efficiencies (see Horrace and Schmidt 1996). Default is 95. |
marg.eff |
logical. If |
start.val |
numeric. Starting values to be supplied to the optimization routine. If |
maxit |
numeric. Maximum number of iterations. Default is 199. |
report.ll.optim |
numeric. Not used for now. |
reltol |
numeric. One of convergence criteria. Not used for now. |
lmtol |
numeric. Tolerance for the scaled gradient in ML optimization. Default is sqrt(.Machine$double.eps). |
digits |
numeric. Number of digits to be displayed in estimation results and for efficiency estimates. Default is 4. |
print.level |
numeric. 1 - print estimation results. 2 - print optimization details. 3 - print summary of point estimates of technical or cost efficiencies. 7 - print unit-specific point and interval estimates of technical or cost efficiencies. Default is 4. |
seed |
set seed for replicability. Default is 17345168. |
only.data |
logical. If |
Models for sf
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form y ~ x1 + ...
, where y
represents the logarithm of outputs or total costs and {x1,...}
is a series of inputs or outputs and input prices (in logs).
Options ln.var.u.0i
and ln.var.v.0i
can be used if multiplicative heteroskedasticity of either inefficiency or random noise component (or both) is assumed; i.e. if their variances can be expressed as exponential functions of (e.g. size-related) exogenous variables (including intercept) (see Caudill et al. 1995).
If marg.eff = TRUE
and distribution = "h"
, the marginal effect of kth exogenous variable on the expected value of inefficiency term of unit i is computed as: , where
. If
distribution = "t"
, marginal effects are returned if either mean.u.0i
or ln.var.u.0i
are not NULL
. If the same exogenous variables are specified under both options, (non-monotonic) marginal effects are computed as explained in Wang (2002).
See references and links below.
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
coef |
numeric. Named vector of ML parameter estimates. |
vcov |
matrix. Estimated covariance matrix of ML estimator. |
ll |
numeric. Value of log-likelihood at ML estimates. |
efficiencies |
data frame. Contains point estimates of unit-specific technical or cost efficiencies: exp(-E(u|e)) of Jondrow et al. (1982), E(exp(-u)|e) of Battese and Coelli (1988), and exp(-M(u|e)), where M(u|e) is the mode of conditional distribution of inefficiency term. In addition, estimated lower and upper bounds of (1- |
marg.effects |
data frame. Contains unit-specific marginal effects of exogenous variables on the expected value of inefficiency term. |
sigmas_u |
matrix. Estimated unit-specific variances of inefficiency term. Returned if |
sigmas_v |
matrix. Estimated unit-specific variances of random noise component. Returned if |
mu |
matrix. Estimated unit-specific means of pre-truncated normal distribution of inefficiency term. Returned if |
esample |
logical. Returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Kumbhakar, S.C. (2016), When, Where and How to Estimate Persistent and Transient Efficiency in Stochastic Frontier Panel Data Models, European Journal of Operational Research, 255(1), 272–287, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2016.04.049.
Battese, G., Coelli, T. (1988), Prediction of firm-level technical effiiencies with a generalized frontier production function and panel data. Journal of Econometrics, 38, 387–399.
Battese, G., Coelli, T. (1992), Frontier production functions, technical efficiency and panel data: With application to paddy farmers in India. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 3, 153–169.
Caudill, S., Ford, J., Gropper, D. (1995), Frontier estimation and firm-specific inefficiency measures in the presence of heteroscedasticity. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, 105–111.
Filippini, M. and Greene, W.H. (2016), Persistent and transient productive inefficiency: A maximum simulated likelihood approach. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 45 (2), 187–196.
Horrace, W. and Schmidt, P. (1996), On ranking and selection from independent truncated normal distributions. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 7, 257–282.
Jondrow, J., Lovell, C., Materov, I., Schmidt, P. (1982), On estimation of technical inefficiency in the stochastic frontier production function model. Journal of Econometrics, 19, 233–238.
Kumbhakar, S. (1990), Production Frontiers, Panel Data, and Time-varying Technical Inefficiency. Journal of Econometrics, 46, 201–211.
Kumbhakar, S. and Lovell, C. (2003), Stochastic Frontier Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9781139174411.
Wang, H.-J. (2002), Heteroskedasticity and non-monotonic efficiency effects of a stochastic frontier model. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 18, 241–253.
, tenonradial
, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
, halton
, primes
require( npsf ) # Cross-sectional examples begin ------------------------------------------ # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "e") # Test CRS: 'car' package in required for that ## Not run: linearHypothesis(m1, "log(L) + log(K) = 1") # Write efficiencies to the data frame using 'esample': pwt56$BC[ m1$esample ] <- m1$efficiencies$BC ## Not run: View(pwt56) # Computation using matrices Y1 <- as.matrix(log(pwt56[pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE])) X1 <- as.matrix(log(pwt56[pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE])) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing m2 <- sf(Y1 ~ X1, distribution = "h") # Load U.S. commercial banks dataset data(banks05) head(banks05) # Doubly heteroskedastic stochastic cost frontier # model (truncated normal) # Print summaries of cost efficiencies' estimates m3 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, ln.var.v.0i = ~ LA, data = banks05, distribution = "t", prod = FALSE, print.level = 3) m3 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, ln.var.v.0i = ~ LA, data = banks05, distribution = "e", prod = FALSE, print.level = 3) # Non-monotonic marginal effects of equity ratio on # the mean of distribution of inefficiency term m4 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, mean.u.0i = ~ ER, data = banks05, distribution = "t", prod = FALSE, marg.eff = TRUE) summary(m4$marg.effects) # Cross-sectional examples end -------------------------------------------- ## Not run: # Panel data examples begin ----------------------------------------------- # The only way to differentiate between cross-sectional and panel-data # models is by specifying "it". # If "it" is not specified, cross-sectional model will be estimated. # Example is below. # Read data --------------------------------------------------------------- # Load U.S. commercial banks dataset data(banks00_07) head(banks00_07, 5) banks00_07$trend <- banks00_07$year - min(banks00_07$year) + 1 # Model specification ----------------------------------------------------- my.prod <- FALSE my.it <- c("id","year") # my.model = "BC1992" # my.model = "K1990modified" # my.model = "K1990" # translog ---------------------------------------------------------------- formu <- log(TC) ~ (log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend)^2 + I(0.5*log(Y1)^2) + I(0.5*log(Y2)^2) + I(0.5*log(W1)^2) + I(0.5*log(W2)^2) + trend + I(0.5*trend^2) # Cobb-Douglas ------------------------------------------------------------ # formu <- log(TC) ~ log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend + I(trend^2) ols <- lm(formu, data = banks00_07) # just to mark the results of the OLS model summary(ols) # Components specifications ----------------------------------------------- ln.var.v.it <- ~ log(TA) ln.var.u.0i <- ~ ER_ave mean.u.0i_1 <- ~ LLP_ave + LA_ave mean.u.0i_2 <- ~ LLP_ave + LA_ave - 1 # Suppose "it" is not specified # Then it is a cross-sectional model t0_1st_0 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE) # 1st generation models --------------------------------------------------- # normal-half normal ------------------------------------------------------ # the same as above but "it" is specified t0_1st_0 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE) # Note efficiencies are time-invariant # confidence intervals for efficiencies ----------------------------------- head(t0_1st_0$efficiencies, 20) # normal-truncated normal ------------------------------------------------- # truncation point is constant (for all ids) ------------------------------ t0_1st_1 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, mean.u.0i = NULL, cost.eff.less.one = TRUE) # truncation point is determined by variables ----------------------------- t0_1st_2 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = TRUE) # the same, but without intercept in mean.u.0i t0_1st_3 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_2, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = TRUE) # 2nd generation models --------------------------------------------------- # normal-half normal ------------------------------------------------------ # Kumbhakar (1990) model -------------------------------------------------- t_nhn_K1990 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Kumbhakar (1990) modified model ----------------------------------------- t_nhn_K1990modified <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "K1990modified", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Battese and Coelli (1992) model ----------------------------------------- t_nhn_BC1992 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "BC1992", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # normal-truncated normal ------------------------------------------------- # Kumbhakar (1990) model -------------------------------------------------- # truncation point is constant (for all ids) ------------------------------ t_ntn_K1990_0 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # truncation point is determined by variables ----------------------------- t_ntn_K1990_1 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Efficiencies are tiny, since empirically truncation points are quite big. # Try withouth an intercept in conditional mean f-n t_ntn_K1990_2 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_2, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Kumbhakar (1990) modified model ----------------------------------------- t_ntn_K1990modified <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "K1990modified", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Battese and Coelli (1992) model ----------------------------------------- t_ntn_BC1992 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "BC1992", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # The next one (without "subset = year > 2000" option) converges OK t_ntn_BC1992 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, prod = my.prod, model = "BC1992", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # 4 component model ------------------------------------------------------ # Note, R should better be more than 200, this is just for illustration. # This is the model that takes long to be estimated. # For the following example, 'mlmaximize' required 357 iterations and # took 8 minutes. # The time will increase with more data and more parameters. formu <- log(TC) ~ log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend t_4comp <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year >= 2001 & year < 2006, prod = my.prod, model = "4comp", R = 500, initialize.halton = TRUE, lmtol = 1e-5, maxit = 500, print.level = 4) # With R = 500, 'mlmaximize' required 124 iterations and # took 7 minutes. # The time will increase with more data and more parameters. formu <- log(TC) ~ log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend t_4comp_500 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year >= 2001 & year < 2006, prod = my.prod, model = "4comp", R = 500, initialize.halton = TRUE, lmtol = 1e-5, maxit = 500, print.level = 4) # @e_i0, @e_it, and @e_over give efficiencies, # where @ is either 'c' or 't' for cost or production function. # e.g., t_ntn_4comp$ce_i0 from last model, gives persistent cost efficiencies # Panel data examples end ------------------------------------------------- ## End(Not run)
require( npsf ) # Cross-sectional examples begin ------------------------------------------ # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "e") # Test CRS: 'car' package in required for that ## Not run: linearHypothesis(m1, "log(L) + log(K) = 1") # Write efficiencies to the data frame using 'esample': pwt56$BC[ m1$esample ] <- m1$efficiencies$BC ## Not run: View(pwt56) # Computation using matrices Y1 <- as.matrix(log(pwt56[pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE])) X1 <- as.matrix(log(pwt56[pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE])) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing m2 <- sf(Y1 ~ X1, distribution = "h") # Load U.S. commercial banks dataset data(banks05) head(banks05) # Doubly heteroskedastic stochastic cost frontier # model (truncated normal) # Print summaries of cost efficiencies' estimates m3 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, ln.var.v.0i = ~ LA, data = banks05, distribution = "t", prod = FALSE, print.level = 3) m3 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, ln.var.v.0i = ~ LA, data = banks05, distribution = "e", prod = FALSE, print.level = 3) # Non-monotonic marginal effects of equity ratio on # the mean of distribution of inefficiency term m4 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, mean.u.0i = ~ ER, data = banks05, distribution = "t", prod = FALSE, marg.eff = TRUE) summary(m4$marg.effects) # Cross-sectional examples end -------------------------------------------- ## Not run: # Panel data examples begin ----------------------------------------------- # The only way to differentiate between cross-sectional and panel-data # models is by specifying "it". # If "it" is not specified, cross-sectional model will be estimated. # Example is below. # Read data --------------------------------------------------------------- # Load U.S. commercial banks dataset data(banks00_07) head(banks00_07, 5) banks00_07$trend <- banks00_07$year - min(banks00_07$year) + 1 # Model specification ----------------------------------------------------- my.prod <- FALSE my.it <- c("id","year") # my.model = "BC1992" # my.model = "K1990modified" # my.model = "K1990" # translog ---------------------------------------------------------------- formu <- log(TC) ~ (log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend)^2 + I(0.5*log(Y1)^2) + I(0.5*log(Y2)^2) + I(0.5*log(W1)^2) + I(0.5*log(W2)^2) + trend + I(0.5*trend^2) # Cobb-Douglas ------------------------------------------------------------ # formu <- log(TC) ~ log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend + I(trend^2) ols <- lm(formu, data = banks00_07) # just to mark the results of the OLS model summary(ols) # Components specifications ----------------------------------------------- ln.var.v.it <- ~ log(TA) ln.var.u.0i <- ~ ER_ave mean.u.0i_1 <- ~ LLP_ave + LA_ave mean.u.0i_2 <- ~ LLP_ave + LA_ave - 1 # Suppose "it" is not specified # Then it is a cross-sectional model t0_1st_0 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE) # 1st generation models --------------------------------------------------- # normal-half normal ------------------------------------------------------ # the same as above but "it" is specified t0_1st_0 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE) # Note efficiencies are time-invariant # confidence intervals for efficiencies ----------------------------------- head(t0_1st_0$efficiencies, 20) # normal-truncated normal ------------------------------------------------- # truncation point is constant (for all ids) ------------------------------ t0_1st_1 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, mean.u.0i = NULL, cost.eff.less.one = TRUE) # truncation point is determined by variables ----------------------------- t0_1st_2 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = TRUE) # the same, but without intercept in mean.u.0i t0_1st_3 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = TRUE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_2, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = TRUE) # 2nd generation models --------------------------------------------------- # normal-half normal ------------------------------------------------------ # Kumbhakar (1990) model -------------------------------------------------- t_nhn_K1990 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Kumbhakar (1990) modified model ----------------------------------------- t_nhn_K1990modified <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "K1990modified", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Battese and Coelli (1992) model ----------------------------------------- t_nhn_BC1992 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "BC1992", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = TRUE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # normal-truncated normal ------------------------------------------------- # Kumbhakar (1990) model -------------------------------------------------- # truncation point is constant (for all ids) ------------------------------ t_ntn_K1990_0 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # truncation point is determined by variables ----------------------------- t_ntn_K1990_1 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Efficiencies are tiny, since empirically truncation points are quite big. # Try withouth an intercept in conditional mean f-n t_ntn_K1990_2 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_2, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Kumbhakar (1990) modified model ----------------------------------------- t_ntn_K1990modified <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "K1990modified", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # Battese and Coelli (1992) model ----------------------------------------- t_ntn_BC1992 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year > 2000, prod = my.prod, model = "BC1992", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # The next one (without "subset = year > 2000" option) converges OK t_ntn_BC1992 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, prod = my.prod, model = "BC1992", eff.time.invariant = FALSE, mean.u.0i.zero = FALSE, mean.u.0i = mean.u.0i_1, ln.var.v.it = ln.var.v.it, ln.var.u.0i = ln.var.u.0i, cost.eff.less.one = FALSE) # 4 component model ------------------------------------------------------ # Note, R should better be more than 200, this is just for illustration. # This is the model that takes long to be estimated. # For the following example, 'mlmaximize' required 357 iterations and # took 8 minutes. # The time will increase with more data and more parameters. formu <- log(TC) ~ log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend t_4comp <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year >= 2001 & year < 2006, prod = my.prod, model = "4comp", R = 500, initialize.halton = TRUE, lmtol = 1e-5, maxit = 500, print.level = 4) # With R = 500, 'mlmaximize' required 124 iterations and # took 7 minutes. # The time will increase with more data and more parameters. formu <- log(TC) ~ log(Y1) + log(Y2) + log(W1) + log(W2) + trend t_4comp_500 <- sf(formu, data = banks00_07, it = my.it, subset = year >= 2001 & year < 2006, prod = my.prod, model = "4comp", R = 500, initialize.halton = TRUE, lmtol = 1e-5, maxit = 500, print.level = 4) # @e_i0, @e_it, and @e_over give efficiencies, # where @ is either 'c' or 't' for cost or production function. # e.g., t_ntn_4comp$ce_i0 from last model, gives persistent cost efficiencies # Panel data examples end ------------------------------------------------- ## End(Not run)
Prints summary of SF or DEA model estimated by sf
, tenonradial
, and
, or
testing procedures nptestrts
and nptestind
## S3 method for class 'npsf' summary( object, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'summary.npsf' print( x, digits = NULL, print.level = NULL, ... )
## S3 method for class 'npsf' summary( object, ... ) ## S3 method for class 'summary.npsf' print( x, digits = NULL, print.level = NULL, ... )
object |
an object of class |
x |
an object of class |
digits |
numeric. Number of digits to be displayed in estimation results and for efficiency estimates. Default is 4. |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation (for DEA models). Default is 1. |
... |
currently unused. |
The summary depends on the model or testing procedure that is being estimated
Currently no value is returned
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
, teradial
, tenonradial
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, and nptestind
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 # DEA t1 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, reps = 199, print.level = 0) summary(t1) # SFA m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h", print.level = 0) summary( m1 ) # Load U.S. commercial banks dataset data(banks05) m3 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, ln.var.v.0i = ~ LA, data = banks05, distribution = "t", prod = FALSE, print.level = 3) summary(m3)
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 # DEA t1 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, reps = 199, print.level = 0) summary(t1) # SFA m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h", print.level = 0) summary( m1 ) # Load U.S. commercial banks dataset data(banks05) m3 <- sf(lnC ~ lnw1 + lnw2 + lny1 + lny2, ln.var.u.0i = ~ ER, ln.var.v.0i = ~ LA, data = banks05, distribution = "t", prod = FALSE, print.level = 3) summary(m3)
Routine tenonradial
uses reduced linear programming to compute the nonradial output- or input-based measure of technical efficiency, which is known as the Russell measure. In input-based nonradial efficiency measurement, this measure allows for non-proportional/different reductions in each positive input, and this is what permits it to shrink an input vector all the way back to the efficient subset. In output-based nonradial efficiency measurement, the Russell measure allows for non-proportional/different expansions of each positive output.
tenonradial(formula, data, subset, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, full.solution = TRUE, print.level = 1)
tenonradial(formula, data, subset, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, full.solution = TRUE, print.level = 1)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical efficiency is to be computed. |
rts |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “c” for constant, “n” for non-increasing, or “v” for variable returns to scale assumption. numeric: 3 for constant, 2 for non-increasing, or 1 for variable returns to scale assumption. |
base |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “o” for computing output-based or “i” for computing input-based technical efficiency measure. string: 2 for computing output-based or 1 for computing input-based technical efficiency measure |
ref |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of inputs and outputs that are used to define the technology reference set. The details of technology reference set specification are given under ‘Details’. If reference is not provided, the technical efficiency measures for data points are computed relative to technology based on data points themselves. |
data.ref |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the technology reference set. If not found in |
subset.ref |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to define the technology reference set. |
full.solution |
logical. The detailed solution is returned. See |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation. Default is 1. |
Routine tenonradial
computes the nonradial output- or input-based measure of technical efficiency under assumption of constant, non-increasing, or variable returns to scale technology. The details of the estimator can be found e.g., in Färe, Grosskopf, and Lovell (1994) or Badunenko and Mozharovskyi (2020).
Models for tenonradial
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form outputs ~ inputs
, where outputs
) is a series of (numeric) terms which specifies outputs (inputs). The same goes for reference set. Refer to the examples.
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
model |
string: model name. |
K |
numeric: number of data points for which efficiency is estimated. |
M |
numeric: number of outputs. |
N |
numeric: number of inputs. |
Kref |
numeric: number of data points in the reference. |
rts |
string: RTS assumption. |
base |
string: base for efficiency measurement. |
te |
numeric: nonradial measure (Russell) of technical efficiency. |
te.detail |
numeric: |
intensity |
numeric: |
esample |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
esample.ref |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in the user supplied reference is in the reference subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
In case of one input (output), the input (output)-based Russell measure is equal to Debrue-Farrell (teradial
) measure of technical efficiency.
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>, Pavlo Mozharovskyi <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2016), Nonparametric Frontier Analysis using Stata, Stata Journal, 163, 550–89, doi:10.1177/1536867X1601600302
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2020), Statistical inference for the Russell measure of technical efficiency, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 713, 517–527, doi:10.1080/01605682.2019.1599778
Färe, R. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1978), Measuring the technical efficiency of production, Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 150–162, doi:10.1016/0022-0531(78)90060-1
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710
, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
, sf
, summary.npsf
for printing summary results
require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # create missing Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Computing without reference set # Using formula # Country is a categorical variable, so nonradial gives error message # t1 <- tenonradial ( Country ~ K + L, data = pwt56 ) # for computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # (that same sample of countries) t2 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, rts = "v", base = "in", print.level = 2) # Using a subset t3 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "VRS", base = "in", print.level = 3 ) t4 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "vrs", base = "I" ) t5 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "v" ) # Multiple outputs t8 <- tenonradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Using a subset t7 <- tenonradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, subset = x5 != 22, rts = "n", base = "o" ) # Computation using matrices t9 <- tenonradial ( Y1 ~ X1, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Define subsets on a fly t10 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,1] ) t11 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-3,] ~ X1[-1,], rts = "v", base = "o" ) # Multiple outputs t12 <- tenonradial ( Y2 ~ X2 ) t13 <- tenonradial ( Y2[-66,] ~ X2[-1, -c(1,3)] ) # Computing with reference set # Using formula # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 11 (in effect # no reference set, hence warning) type t14 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 11 ) # warning # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 15 type t15 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 15 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in both # 1965 and 1990 (all) type t16 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "v", base = "i", ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1990 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # type t17 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1990, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = year == 1965 ) # Using matrices t18 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,], ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) # error: not equal number of observations in outputs and inputs # t19 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-(1:2),], # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) # Combined formula and matrix # error: not equal number of inputs in data and reference set # t20 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) t21 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) ## Not run: # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power t22 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1995 & year <= 2000 ) # Summary summary ( t22$te ) # Write efficiencies to the data frame: usmanuf$te_nonrad_crs_out[ t22$esample ] <- t22$te head(usmanuf, 17) ## End(Not run)
require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # create missing Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Computing without reference set # Using formula # Country is a categorical variable, so nonradial gives error message # t1 <- tenonradial ( Country ~ K + L, data = pwt56 ) # for computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # (that same sample of countries) t2 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, rts = "v", base = "in", print.level = 2) # Using a subset t3 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "VRS", base = "in", print.level = 3 ) t4 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "vrs", base = "I" ) t5 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "v" ) # Multiple outputs t8 <- tenonradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Using a subset t7 <- tenonradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, subset = x5 != 22, rts = "n", base = "o" ) # Computation using matrices t9 <- tenonradial ( Y1 ~ X1, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Define subsets on a fly t10 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,1] ) t11 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-3,] ~ X1[-1,], rts = "v", base = "o" ) # Multiple outputs t12 <- tenonradial ( Y2 ~ X2 ) t13 <- tenonradial ( Y2[-66,] ~ X2[-1, -c(1,3)] ) # Computing with reference set # Using formula # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 11 (in effect # no reference set, hence warning) type t14 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 11 ) # warning # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 15 type t15 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 15 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in both # 1965 and 1990 (all) type t16 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "v", base = "i", ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1990 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # type t17 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1990, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = year == 1965 ) # Using matrices t18 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,], ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) # error: not equal number of observations in outputs and inputs # t19 <- tenonradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-(1:2),], # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) # Combined formula and matrix # error: not equal number of inputs in data and reference set # t20 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) t21 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) ## Not run: # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power t22 <- tenonradial ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1995 & year <= 2000 ) # Summary summary ( t22$te ) # Write efficiencies to the data frame: usmanuf$te_nonrad_crs_out[ t22$esample ] <- t22$te head(usmanuf, 17) ## End(Not run)
Routine tenonradialbc
performs bias correction of the nonradial Russell input- or output-based measure of technical efficiency, computes bias and constructs confidence intervals via bootstrapping techniques.
tenonradialbc(formula, data, subset, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), homogeneous = TRUE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = NULL, reps = 999, level = 95, print.level = 1, show.progress = TRUE, seed = NULL)
tenonradialbc(formula, data, subset, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), homogeneous = TRUE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = NULL, reps = 999, level = 95, print.level = 1, show.progress = TRUE, seed = NULL)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical efficiency is to be computed. |
rts |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “c” for constant, “n” for non-increasing, or “v” for variable returns to scale assumption. numeric: 3 for constant, 2 for non-increasing, or 1 for variable returns to scale assumption. |
base |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “o” for computing output-based or “i” for computing input-based technical efficiency measure. string: 2 for computing output-based or 1 for computing input-based technical efficiency measure |
ref |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of inputs and outputs that are used to define the technology reference set. The details of technology reference set specification are given under ‘Details’. If reference is not provided, the technical efficiency measures for data points are computed relative to technology based on data points themselves. |
data.ref |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the technology reference set. If not found in |
subset.ref |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to define the technology reference set. |
smoothed |
logical. If TRUE, the reference set is bootstrapped with smoothing; if FALSE, the reference set is bootstrapped with subsampling. |
homogeneous |
logical. Relevant if |
kappa |
relevant if |
reps |
specifies the number of bootstrap replications to be performed. The default is 999. The minimum is 100. Adequate estimates of confidence intervals using bias-corrected methods typically require 1,000 or more replications. |
level |
sets confidence level for confidence intervals; default is |
show.progress |
logical. Relevant if |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation. Default is 1. |
seed |
numeric. The seed (for replication purposes). |
Routine tenonradialbc
performs bias correction of the nonradial Russell input- or output-based measure of technical efficiency, computes bias and constructs confidence intervals via bootstrapping techniques (see Badunenko and Mozharovskyi (2020), doi:10.1080/01605682.2019.1599778).
Models for tenonradialbc
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form outputs ~ inputs
, where outputs
) is a series of (numeric) terms which specifies outputs (inputs). The same goes for reference set. Refer to the examples.
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
K |
numeric: number of data points. |
M |
numeric: number of outputs. |
N |
numeric: number of inputs. |
rts |
string: RTS assumption. |
base |
string: base for efficiency measurement. |
reps |
numeric: number of bootstrap replications. |
level |
numeric: confidence level for confidence intervals. |
te |
numeric: radial measure (Russell) of technical efficiency. |
tebc |
numeric: bias-corrected radial measures of technical efficiency. |
biasboot |
numeric: bootstrap bias estimate for the original radial measures of technical efficiency. |
varboot |
numeric: bootstrap variance estimate for the radial measures of technical efficiency. |
biassqvar |
numeric: one-third of the ratio of bias squared to variance for radial measures of technical efficiency. |
realreps |
numeric: actual number of replications used for statistical inference. |
telow |
numeric: lower bound estimate for radial measures of technical efficiency. |
teupp |
numeric: upper bound estimate for radial measures of technical efficiency. |
teboot |
numeric: |
esample |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
Before specifying option homogeneous
it is advised to preform the test of independence (see nptestind
). Routine nptestrts
may help deciding regarding option rts
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>, Pavlo Mozharovskyi <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2020), Statistical inference for the Russell measure of technical efficiency, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 713, 517–527, doi:10.1080/01605682.2019.1599778
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710
, tenonradial
, teradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
, sf
## Not run: data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Subsampling t9 <- tenonradialbc(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = "v", base = "i", homogeneous = FALSE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = .6, reps = 999, level = 95, print.level = 1, show.progress = TRUE, seed = NULL) # display the results cbind(te = t9$te, telow = t9$telow, tebc = t9$tebc, teupp = t9$teupp, biasboot = t9$biasboot, varboot = t9$varboot, biassqvar = t9$biassqvar) # Smoothing t10 <- tenonradialbc(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = "v", base = "i", homogeneous = TRUE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = .6, reps = 999, level = 95, print.level = 1, show.progress = TRUE, seed = NULL) # display the results cbind(te = t10$te, telow = t10$telow, tebc = t10$tebc, teupp = t10$teupp, biasboot = t10$biasboot, varboot = t10$varboot, biassqvar = t10$biassqvar) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Subsampling t9 <- tenonradialbc(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = "v", base = "i", homogeneous = FALSE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = .6, reps = 999, level = 95, print.level = 1, show.progress = TRUE, seed = NULL) # display the results cbind(te = t9$te, telow = t9$telow, tebc = t9$tebc, teupp = t9$teupp, biasboot = t9$biasboot, varboot = t9$varboot, biassqvar = t9$biassqvar) # Smoothing t10 <- tenonradialbc(y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = "v", base = "i", homogeneous = TRUE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = .6, reps = 999, level = 95, print.level = 1, show.progress = TRUE, seed = NULL) # display the results cbind(te = t10$te, telow = t10$telow, tebc = t10$tebc, teupp = t10$teupp, biasboot = t10$biasboot, varboot = t10$varboot, biassqvar = t10$biassqvar) ## End(Not run)
Routine teradial
computes radial Debrue-Farrell input- or output-based measure of efficiency via reduced linear programing. In input-based radial efficiency measurement, this measure allows for proportional reductions in each positive input, and this is what permits it to shrink an input vector all the way back to the efficient subset. In output-based radial efficiency measurement, the Debrue-Farrell measure allows for proportional expansions of each positive output.
teradial(formula, data, subset, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, intensity = FALSE, print.level = 1)
teradial(formula, data, subset, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, intensity = FALSE, print.level = 1)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical efficiency is to be computed. |
rts |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “c” for constant, “n” for non-increasing, or “v” for variable returns to scale assumption. numeric: 3 for constant, 2 for non-increasing, or 1 for variable returns to scale assumption. |
base |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “o” for computing output-based or “i” for computing input-based technical efficiency measure. string: 2 for computing output-based or 1 for computing input-based technical efficiency measure |
ref |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of inputs and outputs that are used to define the technology reference set. The details of technology reference set specification are given under ‘Details’. If reference is not provided, the technical efficiency measures for data points are computed relative to technology based on data points themselves. |
data.ref |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the technology reference set. If not found in |
subset.ref |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to define the technology reference set. |
intensity |
logical. If set to TRUE, the value |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation. Default is 1. |
Routine teradial
computes the radial output- or input-based measure of technical efficiency under assumption of constant, non-increasing, or variable returns to scale technology. The details of the estimator can be found e.g., in Färe, Grosskopf, and Lovell (1994, especially section 3.1 on p.62 fot input-based and section 4.1 on p.96 for output-based efficiency measurement) or Badunenko and Mozharovskyi (2016).
Models for teradial
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form outputs ~ inputs
, where outputs
) is a series of (numeric) terms which specifies outputs (inputs). The same goes for reference set. Refer to the examples.
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
K |
numeric: number of data points. |
M |
numeric: number of outputs. |
N |
numeric: number of inputs. |
rts |
string: RTS assumption. |
base |
string: base for efficiency measurement. |
te |
numeric: radial measure (Debrue-Farrell) of technical efficiency. |
intensity |
numeric: if the option |
esample |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
esample.ref |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in the user supplied reference is in the reference subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
In case of one input (output), the input (output)-based Debrue-Farrell measure is equal to Russell measure of technical efficiency (see tenonradial
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>, Pavlo Mozharovskyi <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2016), Nonparametric Frontier Analysis using Stata, Stata Journal, 163, 550–89, doi:10.1177/1536867X1601600302
Färe, R. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1978), Measuring the technical efficiency of production, Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 150–162, doi:10.1016/0022-0531(78)90060-1
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710
, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
, sf
require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # create missing Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Computing without reference set # Using formula # Country is a categorical variable, so nonradial gives error message # t1 <- teradial ( Country ~ K + L, data = pwt56 ) # for computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # (that same sample of countries) t2 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, rts = "v", base = "in", print.level = 2) # Using a subset t3 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "VRS", base = "in", print.level = 3, intensity = TRUE ) # VRS constraint is satisfied, which is easy to varify # by checking the sums of intensity variables rowSums(t3$intensity) # to obtain peers create a list that will contain order numers of peers t3.peers <- list() # now fill this list for(i in seq.int(sum(t3$esample))){ t3.peers[[i]] <- which( t3$intensity[i,] != 0 ) } t4 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "vrs", base = "I" ) t5 <- teradial ( Y ~ L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "v" ) # Multiple outputs t8 <- teradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Using a subset t7 <- teradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, subset = x5 != 22, rts = "n", base = "o" ) # Computation using matrices t9 <- teradial ( Y1 ~ X1, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Define subsets on a fly t10 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,1] ) t11 <- teradial ( Y1[-3,] ~ X1[-1,], rts = "v", base = "o" ) # Multiple outputs t12 <- teradial ( Y2 ~ X2 ) t13 <- teradial ( Y2[-66,] ~ X2[-1, -c(1,3)] ) # Computing with reference set # Using formula # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 11 (in effect # no reference set, hence warning) type t14 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 11 ) # warning # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 15 type t15 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 15 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in both # 1965 and 1990 (all) type t16 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "v", base = "i", ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1990 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # type t17 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1990, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = year == 1965 ) # Using matrices t18 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,], ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) # error: not equal number of observations in outputs and inputs # t19 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-(1:2),], # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) # Combined formula and matrix # error: not equal number of inputs in data and reference set # t20 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) t21 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) ## Not run: # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power t22 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1995 & year <= 2000 ) # Summary summary ( t22$te ) # Write efficiencies to the data frame: usmanuf$te_nonrad_crs_out[ t22$esample ] <- t22$te head(usmanuf, 17) ## End(Not run)
require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # create missing Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # create missing data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Computing without reference set # Using formula # Country is a categorical variable, so nonradial gives error message # t1 <- teradial ( Country ~ K + L, data = pwt56 ) # for computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # (that same sample of countries) t2 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, rts = "v", base = "in", print.level = 2) # Using a subset t3 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "VRS", base = "in", print.level = 3, intensity = TRUE ) # VRS constraint is satisfied, which is easy to varify # by checking the sums of intensity variables rowSums(t3$intensity) # to obtain peers create a list that will contain order numers of peers t3.peers <- list() # now fill this list for(i in seq.int(sum(t3$esample))){ t3.peers[[i]] <- which( t3$intensity[i,] != 0 ) } t4 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "vrs", base = "I" ) t5 <- teradial ( Y ~ L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, rts = "v" ) # Multiple outputs t8 <- teradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Using a subset t7 <- teradial ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, subset = x5 != 22, rts = "n", base = "o" ) # Computation using matrices t9 <- teradial ( Y1 ~ X1, rts = "v", base = "i" ) # Define subsets on a fly t10 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,1] ) t11 <- teradial ( Y1[-3,] ~ X1[-1,], rts = "v", base = "o" ) # Multiple outputs t12 <- teradial ( Y2 ~ X2 ) t13 <- teradial ( Y2[-66,] ~ X2[-1, -c(1,3)] ) # Computing with reference set # Using formula # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 11 (in effect # no reference set, hence warning) type t14 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 11 ) # warning # For computing the efficiencies of countries with order number # less than 10 with technology reference set defined by countries # with order number larger than 10 and smaller than 15 type t15 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = Nu > 10 & Nu < 15 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1965 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in both # 1965 and 1990 (all) type t16 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, rts = "v", base = "i", ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56 ) # For computing the efficiencies of countries in 1990 # with technology reference set is defined by observations in 1965 # type t17 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = year == 1990, ref = Y ~ K + L, data.ref = pwt56, subset.ref = year == 1965 ) # Using matrices t18 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-2,], ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) # error: not equal number of observations in outputs and inputs # t19 <- teradial ( Y1[-1,] ~ X1[-(1:2),], # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) # Combined formula and matrix # error: not equal number of inputs in data and reference set # t20 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, # ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,1] ) t21 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) ## Not run: # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power t22 <- teradial ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1995 & year <= 2000 ) # Summary summary ( t22$te ) # Write efficiencies to the data frame: usmanuf$te_nonrad_crs_out[ t22$esample ] <- t22$te head(usmanuf, 17) ## End(Not run)
Routine teradialbc
performs bias correction of the radial Debrue-Farrell input- or output-based measure of technical efficiency, computes bias and constructs confidence intervals via bootstrapping techniques.
teradialbc(formula, data, subset, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), homogeneous = TRUE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = NULL, reps = 999, level = 95, core.count = 1, cl.type = c("SOCK", "MPI"), print.level = 1, dots = TRUE)
teradialbc(formula, data, subset, ref = NULL, data.ref = NULL, subset.ref = NULL, rts = c("C", "NI", "V"), base = c("output", "input"), homogeneous = TRUE, smoothed = TRUE, kappa = NULL, reps = 999, level = 95, core.count = 1, cl.type = c("SOCK", "MPI"), print.level = 1, dots = TRUE)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical efficiency is to be computed. |
rts |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “c” for constant, “n” for non-increasing, or “v” for variable returns to scale assumption. numeric: 3 for constant, 2 for non-increasing, or 1 for variable returns to scale assumption. |
base |
character or numeric. string: first letter of the word “o” for computing output-based or “i” for computing input-based technical efficiency measure. string: 2 for computing output-based or 1 for computing input-based technical efficiency measure |
ref |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of inputs and outputs that are used to define the technology reference set. The details of technology reference set specification are given under ‘Details’. If reference is not provided, the technical efficiency measures for data points are computed relative to technology based on data points themselves. |
data.ref |
an optional data frame containing the variables in the technology reference set. If not found in |
subset.ref |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to define the technology reference set. |
smoothed |
logical. If TRUE, the reference set is bootstrapped with smoothing; if FALSE, the reference set is bootstrapped with subsampling. |
homogeneous |
logical. Relevant if |
kappa |
relevant if |
reps |
specifies the number of bootstrap replications to be performed. The default is 999. The minimum is 100. Adequate estimates of confidence intervals using bias-corrected methods typically require 1,000 or more replications. |
level |
sets confidence level for confidence intervals; default is |
core.count |
positive integer. Number of cluster nodes. If |
cl.type |
Character string that specifies cluster type (see |
dots |
logical. Relevant if |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed; 1 - print summary of the model and data. 2 - print summary of technical efficiency measures. 3 - print estimation results observation by observation. Default is 1. |
Routine teradialbc
performs bias correction of the radial Debrue-Farrell input- or output-based measure of technical efficiency, computes bias and constructs confidence intervals via bootstrapping techniques. See Simar and Wilson (1998) doi:10.1287/mnsc.44.1.49, Simar and Wilson (2000) doi:10.1080/02664760050081951, Kneip, Simar, and Wilson (2008) doi:10.1017/S0266466608080651, and references with links below.
Models for teradialbc
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form outputs ~ inputs
, where outputs
) is a series of (numeric) terms which specifies outputs (inputs). The same goes for reference set. Refer to the examples.
If core.count>=1
, teradialbc
will perform bootstrap on multiple cores. Parallel computing requires package snowFT
. By the default cluster type is defined by option cl.type="SOCK"
. Specifying cl.type="MPI"
requires package Rmpi
On some systems, specifying option cl.type="SOCK"
results in much quicker execution than specifying option cl.type="MPI"
. Option cl.type="SOCK"
might be problematic on Mac system.
Parallel computing make a difference for large data sets. Specifying option dots=TRUE
will indicate at what speed the bootstrap actually proceeds. Specify reps=100
and compare two runs with option core.count=1
and core.count>1
to see if parallel computing speeds up the bootstrap. For small samples, parallel computing may actually slow down the teradialbc
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
K |
numeric: number of data points. |
M |
numeric: number of outputs. |
N |
numeric: number of inputs. |
rts |
string: RTS assumption. |
base |
string: base for efficiency measurement. |
reps |
numeric: number of bootstrap replications. |
level |
numeric: confidence level for confidence intervals. |
te |
numeric: radial measure (Russell) of technical efficiency. |
tebc |
numeric: bias-corrected radial measures of technical efficiency. |
biasboot |
numeric: bootstrap bias estimate for the original radial measures of technical efficiency. |
varboot |
numeric: bootstrap variance estimate for the radial measures of technical efficiency. |
biassqvar |
numeric: one-third of the ratio of bias squared to variance for radial measures of technical efficiency. |
realreps |
numeric: actual number of replications used for statistical inference. |
telow |
numeric: lower bound estimate for radial measures of technical efficiency. |
teupp |
numeric: upper bound estimate for radial measures of technical efficiency. |
teboot |
numeric: |
esample |
logical: returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
Before specifying option homogeneous
it is advised to preform the test of independence (see nptestind
). Routine nptestrts
may help deciding regarding option rts
Results can be summarized using summary.npsf
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>, Pavlo Mozharovskyi <[email protected]>
Badunenko, O. and Mozharovskyi, P. (2016), Nonparametric Frontier Analysis using Stata, Stata Journal, 163, 550–89, doi:10.1177/1536867X1601600302
Färe, R. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1978), Measuring the technical efficiency of production, Journal of Economic Theory, 19, 150–162, doi:10.1016/0022-0531(78)90060-1
Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. and Lovell, C. A. K. (1994), Production Frontiers, Cambridge U.K.: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/CBO9780511551710
Kneip, A., Simar L., and P.W. Wilson (2008), Asymptotics and Consistent Bootstraps for DEA Estimators in Nonparametric Frontier Models, Econometric Theory, 24, 1663–1697, doi:10.1017/S0266466608080651
Simar, L. and P.W. Wilson (1998), Sensitivity Analysis of Efficiency Scores: How to Bootstrap in Nonparametric Frontier Models, Management Science, 44, 49–61, doi:10.1287/mnsc.44.1.49
Simar, L. and P.W. Wilson (2000), A General Methodology for Bootstrapping in Nonparametric Frontier Models, Journal of Applied Statistics, 27, 779–802, doi:10.1080/02664760050081951
, tenonradial
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
, sf
## Not run: require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # just to create missing Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # just to create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # just to create missing data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # just to create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # just to create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Compute output-based measures of technical efficiency under # the assumption of CRS (the default) and perform bias-correctiion # using smoothed homogeneous bootstrap (the default) with 999 # replications (the default). t1 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81) # or just t2 <- teradialbc ( Y2 ~ X2) # Combined formula and matrix t3 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) # Compute input-based measures of technical efficiency under # the assumption of VRS and perform bias-correctiion using # subsampling heterogenous bootstrap with 1999 replications. # Choose to report 99 # formed by data points where x5 is not equal 10. # Suppress printing dots. t4 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, subset.ref = x5 != 10, data.ref = ccr81, reps = 1999, smoothed = FALSE, kappa = 0.7, dots = FALSE, base = "i", rts = "v", level = 99) # Compute input-based measures of technical efficiency under # the assumption of NRS and perform bias-correctiion using # smoothed heterogenous bootstrap with 499 replications for # all data points. The reference set formed by data points # where x5 is not equal 10. t5 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, subset.ref = x5 != 10, data.ref = ccr81, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 999, smoothed = TRUE, dots = TRUE, base = "i", rts = "n") # =========================== # === Parallel computing === # =========================== # Perform previous bias-correction but use 8 cores and # cluster type SOCK t51 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, subset.ref = x5 != 10, data.ref = ccr81, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 999, smoothed = TRUE, dots = TRUE, base = "i", rts = "n", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) t6 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year <= 2000, homogeneous = FALSE, base = "o", reps = 100, core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: require( npsf ) # Prepare data and matrices data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [49, "K"] <- NA # just to create missing Y1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("Y"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 <- as.matrix ( pwt56[ pwt56$year == 1965, c("K", "L"), drop = FALSE] ) X1 [51, 2] <- NA # just to create missing X1 [49, 1] <- NA # just to create missing data( ccr81 ) head( ccr81 ) # Create some missing values ccr81 [64, "x4"] <- NA # just to create missing ccr81 [68, "y2"] <- NA # just to create missing Y2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("y1", "y2", "y3"), drop = FALSE] ) X2 <- as.matrix( ccr81[ , c("x1", "x2", "x3", "x4", "x5"), drop = FALSE] ) # Compute output-based measures of technical efficiency under # the assumption of CRS (the default) and perform bias-correctiion # using smoothed homogeneous bootstrap (the default) with 999 # replications (the default). t1 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81) # or just t2 <- teradialbc ( Y2 ~ X2) # Combined formula and matrix t3 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L, data = pwt56, subset = Nu < 10, ref = Y1[-2,] ~ X1[-1,] ) # Compute input-based measures of technical efficiency under # the assumption of VRS and perform bias-correctiion using # subsampling heterogenous bootstrap with 1999 replications. # Choose to report 99 # formed by data points where x5 is not equal 10. # Suppress printing dots. t4 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, subset.ref = x5 != 10, data.ref = ccr81, reps = 1999, smoothed = FALSE, kappa = 0.7, dots = FALSE, base = "i", rts = "v", level = 99) # Compute input-based measures of technical efficiency under # the assumption of NRS and perform bias-correctiion using # smoothed heterogenous bootstrap with 499 replications for # all data points. The reference set formed by data points # where x5 is not equal 10. t5 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, subset.ref = x5 != 10, data.ref = ccr81, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 999, smoothed = TRUE, dots = TRUE, base = "i", rts = "n") # =========================== # === Parallel computing === # =========================== # Perform previous bias-correction but use 8 cores and # cluster type SOCK t51 <- teradialbc ( y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, data = ccr81, ref = y1 + y2 + y3 ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5, subset.ref = x5 != 10, data.ref = ccr81, homogeneous = FALSE, reps = 999, smoothed = TRUE, dots = TRUE, base = "i", rts = "n", core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") # Really large data-set data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) nrow(usmanuf) table(usmanuf$year) # This will take some time depending on computer power data(usmanuf) head(usmanuf) t6 <- teradialbc ( Y ~ K + L + M, data = usmanuf, subset = year >= 1999 & year <= 2000, homogeneous = FALSE, base = "o", reps = 100, core.count = 8, cl.type = "SOCK") ## End(Not run)
performs maximum likelihood estimation of the parameters in cross-sectional truncated regression.
truncreg(formula, data, subset, ll = -Inf, ul = Inf, lmtol = .Machine$double.eps, maxiter = 150, marg.eff = FALSE, print.level = 1)
truncreg(formula, data, subset, ll = -Inf, ul = Inf, lmtol = .Machine$double.eps, maxiter = 150, marg.eff = FALSE, print.level = 1)
formula |
an object of class “formula” (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model. The details of model specification are given under ‘Details’. |
data |
an optional data frame containing variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment ( |
subset |
an optional vector specifying a subset of observations for which technical or cost efficiencies are to be computed. |
ll |
scalar or one-sided formula for lower limit for left-truncation; e.g. |
ul |
scalar or one-sided formula for upper limit for right-truncation; e.g. |
lmtol |
numeric. Tolerance for the scaled gradient in ML optimization. Default is .Machine$double.eps. |
maxiter |
numeric. maximum number of iteration for maximization of the log likelihood function. |
marg.eff |
logical. If |
print.level |
numeric. 0 - nothing is printed. 1 - optimization steps and print estimation results. 2 - detailed optimization steps and print estimation results. Default is 1. |
performs a regression from a sample drawn from a restricted part of the population. Under the assumption that the error term of the whole population is normal, the error terms in the truncated regression model have a truncated normal distribution.
Both lower limit for left-truncation and upper limit for right-truncation can be specified simultaneously.
Models for truncreg
are specified symbolically. A typical model has the form y ~ x1 + ...
, where y
represents the left hand side variable and {x1,...}
right hand side variables.
If marg.eff = TRUE
, the marginal effects are computed.
returns a list of class npsf
containing the following elements:
call |
call. 'truncreg.cs'. |
model |
character. Unevaluated call to function |
coef |
numeric. Named vector of ML parameter estimates. |
table |
matrix. Table with results. |
vcov |
matrix. Estimated covariance matrix of ML estimator. |
ll |
numeric. Value of log-likelihood at ML estimates. |
lmtol |
numeric. Convergence criterion: tolerance for the scaled gradient. |
LM |
numeric. Value of the scaled gradient. |
esttime |
numeric. Estimation time. |
marg.effects |
data frame. Contains unit-specific marginal effects of exogenous variables. |
sigma |
numeric. estimate of sigma. |
LL |
numeric. The lower limit for left-truncation |
UL |
numeric. The upper limit for left-truncation |
n |
numeric. Number of observations (used in regression). |
n.full |
numeric. Number of observations (used and not used in regression). |
nontruncsample |
logical. Returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and in non-truncated part of the sample, and FALSE otherwise. |
esample |
logical. Returns TRUE if the observation in user supplied data is in the estimation subsample and FALSE otherwise. |
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
, tenonradial
, teradialbc
, tenonradialbc
, nptestrts
, nptestind
, sf
require( npsf ) # Female labor force participation dataset data(mroz) head(mroz) t1 <- npsf::truncreg(hours ~ kidslt6 + kidsge6 + age*educ, data = mroz, ll = 0, lmtol = 1e-16, print.level = 2) # matrices also can be used myY <- mroz$hours myX <- cbind(mroz$kidslt6, mroz$kidsge6, mroz$age, mroz$educ, mroz$age*mroz$educ) t1.m <- truncreg(myY ~ myX, ll = 0) # gives identical result to `t1': # compare summary(t1) and summary(t1.m) # using variable for limits is admissible # we obtain the same result as before mroz$myll <- 0 t11 <- npsf::truncreg(hours ~ kidslt6 + kidsge6 + age*educ, data = mroz, ll = ~ myll, lmtol = 1e-16, print.level = 0) summary(t11) # if you believe that the sample is additionally truncted from above at say 3500 t12 <- update(t1, ul = 3500, print.level = 1) # for obtaining marginal effects t13 <- update(t12, marg.eff = TRUE) summary(t13$marg.effects)
require( npsf ) # Female labor force participation dataset data(mroz) head(mroz) t1 <- npsf::truncreg(hours ~ kidslt6 + kidsge6 + age*educ, data = mroz, ll = 0, lmtol = 1e-16, print.level = 2) # matrices also can be used myY <- mroz$hours myX <- cbind(mroz$kidslt6, mroz$kidsge6, mroz$age, mroz$educ, mroz$age*mroz$educ) t1.m <- truncreg(myY ~ myX, ll = 0) # gives identical result to `t1': # compare summary(t1) and summary(t1.m) # using variable for limits is admissible # we obtain the same result as before mroz$myll <- 0 t11 <- npsf::truncreg(hours ~ kidslt6 + kidsge6 + age*educ, data = mroz, ll = ~ myll, lmtol = 1e-16, print.level = 0) summary(t11) # if you believe that the sample is additionally truncted from above at say 3500 t12 <- update(t1, ul = 3500, print.level = 1) # for obtaining marginal effects t13 <- update(t12, marg.eff = TRUE) summary(t13$marg.effects)
This data come from the National Bureau of Economic Research Center for Economic Studies manufacturing industry database. This data set provides only selected variables.
data( usmanuf )
data( usmanuf )
This data frame contains the following variables (columns):
NAICS 6-digit Codes
Year ranges from 1990 to 2009
Total value of shipments in $1m divided by the deflator for VSHIP 1997=1.000 (vship/piship)
Total real capital stock in $1m (cap)
Total employment in thousands (emp)
Total cost of materials in $1m divided by the deflator for MATCOST 1997=1.000 plus oost of electric & fuels in $1m divided by the deflator for ENERGY 1997=1.000 (matcost/pimat + energy/pien)
These data come from the National Bureau of Economic Research Center for Economic Studies manufacturing industry database, which was compiled by Randy A. Becker and Wayne B. Gray. This database is a joint effort between the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and U.S. Census Bureau's Center for Economic Studies (CES), containing annual industry-level data from 1958-2009 on output, employment, payroll and other input costs, investment, capital stocks, TFP, and various industry-specific price indexes. Because of the change from SIC to NAICS industry definitions in 1997, the database is provided in two versions: one with 459 four-digit 1987 SIC industries and the other with 473 six-digit 1997 NAICS industries.
Bartelsman, E.J. and Gray, W. (1996), The NBER Manufacturing Productivity Database, National Bureau of Economic Research, Technical Working Paper Series, doi:10.3386/t0205
Extracts the variance-covariance matrix of the ML parameters of a stochastic frontier model estimated by sf
## S3 method for class 'npsf' vcov( object, ... )
## S3 method for class 'npsf' vcov( object, ... )
object |
an object of class |
... |
currently unused. |
The estimated variance-covariance matrix of the ML parameters is the inverse of the negative Hessian evaluated at the MLE.
returns the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the ML parameters.
Oleg Badunenko <[email protected]>
, nobs.npsf
, summary.npsf
, and sf
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") vcov( m1 )
require( npsf ) # Load Penn World Tables 5.6 dataset data( pwt56 ) head( pwt56 ) # Create some missing values pwt56 [4, "K"] <- NA # Stochastic production frontier model with # homoskedastic error components (half-normal) # Use subset of observations - for year 1965 m1 <- sf(log(Y) ~ log(L) + log(K), data = pwt56, subset = year == 1965, distribution = "h") vcov( m1 )