Package 'mastif'

Title: Mast Inference and Forecasting
Description: Analyzes production and dispersal of seeds dispersed from trees and recovered in seed traps. Motivated by long-term inventory plots where seed collections are used to infer seed production by each individual plant.
Authors: James S. Clark
Maintainer: James S. Clark <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 2.3
Built: 2025-02-22 06:45:12 UTC
Source: CRAN

Help Index

Mast Inference and Forecasting


Seed production is estimated from censuses of trees and seed collections from traps. From locations of known trees and seed traps, infers source strength, coefficients for predictor variables, and parameters for a dispersal kernel. Fecundity is a state-space model allowing for random individual (tree) effects, random year effects and random AR(p) lag effects. Estimates unknown redistribution of seed types to known species identities of trees. Functions begin with 'mast' to avoid conflicts with other packages.


Package: mastif
Type: Package
Version: 2.3
Date: 2024-3-28
License: GPL (>= 2)

The package mastif estimates fecundity of trees and dispersion of seed observed at seed traps, using information on locations of sources and detectors, and covariates that could explain source strength. Data sets of this type are common and used to understand a range of processes related to seed dispersal, masting, environmental controls on reproduction, sex ratio, and allocation.

Posterior simulation is done by Gibbs sampling. Analysis is done by these functions:

mastif fits model with Gibbs sampling.

mastSim simulates data for analysis by mastif.

mastFillCensus aligns sample years in tree census data with seed trap data.

mastClimate annotates tree data with covariates for fecundity modeling.

mastPlot generates plots of the output from mastif.


Author: James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, JS, C Nunes, and B Tomasek. 2019. Masting as an unreliable resource: spatio-temporal host diversity merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381.

See Also

mastif, mastSim

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


Covariates for mast data


Annotates treeData for mastif to include covariates.


mastClimate( file, plots, years, months = 1:12, FUN = 'mean', 
                         vname = '', normYr = c( 1990:2020 ), lastYear = 2021 )



character giving the path and file name where covariate is stored in mastif covariate format (see Details).


character vector from treeData$plot.


numeric vector from treeData$year.


numeric vector of months to include in annual values.


character specifies how monthly covariate values are combined into annual values.


name to use for a variable in the model that comes from file.


years for climate norm for calculating anomalies.


last data year to include.


The version of treeData used in mastif can have additional tree years included when there are seed trap years that were not censused or when AR(p) effects extend observations to impute the p years before and after a tree was observed. The function mastFillCensus makes this version of treeData available to the user. The function mastClimate provides a quick way to add plot-year covariates to treeData.

A covariate like minimum monthly temperature is stored in a plot by year_month format, where rownames of file are plot names matching treeData$plot, and colnames of file could be 2012_1, 2012_2, ... for the 12 months in the year. The numeric vector months holds the months to be included in the annual values, e.g., c(3, 4) for minimum winter temperatures during the period from March through April. To find the minimum for this period, set FUN to 'min'.

More detailed vignettes can be obtained with: browseVignettes('mastif')


A numeric vector equal in length to the number of rows in treeData that can be added as a column and included in formulaFec.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381.

See Also

mastFillCensus to fill tree census

mastif for analysis

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


d <- ""

inputs   <- list( specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames, 
                  treeData = treeData, seedData = seedData, 
                  xytree = xytree, xytrap = xytrap)
# interpolate census, add years for AR(p) model
inputs   <- mastFillCensus(inputs, p = 3)
treeData <- inputs$treeData               #now includes additional years

# include minimum spring temperature of previous year
cfile <- tempfile(fileext = '.csv')
d <- ""
download.file(d, destfile=cfile)

tyears <- treeData$year - 1
tplots <- treeData$plot
tmp <- mastClimate( file = cfile, plots = tplots, 
                    years = tyears, months = 1:4, FUN = 'min')
treeData$tminSprAnomaly <- tmp$x[,3]                             
inputs$treeData <- treeData
formulaRep <- as.formula( ~ diam )
formulaFec <- as.formula( ~ diam + tminSprAnomaly )        
inputs$yearEffect <- list(groups ='species', p = 3)  # AR(3) model, species are lag groups
output <- mastif(inputs = inputs, formulaFec, formulaRep, ng = 1000, burnin = 400)

Interpolate census data for seed trap years


Provides interpolated census data to include years when seed data are available. This is used when tree sampling is at a lower frequency than seed-trap collections.


mastFillCensus(inputs, beforeFirst = 15, afterLast = 15, p = 0, verbose = FALSE)



list used as input to mastif that must include two character vectors, (specNames, seedNames) and four data.frames (treeData, seedData, xytree, xytrap). See details.


number of years before a tree is first observed in a census that it should be considered as potentially present.


number of years after a tree is last observed in a census that it should be considered as potentially present.


if AR(p) model is used (in yearEffect), the number of lag terms.


if verbose = TRUE information is provided on filling progress.


Masting data sets contain tree census data, held in treeData, and seed trap data, help in seedData. Most studies monitor seed rain frequently (e.g., annual), while tree censuses occur at intervals of 2 to 5 years. mastFillCensus 'fills in' the tree census so that the annual seed data can be used. It is made available to the user so covariates can be added, e.g., with mastClimate.

mastFillCensus accepts the list of inputs used in mastif. The missing years are inserted for each tree with interpolated diameters. inputs is returned with objects updated to include the missing census years and modified slightly for analysis by mastif.

The function mastFillCensus is made accessible to the user, because covariates may be needed for the missing census years. For example, models often include climate variables that change annually. The version of treeData returned by mastFillCensus can be annotated with additional columns that can then be included in the model, as specified in formulaFec, formulaRep, and/or randomEffect$formulaRan.

beforeFirst and afterLast allow the user to control the assumptions about treatment of trees between (and before and after) tree census years. Seed trap data may begin before the first tree census or after the last tree census. Trees may appear in the middle of the study due to ingrowth. They may be lost to mortality. In other words, census data can be left-, right-, and interval-censored.

For the AR(p) model, values are imputed for p years before a tree is first observed and p years after the tree is last observed (mastif). These years are inserted by mastFillCensus, such that they too can then be annotated with covariate data.

More detailed vignettes can be obtained with:




list includes all inputs to the model, cleaned for mastif, with years inserted to treeData.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381.

See Also

mastSim simulates data

A more detailed vignette can be obtained with:


website ''.


d <- ""

inputs   <- list( specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames, 
                  treeData = treeData, seedData = seedData, 
                  xytree = xytree, xytrap = xytrap)
inputs <- mastFillCensus(inputs)

formulaFec <- formulaRep <- as.formula(~ diam)
output <- mastif(inputs = inputs, formulaFec, formulaRep, ng = 1000, 
                 burnin = 400)

Gibbs sampler for mast data


Estimates productivity and dispersion of seeds observed at seed traps, using information on locations, and covariates that could explain source strength. Data can be simulated with mastSim.


mastif( inputs, formulaFec = NULL, formulaRep = as.formula("~diam"), 
           ng = NULL, burnin = NULL )
  ## S3 method for class 'mastif'
print(x, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'mastif'
summary(object, verbose = TRUE, latex = FALSE, ...)



list that must include two character vectors, (specNames, seedNames) and four data.frames (treeData, seedData, xytree, xytrap). See details.


R formula for fecundity model, e.g., ~ diam + x1.


R formula for maturation model, e.g., ~ diam.


numeric number of Gibbs steps.


numeric number of burnin steps, before predictions are saved.


currently, also an object of class mastif.


if TRUE summary sent to screen.


if TRUE tables written to screen in latex format.


object of class mastif.


further arguments not used here.


inputs includes the following:

specNames is a character vector containing names of species, specNames, that appear in the treeData$species column.

seedNames is a character vector of seed types that appear as column names in seedData.

treeData is a data.frame holding tree information, including predictors and tree-year identification. Required columns are plot, tree, species, year, diam, and any other predictors for fecundity or maturation.

seedData is a data.frame holding seed counts with seed trap and year identification. Required columns are plot, trap, year, and seedNames, the latter holding seed counts.

xytree is a data.frame holding tree locations. Required columns are plot, tree, x, and y.

xytrap is data.frame holding seed trap locations. Required columns are plot, trap, x, and y.

formulaFec and formulaRep specify the models for plant fecundity and maturation. Variables listed in formulas appear as column headings in treeData. Note that formulaFec and formulaRep begin with ~, not y ~. The response matrix is constructed from seed types in seedData.

The treeData$tree column has values that are unique for a tree within a plot. These reference the same unique identifiers in xytree$tree. In addition to these identifiers, the data.frame xytree holds columns x and y for map locations.

The character vector seedNames holds the names of columns in seedData for seed counts. The elements of seedNames are seed types produced by one or more of the species in specNames. seedData must also include columns for trap, plot, and year, which link with columns in xytrap, which additionally includes columns x and y.

predList includes the names of plots and years to be predicted. It can include a numeric value mapMeters for the distance between lattice points in the prediction grid. See examples.

yearEffect is a list indicating the column names in treeData for random groups in year effects or AR(p) models. See examples.

randomEffect is a list indicating the column names in treeData for random groups in fecundity estimates, the character randGroups and the formulaRan for random effects. The formulaRan must be a subset of predictors from formulaFec. See examples.

modelYears is a numeric vector of years to include in the analysis.

ng is the number of Gibbs steps. burnin is the number of initial steps, must be less than ng.

Additional arguments to inputs can include prior parameters; default values are:

priorDist = 10 is a prior mean dispersal distance in meters.

priorVDist = 1 is the prior variance on mean dispersal distance in meters.

minDist = 2 and maxDist = 60 are the minimum and maximum values for the mean dispersal kernel in meters.

minDiam = 2 is the minimum diameter that a tree could be reproductively mature, in cm.

sigmaMu = .5 and sigmaWt = nrow(inputs$treeData) are the prior mean and the prior weight on log fecundity variance.

maxF = 1e+8, maximum fecundity, helps stabilize analysis of especially noisy data.

More detailed vignettes can be obtained with:



Returns an object of class "mast", which is a list containing the following components:


list includes all inputs to the model, including transformations not resulting from posterior simulation.


list of MCMC matrices, each with ng rows, includes:

bfec: fecundity coefficients

brep: maturation coefficients

ugibbs: dispersal parameters

sgibbs: residual variance and, after burnin, rmspe (root mean square prediction error)

rgibbs: if multiple seed types, then rows are the specNames to seedNames matrix R.

bygibbsF, bygibbsR: if yearEffects are included in the model, these are fixed year/lag and random year/lag effects by random group.

agibbs: if randomEffects on individuals, rows are covariance matrix.


list of parameter estimates summarized from chains.

acfMat: autocorrelation on fecundity by random group.

betaFec: fecundity regression coefficients (log scale).

betaRep: maturation regression coefficients (probit scale).

dpars: dispersal kernel coefficient, by random group, on meter scale.

omegaList: fecundity covariance between trees for the same plot-year.

pacfMat: partial autocorrelation on fecundity.

pacfSe: standard errors for pacfMat.

pacsMat: partial autocorrelation on seed counts.

sigma: estimate of residual log fecundity variance.

sigmaList: fecundity covariance over years.

upars: dispersal kernel coefficient, by random group, on meter^2 scale.

rMu, rSe: if more than one seedName, posterior mean and standard error on R matrix

If yearEffects, then the following will be included in $parameters:

betaYrMu, betaYrSe: posterior mean and standard errors on fixed year effects.

betaYrRand, betaYrRandSE: posterior mean and standard errors on random year effects.

alphaMu, alphaSe: posterior mean and standard errors on random tree effects.

aMu, aSe: posterior mean and standard errors on random effects covariance.


list of latent variable estimates and prediction:

fecPred includes matrEst, fecEstMu, fecEstSe maturation and fecundity estimates and matrPred, fecPred, fecEst maturation and fecundity predictions.

seedPred includes seed predictions by species, from estimates of latent fecundity and maturation (_estMean, _estSe) and from the fully generative model (_predMean, _predSe).

If predictList is passed to mast, then predictions are returned as seeds per m^2 (not per trap) for the regular prediction grid spaced mapMeters apart in the data.frame seedPredGrid. Tree predictions are returned in treePredGrid are included. If the AR(p) model is used (yearEffect$p is supplied), then both data.frames include p-yr hind casts and p-yr forecasts.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381. Qiu, T., ..., and J. S. Clark. 2023. Mutualist dispersers and the global distribution of masting: mediation by climate and fertility. Nature Plants,

See Also

mastSim simulates data

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


# simulate data (see \link{\code{mastSim}})
seedNames  <- specNames  <- 'acerRubr'
sim <- list(nyr=10, ntree=20, nplot=5, ntrap=40,
               specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames)
inputs   <- mastSim(sim)        # simulate data
inputs$predList <- list( mapMeters = 3, plots = inputs$plots[1], 
                         years = inputs$years ) 
output   <- mastif( inputs = inputs, ng = 3000, burnin = 2000 )
# mastPlot(output)

# for Liriodendron
d <- ""

formulaFec <- as.formula( ~ diam )   # fecundity model
formulaRep <- as.formula( ~ diam )   # maturation model

yearEffect   <- list(groups = 'species') 
randomEffect <- list(randGroups = 'treeID', 
                     formulaRan = as.formula( ~ 1 ) )
inputs   <- list( specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames, 
                  treeData = treeData, seedData = seedData, 
                  xytree = xytree, xytrap = xytrap, 
                  yearEffect = yearEffect, randomEffect = randomEffect )
output <- mastif(inputs = inputs, formulaFec, formulaRep, ng = 1000, 
                 burnin = 400 )
# plot output:
# mastPlot(output)

Map data and predictions for mastif model


Maps dispersal data (trees and seed traps) with predictions.





list that includes data.frames described in the mastif help page: treeData, seedData, xytree, xytrap. Alternatively, mapList can be an object of class mastif simulated by mastSim or fitted by mast. If a class mastif object is used, it must have appended mapPlot (name of plot to map) and mapYears (years to map). These and additional objects in mapList are summarized here:

mapPlot: character for the plot name, which appears in treeData$plot and seedData$plot.

mapYears: numeric vector containing years to plot, which appear in treeData$year and seedData$year.

treeSymbol: character indicating a column name in treeData holding numeric values that scale the sizes of trees in the map, e.g., diam for diameter.

PREDICT: if TRUE, then predicted seed will be mapped. Must be predicted in mastif.

xlim: vector with upper and lower plot limits.

ylim: vector with upper and lower plot limits.

MAPTRAPS: include seed traps in map.

MAPTREES: include trees in map.

seedMax: numeric value can be used to set maximum seed symbol/prediction contour.

fecMax: numeric value can be used to set maximum fecundity symbol size.

mfrow: numeric vector of length-2 to set arrangement of maps on plot, as in pars().

LEGEND: add legend with species names to map.

plotScale: some level of control on size of plot is possible with values > 1.

treeScale: relative scale for tree symbols, default value = 1.

trapScale: relative scale for trap symbols, default value = 1.

SCALEBAR: add a scale bar with distance to bottom of map.

scaleValue: numeric value in meters used if SCALEBAR = TRUE.

mfrow: numeric vector of length-2, giving numbers of rows and columns for plots, see help(pars).

COLORSCALE: if TRUE, then a color scale is added for predicted seed.


Generates of map of seed traps and trees, with symbols scaled to the sizes relative to seed counts in sdata$seedNames and treeSymbol. Sizes are adjusted with scaleTree and scaleTrap.

If PREDICT = TRUE, then predictions come in the object fitted in mastif with predictList used to specify prediction plots and years. See the help page for mastif.

More detailed vignettes can be obtained with:



Only graphical outputs.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381.

See Also

mastSim simulates data

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


# simulate data (see \link{\code{mastSim}})
seedNames  <- specNames  <- 'acerRubr'
sim    <- list(nyr=10, ntree=30, nplot=5,
          specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames)
inputs <- mastSim(sim)

inputs$mapPlot <- 'p1'
inputs$mapYears = inputs$years[1]

mastMap( inputs )

# for Pinus
d <- ""

specNames <- c("pinuEchi","pinuRigi","pinuStro","pinuTaed","pinuVirg")
seedNames <- c(specNames, "pinuUNKN")

mapList <- list( treeData = treeData, seedData = seedData, 
                 specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames, 
                 xytree = xytree, xytrap = xytrap, mapPlot = 'DUKE_BW', 
                 mapYears = c(2004:2007), treeScale = .5, trapScale=1.2, 
                 plotScale = 1.2, LEGEND=TRUE)

Plot mast model


Plots data fitted with mastif in package mastif.


mastPlot(output, plotPars = NULL)



list of class mast.


list of inputs for plotting can include:

outFolder: if SAVEPLOTS = TRUE path to saved files.

SAVEPLOTS = FALSE: if TRUE writes plots to .pdf files.

trueValues: if passed from mastSim output then trueValues will be included in plots.

RMD: if set to "pdf" or "html" writes output to R markdown file in working directory.


If SAVEPLOTS = TRUE plots are saved to files in outFolder. If RMD = "pdf", output is written to a R markdown file that can be edited and knitted. Maps are not included in this option. Otherwise, plots are rendered to the screen.

More detailed vignettes can be obtained with:



Currently, there are graphical outputs.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381.

See Also

mastSim simulates data

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


# simulate data 
seedNames  <- specNames  <- 'acerRubr'
sim <- list(nyr=10, ntree=30, nplot=5, specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames)
inputs <- mastSim(sim)
output <- mastif( inputs = inputs, ng = 4000, burnin = 2000 )

# plot output 
# mastPlot( output, plotPars = list(trueValues = inputs$trueValues) )

Obtain prior parameter values for mastif from file


Prior parameter values may be saved in a file by species or by genus. mastPriors looks for a species-level prior first. If not found, it can substutitute a genus-level prior.


mastPriors(file, specNames, code, genus = 'NULL')



character giving the path and file name where parameters are stored (see Details).


character vector if names in treeData$species.


character name of column holding specNames in parameter file.


character name of genus held in "genus" column of parameter file.


The file includes rows with genera, given in column "genus", or "species". Species rows also have an entry for genus, with the species code given in the column named code. Additional columns are names of prior parameters, including:

priorDist: mean parameter for dispersal kernel (m), related to kernel parameter u as d <- pi*sqrt(u)/2. The estimated values for these parameters are found in output$parameters$upars and output$parameters$dpars, where output is an object fitted by mastif.

minDist: the lower bound for the mean parameter d of the dispersal kernel (m).

maxDist: the upper bound for the mean parameter d of the dispersal kernel (m).

priorVDist: variance on the mean parameter for dispersal kernel (m^2). For large values, the prior distribution of d (and by variable change, u) becomes dunif(d, minDist, maxDist).

minDiam: below this diameter trees of unknown status are assumed immature (cm).

maxDiam: above this diameter trees of unknown status are assumed mature (cm).

maxFec: maximum seeds per tree per year

More detailed vignettes can be obtained with: browseVignettes('mastif')


A data.frame with a row for each specNames and columns for prior parameter values. Where file contains species-level parameter values, they will be used. If a separate row in file holds genus-level parameters, with the entry for code == 'NA', then genus-level parameters will be substituted. In other words, these genus rows are default values.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, e01381.

See Also

mastFillCensus to fill tree census

mastif for analysis

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


d <- ""

# prior parameter values
pfile <- tempfile(fileext = '.txt')
d <- ""
download.file(d, destfile = pfile)

specNames <- c("pinuEchi","pinuRigi","pinuStro","pinuTaed","pinuVirg")
seedNames <- c(specNames, "pinuUNKN")

priorTable <- mastPriors(file = pfile, specNames, 
                         code = 'code4', genus = 'pinus')

inputs   <- list( specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames, 
                  treeData = treeData, seedData = seedData, 
                  xytree = xytree, xytrap = xytrap, 
                  priorTable = priorTable, seedTraits = seedTraits)

formulaRep <- as.formula( ~ diam )
formulaFec <- as.formula( ~ diam )        
output <- mastif(inputs = inputs, formulaFec, formulaRep,
                 ng = 1000, burnin = 400)

Data simulation for mast model


Simulates data for analysis by mastif in package mastif.





list of inputs for simulation, see Details.


The list sim contains the following:

specNames: character vector of species names.

seedNames: character vector of seed names.

nyr = 5: average number of years for a plot

ntree = 10: average number of trees in specNames on a plot

plotWide = 100: diameter of plot

nplot = 3: number of plots

ntrap = 20: average number of seed traps on a plot

meanDist = 25: mean dispersal (meters)


Returns an object of class "mastif", a list containing the following components:


matrix of distances between all seed traps (rows) and trees (columns). Block diagonal structure by plot, padded with the value 10000 for tree/trap combinations on different plots.


seed trap by tree matrix of distances.


formula for the fecundity model.


formula for the maturation model.


character vector of plot names.


species to seed type matrix.


data.frame of seed data needed for mastif.


character vector of seed types.


inputs to mastSim.


character vector of species.


data.frame of tree data needed for mastif.


list holding true parameter values includes:

fec: vector of log fecundity states.

repr: vector of maturation states.

betaFec: fecundity parameter values.

betaRep: maturation parameter values.

upar: dispersal parameter, m^2.


data.frame of seed locations needed for mastif.


data.frame of tree locations needed for mastif.


numeric vector years.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Clark, J.S., C. Nunes, and B. Tomasek. 2019. Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio-temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs, in press.

See Also

mastSim simulates data

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


# simulate data 
seedNames  <- specNames  <- 'acerRubr'
sim <- list(nyr = 10, ntree = 30, nplot = 5, ntrap = 40, 
            specNames = specNames, seedNames = seedNames)
inputs <- mastSim(sim)
output <- mastif( inputs = inputs, ng = 500, burnin = 200 ) 

# increase iterations, then plot:
# output   <- mastif( inputs = output, ng = 2000, burnin = 1000 ) 
# plot output
# mastPlot(output, plotPars = list(trueValues = inputs$trueValues) )

Volatility and period for mast data


Extracts time series attributes for tree or population fecundity.


mastSpectralDensity( x, maxPeriod = length(x)/2, PLOT = FALSE, ylim = NULL )



numeric vector of sequential fecundity values.


the number of frequencies/periods to include.


logical to plot spectrum.


if PLOT, values for lower and upper bounds.


Returns attributes of volatility and period for a sequence of fecundity values for a single tree (or population) in x, which may often be on a log scale.

More detailed examples can be obtained with: browseVignettes('mastif')


Returns a list that includes spect, a matrix of power values ordered by frequency (1/period). To permit comparisons between series that differ in length, totVar (total variance) and volatility (period-weighted variance) are divided by the length of the series. Mean and standard deviation for the weighted period are periodMu and periodSd.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Qiu, T, ..., and J.S. Clark. 2023. Mutualist dispersers and the global distribution of masting: mediation by climate and fertility. in review.

See Also

mastif for analysis

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


d <- ""
repmis::source_data( d )

# single Abies tree from fitted output$prediction$fecPred:

wt <- which( fecPred$treeID == "BAMT1-1" )
s  <- mastSpectralDensity( log(fecPred$fecEstMu[ wt ]), PLOT = TRUE )

# population year effects (log scale) for an ecoRegion_species in output$parameters$betaYrRand:

x <- betaYrRand['3_abiesAmabilis', ]    
x <- x[ x != 0 ]                        # ecoRegion_species vary in observation years
s <- mastSpectralDensity( x, PLOT = TRUE )

Volatility and period for mast data, combining trees in populations


Synthesis of volatility and period at the population scale.


mastVolatility( treeID, year, fec, minLength = 6, minFrequency = 1/20 )



vector of labels for individual trees


numeric vector for year


numeric vector for fecundity values


determines the minimum number of years to a tree to be included in population estimates


lowest frequency to include in volatility, period evaluation


The three vectors treeID, year, fec are aligned by tree and year and, thus, of the same length. Tree fecundity values in the numeric vector fec can differ in number of years due to maturation times, deaths, and observation years. Trees having fewer than minLength observations are omitted from the analysis. minFrequency is high enough to omit low frequencies that are missing in the shortest series to be compared.

More detailed examples can be obtained with: browseVignettes('mastif')


Returns a list that includes stats, which holds the period- and fecundity-weighted estimates of volatility and period at the population scale. The matrix statsDensity holds the means and standard deviations by period (1/frequency). The matrix mastMatrix holds for each tree the number of years, mean log fecundity, variance, volatility, and period mean and standard deviation. Returned as tree by frequency are density and frequency.


James S Clark, [email protected]


Qiu, T, ..., and J.S. Clark. 2023. Mutualist dispersers and the global distribution of masting: mediation by climate and fertility. in review.

See Also

mastif for analysis

A more detailed vignette is can be obtained with:


website ''.


d <- ""
repmis::source_data( d )

# all trees in a plot:

wi  <- which( fecPred$plotSpec == 'BERK28 abiesGrandis' ) # tree-years in plot-species group
tmp <- mastVolatility( treeID = fecPred$treeID[wi], year = fecPred$year[wi], 
                       fec = fecPred$fecEstMu[wi], minLength = 10 )
period  <- 1/tmp$frequency
density <- tmp$density

plot( NA, xlim = range( period, na.rm = TRUE ), ylim = range( density, na.rm = TRUE ),
      xlab = 'Period (yr)', ylab = 'Density', log = 'xy' )
for( i in 1:nrow(density) )lines( period[i,], density[i, ], col = 'grey' )
  lines( tmp$statsDensity['Period', ], tmp$statsDensity['Mean', ], lwd = 2 )