Package 'mixedMem'

Title: Tools for Discrete Multivariate Mixed Membership Models
Description: Fits mixed membership models with discrete multivariate data (with or without repeated measures) following the general framework of Erosheva et al (2004). This package uses a Variational EM approach by approximating the posterior distribution of latent memberships and selecting hyperparameters through a pseudo-MLE procedure. Currently supported data types are Bernoulli, multinomial and rank (Plackett-Luce). The extended GoM model with fixed stayers from Erosheva et al (2007) is now also supported. See Airoldi et al (2014) for other examples of mixed membership models.
Authors: Y. Samuel Wang [aut, cre], Elena A. Erosheva [aut]
Maintainer: Y. Samuel Wang <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.1.2
Built: 2024-10-03 06:47:47 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Tools for fitting discrete multivariate mixed membership models


The mixedMem package contains tools for fitting and interpreting discrete multivariate mixed membership models following the general framework outlined in Erosheva et al 2004. In a mixed membership models, individuals can belong to multiple groups instead of only a single group (Airoldi et al 2014). This extension allows for a richer description of heterogeneous populations and has been applied in a wide variety of contexts including: text data (Blei et al 2003), genotype sequences (Pritchard et al 2000), ranked data (Gormley and Murphy 2009), and survey data (Erosheva et al 2007, Gross and Manrique-Vallier 2014).


Mixed membership model objects can be created using the mixedMemModel constructor function. This function checks the internal consistency of the data/parameters and returns an object suitable for use by the mmVarFit function. The mmVarFit function is the main function in the package. It utilizes a variational EM algorithim to fit an approximate posterior distribution for the latent variables and select pseudo-MLE estimates for the global parameters. A step-by-step guide to using the package is detailed in the package vignette "Fitting Mixed Membership Models using mixedMem".

The package supports multivariate models (with or without repeated measurements) where each variable can be of a different type. Currently supported data types include: Bernoulli, rank (Plackett-Luce) and multinomial. Given a fixed number of sub-populations K, we assume the following generative model for each mixed membership model:

  • For each individual i = 1,... Total:

    • Draw λi\lambda_i from a Dirichlet(α\alpha). λi\lambda_i is a vector of length K whose components indicates the degree of membership for individual i in each of the K sub-populations.

    • For each variable j = 1 ..., J:

    • For each of replicate r = 1, ..., RjR_j:

    • For each ranking level n = 1..., Ni,j,rN_{i,j,r}:

      • Draw Zi,j,r,nZ_{i,j,r,n} from a multinomial(1, λi\lambda_i). The latent sub-population indicator Zi,j,r,nZ_{i,j,r,n} determines the sub-population which governs the response for observation Xi,j,r,nX_{i,j,r,n}. This is sometimes referred to as the context vector because it determines the context from which the individual responds.

      • Draw Xi,j,r,nX_{i,j,r,n} from the latent sub-population distribution parameterized by θj,Zi,j,r,n\theta_{j,Z_{i,j,r,n}}. The parameter θ\theta governs the observations for each sub-population. For example, if variable j is a multinomial or rank distribution with VjV_j categories/candidates, then θj,k\theta_{j,k} is a vector of length VjV_j which parameterizes the responses to variable j for sub-population k. Likewise, if variable j is a Bernoulli random variable, then θj,k\theta_{j,k} is a value which determines the probability of success.


Y. Samuel Wang <[email protected]>, Elena Erosheva <[email protected]>


Airoldi, E. M., Blei, D., Erosheva, E. A., & Fienberg, S. E.. 2014. Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Their Applications. CRC Press. Chicago

Blei, David; Ng, Andrew Y.; Jordan, Michael I.. 2003. Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 3, 993-1022.

Erosheva, Elena A.; Fienberg, Stephen E.; Joutard, Cyrille. 2007. Describing Disability Through Individual-level Mixture Models for Multivariate Binary Data. The Annals of Applied Statistics 1 (2007), no. 2, 502–537. doi:10.1214/07-AOAS126.

Erosheva, Elena A.; Fienberg, Stephen E.; Lafferty, John. 2004. Mixed-membership Models of Scientific Publications". PNAS, 101 (suppl 1), 5220-5227. doi:10.1073/pnas.0307760101.

Gormley, Isobel C.; Murphy, Thomas B.. 2009. A Grade of Membership Model for Rank Data. Bayesian Analysis, 4, 265 - 296. DOI:10.1214/09-BA410.

National Election Studies, 1983 Pilot Election Study. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies, 1999

Pritchard, Jonathan K.; Stephens, Matthew; Donnelly, Peter. 2000. Inference of Population Structure using Multilocus Genotype Data. Genetics 155.2: 945-959.

Gross, Justin; Manrique-Vallier, Daniel. 2014. A Mixed-membership Approach to the Assessment of Political Ideology from Survey Responses. In Airoldi, Edoardo M.; Blei, David; Erosheva, Elena A.; & Fienberg, Stephen E.. Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Their Applications. CRC Press. Chicago


# Dimensions of the data set: 279 individuals with 19 responses each
# The 19 variables and their categories
# The specific statements for each variable can be found using help(ANES)
# Variables titled EQ are about Equality
# Variables titled IND are about Econonic Individualism
# Variables titled ENT are about Free Enterprise
# Distribution of responses

# Sample Size
Total <- 279
# Number of variables
J <- 19 
# we only have one replicate for each of the variables
Rj <- rep(1, J)
# Nijr indicates the number of ranking levels for each variable.
# Since all our data is multinomial it should be an array of all 1s
Nijr <- array(1, dim = c(Total, J, max(Rj)))
# Number of sub-populations
K <- 3
# There are 3 choices for each of the variables ranging from 0 to 2.
Vj <- rep(3, J)
# we initialize alpha to .2
alpha <- rep(.2, K)
# All variables are multinomial
dist <- rep("multinomial", J)
# obs are the observed responses. it is a 4-d array indexed by i,j,r,n
# note that obs ranges from 0 to 2 for each response
obs <- array(0, dim = c(Total, J, max(Rj), max(Nijr)))
obs[ , ,1,1] <- as.matrix(ANES)

# Initialize theta randomly with Dirichlet distributions
theta <- array(0, dim = c(J,K,max(Vj)))
for(j in 1:J)
    theta[j, , ] <- gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(.8, Vj[j]))

# Create the mixedMemModel
# This object encodes the initialization points for the variational EM algorithim
# and also encodes the observed parameters and responses
initial <- mixedMemModel(Total = Total, J = J, Rj = Rj,
                         Nijr = Nijr, K = K, Vj = Vj, alpha = alpha,
                         theta = theta, dist = dist, obs = obs)
## Not run: 
# Fit the model
out <- mmVarFit(initial)

## End(Not run)

Responses from 1983 American National Election Survey Pilot


ANES contains political ideology survey data from the 1983 American National Election Survey Pilot. Respondents were read a value statement and asked to report their level of agreement: ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘can’t decide', ‘disagree’, and strongly disagree'. The 279 complete responses to the 19 statements selected by Feldman (1988) and reanalyzed by Gross and Manrique-Vallier (2014) are included. ‘Strongly disagree’ and ‘disagree’ as well as ‘strongly agree’ and 'agree' have been collapsed into single categories. 0 indicates ‘agree’, 1 indicates ‘can’t decide', and 2 indicates ‘disagree’. The statements have been grouped into 3 overarching themes as indicated in the variable names- Equality (EQ), Economic Individualism (IND), and Free Enterprise (ENT). Variable ID's from the original ANES questionnaire are included in parentheses. An example analysis of the data is included in the "Fitting Mixed Membership Models Using mixedMem" vignette.




A data frame with 279 individuals and 19 variables:


If people were treated more equally in this country, we would have many fewer problems (V832169)


We should give up on the goal of equality, since people are so different to begin with (V832172)


Our society should do whatever is necessary to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed (V832175)


Some people are just better cut out than others for important positions in society (V832178)


Some people are better at running things and should be allowed to do so (V832250)


All kinds of people should have an equal say in running this country, not just those who are successful (V832253)


One of the big problems in this country is that we don't give everyone an equal chance (V832256)


Any person who is willing to work hard has a good chance of succeeding (V832170)


Hard work offers little guarantee of success (V832173)


Most people who don't get ahead should not blame the system; they really have only themselves to blame (V832176)


Even if people are ambitious, they often cannot succeed (V832251)


If people work hard, they almost always get what they want (V832254)


Even if people try hard, they often cannot reach their goals (V832257)


The less government gets involved with business and the economy, the better off this country will be (V832171)


There are many goods and services that would never be available to ordinary people without governmental intervention (V832174)


There should be no government interference with business and trade (V832177)


Putting government regulations on business does not endanger personal freedom (V832252)


Government intervention leads to too much red tape and too many problems (V832255)


Contrary to what some people think, a free enterprise system is not necessary for our form of government to survive (V832258)


Feldman, Stanley. "Structure and consistency in public opinion: The role of core beliefs and values." American Journal of Political Science (1988): 416-440.

Gross, J.H. and Manrique-Vallier, D. "A Mixed-Membership Approach to the Assessment of Political Ideology from Survey Responses." in Airoldi, E. M., Blei, D. M., Erosheva, E. A., and Fienberg, S. E. Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Its Applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2014

National Election Studies, 1983 Pilot Election Study. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Center for Political Studies, 1999

Compute the approximate BIC


computeBIC computes the approximate BIC of a given mixedMemModel, where the lower bound on the log-likelihood (also called ELBO) is used instead of the intractable true log-likelihood.





the mixedMemModel object for which the BIC will be calculated.


BIC=2ELBO+plog(Total)BIC = -2 ELBO + p \log(Total)

where p is the number of estimated parameters and Total is the number of individuals in the sample.

This BIC model selection criteria is used in Erosheva et al (2007). The number of estimated parameters P includes the parameters θ\theta and α\alpha, but omits the variational parameters ϕ\phi and δ\delta.


computeBIC returns the approximate BIC value, a real number.


Erosheva, E. A., Fienberg, S. E., & Joutard, C. (2007). Describing disability through individual-level mixture models for multivariate binary data. The annals of applied statistics, 1(2), 346.

Compute a lower bound on the log-likelihood (ELBO)


computeELBO computes the variational lower bound on the log-likelihood, also called the ELBO, for a mixed membership model.





a mixedMemModel object created by the mixedMemModel constructor.


The lower bound (ELBO) is the objective function in the variational EM algorithim. It is a function of the latent variables (ϕ\phi and δ\delta) and the parameters (α\alpha and θ\theta) that be derived from Jensen's inequality:

EQlog[p(X,Z,Λ)]EQlog[Q(Z,Λϕ,δ)]logP(obsα,θ)E_Q{\log[p(X,Z, \Lambda)]} - E_Q{\log[Q(Z, \Lambda|\phi, \delta)]} \le\log P(obs |\alpha, \theta)


computeELBO returns the lower bound on the log-likelihood, a real number.

Mixed Membership Post-Processing


findLabels finds the optimal permutation of labels that minimizes the weighted squared difference between the arrays of subpopulation parameters from a fitted mixed membership model, θ\theta and a given comparison model.


findLabels(model, comparison, exhaustive = TRUE)



the fitted mixedMemModel object.


an array of the same dimensions as model$theta which contains the subpopulation parameters from another model. findLabels will return a permutation of the labels of model which match to comparison most closely.


a boolean for whether an exhaustive search should be performed. If false, a greedy algorithim is used instead.


Mixed Membership models are invariant to permutations of the sub-population labels; swapping the names of each sub-population yields an equivalent model. The ordering of the labels in a fitted model is dependent on the initialization points of the variational EM algorithim. The function findLabels selects a permutation of the sub-population labels that best matches a given comparison model by minimizing the weighted squared difference between the θ\theta arrays. The weights are determined by the relative frequencies of each group.

Loss=jkαk/α0[v(θ^k,vθk,v)2]Loss = \sum_j \sum_k \alpha_k/\alpha_0 [\sum_v (\hat\theta_{k,v} - \theta_{k,v})^2] where α0=kαk\alpha_0 = \sum_k \alpha_k

If K, number of sub-populations, is small, the method searches through all K! permutations of the sub-population labels and select the permutation which minimizes the loss. If K is large, a greedy algorithim can be used instead. This algorithm selects the best match for each fitted sub-population starting with the group with the largest fitted relative frequency.


findLabels returns a list with two objects: perm and loss. perm is the optimal permutation of the labels with respect to the squared error loss. loss is the calculated value of the weighted squared error loss (shown above) for the optimal permutation.

See Also



## Not run: 
# See mixedMemModel documentation for how to generate data and instantiate a mixedMemModel object
# After the data as been generated, we initialize the array of sub-population parameters (theta)
# according to a permutation of the true labeling
perm =, size = K, replace = FALSE)
theta1 = theta_truth[,perm,]
test_model <- mixedMemModel(Total = Total, J = J,Rj = Rj, Nijr= Nijr, K = K, Vj = Vj,dist = dist,
 obs = obs, alpha = alpha, theta = theta1)
out <- mmVarFit(test_model)
opt.perm <- findLabels(out, theta_truth)

# produce mixedMemModel object with sub-population labels permuted to best match
# the comparison model
out = permuteLabels(out, opt.perm$perm)

## End(Not run)

Point estimates from Gross and Manrique-Vallier 2014


gmv_theta contains the point estimates for the sub-populaton response probabilities, θ\theta from the original Gross and Manrique-Vallier 2014 analysis. It is a 3 by 19 by 3 dimensional array with the first dimension corresponding to each latent sub-population, the second dimension corresponding to each variable, and the 3rd dimension corresponding to response choices (Agree, Can't Decide, Disagree). Gross and Manrique-Vallier do not report results for group 3 for reasons discussed in the vignette so all values for group 3 in theta[1, , ] are 0.




Gross, J.H.; Manrique-Vallier, D. "A Mixed-Membership Approach to the Assessment of Political Ideology from Survey Responses." in Airoldi, E. M., Blei, D. M., Erosheva, E. A., and Fienberg, S. E. Handbook of Mixed Membership Models and Its Applications. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2014

Constructor for a Mixed Membership Model Object


Constructor for a mixedMemModel object which can be used for analysis in the mixedMem package.


mixedMemModel(Total, J, Rj, Nijr, K, Vj, alpha, theta, phi = NULL,
  delta = NULL, dist, obs, fixedObs = NULL, P = NULL, beta = NULL)



the number of individuals in the sample.


the number of variables observed on each individual.


a vector of length J specifying the number of repeated measurements for each variable.


an array with dimension (Total, J, max(Rj)) indicating the number of ranking levels for each variable and each replication. For multinomial and Bernoulli variables, Nijr[i,j,r] = 1. For rank variables, Nijr[i,j,r] indicates the number of alternatives ranked.


the number of sub-populations.


a vector of length J specifying the number of possible candidates for each variable. For a Bernoulli variable Vj[j] = 1.


a vector of length K which is the parameter for Dirichlet membership distribution.


an array with dimensions (J,K,max(Vj)) which governs the variable distributions. The parameter theta[j,k,] governs the distribution of variable J for a complete member of sub-population k. For instance, if variable j is a Bernoulli variable, theta[j,k,1] is the probability of success; if variable j is a multinomial variable, theta[j,k, 1:Vj[j]] is the probability for each of the Vj[j] categories; if variable j is a rank variable, theta[j,k, 1:Vj[j]] are the support parameters for each of the Vj[j] alternatives. Since the dimension of the relevant parameters can differ across variables, any unused elements of the array should be set to 0, while all other elements should be positive.


an array with dimensions (Total,K) which specifies the variational parameters for the membership vectors, λ\lambda. The default group membership initialization is uniform across all groups (phi[i,k] = 1/K for all k). The default initialization is highly recommended.


an array with dimensions (Total,J,max(Rj), max(Nijr), K) which specifies the variational parameters for the context vectors Z. The default initialization is uniform across all sub-populations (delta[i, j, r, n, k] = 1/K for all k).


a vector of length J specifying variable types. Options are "bernoulli", "multinomial" or "rank" corresponing to the distributions of the observed variables.


an array with dimensions (Total,J,max(Rj), max(Nijr)) corresponding to the observed data. For Bernoulli random variables, the data consist of 0/1's. For multinomial or rank data the data consist of integers 0,1,...,(Vj[j]-1).


an array with dimensions (1, J, max(Rj), max(Nijr)) corresonding to the observed responses for a fixed group in the extended GoM model from Erosheva et al (2007)


scalar between 0 and 1 corresponding to initial value for the proportion of individuals in the fixed group


scalar between 0 and 1 corresponding to the initial value of beta, the conditional probability of being in the fixed group for an individual who's observed responses match the fixed group.


The function returns an object of mixedMemModel class. This object contains dimensions of the model, the observed data, and the model parameters. Once a mixedMemModel object is created, the specified model can be fit for the data using the mmVarFit function. If the inputs are inconsistent (ie if dimensions do not match, or if observations and distribution types are not compatible,mixedMemModel will throw an error. For additional details on usage, and model assumptions, see the corresponding vignette "Fitting Mixed Membership Models Using mixedMem".


returns an object of class mixedMemModel


Total <- 50 # 50 Individuals
J <- 3 # 3 different variables
# distributions of each variable
dist <- c("multinomial", "bernoulli", "rank")
# 100 repeated measures of the multinomial, 5 repeated measures of the
# Bernoulli, 1 repeated measure of the rank
Rj <- c(100, 5, 1)

K <- 4 # 4 sub-populations
alpha <- rep(.5, K) #hyperparameter for dirichlet distribution

# Number of categories/alternatives for each variable. For the Bernoulli, Vj = 1
Vj <- c(10, 1, 4)

theta <- array(0, dim = c(J, K, max(Vj)))
# Parameters governing multinomial
theta[1,,] <- gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(.3, Vj[1]))
#parameters governing Bernoulli
theta[2,,] <- cbind(rbeta(K, 1,1), matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = Vj[1]-1))
theta[3,,] <- cbind(gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(.3, Vj[3])),
 matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = Vj[1]-Vj[3]))

# Items selected for each observation. For Multinomial and Bernoulli, this is always 1
# For rank data, this will be the number of alternatives ranked
Nijr = array(0, dim = c(Total, J, max(Rj)))
Nijr[,1,c(1:Rj[1])] = 1 # N_ijr is 1 for multinomial variables
Nijr[,2,c(1:Rj[2])] = 1 # N_ijr is 1 for Bernoulli variables
Nijr[,3,c(1:Rj[3])] =[3], size = Total, replace = TRUE)

# generate random sample of observations
sampleMixedMem <- rmixedMem(Total, J, Rj, Nijr, K, Vj,
dist, theta, alpha)

## Initialize a mixedMemModel object
test_model <- mixedMemModel(Total = Total, J = J,Rj = Rj,
 Nijr= Nijr, K = K, Vj = Vj,dist = dist, obs = sampleMixedMem$obs,
  alpha = alpha, theta = theta)
# Look at Summary of the initialized model
# Plot the current values for theta

Fit Mixed Membership models using variational EM


mmVarFit is the primary function of the mixedMem package. The function fits parameters ϕ\phi and δ\delta for the variational distribution of latent variables as well as psuedo-MLE estimates for the population parameters α\alpha and θ\theta. See documentation for mixedMemModel or the package vignette, "Fitting Mixed Membership Models Using mixedMem" for a more detailed description of the variables and notation in a mixed membership model.


mmVarFit(model, printStatus = 1, printMod = 1, stepType = 3,
  maxTotalIter = 500, maxEIter = 1000, maxAlphaIter = 200,
  maxThetaIter = 1000, maxLSIter = 400, elboTol = 1e-06,
  alphaTol = 1e-06, thetaTol = 1e-10, aNaught = 1, tau = 0.899,
  bMax = 3, bNaught = 1000, bMult = 1000, vCutoff = 13,
  holdConst = c(-1))



a mixedMemModel object created by the mixedMemModel constructor.


an integer 0 or 1. When printStatus is 1 mmVarFit will print status updates, when printStatus is 0 mmVarFit will not print status updates.


a positive integer which specifies how often to print status updates. The status will be printed at each step which is a multiple of printMod. The default value is 1.


an integer from 0-3 which specifies what steps to carry out in estimation. 0 performs a single E-Step; this can be used to find the held out ELBO. 1 performs iterates between E-steps and M-steps for estimating theta but keeps alpha constant. 2 iterates between E-steps and M-steps for estimating alpha, but keeps theta constant. 3 completes full E and M steps. The default is 3.


the maximum total steps before termination. A full E and M step together count as 1 step. If this maximum is ever achieved, a warning message will be printed at convergence. The default is 500.


the maximum iterations for each E-Step. If this maximum is ever achieved, a warning message will be printed at convergence. The default is 1000.


the maximum iterations when fitting alpha. If this maximum is ever achieved, a warning message will be printed at convergence. The default is 200.


the maximum iterations when fitting theta. If this maximum is ever achieved, a warning message will be printed at convergence. The default is 1000.


the maximum backtracking iterations in the line search for updating alpha and theta for rank data.


the convergence criteria for the EM Algorithim. When the relative increase in the ELBO is less than the convergence critiera, the algorithm converges. The default is 400.


the convergence criteria for updates to alpha. When the relative increase in the ELBO is less than the convergence critiera, the update to alpha converges. The defualt is 1e-6.


the convergence criteria for updates to theta. When the relative increase in the ELBO is less than the convergence critiera, the update to theta converges. The default is 1e-10.


the first step size in the backtracking line search used to update alpha and theta for rank data. The default is 1.


the backtracking factor in the backtracking line search used to update alpha and theta for rank data. The default is .899.


the number of times the penalization factor is increased in the interior point method for fitting theta for rank data. The default is 3.


the initial penalization factor in the interior point method for fitting theta for rank data. bNaught must be positive and the default value is 1000.


a positive number by which bNaught is multiplied by in each iteration of the interior point method for fitting theta for rank data. The default is 1000.


a positive integer cutoff for Vj at which a gradient ascent method is used instead of the Newton Raphson interior point method. This is used to avoid inverting a large matrix. The default is 13.


a vector of integers specifying groups to be held fixed during the estimation procedure. The estimation algorithim will hold the theta parameters of these specific groups constant, but update all other parameters. The group numbers range from 0 to K - 1. To estimate all groups, use the default value of c(-1).


mmVarFit selects psuedo-MLE estimates for α\alpha and θ\theta and approximates the posterior distribution for the latent variables through a mean field variational approach. The variational lower bound on the log-likelihood at the data given model parameters is given by Jensen's inequality:

EQlog[p(X,Z,Λ)]EQlog[Q(Z,Λϕ,δ)]logP(obsα,θ)E_Q{\log[p(X,Z, \Lambda)]} - E_Q{\log[Q(Z, \Lambda|\phi, \delta)]} \le \log P(obs |\alpha, \theta) where

Q=i[Dirichlet(λiϕi)jJrRjnNi,j,rMultinomial(Zi,j,r,nδi,j,r,n)]Q = \prod_i [Dirichlet(\lambda_i|\phi_i) \prod_j^J \prod_r^{R_j} \prod_n^{N_{i,j,r}}Multinomial(Z_{i,j,r,n}|\delta_{i,j,r,n})]

The left hand side of the above equation is often referred to as the Evidence Lower Bound (ELBO). The global parameters α\alpha and θ\theta are selected to maximize this bound as a psuedo-MLE procedure. In addition, it can be shown that maximizing the ELBO with respect to the variational parameters ϕ\phi and δ\delta is equivalent to minimizing the KL divergence between the tractable variational distribution and the true posterior.

The method uses a variational EM approach. The E-step considers the global parameters α\alpha and θ\theta fixed and picks appropriate variational parameters ϕ\phi and δ\delta to minimize the KL divergence between the true posterior and the variational distribution (or maximize the ELBO). The M-step considers the variational parameters fixed and global parameters θ\theta and α\alpha are selected which maximize the lower bound on the log-likelihood (ELBO).


mmVarFit returns a mixedMemModel object containing updated variational parameters and global parameters.


Beal, Matthew James. Variational algorithms for approximate Bayesian inference. Diss. University of London, 2003.

See Also



## The following example generates multivariate observations (both variables are multinomial)
## from a mixed membership model. The observed data is then used to fit a
## mixed membership model using mmVarFit

## Generate Data
Total <- 30 #30 Individuals
J <- 2 # 2 variables
dist <- rep("multinomial",J) # both variables are multinomial
Rj <- rep(100,J) # 100 repititions for each variable
# Nijr will always be 1 for multinomials and bernoulli's
Nijr <- array(1, dim = c(Total, J, max(Rj)))
K <- 4 # 4 sub-populations
alpha <- rep(.5, K) # hyperparameter for dirichlet distribution
Vj <- rep(5, J) # each multinomial has 5 categories
theta <- array(0, dim = c(J, K, max(Vj)))
theta[1,,] <- gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(.3, 5))
theta[2,,] <- gtools::rdirichlet(K, rep(.3, 5))
obs <- rmixedMem(Total, J, Rj, Nijr, K, Vj, dist, theta, alpha)$obs

## Initialize a mixedMemModel object
test_model <- mixedMemModel(Total = Total, J = J,Rj = Rj, Nijr= Nijr,
 K = K, Vj = Vj,dist = dist, obs = obs,
  alpha = alpha, theta = theta+0)

## Fit the mixed membership model
out <-mmVarFit(test_model)

Mixed Membership Post-Processing


Mixed Membership models are invariant to permutations of the sub-population labels; swapping the names of each sub-population yields an equivalent model. The ordering of the labels in a fitted model is dependent on the initialization points of the variational EM algorithim. The permuteLabels function returns a mixedMemModel object where the labels (for θ\theta, ϕ\phi, δ\delta and α\alpha) have been permuted according a given permutation of the integers 1 through K. The findLabels function can be used to find a permutation of the labels which most closely matches another fitted model.


permuteLabels(model, perm)



a fitted mixedMemModel object which will be relabeled.


a vector of length K with integers 1:K. This is the permutation by which to relabel the mixedMemModel object such that group i in the returned mixedMemModel object corresponds to group perm[i] from the input mixedMemModel object.


permuteLabels returns a mixedMemModel object such that group i in the returned mixedMemModel object corresponds to group perm[i] from the input mixedMemModel object

See Also


Plot a Mixed Membership Model


Generic S3 function to produce visual representation of a mixedMemModel object. This function calls either the vizTheta or the vizMem function.


## S3 method for class 'mixedMemModel'
plot(x, type = "theta", compare = NULL,
  main = NULL, varNames = NULL, groupNames = NULL, nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL, indices = NULL, fitNames = NULL, ...)



the mixedMemModel object to be plotted.


a string which indicates which estimated parameters to plot; valid options are "theta" or "membership". vizTheta is called when the type is "theta" and vizMem is called when the type is "membership".


an array or matrix for comparison. When type = "theta", compare should be an array the same size as x$theta. When type = "membership", compare should be a matrix the same size as x$phi.


the main figure title.


a vector of strings corresponding to names for each variable if plot type is theta.


a vector of strings corresponding to labels for each sub-population.


the number of rows for the grid of plots.


the number of columns for the grid of plots. If plot type is "theta", this must be K, if plot type is "membership", this must be a positive integer.


a vector of integers. If the plot type is "membership", this indicates which individuals to plot. When plot type is "theta", this indicates which variables to plot.


a vector of strings corresponding to labels for each fit.


additional parameters to be passed.

See Also

mixedMemModel, vizTheta, vizMem

Simulate Mixed Membership Data


Simulate data from a mixed membership model.


rmixedMem(Total, J, Rj, Nijr, K, Vj, dist, theta, alpha, lambda = NULL)



the number of individuals in the sample.


the number of variables observed on each individual.


a vector of positive integers of length J specifying the number of repeated measurements for each variable.


an array of dimension (Total, J, max(Rj)) indicating the number of ranking levels for each replication. For multinomial and Bernoulli variables, Nijr[i,j,r] = 1. For rank variables, Nijr[i,j,r] indicates the number of items ranked for each individual.


the number of latent sub-populations.


a vector of length J specifying the number of possible candidates for each variable. For a Bernoulli variable Vj[j] = 1. For a multinomial or rank variable, Vj[j] is the number of possible categories/items.


a vector of strings of length J specifying variable types. Options are "bernoulli", "multinomial" or "rank" corresponing to the distributions of the observed variables.


an 3 way array of dimensions (J,K,max(Vj)) which governs the variable distributions. Parameter theta[j,k,] governs the distirbution of responses on variable j for an inidvidually completely in sub-population k. If the number of items/categories differs across variables, any unusued portions of theta should be set to 0.


a positive K-length vector which is the parameter for the Dirichlet distribution of membership scores.


an optional matrix of dimensions (Total, K) containing the membership scores for each individual. If the lambda argument is not specified, the group membership scores will be automatically sampled from a Dirichlet(alpha)


rmixedMem simulates data from a mixed membership model given the specified parameters and dimensions. The function returns a random sample of observations obs, context indicators Z, and group membership scores lambda.


rmixedMem returns a list containing a three items: A matrix of group memberships scores lambda, an array of context indicators Z and an array of observations obs.

Summary of a Mixed Membership Model


Generic S3 summary function for mixedMemModel class.


## S3 method for class 'mixedMemModel'
summary(object, ...)



the mixedMemModel object to be summarized


additional parameters


summary provides a summary of the given mixedMemModel object. The function prints the ELBO, the dimensions of the model and each variable type.

See Also


Mixed Membership Visualization


vizMem plots estimates for the group membership scores of each individual. This is the function called by the mixedMemModel class generic plot function.


vizMem(model, compare = NULL, main = "Estimated Membership", nrow = NULL,
  ncol = NULL, indices = NULL, groupNames = NULL, fitNames = NULL)



the mixedMemModel object that will be plotted.


a matrix of the same dimensions as model$phi which contains parameters to compare against the fitted model.


the main figure title.


the number of rows in each plot.


the number of columns in each plot.


the specific individuals which will be shown in the plot. If the argument is left blank, all individuals will be plotted. If the number of individuals to be plotted is larger than nrow * ncol then multiple plots will be produced.


a vector specifying labels for each sub-population.


a vector of length 2 containing strings which correspond to the names of the models (fitted and comparison).


The estimates plotted are the normalized ϕ\phi, which are the posterior means from the variational distribution. The estimated group membership scores are shown in black, and the estimates from a comparison model (if available) are shown in red. Each plot represents an individual.

This is the function called by the plot generic function for mixedMemModel objects.

Mixed Membership Visualization


vizTheta plots θ\theta, the parameters which govern the sub-population distributions of variables in a mixed membership model. The parameter θj,k\theta_{j,k} specifies the distribution of variable j for complete members of sub-population k. The estimated parameters from the given model are shown in black in each plot; the parameters from a comparison model (if available) are shown in red. Each row of plots represents a single variable, and each column of the plots represents a sub-population.


vizTheta(model, compare = NULL, main = "Estimated Theta", varNames = NULL,
  groupNames = NULL, nrow = NULL, fitNames = NULL, indices = NULL)



the mixedMemModel object that will be plotted.


an array of the same dimensions as model$theta which contains values to compare against the fitted value.


the main figure title.


a vector of strings specifying labels for each variable.


a vector of strings specifying labels for each sub-population.


the number of rows in each plot. If the argument is not specified, all variables will appear in one plot.


the names of the models plotted.


a vector which indicates specific variables to plot. If the argument is not specified, all variables will be plotted. If the number of variables to plot is greater than nrow, then multiple plots will be produced.


This is the function called by the plot generic function for mixedMemModel objects.