To cite package ‘mlr3pipelines’ in publications use: Binder M, Pfisterer F, Lang M, Schneider L, Kotthoff L, Bischl B (2021). “mlr3pipelines - Flexible Machine Learning Pipelines in R.” _Journal of Machine Learning Research_, *22*(184), 1-7. . A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{mlr3pipelines, title = {{mlr3pipelines} - Flexible Machine Learning Pipelines in R}, author = {Martin Binder and Florian Pfisterer and Michel Lang and Lennart Schneider and Lars Kotthoff and Bernd Bischl}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year = {2021}, volume = {22}, number = {184}, pages = {1-7}, url = {}, }