
All the tests were done on an Arch Linux x86_64 machine with an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU (1.90GHz).

Empirical likelihood computation

We show the performance of computing empirical likelihood with el_mean(). We test the computation speed with simulated data sets in two different settings: 1) the number of observations increases with the number of parameters fixed, and 2) the number of parameters increases with the number of observations fixed.

Increasing the number of observations

We fix the number of parameters at p = 10, and simulate the parameter value and n × p matrices using rnorm(). In order to ensure convergence with a large n, we set a large threshold value using el_control().

p <- 10
par <- rnorm(p, sd = 0.1)
ctrl <- el_control(th = 1e+10)
result <- microbenchmark(
  n1e2 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(100 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl),
  n1e3 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(1000 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl),
  n1e4 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(10000 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl),
  n1e5 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(100000 * p), ncol = p), par = par, control = ctrl)

Below are the results:

#> Unit: microseconds
#>  expr        min         lq        mean     median          uq        max neval
#>  n1e2    443.898    467.917    508.2046    481.583    551.3335    829.387   100
#>  n1e3   1210.157   1377.254   1555.1301   1463.113   1577.9175   5008.771   100
#>  n1e4  10613.985  12537.618  14634.4468  14927.440  15774.0330  24110.885   100
#>  n1e5 157769.051 183291.655 215934.3324 210973.629 244141.5165 326851.140   100
#>  cld
#>  a  
#>  a  
#>   b 
#>    c

Increasing the number of parameters

This time we fix the number of observations at n = 1000, and evaluate empirical likelihood at zero vectors of different sizes.

n <- 1000
result2 <- microbenchmark(
  p5 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 5), ncol = 5),
    par = rep(0, 5),
    control = ctrl
  p25 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 25), ncol = 25),
    par = rep(0, 25),
    control = ctrl
  p100 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 100), ncol = 100),
    par = rep(0, 100),
    control = ctrl
  p400 = el_mean(matrix(rnorm(n * 400), ncol = 400),
    par = rep(0, 400),
    control = ctrl
#> Unit: microseconds
#>  expr        min          lq        mean     median          uq       max neval
#>    p5    713.320    758.0035    819.0166    781.498    813.9625   3731.98   100
#>   p25   2850.345   2896.1760   3123.4208   2931.341   2990.1365  11172.22   100
#>  p100  23127.081  25649.7260  27754.4474  26208.898  30666.4215  46321.64   100
#>  p400 265057.349 290618.1930 323761.4665 309898.365 337721.2925 498721.93   100
#>  cld
#>  a  
#>  a  
#>   b 
#>    c

On average, evaluating empirical likelihood with a 100000×10 or 1000×400 matrix at a parameter value satisfying the convex hull constraint takes less than a second.