Package 'nimbleEcology'

Title: Distributions for Ecological Models in 'nimble'
Description: Common ecological distributions for 'nimble' models in the form of nimbleFunction objects. Includes Cormack-Jolly-Seber, occupancy, dynamic occupancy, hidden Markov, dynamic hidden Markov, and N-mixture models. (Jolly (1965) <DOI: 10.2307/2333826>, Seber (1965) <DOI: 10.2307/2333827>, Turek et al. (2016) <doi:10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z>).
Authors: Benjamin R. Goldstein [aut, cre], Daniel Turek [aut], Lauren Ponisio [aut], Wei Zhang [ctb], Perry de Valpine [aut]
Maintainer: Benjamin R. Goldstein <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.5.0
Built: 2024-09-26 06:22:23 UTC
Source: CRAN

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A beta binomial distribution and beta function for use in nimble models


dBetaBinom_v and dBetaBinom_s provide a beta binomial distribution that can be used directly from R or in nimble models. These are also used by beta binomial variations of dNmixture distributions. nimBetaFun is the beta function.


nimBetaFun(a, b, log)

dBetaBinom_v(x, N, shape1, shape2, len, log = 0)

dBetaBinom_s(x, N, shape1, shape2, len, log = 0)

rBetaBinom_v(n, N, shape1, shape2, len)

rBetaBinom_s(n, N, shape1, shape2, len)



shape1 argument of the beta function.


shape2 argument of the beta function.


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


vector of integer counts.


number of trials, sometimes called "size".


shape1 parameter of the beta distribution.


shape2 parameter of the beta distribution.


length of x.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel). They are used by the beta-binomial variants of the N-mixture distributions (dNmixture).

The beta binomial is the marginal distribution of a binomial distribution whose probability follows a beta distribution.

The probability mass function of the beta binomial is choose(N, x) * B(x + shape1, N - x + shape2) / B(shape1, shape2), where B(shape1, shape2) is the beta function.

nimBetaFun(shape1, shape2) calculates B(shape1, shape2).

The beta binomial distribution is provided in two forms. dBetaBinom_v and is when shape1 and shape2 are vectors. dBetaBinom_s is used when shape1 and shape2 are scalars. In both cases, x is a vector.


Ben Goldstein and Perry de Valpine

See Also

For beta binomial N-mixture models, see dNmixture. For documentation on the beta function, use ?stats::dbeta


# Calculate a beta binomial probability with different shape1 and shape2 for each x[i]
dBetaBinom_v(x = c(4, 0, 0, 3), N = 10,
  shape1 = c(0.5, 0.5, 0.3, 0.5), shape2 = c(0.2, 0.4, 1, 1.2))
# or with constant shape1 and shape2
dBetaBinom_s(x = c(4, 0, 0, 3), N = 10, shape1 = 0.5, shape2 = 0.5, log = TRUE)

Cormack-Jolly-Seber distribution for use in nimble models


dCJS_** and rCJS_** provide Cormack-Jolly-Seber capture-recapture distributions that can be used directly from R or in nimble models.


dCJS_ss(x, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0, log = 0)

dCJS_sv(x, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0, log = 0)

dCJS_vs(x, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0, log = 0)

dCJS_vv(x, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0, log = 0)

rCJS_ss(n, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0)

rCJS_sv(n, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0)

rCJS_vs(n, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0)

rCJS_vv(n, probSurvive, probCapture, len = 0)



capture history vector of 0s (not captured) and 1s (captured). Include the initial capture, so x[1] should equal 1.


survival probability, either a time-independent scalar (for dCJS_s*) or a time-dependent vector (for dCJS_v*) with length len - 1.


capture probability, either a time-independent scalar (for dCJS_*s) or a time-dependent vector (for dCJS_*v) with length len. If a vector, first element is ignored, as the total probability is conditioned on the capture at t = 1.


length of capture history. Should equal length(x)


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

The letters following the 'dCJS_' indicate whether survival and/or capture probabilities, in that order, are scalar (s, meaning the probability applies to every x[t]) or vector (v, meaning the probability is a vector aligned with x). When probCapture and/or probSurvive is a vector, they must be the same length as x.

It is important to use the time indexing correctly for survival. probSurvive[t] is the survival probabilty from time t to time t + 1. When a vector, probSurvive may have length greater than length(x) - 1, but all values beyond that index are ignored.

Time indexing for detection is more obvious: probDetect[t] is the detection probability at time t.

When called from R, the len argument to dCJS_** is not necessary. It will default to the length of x. When used in nimble model code (via nimbleCode), len must be provided (even though it may seem redundant).

For more explanation, see package vignette (vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")).

Compared to writing nimble models with a discrete latent state for true alive/dead status at each time and a separate scalar datum for each observation, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum (marginalize) over the discrete latent states and calculate the probability of the detection history for one individual jointly.

These are nimbleFunctions written in the format of user-defined distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at

When using these distributions in a nimble model, the left-hand side will be used as x, and the user should not provide the log argument.

For example, in nimble model code,

captures[i, 1:T] ~ dCSJ_ss(survive, capture, T)

declares a vector node, captures[i, 1:T], (detection history for individual i, for example) that follows a CJS distribution with scalar survival probability survive and scalar capture probability capture (assuming survive and capture are defined elsewhere in the model).

This will invoke (something like) the following call to dCJS_ss when nimble uses the model such as for MCMC:

dCJS_ss(captures[i, 1:T], survive, capture, len = T, log = TRUE)

If an algorithm using a nimble model with this declaration needs to generate a random draw for captures[i, 1:T], it will make a similar invocation of rCJS_ss, with n = 1.

If both survival and capture probabilities are time-dependent, use

captures[i,1:T] ~ dCSJ_vv(survive[1:(T-1)], capture[1:T], T)

and so on for each combination of time-dependent and time-independent parameters.


For dCJS_**: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector x.

For rCJS_**: a simulated capture history, x.

Notes for use with automatic differentiation

The dCJS_** distributions should all work for models and algorithms that use nimble's automatic differentiation (AD) system. In that system, some kinds of values are "baked in" (cannot be changed) to the AD calculations from the first call, unless and until the AD calculations are reset. For the dCJS_** distributions, the lengths of vector inputs and the data (x) values themselves are baked in. These can be different for different iterations through a for loop (or nimble model declarations with different indices, for example), but the lengths and data values for each specific iteration will be "baked in" after the first call. In other words, it is assumed that x are data and are not going to change.


Ben Goldstein, Perry de Valpine, and Daniel Turek


D. Turek, P. de Valpine and C. J. Paciorek. 2016. Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 23:549–564. DOI 10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z

See Also

For multi-state or multi-event capture-recapture models, see dHMM or dDHMM.


# Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
dat <- c(1,1,0,0,0) # A vector of observations
probSurvive <- c(0.6, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1)
probCapture <- 0.4

# Define code for a nimbleModel
nc <- nimbleCode({
  x[1:4] ~ dCJS_vs(probSurvive[1:4], probCapture, len = 4)
  probCapture ~ dunif(0,1)
  for (i in 1:4) probSurvive[i] ~ dunif(0, 1)

# Build the model, providing data and initial values
CJS_model <- nimbleModel(nc, data = list(x = dat),
                         inits = list(probSurvive = probSurvive,
                                      probCapture = probCapture))

# Calculate log probability of data from the model
# Use the model for a variety of other purposes...

Dynamic Hidden Markov Model distribution for use in nimble models


dDHMM and dDHMMo provide Dynamic hidden Markov model distributions for nimble models.


dDHMM(x, init, probObs, probTrans, len, checkRowSums = 1, log = 0)

dDHMMo(x, init, probObs, probTrans, len, checkRowSums = 1, log = 0)

rDHMM(n, init, probObs, probTrans, len, checkRowSums = 1)

rDHMMo(n, init, probObs, probTrans, len, checkRowSums = 1)



vector of observations, each one a positive integer corresponding to an observation state (one value of which could can correspond to "not observed", and another value of which can correspond to "dead" or "removed from system").


vector of initial state probabilities. Must sum to 1


time-independent matrix (dDHMM and rDHMM) or time-dependent 3D array (dDHMMo and rDHMMo) of observation probabilities. First two dimensions of probObs are of size x (number of possible system states) x (number of possible observation classes). dDHMMo and rDHMMo expect an additional third dimension of size (number of observation times). probObs[i, j (,t)] is the probability that an individual in the ith latent state is recorded as being in the jth detection state (at time t). See Details for more information.


time-dependent array of system state transition probabilities. Dimension of probTrans is (number of possible system states) x (number of possible system states) x (number of observation times). probTrans[i,j,t] is the probability that an individual truly in state i at time t will be in state j at time t+1. See Details for more information.


length of observations (needed for rDHMM)


should validity of probObs and probTrans be checked? Both of these are required to have each set of probabilities sum to 1 (over each row, or second dimension). If checkRowSums is non-zero (or TRUE), these conditions will be checked within a tolerance of 1e-6. If it is 0 (or FALSE), they will not be checked. Not checking should result in faster execution, but whether that is appreciable will be case-specific.


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

The probability (or likelihood) of observation x[t, o] depends on the previous true latent state, the time-dependent probability of transitioning to a new state probTrans, and the probability of observation states given the true latent state probObs.

The distribution has two forms, dDHMM and dDHMMo. dDHMM takes a time-independent observation probability matrix with dimension S x O, while dDHMMo expects a three-dimensional array of time-dependent observation probabilities with dimension S x O x T, where O is the number of possible occupancy states, S is the number of true latent states, and T is the number of time intervals.

probTrans has dimension S x S x (T - 1). probTrans[i, j, t] is the probability that an individual in state i at time t takes on state j at time t+1. The length of the third dimension may be greater than (T - 1) but all values indexed greater than T - 1 will be ignored.

init has length S. init[i] is the probability of being in state i at the first observation time. That means that the first observations arise from the initial state probabilities.

For more explanation, see package vignette (vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")).

Compared to writing nimble models with a discrete true latent state and a separate scalar datum for each observation, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum (marginalize) over the discrete latent state and calculate the probability of all observations from one site jointly.

These are nimbleFunctions written in the format of user-defined distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at

When using these distributions in a nimble model, the left-hand side will be used as x, and the user should not provide the log argument.

For example, in a NIMBLE model,

observedStates[1:T] ~ dDHMM(initStates[1:S], observationProbs[1:S, 1:O], transitionProbs[1:S, 1:S, 1:(T-1)], 1, T)

declares that the observedStates[1:T] vector follows a dynamic hidden Markov model distribution with parameters as indicated, assuming all the parameters have been declared elsewhere in the model. In this case, S is the number of system states, O is the number of observation classes, and T is the number of observation occasions.This will invoke (something like) the following call to dDHMM when nimble uses the model such as for MCMC:

rDHMM(observedStates[1:T], initStates[1:S], observationProbs[1:S, 1:O], transitionProbs[1:S, 1:S, 1:(T-1)], 1, T, log = TRUE)

If an algorithm using a nimble model with this declaration needs to generate a random draw for observedStates[1:T], it will make a similar invocation of rDHMM, with n = 1.

If the observation probabilities are time-dependent, one would use:

observedStates[1:T] ~ dDHMMo(initStates[1:S], observationProbs[1:S, 1:O, 1:T], transitionProbs[1:S, 1:S, 1:(T-1)], 1, T)

The dDHMM[o] distributions should work for models and algorithms that use nimble's automatic differentiation (AD) system. In that system, some kinds of values are "baked in" (cannot be changed) to the AD calculations from the first call, unless and until the AD calculations are reset. For the dDHMM[o] distributions, the sizes of the inputs and the data (x) values themselves are baked in. These can be different for different iterations through a for loop (or nimble model declarations with different indices, for example), but the sizes and data values for each specific iteration will be "baked in" after the first call. In other words, it is assumed that x are data and are not going to change.


For dDHMM and dDHMMo: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector x. For rDHMM and rDHMMo: a simulated detection history, x.


Perry de Valpine, Daniel Turek, and Ben Goldstein


D. Turek, P. de Valpine and C. J. Paciorek. 2016. Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 23:549–564. DOI 10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z

See Also

For hidden Markov models with time-independent transitions, see dHMM and dHMMo. For simple capture-recapture, see dCJS.


# Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
dat <- c(1,2,1,1) # A vector of observations
init <- c(0.4, 0.2, 0.4) # A vector of initial state probabilities
probObs <- t(array( # A matrix of observation probabilities
       c(1, 0,
         0, 1,
         0.8, 0.2), c(2, 3)))

probTrans <- array(rep(1/3, 27), # A matrix of time-indexed transition probabilities

# Define code for a nimbleModel
 nc <- nimbleCode({
   x[1:4] ~ dDHMM(init[1:3], probObs = probObs[1:3, 1:2],
                  probTrans = probTrans[1:3, 1:3, 1:3], len = 4, checkRowSums = 1)

   for (i in 1:3) {
     init[i] ~ dunif(0,1)

     for (j in 1:3) {
       for (t in 1:3) {
         probTrans[i,j,t] ~ dunif(0,1)

     probObs[i, 1] ~ dunif(0,1)
     probObs[i, 2] <- 1 - probObs[i,1]

# Build the model, providing data and initial values
DHMM_model <- nimbleModel(nc,
                          data = list(x = dat),
                          inits = list(init = init,
                                       probObs = probObs,
                                       probTrans = probTrans))
# Calculate log probability of x from the model
# Use the model for a variety of other purposes...

Dynamic occupancy distribution for use in nimble models dDynOcc_** and rDynOcc_** provide dynamic occupancy model distributions that can be used directly from R or in nimble models.


Dynamic occupancy distribution for use in nimble models dDynOcc_** and rDynOcc_** provide dynamic occupancy model distributions that can be used directly from R or in nimble models.


dDynOcc_vvm(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_vsm(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_svm(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_ssm(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

rDynOcc_vvm(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_vsm(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_svm(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_ssm(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

dDynOcc_vvv(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_vsv(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_svv(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_ssv(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

rDynOcc_vvv(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_vsv(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_svv(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_ssv(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

dDynOcc_vvs(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_vss(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_svs(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

dDynOcc_sss(x, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end, log = 0)

rDynOcc_vvs(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_vss(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_svs(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)

rDynOcc_sss(n, init, probPersist, probColonize, p, start, end)



detection/non-detection matrix of 0s (not detected) and 1s (detected). Rows represent primary sampling occasions (e.g. different seasons). Columns are secondary sampling locations (e.g. replicate visits within a season) that may be different for each row


probability of occupancy in the first sampling period


persistence probability–probability an occupied cell remains occupied. 1-extinction probability. Scalar for dDynOcc_s**, vector for dDynOcc_v**. If vector, should have length dim(x)[1] - 1 since no transition occurs after the last observation


colonization probability. Probability that an unoccupied cell becomes occupied. Scalar for dDynOcc_*s*, vector for dDynOcc_*v*. If vector, should have length dim(x)[1] - 1 since no transition occurs after the last observation


Detection probabilities. Scalar for dDynOcc_**s, vector for dDynOcc_**v, matrix for dDynOcc_**m. If a matrix, dimensions should match x


indicates the column number of the first observation in each row of x. A vector of length dim(x)[1]. This allows for different time periods to have different numbers of sampling occasions


indicates the column number of the last observation in each row of x. A vector of length dim(x)[1]. This allows for different time periods to have different numbers of sampling occasions


TRUE (return log probability) or FALSE (return probability)


number of random draws, each returning a matrix of dimension c(min(start), max(end)). Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

The probability (or likelihood) of observation x[t, o] depends on the occupancy status of the site at time t-1, the transitition probability of persistence (probPersist or probPersist[t-1]), colonization (probColonize or probColonize[t-1]), and a detection probability (p, p[t], or p[t, o]).

The first two letters following the 'dDynOcc_' indicate whether the probabilities of persistence and colonization are a constant scalar (s) or time-indexed vector (v). For example, dDynOcc_svm takes scalar persistence probability probPersist with a vector of colonization probabilities probColonize[1:(T-1)].

When vectors, probColonize and probPersist may be of any length greater than or equal to length(x) - 1. Only the first length(x) - 1 indices are used, each corresponding to the transition from time t to t+1 (e.g. probColonize[2] describes the transition probability from t = 2 to t = 3). All extra values are ignored. This is to make it easier to use one distribution for many sites, some requiring probabilities of length 1.

The third letter in the suffix indicates whether the detection probability is a constant (scalar), time-dependent (vector), or both time-dependent and dependent on observation occasion (matrix). For example, dDynOcc_svm takes a matrix of detection probabilities p[1:T, 1:O].

The arguments start and end allow different time periods to contain different numbers of sampling events. Suppose you have observations for samples in three seasons; in the first two seasons, there are four observations, but in the third, there are only three. The start and end could be provided as start = c(1,1,1) and end = c(4,4,3). In this case, the value of x[4,4] would be ignored.

For more explanation, see package vignette (vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")).

Compared to writing nimble models with a discrete latent state for true occupancy status and a separate scalar datum for each observation, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum (marginalize) over the discrete latent state and calculate the probability of all observations from one site jointly.

These are nimbleFunctions written in the format of user-defined distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at

When using these distributions in a nimble model, the left-hand side will be used as x, and the user should not provide the log argument.

For example, in nimble model code,

detections[1:T, 1:O] ~ dDynOcc_ssm(init, probPersist = persistence_prob, probColonize = colonization_prob, p = p[1:T, 1:O], start = start[1:T], end = end[1:T])

declares that the detections[1:T] vector follows a dynamic occupancy model distribution with parameters as indicated, assuming all the parameters have been declared elsewhere in the model. This will invoke (something like) the following call to dDynOcc_ssm when nimble uses the model such as for MCMC:

dDynOcc_ssm(detections[1:T, 1:O], init, probPersist = persistence_prob, probColonize = colonization_prob, p = p[1:T, 1:O], start = start[1:T], end = end[1:T], log = TRUE)

If an algorithm using a nimble model with this declaration needs to generate a random draw for detections[1:T, 1:O], it will make a similar invocation of rDynOcc_ssm, with n = 1.

If the colonization probabilities are time-dependent, one would use:

detections[1:T] ~ dDynOcc_svm(nrep, init = init_prob, probPersist = persistence_prob, probColonize = colonization_prob[1:(T-1)], p = p[1:T, 1:O])


For dDynOcc_***: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector x. For rDynOcc_***: a simulated detection history, x.

Notes for use with automatic differentiation

The dDynOcc_*** distributions should all work for models and algorithms that use nimble's automatic differentiation (AD) system. In that system, some kinds of values are "baked in" (cannot be changed) to the AD calculations from the first call, unless and until the AD calculations are reset. For the dDynOcc_*** distributions, the lengths or dimensions of vector and/or matrix inputs and the start and end values themselves are baked in. These can be different for different iterations through a for loop (or nimble model declarations with different indices, for example), but the for each specific iteration will be "baked in" after the first call. It is safest if one can assume that x are data and are not going to change.


Ben Goldstein, Perry de Valpine and Lauren Ponisio

See Also

For basic occupancy models, see documentation for dOcc.


# Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
  x <- matrix(c(0,0,0,0,
                0,0,0,0), nrow = 4)
  start <- c(1,1,2,1,1)
  end <- c(5,5,5,4,5)
  init <- 0.7
  probPersist <- 0.5
  probColonize <- 0.2
  p <- matrix(rep(0.5, 20), nrow = 4)

# Define code for a nimbleModel
 nc <- nimbleCode({

   x[1:2, 1:5] ~ dDynOcc_vvm(init,
     probPersist[1:2], probColonize[1:2], p[1:2,1:5],
     start = start[1:4], end = end[1:4])

   init ~ dunif(0,1)

   for (i in 1:2) {
     probPersist[i] ~ dunif(0,1)
     probColonize[i] ~ dunif(0,1)

   for (i in 1:2) {
     for (j in 1:5) {
       p[i,j] ~ dunif(0,1)

# Build the model, providing data and initial values
DynOcc_model <- nimbleModel(nc, data = list(x = x),
                            constants = list(start = start, end = end),
                            inits = list(p = p, probPersist = probPersist,
                                         init = init, probColonize = probColonize))

# Calculate log probability of data from the model
# Use the model for a variety of other purposes...

Hidden Markov Model distribution for use in nimble models


dHMM and dHMMo provide hidden Markov model distributions that can be used directly from R or in nimble models.


dHMM(x, init, probObs, probTrans, len = 0, checkRowSums = 1, log = 0)

dHMMo(x, init, probObs, probTrans, len = 0, checkRowSums = 1, log = 0)

rHMM(n, init, probObs, probTrans, len = 0, checkRowSums = 1)

rHMMo(n, init, probObs, probTrans, len = 0, checkRowSums = 1)



vector of observations, each one a positive integer corresponding to an observation state (one value of which could can correspond to "not observed", and another value of which can correspond to "dead" or "removed from system").


vector of initial state probabilities. Must sum to 1


time-independent matrix (dHMM and rHMM) or time-dependent array (dHMMo and rHMMo) of observation probabilities. First two dimensions of probObs are of size x (number of possible system states) x (number of possible observation classes). dDHMMo and rDHMMo expects an additional third dimension of size (number of observation times). probObs[i, j (,t)] is the probability that an individual in the ith latent state is recorded as being in the jth detection state (at time t). See Details for more information.


time-independent matrix of state transition probabilities. probTrans[i,j] is the probability that an individual in latent state i transitions to latent state j at the next timestep. See Details for more information.


length of x (see below).


should validity of probObs and probTrans be checked? Both of these are required to have each set of probabilities sum to 1 (over each row, or second dimension). If checkRowSums is non-zero (or TRUE), these conditions will be checked within a tolerance of 1e-6. If it is 0 (or FALSE), they will not be checked. Not checking should result in faster execution, but whether that is appreciable will be case-specific.


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

The distribution has two forms, dHMM and dHMMo. Define S as the number of latent state categories (maximum possible value for elements of x), O as the number of possible observation state categories, and T as the number of observation times (length of x). In dHMM, probObs is a time-independent observation probability matrix with dimension S x O. In dHMMo, probObs is a three-dimensional array of time-dependent observation probabilities with dimension S x O x T. The first index of probObs indexes the true latent state. The second index of probObs indexes the observed state. For example, in the time-dependent case, probObs[i, j, t] is the probability at time t that an individual in state i is observed in state j.

probTrans has dimension S x S. probTrans[i, j] is the time-independent probability that an individual in state i at time t transitions to state j time t+1.

init has length S. init[i] is the probability of being in state i at the first observation time. That means that the first observations arise from the initial state probabilities.

For more explanation, see package vignette (vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")).

Compared to writing nimble models with a discrete latent state and a separate scalar datum for each observation time, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum (marginalize) over the discrete latent state and calculate the probability of all observations for one individual (or other HMM unit) jointly.

These are nimbleFunctions written in the format of user-defined distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at

When using these distributions in a nimble model, the left-hand side will be used as x, and the user should not provide the log argument.

For example, in nimble model code,

observedStates[i, 1:T] ~ dHMM(initStates[1:S], observationProbs[1:S, 1:O], transitionProbs[1:S, 1:S], 1, T)

declares that the observedStates[i, 1:T] (observation history for individual i, for example) vector follows a hidden Markov model distribution with parameters as indicated, assuming all the parameters have been declared elsewhere in the model. As above, S is the number of system state categories, O is the number of observation state categories, and T is the number of observation occasions. This will invoke (something like) the following call to dHMM when nimble uses the model such as for MCMC:

dHMM(observedStates[1:T], initStates[1:S], observationProbs[1:S, 1:O], transitionProbs[1:S, 1:S], 1, T, log = TRUE)

If an algorithm using a nimble model with this declaration needs to generate a random draw for observedStates[1:T], it will make a similar invocation of rHMM, with n = 1.

If the observation probabilities are time-dependent, one would use:

observedStates[1:T] ~ dHMMo(initStates[1:S], observationProbs[1:S, 1:O, 1:T], transitionProbs[1:S, 1:S], 1, T)


For dHMM and dHMMo: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector x.

For rHMM and rHMMo: a simulated detection history, x.

Notes for use with automatic differentiation

The dHMM[o] distributions should work for models and algorithms that use nimble's automatic differentiation (AD) system. In that system, some kinds of values are "baked in" (cannot be changed) to the AD calculations from the first call, unless and until the AD calculations are reset. For the dHMM[o] distributions, the sizes of the inputs and the data (x) values themselves are baked in. These can be different for different iterations through a for loop (or nimble model declarations with different indices, for example), but the sizes and data values for each specific iteration will be "baked in" after the first call. In other words, it is assumed that x are data and are not going to change.


Ben Goldstein, Perry de Valpine, and Daniel Turek


D. Turek, P. de Valpine and C. J. Paciorek. 2016. Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 23:549–564. DOI 10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z

See Also

For dynamic hidden Markov models with time-dependent transitions, see dDHMM and dDHMMo. For simple capture-recapture, see dCJS.


# Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
len <- 5 # length of dataset
dat <- c(1,2,1,1,2) # A vector of observations
init <- c(0.4, 0.2, 0.4) # A vector of initial state probabilities
probObs <- t(array( # A matrix of observation probabilities
       c(1, 0,
         0, 1,
         0.2, 0.8), c(2, 3)))
probTrans <- t(array( # A matrix of transition probabilities
        c(0.6, 0.3, 0.1,
          0, 0.7, 0.3,
          0, 0, 1), c(3,3)))

# Define code for a nimbleModel
 nc <- nimbleCode({
   x[1:5] ~ dHMM(init[1:3], probObs = probObs[1:3,1:2],
                 probTrans = probTrans[1:3, 1:3], len = 5, checkRowSums = 1)

   for (i in 1:3) {
     for (j in 1:3) {
       probTrans[i,j] ~ dunif(0,1)

     probObs[i, 1] ~ dunif(0,1)
     probObs[i, 2] <- 1 - probObs[i, 1]

# Build the model
HMM_model <- nimbleModel(nc,
                         data = list(x = dat),
                         inits = list(init = init,
                                      probObs = probObs,
                                      probTrans = probTrans))
# Calculate log probability of data from the model
# Use the model for a variety of other purposes...

dNmixture distribution for use in nimble models


dNmixture_s and dNmixture_v provide Poisson-Binomial mixture distributions of abundance ("N-mixture") for use in nimble models. Overdispersion alternatives using the negative binomial distribution (for the abundance submodel) and the beta binomial distribution (for the detection submodel) are also provided.


dNmixture_v(x, lambda, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_s(x, lambda, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

rNmixture_v(n, lambda, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_s(n, lambda, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

dNmixture_BNB_v(x, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_BNB_s(x, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_BNB_oneObs(x, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, log = 0)

dNmixture_BBP_v(x, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_BBP_s(x, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_BBP_oneObs(x, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, log = 0)

dNmixture_BBNB_v(x, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_BBNB_s(x, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixture_BBNB_oneObs(x, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, log = 0)

rNmixture_BNB_v(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_BNB_s(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_BNB_oneObs(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)

rNmixture_BBP_v(n, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_BBP_s(n, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_BBP_oneObs(n, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)

rNmixture_BBNB_v(n, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_BBNB_s(n, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixture_BBNB_oneObs(n, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)



vector of integer counts from a series of sampling occasions.


expected value of the Poisson distribution of true abundance


detection probability (scalar for dNmixture_s, vector for dNmixture_v).


minimum abundance to sum over for the mixture probability. Set to -1 to select automatically (not available for beta binomial variations; see Details).


maximum abundance to sum over for the mixture probability. Set to -1 to select automatically (not available for beta binomial variations; see Details).


The length of the x vector


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


abundance overdispersion parameter required for negative binomial (*NB) N-mixture models. The negative binomial is parameterized such that variance of x is lambda^2 * theta + lambda


detection overdispersion parameter required for beta binomial (BB*) N-mixture models. The beta binomial is parameterized such that variance of x is V(x) = N * prob * (1-prob) * (N + s) / (s + 1)


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

An N-mixture model defines a distribution for multiple counts (typically of animals, typically made at a sequence of visits to the same site). The latent number of animals available to be counted, N, follows a Poisson or negative binomial distribution. Each count, x[i] for visit i, follows a binomial or beta-binomial distribution. The N-mixture distributions calculate the marginal probability of observed counts by summing over the range of latent abundance values.

The basic N-mixture model uses Poisson latent abundance with mean lambda and binomial observed counts with size (number of trials) N and probability of success (being counted) prob[i]. This distribution is available in two forms, dNmixture_s and dNmixture_v. With dNmixture_s, detection probability is a scalar, independent of visit, so prob[i] should be replaced with prob above. With dNmixture_v, detection probability is a vector, with one element for each visit, as written above.

We also provide three important variations on the traditional N-mixture model: dNmixture_BNB, dNmixture_BBP, and dNmixture_BBNB. These distributions allow you to replace the Poisson (P) abundance distribution with the negative binomial (NB) and the binomial (B) detection distribution with the beta binomial (BB).

Binomial-negative binomial: BNB N-mixture models use a binomial distribution for detection and a negative binomial distribution for abundance with scalar overdispersion parameter theta (0-Inf). We parameterize such that the variance of the negative binomial is lambda^2 * theta + lambda, so large theta indicates a large amount of overdisperison in abundance. The BNB is available in three suffixed forms: dNmixture_BNB_v is used if prob varies between observations, dNmixture_BNB_s is used if prob is scalar (constant across observations), and dNmixture_BNB_oneObs is used if only one observation is available at the site (so both x and prob are scalar).

Beta-binomial-Poisson: BBP N-mixture uses a beta binomial distribution for detection probabilities and a Poisson distribution for abundance. The beta binomial distribution has scalar overdispersion parameter s (0-Inf). We parameterize such that the variance of the beta binomial is N * prob * (1-prob) * (N + s) / (s + 1), with greater s indicating less variance (greater-than-binomial relatedness between observations at the site) and s -> 0 indicating the binomial. The BBP is available in three suffixed forms: dNmixture_BBP_v is used if prob varies between observations, dNmixture_BBP_s is used if prob is scalar (constant across observations), and dNmixture_BBP_oneObs is used if only one observation is available at the site (so both x and prob are scalar).

Beta-binomial-negative-binomial: dNmixture_BBNB is available using a negative binomial abundance distribution and a beta binomial detection distribution. dNmixture_BBNB is available with _s, _v, and _oneObs suffixes as above and requires both arguments s and theta as parameterized above.

The distribution dNmixture_oneObs is not provided as the probability given by the traditional N-mixture distribution for length(x) = 1 is equivalent to dpois(prob * lambda).

For more explanation, see package vignette (vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")).

Compared to writing nimble models with a discrete latent state of abundance N and a separate scalar datum for each count, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum (marginalize) over the discrete latent state N and calculate the probability of all observations for a site jointly.

If one knows a reasonable range for summation over possible values of N, the start and end of the range can be provided as Nmin and Nmax. Otherwise one can set both to -1, in which case values for Nmin and Nmax will be chosen based on the 0.0001 and 0.9999 quantiles of the marginal distributions of each count, using the minimum over counts of the former and the maximum over counts of the latter.

The summation over N uses the efficient method given by Meehan et al. (2020, see Appendix B) for the basic Poisson-Binomial case, extended for the overdispersion cases in Goldstein and de Valpine (2022).

These are nimbleFunctions written in the format of user-defined distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at

When using these distributions in a nimble model, the left-hand side will be used as x, and the user should not provide the log argument.

For example, in nimble model code,

observedCounts[i, 1:T] ~ dNmixture_v(lambda[i], prob[i, 1:T], Nmin, Nmax, T)

declares that the observedCounts[i, 1:T] (observed counts for site i, for example) vector follows an N-mixture distribution with parameters as indicated, assuming all the parameters have been declared elsewhere in the model. As above, lambda[i] is the mean of the abundance distribution at site i, prob[i, 1:T] is a vector of detection probabilities at site i, and T is the number of observation occasions. This will invoke (something like) the following call to dNmixture_v when nimble uses the model such as for MCMC:

dNmixture_v(observedCounts[i, 1:T], lambda[i], prob[i, 1:T], Nmin, Nmax, T, log = TRUE)

If an algorithm using a nimble model with this declaration needs to generate a random draw for observedCounts[1:T], it will make a similar invocation of rNmixture_v, with n = 1.

If the observation probabilities are visit-independent, one would use:

observedCounts[1:T] ~ dNmixture_s(observedCounts[i, 1:T], lambda[i], prob[i], Nmin, Nmax, T)


For dNmixture_s and dNmixture_v: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector x.

For rNmixture_s and rNmixture_v: a simulated detection history, x.

Notes for use with automatic differentiation

The N-mixture distributions are the only ones in nimbleEcology for which one must use different versions when AD support is needed. See dNmixtureAD.


Ben Goldstein, Lauren Ponisio, and Perry de Valpine


D. Turek, P. de Valpine and C. J. Paciorek. 2016. Efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling for hierarchical hidden Markov models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics 23:549–564. DOI 10.1007/s10651-016-0353-z

Meehan, T. D., Michel, N. L., & Rue, H. 2020. Estimating Animal Abundance with N-Mixture Models Using the R—INLA Package for R. Journal of Statistical Software, 95(2).

Goldstein, B.R., and P. de Valpine. 2022. Comparing N-mixture Models and GLMMs for Relative Abundance Estimation in a Citizen Science Dataset. Scientific Reports 12: 12276. DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-16368-z

See Also

For occupancy models dealing with detection/nondetection data, see dOcc. For dynamic occupancy, see dDynOcc.


# Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
len <- 5 # length of dataset
dat <- c(1,2,0,1,5) # A vector of observations
lambda <- 10 # mean abundance
prob <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.4) # A vector of detection probabilities

# Define code for a nimbleModel
 nc <- nimbleCode({
   x[1:5] ~ dNmixture_v(lambda, prob = prob[1:5],
                        Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len = 5)

   lambda ~ dunif(0, 1000)

   for (i in 1:5) {
     prob[i] ~ dunif(0, 1)

# Build the model
nmix <- nimbleModel(nc,
                    data = list(x = dat),
                    inits = list(lambda = lambda,
                                 prob = prob))
# Calculate log probability of data from the model
# Use the model for a variety of other purposes...

Internal helper nimbleFunctions for dNmixture distributions


None of these functions should be called directly.


nimNmixPois_logFac(numN, ff, max_index = -1)

  usingAD = FALSE

  usingAD = FALSE

  usingAD = FALSE

  usingAD = FALSE



number of indices in the truncated sum for the N-mixture.


a derived vector of units calculated partway through the fast N-mixture algorithm.


possibly the index of the max contribution to the summation. For AD cases this is set by heuristic. For non-AD cases it is -1 and will be determined automatically.


x from dNmixture distributions


lambda from dNmixture distributions


start of summation over N


end of summation over N


sum(log(1-prob)) from relevant dNmixture cases


sum(log(dbinom(...))) from relevant dNmixture cases


TRUE if called from one of the dNmixtureAD distributions


theta from relevant dNmixture distributions


beta-x from relevant dNmixture cases


s from relevant dNmixture distributions


sum(log(dBetaBinom(...))) from relevant dNmixture cases


These are helper functions for the N-mixture calculations. They don't have an interpretation outside of that context and are not intended to be called directly.

See Also


N-mixture distributions with AD support for use in nimble models


dNmixtureAD_s and dNmixtureAD_v provide Poisson-Binomial mixture distributions of abundance ("N-mixture") for use in nimble models when automatic differentiation may be needed by an algorithm. Overdispersion alternatives are also provided.


dNmixtureAD_v(x, lambda, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixtureAD_s(x, lambda, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

rNmixtureAD_v(n, lambda, prob, Nmin, Nmax, len)

rNmixtureAD_s(n, lambda, prob, Nmin, Nmax, len)

dNmixtureAD_BNB_v(x, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixtureAD_BNB_s(x, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixtureAD_BNB_oneObs(x, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, log = 0)

rNmixtureAD_BNB_oneObs(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)

dNmixtureAD_BBP_v(x, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixtureAD_BBP_s(x, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len, log = 0)

dNmixtureAD_BBP_oneObs(x, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, log = 0)

  Nmin = -1,
  Nmax = -1,
  log = 0

  Nmin = -1,
  Nmax = -1,
  log = 0

  Nmin = -1,
  Nmax = -1,
  log = 0

rNmixtureAD_BNB_v(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixtureAD_BNB_s(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixtureAD_BNB_oneObs(n, lambda, theta, prob, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)

rNmixtureAD_BBP_v(n, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixtureAD_BBP_s(n, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixtureAD_BBP_oneObs(n, lambda, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)

rNmixtureAD_BBNB_v(n, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixtureAD_BBNB_s(n, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1, len)

rNmixtureAD_BBNB_oneObs(n, lambda, theta, prob, s, Nmin = -1, Nmax = -1)



vector of integer counts from a series of sampling occasions.


expected value of the Poisson distribution of true abundance


detection probability (scalar for dNmixture_s, vector for dNmixture_v).


minimum abundance to sum over for the mixture probability. Must be provided.


maximum abundance to sum over for the mixture probability. Must be provided.


The length of the x vector


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


abundance overdispersion parameter required for negative binomial (*NB) N-mixture models. theta is parameterized such that variance of the negative binomial variable x is lambda^2 * theta + lambda


detection overdispersion parameter required for beta binomial (BB*) N-mixture models. s is parameterized such that variance of the beta binomial variable x is V(x) = N \* prob \* (1-prob) \* (N + s) / (s + 1)


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

See dNmixture for more information about the N-mixture distributions.

The versions here can be used in models that will be used by algorithms that use nimble's system for automatic differentiation (AD). The primary difference is that Nmin and Nmax must be provided. There are no automatic defaults for these.

In the AD system some kinds of values are "baked in" (cannot be changed) to the AD calculations from the first call, unless and until the AD calculations are reset. For all variants of the dNmixtureAD distributions, the sizes of the inputs as well as Nmin and Nmax are baked in. These can be different for different iterations through a for loop (or nimble model declarations with different indices, for example), but the sizes and Nmin and Nmax values for each specific iteration will be "baked in" after the first call.


The probability (or likelihood) or log probability of an observation vector x.


Ben Goldstein, Lauren Ponisio, and Perry de Valpine

Occupancy distribution suitable for use in nimble models


dOcc_* and rOcc_* provide occupancy model distributions that can be used directly from R or in nimble models.


dOcc_s(x, probOcc, probDetect, len = 0, log = 0)

dOcc_v(x, probOcc, probDetect, len = 0, log = 0)

rOcc_s(n, probOcc, probDetect, len = 0)

rOcc_v(n, probOcc, probDetect, len = 0)



detection/non-detection vector of 0s (not detected) and 1s (detected).


occupancy probability (scalar).


detection probability (scalar for dOcc_s, vector for dOcc_v).


length of detection/non-detection vector (see below).


TRUE or 1 to return log probability. FALSE or 0 to return probability.


number of random draws, each returning a vector of length len. Currently only n = 1 is supported, but the argument exists for standardization of "r" functions.


These nimbleFunctions provide distributions that can be used directly in R or in nimble hierarchical models (via nimbleCode and nimbleModel).

The probability of observation vector x depends on occupancy probability, probOcc, and detection probability, probDetect or probDetect[1:T].

The letter following the 'dOcc_' indicates whether detection probability is scalar (s, meaning probDetect is detection probability for every x[t]) or vector (v, meaning probDetect[t] is detection probability for x[t]).

When used directly from R, the len argument to dOcc_* is not necessary. It will default to the length of x. When used in nimble model code (via nimbleCode), len must be provided (even though it may seem redundant).

For more explanation, see package vignette (vignette("Introduction_to_nimbleEcology")).

Compared to writing nimble models with a discrete latent state for true occupancy status and a separate scalar datum for each observation, use of these distributions allows one to directly sum (marginalize) over the discrete latent state and calculate the probability of all observations from one site jointly.

These are nimbleFunctions written in the format of user-defined distributions for NIMBLE's extension of the BUGS model language. More information can be found in the NIMBLE User Manual at

When using these distributions in a nimble model, the left-hand side will be used as x, and the user should not provide the log argument.

For example, in nimble model code,

detections[i, 1:T] ~ dOcc_s(occupancyProbability, detectionProbability, T)

declares that detections[i, 1:T] (detection history at site i, for example) follows an occupancy distribution with parameters as indicated, assuming all the parameters have been declared elsewhere in the model. This will invoke (something like) the following call to dOcc_s when nimble uses the model such as for MCMC:

dOcc_s(detections[i, 1:T], occupancyProbability, detectionProbability, len = T, log = TRUE)

If an algorithm using a nimble model with this declaration needs to generate a random draw for detections[i, 1:T], it will make a similar invocation of rOcc_s, with n = 1.

If the detection probabilities are time-dependent, use:

detections[i, 1:T] ~ dOcc_v(occupancyProbability, detectionProbability[1:T], len = T)


For dOcc_*: the probability (or likelihood) or log probability of observation vector x.

For rOcc_*: a simulated detection history, x.

Notes for use with automatic differentiation

The dOcc_* distributions should all work for models and algorithms that use nimble's automatic differentiation (AD) system. In that system, some kinds of values are "baked in" (cannot be changed) to the AD calculations from the first call, unless and until the AD calculations are reset. For the dOcc_* distributions, the lengths of vector inputs are baked in. These can be different for different iterations through a for loop (or nimble model declarations with different indices, for example), but the lengths for each specific iteration will be "baked in" after the first call. It is safest if one can assume that x are data and are not going to change.


Ben Goldstein, Perry de Valpine, and Lauren Ponisio

See Also

For dynamic occupancy models, see documentation for dDynOcc.


# Set up constants and initial values for defining the model
dat <- c(1,1,0,0) # A vector of observations
probOcc <- 0.6
probDetect <- 0.4

# Define code for a nimbleModel
nc <- nimbleCode({
  x[1:4] ~ dOcc_s(probOcc, probDetect, len = 4)
  probOcc ~ dunif(0,1)
  probDetect ~ dunif(0,1)

# Build the model, providing data and initial values
Occ_model <- nimbleModel(nc, data = list(x = dat),
                         inits = list(probOcc = probOcc,
                                      probDetect = probDetect))

# Calculate log probability of data from the model
# Use the model for a variety of other purposes...