Package 'mermboost'

Title: Gradient Boosting for Generalized Additive Mixed Models
Description: Provides a novel framework to estimate mixed models via gradient boosting. The implemented functions are based on 'mboost' and 'lme4'. Hence, the family range is predetermined by 'lme4'. A correction mechanism for cluster-constant covariates is implemented as well as an estimation of random effects' covariance.
Authors: Lars Knieper [aut, cre], Torsten Hothorn [aut], Elisabeth Bergherr [aut], Colin Griesbach [aut]
Maintainer: Lars Knieper <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-24 18:30:44 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Himalayan Climber Data


A filtered sub-sample of the Himalayan Database distributed through the R for Data Science TidyTuesday project. This dataset includes information on the results and conditions for various Himalayan climbing expeditions. Each row corresponds to a single member of a climbing expedition team.




A filtered version of the one one from bayesrules. A data frame with 2068 observations (1 per climber) and 19 variables:


unique expedition identifier


unique climber identifier


unique identifier of the expedition's destination peak


name of the expedition's destination peak


year of expedition


season of expedition (Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter)


climber gender identity which the database oversimplifies to a binary category


climber age


climber citizenship


climber's role in the expedition (eg: Co-Leader)


whether the climber was a hired member of the expedition


whether the climber successfully reached the destination


whether the climber was on a solo expedition


whether the climber utilized supplemental oxygen


whether the climber died during the expedition


whether the climber was injured on the expedition


number of climbers in the expedition


height of the peak in meters


the year of the first recorded summit of the peak (though not necessarily the actual first summit!)


Original source: Complete dataset distributed by:

Effect of pollution on marine microinvertebrates in estuaries


Data from an observational study of whether there is a different in microinvertebrate communities between estuaries that have been heavily modified by human activity and those that have not, across seven estuaries along the coast of New South Wales, Australia (Clark et al. 2015).




A dataframe containing (among other things):


A factor describing whether the sample was taken from a 'Modified' or 'Pristine' estuary.


Whether the sample was taken from Inner (upstream) or Outer (downstream) zone of the estuary.


A factor with seven levels identifying which estuary the sample was taken from.


Total abundance of all invertebrates in the sample


Richness of taxa in the sample – the number of responses (of those in columns 8-94) taking a non-zero value

Other variables in the dataset give invertebrate counts separately for different taxa.


Clark, G. F., Kelaher, B. P., Dafforn, K. A., Coleman, M. A., Knott, N. A., Marzinelli, E. M., & Johnston, E. L. (2015). What does impacted look like? high diversity and abundance of epibiota in modified estuaries. Environmental Pollution 196, 12-20.



Find cluster-constant covariates in a data set.


This function gives out logical indicators whether a variable is cluster-constant.


find_ccc(df, id_char)



some data frame


a character which is the column name for the cluster identifier.


For uncorrected boosting of a mixed model the estimates for cluster constant covariates might be biased as part of their effect is held in the random effects. This bias is corrected by the underlying mermboost package.


Gives a logical vector that indicates which variables of the dataframe have the same realisation for all observations of one cluster/individual.

See Also

glmermboost and mermboost


find_ccc(Orthodont, "Subject")

Component-wise Gradient Boosting for Generalised Mixed Models


Gradient boosting for optimizing negative log-likelihoods as loss functions where component-wise linear models are utilized as base-learners and an estimation of random components is guaranteed via a maximum likelihood approach.


glmermboost(formula, data = list(), weights = NULL,
          offset = NULL, family = gaussian,
          na.action = na.omit, contrasts.arg = NULL,
          center = TRUE, control = boost_control(), oobweights = NULL, ...)



a symbolic description of the model to be fit in the lme4-format including random effects.


a data frame containing the variables in the model.


an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process.


a numeric vector to be used as offset (optional).


!! This is in contrast to usual mboost - "only" a family object is possible - except for NBinomial().


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs.


a list, whose entries are contrasts suitable for input to the contrasts replacement function and whose names are the names of columns of data containing factors. See model.matrix.default.


logical indicating of the predictor variables are centered before fitting.


a list of parameters controlling the algorithm. For more details see boost_control.


an additional vector of out-of-bag weights, which is used for the out-of-bag risk (i.e., if boost_control(risk = "oobag")).


additional arguments passed to mboost_fit; currently none.


The warning "model with centered covariates does not contain intercept" is correctly given - the intercept is estimated via the mixed model.

A (generalized) linear mixed model is fitted using a boosting algorithm based on component-wise univariate linear models. Additionally, a mixed model gets estimated in every iteration and added to the current fit. The fit, i.e., the regression coefficients and random effects, can be interpreted in the usual way. This particular methodology is described in Knieper et al. (2025).


The description of glmboost holds while some methods are newly implemented like predict.mermboost, plot.mer_cv and mstop.mer_cv. Only the former one requires a further argument. Additionally, methods VarCorr.mermboost and ranef.mermboostare implemented specifically.

See Also

See mermboost for the same approach using additive models.

See mer_cvrisk for a cluster-sensitive cross-validation.



# are there cluster-constant covariates?
find_ccc(Orthodont, "Subject")

# fit initial model
mod <- glmermboost(distance ~ age + Sex + (1 |Subject),
                   data = Orthodont, family = gaussian,
                   control = boost_control(mstop = 100))

# let mermboost do the cluster-sensitive cross-validation for you
norm_cv <- mer_cvrisk(mod, no_of_folds = 10)
opt_m <- mstop(norm_cv)

# fit model with optimal stopping iteration
mod_opt <- glmermboost(distance ~ age + Sex + (1 |Subject),
                   data = Orthodont, family = gaussian,
                   control = boost_control(mstop = opt_m))

# use the model as known from mboost
# in additional, there are some methods knwon from lme4



# Parameters
n_groups <- 10        # Number of groups
n_per_group <- 50     # Number of observations per group
beta_fixed <- c(0.5, -0.3, 0.7)  # Fixed effects for intercept, covariate1, covariate2
sigma_random <- 1     # Random effect standard deviation

# Simulate random effects (group-specific)
group_effects <- rnorm(n_groups, mean = 0, sd = sigma_random)

# Simulate covariates
covariate1 <- rnorm(n_groups * n_per_group)
covariate2 <- rnorm(n_groups * n_per_group)

# Simulate data
group <- rep(1:n_groups, each = n_per_group)
random_effect <- group_effects[group]

# Linear predictor including fixed effects and random effects
linear_predictor <- beta_fixed[1] + beta_fixed[2] * covariate1 +
                  beta_fixed[3] * covariate2 + random_effect
prob <- plogis(linear_predictor)  # Convert to probabilities

# Simulate binomial outcomes
y <- rbinom(n_groups * n_per_group, size = 1, prob = prob)

# Combine into a data frame
sim_data <- data.frame(group = group, y = y,
                       covariate1 = covariate1,
                       covariate2 = covariate2)
sim_data$group <- as.factor(sim_data$group)

mod3 <- glmermboost(y ~ covariate1 + covariate2 + (1 | group),
                    data = sim_data, family = binomial())
bin_cv <- mer_cvrisk(mod3, no_of_folds = 10)

Cluster-sensitive Cross-Validation


Cross-validated estimation of the empirical risk for hyper-parameter selection. Folds are created cluster-sensitive, hence splitting data into train and tests sets considers the cluster-structure.


mer_cvrisk(object, folds, no_of_folds, cores = 1)



an object of class mermboost.


a weight matrix with number of rows equal to the number of observations. The number of columns corresponds to the number of cross-validation runs. Can be computed using function cv.


creates the folds itself by taking the cluster structure into account.


is passed on to mclapply for parallel computing.


The number of boosting iterations is a hyper-parameter of the boosting algorithms implemented in this package. Honest, i.e., cross-validated, estimates of the empirical risk for different stopping parameters mstop are computed by this function which can be utilized to choose an appropriate number of boosting iterations to be applied.

This function uses the cluster-identifier held in the mermboost object to split the data into cluster-sensitive folds if the corresponding argument no_of_folds is given. As this might lead to imbalanced splits the 1/0 matrix of folds can be given manually via the folds argument.


An object of class mer_cv, containing the k-folds as a matrix, the corresponding estimates of the empirical risks, their average and the results optimal stopping iteration. plot and mstop methods are available.



mod <- mermboost(distance ~ bbs(age, knots = 4) + bols(Sex) + (1 |Subject),
                 data = Orthodont, family = gaussian,
                 control = boost_control(mstop = 100))

# let mermboost do the cluster-sensitive cross-validation for you
norm_cv <- mer_cvrisk(mod, no_of_folds = 10)
opt_m <- mstop(norm_cv)

Gradient Boosting for Additive Mixed Models


Gradient boosting for optimizing negative log-likelihoods as loss functions, where component-wise arbitrary base-learners, e.g., smoothing procedures, are utilized as additive base-learners. In addition, every iteration estimates random component via a maximum likelihood approach using the current fit.


mermboost(formula, data = list(), na.action = na.omit, weights = NULL,
       offset = NULL, family = gaussian, control = boost_control(),
       oobweights = NULL, baselearner = c("bbs", "bols", "btree", "bss", "bns"),



a symbolic description of the model to be fit in the lme4-format including random effects.


a data frame containing the variables in the model.


a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs.


(optional) a numeric vector of weights to be used in the fitting process.


a numeric vector to be used as offset (optional).


!! This is in contrast to usual mboost - "only" a family object is possible - except for NBinomial().


a list of parameters controlling the algorithm. For more details see boost_control.


an additional vector of out-of-bag weights, which is used for the out-of-bag risk (i.e., if boost_control(risk = "oobag")). This argument is also used internally by cvrisk.


a character specifying the component-wise base learner to be used: bbs means P-splines with a B-spline basis (see Schmid and Hothorn 2008), bols linear models and btree boosts stumps. bss and bns are deprecated. Component-wise smoothing splines have been considered in Buehlmann and Yu (2003) and Schmid and Hothorn (2008) investigate P-splines with a B-spline basis. Kneib, Hothorn and Tutz (2009) also utilize P-splines with a B-spline basis, supplement them with their bivariate tensor product version to estimate interaction surfaces and spatial effects and also consider random effects base learners.


additional arguments passed to mboost_fit; currently none.


A (generalized) additive mixed model is fitted using a boosting algorithm based on component-wise base-learners. Additionally, a mixed model gets estimated in every iteration and added to the current fit.

The base-learners can either be specified via the formula object or via the baselearner argument. The latter argument is the default base-learner which is used for all variables in the formula, without explicit base-learner specification (i.e., if the base-learners are explicitly specified in formula, the baselearner argument will be ignored for this variable).

Of note, "bss" and "bns" are deprecated and only in the list for backward compatibility.

Note that more base-learners (i.e., in addition to the ones provided via baselearner) can be specified in formula. See baselearners for details.


The description of mboost holds while some methods are newly implemented like predict.mermboost, plot.mer_cv and mstop.mer_cv. Only the former one requires an further argument. Additionally, methods VarCorr.mermboost and ranef.mermboost are implemented specifically.

See Also

See glmermboost for the same approach using additive models.

See mer_cvrisk for a cluster-sensitive cross-validation.



# are there cluster-constant covariates?
find_ccc(Orthodont, "Subject")

mod <- mermboost(distance ~ bbs(age, knots = 4) + bols(Sex) + (1 |Subject),
                 data = Orthodont, family = gaussian,
                 control = boost_control(mstop = 100))

# let mermboost do the cluster-sensitive cross-validation for you
norm_cv <- mer_cvrisk(mod, no_of_folds = 10)
opt_m <- mstop(norm_cv)

# fit model with optimal stopping iteration
mod_opt <- mermboost(distance ~ bbs(age, knots = 4) + bols(Sex) + (1 |Subject),
                 data = Orthodont, family = gaussian,
                 control = boost_control(mstop = opt_m))

# use the model as known from mboost
# in additional, there are some methods knwon from lme4

Methods for Gradient Boosting for Mixed Models Objects


Methods for models fitted by mixed model boosting algorithms.


## S3 method for class 'mermboost'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, RE = TRUE,
        type = c("link", "response", "class"), which = NULL,
        aggregate = c("sum", "cumsum", "none"), ...)
## S3 method for class 'glmermboost'
predict(object, newdata = NULL, RE = TRUE,
        type = c("link", "response", "class"), which = NULL,
        aggregate = c("sum", "cumsum", "none"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'mermboost'
 ranef(object, iteration = mstop(object), ...)
## S3 method for class 'glmermboost'
 ranef(object, iteration = mstop(object), ...)

## S3 method for class 'mermboost'
VarCorr(x, sigma=1, iteration = mstop(x), ...)
## S3 method for class 'glmermboost'
VarCorr(x, sigma=1, iteration = mstop(x), ...)

## S3 method for class 'mer_cv'
mstop(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'mer_cv'
plot(x, ...)



objects of class glmermboost or mermboost. If you are using mstop.mer_cv it refers to an object resulting from mer_cvrisk.


optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. In case the model was fitted using the matrix interface to glmermboost, newdata must be a matrix as well (an error is given otherwise). If RE = TRUE but not the same cluster-identifier is found in the newdata object, it gets set to FALSE, RE = FALSE.


a logical values (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether to include random effects.


a subset of base-learners to take into account for computing predictions or coefficients. If which is given (as an integer vector or characters corresponding to base-learners) a list or matrix is returned. This ignores the random effects.


the type of prediction required. The default is on the scale of the predictors; the alternative "response" is on the scale of the response variable. Thus for a binomial model the default predictions are of log-odds (probabilities on logit scale) and type = "response" gives the predicted probabilities. The "class" option returns predicted classes for binomial data.


a character specifying how to aggregate predictions or coefficients of single base-learners. The default returns the prediction or coefficient for the final number of boosting iterations. "cumsum" returns a matrix (one row per base-learner) with the cumulative coefficients for all iterations simultaneously (in columns). "none" returns a list of matrices where the jjth columns of the respective matrix contains the predictions of the base-learner of the jjth boosting iteration (and zero if the base-learner is not selected in this iteration). Therefore, no random effects are considered.


an integer input that specifies from which iteration the random component is to be drawn.


an argument used in lme4. Exists for technical reasons but finds no application here.


a cross-validation object for plot.mer_cv or an mermboost object for VarCorr.mermboost.


additional arguments passed to callies.


The methods should correspond to equivalent mboost and lme4 functions. However, additional arguments about random effects handling might be of interest.


The predict.mermboost-methods give a vector, matrix or a list depending on the arguments.

A matrix with cluster-identifier as rownames and random effects as element results from ranef.mermboost.

A VarrCorr.merMod is the result of applying VarCorr.mermboost to a mermboost model.

To deal with cross validtion objects, class mer_cv, mstop.mer_cv gives a numeric value of the optimal stopping iteration while plot.mer_cv plots cross-validation risk-paths.

See Also

mstop.mer_cv and plot.mer_cv



mod <- glmermboost(distance ~ age + Sex + (1 |Subject),
                   data = Orthodont, family = gaussian,
                   control = boost_control(mstop = 50))

any(predict(mod, RE = FALSE) == predict(mod, RE = TRUE))
all(predict(mod, RE = FALSE) ==
    predict.glmboost(mod) + mod$nuisance()[[mstop(mod)]]$ff
VarCorr(mod, iteration = 10)

Growth curve data on an orthdontic measurement


The Orthodont data frame has 108 rows and 4 columns of the change in an orthdontic measurement over time for several young subjects.




This data frame contains the following columns:


a numeric vector of distances from the pituitary to the pterygomaxillary fissure (mm). These distances are measured on x-ray images of the skull.


a numeric vector of ages of the subject (yr).


an ordered factor indicating the subject on which the measurement was made. The levels are labeled M01 to M16 for the males and F01 to F13 for the females. The ordering is by increasing average distance within sex.


a factor with levels Male and Female


Investigators at the University of North Carolina Dental School followed the growth of 27 children (16 males, 11 females) from age 8 until age 14. Every two years they measured the distance between the pituitary and the pterygomaxillary fissure, two points that are easily identified on x-ray exposures of the side of the head.


Pinheiro, J. C. and Bates, D. M. (2000), Mixed-Effects Models in S and S-PLUS, Springer, New York. (Appendix A.17)

Potthoff, R. F. and Roy, S. N. (1964), “A generalized multivariate analysis of variance model useful especially for growth curve problems”, Biometrika, 51, 313–326.


Potthoff, R. F. and Roy, S. N. (1964), “A generalized multivariate analysis of variance model useful especially for growth curve problems”, Biometrika, 51, 313–326.