--- title: "mirai - Promises Integration" vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{mirai - Promises Integration} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ### Promises Integration `mirai` supplies its own `as.promise()` method, allowing it to be used as a promise from the [`promises`](https://rstudio.github.io/promises/) package. These are next-generation, event-driven promises, developed in collaboration with Joe Cheng. - Do not require each promise to be polled for completion by a `later` loop like other promises. - Instead, promise actions are automatically queued for execution as soon as each 'mirai' resolves. - Allows for much higher responsiveness (lower latency) and massive scalability (situations with thousand of promises or more). A 'mirai' may be piped directly using the promise pipe `&...>%`, which implicitly calls `as.promise()` on the 'mirai'. Similarly all promise-aware functions such as `promises::then()` or `shiny::ExtendedTask$new()` which take a promise can also take a 'mirai' (using `promises` >= 1.3.0). Alternatively, a 'mirai' may be explicitly converted into a promise by `as.promise()`, which then allows using the methods `$then()`, `$finally()` etc. The following example outputs "hello" to the console after one second when the 'mirai' resolves. ``` r library(mirai) library(promises) p <- mirai({Sys.sleep(1); "hello"}) %...>% cat() p #> ``` It is possible to both access a 'mirai' value at `$data` and to use a promise for enacting a side effect (assigning the value to an environment in the example below). ``` r env <- new.env() m <- mirai({ Sys.sleep(1) "hello" }) promises::then(m, function(x) env$res <- x) m[] #> [1] "hello" ``` After returning to the top level prompt: ``` r env$res #> [1] "hello" ``` ### The One Million Promises Challenge The code below is taken from the challenge to launch and collect one million promises. For illustration, the example is scaled down to one thousand. ``` r library(mirai) daemons(8, dispatcher = FALSE) #> [1] 8 r <- 0 start <- Sys.time() m <- mirai_map(1:1000, \(x) x, .promise = \(x) r <<- r + x) Sys.time() - start #> Time difference of 0.2506421 secs later::run_now() r #> [1] 500500 daemons(0) #> [1] 0 ``` The one million promises challenge took 6 mins 25 secs to complete using an Intel i7 11th gen mobile processor with 16GB RAM.