Package 'mpmsim'

Title: Simulation of Matrix Population Models with Defined Life History Characteristics
Description: Allows users to simulate matrix population models with particular characteristics based on aspects of life history such as mortality trajectories and fertility trajectories. Also allows the exploration of sampling error due to small sample size.
Authors: Owen Jones [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Owen Jones <[email protected]>
License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Version: 3.0.0
Built: 2024-09-30 06:26:52 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Add sampling error to matrix population models (MPMs) based on expected values of transition rates and sample sizes


Produces a list of matrix population models based on expected values in the transition matrix and sample size. The expected values are provided in lists of two submatrices: mat_U for the growth/development and survival transitions and mat_F for the fecundity transitions. The output mat_U values are simulated based on expected probabilities, assuming a binomial process with a sample size defined by sample_size. The output mat_F values are simulated using a Poisson process with a sample size defined by sample_size.Thus users can expect that large sample sizes will result in simulated matrices that match closely with the expectations, while simulated matrices with small sample sizes will be more variable.


add_mpm_error(mat_U, mat_F, sample_size, split = TRUE, by_type = TRUE)



A list of U submatrices, or a single U submatrix.


A list of F submatrices, or a single F submatrix.


either (1) a single matrix of sample sizes for each element of every MPM, (2) a list of two named matrices ("mat_F_ss", "mat_U_ss") containing sample sizes for the survival and fertility submatrices of every MPM or (3) a single value applied to the every element of every matrix.


logical, whether to split the output into survival and fecundity matrices or not. Defaults to TRUE.


A logical indicating whether the matrices should be returned in a list by type (A, U, F, C). If split is FALSE, then by_type must also be FALSE. Defaults to TRUE.


if any sample_size input is 0, it is assumed that the estimate for the element(s) concerned is known without error.


list of matrices of survival and fecundity if split = TRUE, otherwise a single matrix of the sum of survival and fecundity.


Owen Jones [email protected]

See Also

Other errors: calculate_errors(), compute_ci(), compute_ci_U()

Other errors: calculate_errors(), compute_ci(), compute_ci_U()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# First generate a set of MPMs
mpm_set <- rand_lefko_set(n = 5, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(
  0, 0, 4, 8, 10
), archetype = 4, output = "Type4")

# Now apply sampling error to this set
  mat_U = mpm_set$U_list, mat_F = mpm_set$F_list, sample_size =

# Also works with a single matrix.
mats <- make_leslie_mpm(
  survival = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.5),
  fertility = c(0, 1.2, 2.4),
  n_stages = 3, split = TRUE

# Sample size is a single value
add_mpm_error(mat_U = mats$mat_U, mat_F = mats$mat_F, sample_size = 20)

# Sample size is a list of two matrices
# here with a sample size of 20 for reproduction and 10 for growth/survival.
mpm_set <- rand_lefko_set(
  n = 5, n_stages = 3, fecundity = c(0, 2, 4),
  archetype = 4, output = "Type4"

ssMats <- list(
  "mat_F_ss" = matrix(20, nrow = 3, ncol = 3),
  "mat_U_ss" = matrix(10, nrow = 3, ncol = 3)

# Add sampling error to the matrix models
output <- add_mpm_error(
  mat_U = mpm_set$U_list, mat_F = mpm_set$F_list,
  sample_size = ssMats

# Examine the outputs

Calculate error (standard error or 95%CI) in elements of a matrix population model.


Given two submatrices of a matrix population model (mat_U and mat_F, the growth/survival matrix and the reproduction matrix respectively) and a sample size, or matrix/matrices of sample sizes, this function calculates the standard error or 95% confidence interval (95%CI) for each element of the matrix. These calculations assume that mat_U is the result of binomial processes (i.e., the survival (0/1) of a sample of n individuals), while mat_F is the result of Poisson processes (i.e., counts of offspring from n individuals), where n is the sample size.


calculate_errors(mat_U, mat_F, sample_size, type = "sem", calculate_A = TRUE)



matrix of mean survival probabilities


matrix of mean fecundity values


either (1) a single matrix of sample sizes for each element of the MPM, (2) a list of two named matrices ("mat_F_ss", "mat_U_ss") containing sample sizes for the survival and fertility submatrices of the MPM or (3) a single value applied to the whole matrix


A character string indicating the type of error to calculate. Must be one of "sem" (standard error), or "CI95" (95% confidence interval).


A logical argument indicating whether the returned error information should include the A matrix and its error. Defaults to TRUE.


The output is a list containing the original matrices and matrices showing error estimates or confidence intervals.


A list containing the original matrices and the error estimates (or upper and lower confidence intervals) for the U, F and (optionally) A matrices.


Owen Jones [email protected]

See Also

add_mpm_error() which simulates matrices with known values and sample sizes.

Other errors: add_mpm_error(), compute_ci(), compute_ci_U()


# Set up two submatrices
matU <- matrix(c(
  0.1, 0,
  0.2, 0.4
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)
matF <- matrix(c(
  0, 4,
  0., 0.
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)

# errors as 95% CI, with a sample size of 20 for all elements
calculate_errors(mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 20, type = "CI95")

# errors as sem, with a sample size of 20 for all elements
calculate_errors(mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 20, type = "sem")

# Sample size is a single matrix applied to both F and U matrices
ssMat <- matrix(10, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)

  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = ssMat, type =

# Sample size is a list of two matrices, one for F and one for U.
ssMats <- list(
  "mat_F_ss" = matrix(10, nrow = 2, ncol = 2),
  "mat_U_ss" = matrix(10, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = ssMats, type =

Compute 95% confidence intervals for derived estimates from a matrix population model


This function computes the 95% confidence interval for measures derived from a matrix population model using parametric bootstrapping. In this approach a sampling distribution of the matrix population model (MPM) is generated by taking a large number of random independent draws using the sampling distribution of each underlying transition rate. The approach rests on our assumption that survival-related processes are binomial, while reproduction is a Poisson process (see the function add_mpm_error() for details).


compute_ci(mat_U, mat_F, sample_size, FUN, ..., n_sim = 1000, dist.out = FALSE)



A matrix that describes the growth and survival process.


A matrix that describes reproduction.


either (1) a single matrix of sample sizes for each element of the MPM, (2) a list of two named matrices ("mat_F_ss", "mat_U_ss") containing sample sizes for the survival and fertility submatrices of the MPM or (3) a single value applied to the whole matrix


A function to apply to each simulated matrix population model. This function must take, as input, a single matrix population model (i.e., the A matrix). For functions that require only the U matrix, use compute_ci_U.


Additional arguments to be passed to FUN.


An integer indicating the number of simulations to run. Default is 1000.


Logical. If TRUE, returns a list with both the quantiles and the simulated estimates. Default is FALSE.


The inputs are the U matrix, which describes the survival-related processes, and the F matrix which describes reproduction. The underlying assumption is that the U matrix is the average of a binomial process while the F matrix is the average of a Poisson process . The confidence interval will depend largely on the sample size used.


If dist.out is FALSE, a numeric vector of the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated measures. If dist.out = TRUE, a list with two elements: quantiles and estimates. quantiles is a numeric vector of the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated measures, and estimates is a numeric vector of the estimated measures.


Owen Jones [email protected]


Chapter 12 in Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models. Sinauer Associates Incorporated.

See Also

Other errors: add_mpm_error(), calculate_errors(), compute_ci_U()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# Data for use in example
matU <- matrix(c(
  0.1, 0.0,
  0.2, 0.4
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)

matF <- matrix(c(
  0.0, 5.0,
  0.0, 0.0
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)


# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of lambda
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 10, FUN =

# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of generation time
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 40, FUN =

# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of generation time and show the
# distribution of those bootstrapped estimates
xx <- compute_ci(
  mat_U = matU, mat_F = matF, sample_size = 100, FUN =
    popbio::generation.time, dist.out = TRUE

Compute 95% confidence intervals for derived estimates from the U submatrix of a matrix population model


This function computes the 95% confidence interval for measures derived from the U submatrix of a matrix population model using parametric bootstrapping. In this approach a sampling distribution of the U submatrix is generated by taking a large number of random independent draws using the sampling distribution of each underlying transition rate. The approach rests on our assumption that survival-related processes are binomial (see the function add_mpm_error() for details).


compute_ci_U(mat_U, sample_size, FUN, ..., n_sim = 1000, dist.out = FALSE)



A matrix that describes the growth and survival process.


either (1) a single matrix of sample sizes for each element of the U matrix, (2) a single value applied to the whole matrix


A function to apply to each simulated matrix population model. This function must take, as input, a single U submatrix of a matrix population model (i.e., the U matrix). For functions that require the A matrix, use compute_ci.


Additional arguments to be passed to FUN.


An integer indicating the number of simulations to run. Default is 1000.


Logical. If TRUE, returns a list with both the quantiles and the simulated estimates. Default is FALSE.


The main inputs is the U matrix, which describes the survival-related processes. The underlying assumption is that the U matrix is the average of a binomial process. The confidence interval will depend largely on the sample size used.


If dist.out is FALSE, a numeric vector of the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated measures. If dist.out = TRUE, a list with two elements: quantiles and estimates. quantiles is a numeric vector of the 2.5th and 97.5th quantiles of the estimated measures, and estimates is a numeric vector of the estimated measures.


Owen Jones [email protected]


Chapter 12 in Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models. Sinauer Associates Incorporated.

See Also

Other errors: add_mpm_error(), calculate_errors(), compute_ci()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# Data for use in example
matU <- matrix(c(
  0.1, 0.0,
  0.2, 0.4
), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 2)

# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of life expectancy
  mat_U = matU, sample_size = 10, FUN =

# Example of use to calculate 95% CI of generation time and show the
# distribution of those bootstrapped estimates
xx <- compute_ci_U(
  mat_U = matU, sample_size = 100, FUN =
    Rage::life_expect_mean, dist.out = TRUE


Calculate driven vital rates


This function calculates new values for a vital rate, such as survival or fecundity that is being influenced by a driver (e.g., weather). It does this by using a driver variable and a baseline value, along with a specified slope for the relationship between the driver variable and the vital rate. The function works on a linearised scale, using logit for survival and log for fecundity, and takes into account the error standard deviation.


  baseline_value = NULL,
  slope = NULL,
  baseline_driver = NULL,
  error_sd = 0,
  link = "logit"



A vector of driver values.


A vector or matrix of baseline values for the vital rate (e.g., survival) that is being influenced ("driven") by another variable (e.g. a climatic variable).


A vector or matrix of slopes for the relationship between the driver variable and the vital rate being driven.


The baseline_driver parameter is a single value representing the baseline driver value. If the driver value is greater than this value and the slope is positive, then the resulting vital rate will be higher. Conversely, if the driver value is less than this variable and the slope is positive, then the resulting vital rate will be less than the baseline value.


A vector or matrix of error standard deviations for random normal error to be added to the driven value of the vital rate being modelled. If set to 0 (the default), no error is added.


A character string indicating the type of link function to use. Valid values are "logit" (the default) and "log", which are appropriate for survival (U submatrix) and reproduction (F submatrix) respectively.


The relationship between the driver variable and the vital rate is assumed to be linear:

$$V = a * (d - d_b) + x + E$$

Where $$V$$ is the new vital rate (on the scale of the linear predictor), $$a$$ is the slope, $$x$$ is the baseline vital rate, $$d$$ is the driver, $$d_b$$ is the baseline driver and $$E$$ is the error.

The input vital rate(s) (baseline_value) can be a single-element vector representing a single vital rate (e.g., survival probability or fecundity), a longer vector representing a series of vital rates (e.g., several survival probabilities or fecundity values), or a matrix of values (e.g., a U or F submatrix of a matrix population model). The slopes of the relationship between the vital rate (baseline_value) and the driver can be provided as a single value, which is applied to all elements of the input vital rates, or as a matrix of values that map onto the matrix of vital rates. This allows users to simulate cases where different vital rates in a matrix model are affected in different ways by the same weather driver. For example, juvenile survival might be more affected by the driver than adult survival. The baseline_driver value represents the "normal" state of the driver. If the driver is greater than the baseline_driver and the slope is positive, then the outcome vital rate will be higher. If the driver is less than the baseline_driver variable and the slope is positive, then the outcome vital rate will be less than the baseline_value. The error_sd represents the error in the linear relationship between the driver and the vital rate.


Depending on the input types, either a single value, a vector or a list of matrices of driven values for the vital rate(s) being modelled. The list has a length equal to the length of the driver input parameter.


Owen Jones [email protected]


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# A single vital rate and a single driver
  driver = 14,
  baseline_value = 0.5,
  slope = .4,
  baseline_driver = 10,
  error_sd = 0,
  link = "logit"

# A single vital rate and a time series of drivers
  driver = runif(10, 5, 15),
  baseline_value = 0.5,
  slope = .4,
  baseline_driver = 10,
  error_sd = 0,
  link = "logit"

# A matrix of survival values (U submatrix of a Leslie model)
# with a series of drivers, and matrices of slopes and errors

lt1 <- model_survival(params = c(b_0 = 0.4, b_1 = 0.5), model = "Gompertz")
lt1$fert <- model_fertility(
  age = 0:max(lt1$x), params = c(A = 10),
  maturity = 3, model = "step"

mats <- make_leslie_mpm(
  survival = lt1$px, fertility = lt1$fert, n_stages =
    nrow(lt1), split = TRUE
mat_dim <- nrow(mats$mat_U)

  driver = runif(5, 5, 15),
  baseline_value = mats$mat_U,
  slope = matrix(.4,
    nrow = mat_dim,
    ncol = mat_dim
  baseline_driver = 10,
  error_sd = matrix(1, nrow = mat_dim, ncol = mat_dim),
  link = "logit"

Generate lists of Lefkovitch matrix population models (MPMs) based on life history archetypes


This function is deprecated. Use rand_lefko_set instead.


  n = 10,
  n_stages = 3,
  archetype = 1,
  fecundity = 1.5,
  split = TRUE,
  by_type = TRUE,
  as_compadre = TRUE,
  max_surv = 0.99,
  constraint = NULL,
  attempts = 1000



The number of MPMs to generate. Default is 10.


The number of stages for the MPMs. Default is 3.


The archetype of the MPMs. Default is 1.


A vector of fecundities for the MPMs. Default is 1.5.


A logical indicating whether to split into submatrices. Default is TRUE.


A logical indicating whether the matrices should be returned in a list by type (A, U, F, C). If split is FALSE, then by_type must is coerced to be FALSE. Defaults to TRUE.


A logical indicating whether the matrices should be returned as a CompadreDB object. Default is TRUE. If FALSE, the function returns a list.


The maximum acceptable survival value, calculated across all transitions from a stage. Defaults to 0.99. This is only used if split = TRUE.


An optional data frame with 4 columns named fun, arg, lower and upper. These columns specify (1) a function that outputs a metric derived from an A matrix and (2) an argument for the function (NA, if no argument supplied) (3) the lower acceptable bound for the metric and (4) upper acceptable bound for the metric. This could be used to specify


An integer indicating the number of attempts To be made when simulating matrix model. The default is 1000. If it takes more than 1000 attempts to make a matrix that satisfies the conditions set by the other arguments, then a warning is produced.


This function generates a list of n MPMs according to the specified criteria. Criteria include the archetype, and the acceptable constraining criteria, which could include lambda, generation time or any other metric derived from an A matrix. The function attempts to find matrices that fulfil the criteria, discarding unacceptable matrices. By default, if it takes more than 1000 attempts to find a suitable matrix model, then an error is produced. However, the number of attempts can be altered with the attempts parameter.


A list of MPMs that meet the specified criteria.


Owen Jones [email protected]

See Also

random_mpm() which this function is essentially a wrapper for.

Other Lefkovitch matrices: rand_lefko_mpm(), rand_lefko_set(), random_mpm()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# Basic operation, without splitting matrices and with no constraints
  n = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, split = FALSE, by_type = FALSE, as_compadre = FALSE

# Constrain outputs to A matrices with lambda between 0.9 and 1.1
constrain_df <- data.frame(
  fun = "lambda", arg = NA, lower = 0.9, upper =
  n = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, constraint = constrain_df, as_compadre = FALSE

# As above, but using popdemo::eigs function instead of popbio::lambda
# to illustrate use of argument
constrain_df <- data.frame(
  fun = "eigs", arg = "lambda", lower = 0.9, upper =
  n = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, constraint = constrain_df, as_compadre = FALSE

# Multiple constraints
# Constrain outputs to A matrices with lambda between 0.9 and 1.1, generation
# time between 3 and 5 and damping ratio between 1 and 7.
constrain_df <- data.frame(
  fun = c("lambda", "generation.time", "damping.ratio"),
  arg = c(NA, NA, NA),
  lower = c(0.9, 3.0, 1.0),
  upper = c(1.1, 5.0, 7.0)
  n = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, constraint = constrain_df, as_compadre = FALSE

Create a Leslie matrix population model


The function creates a Leslie matrix from inputs of number of stages, fertility (the top row of the matrix), and survival probability (the value in the sub-diagonal).


  survival = NULL,
  fertility = NULL,
  n_stages = NULL,
  lifetable = NULL,
  split = FALSE



a numeric value representing the survival probability of each stage along the lower off-diagonal of the matrix, with the final value being in the lower-right corner of the matrix. If only one value is provided, this is applied to all survival elements.


a numeric vector of length n_stages representing the fertility rate of each stage. If only one value is provided, this is applied to all fertility elements.


a numeric value representing the number of stages in the matrix


a life table containing columns px (age-specific survival) and fert (age-specific fertility)


a logical argument indicating whether the output matrix should be split into separate A, U and F matrices (where A = U + F).


A matrix of size n_stages x n_stages representing the Leslie matrix


Owen Jones [email protected]


Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer.

Leslie, P. H. (1945). On the use of matrices in certain population mathematics. Biometrika, 33 (3), 183–212.

Leslie, P. H. (1948). Some Further Notes on the Use of Matrices in Population Mathematics. Biometrika, 35(3-4), 213–245.

See Also

Other Leslie matrices: rand_leslie_set(), reorganise_matrices()


  survival = 0.5, fertility = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
  n_stages = 3, split = FALSE
  survival = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7), fertility = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3),
  n_stages = 3
  survival = seq(0.1, 0.7, length.out = 4), fertility = 0.1,
  n_stages = 4
  survival = c(0.8, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05), fertility = 0.2,
  n_stages = 5

Model fertility with age using set functional forms


This function computes fertility based on the logistic, step, von Bertalanffy, Hadwiger, and normal models. The logistic model assumes that fertility increases sigmoidally with age from maturity until a maximum fertility is reached. The step model assumes that fertility is zero before the age of maturity and then remains constant. The von Bertalanffy model assumes that, after maturity, fertility increases asymptotically with age until a maximum fertility is reached. In this formulation, the model is set up so that fertility is 0 at the 'age of maturity - 1', and increases from that point. The Hadwiger model is rather complex and is intended to model human fertility with a characteristic hump-shaped fertility. For all models, the output ensures that fertility is zero before the age at maturity.


model_fertility(params, age = NULL, maturity = 0, model = "logistic")



A numeric vector of parameters for the selected model. The number and meaning of parameters depend on the selected model.


A numeric vector representing age. For use in creation of MPMs and life tables, these should be integers.


A non-negative numeric value indicating the age at maturity. Whatever model is used, the fertility is forced to be 0 below the age of maturity.


A character string specifying the model to use. Must be one of "logistic", "step", "vonbertalanffy","normal" or "hadwiger".


The required parameters varies depending on the fertility model. The parameters are provided as a vector and the parameters must be provided in the order mentioned here.

  • Logistic: fx=A/(1+exp(k(xxm)))f_x = A / (1 + exp(-k (x - x_m)))

  • Step: fx={A,xmA,x<mf_x= \begin{cases} A, x \geq m \\ A, x < m \end{cases}

  • von Bertalanffy: fx=A(1exp(k(xx0)))f_x = A (1 - exp(-k (x - x_0)))

  • Normal: fx=A×exp(12(xμσ)2)f_x = A \times \exp\left( -\frac{1}{2}\left(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma}\right)^{2}\,\right)

  • Hadwiger: fx=abC(Cx)32exp{b2(Cx+xC2)}f_x = \frac{ab}{C} \left (\frac{C}{x} \right ) ^\frac{3}{2} \exp \left \{ -b^2 \left ( \frac{C}{x}+\frac{x}{C}-2 \right ) \right \}


A numeric vector representing the computed fertility values.


Owen Jones [email protected]


Bertalanffy, L. von (1938) A quantitative theory of organic growth (inquiries on growth laws. II). Human Biology 10:181–213.

Peristera, P. & Kostaki, A. (2007) Modeling fertility in modern populations. Demographic Research. 16. Article 6, 141-194 doi:10.4054/DemRes.2007.16.6

See Also

model_mortality() to model age-specific survival using mortality models.

Other trajectories: model_survival()


# Compute fertility using the step model
model_fertility(age = 0:20, params = c(A = 10), maturity = 2, model = "step")

# Compute fertility using the logistic model
  age = 0:20, params = c(A = 10, k = 0.5, x_m = 8), maturity =
    0, model = "logistic"

# Compute fertility using the von Bertalanffy model
  age = 0:20, params = c(A = 10, k = .3), maturity = 2, model =

# Compute fertility using the normal model
  age = 0:20, params = c(A = 10, mu = 4, sd = 2), maturity = 0,
  model = "normal"

# Compute fertility using the Hadwiger model
  age = 0:50, params = c(a = 0.91, b = 3.85, C = 29.78),
  maturity = 0, model = "hadwiger"

Model mortality hazard, survivorship and age-specific survival probability using a mortality model


Generates an actuarial life table based on a defined mortality model.


model_survival(params, age = NULL, model, truncate = 0.01)

model_mortality(params, age = NULL, model, truncate = 0.01)



Numeric vector representing the parameters of the mortality model.


Numeric vector representing age. The default is NULL, whereby the survival trajectory is modelled from age 0 to the age at which the survivorship of the synthetic cohort declines to a threshold defined by the truncate argument, which has a default of 0.01 (i.e. 1% of the cohort remaining alive).


A character string specifying the name of the mortality model to be used. Options are gompertz, gompertzmakeham, exponential, siler, weibull, and weibullmakeham. These names are not case-sensitive.


a value defining how the life table output should be truncated. The default is 0.01, indicating that the life table is truncated so that survivorship (lx) > 0.01 (i.e. the age at which 1% of the cohort remains alive).


The required parameters varies depending on the mortality model. The parameters are provided as a vector.

*For gompertz and weibull, the parameters are b0, b1. *For gompertzmakeham and weibullmakeham the parameters are b0, b1 and C. *For exponential, the parameter is C. *For siler, the parameters are a0, a1, C, b0 and b1.

Note that the parameters must be provided in the order mentioned here. x represents age.

  • Gompertz: hx=b0eb1xh_x = b_0 \mathrm{e}^{b_1 x}

  • Gompertz-Makeham: hx=b0eb1x+ch_x = b_0 \mathrm{e}^{b_1 x} + c

  • Exponential: hx=ch_x = c

  • Siler: hx=a0ea1x+c+b0eb1xh_x = a_0 \mathrm{e}^{-a_1 x} + c + b_0 \mathrm{e}^{b_1 x}

  • Weibull: hx=b0b1(b1x)(b01)h_x = b_0 b_1 (b_1 x)^(b_0 - 1)

  • Weibull-Makeham: hx=b0b1(b1x)(b01)+ch_x = b_0 b_1 (b_1 x)^(b_0 - 1) + c

In the output, the probability of survival (px) (and death (qx)) represent the probability of individuals that enter the age interval [x,x+1][x,x+1] survive until the end of the interval (or die before the end of the interval). It is not possible to estimate a value for this in the final row of the life table (because there is no x+1x+1 value) and therefore the input values of age (x) may need to be extended to capture this final interval.


A dataframe in the form of a lifetable with columns for age (x), hazard (hx), survivorship (lx) and mortality (qx) and survival probability within interval (px).


Owen Jones [email protected]


Cox, D.R. & Oakes, D. (1984) Analysis of Survival Data. Chapman and Hall, London, UK.

Pinder III, J.E., Wiener, J.G. & Smith, M.H. (1978) The Weibull distribution: a method of summarizing survivorship data. Ecology, 59, 175–179.

Pletcher, S. (1999) Model fitting and hypothesis testing for age-specific mortality data. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 12, 430–439.

Siler, W. (1979) A competing-risk model for animal mortality. Ecology, 60, 750–757.

Vaupel, J., Manton, K. & Stallard, E. (1979) The impact of heterogeneity in individual frailty on the dynamics of mortality. Demography, 16, 439–454.

See Also

model_fertility() to model age-specific fertility using various functions.

Other trajectories: model_fertility()


model_mortality(params = c(b_0 = 0.1, b_1 = 0.2), model = "Gompertz")

  params = c(b_0 = 0.1, b_1 = 0.2, C = 0.1),
  model = "GompertzMakeham",
  truncate = 0.1

model_mortality(params = c(c = 0.2), model = "Exponential", age = 0:10)

  params = c(a_0 = 0.1, a_1 = 0.2, C = 0.1, b_0 = 0.1, b_1 = 0.2),
  model = "Siler",
  age = 0:10

  params = c(b_0 = 1.4, b_1 = 0.18),
  model = "Weibull"

  params = c(b_0 = 1.1, b_1 = 0.05, c = 0.2),
  model = "WeibullMakeham"

model_mortality(params = c(b_0 = 0.1, b_1 = 0.2), model = "Gompertz")

Plot a matrix as a heatmap


Visualise a matrix, such as a matrix population model (MPM), as a heatmap.


plot_matrix(mat, zero_na = FALSE, legend = FALSE, na_colour = NA, ...)



A matrix, such as the A matrix of a matrix population model


Logical indicating whether zero values should be treated as NA


Logical indicating whether to include a legend


Colour for NA values


Additional arguments to be passed to ggplot


A ggplot object


Owen Jones [email protected]

See Also

Other utility: summarise_mpms()


matDim <- 10
A1 <- make_leslie_mpm(
  survival = seq(0.1, 0.7, length.out = matDim),
  fertility = seq(0.1, 0.7, length.out = matDim),
  n_stages = matDim
plot_matrix(A1, zero_na = TRUE, na_colour = "black")
plot_matrix(A1, zero_na = TRUE, na_colour = NA)

Generate random Lefkovitch matrix population models (MPMs) based on life history archetypes


Generates a random matrix population model (MPM) with element values based on defined life history archetypes. Survival and transition/growth probabilities from any particular stage are restricted to be less than or equal to 1 by drawing from a Dirichlet distribution. The user can specify archetypes (from Takada et al. 2018) to restrict the MPMs in other ways:

  • Archetype 1: all elements are positive, although they may be very small. Therefore, transition from/to any stage is possible. This model describes a life history where individuals can progress and retrogress rapidly.

  • Archetype 2: has the same form as archetype 1 (transition from/to any stage is possible), but the survival probability (column sums of the survival matrix) increases monotonously as the individuals advance to later stages. This model, as the one in the first archetype, also allows for rapid progression and retrogression, but is more realistic in that stage-specific survival probability increases with stage advancement.

  • Archetype 3: positive non-zero elements for survival are only allowed on the diagonal and lower sub-diagonal of the matrix This model represents the life cycle of a species where retrogression is not allowed, and progression can only happen to the immediately larger/more developed stage (slow progression, e.g., trees).

  • Archetype 4: This archetype has the same general form as archetype 3, but with the further assumption that stage-specific survival increases as individuals increase in size/developmental stage. In this respect it is similar to archetype 2.


rand_lefko_mpm(n_stages, fecundity, archetype = 1, split = TRUE)



An integer defining the number of stages for the MPM.


Fecundity is the average number of offspring produced. Values can be provided in 4 ways:

  • An numeric vector of length 1 to provide a single fecundity measure to the top right corner of the matrix model only.

  • A numeric vector of integers of length equal to n_stages to provide fecundity estimates for the whole top row of the matrix model. Use 0 for cases with no reproduction.

  • A matrix of numeric values of the same dimension as n_stages to provide fecundity estimates for the entire matrix model. Use 0 for cases with no reproduction.

  • A list of two matrices of numeric values, both with the same dimension as n_stages, to provide lower and upper limits of mean fecundity for the entire matrix model. Use 0 for both lower and upper limits in cases with no reproduction.

In the latter case, a fecundity value will be drawn from a uniform distribution for the defined range. If there is no reproduction in a particular age class, use a value of 0 for both the lower and upper limit.


Indication of which life history archetype should be used, based on Takada et al. 2018. An integer between 1 and 4.


TRUE/FALSE, indicating whether the matrix produced should be split into a survival matrix and a fertility matrix. If true, then the output becomes a list with a matrix in each element. Otherwise, the output is a single matrix. Default is TRUE


In all 4 of these Archetypes, fecundity is placed as a single element on the top right of the matrix, if it is a single value. If it is a vector of length n_stages then the fertility vector spans the entire top row of the matrix.

The function is constrained to only output ergodic matrices.


Returns a random matrix population model with characteristics determined by the archetype selected and fecundity vector. If split = TRUE, the matrix is split into separate fertility and a growth/survival matrices, returned as a list.


Owen Jones [email protected]


Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer.

Lefkovitch, L. P. (1965). The study of population growth in organisms grouped by stages. Biometrics, 21(1), 1.

Takada, T., Kawai, Y., & Salguero-Gómez, R. (2018). A cautionary note on elasticity analyses in a ternary plot using randomly generated population matrices. Population Ecology, 60(1), 37–47.

See Also

rand_lefko_set() which is a wrapper for this function allowing the generation of large numbers of random matrices of this type.

Other Lefkovitch matrices: generate_mpm_set(), rand_lefko_set(), random_mpm()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

rand_lefko_mpm(n_stages = 2, fecundity = 20, archetype = 1, split = FALSE)
rand_lefko_mpm(n_stages = 2, fecundity = 20, archetype = 2, split = TRUE)
rand_lefko_mpm(n_stages = 3, fecundity = 20, archetype = 3, split = FALSE)
rand_lefko_mpm(n_stages = 4, fecundity = 20, archetype = 4, split = TRUE)
  n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10), archetype = 4,
  split = TRUE
# Using a range of values for fecundity
rand_lefko_mpm(n_stages = 2, fecundity = 20, archetype = 1, split = TRUE)

Generate lists of Lefkovitch matrix population models (MPMs) based on life history archetypes


This function generates a list of n MPMs according to the specified criteria. Criteria include the archetype, and the acceptable constraining criteria, which could include lambda, generation time or any other metric derived from an A matrix. The function attempts to find matrices that fulfil the criteria, discarding unacceptable matrices. By default, if it takes more than 1000 attempts to find a suitable matrix model, then an error is produced. However, the number of attempts can be altered with the attempts parameter.


  n_models = 5,
  n_stages = 3,
  archetype = 1,
  fecundity = 1.5,
  output = "Type1",
  max_surv = 0.99,
  constraint = NULL,
  attempts = 1000



An integer indicating the number of MPMs to generate.


The number of stages for the MPMs. Default is 3.


The archetype of the MPMs. Default is 1.


Fecundity is the average number of offspring produced. Values can be provided in 4 ways:

  • An numeric vector of length 1 providing a single fecundity measure to the top right corner of the matrix model only.

  • A numeric vector of integers of length equal to n_stages to provide fecundity estimates for the whole top row of the matrix model. Use 0 for cases with no reproduction.

  • A matrix of numeric values of the same dimension as n_stages to provide fecundity estimates for the entire matrix model. Use 0 for cases with no reproduction.

  • A list of two matrices of numeric values, both with the same dimension as n_stages, to provide lower and upper limits of mean fecundity for the entire matrix model.

In the latter case, a fecundity value will be drawn from a uniform distribution for the defined range. If there is no reproduction in a particular age class, use a value of 0 for both the lower and upper limit.


Character string indicating the type of output.

  • Type1: A compadreDB Object containing MPMs split into the submatrices (i.e. A, U, F and C).

  • Type2: A compadreDB Object containing MPMs that are not split into submatrices (i.e. only the A matrix is included).

  • Type3: A list of MPMs arranged so that each element of the list contains a model and associated submatrices (i.e. the nth element contains the nth A matrix alongside the nth U and F matrices).

  • Type4: A list of MPMs arranged so that the list contains 3 lists for the A matrix and the U and F submatrices respectively.

  • Type5: A list of MPMs, including only the A matrix.


The maximum acceptable survival value, calculated across all transitions from a stage. Defaults to 0.99. This is only used the output splits a matrix into the submatrices.


An optional data frame with 4 columns named fun, arg, lower and upper. These columns specify (1) a function that outputs a metric derived from an A matrix and (2) an argument for the function (NA, if no argument supplied) (3) the lower acceptable bound for the metric and (4) upper acceptable bound for the metric.


An integer indicating the number of attempts To be made when simulating matrix model. The default is 1000. If it takes more than 1000 attempts to make a matrix that satisfies the conditions set by the other arguments, then a warning is produced.


A compadreDB object or list of MPMs that meet the specified criteria.


Owen Jones [email protected]


Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer.

Lefkovitch, L. P. (1965). The study of population growth in organisms grouped by stages. Biometrics, 21(1), 1.

Takada, T., Kawai, Y., & Salguero-Gómez, R. (2018). A cautionary note on elasticity analyses in a ternary plot using randomly generated population matrices. Population Ecology, 60(1), 37–47.

See Also

rand_lefko_mpm() which this function is essentially a wrapper for.

Other Lefkovitch matrices: generate_mpm_set(), rand_lefko_mpm(), random_mpm()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

# Basic operation, without splitting matrices and with no constraints
  n_models = 3, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, output = "Type5"

# Constrain outputs to A matrices with lambda between 0.9 and 1.1
constrain_df <- data.frame(
  fun = "lambda", arg = NA, lower = 0.9, upper =
  n_models = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, constraint = constrain_df, output = "Type5"

# As above, but using popdemo::eigs function instead of popbio::lambda
# to illustrate use of argument
constrain_df <- data.frame(
  fun = "eigs", arg = "lambda", lower = 0.9, upper = 1.1

  n_models = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, constraint = constrain_df, output = "Type5"

# Multiple constraints
# Constrain outputs to A matrices with lambda between 0.9 and 1.1, generation
# time between 3 and 5 and damping ratio between 1 and 7.
constrain_df <- data.frame(
  fun = c("lambda", "generation.time", "damping.ratio"),
  arg = c(NA, NA, NA),
  lower = c(0.9, 3.0, 1.0),
  upper = c(1.1, 5.0, 7.0)
  n_models = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, constraint = constrain_df, output = "Type5"

Generate a set of random Leslie Matrix Population Models


Generates a set of Leslie matrix population models (MPMs) based on defined mortality and fertility models, and using model parameters randomly drawn from specified distributions.


  n_models = 5,
  mortality_model = "gompertz",
  fertility_model = "step",
  dist_type = "uniform",
  output = "type1",
  scale_output = FALSE



An integer indicating the number of MPMs to generate.


A character string specifying the name of the mortality model to be used. Options are gompertz, gompertzmakeham, exponential, siler, weibull, and weibullmakeham. See model_mortality. These names are not case-sensitive.


A character string specifying the name of the fertility model to be used. Options are logistic, step, vonBertalanffy, normal and hadwiger. See ?model_fertility.


A two-column dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of parameters in the mortality model. The required order of the parameters depends on the selected mortality_model (see ?model_mortality):

  • For gompertz and weibull: b_0, b_1

  • For gompertzmakeham and weibullmakeham: b_0, b_1, C

  • For exponential: C

  • For siler: a_0, a_1, C, b_0, b_1 If dist_type is uniform these rows represent the lower and upper limits of the random uniform distribution from which the parameters are drawn. If dist_type is normal, the columns represent the mean and standard deviation of a random normal distribution from which the parameter values are drawn.


A two-column dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of parameters in the fertility model. The required order of the parameters depends on the selected fertility_model (see ?model_mortality):

  • For logistic: A, k, x_m

  • For step: A

  • For vonBertalanffy: A, k

  • For normal: A, mu, sd

  • For hadwiger: a, b, C If dist_type is uniform these rows represent the lower and upper limits of the random uniform distribution from which the parameters are drawn. If dist_type is normal, the columns represent the mean and standard deviation of a random normal distribution from which the parameter values are drawn.


A vector with two elements defining the distribution from which age at maturity is drawn for the models. The models will coerce fertility to be zero before this point. If dist_type is uniform these values represent the lower and upper limits of the random uniform distribution from which the parameters are drawn. If dist_type is normal, the values represent the mean and standard deviation of a random normal distribution from which the parameter values are drawn.


A character string specifying the type of distribution to draw parameters from. Default is uniform. Supported types are uniform and normal.


Character string indicating the type of output. Output can be one of the following types:

  • Type1: A compadreDB Object containing MPMs split into the submatrices (i.e. A, U, F and C).

  • Type2: A compadreDB Object containing MPMs that are not split into submatrices (i.e. only the A matrix is included).

  • Type3: A list of MPMs arranged so that each element of the list contains a model and associated submatrices (i.e. the nth element contains the nth A matrix alongside the nth U and F matrices).

  • Type4: A list of MPMs arranged so that the list contains 3 lists for the A matrix and the U and F submatrices respectively.

  • Type5: A list of MPMs, including only the A matrix.

  • Type6: A list of life tables.

    Default is Type1.


A logical argument. If TRUE the resulting MPMs or life tables are scaled by adjusting fertility so that the population growth rate (lambda) is 1. Default is FALSE.


Returns a CompadreDB object or list containing MPMs or life tables generated using the specified model with parameters drawn from random uniform or normal distributions. The format of the output MPMs depends on the arguments output. Outputs may optionally be scaled using the argument scale_output to ensure a population growth rate (lambda) of 1.

If the output is a CompadreDB object, the parameters of the models used to produce the MPM are included in the metadata.


Owen Jones [email protected]

See Also

Other Leslie matrices: make_leslie_mpm(), reorganise_matrices()


mortParams <- data.frame(
  minVal = c(0, 0.01, 0.1),
  maxVal = c(0.14, 0.15, 0.1)

fertParams <- data.frame(
  minVal = c(10, 0.5, 8),
  maxVal = c(11, 0.9, 10)

maturityParam <- c(0, 0)

  n_models = 5,
  mortality_model = "gompertzmakeham",
  fertility_model = "normal",
  mortality_params = mortParams,
  fertility_params = fertParams,
  fertility_maturity_params = maturityParam,
  dist_type = "uniform",
  output = "Type1"

Generate random Lefkovitch matrix population models (MPMs) based on life history archetypes


This function is deprecated. Use rand_lefko_mpm instead.


random_mpm(n_stages, fecundity, archetype = 1, split = FALSE)



An integer defining the number of stages for the MPM.


Fecundity is the average number of offspring produced. Values can be provided in 4 ways:

  • An numeric vector of length 1 to provide a fecundity measure to the top right corner of the matrix model only.

  • A numeric vector of integers of length equal to n_stages to provide fecundity estimates for the whole top row of the matrix model. Use 0 for cases with no reproduction.

  • A matrix of numeric values of the same dimension as n_stages to provide fecundity estimates for the entire matrix model. Use 0 for cases with no reproduction.

  • A list of two matrices of numeric values, both with the same dimension as n_stages, to provide lower and upper estimates of mean fecundity for the entire matrix model. In the latter case, a fecundity value will be drawn from a uniform distribution for the defined range. If there is no reproduction in a particular age class, use a value of 0 for both the lower and upper limit.


Indication of which life history archetype should be used, based on Takada et al. 2018. An integer between 1 and 4.


TRUE/FALSE, indicating whether the matrix produced should be split into a survival matrix and a fertility matrix. Yeah true, then the output becomes a list with a matrix in each element. Otherwise, the output is a single matrix.


Generates a random matrix population model (MPM) with element values based on defined life history archetypes. Survival and transition/growth probabilities from any particular stage are restricted to be less than or equal to 1 by drawing from a Dirichlet distribution. The user can specify archetypes (from Takada et al. 2018) to restrict the MPMs in other ways:

  • Archetype 1: all elements are positive, although they may be very small. Therefore, transition from/to any stage is possible. This model describes a life history where individuals can progress and retrogress rapidly.

  • Archetype 2: has the same form as archetype 1 (transition from/to any stage is possible), but the survival probability (column sums of the survival matrix) increases monotonously as the individuals advance to later stages. This model, as the one in the first archetype, also allows for rapid progression and retrogression, but is more realistic in that stage-specific survival probability increases with stage advancement.

  • Archetype 3: positive non-zero elements for survival are only allowed on the diagonal and lower sub-diagonal of the matrix This model represents the life cycle of a species where retrogression is not allowed, and progression can only happen to the immediately larger/more developed stage (slow progression, e.g., trees).

  • Archetype 4: This archetype has the same general form as archetype 3, but with the further assumption that stage-specific survival increases as individuals increase in size/developmental stage. In this respect it is similar to archetype 2.

In all 4 of these Archetypes, fecundity is placed as a single element on the top right of the matrix, if it is a single value. If it is a vector of length n_stages then the fertility vector spans the entire top row of the matrix.

The function is constrained to only output ergodic matrices.


Returns a random matrix population model with characteristics determined by the archetype selected and fecundity vector. If split = TRUE, the matrix is split into separate fertility and a growth/survival matrices, returned as a list.


Owen Jones [email protected]


Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models: Construction, Analysis, and Interpretation. Sinauer.

Lefkovitch, L. P. (1965). The study of population growth in organisms grouped by stages. Biometrics, 21(1), 1.

Takada, T., Kawai, Y., & Salguero-Gómez, R. (2018). A cautionary note on elasticity analyses in a ternary plot using randomly generated population matrices. Population Ecology, 60(1), 37–47.

See Also

generate_mpm_set() which is a wrapper for this function allowing the generation of large numbers of random matrices of this type.

Other Lefkovitch matrices: generate_mpm_set(), rand_lefko_mpm(), rand_lefko_set()


set.seed(42) # set seed for repeatability

random_mpm(n_stages = 2, fecundity = 20, archetype = 1, split = FALSE)
random_mpm(n_stages = 2, fecundity = 20, archetype = 2, split = TRUE)
random_mpm(n_stages = 3, fecundity = 20, archetype = 3, split = FALSE)
random_mpm(n_stages = 4, fecundity = 20, archetype = 4, split = TRUE)
  n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10), archetype = 4,
  split = TRUE
# Using a range of values for fecundity
random_mpm(n_stages = 2, fecundity = 20, archetype = 1, split = TRUE)

Reorganise Matrix Population Models


This function reorganises a list of matrix population models, which are split into mat_A, mat_U, mat_F, and optionally mat_C sub-matrices. It prepares the matrices for easy conversion into a compadreDB object.





A list of lists, where each sub-list contains the matrices mat_A, mat_U, mat_F, and optionally mat_C.


This function processes a list of matrix population models, extracting and grouping the sub-matrices (mat_A, mat_U, mat_F, and optionally mat_C) into separate lists. If a mat_C matrix is not present in a model, an NA matrix of the same size as mat_U is used as a placeholder.


A list containing four elements: mat_A, mat_U, mat_F, and mat_C. Each element is a list of matrices corresponding to the respective matrix type from the input. If mat_C does not exist in a sub-list, it is replaced with an NA matrix of the same dimensions as mat_U.


Owen Jones [email protected]

See Also

Other Leslie matrices: make_leslie_mpm(), rand_leslie_set()


# Example usage
matrix_list <- list(
    mat_A = matrix(1, 2, 2),
    mat_U = matrix(2, 2, 2),
    mat_F = matrix(3, 2, 2),
    mat_C = matrix(4, 2, 2)
    mat_A = matrix(5, 2, 2),
    mat_U = matrix(6, 2, 2),
    mat_F = matrix(7, 2, 2)
reorganised_matrices <- reorganise_matrices(matrix_list)

Summarise Matrix Population Models


Calculates and summarises various metrics from matrix population models (MPMs) including dimension (= age in Leslie matrices), lambda values, maximum fecundity values, maximum growth/survival transition probabilities, and minimum non-zero growth/survival transition probabilities





A compadreDB object containing matrix population models, typically in a format compatible with matA, matU, and matF functions.


This function prints summaries of the following metrics:

  • lambda values: The lambda values (dominant eigenvalues) of the A matrices.

  • max F values: The maximum values from the F matrices.

  • max U values: The maximum values from the U matrices.

  • minimum non-zero U values: The minimum non-zero values from the U matrices.

See Also

Other utility: plot_matrix()


mats <- rand_lefko_set(
  n = 10, n_stages = 5, fecundity = c(0, 0, 4, 8, 10),
  archetype = 4, output = "Type1"
