Title: | R Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead Module |
Description: | Provides several direct search optimization algorithms based on the simplex method. The provided algorithms are direct search algorithms, i.e. algorithms which do not use the derivative of the cost function. They are based on the update of a simplex. The following algorithms are available: the fixed shape simplex method of Spendley, Hext and Himsworth (unconstrained optimization with a fixed shape simplex, 1962) <doi:10.1080/00401706.1962.10490033>, the variable shape simplex method of Nelder and Mead (unconstrained optimization with a variable shape simplex made, 1965) <doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308>, and Box's complex method (constrained optimization with a variable shape simplex, 1965) <doi: 10.1093/comjnl/8.1.42>. |
Authors: | Sebastien Bihorel [aut, cre], Michael Baudin [cph] |
Maintainer: | Sebastien Bihorel <[email protected]> |
License: | CeCILL-2 |
Version: | 1.0-12 |
Built: | 2025-03-11 06:49:10 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
The goal of this package is to provide a Nelder-Mead direct search optimization method. That Nelder-Mead algorithm may be used in the following optimization context:
there is no need to provide the derivatives of the objective function,
the number of parameters is small (up to 10-20),
there are bounds and/or non linear constraints.
This package provides the following components:
neldermead provides various Nelder-Mead variants and manages for Nelder-Mead specific settings, such as the method to compute the initial simplex, the specific termination criteria,
provides a simplified Nelder-Mead algorithm.
Specific termination criteria, initial simplex and auxiliary settings are
automatically configured.
provides a simplified Box algorithm, ie the equivalent
of fminsearch
for unconstrained search.
, optimget
provide commands to emulate their
Scilab counterparts.
, optimplotx
and optimplotfval
provide plotting features for the fminsearch function (Not implemented
provides a high-level component which provides directly
output pictures for Nelder-Mead algorithm. (Not implemented yet).
The current component is based on the following packages
optimbase: provides an abstract class for a general optimization component, including the number of variables, the minimum and maximum bounds, the number of non linear inequality constraints, the loggin system, various termination criteria, the cost function, etc...
optimsimplex: provides a class to manage a simplex made of an arbitrary number of vertices, including the computation of a simplex by various methods (axes, regular, Pfeffer's, randomized bounds), the computation of the size by various methods (diameter, sigma+, sigma-, etc...),
The following is a list of features the Nelder-Mead prototype algorithm currently provides:
Provides 3 algorithms, including
the fixed shape algorithm of Spendley et al.,
the variable shape algorithm of Nelder and Mead,
Box's 'complex' algorithm managing bounds and nonlinear inequality constraints based on arbitrary number of vertices in the simplex.
Manage various simplex initializations:
initial simplex given by user,
initial simplex computed with a length and along the coordinate axes,
initial regular simplex computed with formula of Spendley et al.,
initial simplex computed by a small perturbation around the initial guess point.
Manage cost function:
optional additional argument,
direct communication of the task to perform: cost function or inequality constraints.
Manage various termination criteria, including maximum number of iterations, tolerance on function value (relative or absolute):
tolerance on x (relative or absolute),
tolerance on standard deviation of function value (original termination criteria in Box 1965),
maximum number of evaluations of cost function,
absolute or relative simplex size.
Manage the history of the convergence, including:
history of function values,
history of optimum point,
history of simplices,
history of termination criteria.
Provide a plot command which allows to graphically see the history of the simplices toward the optimum (Not yet implemented).
Provide query features for the status of the optimization process: number of iterations, number of function evaluations, status of execution, function value at initial point, function value at optimal point, etc...
Kelley restart based on simplex gradient.
O'Neill restart based on factorial search around optimum.
Package: | neldermead |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0-12 |
Date: | 2022-01-30 |
License: | CeCILL-2 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
See vignette('neldermead',package='neldermead')
for more information.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
'Sequential Application of Simplex Designs in Optimisation and Evolutionary Operation', Spendley, W. and Hext, G. R. and Himsworth, F. R., American Statistical Association and American Society for Quality, 1962
'A Simplex Method for Function Minimization', Nelder, J. A. and Mead, R., The Computer Journal, 1965
'A New Method of Constrained Optimization and a Comparison With Other Methods', M. J. Box, The Computer Journal 1965 8(1):42-52, 1965 by British Computer Society
'Discussion and correspondence: modification of the complex method of constrained optimization', J. A. Guin, The Computer Journal, 1968
'Detection and Remediation of Stagnation in the Nelder–Mead Algorithm Using a Sufficient Decrease Condition', Kelley C. T., SIAM J. on Optimization, 1999
'Iterative Methods for Optimization', C. T. Kelley, SIAM Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, 1999
'Algorithm AS47 - Function minimization using a simplex procedure', O'Neill, R., Applied Statistics, 1971
Call the cost function after transposition of the value of the point estimate x, so that the input row vector, given by optimsimplex, is transposed into a column vector as required by the cost function.
costf.transposex(x = NULL, this = NULL)
costf.transposex(x = NULL, this = NULL)
x |
The point estimate provide as a row matrix. |
this |
A neldermead object. |
Return the value of the cost function (called by neldermead.costf
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
Evaluate an unconstrained cost function on a grid of points around a given initial point estimate.
fmin.gridsearch(fun = NULL, x0 = NULL, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL, npts = 3, alpha = 10)
fmin.gridsearch(fun = NULL, x0 = NULL, xmin = NULL, xmax = NULL, npts = 3, alpha = 10)
fun |
An unconstrained cost function returning a numeric scalar, similar
to those used in the |
x0 |
The initial point estimate, provided as a numeric vector. |
xmin |
Optional: a vector of lower bounds. |
xmax |
Optional: a vector of upper bounds. |
npts |
An integer scalar greater than 2, indicating the number of evaluation points will be used on each dimension to build the search grid. |
alpha |
A vector of numbers greater than 1, which give the factor(s) used
to calculate the evaluation range of each dimension of the search grid (see
Details). If |
evaluates the cost function at each point
of a grid of npts^length(x0)
points. If lower (xmin
) and upper
) bounds are provided, the range of evaluation points is limited
by those bounds and alpha
is not used. Otherwise, the range of
evaluation points is defined as [x0/alpha,x0*alpha]
The actual evaluation of the cost function is delegated to
Return a data.frame with the coordinates of the evaluation point, the value of the cost function and its feasibility. Because the cost function is unconstrained, it is always feasible. The data.frame is ordered by feasibility and increasing value of the cost function.
Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
This function searches for the constrained minimum of a given cost function.
The provided algorithm is a direct search algorithm, i.e. an algorithm which
does not use the derivative of the cost function. It is based on the update of
a simplex, which is a set of k>=n+1 vertices, where each vertex is associated
with one point, which coordinates are constrained within user-defined
boundaries, and with one function value. This algorithm corresponds to a
version of the Box algorithm, based on bounds and no non-linear constraints.
This function is based on a specialized use of the more general
function bundle. Users who want to have a more flexible
solution based on direct search algorithms should consider using the
functions instead of the fminbnd
fminbnd(fun=NULL, x0=NULL, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL, options=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
fminbnd(fun=NULL, x0=NULL, xmin=NULL, xmax=NULL, options=NULL, verbose=FALSE)
fun |
A cost function return a numeric scalar. |
x0 |
A numerical vector of initial guesses (length n). |
xmin |
A numerical vector of lower bounds for |
xmax |
A numerical vector of upper bounds for |
options |
A list of optimization options, which drives the behaviour of
verbose |
The verbose option, controlling the amount of messages. |
Termination criteria
In this section, we describe the termination criteria used by fminbnd
The criteria is based on the following variables:
the current number of time the tolerance on the cost function was met, and
the absolute value of the difference of function value between the highest and lowest vertices.
If both shiftfv < options$TolFun
and boxkount < options$nbMatch
conditions are true, then the iterations stop.
The initial simplex
The fminbnd
algorithm uses a special initial simplex, which is an
heuristic depending on the initial guess. The strategy chosen by
corresponds to the content of simplex0method
element of the neldermead object (set to 'randbounds'). It is applied using
the content of the boundsmin
and boundsmin
elements to generate
a simplex with random vertices within the boundaries defined by the user (ie,
, and xmax
). This method is an heuristic which is presented
in 'A New Method of Constrained Optimization and a Comparison With Other
Methods' by M.J. Box. See in the help of optimsimplex
for more details.
The number of iterations
In this section, we present the default values for the number of iterations in
The options
input argument is an optional list which can
contain the MaxIter
field, which stores the maximum number of
iterations. The default value is 200n, where n is the number of variables.
The factor 200 has not been chosen by chance, but is the result of experiments
performed against quadratic functions with increasing space dimension.
This result is presented in 'Effect of dimensionality on the Nelder-Mead
simplex method' by Lixing Han and Michael Neumann. This paper is based on
Lixing Han's PhD, 'Algorithms in Unconstrained Optimization'. The study is
based on numerical experiments with a quadratic function where the number of
terms depends on the dimension of the space (i.e. the number of variables).
Their study showed that the number of iterations required to reach the
tolerance criteria is roughly 100n. Most iterations are based on inside
contractions. Since each step of the Nelder-Mead algorithm only require one
or two function evaluations, the number of required function evaluations in
this experiment is also roughly 100n.
Output and plot functions
The optimset
function can be used to configure one or more output and
plot functions.
The output or plot function is expected to have the following definition:
myfun <- function(x , optimValues , state)
The input arguments x
, optimValues
and state
described in detail in the optimset
help page. The
field represents the type of step performed at
the current iteration and can be equal to one of the following strings:
” (the empty string),
'initial simplex',
'reflect (Box)'.
Return a object of class neldermead. Use the neldermead.get
to extract
the following element from the returned object:
The vector of n numeric values, minimizing the cost function.
The minimum value of the cost function.
The flag associated with exist status of the algorithm. The following values are available:
The maximum number of iterations has been reached.
The maximum number of function evaluations has been reached.
The tolerance on the simplex size and function value delta has been reached. This signifies that the algorithm has converged, probably to a solution of the problem.
A list which stores detailed information about the exit of the algorithm. This list contains the following fields:
A string containing the definition of the algorithm used, i.e. 'Nelder-Mead simplex direct search'.
The number of function evaluations.
The number of iterations.
A string containing a termination message.
Author: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
#In the following example, we use the fminbnd function to compute the minimum #of a quadratic function. We first define the function 'quad', and then use #the fminbnd function to search the minimum, starting with the initial guess #(1.2, 1.9) and bounds of (1, 1) and (2, 2). In this particular case, 11 #iterations are performed with 20 function evaluations quad <- function(x){ y <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 } sol <- fminbnd(quad,c(1.2,1.9),c(1,1),c(2,2)) summary(sol)
#In the following example, we use the fminbnd function to compute the minimum #of a quadratic function. We first define the function 'quad', and then use #the fminbnd function to search the minimum, starting with the initial guess #(1.2, 1.9) and bounds of (1, 1) and (2, 2). In this particular case, 11 #iterations are performed with 20 function evaluations quad <- function(x){ y <- x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 } sol <- fminbnd(quad,c(1.2,1.9),c(1,1),c(2,2)) summary(sol)
This function calls the cost function and makes it match neldermead
requirements. It is used in the fminbnd
function as the
element of the neldermead object (see ?neldermead
and ?neldermead.set
fminbnd.function(x = NULL, index = NULL, fmsfundata = NULL)
fminbnd.function(x = NULL, index = NULL, fmsfundata = NULL)
x |
A single column vector of parameter estimates. |
index |
An integer variable set to 2, indicating that only the cost function is to be computed by the algorithm. |
fmsfundata |
An object of class 'optimbase.functionargs' and with
(at least) a |
Returns a list with the following elements:
The value of the cost function at the current point estimate.
The same index
A list with a single element costargument
contains fmsfundata
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
This function calls the output function and make it match neldermead
requirements. It is used in the fminbnd
function as the
element of the neldermead object (see
and ?neldermead.set
fminbnd.outputfun(state = NULL, data = NULL, fmsdata = NULL)
fminbnd.outputfun(state = NULL, data = NULL, fmsdata = NULL)
state |
The current state of the algorithm either 'init', 'iter' or 'done'. |
data |
The data at the current state. This is an object of class 'neldermead.data', i.e. a list with the following elements:
fmsdata |
This is an object of class 'optimbase.functionargs' which
contains specific data of the
This function does not return any data, but execute the output function(s).
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
This function searches for the unconstrained minimum of a given cost function.
The provided algorithm is a direct search algorithm, i.e. an algorithm which
does not use the derivative of the cost function. It is based on the update of
a simplex, which is a set of k>=n+1 vertices, where each vertex is associated
with one point and one function value. This algorithm is the Nelder-Mead
algorithm. This function is based on a specialized use of the more general
function bundle. Users who want to have a more flexible
solution based on direct search algorithms should consider using the
functions instead of the fminsearch
fminsearch(fun = NULL, x0 = NULL, options = NULL, verbose=FALSE)
fminsearch(fun = NULL, x0 = NULL, options = NULL, verbose=FALSE)
fun |
A cost function return a numeric scalar. |
x0 |
A numerical vector of initial guesses (length n). |
options |
A list of optimization options, which drives the behaviour of
verbose |
The verbose option, controlling the amount of messages. |
Termination criteria
In this section, we describe the termination criteria used by fminsearch. The criteria is based on the following variables:
the current simplex size,
the absolute value of the difference of function value between the highest and lowest vertices.
If both ssize < options$TolX
and shiftfv < options$TolFun
conditions are true, then the iterations stop. The size of the simplex is
computed using the 'sigmaplus' method of the optimsimplex package. The
'sigmamplus' size is the maximum length of the vector from each vertex to the
first vertex. It requires one loop over the vertices of the simplex.
The initial simplex
The fminsearch
algorithm uses a special initial simplex, which is an
heuristic depending on the initial guess. The strategy chosen by
corresponds to the content of simplex0method
element of the neldermead object (set to 'pfeffer'). It is applied using
the content of the simplex0deltausual
(0.05) and
(0.0075) elements. Pfeffer's method is an heuristic
which is presented in 'Global Optimization Of Lennard-Jones Atomic Clusters'
by Ellen Fan. It is due to L. Pfeffer at Stanford. See in the help of
optimsimplex for more details.
The number of iterations
In this section, we present the default values for the number of iterations in
The options
input argument is an optional list which can
contain the MaxIter
field, which stores the maximum number of
iterations. The default value is 200n, where n is the number of variables.
The factor 200 has not been chosen by chance, but is the result of experiments
performed against quadratic functions with increasing space dimension.
This result is presented in 'Effect of dimensionality on the Nelder-mead
simplex method' by Lixing Han and Michael Neumann. This paper is based on
Lixing Han's PhD, 'Algorithms in Unconstrained Optimization'. The study is
based on numerical experiments with a quadratic function where the number of
terms depends on the dimension of the space (i.e. the number of variables).
Their study showed that the number of iterations required to reach the
tolerance criteria is roughly 100n. Most iterations are based on inside
contractions. Since each step of the Nelder-Mead algorithm only require one
or two function evaluations, the number of required function evaluations in
this experiment is also roughly 100n.
Output and plot functions
The optimset
function can be used to configure one or more output and
plot functions.
The output or plot function is expected to have the following definition:
myfun <- function(x , optimValues , state)
The input arguments x
, optimValues
and state
described in detail in the optimset
help page. The
field represents the type of step performed at
the current iteration and can be equal to one of the following strings:
” (the empty string),
'initial simplex',
'contract inside',
'contract outside'.
Return a object of class neldermead. Use the neldermead.get
to extract
the following element from the returned object:
The vector of n numeric values, minimizing the cost function.
The minimum value of the cost function.
The flag associated with exist status of the algorithm. The following values are available:
The maximum number of iterations has been reached.
The maximum number of function evaluations has been reached.
The tolerance on the simplex size and function value delta has been reached. This signifies that the algorithm has converged, probably to a solution of the problem.
A list which stores detailed information about the exit of the algorithm. This list contains the following fields:
A string containing the definition of the algorithm used, i.e. 'Nelder-Mead simplex direct search'.
The number of function evaluations.
The number of iterations.
A string containing a termination message.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
'Sequential Application of Simplex Designs in Optimisation and Evolutionary Operation', Spendley, W. and Hext, G. R. and Himsworth, F. R., American Statistical Association and American Society for Quality, 1962
'A Simplex Method for Function Minimization', Nelder, J. A. and Mead, R., The Computer Journal, 1965
'Iterative Methods for Optimization', C. T. Kelley, SIAM Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, 1999
'Algorithm AS47 - Function minimization using a simplex procedure', O'Neill, R., Applied Statistics, 1971
'Effect of dimensionality on the nelder-mead simplex method', Lixing Han and Michael Neumann, Optimization Methods and Software, 21, 1, 1–16, 2006.
'Algorithms in Unconstrained Optimization', Lixing Han, Ph.D., The University of Connecticut, 2000.
'Global Optimization Of Lennard-Jones Atomic Clusters' Ellen Fan, Thesis, February 26, 2002, McMaster University
#In the following example, we use the fminsearch function to compute the minimum #of the Rosenbrock function. We first define the function 'banana', and then use #the fminsearch function to search the minimum, starting with the initial guess #(-1.2, 1.0). In this particular case, 85 iterations are performed with 159 #function evaluations banana <- function(x){ y <- 100*(x[2]-x[1]^2)^2 + (1-x[1])^2 } sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1)) sol #In the following example, we configure the absolute tolerance on the size of #the simplex to a larger value, so that the algorithm performs less iterations. #Since the default value of 'TolX' for the fminsearch function is 1.e-4, we #decide to use 1.e-2. The optimset function is used to create an optimization #option list and the field 'TolX' is set to 1.e-2. The options list is then #passed to the fminsearch function as the third input argument. In this #particular case, the number of iterations is 70 with 130 function evaluations. opt <- optimset(TolX=1.e-2) sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) sol #In the following example, we want to produce intermediate outputs of the #algorithm. We define the outfun function, which takes the current point x as #input argument. The function plots the current point into the current graphic #window with the plot function. We use the 'OutputFcn' feature of the optimset #function and set it to the output function. Then the option list is passed #to the fminsearch function. At each iteration, the output function is called #back, which creates and update a plot. While this example creates a 2D plot, #the user may customized the output function so that it writes a message in #the console, write some data into a data file, etc... The user can distinguish #between the output function (associated with the 'OutputFcn' option) and the #plot function (associated with the 'PlotFcns' option). See the optimset for #more details on this feature. outfun <- function(x, optimValues, state){ plot(x[1],x[2],xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) par(new=TRUE) } opt <- optimset(OutputFcn=outfun) sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) sol #The 'Display' option allows to get some input about the intermediate steps of #the algorithm as well as to be warned in case of a convergence problem. #In the following example, we present what happens in case of a convergence #problem. We set the number of iterations to 10, instead of the default 400 #iterations. We know that 85 iterations are required to reach the convergence #criteria. Therefore, the convergence criteria is not met and the maximum number #of iterations is reached. opt <- optimset(MaxIter=10) sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) #Since the default value of the 'Display' option is 'notify', a message is #generated, which warns the user about a possible convergence problem. The #previous script produces the following output. # Exiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded # - increase MaxIter option. # Current function value: 4.1355598 #In the following example, we present how to display intermediate steps used by #the algorithm. We simply set the 'Display' option to the 'iter' value. This #option allows to see the number of function evaluations, the minimum function #value and which type of simplex step is used for the iteration. opt <- optimset(Display='iter') sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) sol
#In the following example, we use the fminsearch function to compute the minimum #of the Rosenbrock function. We first define the function 'banana', and then use #the fminsearch function to search the minimum, starting with the initial guess #(-1.2, 1.0). In this particular case, 85 iterations are performed with 159 #function evaluations banana <- function(x){ y <- 100*(x[2]-x[1]^2)^2 + (1-x[1])^2 } sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1)) sol #In the following example, we configure the absolute tolerance on the size of #the simplex to a larger value, so that the algorithm performs less iterations. #Since the default value of 'TolX' for the fminsearch function is 1.e-4, we #decide to use 1.e-2. The optimset function is used to create an optimization #option list and the field 'TolX' is set to 1.e-2. The options list is then #passed to the fminsearch function as the third input argument. In this #particular case, the number of iterations is 70 with 130 function evaluations. opt <- optimset(TolX=1.e-2) sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) sol #In the following example, we want to produce intermediate outputs of the #algorithm. We define the outfun function, which takes the current point x as #input argument. The function plots the current point into the current graphic #window with the plot function. We use the 'OutputFcn' feature of the optimset #function and set it to the output function. Then the option list is passed #to the fminsearch function. At each iteration, the output function is called #back, which creates and update a plot. While this example creates a 2D plot, #the user may customized the output function so that it writes a message in #the console, write some data into a data file, etc... The user can distinguish #between the output function (associated with the 'OutputFcn' option) and the #plot function (associated with the 'PlotFcns' option). See the optimset for #more details on this feature. outfun <- function(x, optimValues, state){ plot(x[1],x[2],xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),ylim=c(-1.5,1.5)) par(new=TRUE) } opt <- optimset(OutputFcn=outfun) sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) sol #The 'Display' option allows to get some input about the intermediate steps of #the algorithm as well as to be warned in case of a convergence problem. #In the following example, we present what happens in case of a convergence #problem. We set the number of iterations to 10, instead of the default 400 #iterations. We know that 85 iterations are required to reach the convergence #criteria. Therefore, the convergence criteria is not met and the maximum number #of iterations is reached. opt <- optimset(MaxIter=10) sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) #Since the default value of the 'Display' option is 'notify', a message is #generated, which warns the user about a possible convergence problem. The #previous script produces the following output. # Exiting: Maximum number of iterations has been exceeded # - increase MaxIter option. # Current function value: 4.1355598 #In the following example, we present how to display intermediate steps used by #the algorithm. We simply set the 'Display' option to the 'iter' value. This #option allows to see the number of function evaluations, the minimum function #value and which type of simplex step is used for the iteration. opt <- optimset(Display='iter') sol <- fminsearch(banana, c(-1.2,1), opt) sol
This function calls the cost function and makes it match neldermead
requirements. It is used in the fminsearch
function as the
element of the neldermead object (see ?neldermead
and ?neldermead.set
fminsearch.function(x = NULL, index = NULL, fmsfundata = NULL)
fminsearch.function(x = NULL, index = NULL, fmsfundata = NULL)
x |
A single column vector of parameter estimates. |
index |
An integer variable set to 2, indicating that only the cost function is to be computed by the algorithm. |
fmsfundata |
An object of class 'optimbase.functionargs' and with
(at least) a |
Returns a list with the following elements:
The value of the cost function at the current point estimate.
The same index
A list with a single element costargument
contains fmsfundata
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
This function calls the output function and make it match neldermead
requirements. It is used in the fminsearch
function as the
element of the neldermead object (see
and ?neldermead.set
fminsearch.outputfun(state = NULL, data = NULL, fmsdata = NULL)
fminsearch.outputfun(state = NULL, data = NULL, fmsdata = NULL)
state |
The current state of the algorithm either 'init', 'iter' or 'done'. |
data |
The data at the current state. This is an object of class 'neldermead.data', i.e. a list with the following elements:
fmsdata |
This is an object of class 'optimbase.functionargs' which
contains specific data of the
This function does not return any data, but execute the output function(s).
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
These functions support the S3 class 'neldermead'and are intended to either create objects of this class or check if an object is of this class.
neldermead(optbase, method, simplex0, simplex0method, simplex0length, simplexsize0, simplexopt, historysimplex, coords0, rho, chi, gamma, sigma, tolfstdeviation, tolfstdeviationmethod, tolsimplexizeabsolute, tolsimplexizerelative, tolsimplexizemethod, toldeltafv, tolssizedeltafvmethod, simplex0deltausual, simplex0deltazero, restartsimplexmethod, restartmax, restarteps, restartstep, restartnb, restartflag, restartdetection, kelleystagnationflag, kelleynormalizationflag, kelleystagnationalpha0, kelleyalpha, startupflag, boxnbpoints, boxnbpointseff, boxineqscaling, checkcostfunction, scalingsimplex0, guinalphamin, boxboundsalpha, boxtermination, boxtolf, boxnbmatch, boxkount, boxreflect, tolvarianceflag, tolabsolutevariance, tolrelativevariance, variancesimplex0, mymethod, myterminate, myterminateflag, greedy, output, exitflag) ## S3 method for class 'neldermead' print(x,verbose,...) ## S3 method for class 'neldermead' summary(object,showhistory,...) ## S3 method for class 'neldermead' is(x=NULL)
neldermead(optbase, method, simplex0, simplex0method, simplex0length, simplexsize0, simplexopt, historysimplex, coords0, rho, chi, gamma, sigma, tolfstdeviation, tolfstdeviationmethod, tolsimplexizeabsolute, tolsimplexizerelative, tolsimplexizemethod, toldeltafv, tolssizedeltafvmethod, simplex0deltausual, simplex0deltazero, restartsimplexmethod, restartmax, restarteps, restartstep, restartnb, restartflag, restartdetection, kelleystagnationflag, kelleynormalizationflag, kelleystagnationalpha0, kelleyalpha, startupflag, boxnbpoints, boxnbpointseff, boxineqscaling, checkcostfunction, scalingsimplex0, guinalphamin, boxboundsalpha, boxtermination, boxtolf, boxnbmatch, boxkount, boxreflect, tolvarianceflag, tolabsolutevariance, tolrelativevariance, variancesimplex0, mymethod, myterminate, myterminateflag, greedy, output, exitflag) ## S3 method for class 'neldermead' print(x,verbose,...) ## S3 method for class 'neldermead' summary(object,showhistory,...) ## S3 method for class 'neldermead' is(x=NULL)
optbase |
An object of class 'optimbase', i.e. a list created by
method |
The name of the algorithm to use. |
simplex0 |
An object of class 'simplex', i.e. a list created by
simplex0method |
The method to use to compute the initial simplex. |
simplex0length |
The length to use when the initial simplex is computed with the 'axes' or 'spendley' methods. |
rho |
The reflection coefficient. This parameter is used when the
chi |
The expansion coefficient. This parameter is used when the
gamma |
The contraction coefficient. This parameter is used when the
sigma |
The shrinkage coefficient. This parameter is used when the
tolfstdeviation |
The tolerance for the standard deviation. |
tolfstdeviationmethod |
Set to FALSE. |
tolsimplexizeabsolute |
The absolute tolerance on the simplex size. |
tolsimplexizerelative |
The relative tolerance on the simplex size. |
tolsimplexizemethod |
Logical flag to enable/disable the tolerance on
the simplex size. When this criteria is enabled, the values of the
simplexsize0 |
Initial size of the simplex, for the tolerance on the simplex size. |
toldeltafv |
The absolute tolerance on the difference between the highest and the lowest function values. |
tolssizedeltafvmethod |
Logical flag to enable/disable the termination
criteria based on the size of the simplex and the difference of function
value in the simplex. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the
optimization is set to 'tolsizedeltafv'. This termination criteria uses
the values of the |
historysimplex |
The list to store the history for simplex. The simplex
will be stored on a new level of the list at each iteration, so the length
of |
coords0 |
The coordinates of the vertices of the initial simplex. If
the |
simplex0deltausual |
The relative delta for non-zero parameters in 'pfeffer' method. |
simplex0deltazero |
The absolute delta for non-zero parameters in 'pfeffer' method. |
simplexopt |
The optimum simplex, after one optimization process. |
restartsimplexmethod |
The method to compute the initial simplex after a restart. |
restartmax |
The maximum number of restarts, when automatic restart is
enabled via the |
restarteps |
The absolute epsilon value used to check for optimality in the factorial O'Neill restart detection. |
restartstep |
The absolute step length used to check for optimality in the factorial O'Neill restart detection. |
kelleystagnationflag |
Logical flag to enable/disable the termination criteria using Kelley's stagnation detection, based on sufficient decrease condition. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the optimization is set to 'kelleystagnation'. |
kelleynormalizationflag |
Logical flag to enable/disable the
normalization of the alpha coefficient in Kelley's stagnation detection,
i.e. use the value of the |
kelleystagnationalpha0 |
The parameter used in Kelley's stagnation detection. |
kelleyalpha |
The current value of Kelley's alpha, after normalization, if required. |
restartnb |
Number of restarts performed. |
restartflag |
Logical flag to enable/disable the automatic restart of the algorithm. |
restartdetection |
The method to detect if the automatic restart must be performed. |
startupflag |
Set to TRUE when the startup has been performed. |
boxnbpoints |
The number of points in the initial simplex, when the
boxnbpointseff |
The effective number of points required in the simplex for Box's algorithm. |
boxineqscaling |
The scaling coefficient used to scale the trial point for function improvement or into the constraints of Box's algorithm. |
checkcostfunction |
Logical flag to enable/disable the checking of the connection of the cost function. |
scalingsimplex0 |
The algorithm used to scale the initial simplex into the nonlinear constraints. The following two algorithms are provided:
If the centroid happens to be unfeasible, because the constraints are not convex, the scaling of the initial simplex toward the centroid may fail. Since the initial guess is always feasible, scaling toward the initial guess cannot fail. |
guinalphamin |
The minimum value of alpha when scaling the vertices of the simplex into nonlinear constraints in Box's algorithm. |
boxboundsalpha |
The parameter used to project the vertices into the bounds in Box's algorithm. |
boxtermination |
Logical flag to enable/disable Box's termination criteria. |
boxtolf |
The absolute tolerance on difference of function values in
the simplex, suggested by Box. This tolerance is used if the
boxnbmatch |
The number of consecutive match of Box's termination criteria. |
boxkount |
Current number of consecutive match. |
boxreflect |
The reflection factor in Box's algorithm. |
tolvarianceflag |
Logical flag to enable/disable the termination criteria based on the variance of the function value. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the optimization is set to 'tolvariance'. This criteria is suggested by Nelder and Mead. |
tolabsolutevariance |
The absolute tolerance on the variance of the function values of the simplex. |
tolrelativevariance |
The relative tolerance on the variance of the function values of the simplex. |
variancesimplex0 |
Relative tolerance on variance. |
mymethod |
A user-derined simplex algorithm. |
myterminate |
A user-defined terminate function. |
myterminateflag |
Logical flag to enable/disable the user-defined terminate function. |
greedy |
Logical flag to enable/disable greedy Nelder-Mead. |
output |
The command to call back for user-defined output of specialized function. |
exitflag |
Logical flag to enable/disable the user-defined output of specialized function. |
x |
An object of class 'neldermead'. |
verbose |
A logical flag, controlling the amount of data printed. |
... |
optional arguments to 'print' or 'plot' methods. |
object |
An object of class 'neldermead'. |
showhistory |
Optional logical flag, to define whether optimization history must be summarized or not. |
The neldermead
function returns a new object of class 'neldermead',
with the following default content:
An object of class 'optimbase' with the following default content:
Default is FALSE.
Default is NULL.
Default is NULL.
Default is 0.
Default is 0.
Default is 0.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 0.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is TRUE.
Default is 0.
Default is 100.
Default is 100.
Default is 0.
Default is ”.
Default is ”.
Default is NULL.
Default is NULL.
Default is FALSE.
Default is ”.
Default is ”. If the user configures this element, it is expected to be an object of class 'optimbase.outputargs' or will be coerced to an object of class 'optimbase.outputargs'.
Default is 0.
Default is FALSE.
Default is ”. If the user configures this element, it is expected to be an object of class 'optimbase.functionargs' or will be coerced to an object of class 'optimbase.functionargs'.
Default is NULL.
Default is NULL.
Default is 0.
Default is ”.
Default is 0.
Default is FALSE.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 'variable'.
Default is an object of class 'simplex', with the following content:
Default is 0.
Default is NULL.
Default is 0.
Default is NULL.
Default is 0.
Default is 'axes'.
Default is 1.
Default is 1.
Default is 2.
Default is 0.5.
Default is 0.5.
Default is 0.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 0.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 0.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is FALSE.
Default is NULL.
Default is NULL.
Default is 0.05.
Default is 0.0075.
Default is NULL.
Default is 'oriented'.
Default is 3.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is 1.
Default is FALSE.
Default is TRUE, i.e. the simplex gradient of the initial simplex is taken into account in the stagnation detection.
Default is 1.e-4.
Default is 1.e-4.
Default is 0.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 'oneill'.
Default is FALSE.
Default is '2n'.
Default is 0.
Default is 0.
Default is TRUE.
Default is 'tox0'.
Default is 1.e-6.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 1.e-5.
Default is 5.
Default is 0.
Default is 1.3.
Default is FALSE.
Default is 0.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is .Machine$double.eps.
Default is NULL.
Default is NULL.
Default is FALSE.
Default is FALSE.
Default is list().
Default is FALSE.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
performs an optimization without restart using the
method associated with the method
element of the neldermead object;
, neldermead.variable
, neldermead.box
, neldermead.storehistory
, and neldermead.interpolate
are utility
functions for neldermead.algo
neldermead.algo(this = NULL) neldermead.fixed(this = NULL) neldermead.variable(this = NULL) neldermead.box(this = this) boxlinesearch(this = NULL, n = NULL, xbar = NULL, xhigh = NULL, fhigh = NULL, rho = NULL) neldermead.storehistory(this = NULL, n = NULL, fopt = NULL, xopt = NULL, fv = NULL, xcoords = NULL) neldermead.termination(this = NULL, fvinitial = NULL, oldfvmean = NULL, newfvmean = NULL, previousxopt = NULL, currentxopt = NULL, simplex = NULL) neldermead.interpolate(x1 = NULL, x2 = NULL, fac = NULL)
neldermead.algo(this = NULL) neldermead.fixed(this = NULL) neldermead.variable(this = NULL) neldermead.box(this = this) boxlinesearch(this = NULL, n = NULL, xbar = NULL, xhigh = NULL, fhigh = NULL, rho = NULL) neldermead.storehistory(this = NULL, n = NULL, fopt = NULL, xopt = NULL, fv = NULL, xcoords = NULL) neldermead.termination(this = NULL, fvinitial = NULL, oldfvmean = NULL, newfvmean = NULL, previousxopt = NULL, currentxopt = NULL, simplex = NULL) neldermead.interpolate(x1 = NULL, x2 = NULL, fac = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
n |
Number of variables. |
xbar |
The centroid. |
xhigh |
The high point. |
fhigh |
The value of the cost function at |
rho |
The reflection factor. |
fopt |
The current value of the function at the current optimum point estimate. |
xopt |
The current optimum point estimate. |
fv |
The function values, with size nbve x 1. |
xcoords |
Matrix of size n x n+1, coordinates of the n+1 vertices |
fvinitial |
The initial cost function value. |
oldfvmean |
The old cost function value average on the simplex. |
newfvmean |
The new cost function value average on the simplex. |
previousxopt |
The previous point estimate. |
currentxopt |
The current point estimate. |
simplex |
The simplex. The best point estimate in the simplex is expected to be stored at 1, while the worst point estimate in the simplex is expected to be stored at n+1. |
x1 |
The first reference point estimate to perform the interpolation. |
x2 |
The second reference point estimate to perform the interpolation. |
fac |
A factor to perform the interpolation. |
The simplex algorithm with fixed size simplex. We implement the following 'rules' of the method of Spendley et al.
Rule 1 is strictly applied, but the reflection is done by reflection of the high point, since we minimize a function instead of maximizing it, like Spendley.
Rule 2 is NOT implemented, as we expect that the function evaluation is not subject to errors.
Rule 3 is applied, i.e. reflection with respect to next to high point. A shrink step is included, with shrinkage factor sigma.
Rule 1. Ascertain the lowest reading y, of yi ... Yk+1 Complete a new simplex Sp by excluding the point Vp corresponding to y, and replacing it by V* defined as above.
Rule 2. If a result has occurred in (k + 1) successive simplexes, and is not then eliminated by application of Rule 1, do not move in the direction indicated by Rule 1, or at all, but discard the result and replace it by a new observation at the same point.
Rule 3. If y is the lowest reading in So , and if the next observation made, y* , is the lowest reading in the new simplex S , do not apply Rule 1 and return to So from Sp . Move out of S, by rejecting the second lowest reading (which is also the second lowest reading in So).
The original Nelder-Mead algorithm, with variable-size simplex.
The Nelder-Mead algorithm, with variable-size simplex and modifications by Box for bounds and inequality constraints.
Called by neldermead.box
, i.e. Box's
method. Perform a line search from xbar, on the line (xhigh,xbar). The
reflected point estimate satisfies the following constraints:
fr < fhigh
xr satisfies the bounds constraints
xr satisfies the nonlinear positive inequality constraints
xr satisfies the linear positive inequality constraints
The method is based on projection and scaling toward the centroid.
Store the optimization history into the neldermead object.
Determine if the algorithm must continue or terminate. The function uses the cost function average in the simplex instead of the best cost function value. This is because the function average changes at each iteration. Instead, the best function value has a step-by-step evolution and may not change between two successive iterations, leading to a stop of the algorithm.
Compute the point estimate xi as an interpolation between x1 and x2, as follows: xi = (1+fac)x1 - fac*x2
, neldermead.variable
, and
Return the updated neldermead object, containing the optimum point estimate.
Return a list with the following elements:
The updated neldermead object.
TRUE if the search is successful, FALSE otherwise.
The reflected point estimate.
The value of the cost function at xr
Return the updated neldermead object.
Return a list with the following elements:
The updated neldermead object
TRUE if the algorithm terminates, FALSE if the algorithm must continue.
The termination status: 'continue', 'maxiter', 'maxfuneval', 'tolf', 'tolx', 'tolsize', 'tolsizedeltafv', 'kelleystagnation', 'tolboxf', 'tolvariance' or the user-defined termination status.
Return a new point estimate, i.e. a column vector.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
calls optimbase.destroy
to erase the content of this$optbase
neldermead.destroy(this = NULL)
neldermead.destroy(this = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
Return an updated neldermead object.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
Simple way to compute the value of the cost function specified in a neldermead object.
neldermead.function(this = NULL, x = NULL)
neldermead.function(this = NULL, x = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
x |
The point estimate where the cost function is to be evaluated. |
Returns the value of the cost function.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
Get the value for the given element in a neldermead object.
neldermead.get(this = NULL, key = NULL)
neldermead.get(this = NULL, key = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
key |
The name of the key to query. |
Return the value of the list element key
, or an error message if
does not exist in the neldermead object this
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
Update the simplex with neldermead.updatesimp
and restart the search
with neldermead.search
neldermead.restart(this = NULL)
neldermead.restart(this = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
Returns an updated neldermead object.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
Performs the optimization associated with the method associated with the
element of the neldermead object and find the optimum. If the
element is enabled, automatic restarts are performed, based
on the restartdetection
neldermead.search(this = NULL)
neldermead.search(this = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
Return an updated neldermead object.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
Configure the current neldermead object with the given value for the given key.
neldermead.set(this = NULL, key = NULL, value = NULL)
neldermead.set(this = NULL, key = NULL, value = NULL)
this |
The current neldermead object. |
key |
The key to configure. See details for the list of possible keys. |
value |
The value to assign to the key. |
sets the content of the key
element of
the neldermead object this
to value
. If key
is a
sub-element of this$optbase
, value
is assigned by
The main available keys are the following:
Set to 1 to enable verbose logging.
Set to 1 to enable verbose termination logging.
The initial guess, as a n x 1 column vector, where n is the number of variables.
The maximum number of function evaluations. If this criteria is triggered during optimization, the status of the optimization is set to 'maxfuneval'.
The maximum number of iterations. If this criteria is triggered during optimization, the status of the optimization is set to 'maxiter'.
The absolute tolerance for the function value.
The relative tolerance for the function value.
The method used for the tolerance on function value in the termination criteria. The following values are available: TRUE, FALSE. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the optimization is set to 'tolf'.
The absolute tolerance on x.
The relative tolerance on x.
The method used for the tolerance on x in the termination criteria. The following values are available: TRUE, FALSE. If this criteria is triggered during optimization, the status of the optimization is set to 'tolx'.
The objective function, which computes the value of the
cost and the non linear constraints, if any. See
for the details of
the communication between the optimization system and the cost function.
An additionnal argument, passed to the cost function.
A command which is called back for output. See
for the details of
the communication between the optimization system and the output command
An additionnal argument, passed to the output command.
The number of variables to optimize.
Set to TRUE to enable the history storing.
The minimum bounds for the parameters.
The maximum bounds for the parameters.
The number of inequality constraints.
The name of the algorithm to use. The following methods are available:
the fixed simplex shape algorithm of Spendley et al. This algorithm is for unconstrained problems (i.e. bounds and non linear constraints are not taken into account)
the variable simplex shape algorithm of Nelder and Mead. This algorithm is for unconstrained problems (i.e. bounds and non linear constraints are not taken into account)
Box's complex algorithm. This algorithm takes into account bounds and nonlinear inequality constraints.
the user-defined algorithm, associated with the
element. See
for details.
The method to use to compute the initial simplex.
The first vertex in the simplex is always the initial guess associated
with the x0
element. The following methods are available:
The coordinates associated with the coords0
element are used to compute the initial simplex, with arbitrary number
of vertices. This allows the user to setup the initial simplex by a
specific method which is not provided by the current package (for
example with a simplex computed from a design of experiments). This
allows also to configure the initial simplex so that a specific
behaviour of the algorithm is to be reproduced (for example the Mac
Kinnon test case). The given matrix is expected to have nbve rows and
n columns, where n is the dimension of the problem and nbve is the
number of vertices.
The simplex is computed from the coordinate axes and the
length associated with the simplex0length
The simplex is computed so that it is regular with
the length associated with the simplex0length
element (i.e. all
the edges have the same length).
The simplex is computed from an heuristic, in the neighborhood of the initial guess. This initial simplex depends on the -simplex0deltausual and -simplex0deltazero.
The simplex is computed from the bounds and a
random number. This option is available only if bounds are available:
if bounds are not available, an error is generated. This method is
usually associated with Box's algorithm. The number of vertices in
the simplex is taken from the boxnbpoints
The coordinates of the vertices of the initial simplex. If
the simplex0method
element is set to 'given', these coordinates are
used to compute the initial simplex. This matrix is expected to have shape
nbve x n, where nbve is the number of vertices and n is the number of
The length to use when the initial simplex is computed with the 'axes' or 'spendley' methods. If the initial simplex is computed from 'spendley' method, the length is expected to be a scalar value. If the initial simplex is computed from 'axes' method, it may be either a scalar value or a vector of values, of length n, where n is the number of variables.
The relative delta for non-zero parameters in 'pfeffer' method.
The absolute delta for non-zero parameters in 'pfeffer' method.
The reflection coefficient. This parameter is used when the
element is set to 'fixed' or 'variable'.
The expansion coefficient. This parameter is used when the
element is set to 'variable'.
The contraction coefficient. This parameter is used when the
element is set to 'variable'.
The shrinkage coefficient. This parameter is used when the
element is set to 'fixed' or 'variable'.
Set to FALSE to disable the tolerance on the
simplex size. If this criteria is triggered,
the status of the optimization is set to 'tolsize'. When this criteria is
enabled, the values of the tolsimplexizeabsolute
elements are used in the termination
criteria. The method to compute the size is the 'sigmaplus' method.
The absolute tolerance on the simplex size.
The relative tolerance on the simplex size.
Set to TRUE to enable the termination
criteria based on the size of the simplex and the difference of function
value in the simplex. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the
optimization is set to 'tolsizedeltafv'. This termination criteria uses
the values of the tolsimplexizeabsolute
and toldeltafv
The absolute tolerance on the difference between the highest and the lowest function values.
Set to TRUE to enable the termination criteria based on the variance of the function value. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the optimization is set to 'tolvariance'. This criteria is suggested by Nelder and Mead.
The absolute tolerance on the variance of the function values of the simplex.
The relative tolerance on the variance of the function values of the simplex.
Set to TRUE to enable the termination criteria using Kelley's stagnation detection, based on sufficient decrease condition. If this criteria is triggered, the status of the optimization is set to 'kelleystagnation'.
Set to FALSE to disable the normalization
of the alpha coefficient in Kelley's stagnation detection, i.e. use the
value of the kelleystagnationalpha0
element as is. Default value is
TRUE, i.e. the simplex gradient of the initial simplex is takeoptionn into
account in the stagnation detection.
The parameter used in Kelley's stagnation detection.
Set to TRUE to enable the automatic restart of the algorithm.
The method to detect if the automatic restart must be performed. The following methods are available:
The factorial local optimality test by O'Neill is used. If the test finds a local point which is better than the computed optimum, a restart is performed.
The sufficient decrease condition by O'Neill is used. If the test finds that the status of the optimization is 'kelleystagnation', a restart is performed. This status may be generated if the -kelleystagnationflag option is set to TRUE.
The maximum number of restarts, when automatic restart is enabled via the -restartflag option.
The absolute epsilon value used to check for optimality in the factorial O'Neill restart detection.
The absolute step length used to check for optimality in the factorial O'Neill restart detection.
The method to compute the initial simplex after a restart. The following methods are available.
The coordinates associated with the coords0
are used to compute the initial simplex, with arbitrary number of
vertices. This allow the user to setup the initial simplex by a specific
method which is not provided by the current package (for example with
a simplex computed from a design of experiments). This allows also to
configure the initial simplex so that a specific behaviour of the
algorithm is to be reproduced (for example the Mc Kinnon test case).
The given matrix is expected to have nbve rows and n columns, where n
is the dimension of the problem and nbve is the number of vertices.
The simplex is computed from the coordinate axes and the length associated with the -simplex0length option.
The simplex is computed so that it is regular with the length associated with the -simplex0length option (i.e. all the edges have the same length).
The simplex is computed from an heuristic, in the neighborhood of the initial guess. This initial simplex depends on the -simplex0deltausual and -simplex0deltazero.
The simplex is computed from the bounds and a random number. This option is available only if bounds are available: if bounds are not available, an error is generated. This method is usually associated with Box's algorithm. The number of vertices in the simplex is taken from the -boxnbpoints option.
The simplex is computed so that it is oriented, as suggested by Kelley.
The algorithm used to scale the initial simplex into the nonlinear constraints. The following two algorithms are provided:
scales the vertices toward the initial guess.
scales the vertices toward the centroid, as recommended by Box.
If the centroid happens to be unfeasible, because the constraints are not convex, the scaling of the initial simplex toward the centroid may fail. Since the initial guess is always feasible, scaling toward the initial guess cannot fail.
The number of points in the initial simplex, when the -simplex0method is set to 'randbounds'. The value of this option is also use to update the simplex when a restart is performed and the -restartsimplexmethod option is set to 'randbounds'. The default value is so that the number of points is twice the number of variables of the problem.
The scaling coefficient used to scale the trial point for function improvement or into the constraints of Box's algorithm.
The minimum value of alpha when scaling the vertices of the simplex into nonlinear constraints in Box's algorithm.
The reflection factor in Box's algorithm.
Set to TRUE to enable Box's termination criteria.
The absolute tolerance on difference of function values in
the simplex, suggested by Box. This tolerance is used if the
element is set to TRUE.
The number of consecutive match of Box's termination criteria.
The parameter used to project the vertices into the bounds in Box's algorithm.
A user-derined simplex algorithm. See
for details.
A user-defined terminate function. See
for details.
Set to TRUE to enable the user-defined terminate function.
An updated neldermead object.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
This function allows to make queries on an existing optimization option list.
This list must have been created and updated by the optimset
The optimget
allows to retrieve the value associated with a given key.
optimget(options = NULL, key = NULL, value = NULL)
optimget(options = NULL, key = NULL, value = NULL)
options |
A list created or modifies by |
key |
A single character string, which should be the name of the field in
value |
A default value. |
is matched against the field names of options
and a case-insensitive regular expression. If key
is not
found in options
, the function returns NULL. If several matches are
found, optimget
is stopped.
Return options$key
if key
is found in options
. Return
, otherwise.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
opt <- optimset(method='fminsearch') optimget(opt,'Display') optimget(opt,'abc','!@')
opt <- optimset(method='fminsearch') optimget(opt,'Display') optimget(opt,'abc','!@')
This function creates or updates a list which can be used to modify
the behaviour of optimization methods. The goal of this function is to manage
the options
list with a set of fields (for example, 'MaxFunEvals',
'MaxIter', etc...). The user can create a new list with empty fields or
create a new structure with default fields which correspond to a particular
algorithm. The user can also configure each field and set it to a particular
value. Finally, the user passes the list to an optimization function so
that the algorithm uses the options configured by the user.
optimset(method = NULL,...)
optimset(method = NULL,...)
method |
If provided, the |
... |
Additional arguments which would be included in the options output
if the |
Most optimization algorithms require many algorithmic parameters such as the
number of iterations or the number of function evaluations. If these
parameters are given to the optimization function as input parameters, this
forces both the user and the developer to manage many input parameters. The
goal of the optimset
function is to simplify the management of input
arguments, by gathering all the parameters into a single list.
While the current implementation of the optimset
function only supports
the fminsearch
and fminbnd
function, it is designed to be
extended to as many optimization function as required. Because all
optimization algorithms do not require the same parameters, the data structure
aims at remaining flexible. But, most of the time, most parameters are the
same from algorithm to algorithm, for example, the tolerance parameters which
drive the termination criteria are often the same, even if the termination
criteria itself is not the same.
Optimization parameters that are returned by the optimset
function and
that can be defined in ...
are the following:
The verbose level. The default value is 'notify'. The following is a list of available verbose levels.
The algorithm displays no message at all.
The algorithm displays message if the termination criteria is not reached at the end of the optimization. This may happen if the maximum number or iterations of the maximum number of function evaluations is reached and warns the user of a convergence problem.
The algorithm displays a message at the end of the optimization, showing the number of iterations, the number of function evaluations and the status of the optimization. This option includes the messages generated by the 'notify' option i.e. warns in case of a convergence problem.
The algorithm displays a one-line message at each iteration. This option includes the messages generated by the 'notify' option i.e. warns in case of a convergence problem. It also includes the message generated by the 'final' option.
A logical flag to enable the checking of function values.
The maximum number of evaluations of the cost function.
The maximum number of iterations.
A function which is called at each iteration to print out intermediate state of the optimization algorithm (for example into a log file).
A function which is called at each iteration to plot the intermediate state of the optimization algorithm (for example into a 2D graphic).
The absolute tolerance on function value.
The absolute tolerance on the variable x.
Specific to Box method: the number of consecutive times the
criteria must be met to terminate the optimization.
Specific to Box method: the parameter used to project the vertices into the bounds in Box's algorithm
Specific to Box method: the scaling coefficient used to scale the trial point for function improvement or into the constraints of Box's algorithm
Specific to Box method: the minimum value of alpha when scaling the vertices of the simplex into nonlinear constraints in Box's algorithm
Output and plot functions The 'OutputFcn' and 'PlotFcns' options accept as argument a function (or a list of functions). In the client optimization algorithm, this output or plot function is called back once per iteration. It can be used by the user to display a message in the console, write into a file, etc... The output or plot function is expected to have the following definition:
myfun <- function(x, optimValues, state)
where the input parameters are:
The current point estimate.
A list which contains the following fields:
The number of function evaluations.
The best function value.
The current iteration number.
The type of step performed. This string depends on the
specific algorithm (see fminsearch
for details).
the state of the algorithm. The following states are available:
when the algorithm is initializing,
when the algorithm is performing iterations,
when the algorithm is terminated.
Return a list with the following fields: Display, FunValCheck, MaxFunEvals, MaxIter, OutputFcn, PlotFcns, TolFun, TolX, nbMatch, boundsAlpha, boxScaling, and alphaMin.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
, fminbnd
optimset() optimset(Display='iter') optimset(method='fminbnd')
optimset() optimset(Display='iter') optimset(method='fminbnd')
This function returns a default set of optimization options for defined
'methods'; optimset.method
is called by optimset
when a
was provided as input. Currently, the only valid method
is 'fminsearch'.
optimset.method(method = NULL)
optimset.method(method = NULL)
method |
A character string. |
Returns a list with the following fields: Display, FunValCheck, MaxFunEvals, MaxIter, OutputFcn, PlotFcns, TolFun, and TolX.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])
optimset.method('fminsearch') # Will fail try(optimset.method('abc'))
optimset.method('fminsearch') # Will fail try(optimset.method('abc'))
Utility functions for neldermead.serch
and dependent functions.
neldermead.startup(this = NULL) neldermead.log(this = NULL, msg = NULL) neldermead.scaletox0(this = NULL, simplex0 = NULL) neldermead.scaletocenter(this = NULL, simplex0 = NULL, x0 = NULL) neldermead.termstartup(this = NULL) neldermead.outputcmd(this = NULL, state = NULL, simplex = NULL, step = NULL) neldermead.autorestart(this = NULL) neldermead.istorestart(this = NULL) neldermead.isroneill(this = NULL) neldermead.isrkelley(this = this) neldermead.updatesimp(this = NULL) scaleinconstraints(this = NULL, x = NULL, xref = NULL) neldermead.costf(x = NULL, this = NULL)
neldermead.startup(this = NULL) neldermead.log(this = NULL, msg = NULL) neldermead.scaletox0(this = NULL, simplex0 = NULL) neldermead.scaletocenter(this = NULL, simplex0 = NULL, x0 = NULL) neldermead.termstartup(this = NULL) neldermead.outputcmd(this = NULL, state = NULL, simplex = NULL, step = NULL) neldermead.autorestart(this = NULL) neldermead.istorestart(this = NULL) neldermead.isroneill(this = NULL) neldermead.isrkelley(this = this) neldermead.updatesimp(this = NULL) scaleinconstraints(this = NULL, x = NULL, xref = NULL) neldermead.costf(x = NULL, this = NULL)
this |
A neldermead object. |
msg |
A character string. |
simplex0 |
The initial simplex object. |
x0 |
A column matrix of initial parameters. |
state |
The state of the algorithm, either 'init', 'done' or 'iter'. |
simplex |
The current simplex object. |
step |
The type of step performed during the iteration: 'init', 'done', 'reflection', 'expansion', 'insidecontraction', 'outsidecontraction', 'reflectionnext' or 'shrink'. |
x |
The point estimate to scale. |
xref |
The reference point estimate. |
Startup the algorithm. Compute the
initial simplex, depending on the content of the simplex0method
element of the neldermead object ('given', 'axes', 'spendley', 'pfeffer' or
Print a message to the log file using
Scale the simplex into the nonlinear inequality constraints, if any. Scale toward x0, which is feasible.
Scale the simplex into the nonlinear inequality constraints, if any. Scale to the centroid of the points which satisfy the constraints. This is Box's method for scaling. It is unsure, since the centroid of the points which satisfy the constraints may not be feasible.
Initialize Kelley's stagnation detection system when normalization is required, by computing kelleyalpha. If the simplex gradient is zero, then use alpha0 as alpha.
Call the array of user-defined output functions
Perform an optimization with automatic
restart. The loop processes for i = 1 to restartmax
+ 1. This is
because a RE-start is performed after one simulation has been performed,
hence the 'RE'.
Determine if the optimization is to
restart using neldermead.isroneill
or neldermead.isrkelley
depending on the content of the restartdetection
Determine if the optimization is to restart. Use O'Neill method as a criteria for restart. It is an axis-by-axis search for optimality.
Determine if the optimization is to
restart. Use kelleystagnation
as a criteria for restart.
Update the initial simplex simplex0 for a restart.
Given a point reference to scale and a reference point which satisfies the constraints, scale the point towards the reference point estimate until it satisfies all the constraints.
Call the cost function and return the value.
This function is given to the simplex function class as a callback.
Input/Output arguments are swapped w.r.t. optimbase.function
, so that
it matches the requirements of simplex methods.
Return an updated neldermead object
Return the neldermead object this
Return an updated simplex.
Return an updated simplex.
Return an updated neldermead object
Do not return any data, but execute the output function(s).
Return an updated neldermead object
Return a list with the following elements:
The input neldermead object.
Set to TRUE if the optimization is to restart, to FALSE otherwise.
Return a list with the following elements:
The input neldermead object.
Set to TRUE if the optimization is to restart, to FALSE otherwise.
Return a list with the following elements:
The input neldermead object.
Set to TRUE if the optimization is to restart, to FALSE otherwise.
Return an updated neldermead object
Return a list with the following elements:
The updated neldermead object.
TRUE if the procedure has succeeded before
, FALSE if it has failed.
The scaled parameters.
Return a list with the following elements:
The value of the cost function.
The updated neldermead object.
Author of Scilab neldermead module: Michael Baudin (INRIA - Digiteo)
Author of R adaptation: Sebastien Bihorel ([email protected])