--- title: R/mbmixture User Guide output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{R/mbmixture User Guide} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8](inputenc) --- ```{r knitr_options, include=FALSE} library(knitr) opts_chunk$set(fig.width=7, fig.height=4.5, dev.args=list(pointsize=16)) scipen <- getOption("scipen") options(scipen=10) ``` [R/mbmixture](https://github.com/kbroman/mbmixture) is an [R](https://www.r-project.org) package for evaluating whether a microbiome sample is the mixture of two source samples. We are thinking of shotgun sequencing data on the microbiome sample plus dense SNP genotype data on the two potential source samples. We assume that the data has been reduced to a three-dimensional array of read counts: the 3 possible SNP genotypes for the first sample × the 3 possible SNP genotypes of the second sample × the 2 possible SNP alleles on the reads. The data are very specific, and it fits a very specific model. It comes with a single example data set, `mbmixdata`. Let's load the package and the data. ```{r load_lib_and_data} library(mbmixture) data(mbmixdata) ``` The data set is a three-dimensional array, 3×3×2, with read counts at SNPs broken down by the SNP genotype for the first sample, the SNP genotype for the second sample, and the SNP allele in the read. It seeks to fit a multinomial model with two parameters: _p_ is the "contaminant probability" (the proportion of the microbiome reads coming from the second sample), and _e_ is the sequencing error rate. Here's a view of the data: ```{r print_data} mbmixdata ``` The function `mbmix_loglik` is not generally called by the user, but calculates the log likelihood for particular values of _p_ and _e_. ```{r calc_loglik} mbmix_loglik(mbmixdata, p=0.74, e=0.002) ``` The function `mle_pe` is the key one. It obtains the MLEs of _p_ and _e_. ```{r calc_mle} (mle <- mle_pe(mbmixdata)) ``` So for these data, the estimate of _p_ is `r round(mle["p"], 2)`, meaning that `r round(mle["p"]*100)`% of the microbiome sample came from the second sample (and `r round(100-mle["p"]*100)`% came from the first sample). The estimate of the sequencing error rate is `r round(mle["e"], 3)`. The `mle_pe()` function also returns likelihood ratio test statistics (twice the natural log of the likelihood ratio) for tests of _p=0_ and _p=1_. Here, they're both extremely large. If you use the argument `SE=TRUE`, you'll get estimated standard errors as an attribute. ```{r calc_mle_with_ses} (mle_w_SE <- mle_pe(mbmixdata, SE=TRUE)) ``` You can grab the SEs using the `attr()` function. ```{r grab_SEs} attr(mle_w_SE, "SE") ``` There's also a function to derive estimated standard errors via a parametric bootstrap. ```{r bootstrap, eval=FALSE} bootstrap_se <- bootstrapSE(mbmixdata, 1000) ``` ```{r bootstrap_result, echo=FALSE} c(p = 0.000351360951177482, err = 0.0000272304773558442) ``` There are also functions to calculate the MLE of _p_ for a fixed value for _e_, and vice versa. They return the estimate, with the log likelihood as an attribute. ```{r mle_p_and_mle_e} mle_p(mbmixdata, e=0.002) mle_e(mbmixdata, p=0.74) ``` ```{r reset_options, echo=FALSE} options(scipen=scipen) ```