Package 'not'

Title: Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection
Description: Provides efficient implementation of the Narrowest-Over-Threshold methodology for detecting an unknown number of change-points occurring at unknown locations in one-dimensional data following 'deterministic signal + noise' model. Currently implemented scenarios are: piecewise-constant signal, piecewise-constant signal with a heavy-tailed noise, piecewise-linear signal, piecewise-quadratic signal, piecewise-constant signal and with piecewise-constant variance of the noise. For details, see Baranowski, Chen and Fryzlewicz (2019) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12322>.
Authors: Rafal Baranowski [aut], Yining Chen [aut, cre], Piotr Fryzlewicz [aut]
Maintainer: Yining Chen <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.6
Built: 2024-10-24 07:01:06 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection


Implements the Narrowest-Over-Threshold approach for general multiple change-point detection in one-dimensional data following 'deterministic signal + noise' model. Scenarios that are currently implemented are: piecewise-constant signal, piecewise-constant signal with a heavy tailed noise, piecewise-linear signal, piecewise-quadratic signal, piecewise-constant signal and with piecewise-constant standard deviation of the noise. The main routines of the package are not and features.


R. Baranowski, Y. Chen, and P. Fryzlewicz (2019). Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection. (

Akaike Information Criterion penalty


The function evaluates the penalty term for Akaike Information Criterion. This routine is typically not called directly by the user; its name can be passed as an argument to features.


aic.penalty(n, n.param, ...)



The number of observations.


The number of parameters in the model for which the penalty is evaluated.


Not in use.


The penalty term 2×n.param2 \times \code{n.param}.


R. Baranowski, Y. Chen, and P. Fryzlewicz (2019). Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection. (


#*** a simple example how to use the AIC penalty
x <- rnorm(300) + c(rep(1,50),rep(0,250))
w <- not(x)
w.cpt <- features(w, penalty="aic")

Extract locations of features from a 'not' object


The function applies user-specified stopping criteria to extract change-points from object generated by not.


features(object, ...)

## Default S3 method:
features(object, method = c("ic", "threshold"),
  penalty = c("sic", "aic", "user"), q.max = 25,, th, ...)



An object of 'not' class returned by not.


Further arguments that can be passed to the penalty function.


A method of choosing the best solution in object$solution.path. If method="ic", model minimising a chosen information criterion is selected. If method="threshold", model is selected based on thresholding (see references for more details).


Name of the penalty function to be used if method="ic". If penalty="user", a user-defined penalty function has to be passed via


Maximum number of change-points allowed to be detected. Used only for method="ic".

Used only if penalty="user". A function includes at least the following arguments: sample size n, number of parameters used in a model n.param, and .... For examples of such functions, see aic.penalty and sic.penalty.


Used only if method="threshold". A positive real number.


Denote by T1,,TNT_{1}, \ldots, T_{N} the elements on the solution path object$solution.path, each representing a set of change-points. When (method="ic"), the returned set of change-points is the one that minimises

2log-likelihood(object,cpt=Tk)+penalty(object$n,n.param,...),-2\mbox{log-likelihood}(\code{object}, \code{cpt}=T_k)+\mbox{penalty}(\code{object\$n}, \code{n.param}, ...),

over all kk such that the number of change-points in TkT_k is smaller than or equal q.max. The log-likelihood is computed using the logLik routine, while the penalty function is computed with sic.penalty (penalty="sic"), aic.penalty (penalty="aic") or a user-defined penalty function (penalty="user").



Value of the threshold used (if method="threshold") or selected on the solution path (if method="ic").


Estimated locations of the change-points.


Values of the information criterion minimised in order to find an optimal solution on the path (only if method="ic" was used).


R. Baranowski, Y. Chen, and P. Fryzlewicz (2019). Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection. (


# **** Piecewisce-constant mean with Gaussian noise.
x <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100)) + rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean")
# *** choose change-points using default settings
fo <- features(w)
# *** get the change-points
# *** plot the SIC curve

Extract likelihood from a 'not' object


Calculates the Gaussian log-likelihood for the signal estimated using predict.not with the change-points at cpt. The type of the signal depends on on the value of contrast that has been passed to not (see predict.not).


## S3 method for class 'not'
logLik(object, cpt, ...)



An object of class 'not', returned by not.


An integer vector with locations of the change-points. If missing, the features is called internally to extract the change-points from object.


Further parameters that can be passed to predict.not and features.


#' # **** Piecewisce-constant mean with Gaussian noise.
x <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100)) + rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean")
# *** log-likelihood for the model with the change-point estimated  via 'not'
# *** log-likelihood for the model with the change-point at 100
logLik(w, cpt=100)

Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection


Identifies potential locations of the change-points in the data following 'deterministic signal + noise' model (see details below) in a number of different scenarios. The object returned by this routine can be further passed to the features function, which finds the final estimate of the change-points based on a chosen stopping criterion. It can be also passed to plot, predict and residuals routines.


not(x, ...)

## Default S3 method:
not(x, M = 10000, method = c("not", "max"),
  contrast = c("pcwsConstMean", "pcwsConstMeanHT", "pcwsLinContMean",
  "pcwsLinMean", "pcwsQuadMean", "pcwsConstMeanVar"),
  rand.intervals = TRUE, parallel = FALSE, augmented = FALSE,
  intervals, ...)



A numeric vector with data points.


Not in use.


A number of intervals drawn in the procedure.


Choice of "not" (recommended) and "max". If method="not", the Narrowest-Over-Threshold intervals are used in the algorithm. If method="max", the intervals corresponding to the largest contrast function are used. For an explanation, see the references.


A type of the contrast function used in the NOT algorithm. Choice of "pcwsConstMean", "pcwsConstMeanHT", "pcwsLinContMean", "pcwsLinMean", "pcwsQuadMean", "pcwsConstMeanVar". For the explanation, see details below.


A logical variable. If rand.intervals=TRUE intervals used in the procedure are drawn uniformly using the random.intervals routine. If rand.intervals=FALSE, the intervals need to be passed using the intervals argument.


A logical variable. If TRUE some of computations are run in parallel using OpenMP framework. Currently this option is not supported on Windows.


A logical variable. if TRUE, the entire data are considered when the NOT segmentation tree is constructed (see the solution path algorithm in the references).


A 2-column matrix with the intervals considered in the algorithm, with start- and end- points of the intervals in, respectively, the first and the second column. The intervals are used only if rand.intervals=FALSE.


The data points provided in x are assumed to follow

Yt=ft+σtεt,Y_{t} = f_{t}+\sigma_{t}\varepsilon_{t},

for t=1,,nt=1,\ldots,n, where nn is the number of observations in x, the signal ftf_{t} and the standard deviation σt\sigma_{t} are non-stochastic with structural breaks at unknown locations in time tt. Currently, thefollowing scenarios for ftf_{t} and σt\sigma_{t} are implemented:

  • Piecewise-constant signal with a Gaussian noise and constant standard deviation.

    Use contrast="pcwsConstMean" here.

  • Piecewise-constant mean with a heavy-tailed noise and constant standard deviation.

    Use contrast="pcwsConstMeanHT" here.

  • Piecewise-linear continuous signal with Gaussian noise and constant standard deviation.

    Use contrast="pcwsLinContMean" here.

  • Piecewise-linear signal with Gaussian noise and constant standard deviation.

    Use contrast="pcwsLinMean" here.

  • Piecewise-quadratic signal with Gaussian noise and constant standard deviation.

    Use contrast="pcwsQuadMean" here.

  • Piecewise-constant signal and piecewise-constant standard deviation of the Gaussian noise.

    Use contrast="pcwsConstMeanVar" here.


An object of class "not", which contains the following fields:


The input vector.


The length of x.


A scenario for the change-points.


A 5-column matrix with the values of the contrast function, where 's' and 'e' denote start- end points of the intervals in which change-points candidates 'arg.max' have been found; 'length' shows the length of the intervals drawn, column 'max.contrast' contains corresponding value of the contrast statistic.


A list with the solution path of the NOT algorithm (see the references) containing three fields of the same length: cpt - a list with consecutive solutions, i.e. s the sets of change-point candidates, th - a vector of thresholds corresponding to the solutions, n.cpt - a vector with the number of change-points for each solution.


R. Baranowski, Y. Chen, and P. Fryzlewicz (2019). Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection. (


# **** Piecewisce-constant mean with Gaussian noise.
# *** signal
pcws.const.sig <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100))
# *** data vector
x <- pcws.const.sig + rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean") 
# *** some examples of how the w object can be used
# *** this is how to extract the change-points
fo <- features(w)

# **** Piecewisce-constant mean with a heavy-tailed noise.
# *** data vector, signal the same as in the previous example, but heavy tails
x <- pcws.const.sig + rt(100, 3) 
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points, 
# using a contrast taylored to heavy-tailed data
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMeanHT") 

# **** Piecewisce-constant mean and piecewise-constant variance
# *** signal's standard deviation <- c(rep(2, 50), rep(1,150))
# *** data vector with pcws-const mean and variance
x <- pcws.const.sig + * rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points in this model
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMeanVar") 
# *** extracting locations of the change-points
fo <- features(w)

# **** Piecewisce-linear coninuous mean
# *** signal with a change in slope
pcws.lin.cont.sig <- cumsum(c(rep(-1/50, 100), rep(1/50,100)))
# *** data vector 
x <- pcws.lin.cont.sig +  rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points in the slope coefficient
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsLinContMean") 
# *** ploting the results
# *** location(s) of the change-points
fo <- features(w)

# **** Piecewisce-linear mean with jumps
# *** signal with a change in slope and jumpe
pcws.lin.sig <- pcws.lin.cont.sig + pcws.const.sig
# *** data vector 
x <- pcws.lin.sig +  rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points in the slope coefficient and the intercept
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsLinMean") 
# *** ploting the results
# *** location(s) of the change-points
fo <- features(w)

# **** Piecewisce-quadratic mean with jumps
# *** Piecewise-quadratic signal
pcws.quad.sig <- 2*c((1:50)^2 /1000, rep(2, 100), 1:50 / 50 )
# *** data vector 
x <- pcws.quad.sig +  rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points in the slope coefficient and the intercept
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsQuadMean") 
# *** ploting the results
# *** location(s) of the change-points
fo <- features(w)

Plot a 'not' object


Plots the input vector used to generate 'not' object x with the signal fitted with predict.not.


## S3 method for class 'not'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class 'not', returned by not.


Further parameters which may be passed to predict.not and features.

See Also

predict.not not features


# **** Piecewisce-constant mean with Gaussian noise.
x <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100)) + rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean")
# *** when 'cpt' is omitted, 'features' function is used internally 
# to choose change-points locations
# *** estimate and plot the signal specifying the location of the change-point
plot(w, cpt=100)

Estimate signal for a 'not' object.


Estimates signal in object$x with change-points at cpt. The type of the signal depends on on the value of contrast that has been passed to not (see details below).


## S3 method for class 'not'
predict(object, cpt, ...)



An object of class 'not', returned by not.


An integer vector with locations of the change-points. If missing, the features is called internally to extract the change-points from object.


Further parameters that can be passed to predict.not and features.


The data points provided in object$x are assumed to follow

Yt=ft+σtεt,Y_{t} = f_{t}+\sigma_{t}\varepsilon_{t},

for t=1,,nt=1,\ldots,n, where nn is the number of observations in object$x, the signal ftf_{t} and the standard deviation σt\sigma_{t} are non-stochastic with change-points at locations given in cpt and εt\varepsilon_{t} is a white-noise. Denote by τ1,,τq\tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{q} the elements in cpt and set τ0=0\tau_{0}=0 and τq+1=T\tau_{q+1}=T. Depending on the value of contrast that has been passed to not to construct object, the returned value is calculated as follows.

  • For contrast="pcwsConstantMean" and contrast="pcwsConstantMeanHT", in each segment (τj+1,τj+1)(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}), ftf_{t} for t(τj+1,τj+1)t\in(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}) is approximated by the mean of YtY_{t} calculated over t(τj+1,τj+1)t\in(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}).

  • For contrast="pcwsLinContMean", ftf_{t} is approximated by the linear spline fit with knots at τ1,,τq\tau_{1}, \ldots, \tau_{q} minimising the l2 distance between the fit and the data.

  • For contrast="pcwsLinMean" in each segment (τj+1,τj+1)(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}), the signal ftf_{t} for t(τj+1,τj+1)t\in(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}) is approximated by the line αj+βjt\alpha_{j} + \beta_{j} t, where the regression coefficients are found using the least squares method.

  • For contrast="pcwsQuad", the signal ftf_{t} for t(τj+1,τj+1)t\in(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}) is approximated by the curve αj+βjt+γjt2\alpha_{j} + \beta_{j} t + \gamma_{j} t^2, where the regression coefficients are found using the least squares method.

  • For contrast="pcwsConstMeanVar", in each segment (τj+1,τj+1)(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}), ftf_{t} and σt\sigma_{t} for t(τj+1,τj+1)t\in(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}) are approximated by, respectively, the mean and the standard deviation of YtY_{t}, both calculated over t(τj+1,τj+1)t\in(\tau_{j}+1, \tau_{j+1}).


A vector wit the estimated signal or a two-column matrix with the estimated estimated signal and standard deviation if contrast="pcwsConstMeanVar" was used to construct object.

See Also



# **** Piecewisce-constant mean with Gaussian noise.
x <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100)) + rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean")
# *** when 'cpt' is omitted, 'features' function is used internally 
# to choose change-points locations
signal.est <- predict(w)
# *** estimate the signal specifying the location of the change-point
signal.est.known.cpt <- predict(w, cpt=100)
# *** pass arguments of the 'features' function through 'predict'.
signal.est.aic <- predict(w, penalty.type="aic")

# **** Piecewisce-constant mean and variance with Gaussian noise.
x <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100)) + c(rep(2, 100), rep(1,100)) * rnorm(100)
# *** identify potential locations of the change-points
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMeanVar")
# *** here signal is two-dimensional
signal.est <- predict(w)

Generate random intervals


The function generates M intervals of the length smaller or equal than max.length, whose endpoints are are drawn uniformly without replacements from 1,2,..., n. This routine can be used inside not function and is typically not called directly by the user.


random.intervals(n, M, min.length = 1, max.length = n, ...)



a number of endpoints to choose from


a number of intervals to generate


an integer specifying minimum interval length


an integer specifying maximum interval length


not in use


a M by 2 matrix with start (first column) and end (second column) points of an interval in each row

See Also



#*** draw 100 intervals with the endpoints in 1,...,100
intervals <- random.intervals(50, 100)

Extract residuals from a 'not' object


Returns a difference between x in object and the estimated signal with change-points at cpt. Type of the signal depends on the value of contrast that has been passed to not in order to construct object (see details of predict.not).


## S3 method for class 'not'
residuals(object, cpt, type = c("raw", "standardised"),



An object of class 'not', returned by not.


An integer vector with locations of the change-points. If missing, the features is called internally to extract the change-points from object.


Choice of "raw" and "standardised".


Further parameters that can be passed to predict.not and features.


If type="raw", the difference between the data and the estimated signal. If type="standardised", the difference between the data and the estimated signal, divided by the estimated standard deviation.


pcws.const.sig <- c(rep(0, 100), rep(1,100))
x <- pcws.const.sig + rnorm(100)
w <- not(x, contrast = "pcwsConstMean")
# *** plot residuals obtained via fitting piecewise-constant function with estimated change-points
# *** plot residuals with obtained via fitting piecewise-constant function with true change-point
plot(residuals(w, cpt=100))
# *** plot standardised residuals
plot(residuals(w, type="standardised"))

Schwarz Information Criterion penalty


The function evaluates the penalty term for Schwarz Information Criterion. If alpha is greater than 1, the strengthen SIC proposed proposed in Fryzlewicz (2014) is calculated. This routine is typically not called directly by the user; its name can be passed as an argument to features.


sic.penalty(n, n.param, alpha = 1, ...)



The number of observations.


The number of parameters in the model for which the penalty is evaluated.


A scalar greater or equal than one.


Not in use.


the penalty term n.param×(log(n))alpha\code{n.param}\times(\log(n))^{\code{alpha}}.


R. Baranowski, Y. Chen, and P. Fryzlewicz (2019). Narrowest-Over-Threshold Change-Point Detection. (

P. Fryzlewicz (2014). Wild Binary Segmentation for multiple change-point detection. Annals of Statistics. (


#*** a simple example how to use the AIC penalty
x <- rnorm(300) + c(rep(1,50),rep(0,250))
w <- not(x)
w.cpt <- features(w, penalty="sic")