Package 'mwa'

Title: Causal Inference in Spatiotemporal Event Data
Description: Implementation of Matched Wake Analysis (mwa) for studying causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data, introduced by Schutte and Donnay (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2014.03.001>.
Authors: Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay
Maintainer: Sebastian Schutte <[email protected]>
License: LGPL-3
Version: 0.4.4
Built: 2024-10-07 06:30:25 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Matched Wake Analysis (mwa): Analyzing causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data


The package is designed to analyze causal relationships in spatially and temporally referenced data. Specific types of events might affect subsequent levels of other events. To estimate the corresponding effect, treatment, control, and dependent events are selected from the empirical sample. Treatment effects are established through automated matching and a diff-in-diffs regression design. The analysis is repeated for various spatial and temporal offsets from the treatment events.


The full functionality of mwa is given through matchedwake, which relies on a small set of auxiliary methods. Note that print(), summary() and plot() commands are overloaded to return outputs specific to class matchedwake. For performance reasons, the iterative counting is done in Java using the rJava interface.

IMPORTANT: The size of the Java heap space has to be set before first calling the package via library(mwa) since JVM size cannot change once it has been initialized. This also implies that R has to be restarted if another library was already using a JVM in order for the heap space option to have any effect. To set the heap space to 1 GB, for example, use options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1g") (512 MB is the default size).


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also

matchedwake, slidingWake, slideWakeMatch, print.matchedwake, summary.matchedwake, plot.matchedwake


# Loading sample data

# Specify required parameters:
# - 2 to 10 days in steps of 2
t_window <- c(2,10,2)
# - 2 to 10 kilometers in steps of 2
spat_window <- c(2,10,2)
# - column and entries that indicate treatment events 
treatment <- c("type","treatment")
# - column and entries that indicate control events 
control  <- c("type","control")
# - column and entries that indicate dependent events 
dependent <- c("type","dependent")
# - columns to match on
matchColumns <- c("match1","match2")

# Specify optional parameters:
# - use weighted regression (default estimation method is "lm")
weighted <- TRUE
# - temporal units
t_unit <- "days" 
# - match on counts of previous treatment and control events

# Execute method:
results <- matchedwake(mwa_data, t_window, spat_window, treatment, control, dependent,
                       matchColumns, weighted = weighted, t_unit = t_unit, TCM = TCM)

# Plot results:

# Return detailed summary of results:
summary(results, detailed = TRUE)

Estimate Treatment Effect for Sliding Spatiotemporal Windows


This function performs the Matched Wake Analysis (mwa), which consists of two steps: counts for previous and posterior events are established for different spatial and temporal offsets from treatment and control events. After that, the treatment effect is estimated in a difference-in-differences regression design. For performance reasons, the iterative counting is done in Java using the rJava interface.

IMPORTANT: The size of the Java heap space has to be set before first calling the package via library(mwa) since JVM size cannot change once it has been initialized. This also implies that R has to be restarted if another library was already using a JVM in order for the heap space option to have any effect. To set the heap space to 1 GB, for example, use options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1g") (512 MB is the default size).


matchedwake(data, t_window, spat_window, treatment, control,
            dependent, matchColumns, t_unit = "days", estimation = "lm",
	    formula = "dependent_post ~ dependent_pre + treatment",
            weighted = FALSE, estimationControls = c(), TCM = FALSE,
            deleteSUTVA = FALSE, alpha1 = 0.05, alpha2 = 0.1,
            match.default = TRUE, ...)



data.frame containing the observations. See Details.


specification of temporal windows in t_units. See Details.


specification of spatial windows in kilometers. See Details.


vector of Strings identifying which type of events serve as treatments. See Details.


vector of Strings identifying which type of events serve as controls. See Details.


vector of Strings identifying which type of events are affected by treatment. See Details.


vector of Strings indicating the columns to match on. See Details.


String specifying the temporal units to be used, either "days", "hours", "mins" or "secs". Default = "days". See Details.


String specifying method used for estimation, "lm", "att" or "nb". Default = "lm". See Details.


String specifying the model used for estimation. Default = "dependent_post ~ dependent_pre + treatment". See Details.


Boolean specifying whether regression is weighted (only affects estimations using "lm" or "att"). Default = FALSE.


vector of Strings indicating additional control dimensions to be included in the estimation. See Details.


Boolean to select whether the method should match on counts of previous treatment and control instances. Default = FALSE.


Boolean to select whether overlapping treatment and control episodes are deleted. Default = FALSE.


first significance level used for the analysis and plots. Default = 0.05.


second significance level used for the analysis and plots. Default = 0.1.


Boolean to select whether observations are matched using cem. Default = TRUE.


optional parameters that can be passed to the methods used for matching and estimation. See Details.


The method expects data to be a data.frame. Dates must be given in column timestamp and formatted as a date string with format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss". Alternatively, a POSIX Date can be specified using the same format. data must also contain two entries called lat and lon for the geo location of each entry.

t_window specifies the minimal and maximal temporal window sizes and corresponding steps used in the iteration. Required syntax is c(min_window, max_window, step_size) with step_size in units of t_unit. The spatial window spat_window is specified in the same way with kilometers as units.

treatment, control and dependent define which category of events is considered to be treatment, control and dependent cases respectively. The required syntax is c(column_name, value) where column_name must be entered as String and value can be Numeric, Boolean, or a String.

matchColumns selects the columns in data used for matching. Matching variables are expected to be coded together with every treatment and control type event and are assumed to reflect a set of suitable matching variables (what is suitable will, of course, vary from case to case).

The optional argument t_unit specifies the temporal resolution for which the analysis is to be conducted, one of either "days", "hours", "mins" or "secs". If the time stamps provided in data are more precise than the resolution they are truncated accordingly.

mwa estimates treatment effects using a diff-in-diffs regression design. By default this is specified as "dependent_post ~ dependent_pre + treatment" (where “pre” and “post” refer to pre and post intervention). Alternatively, "dependent_post - dependent_pre ~ treatment" is accepted. Only those two input specifications are allowed, any other input will result in an error.

Three different estimation approaches can be chosen using estimation: a linear model ("lm", stats), all models available through ("att", cem) or a count dependent model ("glm.nb", MASS). For regressions using "lm" or "att" weighted sets whether or not the regression is weighted by the number of treatment vs. control cases. Additional control variables can be specified via estimationControls. For example, if estimationControls = c("covariate1"), the package automatically modifies the default estimation formula to "dependent_post ~ dependent_pre + covariate1 + treatment" (analogously for the other specification). In this case the output then also not only returns the estimate and p value for treatment but further returns the coefficients and p values for all additional control variables.

The package supports full inheritance for optional arguments of the following methods: cem and att (cem), lm (stats), glm.nb (MASS). To guarantee unique inputs for each method, options have to entered into matchedwake() using a prefix that consists of the method name separated by “.”. For example, in order for cem to return an exactly balanced dataset simply add cem.k2k = TRUE as optional argument.


Returns an object of class matchedwake, which is a list of objects with the following slots:


data.frame with estimates and p values for all spatial and temporal windows considered. For estimation = "lm" it also returns a pseudo R2R^2 value. If additional control dimensions were included in the estimation, it further returns the corresponding coefficients and p values.


data.frame with detailed matching statistics for all spatial and temporal windows considered. Returns the number of control and treatment episodes, L1 metric, percent common support. All values are given both pre and post matching.


data.frame with detailed statistics on the degree of overlaps of the spatiotemporal cylinders. Returns the fraction of cases in which two or more treatment (or control) episodes overlap (“SO”: same overlap) and the fraction of overlapping treatment and control episodes (“MO”: mixed overlap). All values are given pre and post matching and for the full time window.


data.frame providing the information for the spatiotemporal cylinders (or wakes) for all spatial and temporal windows considered. Returns the eventID (i.e. the index of the event in the time-ordered dataset), treatment (1: treatment episode, 0: control episode), counts of dependent events, overlaps (“SO” and “MO”) pre and post intervention, and the matching variables.


list of all arguments passed to the method.


the call.


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay.


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also

mwa-package, slidingWake, slideWakeMatch, print.matchedwake, summary.matchedwake, plot.matchedwake


# Loading sample data

# Specify required parameters:
# - 2 to 10 days in steps of 2
t_window <- c(2,10,2)
# - 2 to 10 kilometers in steps of 2
spat_window <- c(2,10,2)
# - column and entries that indicate treatment events 
treatment <- c("type","treatment")
# - column and entries that indicate control events 
control  <- c("type","control")
# - column and entries that indicate dependent events 
dependent <- c("type","dependent")
# - columns to match on
matchColumns <- c("match1","match2")

# Specify optional parameters:
# - use weighted regression (default estimation method is "lm")
weighted <- TRUE
# - temporal units
t_unit <- "days" 
# - match on counts of previous treatment and control events

# Execute method:
results <- matchedwake(mwa_data, t_window, spat_window, treatment, control, dependent,
                       matchColumns, weighted = weighted, t_unit = t_unit, TCM = TCM)

# Plot results:

# Return detailed summary of results:
summary(results, detailed = TRUE)

Data to Illustrate the Functionality of mwa


This artificial data set illustrates how mwa can be used to identify causal effects. Treatment, control, and dependent events are referenced in time and space. Increased levels of dependent events following treatments can be visually and numerically analyzed using the package.




A data.frame containing observations.


Monte Carlo Simulations. See supplementary information of Schutte and Donnay (2014).


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

Plot Function for Objects of Class matchedwake


Overloads the default plot() for objects of class matchedwake. Returns a contour plot: The lighter the color the larger the estimated treatment effect. The corresponding standard errors are indicated by shading out some of the estimates: No shading corresponds to p<alpha1p<alpha1 for the treatment effect in the diff-in-diffs analysis. Dotted lines indicate p-values between alpha1 and alpha2 and full lines indicate p>alpha2p>alpha2. The cells indicating effect size and significance level are arranged in a table where each field corresponds to one specific combination of spatial and temporal sizes.


## S3 method for class 'matchedwake'
plot(x, zlim = NA, plotNAs = TRUE, ...)



object of class matchedwake.


Manually sets the range of the color map of the contour plot, required format is c(MINIMUM,MAXIMUM). Default = NA, i.e. the range is automatically set from the MINIMUM and MAXIMUM values of the estimates.


Boolean indicating whether or not to visualize NA estimates as “no effect” (i.e. 0). Default = TRUE.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay.


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also


Print Function for Objects of Class matchedwake


Overloads the default print() for objects of class matchedwake.


## S3 method for class 'matchedwake'
print(x, ...)



object of class matchedwake.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Returns a data.frame with all significant results (significance level is alpha1 as retrieved from x$parameters).


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay.


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also


Auxiliary Function to Match Data and Estimate Treatment Effects


Method takes the output of slidingWake, matches observations using cem and estimates treatment effects using linear models (lm or att) or a count dependent variable model (glm.nb).


slideWakeMatch(wakes, alpha1, matchColumns, estimation, formula, weighted,
               estimationControls, TCM, match.default, ...)



data.frame. See “wakes” in the description of matchedwake for details.


significance level used for the analysis and plots. Default = 0.05.


vector of Strings indicating the columns to match on.


String specifying method used for estimation.


String specifying the model used for estimation.


Boolean specifying whether regression is weighted.


vector of Strings indicating additional control dimensions to be included in the estimation.


Boolean to select whether the method should match on counts of previous treatment and control instances.


Boolean to select whether observations are matched using cem.


optional parameters that can be passed to the methods used for matching and estimation.


See the description of matchedwake for details.


Returns a list with the following slots:


data.frame with estimates and p values for all spatial and temporal windows considered.


data.frame with detailed matching statistics for all spatial and temporal windows considered.


data.frame with detailed statistics on the degree of overlaps of the spatiotemporal cylinders.



See the description of matchedwake for details.


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay.


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also

matchedwake, slidingWake

Auxiliary Function to Iterate Through Sliding Spatiotemporal Windows


Method iterates through all spatial and temporal window sizes specified and counts dependent events with a given spatial window and for a given temporal window (symmetrically in forward and backward direction in time). For performance reasons, the iterative counting is done in Java using the rJava interface.

IMPORTANT: The size of the Java heap space has to be set before first calling the package via library(mwa) since JVM size cannot change once it has been initialized. This also implies that R has to be restarted if another library was already using a JVM in order for the heap space option to have any effect. To set the heap space to 1 GB, for example, use options(java.parameters = "-Xmx1g") (512 MB is the default size).


slidingWake(data, t_unit, t_window, spat_window, treatment, control,
            dependent, matchColumns, estimationControls)



data.frame containing the observations.


String specifying the temporal units to be used.


specification of temporal windows in t_units.


specification of spatial windows in kilometers.


vector of Strings identifying which type of events serve as treatments.


vector of Strings identifying which type of events serve as controls.


vector of Strings identifying which type of events are affected by treatment.


vector of Strings indicating the columns to match on.


vector of Strings indicating additional control dimensions to be included in the estimation.


See the description of matchedwake for details.


Returns a data.frame. See “wakes” in the description of matchedwake for details.


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay.


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also

matchedwake, slideWakeMatch

Summary Function for Objects of Class matchedwake


Overloads the default summary() for objects of class matchedwake.


## S3 method for class 'matchedwake'
summary(object, detailed = FALSE, ...)



object of class matchedwake.


Boolean indicating whether or not a detailed summary should be returned. Default = TRUE.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


Returns a data.frame with an overview of all significant results (significance level is alpha1 as retrieved from x$parameters). If detailed = TRUE this overview includes a number of matching statistics and statistics on overlaps of the spatiotemporal cylinders. If additional control dimensions were included in the estimation, it also provides an overview of the corresponding coefficients and p values for all significant results.


Sebastian Schutte and Karsten Donnay.


Schutte, S., Donnay, K. (2014). “Matched wake analysis: Finding causal relationships in spatiotemporal event data.” Political Geography 41:1-10.

See Also
