is an R package
to solve maximum weight connected subgraph (MWCS) problem and its
variants. The package implements and provides an interface to several
solvers: both exact and heuristic.
can be installed from GitHub repository using
Load mwcsr
, as well as igraph
which contains functions for graph manipulations.
Let’s load an example instance of MWCS problem. The instance is a
simple igraph
object with weight
## IGRAPH f86c56f UN-- 194 209 --
## + attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), weight (v/n), label (e/c)
## + edges from f86c56f (vertex names):
## [1] C00022_2--C00024_0 C00022_0--C00024_1 C00025_0--C00026_0
## [4] C00025_1--C00026_1 C00025_2--C00026_2 C00025_4--C00026_4
## [7] C00025_7--C00026_7 C00024_1--C00033_0 C00024_0--C00033_1
## [10] C00022_0--C00041_0 C00022_1--C00041_1 C00022_2--C00041_2
## [13] C00036_0--C00049_0 C00036_1--C00049_1 C00036_2--C00049_2
## [16] C00036_4--C00049_4 C00037_1--C00065_0 C00037_0--C00065_1
## [19] C00022_0--C00074_5 C00022_1--C00074_6 C00022_2--C00074_7
## [22] C00024_0--C00083_0 C00024_1--C00083_1 C00026_1--C00091_0
## + ... omitted several edges
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.7379 -0.7379 1.9294 5.9667 7.2931 38.1546
Now let us initialize a heuristic relax-and-cut MWCS solver (Alvarez-Miranda and Sinnl, 2017):
Now we can use this solver to solve the example instance:
## IGRAPH d0ed9a6 UN-- 162 164 --
## + attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), weight (v/n), label (e/c)
## + edges from d0ed9a6 (vertex names):
## [1] C00022_2--C00024_0 C00022_0--C00024_1 C00025_0--C00026_0
## [4] C00025_1--C00026_1 C00025_2--C00026_2 C00025_4--C00026_4
## [7] C00025_7--C00026_7 C00024_1--C00033_0 C00024_0--C00033_1
## [10] C00022_0--C00041_0 C00022_1--C00041_1 C00022_2--C00041_2
## [13] C00036_0--C00049_0 C00036_1--C00049_1 C00036_2--C00049_2
## [16] C00036_4--C00049_4 C00037_1--C00065_0 C00037_0--C00065_1
## [19] C00022_0--C00074_5 C00022_1--C00074_6 C00022_2--C00074_7
## [22] C00026_1--C00091_0 C00042_2--C00091_0 C00026_0--C00091_1
## + ... omitted several edges
## [1] 1178.432
Supported MWCS variants are:
In mwcsr
, instances of all of the above problems are
represented by an igraph
object with certain specified
attributes. The validity and the type of the instance can be checked
using get_instance_type
function, for example:
## $type
## [1] "MWCS"
## $valid
## [1] TRUE
Simple maximum weight connected subgraph (MWCS) problem can be defined as follows. Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph and ω : V → ℝ is a weight function defined on the vertices. Then MWCS problem consists in finding a connected subgraph G̃ = (Ṽ, Ẽ) with a maximal total sum of vertex weights:
Ω(G̃) = ∑v ∈ Ṽω(v) → max.
An important property of MWCS is that solution can always be represented as a tree.
In mwcsr
an MWCS instance is defined as an
with weight
vertex attribute (and
without weight
edge attribute).
## IGRAPH f86c56f UN-- 194 209 --
## + attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), weight (v/n), label (e/c)
## + edges from f86c56f (vertex names):
## [1] C00022_2--C00024_0 C00022_0--C00024_1 C00025_0--C00026_0
## [4] C00025_1--C00026_1 C00025_2--C00026_2 C00025_4--C00026_4
## [7] C00025_7--C00026_7 C00024_1--C00033_0 C00024_0--C00033_1
## [10] C00022_0--C00041_0 C00022_1--C00041_1 C00022_2--C00041_2
## [13] C00036_0--C00049_0 C00036_1--C00049_1 C00036_2--C00049_2
## [16] C00036_4--C00049_4 C00037_1--C00065_0 C00037_0--C00065_1
## [19] C00022_0--C00074_5 C00022_1--C00074_6 C00022_2--C00074_7
## [22] C00024_0--C00083_0 C00024_1--C00083_1 C00026_1--C00091_0
## + ... omitted several edges
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.7379 -0.7379 1.9294 5.9667 7.2931 38.1546
Budget MWCS is a slight modification of the original problem. While the objective function remains the same, an additional constraint is introduced. In this problem nonnegative values called budget costs are assigned to vertices. The sum of budget costs of the vertices in the solution is then constrained to not exceed a predefined budget.
More formally, let c : V → R+ be the function of the budget costs. B ∈ R+ is a budget of the problem. In this terms Budget MWCS is defined as a problem where the following conditions are satisfied:
$$ \Omega(\widetilde{G}) = \sum\limits_{v \in \widetilde{V}} \omega(v) \rightarrow max.\\ \text{subject to} \sum\limits_{v \in \widetilde{V}} c(v) \leq B $$
In mwcsr
a Budget MWCS instance is an
object with weight
vertex attribute as
in original MWCS problem and additional budget_cost
attribute. Value of the budget not the part of the instance itself but
rather a parameter to be passed to a function that solves an
budget_mwcs_example <- mwcs_example
V(budget_mwcs_example)$budget_cost <- runif(vcount(budget_mwcs_example))
## $type
## [1] "Budget MWCS"
## $valid
## [1] TRUE
Generalized MWCS (GMWCS) is similar to MWCS, but edges are also weighted. More formally, let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph and ω : (V ∪ E) → ℝ is a weight function defined on the vertices and the edges. Then GMWCS problem consists in finding a connected subgraph G̃ = (Ṽ, Ẽ) with a a maximal total sum of vertex and edge weights:
Ω(G̃) = ∑v ∈ Ṽω(v) + ∑e ∈ Ẽω(e) → max.
An important consequence of edge weights is that the optimal solution can contain cycles.
A GMWCS instance is defined as an igraph
attribute defined for both vertices and edges.
## IGRAPH f86c56f UNW- 194 209 --
## + attr: name (v/c), label (v/c), weight (v/n), label (e/c), weight
## | (e/n)
## + edges from f86c56f (vertex names):
## [1] C00022_2--C00024_0 C00022_0--C00024_1 C00025_0--C00026_0 C00025_1--C00026_1
## [5] C00025_2--C00026_2 C00025_4--C00026_4 C00025_7--C00026_7 C00024_1--C00033_0
## [9] C00024_0--C00033_1 C00022_0--C00041_0 C00022_1--C00041_1 C00022_2--C00041_2
## [13] C00036_0--C00049_0 C00036_1--C00049_1 C00036_2--C00049_2 C00036_4--C00049_4
## [17] C00037_1--C00065_0 C00037_0--C00065_1 C00022_0--C00074_5 C00022_1--C00074_6
## [21] C00022_2--C00074_7 C00024_0--C00083_0 C00024_1--C00083_1 C00026_1--C00091_0
## [25] C00042_2--C00091_0 C00026_0--C00091_1 C00042_1--C00091_1
## + ... omitted several edges
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -0.7379 -0.7379 1.9294 5.9667 7.2931 38.1546
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## -1.2715 -0.5762 -0.1060 0.5452 1.0458 8.5829
The signal generalized MWCS (SGMWCS) variant continues to generalize MWCS problem and introduces a concept of signals. Instead of specifying vertex and edge weights directly, the weights are defined for a set of signals, and vertices and edges are marked with these signals. The difference from GMWCS is that the signals can be repeated in the graph, while the weight of the subgraph is defined as a sum of weights of its unique signals.
Formally, let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph, S – a set of signlas with weights ω : S → ℝ, and σ : (V ∪ E) → 2S – markings of the vertices and edges with signals. An SGMWCS problem consists in finding a connected subgraph, with a maximal total sum of its unique signals:
Ω(G̃) = ∑s ∈ σ(Ṽ ∪ Ẽ)ω(s) → max, where σ(Ṽ ∪ Ẽ) = ⋃x ∈ (Ṽ ∪ Ẽ)σ(x).
SGMWCS instances can arise when the data, from which the weights are inferred, map to the graph ambigously. For example, when m/z peak from mass-spectrometry data is assigned to multiple isomer metabolites, or when the same enzyme catalyze multiple reactions, and so on. Practically, it is usually assumed that the signals with negative weights are not repeated.
An SGMWCS is represented as an igraph
object, with
attribute defined for both vertices and edges and a
attribute defined for the graph, containing the
signal weights. Specification of multiple signals per node or edge is
not yet supported.
## IGRAPH f86c56f UN-- 194 209 --
## + attr: signals (g/n), name (v/c), label (v/c), signal (v/c), label
## | (e/c), signal (e/c)
## + edges from f86c56f (vertex names):
## [1] C00022_2--C00024_0 C00022_0--C00024_1 C00025_0--C00026_0 C00025_1--C00026_1
## [5] C00025_2--C00026_2 C00025_4--C00026_4 C00025_7--C00026_7 C00024_1--C00033_0
## [9] C00024_0--C00033_1 C00022_0--C00041_0 C00022_1--C00041_1 C00022_2--C00041_2
## [13] C00036_0--C00049_0 C00036_1--C00049_1 C00036_2--C00049_2 C00036_4--C00049_4
## [17] C00037_1--C00065_0 C00037_0--C00065_1 C00022_0--C00074_5 C00022_1--C00074_6
## [21] C00022_2--C00074_7 C00024_0--C00083_0 C00024_1--C00083_1 C00026_1--C00091_0
## [25] C00042_2--C00091_0 C00026_0--C00091_1 C00042_1--C00091_1
## + ... omitted several edges
## chr [1:194] "s1" "s1" "s1" "s2" "s3" "s4" "s4" "s4" "s4" "s4" "s5" "s5" ...
## chr [1:209] "s103" "s104" "s105" "s106" "s107" "s108" "s109" "s110" "s110" ...
## s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6
## 5.008879 -0.737898 -0.737898 20.112627 19.890279 2.069292
Sometimes, construction of SGMWCS instances can be simplified using
Let consider an example graph obtained from gatom package.
## This graph was created by an old(er) igraph version.
## ℹ Call `igraph::upgrade_graph()` on it to use with the current igraph version.
## For now we convert it on the fly...
## IGRAPH f86c56f UNW- 194 209 --
## + attr: name (v/c), metabolite (v/c), element (v/c), label (v/c), url
## | (v/c), pval (v/n), origin (v/n), HMDB (v/c), log2FC (v/n), baseMean
## | (v/n), logPval (v/n), signal (v/c), signalRank (v/n), score (v/n),
## | weight (v/n), label (e/c), pval (e/n), origin (e/n), RefSeq (e/c),
## | gene (e/c), enzyme (e/c), reaction_name (e/c), reaction_equation
## | (e/c), url (e/c), reaction (e/c), rpair (e/c), log2FC (e/n), baseMean
## | (e/n), logPval (e/n), signal (e/c), signalRank (e/n), score (e/n),
## | weight (e/n)
## + edges from f86c56f (vertex names):
## [1] C00022_2--C00024_0 C00022_0--C00024_1 C00025_0--C00026_0 C00025_1--C00026_1
## + ... omitted several edges
In this graph, the signals
graph attributed is absent
with weights specified directly as vertex or edge attributes along with
attributes, which is a very practical intermediate
representation. However, it is recognized as a GMWCS instance:
## $type
## [1] "GMWCS"
## $valid
## [1] TRUE
Let convert this representation into a valid SGMWCS instance using
## $type
## [1] "SGMWCS"
## $valid
## [1] TRUE
And let call the same function with explicit arguments:
gatom_instance <- normalize_sgmwcs_instance(gatom_example,
nodes.weight.column = "weight",
edges.weight.column = "weight", = "signal", = "signal",
group.only.positive = TRUE)
The function does the following:
can be specified as a value of
if there are
no corresponding signals in the data, in which case zero signals will be
is set to
.Currently, four solvers are supported:
for MWCS
and Budget MWCS;rnc_solver
for MWCS/GMWCS/SGMWCS;virgo_solver
for MWCS/GMWCS/SGMWCS.scipjack_solver
for MWCS;While selecting a particular solver depends on the particular class of instances, the general recommendations are:
if small suboptimality can be
tolerated. It is very fast and usually is able to find optimal or very
close to optimal solution. To find exact solution
can be used if CPLEX library is
is available.virgo_solver
is the recommended
solver if CPLEX library is available. Without CPLEX it is recommended to
use rnc_solver
giving both acceptable primal solution and
an upper bound on the objective function. Manual tuning of the
may give better solutions in some
cases.Relax-and-cut solver is a heuristic solver able to rapidly find high-quality solutions for MWCS problem (Alvarez-Miranda and Sinnl, 2017, The solver does not require any additional libraries.
Relax-and-cut solver can be constructed using
function with the default arguments.
## [1] 1178.432
## [1] FALSE
supports Budget MWCS instances and its
special case where all budget costs are set to one and called MWCS with
cardinality constraints. In mwcsr
such problems are
represented as Simple MWCS problems and maximum cardinality is passed to
funciton as argument:
## [1] 10
## [1] 134.9068
To solve Budget MWCS passing budget limit is necessary as well:
## [1] 4.625048
## [1] 163.6254
Rnc solver is another relax-and-cut solver made for GMWCS/SGMWCS
problems inspired by rmwcs solver. The solver does not require any
libraries as well. Although with rnc_solver
it is possible
to solve MWCS problems, running rmwcs_solver
for this type
of problems of this type is preferable. No budget and cardinality
variants are available.
The solver can be constructed using rnc_solver
## [1] 1295.657
## [1] FALSE
And for SGMWCS instance:
## [1] 248.1521
Another heuristic solver is a simulated annealing based solver. The
solver is rather generic, but can produce good enough solutions if
parameters are tuned well. As it is heuristic solver with no estimate on
upper bound of the objective function the solved to optimality flag is
always set to FALSE
This solver does support warm start allowing to run series of restarts of annealing solver with different temperature schedules.
The use of this solver may be beneficial in some cases, although there are no generic guidelines.
m <- NULL
for (i in 0:15) {
asolver <- annealing_solver(schedule = "boltzmann", initial_temperature = 8.0 / (2 ** i),
final_temperature = 1 / (2 ** i))
if (i != 0) {
m <- solve_mwcsp(asolver, gmwcs_example, warm_start = m)
} else {
m <- solve_mwcsp(asolver, gmwcs_example)
## [1] 955.6224
## [1] 1157.73
## [1] 1216.681
## [1] 1218.817
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
## [1] 1222.339
The mwcsr
package provides interface to exact Java-based
Virgo solver
( which can be used
to solve MWCS, GMWCS and SGMWCS instances. The solver requires Java
(11+) to be installed on your machine.
There are two modes of execution:
Heuristic solver can be constructed, by specifying
. As it is a heuristic solver, the solved to
optimality flag is always set to FALSE
mst_solver <- virgo_solver(cplex_dir=NULL)
m <- solve_mwcsp(mst_solver, sgmwcs_example)
## [1] 263.2752
## [1] FALSE
Exact solver requires setting cplex_dir
argument with a
path to CPLEX installation. The cplex_dir
requires, that
file and CPLEX dynamic library file (depending on
the operating system: libcplex<version>.dll
Windows, libcplex<version>.so
for Linux,
for OS X) can be found there
with recursive search. Alternatively, cplex_jar
pointing to cplex.jar
file and cplex_bin
argument pointing to the directory with CPLEX dynamic library files can
be specified. Additionally, it is convenient to put the path to CPLEX
environment variable, so that it does not
have to be changed from one system to another, when run.
## Error in virgo_solver(cplex_dir = cplex_dir): Could not find `cplex.jar` in
## Error: object 'exact_solver' not found
As the CPLEX found the optimal solution, the corresponding flag is
set to TRUE
## [1] 263.2752
## [1] FALSE
Some additional information like the running time, instance files,
solver version is available as in the stats
field. Refer to
Virgo documentation for the description of the values.
## isOpt VPrep EPrep time nodes edges
## 1 0 136 148 365 59 58
## nodefile
## 1 /tmp/RtmpGz934P/graph116c730c6984/nodes.txt
## edgefile
## 1 /tmp/RtmpGz934P/graph116c730c6984/edges.txt
## sigfile version
## 1 /tmp/RtmpGz934P/graph116c730c6984/signals.txt 0.1.5
Computational resources availble for Virgo can be specified with the following parameters:
– maximum amount of memory, more specifically
Java heap size, specified via -Xmx
Java option, default:
– number of threads for simultaneous
computation, default: the number of available cores.timelimit
– maximum time in seconds to solve the
problem, if the solver is interrupted due to time limit, the best
solution found so far is reported and solved_to_optimality
flag is set to FALSE
.Another useful parameter is penalty
. The non-zero
penalty make the solver run an additional pass over the solution, with
each edge penalized with the specified value. As there can be multiple
solutions, having the same weight, especially in case of SGMWCS, this
procedure allows to locally minimize the solution size, while preserving
the weight.
## Error in virgo_solver(cplex_dir = cplex_dir, penalty = 0.001): Could not find `cplex.jar` in
## Error: object 'psolver' not found
## Error: object 'min_m' not found
## Error: object 'min_m' not found
Now the solution, has min_m$stats$nodes
nodes instead of
for the solution that was found before, while
having the same total weight of min_m$weight
You can also use R interface to SCIP-jack solver. To use it you need
to download SCIPOptSuite from the official web-site and build
application. Beware, that scipstp
not provided in the pre-built SCIPOptSuite version, so you have to build
it manually from source.
Quick build instructions:
# in scipoptsuite source directory
cmake -Bbuild -H.
cmake --build build --target scipstp
# optionally copy scipstp file somewhere to $PATH
cp build/applications/scipstp /usr/local/bin/
For complete build and configuration instructions for this solver visit SCIP website.
After installing and ensuring that scipstp application is correctly
built, you can access scipjack_solver
class to solve MWCS
The optimization parameters are passed using config file. You can modify bundled file or create a new one to fine-tune the solver.
This part of the tutorial shows how mwcsr
solvers can be
combined with BioNet
package to find an active module in a
protein-protein interaction network. You need BioNet
packages from Bioconductor to be installed in order
to run following code examples.
BioNetInstalled <- FALSE
if (requireNamespace("BioNet") && requireNamespace("DLBCL")) {
BioNetInstalled <- TRUE
Let start with generating an example scored network, following BioNet tutorial:
if (BioNetInstalled) {
pvals <- cbind(t = dataLym$t.pval, s = dataLym$s.pval)
rownames(pvals) <- dataLym$label
pval <- aggrPvals(pvals, order = 2, plot = FALSE)
logFC <- dataLym$diff
names(logFC) <- dataLym$label
subnet <- subNetwork(dataLym$label, interactome)
subnet <- rmSelfLoops(subnet)
fb <- fitBumModel(pval, plot = FALSE)
scores <- scoreNodes(subnet, fb, fdr = 0.001)
Here we have network object subnet
of type
and a vector of node scores
## Named num [1:2559] -4.829 -4.225 -5.514 3.931 -0.386 ...
## - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:2559] "ABL1(25)" "ACPP(55)" "ACTG1(71)" "ACTN1(87)" ...
BioNet comes with a heuristic MWCS FastHeinz solver, that we can use to find the module following the BioNet tutorial:
if (BioNetInstalled) {
bionet_h <- runFastHeinz(subnet, scores)
plotModule(bionet_h, scores=scores, diff.expr=logFC)
## [1] 60.40548
We can construct an MWCS instance by converting graphNEL
object into igraph
and add node weights:
if (BioNetInstalled) {
bionet_example <- igraph.from.graphNEL(subnet, weight=FALSE) # ignoring edge weights of 1
V(bionet_example)$weight <- scores[V(bionet_example)]
## Warning: `igraph.from.graphNEL()` was deprecated in igraph 2.0.0.
## ℹ Please use `graph_from_graphnel()` instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.
## $type
## [1] "MWCS"
## $valid
## [1] TRUE
Now the instance can be solved with the relax-and-cut solver:
if (BioNetInstalled) {
rmwcs <- rmwcs_solver()
bionet_m <- solve_mwcsp(rmwcs, bionet_example)
plotModule(bionet_m$graph, scores=scores, diff.expr=logFC)
Note that the weight increased, compared to FastHeinz solution:
## [1] 70.01805
Similarly, Virgo can be used to solve the instance to provable optimality, but in this case it produces the same results:
if (BioNetInstalled) {
bionet_m_exact <- solve_mwcsp(exact_solver, bionet_example)
## Error: object 'exact_solver' not found