Title: | Clustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence of Covariates |
Description: | Methods for model-based clustering of multinomial counts under the presence of covariates using mixtures of multinomial logit models, as implemented in Papastamoulis (2023) <DOI:10.1007/s11634-023-00547-5>. These models are estimated under a frequentist as well as a Bayesian setup using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (MCMC), respectively. The (unknown) number of clusters is selected according to the Integrated Completed Likelihood criterion (for the frequentist model), and estimating the number of non-empty components using overfitting mixture models after imposing suitable sparse prior assumptions on the mixing proportions (in the Bayesian case), see Rousseau and Mengersen (2011) <DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2011.00781.x>. In the latter case, various MCMC chains run in parallel and are allowed to switch states. The final MCMC output is suitably post-processed in order to undo label switching using the Equivalence Classes Representatives (ECR) algorithm, as described in Papastamoulis (2016) <DOI:10.18637/jss.v069.c01>. |
Authors: | Panagiotis Papastamoulis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Panagiotis Papastamoulis <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 |
Version: | 1.1 |
Built: | 2025-03-09 06:43:03 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Methods for model-based clustering of multinomial counts under the presence of covariates using mixtures of multinomial logit models, as implemented in Papastamoulis (2023) <DOI:10.1007/s11634-023-00547-5>. These models are estimated under a frequentist as well as a Bayesian setup using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (MCMC), respectively. The (unknown) number of clusters is selected according to the Integrated Completed Likelihood criterion (for the frequentist model), and estimating the number of non-empty components using overfitting mixture models after imposing suitable sparse prior assumptions on the mixing proportions (in the Bayesian case), see Rousseau and Mengersen (2011) <DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2011.00781.x>. In the latter case, various MCMC chains run in parallel and are allowed to switch states. The final MCMC output is suitably post-processed in order to undo label switching using the Equivalence Classes Representatives (ECR) algorithm, as described in Papastamoulis (2016) <DOI:10.18637/jss.v069.c01>.
Package: | multinomialLogitMix |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Clustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence of Covariates |
Version: | 1.1 |
Date: | 2023-07-13 |
Authors@R: | c(person(given = "Panagiotis", family = "Papastamoulis", email = "[email protected]", role = c( "aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-9468-7613"))) |
Maintainer: | Panagiotis Papastamoulis <[email protected]> |
Description: | Methods for model-based clustering of multinomial counts under the presence of covariates using mixtures of multinomial logit models, as implemented in Papastamoulis (2023) <DOI:10.1007/s11634-023-00547-5>. These models are estimated under a frequentist as well as a Bayesian setup using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling (MCMC), respectively. The (unknown) number of clusters is selected according to the Integrated Completed Likelihood criterion (for the frequentist model), and estimating the number of non-empty components using overfitting mixture models after imposing suitable sparse prior assumptions on the mixing proportions (in the Bayesian case), see Rousseau and Mengersen (2011) <DOI:10.1111/j.1467-9868.2011.00781.x>. In the latter case, various MCMC chains run in parallel and are allowed to switch states. The final MCMC output is suitably post-processed in order to undo label switching using the Equivalence Classes Representatives (ECR) algorithm, as described in Papastamoulis (2016) <DOI:10.18637/jss.v069.c01>. |
License: | GPL-2 |
Imports: | Rcpp (>=, MASS, doParallel, foreach, label.switching, ggplot2, coda, matrixStats, mvtnorm, RColorBrewer |
LinkingTo: | Rcpp, RcppArmadillo |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Packaged: | 2023-07-14 07:55:32 UTC; panos |
Author: | Panagiotis Papastamoulis [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9468-7613>) |
Repository: | CRAN |
Date/Publication: | 2023-07-17 05:00:02 UTC |
Index of help topics:
dealWithLabelSwitching Post-process the generated MCMC sample in order to undo possible label switching. expected_complete_LL Expected complete LL gibbs_mala_sampler The core of the Hybrid Gibbs/MALA MCMC sampler for the multinomial logit mixture. gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt Prior parallel tempering scheme of hybrid Gibbs/MALA MCMC samplers for the multinomial logit mixture. log_dirichlet_pdf Log-density function of the Dirichlet distribution mala_proposal Proposal mechanism of the MALA step. mixLoglikelihood_GLM Log-likelihood of the multinomial logit. mix_mnm_logistic EM algorithm multinomialLogitMix Main function multinomialLogitMix-package Clustering Multinomial Count Data under the Presence of Covariates multinomial_logistic_EM Part of the EM algorithm for multinomial logit mixture myDirichlet Simulate from the Dirichlet distribution newton_raphson_mstep M-step of the EM algorithm shakeEM_GLM Shake-small EM simulate_multinomial_data Synthetic data generator splitEM_GLM Split-small EM scheme.
See the main function of the package: multinomialLogitMix
, which wraps automatically calls to the MCMC sampler gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt
and the EM algorithm mix_mnm_logistic
Panagiotis Papastamoulis [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9468-7613>)
Maintainer: Panagiotis Papastamoulis <[email protected]>
Papastamoulis, P. Model based clustering of multinomial count data. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-023-00547-5
Papastamoulis, P. and Iliopoulos, G. (2010). An Artificial Allocations Based Solution to the Label Switching Problem in Bayesian Analysis of Mixtures of Distributions. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19(2), 313-331. http://www.jstor.org/stable/25703571
Papastamoulis, P. (2016). label.switching: An R Package for Dealing with the Label Switching Problem in MCMC Outputs. Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 69(1), 1-24. https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v069.c01
Rousseau, J. and Mengersen, K. (2011), Asymptotic behaviour of the posterior distribution in overfitted mixture models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 73: 689-710. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9868.2011.00781.x
, gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt
This function implements the Equivalence Classes Representatives (ECR) algorithm from the label.switching package in order to undo the label switching phenomenon.
dealWithLabelSwitching(gs, burn, thin = 10, zPivot = NULL, returnRaw = FALSE, maxM = NULL)
dealWithLabelSwitching(gs, burn, thin = 10, zPivot = NULL, returnRaw = FALSE, maxM = NULL)
gs |
An object generated by the main function of the package. |
burn |
Number of draws that will be discarder as burn-in. |
thin |
Thinning of the MCMC sample. |
zPivot |
Optional vector of allocations that will be used as the pivot of the ECR algorithm. If this is not supplied, the pivot will be selected as the allocation vector that corresponds to the iteration that maximized the log-likelihood of the model. |
returnRaw |
Boolean. If true, the function will also return the raw output. |
maxM |
Not used. |
See Papastamoulis (2016).
cluster |
Single best clustering of the data, according to the Maximum A Posteriori rule. |
nClusters_posterior |
Estimated posterior distribution of the number of clusters. |
mcmc |
Post-processed mcmc output. |
posteriorProbabilities |
Estimated posterior membership probabilities. |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Papastamoulis, P. (2016). label.switching
: An R Package for Dealing with the Label Switching Problem in MCMC Outputs. Journal of Statistical Software, 69(1), 1-24.
This function is not used at the moment.
expected_complete_LL(y, X, b, w, pr)
expected_complete_LL(y, X, b, w, pr)
y |
count data. |
X |
design matrix. |
b |
Logit coefficients. |
w |
mixing proportions. |
pr |
mixing proportions. |
Complete log-likelihood of the model.
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
This function implements Gibbs sampling to update the mixing proportions and latent allocations variables of the mixture model. The coefficients of the logit model are updated according to Metropolis-Hastings type move, based on a Metropolis adjusted Langevin (MALA) proposal.
gibbs_mala_sampler(y, X, tau = 3e-05, nu2, K, mcmc_iter = 100, alpha_prior = NULL, start_values = "EM", em_iter = 10, thin = 10, verbose = FALSE, checkAR = NULL, probsSave = FALSE, ar_low = 0.4, ar_up = 0.6)
gibbs_mala_sampler(y, X, tau = 3e-05, nu2, K, mcmc_iter = 100, alpha_prior = NULL, start_values = "EM", em_iter = 10, thin = 10, verbose = FALSE, checkAR = NULL, probsSave = FALSE, ar_low = 0.4, ar_up = 0.6)
y |
matrix of counts. |
X |
design matrix (including constant term). |
tau |
the variance of the normal prior distribution of the logit coefficients. |
nu2 |
scale of the MALA proposal (positive). |
K |
number of components of the (overfitting) mixture model. |
mcmc_iter |
Number of MCMC iterations. |
alpha_prior |
Parameter of the Dirichlet prior distribution for the mixing proportions. |
start_values |
Optional list of starting values. Random initialization is used if this is not provided. |
em_iter |
Maximum number of iterations if an EM initialization is enabled. |
thin |
optional thinning of the generated MCMC output. |
verbose |
Boolean. |
checkAR |
Number of iterations to adjust the scale of the proposal in MALA mechanism during the initial warm-up phase of the sampler. |
probsSave |
Optional. |
ar_low |
Lowest threshold for the acceptance rate of the MALA proposal (optional) . |
ar_up |
Highest threshold for the acceptance rate of the MALA proposal (optional). |
nClusters |
sampled values of the number of clusters (non-empty mixture components). |
allocations |
sampled values of the latent allocation variables. |
logLikelihood |
Log-likelihood values per MCMC iteration. |
mixing_proportions |
sampled values of mixing proportions. |
coefficients |
sapled values of the coefficients of the multinomial logit. |
complete_logLikelihood |
Complete log-likelihood values per MCMC iteration. |
class_probs |
Classification probabilities per iteration (optional). |
AR |
Acceptance rate of the MALA proposal. |
This function is used inside the prior tempering scheme, which is the main function.
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 p <- 2 D <- 2 n <- 2 set.seed(116) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) gs <- gibbs_mala_sampler(y = simData$count_data, X = simData$design_matrix, tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, K = 2, mcmc_iter = 3, alpha_prior = rep(1,K), start_values = "RANDOM", thin = 1, verbose = FALSE, checkAR = 100)
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 p <- 2 D <- 2 n <- 2 set.seed(116) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) gs <- gibbs_mala_sampler(y = simData$count_data, X = simData$design_matrix, tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, K = 2, mcmc_iter = 3, alpha_prior = rep(1,K), start_values = "RANDOM", thin = 1, verbose = FALSE, checkAR = 100)
The main MCMC scheme of the package. Multiple chains are run in parallel and swaps between are proposed. Each chain uses different parameters on the Dirichlet prior of the mixing proportion. The smaller concentration parameter should correspond to the first chain, which is the one that used for inference. Subsequent chains should have larger values of concentration parameter for the Dirichlet prior.
gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt(y, X, tau = 3e-05, nu2, K, mcmc_cycles = 100, iter_per_cycle = 10, dirPriorAlphas, start_values = "EM", em_iter = 10, nChains = 4, nCores = 4, warm_up = 100, checkAR = 50, probsSave = FALSE, showGraph = 50, ar_low = 0.4, ar_up = 0.6, withRandom = TRUE)
gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt(y, X, tau = 3e-05, nu2, K, mcmc_cycles = 100, iter_per_cycle = 10, dirPriorAlphas, start_values = "EM", em_iter = 10, nChains = 4, nCores = 4, warm_up = 100, checkAR = 50, probsSave = FALSE, showGraph = 50, ar_low = 0.4, ar_up = 0.6, withRandom = TRUE)
y |
matrix of counts. |
X |
design matrix (including constant term). |
tau |
the variance of the normal prior distribution of the logit coefficients. |
nu2 |
scale of the MALA proposal (positive). |
K |
number of components of the (overfitting) mixture model. |
mcmc_cycles |
Number of MCMC cycles. At the end of each cycle, a swap between chains is attempted. |
iter_per_cycle |
Number of iterations per cycle. |
dirPriorAlphas |
Vector of concentration parameters for the Dirichlet priors in increasing order. |
start_values |
Optional list of start values. Randomly generated values are used if this is not provided. |
em_iter |
Maximum number of iterations if an EM initialization is enabled. |
nChains |
Total number of parallel chains. |
nCores |
Total number of CPU cores for parallel processing of the |
warm_up |
Initial warm-up period of the sampler, in order to adaptively tune the scale of the MALA proposal (optional). |
checkAR |
Number of iterations to adjust the scale of the proposal in MALA mechanism during the initial warm-up phase of the sampler. |
probsSave |
Optional. |
showGraph |
Optional. |
ar_low |
Lowest threshold for the acceptance rate of the MALA proposal (optional) . |
ar_up |
Highest threshold for the acceptance rate of the MALA proposal (optional). |
withRandom |
Logical. If TRUE (default) then a random permutation is applied to the supplied starting values. |
See the paper for details.
nClusters |
sampled values of the number of clusters (non-empty mixture components). |
allocations |
sampled values of the latent allocation variables. |
logLikelihood |
Log-likelihood values per MCMC iteration. |
mixing_proportions |
sampled values of mixing proportions. |
coefficients |
sapled values of the coefficients of the multinomial logit. |
complete_logLikelihood |
Complete log-likelihood values per MCMC iteration. |
class_probs |
Classification probabilities per iteration (optional). |
AR |
Acceptance rate of the MALA proposal. |
The output of the MCMC sampler is not identifiable, due to possible label switching. In order to draw meaningful inferences, the output should be post-processed by dealWithLabelSwitching
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Papastamoulis, P (2022). Model-based clustering of multinomial count data.
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 p <- 2 D <- 3 n <- 2 set.seed(116) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) # apply mcmc sampler based on random starting values Kmax = 2 nChains = 2 dirPriorAlphas = c(1, 1 + 5*exp((seq(2, 14, length = nChains - 1)))/100)/(200) nCores <- 2 mcmc_cycles <- 2 iter_per_cycle = 2 warm_up <- 2 mcmc_random1 <- gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt( y = simData$count_data, X = simData$design_matrix, tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, K = Kmax, dirPriorAlphas = dirPriorAlphas, mcmc_cycles = mcmc_cycles, iter_per_cycle = iter_per_cycle, start_values = 'RANDOM', nChains = nChains, nCores = nCores, warm_up = warm_up, showGraph = 1000, checkAR = 1000) #sampled values for the number of clusters (non-empty mixture components) per chain (columns) mcmc_random1$nClusters
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 p <- 2 D <- 3 n <- 2 set.seed(116) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) # apply mcmc sampler based on random starting values Kmax = 2 nChains = 2 dirPriorAlphas = c(1, 1 + 5*exp((seq(2, 14, length = nChains - 1)))/100)/(200) nCores <- 2 mcmc_cycles <- 2 iter_per_cycle = 2 warm_up <- 2 mcmc_random1 <- gibbs_mala_sampler_ppt( y = simData$count_data, X = simData$design_matrix, tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, K = Kmax, dirPriorAlphas = dirPriorAlphas, mcmc_cycles = mcmc_cycles, iter_per_cycle = iter_per_cycle, start_values = 'RANDOM', nChains = nChains, nCores = nCores, warm_up = warm_up, showGraph = 1000, checkAR = 1000) #sampled values for the number of clusters (non-empty mixture components) per chain (columns) mcmc_random1$nClusters
Log-density function of the Dirichlet distribution
log_dirichlet_pdf(alpha, weights)
log_dirichlet_pdf(alpha, weights)
alpha |
Parameter vector |
weights |
Vector of weights. |
Log-density of the evaluated at
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Only the mala_proposal_cpp function is used in the package - which is written as an RCPP function.
mala_proposal(y, X, b, z, tau, A = FALSE, pr, nu2)
mala_proposal(y, X, b, z, tau, A = FALSE, pr, nu2)
y |
count data |
X |
design matrix |
b |
coefficients (array |
z |
allocation vector |
tau |
prior variance |
A |
A |
pr |
mixing proportions |
nu2 |
parameter nu2 |
theta |
theta values |
b |
coeeficients |
acceptance |
log-likelihood. |
gradient |
log-likelihood. |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Estimation of the multinomial logit mixture using the EM algorithm. The algorithm exploits a careful initialization procedure (Papastamoulis et al., 2016) combined with a ridge-stabilized implementation of the Newton-Raphson method (Goldfeld et al., 1966) in the M-step.
mix_mnm_logistic(y, X, Kmax = 10, maxIter = 100, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores, tsplit = 8, msplit = 5, split = TRUE, shake = TRUE, random = TRUE, criterion = "ICL", plotting = FALSE, R0 = 0.1, method = 5)
mix_mnm_logistic(y, X, Kmax = 10, maxIter = 100, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores, tsplit = 8, msplit = 5, split = TRUE, shake = TRUE, random = TRUE, criterion = "ICL", plotting = FALSE, R0 = 0.1, method = 5)
y |
matrix of counts |
X |
design matrix (including constant term). |
Kmax |
Maximum number of mixture components. |
maxIter |
Maximum number of iterations. |
emthreshold |
Minimum loglikelihood difference between successive iterations in order to terminate. |
maxNR |
maximum number of Newton Raphson iterations |
nCores |
number of cores for parallel computations. |
tsplit |
positive integer denoting the number of different runs for each call of the splitting small EM used by split-small EM initialization procedure. |
msplit |
positive integer denoting the number of different runs for each call of the splitting small EM. |
split |
Boolean indicating if the split initialization should be enabled in the small-EM scheme. |
shake |
Boolean indicating if the shake initialization should be enabled in the small-EM scheme. |
random |
Boolean indicating if random initializations should be enabled in the small-EM scheme. |
criterion |
set to "ICL" to select the number of clusters according to the ICL criterion. |
plotting |
Boolean for displaying intermediate graphical output. |
R0 |
controls the step size of the update: smaller values result to larger step sizes. See description in paper. |
method |
this should be set to 5. |
estimated_K |
selected value of the number of clusters. |
all_runs |
detailed output per run. |
BIC_values |
values of bayesian information criterion. |
ICL_BIC_values |
values of ICL-BIC. |
estimated_clustering |
Single best-clustering of the data, according to the MAP rule. |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Papastamoulis P (2022). Model-based clustering of multinomial count data. arXiv:2207.13984 [stat.ME]
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 p <- 2 D <- 3 n <- 2 set.seed(116) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) SplitShakeSmallEM <- mix_mnm_logistic(y = simData$count_data, X = simData$design_matrix, Kmax = 2, maxIter = 1, emthreshold = 1e-8, maxNR = 1, nCores = 2, tsplit = 1, msplit = 2, split = TRUE, R0 = 0.1, method = 5, plotting = FALSE) #selected number of clusters SplitShakeSmallEM$estimated_K #estimated single best-clustering, according to MAP rule SplitShakeSmallEM$estimated_clustering # detailed output for all parameters of the selected number of clusters SplitShakeSmallEM$all_runs[[SplitShakeSmallEM$estimated_K]]
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 p <- 2 D <- 3 n <- 2 set.seed(116) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) SplitShakeSmallEM <- mix_mnm_logistic(y = simData$count_data, X = simData$design_matrix, Kmax = 2, maxIter = 1, emthreshold = 1e-8, maxNR = 1, nCores = 2, tsplit = 1, msplit = 2, split = TRUE, R0 = 0.1, method = 5, plotting = FALSE) #selected number of clusters SplitShakeSmallEM$estimated_K #estimated single best-clustering, according to MAP rule SplitShakeSmallEM$estimated_clustering # detailed output for all parameters of the selected number of clusters SplitShakeSmallEM$all_runs[[SplitShakeSmallEM$estimated_K]]
Log-likelihood of the multinomial logit.
mixLoglikelihood_GLM(y, theta, pi)
mixLoglikelihood_GLM(y, theta, pi)
y |
matrix of counts |
theta |
a three-dimensional array containing the multinomial probabilities per cluster, for each observation. |
pi |
a numeric vector of length K (the number of mixture components) containing the mixing proportions. |
Log-likelihood value.
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Part of the EM algorithm for multinomial logit mixture
multinomial_logistic_EM(y, x, K, w_start, b_start, maxIter = 1000, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, R0, method)
multinomial_logistic_EM(y, x, K, w_start, b_start, maxIter = 1000, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores = NULL, verbose = FALSE, R0, method)
y |
y |
x |
X |
K |
K |
w_start |
w |
b_start |
b |
maxIter |
max |
emthreshold |
em |
maxNR |
maxnr |
nCores |
nc |
verbose |
verb |
R0 |
or |
method |
method |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
The main function of the package.
multinomialLogitMix(response, design_matrix, method, Kmax = 10, mcmc_parameters = NULL, em_parameters = NULL, nCores, splitSmallEM = TRUE)
multinomialLogitMix(response, design_matrix, method, Kmax = 10, mcmc_parameters = NULL, em_parameters = NULL, nCores, splitSmallEM = TRUE)
response |
matrix of counts. |
design_matrix |
design matrix (including constant term). |
method |
character with two possible values: "EM" or "MCMC" indicating the desired method in order to estimate the model. |
Kmax |
number of components of the (overfitting) mixture model. |
nCores |
Total number of CPU cores for parallel processing. |
mcmc_parameters |
List with the parameter set-up of the MCMC sampler. See details for changing the defaults. |
em_parameters |
List with the parameter set-up of the EM algorithm. See details for changing the defaults. |
splitSmallEM |
Boolean value, indicating whether the split-small EM scheme should be used to initialize the |
The details of the parameter setup of the EM algorithm and MCMC sampler. The following specification correspond to the minimal default settings. Larger values of tsplit
will result to better performance.
em_parameters <- list(maxIter = 100, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 10, tsplit = 16, msplit = 10, split = TRUE, R0 = 0.1, plotting = TRUE)
mcmc_parameters <- list(tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, mcmc_cycles = 2600, iter_per_cycle = 20, nChains = 8, dirPriorAlphas = c(1, 1 + 5 * exp((seq(2, 14, length = nChains - 1)))/100)/(200), warm_up = 48000, checkAR = 500, probsSave = FALSE, showGraph = 100, ar_low = 0.15, ar_up = 0.25, burn = 100, thin = 1, withRandom = TRUE)
EM |
List with the results of the EM algorithm. |
MCMC_raw |
List with the raw output of the MCMC sampler - not identifiable MCMC output. |
MCMC_post_processed |
Post-processed MCMC, used for the inference. |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Papastamoulis, P. Model based clustering of multinomial count data. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11634-023-00547-5
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 #number of clusters p <- 2 #number of covariates (constant incl) D <- 5 #number of categories n <- 20 #generated number of observations set.seed(1) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) # EM parameters em_parameters <- list(maxIter = 100, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 10, tsplit = 16, msplit = 10, split = TRUE, R0 = 0.1, plotting = TRUE) # MCMC parameters - just for illustration # typically, set `mcmc_cycles` and `warm_up`to a larger values # such as` mcmc_cycles = 2500` or more # and `warm_up = 40000` or more. nChains <- 2 #(set this to a larger value, such as 8 or more) mcmc_parameters <- list(tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, mcmc_cycles = 260, iter_per_cycle = 20, nChains = nChains, dirPriorAlphas = c(1, 1 + 5 * exp((seq(2, 14, length = nChains - 1)))/100)/(200), warm_up = 4800, checkAR = 500, probsSave = FALSE, showGraph = 100, ar_low = 0.15, ar_up = 0.25, burn = 100, thin = 1, withRandom = TRUE) # run EM with split-small-EM initialization, and then use the output to # initialize MCMC algorithm for an overfitting mixture with # Kmax = 5 components (max number of clusters - usually this is # set to a larger value, e.g. 10 or 20). # Note: # 1. the MCMC output is based on the non-empty components # 2. the EM algorithm clustering corresponds to the selected # number of clusters according to ICL. # 3. `nCores` should by adjusted according to your available cores. mlm <- multinomialLogitMix(response = simData$count_data, design_matrix = simData$design_matrix, method = "MCMC", Kmax = 5, nCores = 2, splitSmallEM = TRUE, mcmc_parameters = mcmc_parameters, em_parameters = em_parameters) # retrieve clustering according to EM mlm$EM$estimated_clustering # retrieve clustering according to MCMC mlm$MCMC_post_processed$cluster
# Generate synthetic data K <- 2 #number of clusters p <- 2 #number of covariates (constant incl) D <- 5 #number of categories n <- 20 #generated number of observations set.seed(1) simData <- simulate_multinomial_data(K = K, p = p, D = D, n = n, size = 20, prob = 0.025) # EM parameters em_parameters <- list(maxIter = 100, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 10, tsplit = 16, msplit = 10, split = TRUE, R0 = 0.1, plotting = TRUE) # MCMC parameters - just for illustration # typically, set `mcmc_cycles` and `warm_up`to a larger values # such as` mcmc_cycles = 2500` or more # and `warm_up = 40000` or more. nChains <- 2 #(set this to a larger value, such as 8 or more) mcmc_parameters <- list(tau = 0.00035, nu2 = 100, mcmc_cycles = 260, iter_per_cycle = 20, nChains = nChains, dirPriorAlphas = c(1, 1 + 5 * exp((seq(2, 14, length = nChains - 1)))/100)/(200), warm_up = 4800, checkAR = 500, probsSave = FALSE, showGraph = 100, ar_low = 0.15, ar_up = 0.25, burn = 100, thin = 1, withRandom = TRUE) # run EM with split-small-EM initialization, and then use the output to # initialize MCMC algorithm for an overfitting mixture with # Kmax = 5 components (max number of clusters - usually this is # set to a larger value, e.g. 10 or 20). # Note: # 1. the MCMC output is based on the non-empty components # 2. the EM algorithm clustering corresponds to the selected # number of clusters according to ICL. # 3. `nCores` should by adjusted according to your available cores. mlm <- multinomialLogitMix(response = simData$count_data, design_matrix = simData$design_matrix, method = "MCMC", Kmax = 5, nCores = 2, splitSmallEM = TRUE, mcmc_parameters = mcmc_parameters, em_parameters = em_parameters) # retrieve clustering according to EM mlm$EM$estimated_clustering # retrieve clustering according to MCMC mlm$MCMC_post_processed$cluster
Generate a random draw from the Dirichlet distribution .
alpha |
Parameter vector |
Simulated vector
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Implements the maximization step of the EM algorithm based on a ridge-stabilized version of the Newton-Raphson algorithm, see Goldfeld et al. (1966).
newton_raphson_mstep(y, X, b, w, maxNR = 5, R0 = 0.1, method = 5, verbose = FALSE)
newton_raphson_mstep(y, X, b, w, maxNR = 5, R0 = 0.1, method = 5, verbose = FALSE)
y |
count data matrix |
X |
design matrix (including const). |
b |
coefficients of the multinomial logit mixture |
w |
mixing proportions |
maxNR |
threshold |
R0 |
inital value for the parameter that controls the step-size of the update. |
method |
set to 5. Always. |
verbose |
Boolean. |
b |
coefficients |
theta |
theta values |
ll |
log-likelihood. |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Goldfeld, S. M., Quandt, R. E., and Trotter, H. F. (1966). Maximization by quadratic hill-climbing. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 541-551.
Assume that there are at least two clusters in the fitted model. We randomly select 2 of them and propose to randomly re-allocate the assigned observations within those 2 clusters.
shakeEM_GLM(y, x, K, equalModel, tsplit = 10, maxIter = 20, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores, split = TRUE, R0, method)
shakeEM_GLM(y, x, K, equalModel, tsplit = 10, maxIter = 20, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores, split = TRUE, R0, method)
y |
y |
x |
X |
K |
K |
equalModel |
eq |
tsplit |
tsplit |
maxIter |
maxiter |
emthreshold |
em |
maxNR |
max |
nCores |
nc |
split |
spl |
R0 |
ro |
method |
met |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
This function simulates data from mixture of multinomial logistic regression models.
simulate_multinomial_data(K, p, D, n, size = 20, prob = 0.025, betaTrue = NULL)
simulate_multinomial_data(K, p, D, n, size = 20, prob = 0.025, betaTrue = NULL)
K |
Number of clusters. |
p |
Number of covariates, including constant. |
D |
Number of multinomial categories. |
n |
Number of data points to simulate. |
size |
Negative Binomial parameter (number of successes). Default: 20. |
prob |
Negative Binomial parameter (probability of success). Default: 0.025. |
betaTrue |
An array which contains the true values of the logit coefficients per cluster. Default: randomly generated values. |
count_data |
matrix of data counts. |
design_matrix |
design matrix. |
clustering |
Ground-truth partition of the data. |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Split two randomly selected clusters based on a model with one component smaller than the current one. This procedure is repeated within a small-EM scheme. The best split is chose to initialize the model.
splitEM_GLM(y, x, K, smallerModel, tsplit = 10, maxIter = 20, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores, split = TRUE, R0, method)
splitEM_GLM(y, x, K, smallerModel, tsplit = 10, maxIter = 20, emthreshold = 1e-08, maxNR = 5, nCores, split = TRUE, R0, method)
y |
y |
x |
x |
K |
k |
smallerModel |
smla |
tsplit |
tsp |
maxIter |
max |
emthreshold |
thr |
maxNR |
maxn |
nCores |
nc |
split |
spi |
R0 |
ro |
method |
meth |
Panagiotis Papastamoulis
Papastamoulis, P., Martin-Magniette, M. L., and Maugis-Rabusseau, C. (2016). On the estimation of mixtures of Poisson regression models with large number of components. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 93, 97-106.