Package 'marble'

Title: Robust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection for Gene-Environment Interactions
Description: Recently, multiple marginal variable selection methods have been developed and shown to be effective in Gene-Environment interactions studies. We propose a novel marginal Bayesian variable selection method for Gene-Environment interactions studies. In particular, our marginal Bayesian method is robust to data contamination and outliers in the outcome variables. With the incorporation of spike-and-slab priors, we have implemented the Gibbs sampler based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The core algorithms of the package have been developed in 'C++'.
Authors: Xi Lu [aut, cre], Cen Wu [aut]
Maintainer: Xi Lu <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 0.0.3
Built: 2025-03-01 07:13:51 UTC
Source: CRAN

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Robust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection for Gene-Environment Interactions


In this package, we provide a set of robust marginal Bayesian variable selection methods for gene-environment interaction analysis. A Bayesian formulation of the quantile regression has been adopted to accommodate data contamination and heavy-tailed distributions in the response. The proposed method conducts a robust marginal variable selection by accounting for structural sparsity. In particular, the spike-and-slab priors are imposed to identify important main and interaction effects. In addition to the default method, users can also choose different structures (robust or non-robust), methods without spike-and-slab priors.



The user friendly, integrated interface marble() allows users to flexibly choose the fitting methods they prefer. There are two arguments in marble() that control the fitting method: robust: whether to use robust methods; sparse: whether to use the spike-and-slab priors to create sparsity. The function marble() returns a marble object that contains the posterior estimates of each coefficients. Moreover, it also provides a rank list of the genetic factors and gene-environment interactions. Functions GxESelection() and print.marble() are implemented for marble objects. GxESelection() takes a marble object and returns the variable selection results.


Lu, X., Fan, K., Ren, J., and Wu, C. (2021). Identifying Gene–Environment Interactions With Robust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection. Frontiers in Genetics, 12:667074 doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.667074

Ren, J., Zhou, F., Li, X., Ma, S., Jiang, Y. and Wu, C. (2020). Robust Bayesian variable selection for gene-environment interactions. doi:10.1111/biom.13670

Zhou, F., Ren, J., Lu, X., Ma, S. and Wu, C. (2020). Gene–Environment Interaction: a Variable Selection Perspective. Epistasis. Methods in Molecular Biology. Humana Press (Accepted)

Wu, C., Cui, Y., and Ma, S. (2014). Integrative analysis of gene–environment interactions under a multi–response partially linear varying coefficient model. Statistics in Medicine, 33(28), 4988–4998 doi:10.1002/sim.6287

Shi, X., Liu, J., Huang, J., Zhou, Y., Xie, Y. and Ma, S. (2014). A penalized robust method for identifying gene–environment interactions. Genetic epidemiology, 38(3), 220-230 doi:10.1002/gepi.21795

Chai, H., Zhang, Q., Jiang, Y., Wang, G., Zhang, S., Ahmed, S. E. and Ma, S. (2017). Identifying gene-environment interactions for prognosis using a robust approach. Econometrics and statistics, 4, 105-120 doi:10.1016/j.ecosta.2016.10.004

See Also


simulated data for demonstrating the features of marble.


Simulated gene expression data for demonstrating the features of marble.




dat consists of four components: X, Y, E, clin.


The data model for generating Y

Use subscript ii to denote the iith subject. Let (Yi,Xi,Ei,clini)(Y_{i}, X_{i}, E_{i}, clin_{i}) (i=1,,ni=1,\ldots,n) be independent and identically distributed random vectors. YiY_{i} is a continuous response variable representing the phenotype. XiX_{i} is the pp–dimensional vector of genetic factors. The environmental factors and clinical factors are denoted as the qq-dimensional vector EiE_{i} and the mm-dimensional vector cliniclin_{i}, respectively. The ϵ\epsilon follows some heavy-tailed distribution. For XijX_{ij} (j=1,,pj = 1,\ldots,p), the measurement of the jjth genetic factor on the jjth subject, considering the following model:

Yi=α0+k=1qαkEik+t=1mγtclinit+βjXij+k=1qηjkXijEik+ϵi,Y_{i} = \alpha_{0} + \sum_{k=1}^{q}\alpha_{k}E_{ik}+\sum_{t=1}^{m}\gamma_{t}clin_{it}+\beta_{j}X_{ij}+\sum_{k=1}^{q}\eta_{jk}X_{ij}E_{ik}+\epsilon_{i},

where α0\alpha_{0} is the intercept, αk\alpha_{k}'s and γt\gamma_{t}'s are the regression coefficients corresponding to effects of environmental and clinical factors, respectively. The βj\beta_{j}'s and ηjk\eta_{jk}'s are the regression coefficients of the genetic variants and G×\timesE interactions effects, correspondingly. The G×\timesE interactions effects are defined with Wj=(XjE1,,XjEq).W_{j} = (X_{j}E_{1},\ldots,X_{j}E_{q}). With a slight abuse of notation, denote W~=Wj.\tilde{W} = W_{j}. Denote α=(α1,,αq)T\alpha=(\alpha_{1}, \ldots, \alpha_{q})^{T}, γ=(γ1,,γm)T\gamma=(\gamma_{1}, \ldots, \gamma_{m})^{T}, β=(β1,,βp)T\beta=(\beta_{1}, \ldots, \beta_{p})^{T}, η=(η1T,,ηpT)T\eta=(\eta_{1}^{T}, \ldots, \eta_{p}^{T})^{T}, W~=(W1~,,Wp~)\tilde{W} = (\tilde{W_{1}}, \dots, \tilde{W_{p}}). Then model can be written as

Yi=Eiα+cliniγ+Xijβj+W~iηj+ϵi.Y_{i} = E_{i}\alpha + clin_{i}\gamma + X_{ij}\beta_{j} + \tilde{W}_{i}\eta_{j} + \epsilon_{i}.

See Also




Variable selection for a marble object


Variable selection for a marble object


GxESelection(obj, sparse)



marble object.


logical flag. If TRUE, spike-and-slab priors will be used to shrink coefficients of irrelevant covariates to zero exactly.


For class ‘Sparse’, the inclusion probability is used to indicate the importance of predictors. Here we use a binary indicator ϕ\phi to denote that the membership of the non-spike distribution. Take the main effect of the jjth genetic factor, XjX_{j}, as an example. Suppose we have collected H posterior samples from MCMC after burn-ins. The jjth G factor is included in the marginal G×\timesE model at the jjth MCMC iteration if the corresponding indicator is 1, i.e., ϕj(h)=1\phi_j^{(h)} = 1. Subsequently, the posterior probability of retaining the jjth genetic main effect in the final marginal model is defined as the average of all the indicators for the jjth G factor among the H posterior samples. That is, pj=π^(ϕj=1y)=1Hh=1Hϕj(h),  j=1,,p.p_j = \hat{\pi} (\phi_j = 1|y) = \frac{1}{H} \sum_{h=1}^{H} \phi_j^{(h)}, \; j = 1, \dots,p. A larger posterior inclusion probability of jjth indicates a stronger empirical evidence that the jjth genetic main effect has a non-zero coefficient, i.e., a stronger association with the phenotypic trait. Here, we use 0.5 as a cutting-off point. If pj>0.5p_j > 0.5, then the jjth genetic main effect is included in the final model. Otherwise, the jjth genetic main effect is excluded in the final model. For class ‘NonSparse’, variable selection is based on 95% credible interval. Please check the references for more details about the variable selection.


an object of class ‘GxESelection’ is returned, which is a list with components:


method used for identifying important effects.


a list of indicators of selected effects.


Lu, X., Fan, K., Ren, J., and Wu, C. (2021). Identifying Gene–Environment Interactions With Robust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection. Frontiers in Genetics, 12:667074 doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.667074

See Also



## sparse
fit=marble(X, Y, E, clin, max.steps=max.steps)

## non-sparse
fit=marble(X, Y, E, clin, max.steps=max.steps, sparse=FALSE)

fit a robust Bayesian variable selection model for G×E interactions.


fit a robust Bayesian variable selection model for G×E interactions.


  max.steps = 10000,
  robust = TRUE,
  sparse = TRUE,
  debugging = FALSE



the matrix of predictors (genetic factors). Each row should be an observation vector.


the continuous response variable.


a matrix of environmental factors. E will be centered. The interaction terms between X (genetic factors) and E will be automatically created and included in the model.


a matrix of clinical variables. Clinical variables are not subject to penalty. Clinical variables will be centered and a column of 1 will be added to the Clinical matrix as the intercept.


the number of MCMC iterations.


logical flag. If TRUE, robust methods will be used.


logical flag. If TRUE, spike-and-slab priors will be used to shrink coefficients of irrelevant covariates to zero exactly.


logical flag. If TRUE, progress will be output to the console and extra information will be returned.


Consider the data model described in "dat":

Yi=α0+k=1qαkEik+t=1mγtclinit+βjXij+k=1qηjkXijEik+ϵi,Y_{i} = \alpha_{0} + \sum_{k=1}^{q}\alpha_{k}E_{ik}+\sum_{t=1}^{m}\gamma_{t}clin_{it}+\beta_{j}X_{ij}+\sum_{k=1}^{q}\eta_{jk}X_{ij}E_{ik}+\epsilon_{i},

Where α0\alpha_{0} is the intercept, αk\alpha_{k}'s and γt\gamma_{t}'s are the regression coefficients corresponding to effects of environmental and clinical factors. And βj\beta_{j}'s and ηjk\eta_{jk}'s are the regression coefficients of the genetic variants and G×\timesE interactions effects, correspondingly.

When sparse=TRUE (default), spike–and–slab priors are imposed to identify important main and interaction effects. If sparse=FALSE, Laplacian shrinkage will be used.

When robust=TRUE (default), the distribution of ϵi\epsilon_{i} is defined as a Laplace distribution with density f(ϵiν)=ν2exp{νϵi}f(\epsilon_{i}|\nu) = \frac{\nu}{2}\exp\left\{-\nu |\epsilon_{i}|\right\}, (i=1,,ni=1,\dots,n), which leads to a Bayesian formulation of LAD regression. If robust=FALSE, ϵi\epsilon_{i} follows a normal distribution.

Here, a rank list of the main and interaction effects is provided. For method incorporating spike-and-slab priors, the inclusion probability is used to indicate the importance of predictors. We use a binary indicator ϕ\phi to denote that the membership of the non-spike distribution. Take the main effect of the jjth genetic factor, XjX_{j}, as an example. Suppose we have collected H posterior samples from MCMC after burn-ins. The jjth G factor is included in the marginal G×\timesE model at the jjth MCMC iteration if the corresponding indicator is 1, i.e., ϕj(h)=1\phi_j^{(h)} = 1. Subsequently, the posterior probability of retaining the jjth genetic main effect in the final marginal model is defined as the average of all the indicators for the jjth G factor among the H posterior samples. That is, pj=π^(ϕj=1y)=1Hh=1Hϕj(h),  j=1,,p.p_j = \hat{\pi} (\phi_j = 1|y) = \frac{1}{H} \sum_{h=1}^{H} \phi_j^{(h)}, \; j = 1, \dots,p. A larger posterior inclusion probability jjth indicates a stronger empirical evidence that the jjth genetic main effect has a non-zero coefficient, i.e., a stronger association with the phenotypic trait. For method without spike-and-slab priors, variable selection is based on different level of credible intervals.

Both XX, clinclin and EE will be standardized before the generation of interaction terms to avoid the multicollinearity between main effects and interaction terms.

Please check the references for more details about the prior distributions.


an object of class ‘marble’ is returned, which is a list with component:


the posterior samples of coefficients from the MCMC.


the estimated value of coefficients.


the rank list of main and interaction effects.

the total number of burn-ins.


the total number of iterations.


the design matrix of all effects.


Lu, X., Fan, K., Ren, J., and Wu, C. (2021). Identifying Gene–Environment Interactions With Robust Marginal Bayesian Variable Selection. Frontiers in Genetics, 12:667074 doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.667074

See Also




## default method
fit=marble(X, Y, E, clin, max.steps=max.steps)

## coefficients of parameters

## Estimated values of main G effects 

## Estimated values of interactions effects 

## Rank list of main G effects and interactions 

## alternative: robust selection
fit=marble(X, Y, E, clin, max.steps=max.steps, robust=TRUE, sparse=FALSE)

## alternative: non-robust sparse selection
fit=marble(X, Y, E, clin, max.steps=max.steps, robust=FALSE, sparse=FALSE)

print a GxESelection object


Print a summary of a GxESelection object


## S3 method for class 'GxESelection'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)



GxESelection object.


significant digits in printout.


other print arguments.


No return value, called for side effects.

See Also


print a marble object


Print a summary of a marble object


## S3 method for class 'marble'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)



marble object.


significant digits in printout.


other print arguments.


No return value, called for side effects.

See Also
