Title: | Estimation Methods for Markets in Equilibrium and Disequilibrium |
Description: | Provides estimation methods for markets in equilibrium and disequilibrium. Supports the estimation of an equilibrium and four disequilibrium models with both correlated and independent shocks. Also provides post-estimation analysis tools, such as aggregation, marginal effect, and shortage calculations. See Karapanagiotis (2024) <doi:10.18637/jss.v108.i02> for an overview of the functionality and examples. The estimation methods are based on full information maximum likelihood techniques given in Maddala and Nelson (1974) <doi:10.2307/1914215>. They are implemented using the analytic derivative expressions calculated in Karapanagiotis (2020) <doi:10.2139/ssrn.3525622>. Standard errors can be estimated by adjusting for heteroscedasticity or clustering. The equilibrium estimation constitutes a case of a system of linear, simultaneous equations. Instead, the disequilibrium models replace the market-clearing condition with a non-linear, short-side rule and allow for different specifications of price dynamics. |
Authors: | Pantelis Karapanagiotis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Pantelis Karapanagiotis <[email protected]> |
License: | MIT + file LICENSE |
Version: | 1.1.5 |
Built: | 2025-02-23 07:02:49 UTC |
Source: | CRAN |
Returns the coefficients of the fitted market model.
## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' coef(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' coefficients(object)
## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' coef(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' coefficients(object)
object |
A fitted model object. |
A named vector of estimated model coefficients.
: Estimated coefficients.
: Estimated coefficients alias.
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # access the estimated coefficients coef(fit) coefficients(fit)
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # access the estimated coefficients coef(fit) coefficients(fit)
All models are estimated using full information maximum likelihood. The
can also be estimated using two-stage
least squares. The maximum likelihood estimation is based on
. If no starting values are provided, the function uses
linear regression estimates as initializing values. The default optimization method is
BFGS. For other alternatives see optim
. The implementation of
the two-stage least square estimation of the equilibrium_model
is based on lm
estimate(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' estimate( object, gradient = "calculated", hessian = "calculated", standard_errors = "homoscedastic", ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' estimate(object, method = "BFGS", optimizer = "optim", ...)
estimate(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' estimate( object, gradient = "calculated", hessian = "calculated", standard_errors = "homoscedastic", ... ) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' estimate(object, method = "BFGS", optimizer = "optim", ...)
object |
A model object. |
... |
Additional parameter used in the model's estimation. These are
passed further down to the optimization call. For the
gradient |
One of two potential options: |
hessian |
One of three potential options: |
standard_errors |
One of three potential options:
method |
A string specifying the estimation method. When the passed value is
among |
optimizer |
One of two options:
The likelihood of the equilibrium model can be optimized either by using optim
(the default option) or native
The caller can override the default behavior by setting the optimizer
equal to "gsl"
, in which case GSL
routines are used. This does not
necessarily result to faster execution times. This functionality is primarily
intended for advanced usage. The optim
functionality is a fast,
analysis-oriented alternative, which is more suitable for most use case.
When optimizer = "gsl"
is used, the only available optimization method is BFGS.
Additionally, the caller needs to specify in the control list values for the
optimization step (step
), the objective's optimization tolerance
), the gradient's optimization tolerance
, and the maximum allowed number of iterations (maxit
If the GSL
library is not available in the calling machine, the function
returns a trivial result list with convergence status set equal to -1. If the
C++17 execution policies
are available, the implementation of the optimization is parallelized.
A market fit object holding the estimation result.
: Full information maximum likelihood estimation.
: Equilibrium model estimation.
# initialize the model using the houses dataset model <- new( "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), # data correlated_shocks = FALSE # let shocks be independent ) # estimate the model object (BFGS is used by default) fit <- estimate(model) # estimate the model by specifying the optimization details passed to the optimizer. fit <- estimate(model, control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) # summarize results summary(fit) # simulate an equilibrium model model <- simulate_model( "equilibrium_model", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -1.9, beta_d0 = 24.9, beta_d = c(2.3, -1.2), eta_d = c(2.0, -1.5), # supply coefficients alpha_s = .9, beta_s0 = 8.2, beta_s = c(3.3), eta_s = c(1.5, -2.2) ), seed = 99 ) # maximize the model's log-likelihood fit <- estimate( model, optimizer = "gsl", control = list( step = 1e-2, objective_tolerance = 1e-8, gradient_tolerance = 1e-2, maxit = 1e+3 ) ) summary(fit)
# initialize the model using the houses dataset model <- new( "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), # data correlated_shocks = FALSE # let shocks be independent ) # estimate the model object (BFGS is used by default) fit <- estimate(model) # estimate the model by specifying the optimization details passed to the optimizer. fit <- estimate(model, control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) # summarize results summary(fit) # simulate an equilibrium model model <- simulate_model( "equilibrium_model", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -1.9, beta_d0 = 24.9, beta_d = c(2.3, -1.2), eta_d = c(2.0, -1.5), # supply coefficients alpha_s = .9, beta_s0 = 8.2, beta_s = c(3.3), eta_s = c(1.5, -2.2) ), seed = 99 ) # maximize the model's log-likelihood fit <- estimate( model, optimizer = "gsl", control = list( step = 1e-2, objective_tolerance = 1e-8, gradient_tolerance = 1e-2, maxit = 1e+3 ) ) summary(fit)
Market model formula
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' formula(x)
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' formula(x)
x |
A market model object. |
Market model formulas adhere to the following specification:
quantity | price | subject | time ~ demand | supply
quantity: The model's traded (observed) quantity variable.
price: The model's price variable.
quantity: The model's subject (e.g. firm) identification variable.
quantity: The model's time identification variable.
demand: The right hand side of the model's demand equation.
supply: The right hand side of the model's supply equation.
The diseq_stochastic_adjustment
additionally specify
price dynamics by appending the right hand side of the equation at the end
of the formula, i.e.
quantity | price | subject | time ~ demand | supply | price_dynamics
The left hand side part of the model formula specifies the elements that are needed for initializing the model. The market models of the package prepare the data based on these four variables using their respective identification assumptions. See market model classes for more details.
The function provides access to the formula used in model initialization.
The model's formula
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.1, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.1, beta_s0 = 6.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 1.2, beta_p0 = 3.1, beta_p = c(0.8) ), seed = 31 ) # access the model's formula formula(model)
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.1, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.1, beta_s0 = 6.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 1.2, beta_p0 = 3.1, beta_p = c(0.8) ), seed = 31 ) # access the model's formula formula(model)
Credit market data for US housing starts
data(houses) fair_houses()
data(houses) fair_houses()
A data frame with 138 rows and 7 columns
)A dataset containing the monthly mortgage rates and other attributes of the US market for new, non-farm houses from January 1958 to December 1969 (144 observations). The variables are as follows:
The date of the record.
Private non-farm housing starts in thousands of units
(Not seasonally adjusted).
FHA Mortgage rate series on new homes in units of 100 (
beginning-of-month Data).
Savings capital (deposits) of savings and loan associations in
millions of dollars.
Deposits of mutual savings banks in millions of dollars.
Advances of the federal home loan bank to savings and loan
associations in million of dollars.
Number of working days in month.
)Loads the houses
dataset and creates the additional variables used by
Fair & Jaffee (1972) doi:10.2307/1913181. These are
A dummy entity identifier that is always equal to one since the
houses data have only a time series component.
Flow of deposits in savings and loan associations and mutual
savings banks in million of dollars. Equal to
Flow of advances of the federal home loan bank to savings and loan
associations in million of dollars. Equal to
The month of the date of the observation.
FHA Mortgage rate series on new homes in units of 100, lagged by
one date.
FHA Mortgage rate series on new homes in units of 100, lagged by
two dates.
Private non-farm housing starts in thousands of units (Not
seasonally adjusted), lagged by one date.
The cumulative sum of past housing starts. Used to proxy the
stock of houses
Moving average of order 6 of the flow of deposits in savings
associations and loan associations and mutual savings banks.
Moving average of order 3 of the flow of advances of the
federal home loan bank to savings and loan associations.
A time trend variable.
Returns A modified version of the houses
: Generate Fair & Jaffee (1972) dataset
Fair (1971)
Fair, R. C. (1971). A short-run forecasting model of the United States economy. Heath Lexington Books.
Fair, R. C., & Jaffee, D. M. (1972). Methods of Estimation for Markets in Disequilibrium. Econometrica, 40(3), 497. doi:10.2307/1913181
Maddala, G. S., & Nelson, F. D. (1974). Maximum Likelihood Methods for Models of Markets in Disequilibrium. Econometrica, 42(6), 1013. doi:10.2307/1914215
Hwang, H. (1980). A test of a disequilibrium model. Journal of Econometrics, 12(3), 319–333. doi:10.1016/0304-4076(80)90059-7
data(houses) head(houses) head(fair_houses())
data(houses) head(houses) head(fair_houses())
Specializes the logLik
function for the market models
of the package estimated with full information minimum likelihood. It
returns NULL
for the equilibrium model estimated with two stage
least squares (method = "2SLS"
## S3 method for class 'market_fit' logLik(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' logLik(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'market_fit' logLik(object, ...) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' logLik(object, ...)
object |
A fitted model object. |
... |
Additional arguments. Unused. |
A logLik
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # get the log likelihood object logLik(fit)
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # get the log likelihood object logLik(fit)
Returns the estimated effect of a variable. The effect accounts for both sides
of the market. If the given variable belongs only to the demand side, the name of
result is prefixed by "D_"
. If the given variable belongs only to the supply
side, the name of result is prefixed by "S_"
. If the variable can be found
both sides, the result name is prefixed by "B_"
shortage_marginal(fit, variable, model, parameters) shortage_probability_marginal( fit, variable, aggregate = "mean", model, parameters ) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,market_model,ANY' shortage_marginal(variable, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,ANY,market_model,ANY' shortage_probability_marginal(variable, aggregate, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,market_model,ANY' shortage_marginal(variable, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,ANY,missing,missing' shortage_marginal(fit, variable) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,ANY,ANY,missing,missing' shortage_probability_marginal(fit, variable, aggregate)
shortage_marginal(fit, variable, model, parameters) shortage_probability_marginal( fit, variable, aggregate = "mean", model, parameters ) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,market_model,ANY' shortage_marginal(variable, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,ANY,market_model,ANY' shortage_probability_marginal(variable, aggregate, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,ANY,market_model,ANY' shortage_marginal(variable, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,ANY,missing,missing' shortage_marginal(fit, variable) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,ANY,ANY,missing,missing' shortage_probability_marginal(fit, variable, aggregate)
fit |
A fitted market model. |
variable |
Variable name for which the effect is calculated. |
model |
A market model object. |
parameters |
A vector of parameters. |
aggregate |
Mode of aggregation. Valid options are "mean" (the default) and "at_the_mean". |
The estimated effect of the passed variable.
: Marginal effect on market system
Returns the estimated marginal effect of a variable on the market system. For a
system variable with demand coefficient
and supply
, the marginal effect on the market system is
given by
: Marginal effect on shortage probabilities
Returns the estimated marginal effect of a variable on the probability of
observing a shortage state. The mean marginal effect (aggregate = "mean"
) on
the shortage probability is given by
and the marginal effect at the mean (aggregate = "at_the_mean"
) by
where is the marginal effect on the system,
is the demanded
the supplied quantity, and
is the standard normal
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+5)) ) # mean marginal effect of variable "RM" on the shortage probabilities #' shortage_probability_marginal(fit, "RM") # marginal effect at the mean of variable "RM" on the shortage probabilities shortage_probability_marginal(fit, "CSHS", aggregate = "at_the_mean") # marginal effect of variable "RM" on the system shortage_marginal(fit, "RM")
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+5)) ) # mean marginal effect of variable "RM" on the shortage probabilities #' shortage_probability_marginal(fit, "RM") # marginal effect at the mean of variable "RM" on the shortage probabilities shortage_probability_marginal(fit, "CSHS", aggregate = "at_the_mean") # marginal effect of variable "RM" on the system shortage_marginal(fit, "RM")
Market side aggregation
aggregate_demand(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' aggregate_demand(model, parameters) aggregate_supply(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' aggregate_supply(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' aggregate_demand(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' aggregate_supply(fit)
aggregate_demand(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' aggregate_demand(model, parameters) aggregate_supply(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' aggregate_supply(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' aggregate_demand(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' aggregate_supply(fit)
fit |
A fitted market model object. |
model |
A model object. |
parameters |
A vector of model's parameters. |
Calculates the sample's aggregate demand or supply using the estimated coefficients of a fitted model. Alternatively, the function calculates aggregates using a model and a set of parameters passed separately. If the model's data have multiple distinct subjects at each date (e.g., panel data), aggregation is calculated over subjects per unique date. If the model has time series data, namely a single subject per time point, aggregation is calculated over all time points.
The sum of the estimated demanded or supplied quantities evaluated at the given parameters.
: Demand aggregation.
: Supply aggregation.
, supplied_quantities
fit <- diseq_basic( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE ) # get estimated aggregate demand aggregate_demand(fit) # simulate the deterministic adjustment model model <- simulate_model( "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.6, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.2, beta_s0 = 4.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 0.9 ), seed = 1356 ) # estimate the model object fit <- estimate(model) # get estimated aggregate demand aggregate_demand(fit) # get estimated aggregate demand aggregate_supply(fit)
fit <- diseq_basic( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE ) # get estimated aggregate demand aggregate_demand(fit) # simulate the deterministic adjustment model model <- simulate_model( "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.6, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.2, beta_s0 = 4.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 0.9 ), seed = 1356 ) # estimate the model object fit <- estimate(model) # get estimated aggregate demand aggregate_demand(fit) # get estimated aggregate demand aggregate_supply(fit)
Market force data descriptive statistics
demand_descriptives(object) supply_descriptives(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' demand_descriptives(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' supply_descriptives(object)
demand_descriptives(object) supply_descriptives(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' demand_descriptives(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' supply_descriptives(object)
object |
A model object. |
Calculates and returns basic descriptive statistics for the model's demand or supply side data. Factor variables are excluded from the calculations. The function calculates and returns:
Number of observations.
Number of missing values.
Minimum observation.
Maximum observation.
Observations' range.
Sum of observations.
Median observation.
Mean observation.
Mean squared error.
Confidence interval bound.
Standard deviation.
Coefficient of variation.
A data frame containing descriptive statistics.
: Demand descriptive statistics.
: Supply descriptive statistics.
# initialize the basic model using the houses dataset model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), # data correlated_shocks = FALSE # allow shocks to be correlated ) # get descriptive statistics of demand side variables demand_descriptives(model) # get descriptive statistics of supply side variables supply_descriptives(model)
# initialize the basic model using the houses dataset model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), # data correlated_shocks = FALSE # allow shocks to be correlated ) # get descriptive statistics of demand side variables demand_descriptives(model) # get descriptive statistics of supply side variables supply_descriptives(model)
This is the estimation output class for all market models of the package. It couples
a market model object with estimation results. It provides a common user interface
for accessing estimation results, irrespective of the underlying market model used.
The estimation results are intended to be accessed by passing market_fit
objects to methods such as plot
, summary
, and
The market_fit
class composes the market_models
class with the estimation results obtained by optim
or GSL
. All the public functionality of the
underlying market model is also directly accessible from the output class.
Furthermore, the class is responsible for harmonizing the heterogeneous
outputs resulting from different estimation methods of market models. For
example, a 2SLS
estimation of the
returns a list of linear regression
models (the first stage, demand, and supply models), while the maximum
likelihood estimation of diseq_basic
returns an
list. In both cases, the market_fit
stores the estimation output in the member fit
of type list
and produces additional harmonized list elements. Methods of the class
examine the type of the fit
and direct execution accordingly to different
branches to produce a unified experience for the caller.
The underlying market model object.
A list holding estimation outputs.
# estimate an equilibrium model using the houses dataset fit <- equilibrium_model( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list(method = "2SLS") ) # access an method of the underlying model aggregate_demand(fit) # summary of results summary(fit)
# estimate an equilibrium model using the houses dataset fit <- equilibrium_model( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list(method = "2SLS") ) # access an method of the underlying model aggregate_demand(fit) # summary of results summary(fit)
)The basic disequilibrium model consists of three equations. Two of them are the demand and supply equations. In addition, the model replaces the market clearing condition with the short side rule. The model is estimated using full information maximum likelihood.
)The disequilibrium model with deterministic price adjustment consists
of four equations. The two market equations, the short side rule and price
evolution equation. The first two equations are stochastic. The price
equation is deterministic. The sample is separated based on the sign of
the price changes as in the diseq_directional
The model is estimated using full information maximum likelihood.
)The directional disequilibrium model consists of three equations and a separation rule. The market is described by a linear demand, a linear supply equation and the short side rule. The separation rule splits the sample into states of excess supply and excess demand. If a price change is positive at the time point of the observation, then the observation is classified as being in an excess demand state. Otherwise, it is assumed that it represents an excess supply state. The model is estimated using full information maximum likelihood.
)The disequilibrium model with stochastic price adjustment is described by a system of four equations. Three of of them form a stochastic linear system of market equations equations coupled with a stochastic price evolution equation. The fourth equation is the short side rule. In contrast to the deterministic counterpart, the model does not impose any separation rule on the sample. It is estimated using full information maximum likelihood.
)The equilibrium model consists of thee equations. The demand, the supply and the market clearing equations. The model can be estimated using both full information maximum likelihood and two-stage least squares.
A necessary identification condition is that there is at least one control that is exclusively part of the demand and one control that is exclusively part of the supply equation. In the first stage of the two-stage least square estimation, prices are regressed on remaining controls from both the demand and supply equations. In the second stage, the demand and supply equation is estimated using the fitted prices instead of the observed.
Logger object.
Column name for the subject identifier.
Column name for the time point identifier.
Vector of explanatory column names for all model's equations.
Vector of model's data column names. This is the union of the quantity, price and explanatory columns.
Vector of primary key and data column names for all model's equations.
Model data frame.
Model name string.
Market type string.
Model's system of equations.
Estimated market quantities
demanded_quantities(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' demanded_quantities(model, parameters) supplied_quantities(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' supplied_quantities(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' demanded_quantities(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' supplied_quantities(fit)
demanded_quantities(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' demanded_quantities(model, parameters) supplied_quantities(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' supplied_quantities(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' demanded_quantities(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' supplied_quantities(fit)
fit |
A fitted model object. |
model |
A model object. |
parameters |
A vector of model's parameters. |
Calculates and returns the estimated demanded or supplied quantities for each observation at the passed vector of parameters.
A vector with the market quantities evaluated at the given parameter vector.
: Estimated demanded quantities.
: Estimated supplied quantities.
fit <- diseq_basic( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE ) # get estimated demanded and supplied quantities head(cbind( demanded_quantities(fit), supplied_quantities(fit) ))
fit <- diseq_basic( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE ) # get estimated demanded and supplied quantities head(cbind( demanded_quantities(fit), supplied_quantities(fit) ))
Market data and model simulation functionality based on the data generating process induced by the market model specifications.
Returns a data frame with simulated data from a generating process that matches the passed model string. By default, the simulated observations of the controls are drawn from a normal distribution.
Simulates a data frame based on the generating process of the passed model
and uses it to initialize a model object. Data are simulated using the
simulate_data( model_type_string, nobs = NA_integer_, tobs = NA_integer_, alpha_d = NA_real_, beta_d0 = NA_real_, beta_d = NA_real_, eta_d = NA_real_, alpha_s = NA_real_, beta_s0 = NA_real_, beta_s = NA_real_, eta_s = NA_real_, gamma = NA_real_, beta_p0 = NA_real_, beta_p = NA_real_, sigma_d = 1, sigma_s = 1, sigma_p = 1, rho_ds = 0, rho_dp = 0, rho_sp = 0, seed = NA_integer_, price_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), control_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY' simulate_data( model_type_string, nobs = NA_integer_, tobs = NA_integer_, alpha_d = NA_real_, beta_d0 = NA_real_, beta_d = NA_real_, eta_d = NA_real_, alpha_s = NA_real_, beta_s0 = NA_real_, beta_s = NA_real_, eta_s = NA_real_, gamma = NA_real_, beta_p0 = NA_real_, beta_p = NA_real_, sigma_d = 1, sigma_s = 1, sigma_p = 1, rho_ds = 0, rho_dp = 0, rho_sp = 0, seed = NA_integer_, price_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), control_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), verbose = 0 ) simulate_model( model_type_string, simulation_parameters, seed = NA, verbose = 0, correlated_shocks = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY' simulate_model( model_type_string, simulation_parameters, seed = NA, verbose = 0, correlated_shocks = TRUE )
simulate_data( model_type_string, nobs = NA_integer_, tobs = NA_integer_, alpha_d = NA_real_, beta_d0 = NA_real_, beta_d = NA_real_, eta_d = NA_real_, alpha_s = NA_real_, beta_s0 = NA_real_, beta_s = NA_real_, eta_s = NA_real_, gamma = NA_real_, beta_p0 = NA_real_, beta_p = NA_real_, sigma_d = 1, sigma_s = 1, sigma_p = 1, rho_ds = 0, rho_dp = 0, rho_sp = 0, seed = NA_integer_, price_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), control_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY' simulate_data( model_type_string, nobs = NA_integer_, tobs = NA_integer_, alpha_d = NA_real_, beta_d0 = NA_real_, beta_d = NA_real_, eta_d = NA_real_, alpha_s = NA_real_, beta_s0 = NA_real_, beta_s = NA_real_, eta_s = NA_real_, gamma = NA_real_, beta_p0 = NA_real_, beta_p = NA_real_, sigma_d = 1, sigma_s = 1, sigma_p = 1, rho_ds = 0, rho_dp = 0, rho_sp = 0, seed = NA_integer_, price_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), control_generator = function(n) stats::rnorm(n = n), verbose = 0 ) simulate_model( model_type_string, simulation_parameters, seed = NA, verbose = 0, correlated_shocks = TRUE ) ## S4 method for signature 'ANY' simulate_model( model_type_string, simulation_parameters, seed = NA, verbose = 0, correlated_shocks = TRUE )
model_type_string |
Model type. It should be among |
nobs |
Number of simulated entities. |
tobs |
Number of simulated dates. |
alpha_d |
Price coefficient of demand. |
beta_d0 |
Constant coefficient of demand. |
beta_d |
Coefficients of exclusive demand controls. |
eta_d |
Demand coefficients of common controls. |
alpha_s |
Price coefficient of supply. |
beta_s0 |
Constant coefficient of supply. |
beta_s |
Coefficients of exclusive supply controls. |
eta_s |
Supply coefficients of common controls. |
gamma |
Price equation's stability factor. |
beta_p0 |
Price equation's constant coefficient. |
beta_p |
Price equation's control coefficients. |
sigma_d |
Demand shock's standard deviation. |
sigma_s |
Supply shock's standard deviation. |
sigma_p |
Price equation shock's standard deviation. |
rho_ds |
Demand and supply shocks' correlation coefficient. |
rho_dp |
Demand and price shocks' correlation coefficient. |
rho_sp |
Supply and price shocks' correlation coefficient. |
seed |
Pseudo random number generator seed. |
price_generator |
Pseudo random number generator callback for prices. The
default generator is |
control_generator |
Pseudo random number generator callback for non-price
controls. The default generator is |
verbose |
Verbosity level. |
simulation_parameters |
List of parameters used in model simulation. See the
correlated_shocks |
Should the model be estimated using correlated shocks? |
The simulated data.
The simulated model
: Simulate model data.
: Simulate model.
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.1, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.1, beta_s0 = 6.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 1.2, beta_p0 = 3.1, beta_p = c(0.8) ), seed = 31 )
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.1, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.1, beta_s0 = 6.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 1.2, beta_p0 = 3.1, beta_p = c(0.8) ), seed = 31 )
A unique identifying string for the model.
A short (one-liner) description of the market model.
A market type string (equilibrium or disequilibrium) for a given model.
name(object) describe(object) market_type(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' name(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' describe(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' market_type(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' name(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' describe(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' market_type(object)
name(object) describe(object) market_type(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' name(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' describe(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' market_type(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' name(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' describe(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' market_type(object)
object |
A model object. |
The model's name.
The model's description.
The model's market type.
: Model name
: Model description
: Market type
# initialize the equilibrium using the houses dataset model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses() ) # model name name(model) # model description describe(model) # market type market_type(model)
# initialize the equilibrium using the houses dataset model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses() ) # model name name(model) # model description describe(model) # market type market_type(model)
Model initialization
## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, price_dynamics, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 )
## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, price_dynamics, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 ) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' initialize( .Object, quantity, price, demand, supply, subject, time, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0 )
.Object |
The object to be Constructed. |
quantity |
The quantity variable of the system. |
price |
The price variable of the system. |
demand |
A formula representation of the right hand side of the demand equation. |
supply |
A formula representation of the right hand side of the supply equation. |
subject |
The subject identifier of the data set. |
time |
The time identifier of the data set. |
data |
The data set. |
correlated_shocks |
Should the model be estimated using correlated shocks? |
verbose |
Verbosity level. |
price_dynamics |
A formula representation of the price equation. |
The following two subsections describe the common initialization steps of all market model classes.
The constructor prepares the model's variables using the passed
specifications. The specification variables are expected to be of type
. The right hand side specifications of the system are
expected to follow the syntax of formula
. The
construction of the model's data uses the variables extracted by these
specification. The demand variables are extracted by a
formula that uses the quantity
on the left hand side and the
on the right hand side of the formula. The supply
variables are constructed by the quantity
and the
inputs. In the case of the
model, the price dynamics'
variables are extracted using the price dynamics
The price dynamics
for the diseq_stochastic_adjustment
should contain only terms other than that of excess demand. The excess demand term of
the price equation is automatically generated by the constructor.
1. If the passed data set contains rows with NA values, they are dropped. If the verbosity level allows warnings, a warning is emitted reporting how many rows were dropped.
2. After dropping the rows, factor levels may be invalidated. If needed, the constructor readjusts the factor variables by removing the unobserved levels. Factor indicators and interaction terms are automatically created.
3. The primary key column is constructed by pasting the values of the columns of the subject and time variables.
4. In the cases of the diseq_directional
, and
the diseq_stochastic_adjustment
models, a column with lagged
prices is constructed. Since lagged prices are unavailable for the observations of
the first time point, these observations are dropped. If the verbosity level allows
the emission of information messages, the constructor prints the number of dropped
5. In the cases of the diseq_directional
and the diseq_stochastic_adjustment
models, a column with price
differences is created.
The initialized model.
: Basic disequilibrium model base
: Disequilibrium model with deterministic price
adjustment constructor
: Directional disequilibrium model base constructor
: Disequilibrium model with stochastic price
adjustment constructor
: Equilibrium model constructor
simulated_data <- simulate_data( "diseq_basic", 500, 3, # model type, observed entities, observed time points -0.9, 8.9, c(0.3, -0.2), c(-0.03, -0.01), # demand coefficients 0.9, 6.2, c(0.03), c(-0.05, 0.02) # supply coefficients ) # initialize the model model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = FALSE # use independent shocks ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( # model type, observed entities and time points "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", 500, 3, # demand coefficients -0.9, 8.9, c(0.03, -0.02), c(-0.03, -0.01), # supply coefficients 0.9, 4.2, c(0.03), c(0.05, 0.02), # price adjustment coefficient 1.4 ) # initialize the model model <- new( "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( "diseq_directional", 500, 3, # model type, observed entities, observed time points -0.2, 4.3, c(0.03, 0.02), c(0.03, 0.01), # demand coefficients 0.0, 4.0, c(0.03), c(0.05, 0.02) # supply coefficients ) # in the directional model prices cannot be included in both demand and supply model <- new( "diseq_directional", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( # model type, observed entities and time points "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", 500, 3, # demand coefficients -0.1, 9.8, c(0.3, -0.2), c(0.6, 0.1), # supply coefficients 0.1, 7.1, c(0.9), c(-0.5, 0.2), # price adjustment coefficient 1.4, 3.1, c(0.8) ) # initialize the model model <- new( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, price_dynamics = Xp1, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( "equilibrium_model", 500, 3, # model type, observed entities and time points -0.9, 14.9, c(0.3, -0.2), c(-0.03, -0.01), # demand coefficients 0.9, 3.2, c(0.3), c(0.5, 0.02) # supply coefficients ) # initialize the model model <- new( "equilibrium_model", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model)
simulated_data <- simulate_data( "diseq_basic", 500, 3, # model type, observed entities, observed time points -0.9, 8.9, c(0.3, -0.2), c(-0.03, -0.01), # demand coefficients 0.9, 6.2, c(0.03), c(-0.05, 0.02) # supply coefficients ) # initialize the model model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = FALSE # use independent shocks ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( # model type, observed entities and time points "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", 500, 3, # demand coefficients -0.9, 8.9, c(0.03, -0.02), c(-0.03, -0.01), # supply coefficients 0.9, 4.2, c(0.03), c(0.05, 0.02), # price adjustment coefficient 1.4 ) # initialize the model model <- new( "diseq_deterministic_adjustment", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( "diseq_directional", 500, 3, # model type, observed entities, observed time points -0.2, 4.3, c(0.03, 0.02), c(0.03, 0.01), # demand coefficients 0.0, 4.0, c(0.03), c(0.05, 0.02) # supply coefficients ) # in the directional model prices cannot be included in both demand and supply model <- new( "diseq_directional", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( # model type, observed entities and time points "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", 500, 3, # demand coefficients -0.1, 9.8, c(0.3, -0.2), c(0.6, 0.1), # supply coefficients 0.1, 7.1, c(0.9), c(-0.5, 0.2), # price adjustment coefficient 1.4, 3.1, c(0.8) ) # initialize the model model <- new( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, price_dynamics = Xp1, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model) simulated_data <- simulate_data( "equilibrium_model", 500, 3, # model type, observed entities and time points -0.9, 14.9, c(0.3, -0.2), c(-0.03, -0.01), # demand coefficients 0.9, 3.2, c(0.3), c(0.5, 0.02) # supply coefficients ) # initialize the model model <- new( "equilibrium_model", # model type subject = id, time = date, quantity = Q, price = P, demand = P + Xd1 + Xd2 + X1 + X2, supply = P + Xs1 + X1 + X2, simulated_data, # data correlated_shocks = TRUE # allow shocks to be correlated ) show(model)
Methods that calculate the likelihoods, scores, gradients, and Hessians of market models. The likelihood functions are based on Maddala and Nelson (1974) doi:10.2307/1914215. The likelihoods, gradient, and Hessian expressions that the function uses are derived in Karapanagiotis (2020) doi:10.2139/ssrn.3525622.
Returns the log-likelihood. The function calculates the model's log likelihood by evaluating the log likelihood of each observation in the sample and summing the evaluation results.
Returns the gradient of the log-likelihood evaluated at the passed parameters.
Returns the hessian of the log-likelihood evaluated at the passed parameters.
It calculates the gradient of the likelihood at the given parameter point for each observation in the sample. It, therefore, returns an n x k matrix, where n denotes the number of observations in the sample and k the number of estimated parameters. The ordering of the parameters is the same as the one that is used in the summary of the results. The method can be called either using directly a fitted model object, or by separately providing a model object and a parameter vector.
log_likelihood(object, parameters) gradient(object, parameters) hessian(object, parameters) scores(object, parameters, fit) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' hessian(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' hessian(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing,market_fit' scores(fit)
log_likelihood(object, parameters) gradient(object, parameters) hessian(object, parameters) scores(object, parameters, fit) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_deterministic_adjustment,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_stochastic_adjustment,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' log_likelihood(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model' gradient(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'equilibrium_model,ANY,ANY' scores(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_basic' hessian(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'diseq_directional' hessian(object, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,missing,market_fit' scores(fit)
object |
A model object. |
parameters |
A vector of parameters at which the function is to be evaluated. |
fit |
A fitted model object. |
The sum of the likelihoods evaluated for each observation.
The log likelihood's gradient.
The log likelihood's hessian.
The score matrix.
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_basic", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.9, beta_d0 = 8.9, beta_d = c(0.6), eta_d = c(-0.2), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.9, beta_s0 = 7.9, beta_s = c(0.03, 1.2), eta_s = c(0.1) ), seed = 7523 ) # estimate the model object (BFGS is used by default) fit <- estimate(model) # Calculate the score matrix head(scores(model, coef(fit)))
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_basic", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.9, beta_d0 = 8.9, beta_d = c(0.6), eta_d = c(-0.2), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.9, beta_s0 = 7.9, beta_s = c(0.03, 1.2), eta_s = c(0.1) ), seed = 7523 ) # estimate the model object (BFGS is used by default) fit <- estimate(model) # Calculate the score matrix head(scores(model, coef(fit)))
Returns the number of model's coefficients. This is the sum of demand, supply, price equation, and the variance-covariance matrix coefficients.
ncoef(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' ncoef(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' ncoef(object)
ncoef(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_model' ncoef(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' ncoef(object)
object |
A model object. |
The number of model coefficients.
model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses() ) # get the number of model coefficients ncoef(model)
model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses() ) # get the number of model coefficients ncoef(model)
Returns the number of observations that are used by an initialized model. If there are missing values, the number of used observations may differ from the numbers of observations of the data set that was passed to the model's initialization.
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' nobs(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' nobs(object)
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' nobs(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' nobs(object)
object |
A model object. |
The number of used observations.
model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses() ) # get the number observations nobs(model)
model <- new( "diseq_basic", # model type subject = ID, time = TREND, quantity = HS, price = RM, demand = RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH, supply = RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses() ) # get the number observations nobs(model)
Displays a graphical illustration of the passed fitted model object. The function creates a scatter plot of quantity-price pairs for the records corresponding to the given subject and time identifiers. Then, it plots the average fitted demand and supply quantities for the same data subset letting prices vary between the minimum and maximum price points observed in the data subset.
## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' plot(x, subject, time, show_scatter = TRUE, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' plot(x, subject, time, show_scatter = TRUE, ...)
x |
A model object. |
subject |
A vector of subject identifiers to be used in the visualization. |
time |
A vector of time identifiers to be used in the visualization. |
show_scatter |
Should the price-quantity scatter be plotted? By default
... |
Additional parameters to be used for styling the figure.
Specifically |
If the subject
argument is missing, all subjects are used. If the
argument is missing, all time points are used. The scatter
plot of the quantity-price data can be suppressed by setting
show_scatter = FALSE
No return value, called for for side effects (visualization).
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # show model's illustration plot plot(fit)
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # show model's illustration plot plot(fit)
The following methods offer functionality for analyzing estimated shortages of the market models. The methods can be called either using directly a fitted model object, or by separately providing a model object and a parameter vector.
shortages(fit, model, parameters) normalized_shortages(fit, model, parameters) relative_shortages(fit, model, parameters) shortage_probabilities(fit, model, parameters) shortage_indicators(fit, model, parameters) shortage_standard_deviation(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortages(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' normalized_shortages(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' relative_shortages(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortage_probabilities(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortage_indicators(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortage_standard_deviation(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,diseq_stochastic_adjustment,ANY' shortage_standard_deviation(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortages(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' normalized_shortages(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' relative_shortages(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortage_probabilities(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortage_indicators(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortage_standard_deviation(fit)
shortages(fit, model, parameters) normalized_shortages(fit, model, parameters) relative_shortages(fit, model, parameters) shortage_probabilities(fit, model, parameters) shortage_indicators(fit, model, parameters) shortage_standard_deviation(fit, model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortages(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' normalized_shortages(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' relative_shortages(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortage_probabilities(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortage_indicators(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,market_model,ANY' shortage_standard_deviation(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'missing,diseq_stochastic_adjustment,ANY' shortage_standard_deviation(model, parameters) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortages(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' normalized_shortages(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' relative_shortages(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortage_probabilities(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortage_indicators(fit) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit,missing,missing' shortage_standard_deviation(fit)
fit |
A fitted model object. |
model |
A market model object. |
parameters |
A vector of parameters at which the shortages are evaluated. |
Returns the predicted shortages at a given point.
Returns the shortages normalized by the variance of the difference of the shocks at a given point.
Returns the shortages normalized by the supplied quantity at a given point.
Returns the shortage probabilities, i.e. the probabilities of an observation coming from an excess demand state, at the given point.
Returns a vector of indicators (Boolean values) for each observation. An element of the vector is TRUE for observations at which the estimated shortages are non-negative, i.e. the market at in an excess demand state. The remaining elements are FALSE. The evaluation of the shortages is performed using the passed parameter vector.
Returns the standard deviation of excess demand.
A vector with the (estimated) shortages.
: Shortages.
: Normalized shortages.
: Relative shortages.
: Shortage probabilities.
: Shortage indicators.
: Shortage standard deviation.
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+5)) ) # get estimated normalized shortages head(normalized_shortages(fit)) # get estimated relative shortages head(relative_shortages(fit)) # get the estimated shortage probabilities head(shortage_probabilities(fit)) # get the estimated shortage indicators head(shortage_indicators(fit)) # get the estimated shortages head(shortages(fit)) # get the estimated shortage standard deviation shortage_standard_deviation(fit)
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+5)) ) # get estimated normalized shortages head(normalized_shortages(fit)) # get estimated relative shortages head(relative_shortages(fit)) # get the estimated shortage probabilities head(shortage_probabilities(fit)) # get the estimated shortage indicators head(shortage_indicators(fit)) # get the estimated shortages head(shortages(fit)) # get the estimated shortage standard deviation shortage_standard_deviation(fit)
Sends basic information about the model to standard output.
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' show(object)
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' show(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' show(object)
object |
A model object. |
No return value, called for side effects (print basic model information).
fit <- equilibrium_model( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list(method = "2SLS") ) # print model information show(fit@model) # print fit information show(fit)
fit <- equilibrium_model( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list(method = "2SLS") ) # print model information show(fit@model) # print fit information show(fit)
Single call estimation
diseq_basic( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_basic( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) diseq_deterministic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_deterministic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) diseq_directional( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_directional( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) diseq_stochastic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_stochastic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) equilibrium_model( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' equilibrium_model( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() )
diseq_basic( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_basic( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) diseq_deterministic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_deterministic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) diseq_directional( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_directional( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) diseq_stochastic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' diseq_stochastic_adjustment( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) equilibrium_model( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() ) ## S4 method for signature 'formula' equilibrium_model( specification, data, correlated_shocks = TRUE, verbose = 0, estimation_options = list() )
specification |
The model's formula. |
data |
The data to be used with the model. |
correlated_shocks |
Should the model's system entail correlated shocks?
By default the argument is set to |
verbose |
The verbosity with which operations on the model print
messages. By default the value is set to |
estimation_options |
A list with options to be used in the estimation
call. See |
The functions of this section combine model initialization and estimation into a single call. They also provide a less verbose interface to the functionality of the package. The functions expect a formula following the specification described in formula, a dataset, and optionally further initialization and estimation options (see model initialization and model estimation respectively).
Estimation options are expected to be given in the argument
in a form of a list
. The list
names should correspond to variables of the estimate
function. As a result, optimization options, which are customized using
the control
argument of estimate
can be passed
as an element of estimation_options
Each of these functions parses the given formula, initializes the model specified by the function's name, fits the model to the given data using the estimation options and returns fitted model.
The fitted model.
: Basic disequilibrium model.
: Disequilibrium model with deterministic
price adjustments.
: Directional disequilibrium model.
: Disequilibrium model with stochastic
price adjustments.
: Equilibrium model
# An example of estimating the equilibrium model eq <- equilibrium_model( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 5000)) ) # An example of estimating the deterministic adjustment model da <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), verbose = 2, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 5000)) ) # An example of estimating the directional model dr <- diseq_directional( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM | RM + TREND + W + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list( method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 5000) ) ) # An example of estimating the basic model start <- coef(eq) start <- start[names(start) != "RHO"] bs <- diseq_basic( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), verbose = 2, correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list( start = start, control = list(maxit = 5000) ) ) # An example of estimating the stochastic adjustment model sa <- diseq_stochastic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + L2RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH | TREND + L2RM + L3RM, fair_houses() |> dplyr::mutate(L3RM = dplyr::lag(RM, 3)), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list( control = list(maxit = 5000), standard_errors = c("W") ) )
# An example of estimating the equilibrium model eq <- equilibrium_model( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 5000)) ) # An example of estimating the deterministic adjustment model da <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), verbose = 2, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 5000)) ) # An example of estimating the directional model dr <- diseq_directional( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM | RM + TREND + W + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), estimation_options = list( method = "Nelder-Mead", control = list(maxit = 5000) ) ) # An example of estimating the basic model start <- coef(eq) start <- start[names(start) != "RHO"] bs <- diseq_basic( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), verbose = 2, correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list( start = start, control = list(maxit = 5000) ) ) # An example of estimating the stochastic adjustment model sa <- diseq_stochastic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + L2RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH | TREND + L2RM + L3RM, fair_houses() |> dplyr::mutate(L3RM = dplyr::lag(RM, 3)), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list( control = list(maxit = 5000), standard_errors = c("W") ) )
Methods that summarize models and their estimates.
: Prints basic information about the
passed model object. In addition to the output of
the show
method, summary
the number of observations,
the number of observations in each equation for models with sample separation, and
various categories of variables.
: Prints basic information about the
passed model fit. In addition to the output of
the model's summary
method, the function prints basic
estimation results. For a maximum likelihood estimation, the function prints
the used optimization method,
the maximum number of allowed iterations,
the relative convergence tolerance (see optim
the convergence status,
the initializing parameter values,
the estimated coefficients, their standard errors, Z values, and P values, and
evaluated at the maximum.
For a linear estimation of the equilibrium system, the function prints
the used method,
the summary of the first stage regression,
the summary of the demand (second stage) regression, and
the summary of the supply (second stage) regression.
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' summary(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' summary(object)
## S4 method for signature 'market_model' summary(object) ## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' summary(object)
object |
An object to be summarized. |
No return value, called for for side effects (print summary).
: Summarizes the model.
: Summarizes the model's fit.
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.1, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.1, beta_s0 = 5.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 1.2, beta_p0 = 3.1, beta_p = c(0.8) ), seed = 556 ) # print model summary summary(model) # estimate fit <- estimate(model) # print estimation summary summary(fit)
model <- simulate_model( "diseq_stochastic_adjustment", list( # observed entities, observed time points nobs = 500, tobs = 3, # demand coefficients alpha_d = -0.1, beta_d0 = 9.8, beta_d = c(0.3, -0.2), eta_d = c(0.6, -0.1), # supply coefficients alpha_s = 0.1, beta_s0 = 5.1, beta_s = c(0.9), eta_s = c(-0.5, 0.2), # price equation coefficients gamma = 1.2, beta_p0 = 3.1, beta_p = c(0.8) ), seed = 556 ) # print model summary summary(model) # estimate fit <- estimate(model) # print estimation summary summary(fit)
Returns the variance-covariance matrix of the estimated coefficients for
the fitted model. Specializes the vcov
function for
fitted market models.
## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' vcov(object)
## S4 method for signature 'market_fit' vcov(object)
object |
A fitted model object. |
A matrix of covariances for the estimated model coefficients.
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # access the variance-covariance matrix head(vcov(fit))
# estimate a model using the houses dataset fit <- diseq_deterministic_adjustment( HS | RM | ID | TREND ~ RM + TREND + W + CSHS + L1RM + L2RM + MONTH | RM + TREND + W + L1RM + MA6DSF + MA3DHF + MONTH, fair_houses(), correlated_shocks = FALSE, estimation_options = list(control = list(maxit = 1e+6)) ) # access the variance-covariance matrix head(vcov(fit))