--- title: "mapscanner styles" author: "Mark Padgham" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{mapscanner styles} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r pkg-load, echo = FALSE, message = FALSE} library (mapscanner) ``` The `mapscanner` package is able to generate maps in the [three styles provided by mapbox](https://docs.mapbox.com/api/maps/#styles). [The `ms_generate_map()` function](https://docs.ropensci.org/mapscanner/reference/ms_generate_map.html) has a `bw` parameter with a default of `TRUE` to generate black-and-white maps, including conversion of coloured mapbox styles to black-and-white. The use of coloured maps, generated with `bw = FALSE`, is not generally recommended in `mapscanner`, and overdrawn markings are identified exclusively by colour, and any markings in a colour which is also present in the underlying maps will generally not be accurately identified. Because illustrations of these map styles requires files too large to be placed inside an R package, they are not included with this vignette. The styles can nevertheless be easily examined from [the main mapbox styles page](https://docs.mapbox.com/api/maps/styles/), or by clicking the hyperlinked text below, and are: 1. `style = "light"` - the generally recommended style for `mapscanner`, ["designed to provide geographic context while highlighting the data on your analytics dashboard, data visualization, or data overlay](https://www.mapbox.com/maps/light). 2. `style = "streets"`, which is, ["a comprehensive, general-purpose map that emphasizes accurate, legible styling of road and transit networks](https://www.mapbox.com/maps/streets). 3. `style = "outdoors"`, which is, ["a general-purpose map with curated tilesets and specialized styling tailored to hiking, biking, and the most adventurous use cases"](https://www.mapbox.com/maps/outdoors). Alternatively, these different styles can be examined for any desired area with the following code. ```{r map-gen, eval = FALSE} bb <- osmdata::getbb ("") shrink <- 0.3 # shrink that bounding box to 30% size bb <- t (apply (bb, 1, function (i) { mean (i) + c (-shrink, shrink) * diff (i) / 2 })) ms_generate_map ( bbox = bb, max_tiles = 16L, mapname = "map-light", style = "light" ) ms_generate_map ( bbox = bb, max_tiles = 16L, mapname = "omaha-streets", style = "streets", bw = FALSE ) ms_generate_map ( bbox = bb, max_tiles = 16L, mapname = "omaha-outdoors", style = "outdoors", bw = FALSE ) ```